diff -r -x 'diff.*' -x client.swf -x version.txt -x '*.xml' -x _ '--unified=8' -b -B ../current/constants.json ./constants.json
--- ../current/constants.json	2016-07-12 08:01:10.714209543 +0000
+++ ./constants.json	2016-07-19 06:50:39.800535028 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
   "BUILD_VERSION": "27.7",
-  "MINOR_VERSION": "7",
   "PORT": 2050,
   "RANDOM1": "311f80691451c71b09a13a2a6e",
   "RANDOM2": "72c5583cafb6818995cbd74b80",
   "RSA_PUBLIC_KEY": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDCKFctVrhfF3m2Kes0FBL/JFeOcmNg9eJz8k/hQy1kadD+XFUpluRqa//Uxp2s9W2qE0EoUCu59ugcf/p7lGuL99UoSGmQEynkBvZct+/M40L0E0rZ4BVgzLOJmIbXMp0J4PnPcb6VLZvxazGcmSfjauC7F3yWYqUbZd/HCBtawwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r -x 'diff.*' -x client.swf -x version.txt -x '*.xml' -x _ '--unified=8' -b -B ../current/strings.json ./strings.json
--- ../current/strings.json	2015-12-12 00:30:24.732167743 +0000
+++ ./strings.json	2016-07-19 06:50:20.716529510 +0000
@@ -826,16 +826,17 @@
   "Screens.back": "back",
   "Screens.classes": "classes",
   "Screens.credits": "credits",
   "Screens.done": "done",
   "Screens.editor": "editor",
   "Screens.languages": "languages",
   "Screens.legends": "legends",
   "Screens.main": "main",
+  "Screens.migrate": "migrate",
   "Screens.play": "play",
   "Screens.quit": "quit",
   "Screens.servers": "servers",
   "Screens.support": "support",
   "SealComparison.damge": "Damaging for {duration} secs",
   "SealComparison.output": "Party Effect: {effect}",
   "SealComparison.range": "Within {range} sqrs",
   "SellableObjectPanel.buy": "Buy for {cost}",
@@ -908,28 +909,33 @@
   "TimeWriter.hours": "{hours}h",
   "TimeWriter.minute": "{minutes}d",
   "TimeWriter.minutes": "{minutes}m",
   "TimeWriter.second": "{second}s",
   "TimeWriter.seconds": "{seconds}s",
   "Timespan.all": "All Time",
   "Timespan.month": "Month",
   "Timespan.week": "Week",
-  "TitleView.Copyright": "© 2013 by Kabam, Inc.",
+  "TitleView.Copyright": "© 2016 Deca Games OÜ",
   "TomeComparison.armored": "Armored for {duration} secs",
   "TomeComparison.clears": "Removes negative conditions",
   "TomeComparison.heal": "{amount} HP within {range} sqrs",
   "TomeComparison.self": "Effect on Self: {armored}",
   "Trade.Accept": "Accept",
   "Trade.Reject": "Reject",
   "TradeInventory.clickItemsToTrade": "Click items you want to trade",
   "TradeInventory.notEnoughSpace": "Not enough space for trade!",
   "TradeInventory.playerIsSelectingItems": "Player is selecting items",
   "TradeInventory.tradeAccepted": "Trade accepted!",
   "TradeRequestPanel.wantsTrade": "{name} wants to trade with you",
+  "TransferAccountView.kabamemail": "Your Kabam.com email",
+  "TransferAccountView.kabampwd": "Your Kabam.com password",
+  "TransferAccountView.newemail": "New Email",
+  "TransferAccountView.newpwd": "New Password",
+  "TransferAccountView.rightButton": "Migrate Account",
   "TrapComparison.damage": "{damage} HP within {radius} sqrs",
   "TrapComparison.output": "Trap: {data}",
   "TrapComparison.paralyzed": "Paralyzed for {duration} secs",
   "TrapComparison.slowed": "Slowed for {duration} secs",
   "Vault.chest": "Vault Chest",
   "Vault.chestDescription": "A chest that will safely store 8 items and is accessible by all of your characters.",
   "VerifyAgeCommand": "Unable to verify age",
   "VerifyWebAccountDialog.button": "Send Verification Email",
@@ -967,17 +973,17 @@
   "WebLoginDialog.forgot": "Forgot your password?  Click here",
   "WebLoginDialog.leftButton": "Cancel",
   "WebLoginDialog.password": "Password",
   "WebLoginDialog.passwordError": "Password too short",
   "WebLoginDialog.register": "New user?  Click here to Register",
   "WebLoginDialog.rightButton": "Sign in",
   "WebLoginDialog.title": "Sign in",
   "WebRegister.birthday": "Birthday",
-  "WebRegister.check_box_text": "Sign me up to receive special offers, updates,and early access to Kabam games",
+  "WebRegister.check_box_text": "Sign me up to receive special offers, updates, and important announcements",
   "WebRegister.ineligible_age": "We are sorry, but you are not eligible for an account at this time.",
   "WebRegister.invalid_birthdate": "Birthdate is not a valid date.",
   "WebRegister.invalid_email_address": "Not a valid email address",
   "WebRegister.multiple_errors_message": "Please fix the errors below",
   "WebRegister.password_too_short": "The password is too short",
   "WebRegister.passwords_dont_match": "The password did not match",
   "WebRegister.register_imperative": "Register in order to save your progress",
   "WebRegister.sign_in_text": "Already registered? {signIn}here{_signIn} to sign in!",