98 files changed, 3905 insertions(+), 3674 deletions(-)
diff --git config_190817_0024/Items/Consumables/upgrade.txt config_190821_053/Items/Consumables/upgrade.txt
index 3c92c3a..fb7c60c 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Items/Consumables/upgrade.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Items/Consumables/upgrade.txt
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
- amount: '1.01'
math: multiply
name: superspeedFactor
tier: '-1'
- extraTags:
- - upgrade_defense
+ - upgrade_armor
- epic
icon: ItemUpgrade_ArmorUpgrade
id: upgrade_armor
slot: Upgrade
soulbound: 'true'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Items/Primary Weapons/machinegun_ultrarares.txt config_190821_053/Items/Primary Weapons/machinegun_ultrarares.txt
index 135f775..30dfa6b 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Items/Primary Weapons/machinegun_ultrarares.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Items/Primary Weapons/machinegun_ultrarares.txt
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
bulletPrefab: nailBullet
bulletSize: '0.4896'
burst: '2'
cooldown: '1000'
damage: '50.0'
- isPiercing: 'false'
- lifetime: '0.8522727272727271'
+ isPiercing: 'true'
+ lifetime: '0.7'
multi: '2'
- '0.8'
- '0'
multiSpread: '2.5'
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@
bulletPalette: ringing
bulletPrefab: tracerBullet
bulletSize: '0.3536'
burst: '30'
cooldown: '0'
- damage: '10.0'
+ damage: '12.0'
isPiercing: 'false'
lifetime: '0.1704545454545454'
multi: '3'
- '0'
diff --git config_190821_053/Items/misc/test_buff_action.txt config_190821_053/Items/misc/test_buff_action.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82089da
--- /dev/null
+++ config_190821_053/Items/misc/test_buff_action.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+- playerbuff:
+ id: dungeonmods_all
+icon: ItemUpgrade_Generic
+id: test_buff_action
+obsolete: 'true'
+obsoleteMigrateTo: armor_0
+slot: ConsumableAction
+soulbound: 'true'
+tier: '-1'
+uses: '1'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/en-US/bark.txt config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/bark.txt
index e6f8d4f..55980b6 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/en-US/bark.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/bark.txt
@@ -1729,10 +1729,30 @@ sunfoxleaderchill:
- text: Identify yourselves!
- weight: '3'
- text: Oh. Sweet Light.
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#55ff55ff>Cure</color><color=#ffffffff>: +500% Health Regen</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Blind</color><color=#ffffffff>: -50% Camera View</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Frail</color><color=#ffffffff>: +50% Damage Taken</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Hinder</color><color=#ffffffff>: -95% Max Turn Rate</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Hinder</color><color=#ffffffff>: -85% Max Turn Rate</color>'
+ weight: '1'
- text: 'Even in death,
we are always watching you.'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/en-US/buffs.txt config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/buffs.txt
index 3ff4d29..1990105 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/en-US/buffs.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/buffs.txt
@@ -42,9 +42,19 @@ dungeonmod_touchy:
title: Touchy
title: Silence
title: Silence
+ title: Blind
+ title: Cure
+ title: Frail
+ title: Hinder
+ title: Hinder
title: Cursed
title: Slowed
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/en-US/planeclasses.txt config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/planeclasses.txt
index 91b7a87..7893edc 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/en-US/planeclasses.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/planeclasses.txt
@@ -351,11 +351,11 @@ rapier:
name: Mud Pigeon
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Raptor Variant]</color> That flickering motion in the corner of your eye? It is too late for you. It was always too late.
name: Ghost Hawk
- flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Raptor Variant]</color> Winter birds of prey must be miserly with their energy. A caloric fortune spent is on simply maintaining their temperature. There's none to waste on a failed strike.
+ flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Raptor Variant]</color> Winter birds of prey must be miserly with their energy. A caloric fortune is spent on simply maintaining their temperature. There's none to waste on a failed strike.
name: Ice Hawk
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Raptor Variant]</color> Why do we invest in shiny baubles? It is because, as social animals, we are compelled to engage in social comparison. The bauble is communication of our identity and status. Without baubles, we have no way to signal our ties and roles within the communal whole.
name: Comparative Advantage
diff --git config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/skillCategories.txt config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/skillCategories.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6c7a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/skillCategories.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Armor: Armor
+ Assault: Assault
+ Bandit: Bandit
+ Daggerknight: Dagger Knight
+ Duster: Duster
+ Engine: Engine
+ Engineer: Engineer
+ Hog: Hog
+ Laser: Laser
+ Machinegun: Machine Gun
+ Medic: Medic
+ Merlin: Merlin
+ Olfaithful: Old Faithful
+ Other: Other
+ Paladin: Paladin
+ Quad: Quad
+ Raptor: Raptor
+ Shieldmaiden: Shieldmaiden
+ Shotgun: Shotgun
+ Siegetank: Siege Tank
+ Sniper: Sniper
+ Strike: Arc
+ Sword: Sword
+ Triple: Blaster
+ Wasp: Wasp
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/en-US/skillGroups.txt config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/skillGroups.txt
index 79bf06e..754ee71 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/en-US/skillGroups.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/skillGroups.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,55 @@
+ name: Armor
+ name: Assault
+ name: Bandit
+ name: Dagger Knight
+ name: Duster
+ name: Engine
+ name: Engineer
+ name: Hog
+ name: Laser
+ name: Machine Gun
+ name: Medic
+ name: Merlin
+ name: Old Faithful
+ name: Other
+ name: Paladin
+ name: Quad
+ name: Raptor
+ name: Shieldmaiden
+ name: Shotgun
+ name: Siege Tank
+ name: Sniper
+ name: Arc
+ name: Sword
+ name: Blaster
+ name: Wasp
name: Armor - Beginner
name: Armor - Intermediate
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/en-US/store.txt config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/store.txt
index 67432bb..5bc1e06 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/en-US/store.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/store.txt
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ post_purchase_action_storage: Just put into storage
post_purchase_action_use_and_inventory: Use and put into inventory
post_purchase_action_use_and_storage: Use and put into storage
post_purchase_action_use_instantly: Use instantly
product_desc_hangar_slot: 1 additional plane Hangar slot
product_desc_store_bundle_keys1: A binder of 5 special missions deep in Imperial Territory
-product_desc_store_bundle_starter: Jump start your rebel career with 6 additional Storage slots and 1 Hangar slot!
+product_desc_store_bundle_starter: Jump start your rebel career with an extra six (6) Storage Slots, two (2) Skill Loadouts and one (1) Hangar Slot!
product_desc_store_inventory_slot: 4 additional cargo spaces on your plane inventory. These spaces are added to the single shared cargo container used by all your planes.
product_desc_store_skill_loadout_slot: Another loadout for a different build of Pilot Skills. Swap between these in the Pilot School.
product_desc_store_storage_slot: 6 additional Storage spaces to keep items safe. You don't lose items stashed in storage when you are shot down.
product_name_dye_black: Can of black
product_name_dye_blue: Can of blue
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/en-US/ui.txt config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/ui.txt
index 1a5c9a8..5dd4fd3 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/en-US/ui.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/ui.txt
@@ -33,10 +33,11 @@ action_info_decoration_short_cloudOverride: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_short_extra: Dyed <color=#{0}ff>this color</color>
action_info_decoration_short_livery: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_short_normalTrail: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_short_superTrail: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_superTrail: Changes superspeed plane trail to {0}.
+action_info_dungeon: Dungeon Key
action_info_dungeon_short_extra: Opens a portal to {0}
action_info_gun: Primary Gun Mount {0}
action_info_healthenergy: Boost
action_info_healthenergy_energy: Your steam gets recharged by {0}.
action_info_healthenergy_health: You get healed by {0}.
@@ -47,11 +48,11 @@ action_info_minor_gun: Auxiliary Gun Mount {0}
action_info_planexpboost: Plane XP Boost
action_info_planexpboost_info: +{0}% XP for {1}
action_info_planexpboost_short: '{0}% XP {1}'
action_info_soulbound: Change Soulbound
action_info_soulbound_add: By using this item it will get soulbound
-action_info_soulbound_remove: By using this item it will loose soulbound
+action_info_soulbound_remove: By using this item it will lose soulbound
action_info_spawn: Drone Printer
action_info_statboost: Timed Buff
action_info_unlock: Unlock
action_info_unlock_short: '{0}'
action_info_unlock_text: Unlocks {0}
@@ -81,10 +82,83 @@ button_upcoming_events_navigate: Visit Website
button_upcoming_events_title: News and Events
capture_gif_done: You can find your GIF at {0}.
capture_gif_error: GIF save failed. Sorry.
capture_gif_start: Saving GIF...
cmd_help_info: Enter /help to get more infos on the available commands.
+command_block_block_yourself: Can't block yourself!
+command_block_blocked: Blocked player {0}
+command_block_name_desc: player to block
+command_blocklist_header: 'Blocked players: '
+command_clearsavedlogin_success: Cleared saved login information; you'll have to type it in next time.
+command_error_arg_count: '{0} command takes {1} arguments: {2}'
+command_error_invalid_number: Sorry, "{0}" is not a valid number.
+command_error_two_args: '{0} command takes two arguments: {1}, and {2}'
+command_follow_name_desc: Name of unit or player.
+command_friend_added: Added friend {0}
+command_friend_name_desc: name of friend
+command_friend_yourself: Sorry. You can not friend yourself.
+command_generic_player_not_found: Couldn't find {0}. Maybe you misspelled it?
+command_help_block: 'Block a player from interacting with you entirely.
+ Example: /block Sarah'
+command_help_blocklist: Display the list of blocked players
+command_help_clearsavedlogin: Clears saved username/password.
+command_help_die: Cause your plane to instantly reach 0 health.
+command_help_follow: Follow a player or unit (when spectating).
+command_help_friend: 'Adds a friend to the friend list (who is on this same server).
+ Example: /friend Sarah'
+command_help_help: Shows more detailed infos about the given command.
+command_help_instructions: Try any of the following commands. You can type "{0} COMMANDNAME" (without the slash in the COMMANDNAME) to get more info.
+command_help_mute: 'Mutes a player''s messages in your chat.
+ Example: /mute Sarah'
+command_help_mutelist: Display the list of muted players
+command_help_no_help: Sorry, {0} is not a valid command, so it has no /help.
+command_help_options: Open the options menu.
+command_help_resetbindings: Reset all the input options to default.
+command_help_sidelength: Set the size of the visible gameplay area.
+command_help_spectate: Enter spectator mode (admins only).
+command_help_teleport: 'Pass the name of a player to teleport to that player.
+ Example: /teleport Sarah'
+command_help_timetune: Finetune time sync
+command_help_tp: 'Pass the name of a player to teleport to that player.
+ Example: /tp Sarah'
+command_help_trade: Secure trade with another player.
+command_help_trade_reject: Reject secure trade request from another player.
+command_help_tutorial: Play the tutorial.
+command_help_unblock: 'Unblock a player so that they can interact with you.
+ Example: /unblock Sarah'
+command_help_unfriend: 'Stop being friends with a player (who may or may not be on this server).
+ Example: /unfriend Sarah'
+command_help_unmute: 'Unmute a player so that you can see their chats.
+ Example: /unblock Sarah'
+command_mute_muted: Muted player {0}
+command_mute_name_desc: player to mute
+command_mute_yourself: Can't mute yourself!
+command_mutelist_header: 'Muted players: '
+command_sidelength_no_access: No access.
+command_teleport_name_desc: Player name which you'd like to teleport to.
+command_timetune_enabled_desc: IsEnabled
+command_trade_name_desc: Player name which you'd like to trade with or no parameter to accept the last trade request.
+command_trade_sending_trade: Sending trade request.
+command_unblock_name_desc: player to unblock
+command_unblock_not_blocked: '{0} is not blocked.'
+command_unblock_unblocked: '{0} is now unblocked.'
+command_unfriend_name_desc: name of friend
+command_unfriend_not_found: Couldn't find friend {0}. Maybe you misspelled it?
+command_unfriend_unfriended: Unfriended {0}
+command_unmute_name_desc: player to unmute
+command_unmute_not_muted: '{0} is not muted.'
+command_unmute_unmuted: '{0} is now unmuted.'
+commandhelp_command_without_leading_slash: '[Command without leading /]'
+commandhelp_header: 'The most common commands are:'
consumable_item_error_already_applied: You already applied this. Using it again would not change anything.
consumable_item_error_already_unlocked: You already unlocked this item. You can not unlock it twice.
consumable_item_error_dying: Consuming is not possible while dying.
consumable_item_error_no_effect: Consuming this would not have any effect now.
consumable_item_error_no_plane: You need a plane to consume an item.
@@ -174,20 +248,17 @@ dialogue_name_unknown: Unknown
dialogue_name_whaleshark: Jumbo Whale Shark
dialogue_name_whitespider: Widower
dialogue_name_workshopowl: Doc Barnhouse
dialogue_name_wraith: Soul Collector
drop_item_error: Failed to drop the item.
-early_access_desc: 'Steambirds Alliance is currently in beta!
+early_access_desc: 'Welcome! We''re so glad you''re here to participate in the launch of Steambirds Alliance. Please know this is just the beginning. Even though we''ve been working on this game for years already, there are still many more years-worth of features that we want to add. We''ll be rolling out new features and content every month or two. A good MMO is never finished!
- Note that any progress you earn during this time will likely be preserved when we launch worldwide, so consider yourself one of the lucky few to get a head start on ranking up your pilot!
+ If you have any issues or feedback, <b><color=#FBB040>please visit steambirds.com to join our Discord community</color></b> and let us know what you''re thinking. We also keep our blog updated with all the major changes happening in the game. Check it out at steambirds.com/blog
- If you have any issues or feedback, <b><color=#FBB040>please visit steambirds.com to join our Discord community</color></b> and let us know. We also keep our blog updated with all the major changes happening in the game. Check it out at steambirds.com/blog!
- Good skies, pilot!'
+ Warning: please be aware that <b>cheating of any kind</b>, or attempting to buy/sell Steambirds items with real money through external marketplaces (like eBay) is strictly forbidden and can result in your account being permanently banned without warning or appeal.'
early_access_desc_beta: 'The beta servers are completely separate from the live servers. Items and pilot progress is not shared with your normal account.
We use this to test new version before we deploy them to the live servers. You can try out new features here and help us to find bugs.
@@ -198,11 +269,11 @@ early_access_desc_beta: 'The beta servers are completely separate from the live
If you have any issues or any feedback, please join the <color=#FBB040>Discord</color> and let us know!
Have fun and thanks for helping us to improve the game!'
early_access_instructions: Press any key or button to continue.
-early_access_title: Welcome to the SBA beta!
+early_access_title: Welcome brave pilot!
early_access_title_beta: What's a Beta Server?
email_validation_button_change: Change email...
email_validation_button_continue: Continue to game...
email_validation_button_resend: Resend the email...
email_validation_email_placeholder: Enter your email address...
@@ -575,10 +646,16 @@ itempickup_tier_ultrarare_raw: Ultra-Rare
itempickup_tierlimited: <color=#ffaa55ff>Usable at level {0}</color>
itempickup_tradable_only: <color=#DCBD67FF>Common Trade Item</color>
itempickup_unusable: <color=#ff5555ff>Unusable with plane</color>
itempickup_unusable_classes: '<color=#ff5555ff>Only usable with: {0}</color>'
itempickup_uses: 'Uses: {0}'
+language_change_restart_screen_close_game: Close Game
+language_change_restart_screen_close_game_key_command: <color=#FBB040>[<action:43>]</color> {0}
+language_change_restart_screen_description: Client must be restarted
+language_change_restart_screen_not_yet: Not Yet
+language_change_restart_screen_not_yet_key_command: <color=#FBB040>[<action:44>]</color> {0}
+language_change_restart_screen_title: Language Change pending
legal_accept: Agree and continue
legal_accept_incomplete: Please read and agree to continue...
levelup_notify_header: <size=24>Level {0}</size>
levelup_notify_stat_add: '{0} +{1:0.##}'
levelup_notify_stat_multiply: '{0} +{1:0.#}%'
@@ -837,11 +914,11 @@ options_menu_screenshot_scale: Screenshot Scale
options_menu_select_pilot_skills: Select Pilot Skills
options_menu_sfx_volume: Game Volume
options_menu_shadows: Shadows
options_menu_show_chat: Show Chat
options_menu_show_damage_indicators: Show Damage Bars
-options_menu_show_early_access_message: Early Access Reminder
+options_menu_show_early_access_message: Welcome Message
options_menu_show_help_instruction: Show Help Key
options_menu_show_hud: Show HUD
options_menu_show_news_interstitial: News On Login
options_menu_show_player_plane_levels: Show Everyone's Level
options_menu_show_player_ranks: Show Everyone's Rank
@@ -870,13 +947,16 @@ pilot_school_action_loadouts: Change Skill Loadout
pilot_school_action_new: 'Learn new skill (Skill Points: {0})'
pilot_school_action_remove: 'Forget skill (Skill Points: {0})'
pilot_school_action_switch: 'Switch to skill (Skill Points: {0})'
pilot_school_action_switch_free: Switch to skill
pilot_school_action_up: 'Upgrade skill (Skill Points: {0})'
-pilot_school_details_points: 'Unspent Skill Points: <color=#55ff55>{0}</color>'
-pilot_school_details_points_zero: '<color=#ff5555>Unspent Skill Points: {0}</color>'
-pilot_school_details_rank: Rank {0} - {1}
+pilot_school_details_points: '<size=36><color=#F1DCA4FF>Unspent Skill Points: <color=#55ff55>{0}</color></color></size>'
+pilot_school_details_points_in_category: '{0} pts in {1} skills'
+pilot_school_details_points_zero: '<size=36><color=#ff5555>Unspent Skill Points: {0}</color></size>'
+pilot_school_details_pts_in_cat_format_close: </color></size>
+pilot_school_details_pts_in_cat_format_open: <size=20><color=#716A58FF>
+pilot_school_details_rank: <size=36><color=#F1DCA4FF>Rank {0} - {1}</color></size>
pilot_school_filter_heading: Filter Skills
pilot_school_filter_label: 'Filter: {0}'
pilot_school_filter_menu_back_label: All Skills
pilot_school_filter_menu_subtitle: '[<action:43>]: select a class to filter skills by'
pilot_school_filter_menu_title: Filtering
@@ -903,10 +983,12 @@ pilot_school_loadout_menu_subtitle: '[<action:43>]: select a skill loadout or bu
pilot_school_loadout_menu_title: Skill Loadouts
pilot_school_loadout_skills: 'Skills:
pilot_school_loadout_wipe_current: Wipe Current Loadout
+pilot_school_loadout_wipe_description: Warning! This will reset all spent skill points.
+pilot_school_loadout_wipe_heading: Reset Loadout
pilot_school_notify_buy_slot_done: 'Purchased: Additional Skill Loadout Slot'
pilot_school_notify_buy_slot_error: <color=#e84f4f>Error buying Additional Skill Loadout Slot!</color>
pilot_school_notify_buy_slot_start: Buying Additional Skill Loadout Slot...
pilot_school_notify_down: Downgraded <color=#E5C46B>{0}</color> to <color=#E5C46B>level {1}</color> ({2})
pilot_school_notify_error_generic: <color=#e84f4f>Error changing skill {0}</color>
@@ -1108,27 +1190,33 @@ quick_chat_title_B: Good Skies!
quick_chat_title_C: Rally to me!
quick_chat_title_Charge: Charge!
quick_chat_title_D: Fireworks
quick_chat_title_Disco: Disco
quick_chat_title_FireworksEpic: Epic Fireworks
+quick_chat_title_LOL: LOL
+quick_chat_title_LaunchConfetti: Confetti Cannon
quick_chat_title_LoveCommon: Love!
quick_chat_title_LoveEpic: Epic love!
quick_chat_title_LoveFireworks: Love fireworks
+quick_chat_title_MusicNotes: Music Notes
+quick_chat_title_OutOfSteam: Out of Steam!
quick_chat_title_PurpleFireworks: Purple fireworks
quick_chat_title_ThumbsDown: Thumbs down
quick_chat_title_ThumbsUp: Thumbs up!
quick_chat_title_Warning: Warning
+quick_chat_title_Wave: Wave
quick_chat_title_Wings: Wings
quick_chat_whee: Whee!
radar_mission: 'Target
radar_teleport: '[<action:7>] to teleport'
radar_teleport_click: '[<action:7>] or click
to teleport'
+ AS.SG: East Asia
EU.DE: Europe
NA.US: N. America
OC.AU: Australia
report_cmd_chat: Report Chat
report_cmd_cheating: Report Cheating
@@ -1141,10 +1229,11 @@ session_anti_addiction_disconnect: Anti addiction limit reached. Sorry.
shutdown_announce: Server is going down soon. Quickly grab your loot.
shutdown_countdown: '{0}...'
shutdown_now: Server is going down now.
skills_menu_current: Current Skills
skills_menu_exit: Exit
+skills_menu_flying: Flying
skills_menu_none: No skills yet
skills_menu_select: Select
skills_menu_title: Choose a Pilot Skill
stats_menu_agility: Agility
stats_menu_attack: Damage
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/en-US/units.txt config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/units.txt
index fe53a75..2891248 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/en-US/units.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/en-US/units.txt
@@ -842,10 +842,11 @@ phoenix5: Traitor Phoenix
phoenixDEATH: Traitor Phoenix
playerPlane: Old Faithful
pod: Riflepup
podleader: Pug Sergeant
popper: Popper
+popper2: Mini Popper
poppermini: Popper Jr.
prisoncage: Cage
prisondestroyablewall: Wall
prisonescapee: Prisoner
prisonsniper: Sniper Tower
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/es/bark.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/bark.txt
index 148fb76..2b388d0 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/es/bark.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/bark.txt
@@ -1151,15 +1151,15 @@ meowza2_death2:
- text: ¡No podéis matar aquello que ya está muerto!
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#050405ff>Silence</color><color=#ffffffff>: -90% Steam</color>'
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Silencio</color><color=#ffffffff>: -90 % de vapor</color>'
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#050405ff>Silence</color><color=#ffffffff>: -90% Steam</color>'
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Silencio</color><color=#ffffffff>: -90 % de vapor</color>'
weight: '1'
- text: ¡Ah, aún estáis vivos! ¡Esto será divertido!
weight: '1'
@@ -1673,10 +1673,30 @@ sunfoxleaderchill:
- text: ¡Identificaos!
- weight: '3'
- text: Oh, dulce luz.
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#55ff55ff>Curar</color><color=#ffffffff>: +500 % de regeneración de salud</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Cegar</color><color=#ffffffff>: -50 % de vista de cámara</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Fragilidad</color><color=#ffffffff>: +50 % de daño sufrido</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Dificultar</color><color=#ffffffff>: -95 % de índice de giro máximo</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Dificultar</color><color=#ffffffff>: -85 % de índice de giro máximo</color>'
+ weight: '1'
- text: "Jamás dejamos de observarte,\n aun estando muertos."
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/es/buffs.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/buffs.txt
index 27e5d7f..9ddd8be 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/es/buffs.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/buffs.txt
@@ -39,12 +39,22 @@ dungeonmod_restless:
title: Hora punta
title: Susceptible
- title: Silence
+ title: Silencio
- title: Silence
+ title: Silencio
+ title: Cegar
+ title: Curar
+ title: Fragilidad
+ title: Dificultar
+ title: Dificultar
title: Maldito
title: Frenado
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/es/conversations.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/conversations.txt
index 8db4c92..e945fd2 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/es/conversations.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/conversations.txt
@@ -12,31 +12,31 @@ text:
boss-hunt_03: Hasta la más débil es muy peligrosa. Las destruimos sin parar, pero Meowza las vuelve a crear.
boss-hunt_04: Las máquinas más fuertes son extremadamente potentes, pero a Meowza le cuesta más sustituirlas.
boss-hunt_05: ¡Cuando destruyamos sus mejores máquinas, Meowza no tendrá más remedio que enfrentarse a nosotros!
boss-hunt_06: Hoy debes destruir tres de esos juguetes de Meowza, como práctica para futuros encargos más serios.
boss-hunt_07: ¡Buen vuelo!
