diff -r -x 'diff.*' -x client.swf -x version.txt -x '*.xml' '--unified=8' -b -B ../current/constants.json ./constants.json
--- ../current/constants.json	2014-08-22 19:40:35.369893333 +0000
+++ ./constants.json	2014-08-27 00:20:35.449490663 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
   "BUILD_VERSION": "23.0",
-  "MINOR_VERSION": "0",
+  "MINOR_VERSION": "1",
   "PORT": 2050,
   "RANDOM1": "311f80691451c71b09a13a2a6e",
   "RANDOM2": "72c5583cafb6818995cbd74b80",
   "RSA_PUBLIC_KEY": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDCKFctVrhfF3m2Kes0FBL/JFeOcmNg9eJz8k/hQy1kadD+XFUpluRqa//Uxp2s9W2qE0EoUCu59ugcf/p7lGuL99UoSGmQEynkBvZct+/M40L0E0rZ4BVgzLOJmIbXMp0J4PnPcb6VLZvxazGcmSfjauC7F3yWYqUbZd/HCBtawwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r -x 'diff.*' -x client.swf -x version.txt -x '*.xml' '--unified=8' -b -B ../current/json/Objects.json ./json/Objects.json
--- ../current/json/Objects.json	2014-08-22 19:40:23.485893225 +0000
+++ ./json/Objects.json	2014-08-27 00:20:23.037475658 +0000
@@ -23849,16 +23849,17 @@
       "Sound": "use_key",
       "Consumable": "",
       "Soulbound": "",
       "Activate": {
         "_": "Create",
         "id": "Abyss of Demons Portal"
       "feedPower": "260",
+      "Track": "",
       "DisplayId": "Abyss of Demons Key"
       "type": "0x70b",
       "id": "Snake Pit Key",
       "Class": "Equipment",
       "Item": "",
       "Texture": {
@@ -23955,16 +23956,17 @@
       "Sound": "use_key",
       "Consumable": "",
       "Soulbound": "",
       "Activate": {
         "_": "Create",
         "id": "Ocean Trench Portal"
       "feedPower": "225",
+      "Track": "",
       "DisplayId": "Ocean Trench Key"
       "type": "0xcef",
       "id": "Battle Nexus Key",
       "Class": "Equipment",
       "Item": "",
       "Texture": {
@@ -24576,16 +24578,17 @@
       "Sound": "use_key",
       "Consumable": "",
       "Soulbound": "",
       "Activate": {
         "_": "Create",
         "id": "Manor of the Immortals Portal"
       "feedPower": "240",
+      "Track": "",
       "DisplayId": "Manor Key"
       "type": "0xc24",
       "id": "Anatis Staff",
       "Class": "Equipment",
       "Item": "",
       "Texture": {
@@ -25514,16 +25517,17 @@
       "Sound": "use_key",
       "Consumable": "",
       "Soulbound": "",
       "Activate": {
         "_": "Create",
         "id": "Mad Lab Portal"
       "feedPower": "300",
+      "Track": "",
       "DisplayId": "Lab Key"
       "type": "0xc41",
       "id": "Transformation Potion",
       "Class": "Equipment",
       "Item": "",
       "Texture": {
@@ -26640,16 +26644,17 @@
       "Sound": "use_key",
       "Consumable": "",
       "Soulbound": "",
       "Activate": {
         "_": "Create",
         "id": "Candyland Portal"
       "feedPower": "240",
+      "Track": "",
       "DisplayId": "Candy Key"
       "type": "0xc63",
       "id": "Red Gumball",
       "Class": "Equipment",
       "Item": "",
       "Texture": {
@@ -27665,16 +27670,17 @@
       "Sound": "use_key",
       "Consumable": "",
       "Soulbound": "",
       "Activate": {
         "_": "Create",
         "id": "Lair of Draconis Portal"
       "feedPower": "100",
+      "Track": "",
       "DisplayId": "Draconis Key"
       "type": "0x7562",
       "id": "Leaf Dragon Hide Armor",
       "Class": "Equipment",
       "Item": "",
       "Texture": {
@@ -28049,16 +28055,17 @@
       "Sound": "use_key",
       "Consumable": "",
       "Soulbound": "",
       "Activate": {
         "_": "Create",
         "id": "The Shatters"
       "feedPower": "270",
+      "Track": "",
       "DisplayId": "Shatters Key"
       "type": "0xcdb",
       "id": "Pirate King's Cutlass",
       "Class": "Equipment",
       "Item": "",
       "Texture": {
@@ -29090,16 +29097,17 @@
       "Description": "A molten Key that links directly to the Lair of Shaitan, Advisor to Oryx.",
       "Sound": "use_key",
       "Consumable": "",
       "Soulbound": "",
