diff -r -x 'diff.*' -x client.swf -x version.txt -x '*.xml' -x _ '--unified=8' -b -B ../current/constants.json ./constants.json
--- ../current/constants.json	2015-12-09 00:00:54.996753911 +0000
+++ ./constants.json	2015-12-11 02:30:56.241184988 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
   "BUILD_VERSION": "27.7",
-  "MINOR_VERSION": "4",
+  "MINOR_VERSION": "5",
   "PORT": 2050,
   "RANDOM1": "311f80691451c71b09a13a2a6e",
   "RANDOM2": "72c5583cafb6818995cbd74b80",
   "RSA_PUBLIC_KEY": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDCKFctVrhfF3m2Kes0FBL/JFeOcmNg9eJz8k/hQy1kadD+XFUpluRqa//Uxp2s9W2qE0EoUCu59ugcf/p7lGuL99UoSGmQEynkBvZct+/M40L0E0rZ4BVgzLOJmIbXMp0J4PnPcb6VLZvxazGcmSfjauC7F3yWYqUbZd/HCBtawwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r -x 'diff.*' -x client.swf -x version.txt -x '*.xml' -x _ '--unified=8' -b -B ../current/strings.json ./strings.json
--- ../current/strings.json	2015-12-09 00:00:25.812751041 +0000
+++ ./strings.json	2015-12-11 02:30:27.061189910 +0000
@@ -555,17 +555,17 @@
   "Options.DrawTextBubblesDesc": "This toggles whether to draw text bubbles",
   "Options.EscapeToNexus": "Escape To Nexus",
   "Options.EscapeToNexusDesc": "This key will instantly escape you to the Nexus",
   "Options.FilterOffensiveLanguage": "Filter Offensive Language",
   "Options.FilterOffensiveLanguageDesc": "This toggles whether offensive language filtering will be attempted",
   "Options.Friend": "Friends",
   "Options.FriendList": "Show Friend List",
   "Options.FriendListDesc": "Quickly show or hide the friend list panel.",
-  "Options.FriendsStarReqDesc": "Only see friend invitations from players who have earned at least this amount of starts.",
+  "Options.FriendsStarReqDesc": "Only see friend invitations from players who have earned at least this amount of stars.",
   "Options.FullScreenMode": "Fullscreen Mode",
   "Options.FullScreenModeDesc": "This toggles whether the game is run in fullscreen mode.",
   "Options.Graphics": "Graphics",
   "Options.HPBar": "HP Bars",
   "Options.HPBarDesc": "Toggle player and enemy HP bars",
   "Options.HardwareAcc": "Hardware Acceleration",
   "Options.HardwareAccDesc": "Enables hardware acceleration. This reduces load on the CPU and may increase performance.",
   "Options.HardwareAccDescError": "Hardware Acceleration could not be enabled.  Please check flash player settings (right click on title screen).",
@@ -644,17 +644,17 @@
   "Options.UseBuyMagicDesc": "This key will use magic potions if available, buy if unavailable",
   "Options.UseSpecialAbility": "Use Special Ability",
   "Options.UseSpecialAbilityDesc": "This key will activate your special ability",
   "Options.chatAll": "Player Chat",
   "Options.chatAllDesc": "Toggle Player chat ON / OFF. Does not hide System messages. NOTE: This also affects Whisper and Guild Chat options.",
   "Options.chatGuild": "Guild Chat",
   "Options.chatGuildDesc": "Toggle Guild chat ON or OFF. Turn this ON, Player Chat OFF, and Whisper Chat OFF to only display chats from Guild members.",
   "Options.chatStarReq": "Star Requirement",
-  "Options.chatStarReqDesc": "Only see chat from players who have earned at least this amount of starts. May help with chat spam.",
+  "Options.chatStarReqDesc": "Only see chat from players who have earned at least this amount of stars. May help with chat spam.",
   "Options.chatTrade": "Trade Requests",
   "Options.chatTradeDesc": "When turned OFF you will not see any incoming Trade requests. You can still initiate Trades with other players.",
   "Options.chatWhisper": "Whisper Chat",
   "Options.chatWhisperDesc": "Toggle Whisper chat ON or OFF. Turn this ON, Player Chat OFF, and Guild Chat OFF to only display Whispers.  May help with chat spam.",
   "Options.continueButton": "continue",
   "Options.dubstepMode": "Dubstep Mode",
   "Options.dubstepModeDesc": "!WARNING! Avoid if prone to light induced seizures.",
   "Options.forceChatQuality": "Force High Quality Chat Text",