- dungeonmod_acrobatics_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Acrobático</color></size>\n : -50 % de coste de vapor de maniobra\n +20 % de daño sufrido</align>"
- dungeonmod_bogged_down_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Enredado</color></size>\n : -25 % de supervelocidad</align>"
- dungeonmod_broken_axis_dualstick_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Eje roto (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -85 % de índice de giro máximo\n -25 % coste de vapor de maniobra\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_broken_axis_plane_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Eje roto (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -65 % de índice de giro máximo\n -25 % coste de vapor de maniobra\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_constrained_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Restringido (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -50 % de vapor\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_dead_to_world_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Como un muerto (letal)<sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -95 % de vapor\n +20 % de daño sufrido\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x7</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_eager_help_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Deseoso de ayudar</color></size>\n -35 % de coste de vapor de habilidad secundaria\n +20 % de daño sufrido</align>"
- dungeonmod_enfeebled_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Debilitado (letal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +80 % de daño sufrido\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x7</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_exhausted_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Agotado (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -100 % regeneración de vapor\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_extremely_touchy_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Extremadamente susceptible (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +70 % de regeneración de blindaje\n +40 % de daño sufrido\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_fast_learner_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Aprende rápido (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +25 % PE\n +35 % de daño sufrido\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_float_butterfly_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Flota como una mariposa</color></size>\n : +30 % de daño de arma\n +30 % de daño sufrido</align>"
- dungeonmod_hot_to_handle_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Difícil de manejar (letal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +250 % de supervelocidad, -15 % de vista de cámara\n +50 % de daño sufrido\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x7</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_hunt_peck_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Picotear </color></size>\n -50 % de cadencia de disparo\n +25 % de daño de arma</align>"
- dungeonmod_in_your_face_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>En tu cara</color></size>\n +20 % de daño de arma\n -40 % de alcance de arma</align>"
- dungeonmod_insomniac_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Insomne (letal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -100 % de regeneración de blindaje, -100 % de regeneración de vapor\n -30 % de supervelocidad, +25 % de daño sufrido\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x7</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_itchy_trigger_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Gatillo fácil </color></size>\n +30 % de cadencia de disparo y munición\n -30 % de recuperación y daño de arma</align>"
- dungeonmod_nearsighted_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Miope (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -35 % de vista de cámara\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_restless_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Impaciente </color></size>\n -50 % de regeneración de blindaje\n +25 % de supervelocidad</align>"
- dungeonmod_rush_hour_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Hora punta (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +50 % de supervelocidad\n +35 % de daño sufrido\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_touchy_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Susceptible </color></size>\n +30 % de regeneración de blindaje\n +20 % de daño sufrido</align>"
+ dungeonmod_acrobatics_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Acrobático</color></size>\n : -50 % de coste de vapor de maniobra\n +20 % de daño sufrido</align>"
+ dungeonmod_bogged_down_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Enredado</color></size>\n : -25 % de supervelocidad</align>"
+ dungeonmod_broken_axis_dualstick_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Eje roto (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -85 % de índice de giro máximo\n -25 % coste de vapor de maniobra\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_broken_axis_plane_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Eje roto (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -65 % de índice de giro máximo\n -25 % coste de vapor de maniobra\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_constrained_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Restringido (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -50 % de vapor\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_dead_to_world_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Como un muerto (letal)<sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -95 % de vapor\n +20 % de daño sufrido\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x7</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_eager_help_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Deseoso de ayudar</color></size>\n -35 % de coste de vapor de habilidad secundaria\n +20 % de daño sufrido</align>"
+ dungeonmod_enfeebled_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Debilitado (letal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +80 % de daño sufrido\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x7</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_exhausted_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Agotado (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -100 % regeneración de vapor\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_extremely_touchy_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Extremadamente susceptible (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +70 % de regeneración de blindaje\n +40 % de daño sufrido\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_fast_learner_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Aprende rápido (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +25 % PE\n +35 % de daño sufrido\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_float_butterfly_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Flota como una mariposa</color></size>\n : +30 % de daño de arma\n +30 % de daño sufrido</align>"
+ dungeonmod_hot_to_handle_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Difícil de manejar (letal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +250 % de supervelocidad, -15 % de vista de cámara\n +50 % de daño sufrido\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x7</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_hunt_peck_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Picotear </color></size>\n -50 % de cadencia de disparo\n +25 % de daño de arma</align>"
+ dungeonmod_in_your_face_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>En tu cara</color></size>\n +20 % de daño de arma\n -40 % de alcance de arma</align>"
+ dungeonmod_insomniac_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Insomne (letal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -100 % de regeneración de blindaje, -100 % de regeneración de vapor\n -30 % de supervelocidad, +25 % de daño sufrido\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x7</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_itchy_trigger_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Gatillo fácil </color></size>\n +30 % de cadencia de disparo y munición\n -30 % de recuperación y daño de arma</align>"
+ dungeonmod_nearsighted_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Miope (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -35 % de vista de cámara\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_restless_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Impaciente </color></size>\n -50 % de regeneración de blindaje\n +25 % de supervelocidad</align>"
+ dungeonmod_rush_hour_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Hora punta (difícil) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +50 % de supervelocidad\n +35 % de daño sufrido\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Botín: mejoras de avión x2, probabilidad de botín especial x3</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_touchy_01: "<align=center>Modificador de mazmorra:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Susceptible </color></size>\n +30 % de regeneración de blindaje\n +20 % de daño sufrido</align>"
idle-warning-disconnect_01: Oye, piloto, ¡si no te mueves o haces algo, voy a desconectarte para que nadie más te pille echándote una siesta!
idle-warning-recall_01: ¡Eh, piloto! ¿Estás ahí? Has desaparecido del radar. Muévete o dispara o haz algo para que podamos verte.
intro-hangar_01: ¡Coop! ¡Te he dicho mil veces que no dejes chatarra oxidada en mi hangar! ¡Ocúpate de ella!
intro-hangar_02: ¡Ah! Hola, piloto. Estaba charlando con un socio.
intro-hangar_03: ¿Necesitas un avión? Yo puedo ayudarte.
@@ -90,14 +90,14 @@ text:
intro_08: Esos malditos gatos piensan que se cargaron a todos los pájaros en la guerra.
intro_09: Pero se equivocan. ¡Estamos resurgiendo! ¡La Rebelión vuelve a surcar los cielos!
intro_10: Juntos, echaremos a esos nobles de nuestro cielo.
intro_11: Juntos, ¡acabaremos con Meowza y liberaremos el mundo!
intro_12: ¿Entendido? Bien. A volar, recluta.
- meowza1_warning_belowL30_01: <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Danger ahead, Pilot! <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>
- meowza1_warning_belowL30_02: This is the final battle with Meowza. There's a <color=#d40009ff>very high chance you'll be shot down.</color>
- meowza1_warning_belowL30_03: This mission is voluntary. There's no shame in teleporting to the Rebel City now and sitting this one out.
- meowza1_warning_belowL30_04: You can level up and practice your skills until you feel ready. The choice is yours. Good skies!
+ meowza1_warning_belowL30_01: <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> ¡Se avecinan problemas, piloto! <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>
+ meowza1_warning_belowL30_02: Esta es la batalla final contra Meowza. Es <color=#d40009ff>altamente probable que te venza</color>.
+ meowza1_warning_belowL30_03: Esta misión es voluntaria. No tienes de qué avergonzarte si prefieres teletransportarte a Ciudad Rebelde y no participar en ella.
+ meowza1_warning_belowL30_04: Puedes subir de nivel y practicar hasta que creas que estás preparado. La decisión es tuya. ¡Buen vuelo!
mewoza-new-player_01: ¡Retírate, recluta!
mewoza-new-player_02: Te estarás preguntando por qué te he teletransportado a Ciudad Rebelde de nuevo.
mewoza-new-player_03: Nuestras fuerzas han matado al último lugarteniente de Meowza.
mewoza-new-player_04: Como castigo, Meowza ha llevado a nuestros pilotos a su guarida para la batalla final. Ojalá vaya todo bien.
mewoza-new-player_05: Sinceramente, no me parecía que estuvieras listo. Por eso te he traído aquí. Espero que lo entiendas.
@@ -110,10 +110,33 @@ text:
test-04b: Ve con mi querido amigo, ¡el operador del portal!
test-05: Toma esto. Seguro que te ayuda.
test-05-continue: ¡Gracias!
test-06: ¿Alguna pregunta?
test2-01: Es una prueba rápida. ¡No sabemos muy bien qué estamos probando, pero tú no bajes la guardia!
+ tut_01_2_complete_01: Este es el <color=#FBB040>Pub del Piloto</color>. Vuelve aquí para <color=#FBB040>completar tus misiones</color> y <color=#FBB040>aceptar nuevas</color>.
+ tut_01_2_complete_02: Tenemos nueva información que necesitamos que compruebes. Cuando estés preparado, <color=#FBB040>acepta tu próxima misión</color>.
+ tut_01_2_start_01: Tenemos nueva información... Vuelve al <color=#FBB040>Pub del Piloto, en Ciudad Rebelde</color>. ¡Pulsa <color=#FBB040>[<action:5>]</color> para teletransportarte a Ciudad Rebelde!
+ tut_01_start_01: ¡Alerta, recluta! Esto es un combate real. Estás en las ruinas de la ciudad y hay carroñeros en la zona.
+ tut_01_start_02: Tu primera misión consiste en <color=#FBB040>encontrar y destruir los convoyes carroñeros</color>.
+ tut_02_complete_01: ¡Eso era un centro de comunicación imperial! Los gatos deben de estar construyendo una base cerca. No podemos permitirlo.
+ tut_02_complete_02: He triangulado la posición de la base. Tienes que <color=#FBB040>infiltrarte y destruirla</color>.
+ tut_02_start_01: Mientras te encargabas de los carroñeros, nuestros lumbreras han descifrado una señal de mando encriptada.
+ tut_02_start_02: Te han asignado que <color=#FBB040>encuentres y destruyas el origen de la señal de mando</color>.
+ tut_03_complete_01: No hay paz para los cansados. Ya tenemos tu siguiente misión. Acéptala si estás preparado para encargarte.
+ tut_03_firstKillGoal0_01: ¡Buen trabajo! Esos gatos ni lo han visto venir.
+ tut_03_firstKillGoal0_02: Debe de haber un depósito imperial cerca para abastecer a todas estas obras. Hay que destruir toda la cadena de suministros.
+ tut_03_firstKillGoal0_03: Por ahora, <color=#FBB040>vuelve al Pub del piloto de Ciudad Rebelde</color> y espera nuevas órdenes.
+ tut_03_start_01: Ve al marcador y sube al <color=#FBB040>transbordador</color>, te llevará a la base avanzada.
+ tut_04_complete_01: El piloto enemigo ha enviado una señal de auxilio en una frecuencia noble. ¿Entiendes lo que eso significa?
+ tut_04_start_01: 'Cuidado: el depósito de suministros está protegido por una unidad muy peligrosa. Sé que puedes hacerlo. Buen vuelo.'
+ tut_05_complete_01: Has demostrado tu valía, recluta. A partir de ahora, podrás elegir tus propias misiones.
+ tut_05_complete_02: Pásate por el Pub del Piloto cuando necesites nuevas órdenes. ¡Buen vuelo!
+ tut_05_firstKillGoal0_01: Acabas de derrotar a tu primer comandante noble, recluta. Estoy orgulloso de ti.
+ tut_05_firstKillGoal0_02: Así aprenderán esos imperiales lo que ocurre cuando meten las narices en nuestro territorio.
+ tut_05_firstKillGoal0_03: 'Ya sabes cómo va esto: vuelve al <color=#FBB040>Pub del piloto de Ciudad Rebelde</color> a por tu siguiente misión.'
+ tut_05_start_01: Esa llamada de auxilio iba dirigida a un <color=#FBB040>comandante noble</color> de un <color=#FBB040>nido gatúpedo</color> cercano.
+ tut_05_start_02: Debemos eliminarlos para detener esta incursión en nuestro territorio. Es una misión importante, pero sé que estarás a la altura.
tutorial-quest-item-storage_01: 'Un consejo, piloto: los materiales de creación pueden usarse con planos en el taller, y los objetos de misión pueden entregarse en el pub.'
tutorial-quest-item-storage_02: No hace falta que los guardes en el almacenamiento si no quieres.
tutorial-quests-complete_01: Ahora que ya has completado varias misiones, te pondré al tanto de la campaña más importante.
tutorial-quests-complete_02: Nuestro principal objetivo es liberar al mundo de Meowza y su Imperio felino. No es tarea fácil.
tutorial-quests-complete_03: Para poder llegar hasta Meowza, tenemos que acabar con todos sus <color=#FBB040>lugartenientes</color>, que están esparcidos por el mapa.
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/es/events.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/events.txt
index ce9fa11..c7903f0 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/es/events.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/events.txt
@@ -1,127 +1,127 @@
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Jinn\n - Mata a 100 leones guardianes, bestias guardianas, guardias principales, esclavos conductores, burócratas, encargados, agentes de la ciudad, inquisidores, policías secretos, antidisturbios, controles de multitudes o asesinos mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero rojo\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Jinn\n - Mata a 100 leones guardianes, bestias guardianas, guardias principales, esclavos conductores, burócratas, encargados, agentes de la ciudad, inquisidores, policías secretos, antidisturbios, controles de multitudes o asesinos mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero rojo\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Raijin_Imperial
title: 'Objetivo: Jinn'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Dr. Geckelston\n - Mata a 20 esclavos conductores o guardias principales mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero amarillo\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Dr. Geckelston\n - Mata a 20 esclavos conductores o guardias principales mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero amarillo\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Geckelsten_SlaveDrivers
title: 'Objetivo: Dr. Geckelston'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Completa 1 excavación\n - Mata a 20 tiradores o duelistas mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - 2 aceros aleatorios\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Completa 1 excavación\n - Mata a 20 tiradores o duelistas mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - 2 aceros aleatorios\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Dig_DuelistMarksman
title: 'Misión especial: Excavación'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Meowza\n - Mata a 5 grandes leones mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero oscuro\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Meowza\n - Mata a 5 grandes leones mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero oscuro\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Meowza_GrandLion
title: 'Objetivo: trono de Meowza'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Horror gélido en el monasterio de búhos\n - Mata a 20 inquisidores o asesinos mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero blanco\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Horror gélido en el monasterio de búhos\n - Mata a 20 inquisidores o asesinos mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero blanco\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_FrozenHorror_Assassins
title: 'Objetivo: El Horror gélido'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 sacerdotisa Tiffany\n - Mata a 20 leones guardianes o encargados mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero azul\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 sacerdotisa Tiffany\n - Mata a 20 leones guardianes o encargados mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero azul\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Temple_Groundskeeper
title: 'Objetivo: suma sacerdotisa Tiffany'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 araña blanca\n - Mata a 20 agentes de la ciudad o controles de multitudes mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero púrpura\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 araña blanca\n - Mata a 20 agentes de la ciudad o controles de multitudes mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero púrpura\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_WhiteSpider_CityOfficer
title: 'Objetivo: araña blanca'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Rei\n - Mata a 100 leones guardianes, bestias guardianas, guardias principales, esclavos conductores, burócratas, encargados, agentes de la ciudad, inquisidores, policías secretos, antidisturbios, controles de multitudes o asesinos mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero amarillo\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Rei\n - Mata a 100 leones guardianes, bestias guardianas, guardias principales, esclavos conductores, burócratas, encargados, agentes de la ciudad, inquisidores, policías secretos, antidisturbios, controles de multitudes o asesinos mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero amarillo\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Thunderboss_Imperial
title: 'Objetivo: Rei'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Kai\n - Mata a 20 esclavos conductores o guardias principales mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero azul\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Kai\n - Mata a 20 esclavos conductores o guardias principales mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero azul\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Kai_SlaveDrivers
title: 'Objetivo: Kai'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Completa 1 excavación\n - Mata a 20 tiradores o duelistas mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Dos aceros aleatorios\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Completa 1 excavación\n - Mata a 20 tiradores o duelistas mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Dos aceros aleatorios\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Dig_DuelistMarksman
title: 'Misión especial: Las cámaras'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 SN-Z\n - Mata a 5 grandes leones mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero oscuro\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 SN-Z\n - Mata a 5 grandes leones mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero oscuro\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_SNS_GrandLion
title: 'Objetivo: SN-Z'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 fénix traidor en el campamento de reeducación\n - Mata a 20 inquisidores o asesinos mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero rojo\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 fénix traidor en el campamento de reeducación\n - Mata a 20 inquisidores o asesinos mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero rojo\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Phoenix_Assassins
title: 'Objetivo: fénix traidor'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Mecanismo del Apocalipsis\n - Mata a 20 leones guardianes o encargados mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero blanco\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Mecanismo del Apocalipsis\n - Mata a 20 leones guardianes o encargados mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero blanco\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Doomsday_Groundskeeper
title: 'Objetivo: mecanismo del Apocalipsis'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Dios venenoso\n - Mata a 20 agentes de la ciudad o controles de multitudes mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero púrpura\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Dios venenoso\n - Mata a 20 agentes de la ciudad o controles de multitudes mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero púrpura\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_PoisonGod_CityOfficer
title: 'Objetivo: dios venenoso'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Jinn\n - Mata a 100 leones guardianes, bestias guardianas, guardias principales, esclavos conductores, burócratas, encargados, agentes de la ciudad, inquisidores, policías secretos, antidisturbios, controles de multitudes o asesinos mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero rojo\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Jinn\n - Mata a 100 leones guardianes, bestias guardianas, guardias principales, esclavos conductores, burócratas, encargados, agentes de la ciudad, inquisidores, policías secretos, antidisturbios, controles de multitudes o asesinos mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero rojo\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Raijin_Imperial
title: 'Objetivo: Ciudad Imperial'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Dr. Geckelston\n - Mata a 20 esclavos conductores o guardias principales mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero amarillo\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Dr. Geckelston\n - Mata a 20 esclavos conductores o guardias principales mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero amarillo\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Geckelston_SlaveDrivers
title: 'Objetivo: Dr. Geckelston'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Completa 1 excavación\n - Mata a 20 tiradores o duelistas mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - 2 aceros aleatorios\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Completa 1 excavación\n - Mata a 20 tiradores o duelistas mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - 2 aceros aleatorios\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Dig_DuelistMarksman
title: 'Objetivo: excavación'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Meowza\n - Mata a 5 grandes leones mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero oscuro\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Meowza\n - Mata a 5 grandes leones mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero oscuro\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Meowza_GrandLion
title: 'Objetivo: Trono de Meowza'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Horror gélido en el monasterio de búhos\n - Mata a 20 inquisidores o asesinos mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero blanco\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 Horror gélido en el monasterio de búhos\n - Mata a 20 inquisidores o asesinos mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero blanco\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_FrozenHorror_Assassins
title: 'Objetivo: Horror gélido en el monasterio de búhos'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 sacerdotisa Tiffany\n - Mata a 20 leones guardianes o encargados mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero azul\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 sacerdotisa Tiffany\n - Mata a 20 leones guardianes o encargados mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero azul\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Temple_Groundskeeper
title: 'Objetivo: suma sacerdotisa Tiffany'
- description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 araña blanca\n - Mata a 20 agentes de la ciudad o controles de multitudes mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero púrpura\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Objetivos publicados para hoy\n - Mata a 1 araña blanca\n - Mata a 20 agentes de la ciudad o controles de multitudes mientras vuelas con 2 compañeros pilotos\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Acero púrpura\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_WhiteSpider_CityOfficer
title: 'Objetivo: araña blanca'
- description: "Todos los viernes, los nobles felinos pasan sus ratos libres con la familia. Es el día en que se dan caprichos.\n \n Asan a la parrilla a los adoradores de roedores de la religión estatal y los sirven con suculentas salsas mientras los siervos caninos bailan.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Botín superior en fincas de la nobleza.\n - Dobles PE en fincas de la nobleza.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Todos los viernes, los nobles felinos pasan sus ratos libres con la familia. Es el día en que se dan caprichos.\n \n Asan a la parrilla a los adoradores de roedores de la religión estatal y los sirven con suculentas salsas mientras los siervos caninos bailan.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Botín superior en fincas de la nobleza.\n - Dobles PE en fincas de la nobleza.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: La actividad enemiga en las fincas de la nobleza vuelve a la normalidad.
header_image: EventHeader_NobleEstates
starting_server_message: Aumenta la actividad enemiga en las fincas de la nobleza. Bonificación de PE y botín superior.
title: 'Viernes: nobleza'
- description: "Todos los lunes, las misiones de las regiones gélidas del norte otorgan una bonificación de experiencia.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Botín superior en misiones de hielo.\n - Dobles PE en misiones de hielo.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Todos los lunes, las misiones de las regiones gélidas del norte otorgan una bonificación de experiencia.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Botín superior en misiones de hielo.\n - Dobles PE en misiones de hielo.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: Los vientos helados del norte han dejado de soplar.
header_image: EventHeader_Ice
starting_server_message: Se está levantando viento helado en el norte. Busca el monasterio nevado para conseguir tesoros valiosos.
title: 'Lunes: frío'
- description: "Todos los sábados, los nobles y sus lacayos rinden pleitesía a la Gran Líder. Ofrecen un diezmo e informan de la cantidad de suministros que han obtenido en sus territorios. Se les exige obediencia absoluta.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Botín superior en la capital del Imperio.\n - Dobles PE en la capital del Imperio.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Todos los sábados, los nobles y sus lacayos rinden pleitesía a la Gran Líder. Ofrecen un diezmo e informan de la cantidad de suministros que han obtenido en sus territorios. Se les exige obediencia absoluta.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Botín superior en la capital del Imperio.\n - Dobles PE en la capital del Imperio.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: La actividad enemiga en la capital del Imperio vuelve a la normalidad.
header_image: EventHeader_ImperialCapital
starting_server_message: Aumenta la actividad enemiga en la capital del Imperio. Bonificación de PE y botín superior.
title: 'Sábado: veneración'
- description: "Todos los domingos, las fábricas de robots comienzan a enviar lo que han producido la semana anterior. Los rebeldes avispados aprovechan para abastecerse.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Botín superior en la fábrica de robots.\n - Dobles PE en la fábrica de robots.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Todos los domingos, las fábricas de robots comienzan a enviar lo que han producido la semana anterior. Los rebeldes avispados aprovechan para abastecerse.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Botín superior en la fábrica de robots.\n - Dobles PE en la fábrica de robots.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: La actividad enemiga en las Tierras altas vuelve a la normalidad.
header_image: EventHeader_RoboFactory
starting_server_message: Aumenta la actividad enemiga en las fábricas de robots de las Tierras altas. Bonificación de PE y botín superior.
title: 'Domingo: Tierras altas'
- description: "Todos los jueves, los arqueólogos del Imperio cargan sus descubrimientos en caravanas y los envían a un almacén seguro.\n \n El Imperio sobrevive gracias a los restos de civilizaciones ancestrales. Somos su sombra.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Botín superior en la zona arqueológica.\n - Dobles PE en la zona arqueológica.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Todos los jueves, los arqueólogos del Imperio cargan sus descubrimientos en caravanas y los envían a un almacén seguro.\n \n El Imperio sobrevive gracias a los restos de civilizaciones ancestrales. Somos su sombra.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Botín superior en la zona arqueológica.\n - Dobles PE en la zona arqueológica.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: La actividad enemiga en las Tierras altas vuelve a la normalidad.
header_image: EventHeader_Archaeology
starting_server_message: Aumenta la actividad enemiga en las excavaciones arqueológicas de las Tierras altas. Bonificación de PE y botín superior.
title: 'Jueves: ruinas'
- description: "Todos los martes, el hospital da de alta a pacientes aumentados y los salva de un destino peor que la muerte.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Botín superior en la zona médica.\n - Dobles PE en la zona médica.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Todos los martes, el hospital da de alta a pacientes aumentados y los salva de un destino peor que la muerte.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Botín superior en la zona médica.\n - Dobles PE en la zona médica.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: La actividad enemiga en las Tierras altas vuelve a la normalidad.
header_image: EventHeader_Hospital
starting_server_message: Aumenta la actividad enemiga en la zona médica de las Tierras altas. Bonificación de PE y botín superior.
title: 'Martes: medicina'
- description: "Todos los miércoles, se abren los túneles subterráneos que dan a los campos de reeducación del Imperio. Obtén una bonificación de PE y botín superior.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Botín superior en misiones de fuego.\n - Dobles PE en misiones de fuego.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Todos los miércoles, se abren los túneles subterráneos que dan a los campos de reeducación del Imperio. Obtén una bonificación de PE y botín superior.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Recompensas especiales</color></size></b>\n - Botín superior en misiones de fuego.\n - Dobles PE en misiones de fuego.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: Los caminos secretos que dan a los campamentos de reeducación están cerrados.
header_image: EventHeader_Fire
starting_server_message: Está brotando magma en la superficie. Busca el campamento de reeducación para conseguir tesoros.
title: 'Miércoles: azufre'
@@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ playtest_early_start:
ending_server_message: ''
header_image: ''
starting_server_message: ''
title: Inicio anticipado del Fin de semana de la amistad
- description: "Bienvenido a la última prueba de juego de Steambirds. Pórtate bien con los demás. Descubre el juego. Diviértete. ¡Buen vuelo! \n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Bienvenido a la última prueba de juego de Steambirds. Pórtate bien con los demás. Descubre el juego. Diviértete. ¡Buen vuelo! \n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Duración</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: ¡La prueba de juego con amigos ha terminado!
header_image: EventHeader_Updates
starting_server_message: ¡La prueba de juego con amigos empieza ya!
title: Prueba de juego con amigos
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/es/item.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/item.txt
index 36fbbfb..2fb376f 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/es/item.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/item.txt
@@ -2336,14 +2336,11 @@ trail_9:
name: Rastro de polvo
description: "Un rastro poco común que solo estaba disponible para los primeros jugadores de la versión alfa. Sus llamas arden con la pasión de los primeros rebeldes.\n \n [PERMANENTE. Almacénalo para no perderlo cuando el avión explote.]"
name: Rastro postquemador alfa
- description: 'Show a little love for the players who were with us before we launched.
- [PERMANENT. Place in storage so you don''t lose it when your plane explodes.]'