       "Activate": {
         "_": "Create",
         "id": "Lair of Shaitan Portal"
+      "Track": "",
       "DisplayId": "Shaitan's Key"
       "type": "0x2296",
       "id": "Wand of Egg-cellence",
       "Class": "Equipment",
       "Item": "",
       "Texture": {
diff -r -x 'diff.*' -x client.swf -x version.txt -x '*.xml' '--unified=8' -b -B ../current/strings.json ./strings.json
--- ../current/strings.json	2014-08-22 19:40:21.197893204 +0000
+++ ./strings.json	2014-08-27 00:20:20.593472703 +0000
@@ -381,16 +381,18 @@
   "Languages.Russian": "Russian",
   "Languages.Spanish": "Spanish",
   "Languages.Turkish": "Turkish",
   "LanguagesScreen.option": "Choose Language",
   "LanguagesScreen.title": "Languages",
   "LeaderboardWeeklyResetTime.label": "{time} Until Leaderboard Resets",
   "LeavePetYardDialog.text": "The Caretaker needs a minute\\n to upgrade your yard.\\n\\nPlease leave so we can begin construction!",
   "LeavePetYardDialog.title": "Please leave the pet yard",
+  "Legal.tos1": "Our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and End User License Agreement have changed.\\n\\n\\nView changes:",
+  "Legal.tos2": "{policy}Privacy Policy{_policy}\\n\\n{tou}Terms of Service & EULA{_tou}",
   "Legends.EmptyList": "No Legends Yet!",
   "LinkWebAccountDialog.alphaNumError": "Password must contain both letters and numbers.",
   "LinkWebAccountDialog.charRepeatError": "No more than 2 of the same characters in a row",
   "LinkWebAccountDialog.leftButton": "Cancel",
   "LinkWebAccountDialog.matchError": "New passwords must match",
   "LinkWebAccountDialog.matchErrorSame": "Password must be different than old.",
   "LinkWebAccountDialog.repeatError": "Password must not repeat characters.",
   "LinkWebAccountDialog.rightButton": "Replace",
@@ -541,16 +543,17 @@
   "Options.InteractOrBuy": "Interact/Buy",
   "Options.InteractOrBuyDesc": "This key will allow you to enter a portal or buy an item",
   "Options.InventorySlotN": "Use Inventory Slot {n}",
   "Options.InventorySlotNDesc": "Use item in inventory slot {n}",
   "Options.MiniMapZoomIn": "Mini-Map Zoom In",
   "Options.MiniMapZoomInDesc": "This key will zoom in the minimap",
   "Options.MiniMapZoomOut": "Mini-Map Zoom Out",
   "Options.MiniMapZoomOutDesc": "This key will zoom out the minimap",
+  "Options.Misc": "Misc",
   "Options.MoveDown": "Move Down",
   "Options.MoveDownDesc": "Key to will move character down",
   "Options.MoveLeft": "Move Left",
   "Options.MoveLeftDesc": "Key to will move character to the left",
   "Options.MoveRight": "Move Right",
   "Options.MoveRightDesc": "Key to will move character to the right",
   "Options.MoveUp": "Move Up",
   "Options.MoveUpDesc": "Key to will move character up",
@@ -616,16 +619,21 @@
   "Options.continueButton": "continue",
   "Options.dubstepMode": "Dubstep Mode",
   "Options.dubstepModeDesc": "!WARNING! Avoid if prone to light induced seizures.",
   "Options.forceChatQuality": "Force High Quality Chat Text",
   "Options.forceChatQualityDesc": "Even when Flash Player is set to low quality, force chat text to be in high quality.",
   "Options.hidePlayerChat": "Hide Chat Window",
   "Options.hidePlayerChatDesc": "Hides the chat window when turned ON.",
   "Options.homeButton": "back to home",
+  "Options.legal1": "Privacy Policy",
+  "Options.legal1Desc": "Privacy Policy for Realm of the Mad God",
+  "Options.legal2": "Terms of Service & EULA",
+  "Options.legal2Desc": "Terms of Service and End User License Agreement for Realm of the Mad God",
+  "Options.legalView": "View",
   "Options.resetToDefaultsButton": "reset to defaults",
   "Options.title": "Options",
   "OrbComparison.damageEffect": "Damaging for {duration} secs",
   "OrbComparison.selfOutput": "Effect on Self: {effect}",
   "OrbComparison.speedyEffect": "Speedy for {duration} secs",
   "OrbComparison.statis": "{duration} secs",
   "OrbComparison.statisOutput": "Stasis on group: {stasis}",
   "PackageButton.day": "1 day",