+ description: "Un pequeño gesto hacia los jugadores que estuvieron con nosotros antes del lanzamiento.\n \n [PERMANENTE. Almacénalo para no perderlo cuando el avión explote.]"
name: Rastro de la beta abierta
description: "¿Por qué existen las arenas? ¿Quién hace las pruebas? ¿Qué están probando?\n \n [PERMANENTE. Almacénalo para no perderlo cuando el avión explote.]"
name: Rastro de arena
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/es/legal.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/legal.txt
index 5415c2b..6c14d9e 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/es/legal.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/legal.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- body: "<b>蒸汽鸟联盟 & SPRY FOX NETWORK最终用户许可协议</b>\n \n 最后修改日期:2017年10月6日\n \n 请在安装蒸汽鸟联盟和使用SPRY FOX NETWORK前,仔细阅读此协议(“协议”)。若您无法同意本协议的所有条款,请勿安装此软件程序。\n \n 感谢您对Spry Fox LLC(“Spry Fox”或“我们”)的Spry Fox网络游戏平台(“Spry Fox Network”)和Spry Fox的互动游戏(“游戏”)的大力支持。本协议规定了您被授权访问Spry Fox Network,并在Spry Fox Network上进行游戏的条款和条件。若您不同意本协议的所有条款,您将无法得到许可以进行安装、复制或游玩任何游戏,且无权访问SPRY FOX NETWORK。\n \n 1.<b>SPRY FOX NETWORK账号。</b>\n A.<b>使用SPRY FOX NETWORK账号。</b> 若要使用Spry Fox Network账号,您必须进行注册或是使用之前在Spry Fox Network上锁建立的账号(“账号”)。创建及使用账号将受到以下条款和条件限制:\n I.您需要满足以下条件方可建立账号:(i)您是在所居住国的“自然人”且为成年人(公司、有限责任公司、合伙企业以及其他法律或商业实体不可建立账号);(ii)您不是Spry Fox特别禁止使用Spry Fox Network的个人。\n II.当您创建或更新账户时,您必须向Spry Fox提供准确且最新的个人信息,例如您的姓名、地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址。此外,在进行某些特定的游戏或使用Spry Fox Network的某些特定功能时,您可能还需向Spry Fox提供付款信息(例如信用卡信息)。您个人信息的留存将受到Spry Fox的SFN隐私政策约束,有关详细信息请访问http://spryfox.com/spry-fox-network-privacy-policy。Spry Fox同样也有权从您与Spry Fox Network的网络连接中获取非个人数据。\n III.在您创建账户时,您需要选择一个唯一的用户名和密码(以下统称为“登录信息”)。除非本协议中条款允许,否则您不能与任何人共享账户或登录信息。\n IV.您必须完好保管登录信息,因为无论是否得到您的授权,所有登录信息以及账户的使用,包括购买都由您完全负责。若您关注到或是合理地质疑任何安全漏洞,包括但不限于任何登录信息的丢失、盗窃或未经授权的泄露,请立即通过support@spryfox.com通知Spry Fox。\n V.根据居住国的法律,未成年子女可以使用父母或法定监护人所创建的账户。若您允许您的未成年子女或法定监护人(统称您的子女)使用Spry Fox网络上的帐户,您在此代表您和您的子女同意本协议,无论您是否授权您的孩子使用,您理解并同意您将负责您的孩子的帐户的所有使用方式。\n VI.您应用Spry Fox网络和游戏与Spry Fox 和其他玩家互动是受Spry Fox的游戏内政策(游戏内政策)所控制的。游戏内政策并不确定详尽,通常它将会在游戏的官方讨论论坛中被宣布和更新。这些游戏内政策应用于所有的游戏:\n a. 我们鼓励我们的玩家在游戏中进行合作和竞争,但越界来进行虐待是永远不能接受的。如果你遇到违反以下游戏政策的玩家,你应当将他们报告给 support@spryfox.com。\n b. 当您加入任何形式的交流(聊天、语音交流 、组队)时,你为要对你自己的表达而负责。你不能用攻击性的语言或对他人粗俗。\n c..仇恨言论以及歧视性的,以及任何淫秽及颠覆性的言论都是不适当的。无论使用何种语言,猥亵以及骚扰其他玩家的行为是完全不能接受的。违反任意的这些期望条款将导致用户账户受限。更严重以及重复性的违反将导致更加严厉的限制。\n d.您将被禁止任何在“聊天”(游戏内交流)中进行的具有破坏性、恶意或危险影响的操作体验具有破坏性、恶意或危险影响的操作体验,包括但不限于:\n i.恶意导致聊天窗口滚动比其他用户所能阅读的速度快,或设置具有大量文本的宏指令,在使用这些宏指令时,导致对聊天的进行造成破坏性的效果:ii发布商业广告和/或商品广告以及游戏外的服务:iii发送重复性的未经请求的或不受欢迎的信息至单独玩家或重复性发送相似信息至聊天区,包括无限制的售卖商品或服务的连续性广告;以及iv在游戏内交流或发布任何用户的个人信息,或在与游戏所关联的网址或论坛,除非用户将他或她的个人信息以私信方式指定交流给个人用户。\n e.名字受上述建立的同样规则所约束。任何玩家有权利自定义的名字——比如玩家名字以及行会名字——必须合适以及无恶意。任何违背我们标准的名字将会被更改,并且根据我们的判断,违规账户可能会受到额外的限制。注意合适的名字由玩家报告以及Spry Fox的决定所确定。特别的是,您不能使用以下任何名字:\n i.意图冒充属于其他人的名字,包括但不限于Spry Fox的管理员或任何其他员工或代理人:ii.含有粗俗语言,或含有攻击性、诽谤性、淫秽性、可恨性、种族性、民族性或其他令人反感的语言;iii.须受任何其他人士或实体的权利而无须该人士或实体的书面授权;iv.属于流行文化人物、名人或媒体人物;v.不论是否注册,该等商标或服务标记包括或实质上类似于该等商标或服务标记;或者是vi.与毒品,性,酒精或犯罪行为相关联。\n f.在游戏世界里您要对您自己以及您账户的表现负责。任何形式的作弊将导致立即采取行动。使用第三方程序来自动化游戏的任何方面,利用漏洞,或从事任何赋予不公平优势的活动都被认为是作弊。\n g.利用其他玩家是同等严重的冒犯。欺诈、账户共享、赢钱交易以及其他任何可能降低其他玩家游戏体验的行为都将受到严厉惩罚。\n h.如果你不确定你的行为是否违反了这一行为准则,请重新考虑它们。我们尽可能必要地保留限制违规帐户的权利以保持Spry fox的游戏提供给所有玩家的乐趣体验。\n Vll.您同意您或使用您账户的任何人支付所有款项以及合适的税。如果您选择了一款游戏的重复订阅,您已知悉支付将会被自动处理(例如,从你的信用卡中扣除)直到您取消订阅或注销账户。Spry Fox 可能会在Spry Fox网络中所提供的物品或服务修改价格。您已知悉,无论何种原因,Spry Fox不需要退还您因使用Spry Fox网络或通过SPRY FOX网络购买而支付给SPRY FOX的款项。\n Vlll.在您使用Spry Fox网络是,Spry Fox应当有监控和/或记录您交流记录的权利,并且您知悉并同意当您使用Spry Fox网络时,您的交流记录将不是私人的。在任何理由下,Spry Fox应当有公开您交流信息此权利,包括:(a)用来满足任何适用法律、法规、法律程序或政府的要求;(b)执行本协议条款或任何其他Spry Fox政策;(c)保护Spry Fox的合法权利和补救措施;(d)保护Spry Fox认为可能受到威胁的任何人的健康或安全;或(e)举报犯罪或其他冒犯行为。\n B. <b>颁发许可证。</b> 如果您接受并遵守本协议的条款,Spry Fox将授予您,您也将获得一个非子许可的、非独家的许可以使用Spry Fox网络和游戏,但须遵守以下第1(C)条中规定的许可限制:\n L. 除非本协议条款特别允许,否则您只能将Spry Fox网络和游戏用于您的个人和非商业娱乐目的。\n II.您不得将使用Spry Fox网络的权利和义务转让。\n III.关于游戏从零售商购买原始载体(例如,cd - rom, DVD,等等),你可以通过物理传输原始媒体,原始的包装,以及所有随游戏发行的手册或其他文件,向同意本协议条款的另一个人永久转移有关游戏使用的你的所有权利和义务,前提是您永久删除您所拥有或能控制的游戏的所有副本和安装文件。您同意完全负责任何税收、费用、收费、关税、预提、评估等,以及与此类转让相关的任何利息、罚款和附加费用。除上述规定外,Spry Fox不承认任何所声称的游戏转让;以及IV.在Spry Fox网络上可以玩的一些游戏可能受到特定许可条款的约束,这些许可条款可能包括以下内容: (1)在某些情况下,游戏的完整版本只能在您购买游戏许可证后才能玩;(2)您可以通过您注册的帐户在Spry Fox Network上的公共网络咖啡馆或电脑游戏中心玩您已获得许可证的游戏。\n C. <b>许可证限制。</b> 如果您违反了或帮助他人违反了以下许可限制,Spry Fox可能会撤销您使用Spry Fox网络的许可证和/或游戏。您同意您不会在任何情况下,全部或部分地或在任何情况下,做以下事情:\n I. <u>派生作品:</u>复制或再造(第1(B)条中规定的除外)、翻译、逆向工程、从游戏中获取源代码、修改、反汇编、反编译或创建基于游戏或与游戏相关的衍生作品。\n II.<u>作弊:</u>创建,使用,提供,广告,使可使用和/或分发下列或提供协助:\n A. <b>作弊;</b> 即未经Spry Fox明确授权,影响和/或便利游戏,包括利用游戏中的bug,从而使您和/或任何其他用户比不使用此类方法的其他玩家具有优势的手段。\n b. <b>机器人;</b>即任何未经Spry Fox明确授权的,允许自动控制游戏、Spry Fox网络和/或其任何组件或功能的代码和/或软件,例如游戏中角色的自动控制;\n c. <b>骇客;</b> 即以未获Spry Fox明确授权的方式访问或修改游戏或Spry Fox网络的软件;和/或\n d. 任何未经Spry Fox明确授权的代码和/或软件,可用于与Spry Fox网络、游戏和/或其任何更改和/或便利游戏的组件或功能有关的代码和/或软件。\n III.<u>禁止商业用途:</u>利用Spry Fox网络或游戏的全部或个别组件,用于Spry Fox未明确授权的任何目的,包括但不限于(i)在Spry Fox网络或游戏之外收集游戏货币、物品或资源以供销售;(ii)执行游戏内服务,例如权力水准,以换取在Spry Fox网络或游戏(多个游戏)以外的支付;或(Iii)(以文字、现场音频通讯或其他方式)通讯或便利任何商业广告、邀请或提供通过Spry Fox网络或游戏(多个游戏)内的任何商业广告、招标或要约。\n IV.<u>数据挖掘:</u>使用第三方软件拦截、收集、读取或“挖掘”由Spry Fox网络或游戏(多个游戏)生成或存储的信息;但是,只要Spry Fox可以完全和绝对酌情允许使用某些第三方用户界面; v.<u>重复的项目:</u>创建,使用或交易利用数据挖掘SpryFox网络或游戏(多个游戏)的设计缺陷、无文档问题或程序错误问题所创造或复制的游戏内道具;VI.<u>安排比赛:</u>为游戏(多个游戏)主持、提供或开发安排比赛服务,或以任何方式拦截、模仿或重定向Spry Fox所使用的通信协议,用于任何目的,包括但不限于未经授权的互联网播放、网络播放(Spry Fox明确授权的除外),或作为内容聚合网络的一部分; Vll.<u>未经授权的连接:</u>促进、创建或维护与Spry Fox网络或游戏(多个游戏)的任何未经授权的连接,包括(i)与任何未经授权的服务器的连接,或试图模仿Spry Fox网络;和(ii)使用未获Spry Fox明确授权的第三方程序或工具的任何连接;Vlll.<u>转让:</u>试图出售、转授权、出租、租赁、授予游戏的担保权益或以其他方式将游戏(多个游戏)的任何副本或您对游戏(多个游戏)的权利以未明确授权的任何方式转让给任何其他方;IX.<u>扰乱:</u>扰乱或协助扰乱(i)任何用于支持Spry Fox网络或任何游戏环境的计算机;或(Ii)任何其他玩家的游戏体验。任何试图破坏SPRY FOX网络或破坏任何游戏的合法运作,都可能违反刑法和民法。\n X. <u>违法:</u>使用游戏,或Spry Fox网络来违反任何适用的法律或法规。\n D. <b>游戏及Spry Fox网络特征。</b>\n I. <u>Spry Fox网络特征:</u>\n A. <b>广告:</b>Spry Fox的游戏和Spry Fox网络可能会结合第三方技术,在Spry Fox网络和/或在某些游戏中可以在Spry Fox网络上播放广告,该游戏可以临时下载到您的个人计算机上,并在网络游戏期间被替换。作为此过程的一部分,Spry Fox和/或其授权的第三方广告商可以收集在您的个人计算机连接到Internet(包括您的Internet协议(IP)地址)时发送的标准信息。\n b. <b>用户创建或更新的内容:</b>作为游戏的一部分,Spry Fox网络和特定的游戏可能为您提供在Spry Fox网络和/或上载和显示内容的机会,包括汇编、安排或显示这些内容(统称为“用户内容”)。用户内容具体不包括自定义游戏,如以下第1(D)(ii)(a)节所定义。您特此授予Spry Fox永久的、不可撤销的、全球性的、完全付费的、非独家的权利和许可,以任何和所有的媒体、格式和形式,以任何和所有的媒体、格式和形式,发掘用户的内容及其所有元素,无论是现在还是以后设计的。Spry Fox拥有无限制的复制、修复、修改、翻译、重新格式化、准备衍生产品、添加和删除、重新排列和转换、制造、出版、分发、销售、许可、转授、转让、出租、租赁、传输、公开展示、公开表演、提供访问、广播和实践用户内容以及其中所包含的任何和所有元素的权利,并合并使用或合并用户内容或内容的一部分或部分内容合成任何其他材料。除非法律禁止任何如此权利的放弃,否则你在此放弃世界任何国家称为“道德权利”或“法律道德”的任何法律规定或任何类似法律的利益。您代表并保证用户内容不侵犯任何第三方的版权、商标、专利、商业秘密或其他知识产权。在适用法律允许的范围内,您在此放弃您在任何用户内容中可能拥有的任何道德权利。您还代表并保证您将不使用或贡献非法、侵权、诽谤、淫秽、侵犯他人隐私、威胁、骚扰、虐待、仇恨、种族主义或其他可憎或不适当的用户内容。Spry Fox可以自行决定从SpryFox网络删除任何用户内容和任何相关内容或元素。\n II.<u>游戏特征:</u>\n a. <b>游戏编辑器:</b>某些游戏包括编辑软件(以下称为“游戏编辑器”(多个编辑器)),允许您创建自定义游戏、级别、地图、场景或其他内容(“自定义游戏”)。为本协议和此处提及的任何协议的目的,“自定义游戏”包括使用游戏编辑器(多个编辑器)创建的所有内容,包括但不限于与这类自定义游戏相关的所有数字文件,以及(1)这些文件中的所有内容,包括但不限于玩家和非玩家字符、音频和视频元素、环境、对象、项目、皮肤和纹理,(2)所有标题、商标、商号、字符名称或与自定义游戏相关或包含在自定义游戏中的其他名称和短语,(3)自定义游戏中包含的任何其他知识产权,包括任何和所有的内容,游戏概念,方法或想法。自定义游戏只能与特定游戏编辑器相关的游戏引擎一起使用。使用或利用自定义游戏的方式如下:\n i.自定义游戏开发人员可能不会开发包含允许开发人员限制某些用户访问自定义游戏的机制的自定义游戏。\n II.自定义游戏是也应当是SpryFox的唯一和专有财产。在不限制上述条件的情况下,您在此指定Spry Fox在所有自定义游戏和所有自定义游戏中的所有权利、所有权和利益,并同意如Spry Fox决定有必要,您同意在收到Spry Fox的请求后立即执行将来的任务。此外,即使自定义游戏的开发人员请求SpryFox从任何平台或服务中删除自定义游戏,Spry Fox有权维护自定义游戏。\n III.您代表并保证您用于创建任何自定义游戏或将其上传给服务的内容,或此类内容(统称为“用户内容”)的汇编、安排或显示,均不侵犯或将侵犯任何第三方的版权、商标、专利、商业秘密或其他知识产权。您还代表并保证您将不使用或贡献非法、侵权、诽谤、淫秽、侵犯他人隐私、威胁、骚扰、虐待、仇恨、种族主义或其他可憎或不适当的用户内容。\n iv.在这个时候,自定义游戏开发商不能开发自定义游戏用于盈利。因此,自定义游戏不能出售、许可、租用,也不能包含支持任何有形或无形内容的购买交易的功能。\n b. <b>社区比赛:</b>为了支持本地的电子竞技比赛活动,Spry Fox特此授予您有限的、可撤销的许可证和使用特定游戏(“社区锦标赛”)组织和主办小型社区锦标赛或一系列比赛的权利,但须符合以下条件:\n i.在社区锦标赛期间颁发的所有奖品的总价值必须少于一万美元(10,000.00美元)或等值;ii.您不得向观看社区锦标赛的观众收取任何费用;iii.任何销售或推广下列产品的公司不得赞助社区锦标赛:色情制品(或极其成人的素材);酒精;烟草;火器;竞争激烈的在线电脑游戏;赌博网站;或任何损害Spry Fox公司业务的公司(黑客、黄金服务、账户销售、关键卖家);iv.社区锦标赛必须遵守所有适用的法律和法规;以及v.社区锦标赛的规则必须促进公平,以致游戏技能是决定谁将在社区锦标赛中赢得或失败比赛的决定性因素。\n c. <b>测试游戏的预发布版本:</b>某些预发布版本的游戏可能会通过SpryFox网络提供给您进行测试(“Beta测试”)。通过Spry Fox网络进行的beta测试将由以下几个方面来控制:\n I. <b>合格:</b>为了参加Beta测试,您必须满足以下要求:\n 1.Spry Fox必须指定您为Beta测试人员;2.在注册Beta测试前,您同意允许Spry Fox从计算机系统获得您将用于参加Beta测试(“系统”)的计算机系统的信息,以便Spry Fox能够确定您是否有资格参加Beta测试。\n II.<b>确认:</b>你确认:\n 1.测试Beta游戏是测试工作的一部分,可能包含可能导致数据丢失和/或损坏计算机系统的缺陷;2.在安装Beta之前,您已经或将要备份您的硬盘驱动器;3.您拥有轻松重新安装操作系统和恢复可能丢失的任何和所有数据所需的资源;4.Spry Fox对数据丢失或系统损坏、与Spry Fox网络失去连接所造成的中断、软件或硬件故障、数据丢失或玩家连接到Spry Fox网络能力的中断都不承担任何责任;Spry Fox可监视和记录与Beta有关的任何和所有电子或其他通信,包括但不限于数据包、聊天、电子邮件、留言板张贴等。6.在Beta测试期间的任何时间,Spry Fox对正在进行Beta测试的游戏可以以任何理由删除或修改SpryFox网络或游戏所存储的信息;7.Spry Fox可以将软件程序文件传输到系统,包括将从系统收集和发送Spry Fox处理器、内存、操作系统、视频卡和声卡信息的程序;以及8.未经SpryFox的明确授权,您不得销售、转让或商业利用对Beta的访问,包括Beta密钥的分发。\n III.<b>终止:</b>Spry Fox可以在任何时间终止Beta测试。当Spry Fox终止Beta测试时,您必须删除Beta以及从Spry Fox收到的与Beta测试相关的所有文档和材料,而且Spry Fox可能会要求您从安装了Beta的任何硬盘驱动器中删除Beta的任何元素。您同意并知悉Spry Fox终止Beta测试不应成为任何退款的理由,包括但不限于数字道具、为访问魔兽世界而购买的时间退款等。iv.<b>协定中适用于Beta测试的章节:</b>参加Beta测试时,本条款第1(D)(Il)(C)条的条款应取代和支配本协议中可能与本协议条款相冲突的任何其他条款。\n 2<b>SPRY FOX的所有权。</b> SPRY FOX是在Spry fox网络,游戏,帐户,和所有的功能和组件的所有的权利,所有权和利益的所有者或持牌人。Spry Fox网络和游戏可能包含由第三方授权给Spry Fox的材料,如果您违反本协议,这些第三方可能会对您强制执行他们的所有权。Spry Fox网络和/或游戏的下列组件由Spry Fox拥有或许可:\n A.在Spry Fox网络或游戏中出现的所有虚拟内容,例如:\n I. <b>画面成分:</b>点,艺术作品,结构或景观设计,动画和视听效果;ll.<b>叙述:</b>主题、概念、故事和剧情;lll.<b>角色:</b>游戏角色的名称、相似之处、目录和捕捉短语;lV.<b>道具:</b>虚拟物品、货币、药剂、可穿戴道具、宠物、坐骑等;B.由Spry Fox网络或游戏产生或发生的所有数据和通信;C.源自Spry Fox网络或游戏的所有声音、音乐创作、录音和音效;D.游戏中的所有录音、游戏重放或比赛再现、战斗、决斗等;E.计算机代码,包括但不限于“小程序”和源代码;F.包含在Spry Fox网络或游戏中的标题,操作方法,软件,相关文件,以及所有其他原创作品;G.所有帐户。请注意,SpryFox拥有所有帐户,所有帐户的使用都将以SpryFox作为受益者。Spry Fox不承认账户的转让。您不得购买、出售、赠送或交易任何帐户,或提议购买、出售、馈赠或交易任何帐户,任何此类企图均属无效,并可能导致帐户被没收;H.与Spry Fox网络或游戏(包括自定义游戏)有关的所有道德权利,如归属权,以及某些原始授权作品的完整性的权利;以及I.创作衍生作品的权利,作为本协议的一部分,您同意您将不创作任何基于Spry Fox网络或游戏的作品,除非本协议或Spry Fox在某些竞赛规则或本协议增编中明文规定的作品除外。\n 3.<b>预装软件。</b> Spry Fox网络可能包含额外的软件,要求您在使用之前同意附加条款(“附加软件”)。\n A. <b>安装。</b>您同意SpryFox可以在您的硬盘上安装额外的软件作为游戏安装的一部分,并在本协议期间不时安装。\n B. <b>使用:</b>除非Spry Fox授予您使用和激活附加软件的有效许可证和字母数字密钥,否则您不得访问、使用、分发、复制、显示、反向工程、来从附加软件派生源代码、修改、拆卸、反编译或创建派生作品。如果Spry Fox向您授予使用和激活附加软件的有效许可证和字母数字密钥,则所有附加软件的使用均应遵守本协议的条款。\n C. <b>复制品:</b>您可以制作(1)份额外软件,仅供存档之用。\n 4.<b>同意监视.</b> 在游戏运行时,游戏可以未经授权的第三方程序监视您的计算机的随机访问内存(RAM)。此处使用的“未经授权的第三方程序”应定义为上文第1(C)(Il)节所禁止的任何第三方软件。如果游戏检测到未经授权的第三方程序,(A)游戏可以将信息反馈给spry Fox,包括您的帐户名称、检测到的未授权第三方程序的详细信息以及时间和日期;和/或(b)spry Fox可以根据本协议行使其所有权限,通知或不事先通知用户。此外,某些游戏还包括一个工具,允许您的计算机系统在游戏崩溃时将信息转发给Spry Fox,包括系统和驱动程序数据,并同意Spry Fox能够接收这些数据。\n 5.<b>有限担保。</b>\n A.Spry Fox网络、帐户和游戏(多个游戏)是在“原样”和“现有”的基础上提供的,没有任何种类的保证,明示或暗示,包括但不限于任何条件不间断使用、适销性、适合某一特定用途、非侵权、所有权以及交易过程或贸易使用过程中产生的默示保证。使用或执行Spry Fox网络和游戏所产生的全部风险仍由用户承担。\n B.尽管如此,Spry Fox保证从您购买游戏许可证之日起90(90)天内,游戏分发媒体(如果有的话)将在材料和工艺上没有缺陷。如果在该时间段内证明此类媒体存在缺陷,并且向Spry Fox提交购买缺陷介质的证明后,Spry Fox可选择:(a)纠正任何缺陷,(b)向您提供类似价值的类似产品,或(c)退款。以上是对你方本条所列明示保证的唯一独家补救办法。有些法域不允许排除或限制默示保证,因此上述限制可能不适用于您。\n C.如果您是澳大利亚居民,则本有限担保提供给您的利益是根据当地法律可能拥有的与保修适用的货物相关的其他权利或补救措施。我们的货物有担保,不能排除在澳大利亚消费者法之外。对于重大故障,您有权得到替换或退款,并对任何其他合理可预见的损失或损坏给予赔偿。如果货物质量不合格,且故障不构成重大故障,你方也有权要求修理或更换商品。载有有限担保的这一条款的规定和载有以下责任和赔偿限制的条款仅在2010年竞争和消费者法(Cth)允许的范围内适用。如果发生重大故障,可获得替换或退款的权利不受SpryFox选择的限制。若要向Spry Fox提交保修申请,请发送电子邮件至Support@spryfox.com。用户负责将媒体返还SpryFox的费用。\n 6.<b>责任的限制。</b> Spry Fox及其子公司和附属公司不应对您使用、无法访问或使用Spry Fox网络、帐户或游戏(多个游戏)而造成的任何损失或损害负责。Spry Fox的责任不得超过您在向Spry Fox提出索赔之前的6个月内向Spry Fox支付的费用总额。\n 7.<b>赔偿。</b>您特此同意为SpryFox辩护并使其免受因您使用SpryFox网络、帐户或游戏、任何特定服务或游戏而产生的第三方索赔、责任、损失、伤害、损害、成本或费用。"
+ body: "<b>STEAMBIRDS ALLIANCE & SPRY FOX NETWORK END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT</b>\n \n LAST REVISED: OCTOBER 6, 2017\n \n CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT (THE “AGREEMENT”) BEFORE INSTALLING STEAMBIRDS ALLIANCE OR USING THE SPRY FOX NETWORK. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MAY NOT INSTALL THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM.\n \n Thank you for your interest in Spry Fox LLC’s (“Spry Fox” or “we”) Spry Fox Network game platform (“Spry Fox Network”) and Spry Fox’s interactive games (“Games”). This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which you are licensed to access the Spry Fox Network, and use Games on the Spry Fox Network. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO INSTALL, COPY OR USE ANY OF THE GAMES OR TO ACCESS THE SPRY FOX NETWORK.\n \n 1. <b>THE SPRY FOX NETWORK ACCOUNT.</b>\n A. <b>Use of the Spry Fox Network Account.</b>To use the Spry Fox Network, you must register, or have previously established, an account on the Spry Fox Network (an “Account”). Creation and use of Accounts are subject to the following terms and conditions:\n I. You may establish an Account only if: (i) you are a “natural person” and an adult in your country of residence (Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, partnerships and other legal or business entities may not establish an Account); and (ii) you are not an individual specifically prohibited by Spry Fox from using Spry Fox Network.\n II. When you create or update an Account, you must provide Spry Fox with accurate and up to date information that is personal to you, such as your name, address, phone number, and email address. Additionally, in order to play certain Games or use certain features offered on Spry Fox Network, you may be also be required to provide Spry Fox with payment information (such as credit card information). Spry Fox’s retention of your personal information is subject to Spry Fox’s SFN Privacy Policy, located at http://spryfox.com/spry-fox-network-privacy-policy. Spry Fox shall also have the right to obtain non personal data from your connection to Spry Fox Network.\n III. When you create an Account, you will be required to select a unique username and password (collectively referred to hereunder as “Login Information”). You cannot share the Account or the Login Information with anyone, unless the terms of this Agreement allow it.\n IV. You must maintain the confidentiality of the Login Information, as you are responsible for all uses of the Login Information and the Account, including purchases, whether or not authorized by you. If you become aware of or reasonably suspect any breach of security, including without limitation any loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of the Login Information, you must immediately notify Spry Fox at support@spryfox.com.\n V. Subject to the laws of your country of residence, minor children may utilize an Account established by their parent or legal guardian. In the event that you permit your minor child or legal ward (collectively, your “Child”) to use an Account on Spry Fox Network, you hereby agree to this Agreement on behalf of yourself and your Child, and you understand and agree that you will be responsible for all uses of the Account by your Child whether or not such uses were authorized by you.\n VI. Your use of Spry Fox Network and Games to interact with Spry Fox and other players is governed by Spry Fox’s In-Game Policies (the “In-game Policies”). The In-Game Policies are not meant to be exhaustive, and will generally be announced and updated in the Games’ official discussion forums. These In-game Policies apply to all Games:\n a. We encourage our players to cooperate and compete in our games, but crossing the line into abuse is never acceptable. If you come across a player violating the policies below, you should report them to support@spryfox.com.\n b. When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.\n c. Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions.\n d. You are prohibited from carrying out any action with a disruptive, malicious or dangerous effect on the “Chat” (in-game communication) experience, including but not limited to:\n i. Intentionally causing the Chat screen to scroll faster than other users are able to read, or setting up macros with large amounts of text that, when used, can have a disruptive effect on the normal flow of Chat;\n ii. Posting commercial solicitations and/or advertisements for goods and services available outside of the Games;\n iii. Sending repeated unsolicited or unwelcome messages to a single user or repeatedly posting similar messages in a Chat area, including without limitation continuous advertisements to sell goods or services; and\n iv. Communicating or posting any user’s personal information in the Games, or on websites or forums related to the Games, except that a user may communicate his or her own personal information in a private message directed to a single user.\n e. Names are subject to the same rules established above. Any name the player has the ability to customize—such as player names and guild names—must be appropriate and inoffensive. Any name that violates our standards will be changed, and additional limitations may be placed on the offending account per our discretion. Take note that acceptable names are determined by player reports and Spry Fox’s decision. In particular, you may not use any name:\n i. Belonging to another person with the intent to impersonate that person, including without limitation an “Admin” or any other employee or agent of Spry Fox;\n ii. That incorporates vulgar language or which are otherwise offensive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;\n iii. Subject to the rights of any other person or entity without written authorization from that person or entity;\n iv. That belongs to a popular culture figure, celebrity, or media personality;\n v. That is, contains, or is substantially similar to a trademark or service mark, whether registered or not; or is\n vi. Related to drugs, sex, alcohol, or criminal activity.\n f. You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.\n g. Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.\n h. If you’re unsure if your actions violate this code of conduct, reconsider them. We reserve the right to restrict offending accounts as much as necessary to keep Spry Fox’s Games a fun experience for all players.\n VII. You agree to pay all fees and applicable taxes incurred by you or anyone using your Account. If you choose a recurring subscription for a Game, you acknowledge that payments will be processed automatically (e.g., charged to your credit card) until you cancel the subscription or the Account. Spry Fox may revise the pricing for the goods and services offered through Spry Fox Network at any time. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SPRY FOX IS NOT REQUIRED TO REFUND AMOUNTS YOU PAY TO SPRY FOX FOR THE USE OF SPRY FOX NETWORK, OR FOR PURCHASES MADE THROUGH SPRY FOX NETWORK, FOR ANY REASON.\n VIII. Spry Fox shall have the right to monitor and/or record your communications when you use the Spry Fox Network, and you acknowledge and agree that when you use the Spry Fox Network, that you have no expectation that your communications will be private. Spry Fox shall have the right to disclose your communications for any reason, including : (a) to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request; (b) to enforce the terms of this Agreement or any other Spry Fox policy; (c) to protect Spry Fox’s legal rights and remedies; (d) to protect the health or safety of anyone that Spry Fox believes may be threatened; or (e) to report a crime or other offensive behavior.\n B. <b>Grant of License.</b>If you accept and comply with the terms of this Agreement, Spry Fox will grant, and you will receive, a non-sub licensable, and non-exclusive license to use the Spry Fox Network and Games subject to the “License Limitations,” set forth in Section 1(C) below, as follows:\n I. You may use the Spry Fox Network and Games for your personal and non-commercial entertainment purposes only, unless specifically allowed under the terms of this Agreement.\n II. You may not transfer your rights and obligations to use the Spry Fox Network.\n III. With regards to Games purchased from retailers on original media (e.g., on CD-ROM, DVD, etc.) you may permanently transfer all of your rights and obligations related to the use of a Game under this Agreement to another person who agrees to the terms of this Agreement by physically transferring the original media, original packaging, and all manuals or other documentation distributed with the Game provided that you permanently delete all copies and installations of the Game in your possession or control. You agree to be solely responsible for any taxes, fees, charges, duties, withholdings, assessments, and the like, together with any interest, penalties, and additions imposed in connection with such transfer. Other than as set forth above, Spry Fox does not recognize any purported transfer of the Games; and\n IV. Some of the Games playable on the Spry Fox Network may be subject to specific license terms that may include the following: (1) In certain cases, the “full version,” of Games can only be played after you purchase a license for the Game, and (2) You may play the Game(s) you have licensed at publicly available cyber cafés or computer gaming centers on Spry Fox Network through an Account registered to you.\n C. <b>License Limitations.</b>Spry Fox may revoke your license to use the Spry Fox Network and/or the Games if you violate, or assist others in violating, the license limitations set forth below. You agree that you will not, in whole or in part or under any circumstances, do the following:\n I. <u>Derivative Works:</u> Copy or reproduce (except as provided in Section 1(B)), translate, reverse engineer, derive source code from, modify, disassemble, decompile, or create derivative works based on or related to the Games.\n II. <u>Cheating:</u> Create, use, offer, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:\n a. <b>Cheats;</b> i.e. methods, not expressly authorized by Spry Fox, influencing and/or facilitating the gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods\n b. <b>Bots;</b> i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Spry Fox, that allows the automated control of a Game, Spry Fox Network and/or any component or feature thereof, e.g. the automated control of a character in a Game;\n c. <b>Hacks;</b> i.e. accessing or modifying the software of a Game or the Spry Fox Network in an manner, not expressly authorized by Spry Fox; and/or\n d. Any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Spry Fox, that can be used in connection with the Spry Fox Network, a Game and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay.\n III. <u>Prohibited Commercial Uses:</u> Exploit, in their entirety or individual components, the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s) for any purpose not expressly authorized by Spry Fox, including, without limitation (i) gathering in-game currency, items, or resources for sale outside of the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s); (ii) performing in-game services, like power-leveling, in exchange for payment outside of the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s); or (iii) communicating or facilitating (by text, live audio communications, or otherwise) any commercial advertisement, solicitation or offer through or within the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s).\n IV. <u>Data Mining:</u> Use third-party software that intercepts, collects, reads, or “mines” information generated or stored by the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s); provided, however, that Spry Fox may, at its sole and absolute discretion, allow the use of certain third-party user interfaces;\n V. <u>Duplicated Items:</u> Create, utilize or transact in any in-game item created or copied by exploiting a design flaw, undocumented problem, or program bug in the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s);\n VI. <u>Matchmaking:</u> Host, provide or develop matchmaking services for the Game(s), or intercept, emulate or redirect the communication protocols used by Spry Fox in any way, for any purpose, including without limitation unauthorized play over the internet, network play (except as expressly authorized by Spry Fox), or as part of content aggregation networks;\n VII. <u>Unauthorized Connections:</u> Facilitate, create or maintain any unauthorized connection to the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s) including without limitation (i) any connection to any unauthorized server that emulates, or attempts to emulate, the Spry Fox Network; and (ii) any connection using third-party programs or tools not expressly authorized by Spry Fox;\n VIII. <u>Transfers:</u> Attempt to sell, sublicense, rent, lease, grant a security interest in or otherwise transfer any copy of the Game(s) or your rights to the Game(s) to any other party in any way not expressly authorized herein;\n IX. <u>Disruption:</u> Disrupt or assist in the disruption of (i) any computer used to support the Spry Fox Network or any Game environment; or (ii) any other player’s Game experience. ANY ATTEMPT BY YOU TO DISRUPT THE SPRY FOX NETWORK OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF ANY GAME MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS.\n X. <u>Violation of Laws:</u> Use a Game, or the Spry Fox Network, to violate any applicable law or regulation.\n D. <b>Game and Spry Fox Network Features.</b>\n I. <u>Spry Fox Network Features:</u>\n a. <b>Advertising:</b> Spry Fox’s Games and the Spry Fox Network may incorporate third-party technology that enables advertising on the Spry Fox Network and/or in certain Games playable on the Spry Fox Network, which may be downloaded temporarily to your personal computer and replaced during online game play. As part of this process, Spry Fox and/or its authorized third party advertisers may collect standard information that is sent when your personal computer connects to the Internet including your Internet protocol (IP) address.\n b. <b>User Created or Uploaded Content:</b> The Spry Fox Network and certain Games may provide you an opportunity to upload and display content on the Spry Fox Network and/or as part of a Game, including the compilation, arrangement or display of such content (collectively, the “User Content”). User Content specifically does not include a Custom Game, as defined in Section 1(D)(II)(a) below. You hereby grant Spry Fox a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, fully paid up, non-exclusive right and license to exploit the User Content and all elements thereof, in any and all media, formats and forms, known now or hereafter devised. Spry Fox shall have the unlimited right to copy, reproduce, fix, modify, adapt, translate, reformat, prepare derivatives, add to and delete from, rearrange and transpose, manufacture, publish, distribute, sell, license, sublicense, transfer, rent, lease, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, provide access to, broadcast, and practice the User Content as well as all modified and derivative works thereof and any and all elements contained therein, and use or incorporate a portion or portions of the User Content or the elements thereof in conjunction with or into any other material. Except to the extent that any such waiver is prohibited by law, you hereby waive the benefit of any provision of law known as “moral rights” or “droit moral” or any similar law in any country of the world. You represent and warrant that the User Content does not infringe upon the copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other intellectual property rights of any third party. To the extent permitted by applicable laws, you hereby waive any moral rights you may have in any User Content. You further represent and warrant that you will not use or contribute User Content that is unlawful, tortious, defamatory, obscene, invasive of the privacy of another person, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful, racist or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate. Spry Fox may remove any User Content and any related content or elements from Spry Fox Network at its sole discretion.\n II. <u>Game Features:</u>\n a. <b>Game Editors:</b> Certain Games include editing software (hereafter referred as “Game Editor(s)”) that will allow you to create custom games, levels, maps, scenarios or other content (“Custom Games”). For purposes of this Agreement and any agreements referenced herein, “Custom Games” includes all content created using the Game Editor(s), including but not limited to all digital files associated with such Custom Games, as well as (1) all content contained within such files, including but not limited to player and non-player characters, audio and video elements, environments, objects, items, skins, and textures, (2) all titles, trademarks, trade names, character names, or other names and phrases associated with or included within the Custom Game, and (3) any other intellectual property rights contained within the Custom Game, including any and all content, game concepts, methods or ideas. A Custom Game may only be used with the Game’s engine that is associated with a particular Game Editor. The manner in which Custom Games can be used or exploited is as follows:\n i. Custom Game developers may not develop Custom Games that include a mechanism that allows the developer to limit access to the Custom Game to certain users.\n ii. Custom Games are and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Spry Fox. Without limiting the foregoing, you hereby assign to Spry Fox all of your rights, title and interest in and to all Custom Games, and agree that should Spry Fox decide that it is necessary, you agree to execute future assignments promptly upon receiving such a request from Spry Fox. Additionally, Spry Fox shall have the right to maintain the Custom Game even if the developer of the Custom Game requests that Spry Fox remove the Custom Game from any platform or service.\n iii. You represent and warrant that neither the content you use to create any Custom Games or upload to the Service, nor the compilation, arrangement or display of such content (collectively, the “User Content”), infringes or will infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other intellectual property right of any third party. You further represent and warrant that you will not use or contribute User Content that is unlawful, tortious, defamatory, obscene, invasive of the privacy of another person, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful, racist or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate.\n iv. Custom Game developers cannot develop Custom Games for profit at this time. Accordingly, a Custom Game cannot be sold, licensed, rented, nor can the Custom Game contain features that would support purchase transactions of any tangible or intangible content.\n b. <b>Community Tournaments:</b> In order to support local e-sports tournament activities, Spry Fox hereby grants you a limited, revocable license and right to organize and host small, community tournaments, or a series of tournaments utilizing certain Games (“Community Tournaments”) subject to your compliance with the following conditions:\n i. The total value of all prizes to be awarded during a Community Tournament must be less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00 USD) or the equivalent;\n ii. You may not charge fees of any kind for spectators to watch the Community Tournament;\n iii. A Community Tournament cannot be sponsored by any companies that sell or promote any of the following products: Pornography (or extremely mature materials); alcohol; tobacco; firearms; competitive online computer games; gambling websites; or any company that is detrimental to Spry Fox’s business (hacking, gold services, account selling, key sellers);\n iv. Community Tournaments must comply with all applicable laws and regulations; and\n v. The rules of the Community Tournament must promote fairness such that skill in playing the Game is what determines who will win or lose a match in the Community Tournament.\n c. <b>Beta Testing Pre-Release Versions of Games:</b> Certain pre-release versions of Games may be made available to you through the Spry Fox Network for testing (“Beta Testing”). Beta Testing through the Spry Fox Network will be governed by the following:\n i. <b>Eligibility:</b> In order to participate in a Beta Test, you must meet the following requirements:\n 1. Spry Fox must designate you as a Beta tester;\n 2. You agree to allow Spry Fox to obtain hardware and software information from the computer system that you will use to take part in the Beta Test (the “System”) prior to registration for the Beta Test in order for Spry Fox to determine if you are eligible to participate in the Beta.\n ii. <b>Acknowledgments:</b> You acknowledge that:\n 1. the Game being Beta Tested is a work in progress and may contain bugs which may cause loss of data and/or damage to your computer system;\n 2. you have, or will, back-up your hard drive prior to installation of the Beta;\n 3. you have the resources necessary to easily reinstall your operating system and restore any and all data that may be lost;\n 4. Spry Fox is not liable in any way for the loss of data or damage to the System, interruptions due to a lost connection to Spry Fox Network, software or hardware failures, or loss of data or disruption of the player’s ability to connect to Spry Fox Network;\n 5. Spry Fox may monitor and record any and all communications, electronic or otherwise, pertaining to the Beta including, without limitation, packets, chat, email, message board postings, etc.;\n 6. Spry Fox may delete or modify the information stored by the Spry Fox Network or the Game being Beta Tested for any reason at any time during the duration of the Beta Test;\n 7. Spry Fox may transfer software program files to the System, including a program that will collect and send Spry Fox CPU, RAM, operating system, video card, and sound card information from the System; and\n 8. You may not sell, transfer or commercially exploit access to a Beta, including the distribution of Beta keys without Spry Fox’s express authorization.\n iii. <b>Termination:</b> Spry Fox can terminate a Beta Test at any time. When Spry Fox terminates a Beta Test, you must delete the Beta and all documents and materials you received from Spry Fox in connection with the Beta Test, and you may be asked by Spry Fox to remove any elements of the Beta from any hard drives on which the Beta has been installed. You agree and acknowledge that Spry Fox’s termination of the Beta Test shall not be grounds for any refunds of any kind, including, but not limited to, digital items, refunds for time purchased to access World of Warcraft, etc.\n iv. <b>Sections of the Agreement Applicable to Beta Tests:</b> When participating in a Beta Test, the terms of this Section 1(D)(II)(c) shall supersede and govern over any other Section of this Agreement which may be in conflict with the terms of this.\n 2. <b>SPRY FOX’S OWNERSHIP.</b>Spry Fox is the owner or licensee of all right, title, and interest in and to the Spry Fox Network, the Games, Accounts, and all of the features and components thereof. The Spry Fox Network and the Games may contain materials licensed by third-parties to Spry Fox, and these third-parties may enforce their ownership rights against you in the event that you violate this Agreement. The following components of the Spry Fox Network and/or the Games, are owned or licensed by Spry Fox:\n A. All virtual content appearing within the Spry Fox Network or the Games, such as:\n I. <b>Visual Components:</b> Locations, artwork, structural or landscape designs, animations, and audio-visual effects;\n II. <b>Narrations:</b> Themes, concepts, stories, and storylines;\n III. <b>Characters:</b> The names, likenesses, inventories, and catch phrases of Game characters;\n IV. <b>Items:</b> Virtual goods, currency, potions, wearable items, pets, mounts, etc.;\n B. All data and communications generated by, or occurring through, the Spry Fox Network or the Games;\n C. All sounds, musical compositions, recordings, and sound effects originating in the Spry Fox Network or the Games;\n D. All recordings, Game replays, or reenactments of in-game matches, battles, duels, etc.;\n E. Computer code, including but not limited to “Applets” and source code;\n F. Titles, methods of operation, software, related documentation, and all other original works of authorship contained in the Spry Fox Network or the Games;\n G. All Accounts. Note that Spry Fox owns all Accounts, and that all use of an Account shall inure to Spry Fox’s benefit. Spry Fox does not recognize the transfer of Accounts. You may not purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, or offer to purchase, sell, gift, or trade any Account, and any such attempt shall be null and void and may result in the forfeiture of the Account;\n H. All Moral Rights that relate to the Spry Fox Network or a Game, including Custom Games, such as the right of attribution, and the right to the integrity of certain original works of authorship; and\n I. The right to create derivative works, and as part of this Agreement, you agree that you will not create any work based on the Spry Fox Network or the Games, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement or otherwise by Spry Fox in certain contest rules or addendum to this Agreement.\n 3. <b>PRE-LOADED SOFTWARE.</b>Spry Fox Network may contain additional software that requires you to agree to additional terms prior to your use (“Additional Software”).\n A. <b>Installation:</b> You agree that Spry Fox may install Additional Software on your hard drive as part of the installation of the Games, and from time to time during the term of this Agreement.\n B. <b>Use:</b> Unless Spry Fox grants you a valid license and alphanumeric key to use and activate the Additional Software, you may not access, use, distribute, copy, display, reverse engineer, derive source code from, modify, disassemble, decompile or create derivative works based on the Additional Software. In the event that Spry Fox grants to you a valid license and alphanumeric key to use and activate the Additional Software, all use of the Additional Software shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement.\n C. <b>Copies:</b> You may make one (1) copy of the Additional Software for archival purposes only.\n 4. <b>CONSENT TO MONITOR.</b>WHEN RUNNING, A GAME MAY MONITOR YOUR COMPUTER’S RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY (RAM) FOR UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAMS RUNNING CONCURRENTLY WITH THE GAME. AN “UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAM” AS USED HEREIN SHALL BE DEFINED AS ANY THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE PROHIBITED BY SECTION 1(C)(II) ABOVE. IN THE EVENT THAT THE GAME DETECTS AN UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAM, (a) THE GAME MAY COMMUNICATE INFORMATION BACK TO SPRY FOX, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION YOUR ACCOUNT NAME, DETAILS ABOUT THE UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAM DETECTED, AND THE TIME AND DATE; AND/OR (b) SPRY FOX MAY EXERCISE ANY OR ALL OF ITS RIGHTS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, WITH OR WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE TO THE USER. Additionally, certain Games include a tool that will allow your computer system to forward information to Spry Fox in the event that the Game crashes, including system and driver data, and consent to Spry Fox being able to receive this data.\n 5. <b>LIMITED WARRANTY.</b>\n A. THE SPRY FOX NETWORK, ACCOUNTS, AND THE GAME(S) ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE,” BASIS FOR USE, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF CONDITION UNINTERRUPTED USE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT, TITLE, AND THOSE ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the Spry Fox Network and the Game(s) remains with the user.\n B. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Spry Fox warrants up to and including ninety (90) days from the date of your purchase of a license to the Game that the media on which the Game was distributed, if any, shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. In the event that such media proves to be defective during that time period, and upon presentation to Spry Fox of proof of purchase of the defective media, Spry Fox will at its option: (a) correct any defect, (b) provide you with a similar product of similar value, or (c) refund your money. THE FOREGOING IS YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties so the above limitations may not apply to you.\n C. If you are a resident of Australia, the benefits provided to you by this Limited Warranty are in addition to other rights or remedies you may have under local laws related to the goods to which the warranty applies. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. The provisions of this clause containing the Limited Warranty and the clause containing the Limitation of Liability and Indemnity below apply only to the extent permitted by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). The entitlement to a replacement or a refund for a major failure is not subject to Spry Fox’s option. To submit a warranty claim to Spry Fox, please email support@spryfox.com. The user is responsible for the costs of returning media to Spry Fox.\n 6. <b>LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY.</b>Spry Fox, its subsidiaries and affiliates shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of, or inability to access or use, the Spry Fox Network, Accounts or the Game(s). Spry Fox’s liability shall never exceed the total fees paid by you to Spry Fox during the six (6) months prior to your making a claim against Spry Fox.\n 7. <b>INDEMNITY.</b> You hereby agree to defend and indemnify Spry Fox against and from any third party claims, liabilities, losses, injuries, damages, costs or expenses incurred by Spry Fox arising out of or from your use of the Spry Fox Network, Account or the Game(s), any specific services or"
checkbox_0: He leído y acepto las Condiciones del servicio de Steambirds Alliance.
title: Contrato de licencia del usuario final de Steambirds Alliance y la red de Spry Fox
- body: "生效日期:2018年5月25日\n \n 以下的隐私政策适用于进行如下活动的人群:\n -玩Spry Fox游戏,且游戏通过iTunes、GooglePlay或任何其他托管我们游戏的服务链接到此隐私政策:\n -使用SpryFox网站\n -订阅SpryFox新闻稿,或\n -通过Spry Fox电子邮件或其他方式与SpryFox通信。\n \n 此项私隐政策描述了以下内容:\n -我们收集关于您的个人数据的方式,以及为什么我们这样做,\n -我们如何使用您的个人数据,以及\n -您对您的个人数据拥有的权利。\n \n 我们可能更新这一隐私政策,以反映我们信息实践的变化。如果我们做出任何实质性的改变,我们将通过电子邮件(发送到您的帐户中指定的电子邮件地址)或在更改生效之前通过本网站通知您。我们鼓励您定期查看本页面,以了解关于我们隐私实践的最新信息。\n \n 玩Spry Fox游戏、使用Spry Fox网站、订阅Spry Fox时事通讯或与Spry Fox通信,即表示您同意本政策以及以本政策提供的方式对您的数据(包括个人信息)的处理。如果您不同意这些条款,请不要从事这些活动。\n \n <size=+8><b>联系我们</b></size>\n \n 如果您对数据保护有任何疑问,或者您有任何解决个人数据问题的请求,请通过电子邮件与我们联系:support@spryfox.com。\n \n -控权人姓名:Spry Fox LLC\n -地址:Spry Fox LLC,PO Box 1875,Bellaire,TX 77402-1875\n -电子邮件:support@spryfox.com\n \n <size=+8><b>我们收集的数据</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>您提供的数据</b></size>\n \n 我们的一些游戏、网站、通讯和其他通信方式使您能够提供以下部分或全部信息:\n \n -联系信息(如姓名和电子邮件地址)\n -玩家姓名和密码\n -配置文件信息(如个人资料照片)\n -游戏中的消息(如聊天日志)\n -您向我们发送的关于游戏的消息(例如日志和玩家支持工单)\n -其他您选择向我们提供的数据(例如识别丢失帐户的数据)\n \n <size=+4><b>我们自动收集的数据:</b></size>\n \n -关于您的帐户和游戏进度的数据\n -您的IP地址和移动设备标识符(例如您的设备ID、广告ID、MAC地址、IMEI)\n -关于您的设备的数据,如设备名称和操作系统、浏览器类型和语言\n -我们使用cookie和类似技术收集的数据(更多信息详见下文)\n -通用位置数据\n -精确的地理位置数据(GPS,经您同意)\n -关于您使用游戏或网站的数据,例如游戏数据以及在大多数情况下您与游戏中其他玩家的交互信息\n \n 在大多数情况下,在您玩我们的游戏时,我们还为您创建了一个SpryFox专用ID。\n \n <size=+4><b>我们从合作伙伴那里收集的数据:</b></size>\n \n -由于您将第三方工具链接到游戏(如Facebook、微信或Google),我们因此受到的数据\n -人口统计数据(例如确定IP地址的粗略位置)\n -用于打击欺诈的数据(如游戏中的退款滥用或广告中的点击欺诈)\n -运行游戏的平台数据(例如验证支付)\n -用于广告和分析目的的数据,以便我们更好地为您服务\n \n <size=+4><b>邀请好友</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox可能会允许您邀请来自社交网络服务的联系人(例如您的 Facebook 好友),以便可以在Spry Fox游戏中找到这些联系人,以及/或您可以邀请他们加入Spry Fox游戏。这些联系信息将用于向收件人发送通信。\n \n <size=+4><b>交流</b></size>\n \n 当您联系我们的客户服务小组,或如果您订阅SpryFox新闻或论坛时,我们可能会收集您的电子邮件地址。我们可以使用该电子邮件与您联系,询问您的SpryFox游戏体验,并向您发送有关本公司的新闻和促销信息。如果您不再希望收到此类电子邮件通知,您可以随时选择退订,方法是点击邮件中的取消订阅链接,或发送电子邮件至support@spryfox.com。\n \n <size=+4><b>推送通知</b></size>\n \n 我们会时常通过我们的移动应用程序向您发送推送通知,以便向您发送游戏更新、最高分和其他可能对您来说重要的服务相关通知。您可以随时选择不再接收此类通信,方法是在所用设备的设置中将其关闭\n \n <size=+8><b>我们为什么收集您的数据</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>让游戏正常运行并为您提供服务</b></size>\n \n 为了履行合同,我们处理必要的数据,以便:\n \n - 创建帐户,允许您玩我们的游戏和使用我们的服务\n - 运行游戏和服务\n - 验证和确认付款\n - 提供和交付您所要求的产品和服务\n - 发送通信\n \n <size=+4><b>使我们的游戏更能满足我们的玩家需求</b></size>\n \n 为了为我们的玩家提供一款优秀的游戏,我们有正当理由收集和处理必要的数据,以便:\n \n - 更新和开发玩家档案\n - 开发及改进游戏和玩家体验\n - 管理我们与您的关系\n - 提供社交功能,将其作为游戏的一部分\n - 定制您的体验\n - 回应您的评论和问题,并提供玩家支持\n - 在游戏中和其他网站及服务中以及通过电子邮件向您提供Spry Fox优惠信息\n - 向您发送相关信息,如更新、安全警报、支持信息\n - 使您能够与其他玩家交流\n \n <size=+4><b>显示个性化广告</b></size>\n \n 在游戏中以及在其他网站和服务中(包括电子邮件)中显示个性化广告,我们有正当理由处理必要的数据,以便:\n \n -跟踪您访问的、与游戏和在线行为相关的内容\n -交付、精确推送和改进我们的广告和游戏\n \n 如需了解如何不再接收个性化广告,请参阅下面的“您的权利和选项”部分。\n \n <size=+4><b>为了维护游戏的安全与公平</b></size>\n \n 确保游戏中的公平竞争是我们的首要任务。为了维护游戏及其社交功能的安全和公平,为了打击欺诈并确保可以接受的使用,我们有正当理由处理必要的数据,以便:\n \n - 分析和监测游戏的使用及其社交功能\n - 自动或手动规范聊天内容\n - 对欺诈或行为不端的玩家采取行动\n \n <size=+4><b>为了分析、描述和分割</b></size>\n \n 对于上述所有案例和目的,我们可以分析、描述和分割所有收集到的数据。\n \n <size=+4><b>经过您的同意</b></size>\n \n 经过您的同意,我们可以处理您的数据以作其他用途,例如使用您的GPS位置显示您的本地事件。\n \n <size=+8><b>谁能看见您的数据</b></size>\n \n 除了Spry Fox,您的数据可以在如下情况被他人访问:\n \n <size=+4><b>其他玩家及用户</b></size>\n \n 社交功能和/或多人游戏是我们一些游戏的核心组成部分。例如,其他玩家和用户可能会看到您的个人资料、游戏中的活动并阅读您发布的消息。\n \n <size=+4><b>为Spry Fox工作的合作伙伴</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox的一些合作伙伴为我们提供服务。这些合作伙伴只根据Spry Fox的指示处理您的数据以为游戏提供支持,如托管、玩家支持、分析和欺诈预防。\n \n <size=+4><b>其他公司及公共授权</b></size>\n \n 为了打击欺诈和非法活动,我们可以与其他公司和组织交换数据,并应合法的请求向公共当局提供数据。我们还可以根据您的同意披露您的数据以遵守法律或保护权益、我们的财产或安全,以及我们的玩家或其他人。\n \n <size=+4><b>广告和社交媒体合作伙伴</b></size>\n \n 一些游戏中包含由我们的合作伙伴提供的功能,如社交媒体互动工具和游戏内置广告。可访问以下网址查阅这些合作伙伴的名单:http://spryfox.com/legal-stuff/partner-policies/这些合作伙伴可以访问您的数据并根据他们自己的隐私政策开展运营。我们鼓励您查看他们的隐私政策,以了解更多关于他们对数据的处理实践操作。\n \n <size=+4><b>金融活动</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox可以在任何并购、出售我们的资产、融资或收购我们的全部或部分业务给另一家公司的过程中分享您的信息。我们将通过电子邮件和/或在网站上发布通知,告知您有关个人信息的所有权或用户的任何变更。\n \n <size=+4><b>汇总或匿名信息</b></size>\n \n 我们可以与广告商、出版商、商业伙伴、赞助商和其他第三方共享关于您的汇总或匿名信息。\n \n <size=+8><b>您的权利与选项</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>退订营销电子邮件和其他直接营销信息</b></size>\n \n 您可以遵循此类通信中的说明,选择不再接收促销通信,如我们的营销电子邮件。\n \n <size=+4><b>退订定向广告</b></size>\n \n 您可以选择退订基于兴趣的移动应用广告,方法是检查您的Android或iOS设备的隐私设置,选择“限制广告跟踪”(苹果 IOS)或“选择退出基于兴趣的广告”(安卓)。此外,请访问http://aboutads.info/appchoices,了解并下载数字广告联盟的消费者精选应用AppChoices,该应用程序允许您直接退订应用中所列出的公司发送的广告。\n \n <size=+4><b>访问我们持有的关于您的个人数据</b></size>\n \n 如果您有此要求,我们将提供您个人资料的电子格式副本。\n \n <size=+4><b>您的其他权利</b></size>\n \n 您还有权发送电子邮件至support@spryfox.com以更正您的数据、删除您的数据,并反对我们使用或共享您的数据的方式。\n \n <size=+8><b>Cookie和类似技术</b></size>\n \n 如大多数在线服务一样,我们和我们的合作伙伴使用cookie和类似的技术来提供和个性化我们的网站和游戏、分析使用、投放定向广告并防止欺诈。您可以在浏览器设置中禁用cookie,但是我们的网站和游戏的某些部分可能无法正常工作。\n \n <size=+8><b>我们如何保护您的数据</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>安全保障</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox采取合理的措施,以保护您的信息不被其他人未经授权而访问,或保护您的信息不至遗失、遭到滥用或被第三方更改。\n \n 虽然我们真诚地努力将收集到的信息储存在一个公众无法获得的安全操作环境中,但我们不能保证这些信息在传输过程中或存储在我们的系统中是绝对安全的。此外,虽然我们试图确保我们的网络和系统的完整性和安全性,但我们不能保证我们的安全措施将防止第三方“黑客”非法获取这些信息。我们不保证或表示您的信息将受到保护以免受遗失、遭到第三方的滥用或更改。然而,没有哪种互联网传输方法或电子存储方法是100%安全的。因此,我们不能保证此类信息的绝对安全。\n \n <size=+4><b>数据保留</b></size>\n \n 只要您的帐户是活跃的,或我们需要为您提供服务,我们就会保留您的数据。\n \n 请注意,如果您要求我们删除您的个人资料,我们将因我们合法商业利益的必要而保留您的资料,例如以便遵守我们的法律义务、解决争端并执行我们的协议。\n \n <size=+8><b>年龄限制</b></size>\n \n 我们不会故意向13岁以下的人收集或索取个人数据。如果您不满13岁,请不要向我们发送任何关于您自己的数据,包括您的姓名、地址、电话号码或电子邮件地址。13岁以下的用户不得提供任何个人数据。如果我们知晓我们收集了13岁以下儿童的个人数据,我们会尽快删除这些数据。如果您认为我们可能有来自或关于13岁以下儿童的任何数据,请通过电子邮件联系我们:support@spryfox.com。\n \n 关于如何维护儿童在互联网上的安全的其他提示,我们建议您访问以下网站:\n \n http://www.ftc.gov/privacy/privacyinitiatives/childrens.html\n http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/tech/tec14.shtm\n http://www.onguardonline.gov/features/feature-0002-featured-info-parents\n \n <size=+8><b>有其他问题和评论吗?</b></size>\n \n 如果您对于此隐私政策有任何问题或评论,请随时通过电子邮件联系我们,电子邮箱地址为:support@spryfox.com。"
+ body: "Effective Date: May 25, 2018\n \n The following Privacy Policy applies to people:\n - Playing Spry Fox games that link to this Privacy Policy from iTunes, Google Play, or any other service that hosts our games;\n - Using Spry Fox websites;\n - Subscribing to Spry Fox newsletters; or\n - Communicating with Spry Fox by email or other means.\n \n This Privacy Policy describes:\n - The ways we collect personal data about you and why we do so,\n - How we use your personal data, and\n - The choices you have about your personal data.\n \n We may update this privacy policy to reflect changes to our information practices. If we make any material changes we will notify you by email (sent to the e-mail address specified in your account) or by means of a notice on this Site prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.\n \n By playing Spry Fox games, using Spry Fox websites, subscribing to Spry Fox newsletters, or communicating with Spry Fox, you are expressing your agreement to this Policy and the processing of your data, including your personal information, in the manner provided in this Policy. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not engage in those activities.\n \n <size=+8><b>CONTACT US</b></size>\n \n If you have questions about data protection, or if you have any requests for resolving issues with your personal data, please contact us via an email to support@spryfox.com.\n \n - Name of the controller: Spry Fox LLC\n - Address: Spry Fox LLC, PO Box 1875, Bellaire, TX 77402-1875\n - Email: support@spryfox.com\n \n <size=+8><b>THE DATA WE COLLECT</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>Data you provide</b></size>\n \n Some of our games, websites, newsletters, and other means of communication enable you to provide some or all of the following information:\n \n - Contact information (such as name and email address)\n - Player name and password\n - Profile information (such as profile photo)\n - Your messages within the game (such as chat logs)\n - Your messages to us about the game (such as logs and player support tickets)\n - Other data you choose to give us (such as data to identify a lost account)\n \n <size=+4><b>Data we collect automatically:</b></size>\n \n - Data about your account and game progress\n - Your IP address and mobile device identifiers (such as your device ID, advertising ID, MAC address, IMEI)\n - Data about your device, such as device name and operating system, browser type and language\n - Data we collect with cookies and similar technologies (see more below)\n - General location data\n - Precise geo-location data (GPS, with your consent)\n - Data about your use of the game or website, such as gameplay data and your interactions with other players inside the game\n \n In most cases, we also create a Spry Fox-specific ID for you when you play our games.\n \n <size=+4><b>Data we collect from our partners:</b></size>\n \n - Data we receive if you link a third-party tool with the game (such as Facebook, WeChat or Google)\n - Demographic data (such as to determine the coarse location of your IP address)\n - Data to fight fraud (such as refund abuse in games or click fraud in advertising)\n - Data from platforms that the games run on (such as to verify payment)\n - Data for advertising and analytics purposes, so we can serve you better\n \n <size=+4><b>Invite a friend</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox may offer you the opportunity to invite your contacts from a social networking service (such as your Facebook friends) so that those contacts can be located in Spry Fox games and/or you can invite them to join you in Spry Fox games. Such contact information will be used for the purpose of sending communications to the addressee.\n \n <size=+4><b>Communications</b></size>\n \n We may collect your email address when you contact our customer service group, or if you subscribe to Spry Fox newsletters or forums. We may use that email address to contact you about your gaming experience with Spry Fox games and notify you about company news and promotions. If you no longer wish to receive those sorts of email notifications, you may opt-out at any time by following the unsubscribe link located within communications that have such a link, or by emailing support@spryfox.com.\n \n <size=+4><b>Push notifications</b></size>\n \n We may occasionally send you push notifications through our mobile applications to send you game updates, high scores and other service-related notifications that may be of importance to you. You may at any time opt-out from receiving these types of communications by turning them off at the device level through your settings.\n \n <size=+8><b>WHY DO WE COLLECT YOUR DATA</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>To make the game work and provide you services</b></size>\n \n To perform the contract, we process data necessary to:\n \n - Create accounts and allow you to play our games and use our services\n - Operate the games and services\n - Verify and confirm payments\n - Provide and deliver products and services you request\n - Send you communications\n \n <size=+4><b>To make the game more suitable for our players</b></size>\n \n To provide a great game to our players, we have a legitimate interest to collect and process necessary data to:\n \n - Update and develop player profiles\n - Develop and improve the game and player experience\n - Manage our relationship with you\n - Provide social features as part of the game\n - Customize your experience\n - Respond to your comments and questions and provide player support\n - Provide you Spry Fox offers in the game as well as in other websites and services, and by email\n - Send you related information, such as updates, security alerts, and support messages\n - Enable you to communicate with other players\n \n <size=+4><b>To show personalized advertisements</b></size>\n \n To show you personalized advertisements in the game as well as in other websites and services (including email) we have a legitimate interest to process necessary data to:\n \n - Track the content you access in connection with the game and your online behavior\n - Deliver, target and improve our advertising and the game\n \n For information on how to opt-out from personalized advertisements, see section ‘Your rights and options’ below.\n \n <size=+4><b>To keep the game safe and fair</b></size>\n \n Ensuring a level playing field in the game is a top priority for us. In order to keep the game and its social features safe and fair, to fight fraud and ensure acceptable use otherwise, we have a legitimate interest to process necessary data to:\n \n - Analyze and monitor use of the game and its social features\n - Moderate chats either automatically or manually\n - Take action against fraudulent or misbehaving players\n \n <size=+4><b>To analyze, profile, and segment</b></size>\n \n In all of the above cases and purposes, we may analyze, profile and segment all collected data.\n \n <size=+4><b>With your consent</b></size>\n \n With your consent, we may process your data for additional purposes, such as using your GPS location to show you local events.\n \n <size=+8><b>WHO CAN SEE YOUR DATA</b></size>\n \n Apart from Spry Fox, your data can be accessed by others in the following situations:\n \n <size=+4><b>Other players and users</b></size>\n \n Social features and/or multiplayer are a core component of some of our games. Other players and users may, for example, see your profile data, in-game activities and read the messages you have posted.\n \n <size=+4><b>Partners working for Spry Fox</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox has partners to perform services for us. These partners process your data only at and according to Spry Fox’s instructions to support the game, such as hosting, player support, analytics and fraud prevention.\n \n <size=+4><b>Other companies and public authorities</b></size>\n \n In order to combat fraud and illegal activity, we may exchange data with other companies and organizations and provide it to public authorities in response to lawful requests. We may also disclose your data based on your consent, to comply with the law or to protect the rights, property or safety of us, our players or others.\n \n <size=+4><b>Advertising and social media partners</b></size>\n \n Some games include features from our partners, such as social media interaction tools and in-game advertising. A list of these partners is available at http://spryfox.com/legal-stuff/partner-policies/. These partners may access your data and operate under their own privacy policies. We encourage you to check their privacy policies to learn more about their data processing practices.\n \n <size=+4><b>Financial activity</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox may share your information in connection with any merger, sale of our assets, or a financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company. You will be notified via email and/or notice on our site of any change in ownership or users of your personal information.\n \n <size=+4><b>Aggregate or anonymous information</b></size>\n \n We may share aggregate or anonymous information about you with advertisers, publishers, business partners, sponsors, and other third parties.\n \n <size=+8><b>YOUR RIGHTS AND OPTIONS</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>Opt-out of marketing emails and other direct marketing</b></size>\n \n You may opt-out of receiving promotional communications, such as marketing emails from us, by following the instructions in such communications.\n \n <size=+4><b>Opt-out of targeted advertising</b></size>\n \n You can opt-out of interest-based advertising on mobile applications by checking the privacy settings of your Android or iOS device and selecting “limit ad tracking” (Apple iOS) or “opt-out of interest based ads” (Android). Additionally, please visit http://aboutads.info/appchoices to learn about and download the Digital Advertising Alliance’s consumer choice app, AppChoices, which allows you to opt out directly from companies listed in the app.\n \n <size=+4><b>Access the personal data we hold about you</b></size>\n \n If you request, we will provide you a copy of your personal data in an electronic format.\n \n <size=+4><b>Your other rights</b></size>\n \n You also have the right to correct your data, have your data deleted, and object to how we use or share your data by emailing support@spryfox.com.\n \n <size=+8><b>COOKIES AND SIMILAR TECHNOLOGIES</b></size>\n \n Like most online services, we and our partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide and personalize our websites and games, analyze use, target advertisements, and prevent fraud. You can disable cookies in your browser settings, but some parts our websites and games may then not function properly.\n \n <size=+8><b>HOW DO WE PROTECT YOUR DATA</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>Security safeguards</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox takes reasonable measures to protect your information from unauthorized access or against loss, misuse or alteration by third parties.\n \n Although we make good faith efforts to store the information collected on the games in a secure operating environment that is not available to the public, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of that information during its transmission or its storage on our systems. Further, while we attempt to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent third-party “hackers” from illegally obtaining access to this information. We do not warrant or represent that your information will be protected against, loss, misuse, or alteration by third parties. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.\n \n <size=+4><b>Data retention</b></size>\n \n We retain your data for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services.\n \n Note that if you ask us to remove your personal data, we will retain your data as necessary for our legitimate business interests, such as to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.\n \n <size=+8><b>AGE LIMITS</b></size>\n \n We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal data from anyone under the age of 13. If you are under 13, please do not send any data about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone number, or email address. No one under the age of 13 may provide any personal data. If we learn that we have collected personal data about a child under age 13, we will delete that data as quickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any data from or about a child under the age of 13, please contact us at support@spryfox.com.\n \n For additional tips on how to help children stay safe on the Internet, we recommend that you visit the following sites:\n \n http://www.ftc.gov/privacy/privacyinitiatives/childrens.html\n http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/tech/tec14.shtm\n http://www.onguardonline.gov/features/feature-0002-featured-info-parents\n \n <size=+8><b>QUESTIONS? COMMENTS?</b></size>\n \n If you have any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, feel free to contact us at support@spryfox.com"
checkbox_0: He leído y acepto la Política de privacidad de Spry Fox.
title: Política de privacidad de Spry Fox
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/es/maneuvers.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/maneuvers.txt
index 2c25b19..6d110bf 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/es/maneuvers.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/maneuvers.txt
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ reverse: Marcha atrás
shortShield: Despeje
siege: Asedio
slow: Lentitud
superspeed: Postquemador
tank: Absorción
-teleportToTurret: Teleport to Turret
+teleportToTurret: Teletransportar a torreta
warpForward: Parpadeo
warpToAim: Parpadeo apuntado
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/es/planeclasses.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/planeclasses.txt
index 18c1745..bee5851 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/es/planeclasses.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/planeclasses.txt
@@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ engineer:
name: Especialista
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Variante de Ingeniero]</color> En las dársenas se usaban miles de engranajes distintos, desde pequeñas piezas de latón hasta otras enormes de piedra, que formaban un inmenso ecosistema de vapor. Giros, impulsos, rupturas, construcciones... A los engranadores les encantaban todos y cada uno de ellos. Algún día los reconstruirán.
name: Engranador
- flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Engineer Variant]</color> A medium-armored area-controller with <color=#FBB040>single-stick controls</color>. Can equip <color=#FBB040>Blasters</color> and The <color=#FBB040>Wasps</color>. The <color=#FBB040>Turret</color> ability spawns a stationary gun that targets enemies. The <color=#FBB040>Teleport to Turret</color> manuever is... self-explanatory.
+ flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Variante de Ingeniero]</color> Controlador de zona con blindaje medio que <color=#FBB040>se controla con un stick</color>. Puede equipar <color=#FBB040>blásters</color> y <color=#FBB040>avispas</color>. La habilidad <color=#FBB040>Torreta</color> despliega un arma estática que dispara al enemigo. La maniobra <color=#FBB040>Teletransportar a torreta</color> tiene un efecto... obvio.
name: Ingeniero
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Variante de Ingeniero]</color> La materia prima para las nuevas obras se obtiene de piezas de restos antiguos. La tierra está formada de estratos de distintas épocas, cada una con sus propias máquinas y misterios. Un rompedor lo destroza todo, lo funde y separa los buenos materiales.
name: Rompedor
@@ -334,11 +334,11 @@ rapier:
name: Paloma del barro
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Variante de Rapaz]</color> ¿Sabes ese tic que tienes en el ojo? Ya es tarde para ti. Siempre ha sido muy tarde.
name: Halcón fantasma
- flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Raptor Variant]</color> Winter birds of prey must be miserly with their energy. A caloric fortune spent is on simply maintaining their temperature. There's none to waste on a failed strike.
+ flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Variante de Rapaz]</color> En invierno, las aves de presa necesitan muchas calorías para mantener la temperatura y deben dosificar bien sus energías. No pueden permitirse el lujo de malgastarlas en un ataque fallido.
name: Halcón de hielo
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Variante de Rapaz]</color> ¿Por qué gastamos dinero en baratijas brillantes? Como animales sociales que somos, nos sentimos obligados a compararnos con nuestros semejantes. Las baratijas comunican a los demás nuestra identidad y nuestro estado social. Sin baratijas, no somos capaces de indicar nuestros lazos con la comunidad ni nuestro papel dentro de la misma.
name: Ventaja comparativa
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/es/quests.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/quests.txt
index c7584d7..2f6a833 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/es/quests.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/quests.txt
@@ -1473,57 +1473,57 @@ overworldboss_teslahq:
title: 'Objetivo: Templo de Ra'
description: ¡Mata al objetivo designado!
title: 'Objetivo: Embajador'
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the highlands
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye las fuerzas imperiales de las Tierras altas
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the Imperial City
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye las fuerzas imperiales de la Ciudad Imperial
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye las fuerzas imperiales
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the midlands
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye las fuerzas imperiales de las Tierras centrales
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the midlands
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye las fuerzas imperiales de las Tierras centrales
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces near the heart of the empire
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye las fuerzas imperiales cerca del corazón del Imperio
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the Noble Estates
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye las fuerzas imperiales en las fincas de la nobleza
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy the Imperial guards
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye los guardias imperiales
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the highlands
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye las fuerzas imperiales de las Tierras altas
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the Imperial City
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye las fuerzas imperiales de la Ciudad Imperial
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye las fuerzas imperiales
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the midlands
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye las fuerzas imperiales de las Tierras centrales
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the midlands
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye las fuerzas imperiales de las Tierras centrales
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces near the heart of the empire
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye las fuerzas imperiales cerca del corazón del Imperio
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the Noble Estates
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye las fuerzas imperiales en las fincas de la nobleza
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy the Imperial guards
+ description: Mejora rápidamente tus habilidades destruyendo los enemigos marcados. Sigue el marcador de tu radar.
+ title: Destruye los guardias imperiales
description: Solo una prueba
title: Prueba de misión automática
description: Encuentra cosas y te daremos cosas. Fácil.
@@ -1565,69 +1565,33 @@ tut_01:
- catsoldier1:
- ¡El Imperio te consumirá, escoria alada!
- ¡Este es nuestro territorio!
- ¡El botín de guerra pertenece a Meowza!
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: ¡Alerta, recluta! Esto es un combate real. Estás en las ruinas de la ciudad y hay carroñeros en la zona.
- - sergeant: Tu primera misión consiste en <color=#FBB040>encontrar y destruir los convoyes carroñeros</color>.
title: Primera misión
description: Tenemos nueva información... Vuelve al <color=#FBB040>Pub del Piloto, en Ciudad Rebelde</color>. ¡Pulsa <color=#FBB040>[<action:5>]</color> para teletransportarte a Ciudad Rebelde!
- dialogueOnComplete:
- - sergeant: Este es el <color=#FBB040>Pub del Piloto</color>. Vuelve aquí para <color=#FBB040>completar tus misiones</color> y <color=#FBB040>aceptar nuevas</color>.
- - sergeant: Tenemos nueva información que necesitamos que compruebes. Cuando estés preparado, <color=#FBB040>acepta tu próxima misión</color>.
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: Tenemos nueva información... Vuelve al <color=#FBB040>Pub del Piloto, en Ciudad Rebelde</color>. ¡Pulsa <color=#FBB040>[<action:5>]</color> para teletransportarte a Ciudad Rebelde!
title: Vuelve a Ciudad Rebelde para informar
description: Localiza el origen de la señal de mando encriptada.
- catsoldier1: '[Proceso de construcción de base avanzada]'
- catsoldier1: ¡Nos han visto! ¡Pajarracos a las 10 en punto!
- dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0:
- - sergeant: ¡Eso era un centro de comunicación imperial! Los gatos deben de estar construyendo una base cerca. No podemos permitirlo.
- - sergeant: He triangulado la posición de la base. Tienes que <color=#FBB040>infiltrarte y destruirla</color>.
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: Mientras te encargabas de los carroñeros, nuestros lumbreras han descifrado una señal de mando encriptada.
- - sergeant: Te han asignado que <color=#FBB040>encuentres y destruyas el origen de la señal de mando</color>.
title: Señales misteriosas
description: El Imperio está construyendo una nueva base en nuestro territorio. Infíltrate y destrúyela.
- dialogueOnComplete:
- - sergeant: No hay paz para los cansados. Ya tenemos tu siguiente misión. Acéptala si estás preparado para encargarte.
- catsoldier1: Has descubierto nuestro plan.
- catsoldier1: Pero no escaparás con vida.
- dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0:
- - sergeant: ¡Buen trabajo! Esos gatos ni lo han visto venir.
- - sergeant: Debe de haber un depósito imperial cerca para abastecer a todas estas obras. Hay que destruir toda la cadena de suministros.
- - sergeant: Por ahora, <color=#FBB040>vuelve al Pub del piloto de Ciudad Rebelde</color> y espera nuevas órdenes.
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: Ve al marcador y sube al <color=#FBB040>transbordador</color>, te llevará a la base avanzada.
goal_0: Infíltrate en la base enemiga y <color=#FBB040>elimina a su líder</color>.
title: Base avanzada
description: Averigua de dónde provienen los suministros de la base. Tal vez sea parte de una operación mayor.
- sergeant: Es el depósito de suministros. ¡Destrúyelo!
- dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0:
- - sergeant: El piloto enemigo ha enviado una señal de auxilio en una frecuencia noble. ¿Entiendes lo que eso significa?
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: 'Cuidado: el depósito de suministros está protegido por una unidad muy peligrosa. Sé que puedes hacerlo. Buen vuelo.'
title: Encuentra el depósito de suministros
description: Destruye el fuerte imperial secreto.
- dialogueOnComplete:
- - sergeant: Has demostrado tu valía, recluta. A partir de ahora, podrás elegir tus propias misiones.
- - sergeant: Pásate por el Pub del Piloto cuando necesites nuevas órdenes. ¡Buen vuelo!
- catsoldier1: ¡Te enseñaré cuál es tu lugar! ¡Nuestra diosa Meowza se dará un banquete con tus huesos!
- dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0:
- - sergeant: Acabas de derrotar a tu primer comandante noble, recluta. Estoy orgulloso de ti.
- - sergeant: Así aprenderán esos imperiales lo que ocurre cuando meten las narices en nuestro territorio.
- - sergeant: 'Ya sabes cómo va esto: vuelve al <color=#FBB040>Pub del piloto de Ciudad Rebelde</color> a por tu siguiente misión.'
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: Esa llamada de auxilio iba dirigida a un <color=#FBB040>comandante noble</color> de un <color=#FBB040>nido gatúpedo</color> cercano.
- - sergeant: Debemos eliminarlos para detener esta incursión en nuestro territorio. Es una misión importante, pero sé que estarás a la altura.
goal_0: Destruye al <color=#FBB040>comandante noble</color> del <color=#FBB040>nido gatúpedo</color>.
title: Central gatúpeda
diff --git config_190821_053/Texts/es/skillCategories.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/skillCategories.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c9ddf6
--- /dev/null
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/skillCategories.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Armor: Blindaje
+ Assault: Asalto
+ Bandit: Bandido
+ Daggerknight: Caballero de las dagas
+ Duster: Fumigador
+ Engine: Motor
+ Engineer: Ingeniero
+ Hog: Jabalí
+ Laser: Láser
+ Machinegun: Ametralladora
+ Medic: Médico
+ Merlin: Merlín
+ Olfaithful: Viejo fiel
+ Other: Otros
+ Paladin: Paladín
+ Quad: Cuatriplano
+ Raptor: Rapaz
+ Shieldmaiden: Doncella escudera
+ Shotgun: Escopeta
+ Siegetank: Tanque de asedio
+ Sniper: Fusil de precisión
+ Strike: Arco
+ Sword: Espada
+ Triple: Bláster
+ Wasp: Avispa
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/es/skillGroups.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/skillGroups.txt
index 0be659c..e4b2fd5 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/es/skillGroups.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/skillGroups.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,55 @@
+ name: Blindaje
+ name: Asalto
+ name: Bandido
+ name: Caballero de las dagas
+ name: Fumigador
+ name: Motor
+ name: Ingeniero
+ name: Jabalí
+ name: Láser
+ name: Ametralladora
+ name: Médico
+ name: Merlín
+ name: Viejo fiel
+ name: Otros
+ name: Paladín
+ name: Cuatriplano
+ name: Rapaz
+ name: Doncella escudera
+ name: Escopeta
+ name: Tanque de asedio
+ name: Fusil de precisión
+ name: Arco
+ name: Espada
+ name: Bláster
+ name: Avispa
name: Blindaje - Principiante
name: Blindaje - Intermedio
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/es/skills.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/skills.txt
index 94d2812..c8d540c 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/es/skills.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/skills.txt
@@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ machinegun_3a:
name: Aumento de vapor
name: Resiliencia social
- name: Gunner Agility
+ name: Agilidad de artillero
name: Microcirugía
name: Cirugía mayor
@@ -327,11 +327,11 @@ strike_1a:
name: Persistente
name: A primera vista
- name: Speedy Spin
+ name: Giro veloz
name: Compromiso
name: Pasión
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/es/store.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/store.txt
index 9fa033c..c4500fd 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/es/store.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/store.txt
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ post_purchase_action_storage: Solo poner en el almacenamiento
post_purchase_action_use_and_inventory: Usar y poner en el inventario
post_purchase_action_use_and_storage: Usar y poner en el almacenamiento
post_purchase_action_use_instantly: Usar al instante
product_desc_hangar_slot: 1 espacio de avión adicional en el hangar.
product_desc_store_bundle_keys1: Un archivador con 5 misiones especiales en el corazón del territorio del Imperio.
-product_desc_store_bundle_starter: ¡Arranca tu carrera como rebelde con 6 espacios de almacenamiento y 1 espacio de hangar adicionales!
+product_desc_store_bundle_starter: ¡Arranca tu carrera como rebelde con seis (6) espacios de almacenamiento, dos (2) selecciones de habilidades y un (1) espacio de hangar adicionales!
product_desc_store_inventory_slot: 4 espacios de carga adicionales en el inventario de tu avión. Estos espacios se añaden al contenedor de cargamento compartido por todos tus aviones.
product_desc_store_skill_loadout_slot: Otra selección para un conjunto diferente de habilidades de piloto. Alterna entre ellos en la Academia de pilotos.
product_desc_store_storage_slot: 6 espacios de almacenamiento adicionales para proteger objetos. Los objetos que tienes guardados en almacenamiento no se pierden si te derriban.
product_name_dye_black: Lata de negro
product_name_dye_blue: Lata de azul
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ product_name_hangar_slot: Espacio de hangar
product_name_store_bundle_keys1: Lote de misiones
product_name_store_bundle_starter: Lote de principiante
product_name_store_inventory_slot: Espacio adicional de adicional de carga
product_name_store_skill_loadout_slot: Selección de habilidad adicional
product_name_store_storage_slot: Almacenamiento seguro adicional
-product_popup_action: <color=#FBB040><action:43></color> Comprar
+product_popup_action: <color=#FBB040><action:43></color>Comprar
product_popup_already_own: ''
product_popup_limit_exceeded: 'No disponible: ya tienes la cantidad máxima.'
product_popup_max_per_account: 'Cantidad máxima por cuenta: {0}'
product_popup_no_inventory: 'No disponible: no tienes espacio suficiente en el inventario.'
product_popup_not_buyable: No disponible.
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/es/ui.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/ui.txt
index 642c834..3b192cb 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/es/ui.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/ui.txt
@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@ action_info_decoration_short_cloudOverride: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_short_extra: Cambiado a <color=#{0}ff>este color</color>.
action_info_decoration_short_livery: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_short_normalTrail: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_short_superTrail: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_superTrail: Cambia el rastro de supervelocidad del avión a {0}.
+action_info_dungeon: Llave de mazmorra
action_info_dungeon_short_extra: Abre un portal a {0}.
action_info_gun: Montura de arma principal {0}
action_info_healthenergy: Potenciador
action_info_healthenergy_energy: Vapor recargado en {0}.
action_info_healthenergy_health: Curación de {0}.
@@ -44,11 +45,11 @@ action_info_minor_gun: Montura de arma auxiliar {0}
action_info_planexpboost: Potenciador de PE de avión
action_info_planexpboost_info: +{0} % de PE para {1}
action_info_planexpboost_short: '{0} % de PE {1}'
action_info_soulbound: Cambiar vínculo de alma
action_info_soulbound_add: Al usar este objeto, se creará un vínculo de alma.
-action_info_soulbound_remove: Al usar este objeto, se perderá el vínculo de alma.
+action_info_soulbound_remove: Al usar este objeto, se eliminará un vínculo de alma.
action_info_spawn: Impresora dron
action_info_statboost: Refuerzo temporal
action_info_unlock: Desbloquear
action_info_unlock_short: '{0}'
action_info_unlock_text: Desbloquea {0}
@@ -78,10 +79,67 @@ button_upcoming_events_navigate: Visitar sitio web
button_upcoming_events_title: Noticias y eventos
capture_gif_done: Puedes encontrar tu GIF en {0}.
capture_gif_error: Error al guardar el GIF. Lo sentimos.
capture_gif_start: Guardando GIF...
cmd_help_info: Introduce /help para obtener más información sobre los comandos disponibles.
+command_block_block_yourself: ¡No puedes bloquearte a ti mismo!
+command_block_blocked: 'Jugador bloqueado: {0}'
+command_block_name_desc: jugador al que bloquear
+command_blocklist_header: 'Jugadores bloqueados:'
+command_clearsavedlogin_success: Se ha olvidado la información de inicio de sesión guardada; la próxima vez tendrás que escribirla.
+command_error_arg_count: 'El comando {0} utiliza {1} argumentos: {2}'
+command_error_invalid_number: Lo sentimos, "{0}" no es un número válido.
+command_error_two_args: 'El comando {0} utiliza dos argumentos: {1} y {2}'
+command_follow_name_desc: Nombre de unidad o jugador.
+command_friend_added: 'Amigo añadido: {0}'
+command_friend_name_desc: nombre de amigo
+command_friend_yourself: Lo sentimos, no puedes ser amigo de ti mismo.
+command_generic_player_not_found: No se ha podido encontrar a {0}. ¿Lo has escrito bien?
+command_help_block: "Bloquea a un jugador, impidiendo que interactúe contigo.\n Ejemplo: /block Sarah"
+command_help_blocklist: Muestra la lista de jugadores bloqueados
+command_help_clearsavedlogin: Olvida el nombre/contraseña guardados.
+command_help_die: Provoca que tu avión pase a salud 0 al instante.
+command_help_follow: Sigue a un jugador o unidad (como espectador).
+command_help_friend: "Añade a un amigo a la lista de amigos (que esté en el mismo servidor).\n Ejemplo: /friend Sarah"
+command_help_help: Muestra información más detallada acerca del comando correspondiente.
+command_help_instructions: Prueba cualquiera de los siguientes comandos. Puedes escribir "{0} COMMANDNAME" (sin la barra antes del nombre del comando) para obtener más información.
+command_help_mute: "Silencia los mensajes de un jugador en tu chat.\n Ejemplo: /mute Sarah"
+command_help_mutelist: Muestra la lista de jugadores silenciados
+command_help_no_help: Lo sentimos, {0} no es un comando válido, así que no tiene /help.
+command_help_options: Abre el menú de opciones.
+command_help_resetbindings: Reinicia todas las opciones de entrada a sus valores por defecto.
+command_help_sidelength: Establece el tamaño de la zona de juego visible.
+command_help_spectate: Entra en modo espectador (solo administradores).
+command_help_teleport: "Escribe el nombre de un jugador para teletransportarte hasta ese jugador.\n Ejemplo: /teleport Sarah"
+command_help_timetune: Ajustar sincronización temporal
+command_help_tp: "Escribe el nombre de un jugador para teletransportarte hasta ese jugador.\n Ejemplo: /tp Sarah"
+command_help_trade: Realiza un intercambio seguro con otro jugador.
+command_help_trade_reject: Rechaza una solicitud de intercambio seguro de otro jugador.
+command_help_tutorial: Juega el tutorial.
+command_help_unblock: "Desbloquea a un jugador para que pueda interactuar contigo.\n Ejemplo: /unblock Sarah"
+command_help_unfriend: "Dejas de ser amigo de un jugador (que puede o no estar en este servidor).\n Ejemplo: /unfriend Sarah"
+command_help_unmute: "Deja de silenciar a un jugador para poder ver sus mensajes en el chat.\n Ejemplo: /unblock Sarah"
+command_mute_muted: 'Jugador silenciado: {0}'
+command_mute_name_desc: jugador al que silenciar
+command_mute_yourself: ¡No puedes silenciarte a ti mismo!
+command_mutelist_header: 'Jugadores silenciados:'
+command_sidelength_no_access: Sin acceso.
+command_teleport_name_desc: Nombre del jugador hasta el que quieres teletransportarte.
+command_timetune_enabled_desc: IsEnabled
+command_trade_name_desc: Nombre del jugador con el que quieres comerciar. Si no introduces ningún parámetro, aceptarás la última solicitud recibida.
+command_trade_sending_trade: Enviando solicitud de comercio.
+command_unblock_name_desc: jugador al que desbloquear
+command_unblock_not_blocked: '{0} no está bloqueado.'
+command_unblock_unblocked: '{0} ahora está desbloqueado.'
+command_unfriend_name_desc: nombre de amigo
+command_unfriend_not_found: No se ha podido encontrar al amigo {0}. ¿Lo has escrito bien?
+command_unfriend_unfriended: '{0} ya no es amigo'
+command_unmute_name_desc: jugador al que dejar de silenciar
+command_unmute_not_muted: '{0} no está silenciado.'
+command_unmute_unmuted: '{0} ya no está silenciado.'
+commandhelp_command_without_leading_slash: '[Comando sin poner / antes]'
+commandhelp_header: 'Los comandos más habituales son:'
consumable_item_error_already_applied: Ya has aplicado esto. Usarlo otra vez no tendrá ningún efecto.
consumable_item_error_already_unlocked: Ya has desbloqueado este objeto. No puedes desbloquearlo dos veces.
consumable_item_error_dying: No se puede consumir mientras uno se está muriendo.
consumable_item_error_no_effect: Consumir esto no tendrá ningún efecto en este momento.
consumable_item_error_no_plane: Necesitas un avión para consumir un objeto.
@@ -96,11 +154,11 @@ context_menu_inventory_equip: Equipar como activa
context_menu_inventory_equip_alt: Equipar como alternativa
context_menu_inventory_mark: Mover
context_menu_inventory_move_info: Selecciona el espacio u objeto que quieras para moverlo o intercambiar posiciones.
context_menu_inventory_title: ''
context_menu_inventory_use: Usar
-conversation_continue_any: Pulsa cualquier tecla o botón para continuar.
+conversation_continue_any: Pulsa cualquier tecla o botón para continuar
conversation_continue_custom: '{0} [<action:43>]'
conversation_continue_default: Continuar [<action:43>]
damage_critical: crítico
damage_resisted: resistido
damage_shielded: protegido
@@ -130,11 +188,11 @@ dialogue_name_doomsdayboss: Mecanismo del Apocalipsis
dialogue_name_drilloperator: Operador de perforadora
dialogue_name_dungeonmod: Modificador de mazmorra
dialogue_name_escortboss: Líder gusano de piedra
dialogue_name_eyeboss: Sacerdote corrupto Edmund
dialogue_name_gargantua: Lady Blacksberg
-dialogue_name_gekelstein: Mad Doctor Geckelston
+dialogue_name_gekelstein: Doctor loco Geckelston
dialogue_name_hangarpenguin: Spocket
dialogue_name_icedungeon: Horror gélido
dialogue_name_jinn: Comandante Jinn
dialogue_name_kaiju: Comandante Kai
dialogue_name_lobbyist: Sir Mesmer, el Lobista
@@ -169,14 +227,14 @@ dialogue_name_unknown: Desconocido
dialogue_name_whaleshark: Tiburón ballena gigante
dialogue_name_whitespider: Viudo
dialogue_name_workshopowl: Doctor Granhero
dialogue_name_wraith: Recolector de almas
drop_item_error: No se ha podido soltar el objeto.
-early_access_desc: "¡Steambirds Alliance se encuentra en fase beta!\n \n Ten en cuenta que los progresos que obtengas durante este periodo probablemente se conserven cuando el juego esté disponible en todo el mundo, ¡eres uno de los afortunados pilotos que partirán con ventaja!\n \n Si tienes algún problema o comentario, <b><color=#FBB040>visita steambirds.com para unirte a nuestra comunidad de Discord</color></b> y cuéntanoslo. También tenemos un blog que vamos actualizando con todos los cambios que introducimos en el juego. ¡Lo encontrarás en steambirds.com/blog!\n \n ¡Buen vuelo, piloto!"
+early_access_desc: "¡Bienvenido! Estamos encantados de que participes en el lanzamiento de Steambirds Alliance. Pero esto es solo el principio. Aunque ya llevamos años trabajando en este juego, tenemos planeados contenidos para muchos años más. Publicaremos nuevas funciones y contenidos cada uno o dos meses. ¡Un buen juego multijugador masivo online nunca está terminado!\n \n Si tienes algún problema o comentario, <b><color=#FBB040>visita steambirds.com para unirte a nuestra comunidad de Discord</color></b> y cuéntanoslo. También tenemos un blog que vamos actualizando con todos los cambios que introducimos en el juego. Lo encontrarás en steambirds.com/blog.\n \n Advertencia: ten en cuenta que <b>cualquier tipo de trampas</b> o intento de comprar/vender objetos de Steambirds con dinero real a través de mercados externos (como eBay) está estrictamente prohibido y puede conllevar que tu cuenta sea excluida de manera permanente y sin previo aviso."
early_access_desc_beta: "Los servidores de la beta son completamente independientes de los servidores de juego. Los objetos y los progresos de los pilotos no se comparten con tu cuenta normal.\n Hacemos esto para probar la nueva versión antes de implementarlos en nuestros servidores de juego. Aquí puedes probar las nuevas funciones y ayudarnos a detectar errores.\n \n ¡Realizaremos <color=#FBB040>reinicios con frecuencia</color>! Así que <color=#FBB040>no te gastes dinero</color> en estos servidores, porque todo desaparecerá con el siguiente reinicio.\n \n \n ¡Si tienes algún problema o comentario, únete a nuestro <color=#FBB040>Discord</color> y háznoslo saber!\n \n ¡Te damos las gracias por ayudarnos a mejorar el juego y esperamos que te diviertas!"
early_access_instructions: Pulsa cualquier tecla o botón para continuar.
-early_access_title: ¡Bienvenido a la beta de SBA!
+early_access_title: ¡Bienvenido, valiente piloto!
early_access_title_beta: ¿Qué es un servidor beta?
email_validation_button_change: Cambiar correo electrónico...
email_validation_button_continue: Continuar al juego...
email_validation_button_resend: Reenviar el correo electrónico...
email_validation_email_placeholder: Introduce tu dirección de correo electrónico...
@@ -411,10 +469,16 @@ itempickup_tier_ultrarare_raw: Ultrarraro
itempickup_tierlimited: <color=#ffaa55ff>Utilizable en nivel {0}</color>
itempickup_tradable_only: <color=#DCBD67FF>Objeto de comercio común</color>
itempickup_unusable: <color=#ff5555ff>No utilizable con avión</color>
itempickup_unusable_classes: '<color=#ff5555ff>Solo utilizable con: {0}</color>'
itempickup_uses: 'Usos: {0}'
+language_change_restart_screen_close_game: Cerrar juego
+language_change_restart_screen_close_game_key_command: <color=#FBB040>[<action:43>]</color> {0}
+language_change_restart_screen_description: El juego debe reiniciarse
+language_change_restart_screen_not_yet: Aún no
+language_change_restart_screen_not_yet_key_command: <color=#FBB040>[<action:44>]</color> {0}
+language_change_restart_screen_title: El cambio de idioma está pendiente
legal_accept: Aceptar y continuar
legal_accept_incomplete: Lee y acepta para continuar...
levelup_notify_header: <size=24>Nivel {0}</size>
levelup_notify_stat_add: '{0} +{1:0.##}'
levelup_notify_stat_multiply: '{0} +{1:0.#} %'
@@ -446,15 +510,13 @@ login_forgot_password: ¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?
login_forgot_password_info: Selecciona esto para recuperarla
login_login: Iniciar sesión
login_new_player_subtitle: Selecciona esto para registrarte
login_new_player_title: ¿Nuevo jugador?
login_password: Contraseña
-login_queue_info_desc: The Steambirds Alliance servers are under heavy load right now. You've reserved your place in the queue and should hopefully get to play very soon!
-login_queue_info_info: 'Position in Queue: {0}
- <size=80%>Updating in {1}s...</size>'
-login_queue_info_title: Servers Are Full!
+login_queue_info_desc: Los servidores de Steambirds Alliance están sobrecargados en este momento. ¡Has reservado tu sitio en la cola y deberías poder jugar muy pronto!
+login_queue_info_info: "Posición en la cola: {0}\n <size=80%>Actualizando en {1} s...</size>"
+login_queue_info_title: ¡Los servidores están llenos!
login_register: Registrar
login_request_reset: Solicitar reinicio
login_reset: Reiniciar
login_retype_password: Vuelve a introducir la contraseña
login_sign_in: Iniciar sesión
@@ -612,11 +674,11 @@ options_menu_keyboard_controls_rel_inventory_navigation: Controles de inventario
options_menu_keyboard_controls_rel_system: Controles de sistema
options_menu_keyboard_controls_relative_plane_controls: Controles de avión
options_menu_keyboard_controls_shared_controls: Controles de interacción
options_menu_keyboard_controls_system: Controles de sistema
options_menu_keyboard_controls_system_controls: Controles de sistemas
-options_menu_locale: Language
+options_menu_locale: Idioma
options_menu_locale_old: <color=#e84f4f>(necesita reiniciarse)</color>
options_menu_low_bullet_alpha: Oscurecer balas de aliados
options_menu_main: Opciones
options_menu_maingunshooting_type_joystick: Arma principal con mando
options_menu_maingunshooting_type_keyboard: Arma principal con teclado
@@ -667,11 +729,11 @@ options_menu_screenshot_scale: Escala de captura de pantalla
options_menu_select_pilot_skills: Seleccionar habilidades de piloto
options_menu_sfx_volume: Volumen del juego
options_menu_shadows: Sombras
options_menu_show_chat: Mostrar chat
options_menu_show_damage_indicators: Mostrar barras de daño
-options_menu_show_early_access_message: Recordatorio de acceso anticipado
+options_menu_show_early_access_message: Mensaje de bienvenida
options_menu_show_help_instruction: Mostrar tecla de ayuda
options_menu_show_hud: Mostrar interfaz
options_menu_show_news_interstitial: Noticias al iniciar sesión
options_menu_show_player_plane_levels: Mostrar el nivel de todos
options_menu_show_player_ranks: Mostrar el rango de todos
@@ -700,13 +762,16 @@ pilot_school_action_loadouts: Cambiar selección de habilidad
pilot_school_action_new: 'Aprender nueva habilidad (puntos de habilidad: {0})'
pilot_school_action_remove: 'Olvidar habilidad (puntos de habilidad: {0})'
pilot_school_action_switch: 'Cambiar a habilidad (puntos de habilidad: {0})'
pilot_school_action_switch_free: Cambiar a habilidad
pilot_school_action_up: 'Mejorar habilidad (puntos de habilidad: {0})'
-pilot_school_details_points: 'Puntos de habilidad sin gastar: {0})'
+pilot_school_details_points: '<size=36><color=#F1DCA4FF>Puntos de habilidad sin gastar: <color=#55ff55>{0}</color></color></size>'
+pilot_school_details_points_in_category: '{0} pts. en {1} habilidades'
pilot_school_details_points_zero: '<size=36><color=#ff5555>Puntos de habilidad sin gastar: {0}</color></size>'
-pilot_school_details_rank: Rango {0} - {1}
+pilot_school_details_pts_in_cat_format_close: </color></size>
+pilot_school_details_pts_in_cat_format_open: <size=20><color=#716A58FF>
+pilot_school_details_rank: <size=36><color=#F1DCA4FF>Rango {0} - {1}</color></size>
pilot_school_filter_heading: Filtrar habilidades
pilot_school_filter_label: 'Filtrar: {0}'
pilot_school_filter_menu_back_label: Todas las habilidades
pilot_school_filter_menu_subtitle: '[<action:43>]: selecciona una clase para filtrar habilidades'
pilot_school_filter_menu_title: Filtrar
@@ -729,10 +794,12 @@ pilot_school_loadout_menu_slot_detail: "{0} Habilidades\n {1}/{2} puntos de habi
pilot_school_loadout_menu_slot_label: Selección de habilidades {0}
pilot_school_loadout_menu_subtitle: '[<action:43>]: elige una selección de habilidades o compra un espacio adicional'
pilot_school_loadout_menu_title: Selecciones de habilidades
pilot_school_loadout_skills: 'Habilidades:'
pilot_school_loadout_wipe_current: Borrar selección actual
+pilot_school_loadout_wipe_description: ¡Advertencia! Se reiniciarán todos los puntos de habilidad gastados.
+pilot_school_loadout_wipe_heading: Reiniciar selección
pilot_school_notify_buy_slot_done: 'Comprado: espacio de selección de habilidad adicional'
pilot_school_notify_buy_slot_error: <color=#e84f4f>¡Error al comprar espacio de selección de habilidad adicional!</color>
pilot_school_notify_buy_slot_start: Comprando espacio de selección de habilidad adicional...
pilot_school_notify_down: Se ha degradado <color=#E5C46B>{0}</color> a <color=#E5C46B>nivel {1}</color> ({2})
pilot_school_notify_error_generic: <color=#e84f4f>Error al cambiar habilidad {0}</color>
@@ -922,23 +989,29 @@ quick_chat_title_B: ¡Buen vuelo!
quick_chat_title_C: ¡Reuníos conmigo!
quick_chat_title_Charge: ¡Cargad!
quick_chat_title_D: Pirotecnia
quick_chat_title_Disco: Disco
quick_chat_title_FireworksEpic: Pirotecnia épica
+quick_chat_title_LOL: JAJA
+quick_chat_title_LaunchConfetti: Cañón de confeti
quick_chat_title_LoveCommon: ¡Amor!
quick_chat_title_LoveEpic: ¡Amor épico!
quick_chat_title_LoveFireworks: Pirotecnia amorosa
+quick_chat_title_MusicNotes: Notas musicales
+quick_chat_title_OutOfSteam: ¡No queda vapor!
quick_chat_title_PurpleFireworks: Pirotecnia morada
quick_chat_title_ThumbsDown: Pulgares abajo
quick_chat_title_ThumbsUp: ¡Pulgares arriba!
quick_chat_title_Warning: Advertencia
+quick_chat_title_Wave: Saludo
quick_chat_title_Wings: Alas
quick_chat_whee: ¡Uiii!
radar_mission: "Objetivo\n <color=#ffa500ff>{0}</color>"
radar_teleport: '[<action:7>] para teletransportarte'
radar_teleport_click: "[<action:7>] o haz clic\n para teletransportarte"
+ AS.SG: este de Asia
EU.DE: Europa
NA.US: Norteamérica
OC.AU: Australia
report_cmd_chat: Informar sobre chat
report_cmd_cheating: Informar sobre trampas
@@ -951,10 +1024,11 @@ session_anti_addiction_disconnect: Límite antiadicción alcanzado. Lo sentimos.
shutdown_announce: El servidor se desconectará pronto. Rápido, recoge tu botín.
shutdown_countdown: '{0}...'
shutdown_now: El servidor se va a desconectar.
skills_menu_current: Habilidades actuales
skills_menu_exit: Salir
+skills_menu_flying: Volar
skills_menu_none: Aún no hay habilidades
skills_menu_select: Seleccionar
skills_menu_title: Elige una habilidad de piloto
stats_menu_agility: Agilidad
stats_menu_attack: Daño
@@ -1059,11 +1133,11 @@ unknown: '[unknown]'
unknown_error: Error desconocido.
unlock_header: ¡Nueva clase desbloqueada!
unusable_item: ¡El objeto suelta chispas! No puedes usar {0} con esta clase.
upcoming_events_happening_now: <color=#F0DD9D>Ocurriendo ahora</color>
upcoming_events_news_posted_at: 'Publicado en: {0}'
-upcoming_events_schedule_line: '- {0} - {1}'
+upcoming_events_schedule_line: '- {0}-{1}'
upcoming_events_time_format: htt, MMMM d
upgrade_fx_armor: ¡Mejora de blindaje!
upgrade_fx_engine: ¡Mejora de motor!
upgrade_fx_gun: ¡Mejora de arma!
upgrade_fx_secondary: ¡Mejora de secundaria!
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/es/units.txt config_190821_053/Texts/es/units.txt
index 4b6766e..ccdcb7b 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/es/units.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/es/units.txt
@@ -842,10 +842,11 @@ phoenix5: Fénix traidor
phoenixDEATH: Fénix traidor
playerPlane: Viejo fiel
pod: Cachorro riflero
podleader: Sargento carlino
popper: Popper
+popper2: Mini Popper
poppermini: Popper Jr.
prisoncage: Jaula
prisondestroyablewall: Muro
prisonescapee: Prisionero
prisonsniper: Torre de francotiradores
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/bark.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/bark.txt
index 729be0f..6d20689 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/bark.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/bark.txt
@@ -1151,15 +1151,15 @@ meowza2_death2:
- text: On ne peut tuer ce qui est déjà mort
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#050405ff>Silence</color><color=#ffffffff>: -90% Steam</color>'
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Silence</color><color=#ffffffff> : -90 % vapeur</color>'
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#050405ff>Silence</color><color=#ffffffff>: -90% Steam</color>'
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Silence</color><color=#ffffffff> : -90 % vapeur</color>'
weight: '1'
- text: Oh, vous êtes toujours en vie ! Ça va être très AMUSANT !
weight: '1'
@@ -1365,11 +1365,11 @@ notra_1:
- text: "Je n'ai jamais désiré devenir croque-mort.\n Mais ça fait partie du boulot."
- text: Les profondeurs accueillent tout le monde...
- text: THRULA !
- - text: "Gwkie-Waix-thrula\n Gwkie-Waix-THRULA !"
+ - text: "Gwkie-Waix-thrula\n Gwkie-Waix-THRULA !"
- text: Libérez-nous...
- text: Rejoignez-nous...
- text: Nous nous reverrons de l'autre côté...
@@ -1673,10 +1673,30 @@ sunfoxleaderchill:
- text: Identifiez-vous !
- weight: '3'
- text: Oh, la douce lumière...
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#55ff55ff>Remède</color><color=#ffffffff> : +500 % régén. santé</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Aveuglement</color><color=#ffffffff> : -50 % vue de caméra</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Fragilité</color><color=#ffffffff> : +50 % dégâts subis.</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Entrave</color><color=#ffffffff>: -95 % taux de virage max.</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>Entrave</color><color=#ffffffff>: -85 % taux de virage max.</color>'
+ weight: '1'
- text: "Même dans la mort,\n nous continuons à vous observer."
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/buffs.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/buffs.txt
index 6f356d1..00c48b4 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/buffs.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/buffs.txt
@@ -42,9 +42,19 @@ dungeonmod_touchy:
title: Sensibilité
title: Silence
title: Silence
+ title: Aveuglement
+ title: Remède
+ title: Fragilité
+ title: Entrave
+ title: Entrave
title: Malédiction
title: Ralentissement
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/conversations.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/conversations.txt
index c0e1ab1..402da3d 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/conversations.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/conversations.txt
@@ -12,31 +12,31 @@ text:
boss-hunt_03: Même les plus faibles sont très dangereuses. Nous ne cessons d'en détruire, mais Miaouza les remplace aussitôt.
boss-hunt_04: Ses machines de guerre puissantes sont incroyablement résistantes, mais heureusement, elles sont plus difficiles à remplacer.
boss-hunt_05: Lorsque toutes ses machines de guerre auront été détruites, Miaouza devra nous affronter en personne !
boss-hunt_06: Votre tâche du jour consiste à éliminer trois machines de guerre de Miaouza, à titre d'entraînement à des missions plus délicates.
boss-hunt_07: Bon vol !
- dungeonmod_acrobatics_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Acrobaties</color></size>\n -50 % coût de manœuvre en vapeur\n +20 % dégâts subis</align>"
- dungeonmod_bogged_down_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Embourbement</color></size>\n : -25 % super vitesse</align>"
- dungeonmod_broken_axis_dualstick_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Axe brisé (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n : -85 % taux de virage\n -25 % coût de manœuvre en vapeur\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_broken_axis_plane_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Axe brisé (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n : -65 % taux de virage\n -25 % coût de manœuvre en vapeur\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_constrained_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Contrainte (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n : -50 % vapeur\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_dead_to_world_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Mort apparente (létal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n : -95 % vapeur\n +20 % dégâts subis\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 7x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_eager_help_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Envie d'aider</color></size>\n : -35 % coût d'aptitude secondaire en vapeur\n +20 % dégâts subis</align>"
- dungeonmod_enfeebled_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Affaiblissement (létal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n : +80 % dégâts subis\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 7x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_exhausted_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Épuisement (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -100 % régénération de vapeur\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_extremely_touchy_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Sensibilité extrême (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +70 % régénération de blindage\n +40 % dégâts subis\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_fast_learner_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Apprentissage rapide (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +25 % XP\n +35 % dégâts subis\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_float_butterfly_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Flottement de papillon</color></size>\n +30 % dégâts d'armement\n +30 % dégâts subis</align>"
- dungeonmod_hot_to_handle_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Contact brûlant (létal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +250 % super vitesse, -15 % vue caméra\n +50 % dégâts subis\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 7x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_hunt_peck_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Chasse et coup de bec</color></size>\n -50 % cadence de tir\n +25 % dégâts d'armement</align>"
- dungeonmod_in_your_face_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Dans ta face</color></size>\n +20 % dégâts d'armement\n -40 % portée d'armement</align>"
- dungeonmod_insomniac_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Insomnie (létal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -100 % régénération de blindage, -100 % régénération de vapeur\n -30 % super vitesse, +25 % dégâts subis\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 7x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_itchy_trigger_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Détente chatouilleuse</color></size>\n +30 % cadence de tir & munitions\n -30 % rechargement & dégâts d'armement</align>"
- dungeonmod_nearsighted_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Myopie (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -35 % vue caméra\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_restless_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Agitation</color></size>\n -50 % régénération de blindage\n +25 % super vitesse</align>"
- dungeonmod_rush_hour_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Heure de pointe (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +50 % super vitesse\n +35 % dégâts subis\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_touchy_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Sensibilité</color></size>\n +30 % régénération de blindage\n +20 % dégâts subis</align>"
+ dungeonmod_acrobatics_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Acrobaties</color></size>\n -50 % coût de manœuvre en vapeur\n +20 % dégâts subis</align>"
+ dungeonmod_bogged_down_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Embourbement</color></size>\n : -25 % super vitesse</align>"
+ dungeonmod_broken_axis_dualstick_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Axe brisé (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n : -85 % taux de virage\n -25 % coût de manœuvre en vapeur\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_broken_axis_plane_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Axe brisé (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n : -65 % taux de virage\n -25 % coût de manœuvre en vapeur\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_constrained_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Contrainte (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n : -50 % vapeur\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_dead_to_world_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Mort apparente (létal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n : -95 % vapeur\n +20 % dégâts subis\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 7x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_eager_help_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Envie d'aider</color></size>\n : -35 % coût d'aptitude secondaire en vapeur\n +20 % dégâts subis</align>"
+ dungeonmod_enfeebled_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Affaiblissement (létal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n : +80 % dégâts subis\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 7x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_exhausted_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Épuisement (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -100 % régénération de vapeur\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_extremely_touchy_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Sensibilité extrême (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +70 % régénération de blindage\n +40 % dégâts subis\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_fast_learner_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Apprentissage rapide (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +25 % XP\n +35 % dégâts subis\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_float_butterfly_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Flottement de papillon</color></size>\n +30 % dégâts d'armement\n +30 % dégâts subis</align>"
+ dungeonmod_hot_to_handle_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Contact brûlant (létal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +250 % super vitesse, -15 % vue caméra\n +50 % dégâts subis\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 7x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_hunt_peck_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Chasse et coup de bec</color></size>\n -50 % cadence de tir\n +25 % dégâts d'armement</align>"
+ dungeonmod_in_your_face_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Dans ta face</color></size>\n +20 % dégâts d'armement\n -40 % portée d'armement</align>"
+ dungeonmod_insomniac_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Insomnie (létal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -100 % régénération de blindage, -100 % régénération de vapeur\n -30 % super vitesse, +25 % dégâts subis\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 7x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_itchy_trigger_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Détente chatouilleuse</color></size>\n +30 % cadence de tir & munitions\n -30 % rechargement & dégâts d'armement</align>"
+ dungeonmod_nearsighted_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Myopie (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -35 % vue caméra\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_restless_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Agitation</color></size>\n -50 % régénération de blindage\n +25 % super vitesse</align>"
+ dungeonmod_rush_hour_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Heure de pointe (difficile) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +50 % super vitesse\n +35 % dégâts subis\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Butin : 2x amélioration d'appareil, 3x chance de butin spécial</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_touchy_01: "<align=center>Modificateur de donjon :\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Sensibilité</color></size>\n +30 % régénération de blindage\n +20 % dégâts subis</align>"
idle-warning-disconnect_01: Eh, pilote, à moins que vous ne bougiez ou fassiez quelque chose, je vais vous déconnecter pour que personne ne voie que vous faites la sieste...
idle-warning-recall_01: Woh, pilote ! Vous êtes là ? Vous avez disparu du radar. Bougez, tirez, enfin faites quelque chose pour qu'on vous voie.
intro-hangar_01: Coop ! Je t'ai déjà dit cent fois de ne pas laisser traîner de machins rouillés dans mon hangar ! C'est TON boulot, le stockage !
intro-hangar_02: Oh, bonjour, pilote. Je réglais quelque chose avec un collègue...
intro-hangar_03: Vous cherchez de quoi voler ? J'ai ce qu'il vous faut.
@@ -90,14 +90,14 @@ text:
intro_08: Ces maudits chats pensaient avoir éradiqué les oiseaux pendant la guerre.
intro_09: Mais ils se sont trompés. Nous nous sommes soulevés ! La rébellion a repris l'air !
intro_10: Ensemble, nous allons chasser du ciel tous ces aristocrates.
intro_11: Ensemble, nous allons éliminer Miaouza et libérer ce monde !
intro_12: Compris ? Bien. Le moment est venu de voler, recrue.
- meowza1_warning_belowL30_01: <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Danger ahead, Pilot! <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>
- meowza1_warning_belowL30_02: This is the final battle with Meowza. There's a <color=#d40009ff>very high chance you'll be shot down.</color>
- meowza1_warning_belowL30_03: This mission is voluntary. There's no shame in teleporting to the Rebel City now and sitting this one out.
- meowza1_warning_belowL30_04: You can level up and practice your skills until you feel ready. The choice is yours. Good skies!
+ meowza1_warning_belowL30_01: <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Danger devant, pilote !<sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>
+ meowza1_warning_belowL30_02: C'est l'affrontement final contre Miaouza. La probabilité <color=#d40009ff>que vous soyez abattu est très élevée</color>.
+ meowza1_warning_belowL30_03: Cette mission n'emploie que des volontaires. Il n'y a pas de honte à y renoncer en se téléportant à Rebel City.
+ meowza1_warning_belowL30_04: Vous pouvez augmenter votre niveau et vous entraîner jusqu'à ce que vous vous sentiez prêt. Le choix vous appartient. Bon vol !
mewoza-new-player_01: Repos, recrue.
mewoza-new-player_02: Je sais que vous demandez pourquoi je vous ai fait revenir à Rebel City.
mewoza-new-player_03: Nos forces viennent d'éliminer les derniers lieutenants de Miaouza.
mewoza-new-player_04: En représailles, Miaouza a attiré tous nos pilotes vers son antre pour un dernier affrontement. Croisons les doigts.
mewoza-new-player_05: Franchement, je ne vous pensais pas à la hauteur, alors je vous ai fait venir ici. J'espère que vous comprenez.
@@ -110,10 +110,33 @@ text:
test-04b: 'Maintenant, au tour d''une personne de grande confiance : l''opérateur de portail.'
test-05: Tenez, prenez ceci, ça pourra vous aider.
test-05-continue: Merci !
test-06: Des questions ?
test2-01: Ceci est un test rapide. Nous ne savons pas vraiment sur quoi il porte, mais restez sur vos gardes !
+ tut_01_2_complete_01: Voici le <color=#FBB040>pub des pilotes</color>. Revenez ici pour <color=#FBB040>achever vos missions</color> et <color=#FBB040>accepter de nouvelles missions</color>.
+ tut_01_2_complete_02: Nous avons de nouvelles infos que vous devez vérifier. Quand vous serez prêt, <color=#FBB040>acceptez votre nouvelle mission</color>.
+ tut_01_2_start_01: Nous avons de nouvelles infos... Retournez au <color=#FBB040>pub des pilotes de Rebel City</color>. Appuyez sur <color=#FBB040>[<action:5>]</color> pour vous téléporter à Rebel City !
+ tut_01_start_01: Ouvrez l'œil, recrue ! Vous êtes dans les ruines urbaines et nos éclaireurs ont signalé des récupérateurs par ici.
+ tut_01_start_02: Votre première mission consiste à <color=#FBB040>trouver et détruirez les convois de récupérateurs</color>.
+ tut_02_complete_01: C'était un centre de communications impérial ! Les chats doivent bâtir une base à proximité. On ne peut pas les laisser faire.
+ tut_02_complete_02: J'ai triangulé l'emplacement de la base. Vous devez <color=#FBB040>vous infiltrer et la détruire</color>.
+ tut_02_start_01: Pendant que vous éliminiez ces récupérateurs, nos crânes d'œuf ont déchiffré un signal de commandement crypté.
+ tut_02_start_02: Vous avez pour tâche de <color=#FBB040>trouver et détruire la source du signal de commandement</color>.
+ tut_03_complete_01: Pas de repos pour les braves. Votre prochaine affectation est arrivée. Quand vous serez prêt à partir, acceptez-la.
+ tut_03_firstKillGoal0_01: Beau travail ! Ces chats n'ont rien vu venir.
+ tut_03_firstKillGoal0_02: Pour alimenter tous ces chantiers, il doit y avoir un dépôt impérial près d'ici. Nous devons abattre sa chaîne logistique.
+ tut_03_firstKillGoal0_03: Pour l'instant, retournez au <color=#FBB040>pub des pilotes de Rebel City</color> chercher de nouvelles instructions.
+ tut_03_start_01: Rejoignez le marqueur et grimpez à bord du <color=#FBB040>transport</color>, il vous amènera à la base avancée.
+ tut_04_complete_01: Le pilote ennemi a envoyé un signal de détresse sur une fréquence aristocratique. Vous savez ce que ça veut dire ?
+ tut_04_start_01: 'Attention : le dépôt logistique est gardé par une unité très dangereuse. Je sais que vous réussirez. Bon vol.'
+ tut_05_complete_01: Vous avez prouvé votre valeur, recrue. Dorénavant, vous pourrez choisir vos missions.
+ tut_05_complete_02: Venez ici, au pub des pilotes, quand vous aurez besoin de nouveaux ordres. Bon vol !
+ tut_05_firstKillGoal0_01: Vous venez d'éliminer votre premier commandant noble, recrue. Vous faites ma fierté.
+ tut_05_firstKillGoal0_02: Ça montrera à ces impériaux ce qui arrive quand ils mettent leur museau chez nous.
+ tut_05_firstKillGoal0_03: 'Vous connaissez le topo : retournez au <color=#FBB040>pub des pilotes de Rebel City</color> pour votre prochaine mission.'
+ tut_05_start_01: Cet appel de détresse a été adressé à un <color=#FBB040>commandant noble</color> félin situé dans un <color=#FBB040>nid de chalopendres</color> voisin.
+ tut_05_start_02: Nous devons les éliminer pour arrêter cette incursion ennemie sur notre territoire. C'est une mission importante, mais je sais que vous serez à la hauteur.
tutorial-quest-item-storage_01: 'Un petit tuyau, pilote : les matériaux de fabrication peuvent être intégrés à des recettes à l''atelier et les objets de quête peuvent être proposés au pub.'
tutorial-quest-item-storage_02: Vous n'avez pas besoin de les placer en soute si vous ne le souhaitez pas.
tutorial-quests-complete_01: Maintenant que vous avez quelques missions à votre actif, je peux vous parler de la campagne.
tutorial-quests-complete_02: Notre objectif ultime est de libérer le monde de Miaouza et de son empire félin. Ce qui n'a rien de simple.
tutorial-quests-complete_03: Pour espérer abattre Miaouza, il va falloir éliminer ses <color=#FBB040>lieutenants</color> sur l'ensemble de la carte.
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/events.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/events.txt
index a34a6dc..8c1b217 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/events.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/events.txt
@@ -1,127 +1,127 @@
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Djinn\n - Éliminer 100 lions de garde, bêtes de garde, gardes de domaine, conducteurs esclaves, bureauchates, jardiniers, agents urbains, inquisiteurs, membres de la police secrète, gardes anti-émeute, éléments de contrôle de foule ou assassins en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier rouge\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Djinn\n - Éliminer 100 lions de garde, bêtes de garde, gardes de domaine, conducteurs esclaves, bureauchates, jardiniers, agents urbains, inquisiteurs, membres de la police secrète, gardes anti-émeute, éléments de contrôle de foule ou assassins en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier rouge\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Raijin_Imperial
title: 'Prime : Djinn'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Dr Geckelston\n - Éliminer 20 conducteurs esclaves ou gardes de domaine en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier jaune\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Dr Geckelston\n - Éliminer 20 conducteurs esclaves ou gardes de domaine en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier jaune\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Geckelsten_SlaveDrivers
title: 'Prime : Dr Geckelston'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Mener à bien 1 Fouilles\n - Éliminer 20 tireurs d'élite ou duellistes en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - 2 unités aléatoires d'acier\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Mener à bien 1 Fouilles\n - Éliminer 20 tireurs d'élite ou duellistes en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - 2 unités aléatoires d'acier\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Dig_DuelistMarksman
title: 'Mission spéciale : Les fouilles'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Miaouza\n - Éliminer 5 grands lions en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier sombre\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Miaouza\n - Éliminer 5 grands lions en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier sombre\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Meowza_GrandLion
title: 'Prime : Trône de Miaouza'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Horreur gelée au monastère de hiboux \n - Éliminer 20 inquisiteurs ou assassins en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier blanc\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Horreur gelée au monastère de hiboux \n - Éliminer 20 inquisiteurs ou assassins en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier blanc\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_FrozenHorror_Assassins
title: 'Prime : l''Horreur gelée'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 prêtresse Tiffany\n - Éliminer 20 lions de garde ou jardiniers en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier bleu\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 prêtresse Tiffany\n - Éliminer 20 lions de garde ou jardiniers en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier bleu\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Temple_Groundskeeper
title: 'Prime : Grande prêtresse Tiffany'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 araignée blanche\n - Éliminer 20 agents urbains ou éléments de contrôle de foule en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier pourpre\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 araignée blanche\n - Éliminer 20 agents urbains ou éléments de contrôle de foule en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier pourpre\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_WhiteSpider_CityOfficer
title: 'Prime : Araignée blanche'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Rei\n - Éliminer 100 lions de garde, bêtes de garde, gardes de domaine, conducteurs esclaves, bureauchates, jardiniers, agents urbains, inquisiteurs, membres de la police secrète, gardes anti-émeute, éléments de contrôle de foule ou assassins en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier jaune\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Rei\n - Éliminer 100 lions de garde, bêtes de garde, gardes de domaine, conducteurs esclaves, bureauchates, jardiniers, agents urbains, inquisiteurs, membres de la police secrète, gardes anti-émeute, éléments de contrôle de foule ou assassins en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier jaune\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Thunderboss_Imperial
title: 'Prime : Rei'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Kai\n - Éliminer 20 conducteurs esclaves ou gardes de domaine en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier bleu\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Kai\n - Éliminer 20 conducteurs esclaves ou gardes de domaine en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier bleu\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Kai_SlaveDrivers
title: 'Prime : Kai'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Mener à bien 1 Fouilles\n - Éliminer 20 tireurs d'élite ou duellistes en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Deux unités aléatoires d'acier\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Mener à bien 1 Fouilles\n - Éliminer 20 tireurs d'élite ou duellistes en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Deux unités aléatoires d'acier\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Dig_DuelistMarksman
title: 'Mission spéciale : Les chambres fortes'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 SN-Z\n - Éliminer 5 grands lions en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier sombre\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 SN-Z\n - Éliminer 5 grands lions en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier sombre\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_SNS_GrandLion
title: 'Prime : SN-Z'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 phénix traître au camp de rééducation \n - Éliminer 20 inquisiteurs ou assassins en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier rouge\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 phénix traître au camp de rééducation \n - Éliminer 20 inquisiteurs ou assassins en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier rouge\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Phoenix_Assassins
title: 'Prime : Phénix traître'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 mécanisme de l'apocalypse\n - Éliminer 20 lions de garde ou jardiniers en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier blanc\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 mécanisme de l'apocalypse\n - Éliminer 20 lions de garde ou jardiniers en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier blanc\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Doomsday_Groundskeeper
title: 'Prime : Mécanisme de l''apocalypse'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 divinité toxique\n - Éliminer 20 agents urbains ou éléments de contrôle de foule en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier pourpre\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 divinité toxique\n - Éliminer 20 agents urbains ou éléments de contrôle de foule en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier pourpre\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_PoisonGod_CityOfficer
title: 'Prime : Divinité toxique'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Djinn\n - Éliminer 100 lions de garde, bêtes de garde, gardes de domaine, conducteurs esclaves, bureauchates, jardiniers, agents urbains, inquisiteurs, membres de la police secrète, gardes anti-émeute, éléments de contrôle de foule ou assassins en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier rouge\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Djinn\n - Éliminer 100 lions de garde, bêtes de garde, gardes de domaine, conducteurs esclaves, bureauchates, jardiniers, agents urbains, inquisiteurs, membres de la police secrète, gardes anti-émeute, éléments de contrôle de foule ou assassins en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier rouge\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Raijin_Imperial
title: 'Prime : Cité impériale'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Dr Geckelston\n - Éliminer 20 conducteurs esclaves ou gardes de domaine en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier jaune\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Dr Geckelston\n - Éliminer 20 conducteurs esclaves ou gardes de domaine en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier jaune\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Geckelston_SlaveDrivers
title: 'Prime : Dr Geckelston'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Mener à bien 1 Fouilles\n - Éliminer 20 tireurs d'élite ou duellistes en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - 2 unités aléatoires d'acier\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Mener à bien 1 Fouilles\n - Éliminer 20 tireurs d'élite ou duellistes en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - 2 unités aléatoires d'acier\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Dig_DuelistMarksman
title: 'Prime : Les fouilles'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Miaouza\n - Éliminer 5 grands lions en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier sombre\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Miaouza\n - Éliminer 5 grands lions en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier sombre\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Meowza_GrandLion
title: 'Prime : Trône de Miaouza'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Horreur gelée au monastère de hiboux \n - Éliminer 20 inquisiteurs ou assassins en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier blanc\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 Horreur gelée au monastère de hiboux \n - Éliminer 20 inquisiteurs ou assassins en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier blanc\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_FrozenHorror_Assassins
title: 'Prime : Horreur gelée au monastère de hiboux'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 prêtresse Tiffany\n - Éliminer 20 lions de garde ou jardiniers en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier bleu\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 prêtresse Tiffany\n - Éliminer 20 lions de garde ou jardiniers en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier bleu\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_Temple_Groundskeeper
title: 'Prime : Grande prêtresse Tiffany'
- description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 araignée blanche\n - Éliminer 20 agents urbains ou éléments de contrôle de foule en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier pourpre\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Primes du jour\n - Éliminer 1 araignée blanche\n - Éliminer 20 agents urbains ou éléments de contrôle de foule en volant avec deux autres pilotes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Acier pourpre\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
header_image: EventHeader_WhiteSpider_CityOfficer
title: 'Prime : Araignée blanche'
- description: "Tous les vendredis, les nobles félins s'accordent du bon temps en famille. \n \n Des rongeurs pratiquant la religion d'État passent au barbecue, sont servis avec des sauces succulentes et des serviteurs canins dansent.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Récup. supérieure dans les domaines nobles\n - XP doublés dans les domaines nobles\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Tous les vendredis, les nobles félins s'accordent du bon temps en famille. \n \n Des rongeurs pratiquant la religion d'État passent au barbecue, sont servis avec des sauces succulentes et des serviteurs canins dansent.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Récup. supérieure dans les domaines nobles\n - XP doublés dans les domaines nobles\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: Retour à la normale de l'activité ennemie dans les domaines nobles.
header_image: EventHeader_NobleEstates
starting_server_message: Accroissement de l'activité ennemie dans les domaines nobles. XP bonus et récup. supérieure.
title: Aristocratie du vendredi
- description: "Chaque lundi, les missions dans les étendues glacées du Nord bénéficient d'un important bonus d'expérience.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Récup. supérieure dans les missions glacées\n - XP doublés dans toutes les missions glacées\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Chaque lundi, les missions dans les étendues glacées du Nord bénéficient d'un important bonus d'expérience.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Récup. supérieure dans les missions glacées\n - XP doublés dans toutes les missions glacées\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: Les vents du Nord ont cessé de hurler.
header_image: EventHeader_Ice
starting_server_message: Les vents se lèvent dans le Nord. Cherchez le monastère enneigé, il recèle de superbes trésors.
title: Frissons du lundi
- description: "Chaque samedi, les nobles et leurs laquais rendent hommage à la Grande dirigeante. Ils paient leur dû et rendent compte de ce qu'ils ont tiré de leur territoire. L'obéissance absolue est de rigueur.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Récup. supérieure dans la capitale impériale\n - XP doublés dans la capitale impériale\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Chaque samedi, les nobles et leurs laquais rendent hommage à la Grande dirigeante. Ils paient leur dû et rendent compte de ce qu'ils ont tiré de leur territoire. L'obéissance absolue est de rigueur.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Récup. supérieure dans la capitale impériale\n - XP doublés dans la capitale impériale\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: Retour à la normale de l'activité ennemie dans la capitale impériale.
header_image: EventHeader_ImperialCapital
starting_server_message: Accroissement de l'activité ennemie dans la capitale impériale. XP bonus et récup. supérieure.
title: Vénération du samedi
- description: "Tous les dimanches, les usines robotisées expédient la production de la semaine. Des rebelles avisés peuvent en profiter pour faire leur marché.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Récup. supérieure en robot-usine\n - XP doublés en robot-usine\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Tous les dimanches, les usines robotisées expédient la production de la semaine. Des rebelles avisés peuvent en profiter pour faire leur marché.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Récup. supérieure en robot-usine\n - XP doublés en robot-usine\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: Retour à la normale de l'activité ennemie dans les hautes terres.
header_image: EventHeader_RoboFactory
starting_server_message: Accroissement de l'activité ennemie dans les usines robotisées des hautes terres. XP bonus et récup. supérieure.
title: Hautes terres du dimanche
- description: "Chaque jeudi, les archéologues impériaux chargent leurs découvertes sur des caravanes et les envoient en lieu sûr.\n \n L'empire a besoin de ces vestiges d'anciennes civilisations. Nous ne sommes que leur ombre.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Récup. supérieure en zone archéologique\n - XP doublés en zone archéologique\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Chaque jeudi, les archéologues impériaux chargent leurs découvertes sur des caravanes et les envoient en lieu sûr.\n \n L'empire a besoin de ces vestiges d'anciennes civilisations. Nous ne sommes que leur ombre.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Récup. supérieure en zone archéologique\n - XP doublés en zone archéologique\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: Retour à la normale de l'activité ennemie dans les hautes terres.
header_image: EventHeader_Archaeology
starting_server_message: Accroissement de l'activité ennemie dans les sites de fouilles archéologiques des hautes terres. XP bonus et récup. supérieure.
title: Ruines du jeudi
- description: "Chaque mardi, des patients augmentés quittent les complexes hospitaliers. Épargnez-leur un sort pire que la mort.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Récup. supérieure en zone médicale\n - XP doublés en zone médicale\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Chaque mardi, des patients augmentés quittent les complexes hospitaliers. Épargnez-leur un sort pire que la mort.\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Récup. supérieure en zone médicale\n - XP doublés en zone médicale\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: Retour à la normale de l'activité ennemie dans les hautes terres.
header_image: EventHeader_Hospital
starting_server_message: Accroissement de l'activité ennemie dans la zone médicale des hautes terres. XP bonus et récup. supérieure.
title: Médecine du mardi
- description: "Chaque mercredi, des tunnels apparaissent dans les camps de rééducation impériaux. Recevez des XP bonus et de la récup. supérieure\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Récup. supérieure lors des missions ardentes\n - XP doublés pour toutes les missions ardentes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Chaque mercredi, des tunnels apparaissent dans les camps de rééducation impériaux. Recevez des XP bonus et de la récup. supérieure\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Récompenses spéciales</color></size></b>\n - Récup. supérieure lors des missions ardentes\n - XP doublés pour toutes les missions ardentes\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: Les chemins secrets vers les camps de rééducation sont fermés.
header_image: EventHeader_Fire
starting_server_message: Des tubes de magma évacuent de la matière vers la surface. Cherchez le camp de rééducation afin de récupérer un trésor.
title: Mercredi sulfureux
@@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ playtest_early_start:
ending_server_message: ''
header_image: ''
starting_server_message: ''
title: Début anticipé de week-end amical
- description: "Bienvenue dans le dernier playtest en date de Steambirds. Soyez conviviaux. Explorez le jeu. Amusez-vous. Bon vol ! \n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ description: "Bienvenue dans le dernier playtest en date de Steambirds. Soyez conviviaux. Explorez le jeu. Amusez-vous. Bon vol ! \n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Programme</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: Le playtest amical est terminé !
header_image: EventHeader_Updates
starting_server_message: Le playtest amical commence !
title: Playtest amical
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/item.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/item.txt
index b2f53e7..976b5f7 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/item.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/item.txt
@@ -2336,14 +2336,11 @@ trail_9:
name: Traînée poussiéreuse
description: "Rare traînée réservée aux premiers testeurs alpha. Les flammes brûlent de la passion des premiers rebelles.\n \n [PERMANENT. À stocker afin d'éviter toute perte en cas d'explosion de l'appareil.]"
name: Traînée post-combustion alpha
- description: 'Show a little love for the players who were with us before we launched.
- [PERMANENT. Place in storage so you don''t lose it when your plane explodes.]'
+ description: "Faites preuve d'un peu d'affection pour les joueurs qui nous ont accompagnés avant le lancement.\n \n [PERMANENT. À stocker afin d'éviter toute perte en cas d'explosion de l'appareil.]"
name: Traînée de bêta ouverte
description: "Pourquoi y a-t-il des arènes ? Qui effectue les tests ? Dans quel but ?\n \n [PERMANENT. À stocker afin d'éviter toute perte en cas d'explosion de l'appareil.]"
name: Traînée des arènes
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/legal.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/legal.txt
index 34188cb..43a1395 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/legal.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/legal.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- body: "<b>蒸汽鸟联盟 & SPRY FOX NETWORK最终用户许可协议</b>\n \n 最后修改日期:2017年10月6日\n \n 请在安装蒸汽鸟联盟和使用SPRY FOX NETWORK前,仔细阅读此协议(“协议”)。若您无法同意本协议的所有条款,请勿安装此软件程序。\n \n 感谢您对Spry Fox LLC(“Spry Fox”或“我们”)的Spry Fox网络游戏平台(“Spry Fox Network”)和Spry Fox的互动游戏(“游戏”)的大力支持。本协议规定了您被授权访问Spry Fox Network,并在Spry Fox Network上进行游戏的条款和条件。若您不同意本协议的所有条款,您将无法得到许可以进行安装、复制或游玩任何游戏,且无权访问SPRY FOX NETWORK。\n \n 1.<b>SPRY FOX NETWORK账号。</b>\n A.<b>使用SPRY FOX NETWORK账号。</b> 若要使用Spry Fox Network账号,您必须进行注册或是使用之前在Spry Fox Network上锁建立的账号(“账号”)。创建及使用账号将受到以下条款和条件限制:\n I.您需要满足以下条件方可建立账号:(i)您是在所居住国的“自然人”且为成年人(公司、有限责任公司、合伙企业以及其他法律或商业实体不可建立账号);(ii)您不是Spry Fox特别禁止使用Spry Fox Network的个人。\n II.当您创建或更新账户时,您必须向Spry Fox提供准确且最新的个人信息,例如您的姓名、地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址。此外,在进行某些特定的游戏或使用Spry Fox Network的某些特定功能时,您可能还需向Spry Fox提供付款信息(例如信用卡信息)。您个人信息的留存将受到Spry Fox的SFN隐私政策约束,有关详细信息请访问http://spryfox.com/spry-fox-network-privacy-policy。Spry Fox同样也有权从您与Spry Fox Network的网络连接中获取非个人数据。\n III.在您创建账户时,您需要选择一个唯一的用户名和密码(以下统称为“登录信息”)。除非本协议中条款允许,否则您不能与任何人共享账户或登录信息。\n IV.您必须完好保管登录信息,因为无论是否得到您的授权,所有登录信息以及账户的使用,包括购买都由您完全负责。若您关注到或是合理地质疑任何安全漏洞,包括但不限于任何登录信息的丢失、盗窃或未经授权的泄露,请立即通过support@spryfox.com通知Spry Fox。\n V.根据居住国的法律,未成年子女可以使用父母或法定监护人所创建的账户。若您允许您的未成年子女或法定监护人(统称您的子女)使用Spry Fox网络上的帐户,您在此代表您和您的子女同意本协议,无论您是否授权您的孩子使用,您理解并同意您将负责您的孩子的帐户的所有使用方式。\n VI.您应用Spry Fox网络和游戏与Spry Fox 和其他玩家互动是受Spry Fox的游戏内政策(游戏内政策)所控制的。游戏内政策并不确定详尽,通常它将会在游戏的官方讨论论坛中被宣布和更新。这些游戏内政策应用于所有的游戏:\n a. 我们鼓励我们的玩家在游戏中进行合作和竞争,但越界来进行虐待是永远不能接受的。如果你遇到违反以下游戏政策的玩家,你应当将他们报告给 support@spryfox.com。\n b. 当您加入任何形式的交流(聊天、语音交流 、组队)时,你为要对你自己的表达而负责。你不能用攻击性的语言或对他人粗俗。\n c..仇恨言论以及歧视性的,以及任何淫秽及颠覆性的言论都是不适当的。无论使用何种语言,猥亵以及骚扰其他玩家的行为是完全不能接受的。违反任意的这些期望条款将导致用户账户受限。更严重以及重复性的违反将导致更加严厉的限制。\n d.您将被禁止任何在“聊天”(游戏内交流)中进行的具有破坏性、恶意或危险影响的操作体验具有破坏性、恶意或危险影响的操作体验,包括但不限于:\n i.恶意导致聊天窗口滚动比其他用户所能阅读的速度快,或设置具有大量文本的宏指令,在使用这些宏指令时,导致对聊天的进行造成破坏性的效果:ii发布商业广告和/或商品广告以及游戏外的服务:iii发送重复性的未经请求的或不受欢迎的信息至单独玩家或重复性发送相似信息至聊天区,包括无限制的售卖商品或服务的连续性广告;以及iv在游戏内交流或发布任何用户的个人信息,或在与游戏所关联的网址或论坛,除非用户将他或她的个人信息以私信方式指定交流给个人用户。\n e.名字受上述建立的同样规则所约束。任何玩家有权利自定义的名字——比如玩家名字以及行会名字——必须合适以及无恶意。任何违背我们标准的名字将会被更改,并且根据我们的判断,违规账户可能会受到额外的限制。注意合适的名字由玩家报告以及Spry Fox的决定所确定。特别的是,您不能使用以下任何名字:\n i.意图冒充属于其他人的名字,包括但不限于Spry Fox的管理员或任何其他员工或代理人:ii.含有粗俗语言,或含有攻击性、诽谤性、淫秽性、可恨性、种族性、民族性或其他令人反感的语言;iii.须受任何其他人士或实体的权利而无须该人士或实体的书面授权;iv.属于流行文化人物、名人或媒体人物;v.不论是否注册,该等商标或服务标记包括或实质上类似于该等商标或服务标记;或者是vi.与毒品,性,酒精或犯罪行为相关联。\n f.在游戏世界里您要对您自己以及您账户的表现负责。任何形式的作弊将导致立即采取行动。使用第三方程序来自动化游戏的任何方面,利用漏洞,或从事任何赋予不公平优势的活动都被认为是作弊。\n g.利用其他玩家是同等严重的冒犯。欺诈、账户共享、赢钱交易以及其他任何可能降低其他玩家游戏体验的行为都将受到严厉惩罚。\n h.如果你不确定你的行为是否违反了这一行为准则,请重新考虑它们。我们尽可能必要地保留限制违规帐户的权利以保持Spry fox的游戏提供给所有玩家的乐趣体验。\n Vll.您同意您或使用您账户的任何人支付所有款项以及合适的税。如果您选择了一款游戏的重复订阅,您已知悉支付将会被自动处理(例如,从你的信用卡中扣除)直到您取消订阅或注销账户。Spry Fox 可能会在Spry Fox网络中所提供的物品或服务修改价格。您已知悉,无论何种原因,Spry Fox不需要退还您因使用Spry Fox网络或通过SPRY FOX网络购买而支付给SPRY FOX的款项。\n Vlll.在您使用Spry Fox网络是,Spry Fox应当有监控和/或记录您交流记录的权利,并且您知悉并同意当您使用Spry Fox网络时,您的交流记录将不是私人的。在任何理由下,Spry Fox应当有公开您交流信息此权利,包括:(a)用来满足任何适用法律、法规、法律程序或政府的要求;(b)执行本协议条款或任何其他Spry Fox政策;(c)保护Spry Fox的合法权利和补救措施;(d)保护Spry Fox认为可能受到威胁的任何人的健康或安全;或(e)举报犯罪或其他冒犯行为。\n B. <b>颁发许可证。</b> 如果您接受并遵守本协议的条款,Spry Fox将授予您,您也将获得一个非子许可的、非独家的许可以使用Spry Fox网络和游戏,但须遵守以下第1(C)条中规定的许可限制:\n L. 除非本协议条款特别允许,否则您只能将Spry Fox网络和游戏用于您的个人和非商业娱乐目的。\n II.您不得将使用Spry Fox网络的权利和义务转让。\n III.关于游戏从零售商购买原始载体(例如,cd - rom, DVD,等等),你可以通过物理传输原始媒体,原始的包装,以及所有随游戏发行的手册或其他文件,向同意本协议条款的另一个人永久转移有关游戏使用的你的所有权利和义务,前提是您永久删除您所拥有或能控制的游戏的所有副本和安装文件。您同意完全负责任何税收、费用、收费、关税、预提、评估等,以及与此类转让相关的任何利息、罚款和附加费用。除上述规定外,Spry Fox不承认任何所声称的游戏转让;以及IV.在Spry Fox网络上可以玩的一些游戏可能受到特定许可条款的约束,这些许可条款可能包括以下内容: (1)在某些情况下,游戏的完整版本只能在您购买游戏许可证后才能玩;(2)您可以通过您注册的帐户在Spry Fox Network上的公共网络咖啡馆或电脑游戏中心玩您已获得许可证的游戏。\n C. <b>许可证限制。</b> 如果您违反了或帮助他人违反了以下许可限制,Spry Fox可能会撤销您使用Spry Fox网络的许可证和/或游戏。您同意您不会在任何情况下,全部或部分地或在任何情况下,做以下事情:\n I. <u>派生作品:</u>复制或再造(第1(B)条中规定的除外)、翻译、逆向工程、从游戏中获取源代码、修改、反汇编、反编译或创建基于游戏或与游戏相关的衍生作品。\n II.<u>作弊:</u>创建,使用,提供,广告,使可使用和/或分发下列或提供协助:\n A. <b>作弊;</b> 即未经Spry Fox明确授权,影响和/或便利游戏,包括利用游戏中的bug,从而使您和/或任何其他用户比不使用此类方法的其他玩家具有优势的手段。\n b. <b>机器人;</b>即任何未经Spry Fox明确授权的,允许自动控制游戏、Spry Fox网络和/或其任何组件或功能的代码和/或软件,例如游戏中角色的自动控制;\n c. <b>骇客;</b> 即以未获Spry Fox明确授权的方式访问或修改游戏或Spry Fox网络的软件;和/或\n d. 任何未经Spry Fox明确授权的代码和/或软件,可用于与Spry Fox网络、游戏和/或其任何更改和/或便利游戏的组件或功能有关的代码和/或软件。\n III.<u>禁止商业用途:</u>利用Spry Fox网络或游戏的全部或个别组件,用于Spry Fox未明确授权的任何目的,包括但不限于(i)在Spry Fox网络或游戏之外收集游戏货币、物品或资源以供销售;(ii)执行游戏内服务,例如权力水准,以换取在Spry Fox网络或游戏(多个游戏)以外的支付;或(Iii)(以文字、现场音频通讯或其他方式)通讯或便利任何商业广告、邀请或提供通过Spry Fox网络或游戏(多个游戏)内的任何商业广告、招标或要约。\n IV.<u>数据挖掘:</u>使用第三方软件拦截、收集、读取或“挖掘”由Spry Fox网络或游戏(多个游戏)生成或存储的信息;但是,只要Spry Fox可以完全和绝对酌情允许使用某些第三方用户界面; v.<u>重复的项目:</u>创建,使用或交易利用数据挖掘SpryFox网络或游戏(多个游戏)的设计缺陷、无文档问题或程序错误问题所创造或复制的游戏内道具;VI.<u>安排比赛:</u>为游戏(多个游戏)主持、提供或开发安排比赛服务,或以任何方式拦截、模仿或重定向Spry Fox所使用的通信协议,用于任何目的,包括但不限于未经授权的互联网播放、网络播放(Spry Fox明确授权的除外),或作为内容聚合网络的一部分; Vll.<u>未经授权的连接:</u>促进、创建或维护与Spry Fox网络或游戏(多个游戏)的任何未经授权的连接,包括(i)与任何未经授权的服务器的连接,或试图模仿Spry Fox网络;和(ii)使用未获Spry Fox明确授权的第三方程序或工具的任何连接;Vlll.<u>转让:</u>试图出售、转授权、出租、租赁、授予游戏的担保权益或以其他方式将游戏(多个游戏)的任何副本或您对游戏(多个游戏)的权利以未明确授权的任何方式转让给任何其他方;IX.<u>扰乱:</u>扰乱或协助扰乱(i)任何用于支持Spry Fox网络或任何游戏环境的计算机;或(Ii)任何其他玩家的游戏体验。任何试图破坏SPRY FOX网络或破坏任何游戏的合法运作,都可能违反刑法和民法。\n X. <u>违法:</u>使用游戏,或Spry Fox网络来违反任何适用的法律或法规。\n D. <b>游戏及Spry Fox网络特征。</b>\n I. <u>Spry Fox网络特征:</u>\n A. <b>广告:</b>Spry Fox的游戏和Spry Fox网络可能会结合第三方技术,在Spry Fox网络和/或在某些游戏中可以在Spry Fox网络上播放广告,该游戏可以临时下载到您的个人计算机上,并在网络游戏期间被替换。作为此过程的一部分,Spry Fox和/或其授权的第三方广告商可以收集在您的个人计算机连接到Internet(包括您的Internet协议(IP)地址)时发送的标准信息。\n b. <b>用户创建或更新的内容:</b>作为游戏的一部分,Spry Fox网络和特定的游戏可能为您提供在Spry Fox网络和/或上载和显示内容的机会,包括汇编、安排或显示这些内容(统称为“用户内容”)。用户内容具体不包括自定义游戏,如以下第1(D)(ii)(a)节所定义。您特此授予Spry Fox永久的、不可撤销的、全球性的、完全付费的、非独家的权利和许可,以任何和所有的媒体、格式和形式,以任何和所有的媒体、格式和形式,发掘用户的内容及其所有元素,无论是现在还是以后设计的。Spry Fox拥有无限制的复制、修复、修改、翻译、重新格式化、准备衍生产品、添加和删除、重新排列和转换、制造、出版、分发、销售、许可、转授、转让、出租、租赁、传输、公开展示、公开表演、提供访问、广播和实践用户内容以及其中所包含的任何和所有元素的权利,并合并使用或合并用户内容或内容的一部分或部分内容合成任何其他材料。除非法律禁止任何如此权利的放弃,否则你在此放弃世界任何国家称为“道德权利”或“法律道德”的任何法律规定或任何类似法律的利益。您代表并保证用户内容不侵犯任何第三方的版权、商标、专利、商业秘密或其他知识产权。在适用法律允许的范围内,您在此放弃您在任何用户内容中可能拥有的任何道德权利。您还代表并保证您将不使用或贡献非法、侵权、诽谤、淫秽、侵犯他人隐私、威胁、骚扰、虐待、仇恨、种族主义或其他可憎或不适当的用户内容。Spry Fox可以自行决定从SpryFox网络删除任何用户内容和任何相关内容或元素。\n II.<u>游戏特征:</u>\n a. <b>游戏编辑器:</b>某些游戏包括编辑软件(以下称为“游戏编辑器”(多个编辑器)),允许您创建自定义游戏、级别、地图、场景或其他内容(“自定义游戏”)。为本协议和此处提及的任何协议的目的,“自定义游戏”包括使用游戏编辑器(多个编辑器)创建的所有内容,包括但不限于与这类自定义游戏相关的所有数字文件,以及(1)这些文件中的所有内容,包括但不限于玩家和非玩家字符、音频和视频元素、环境、对象、项目、皮肤和纹理,(2)所有标题、商标、商号、字符名称或与自定义游戏相关或包含在自定义游戏中的其他名称和短语,(3)自定义游戏中包含的任何其他知识产权,包括任何和所有的内容,游戏概念,方法或想法。自定义游戏只能与特定游戏编辑器相关的游戏引擎一起使用。使用或利用自定义游戏的方式如下:\n i.自定义游戏开发人员可能不会开发包含允许开发人员限制某些用户访问自定义游戏的机制的自定义游戏。\n II.自定义游戏是也应当是SpryFox的唯一和专有财产。在不限制上述条件的情况下,您在此指定Spry Fox在所有自定义游戏和所有自定义游戏中的所有权利、所有权和利益,并同意如Spry Fox决定有必要,您同意在收到Spry Fox的请求后立即执行将来的任务。此外,即使自定义游戏的开发人员请求SpryFox从任何平台或服务中删除自定义游戏,Spry Fox有权维护自定义游戏。\n III.您代表并保证您用于创建任何自定义游戏或将其上传给服务的内容,或此类内容(统称为“用户内容”)的汇编、安排或显示,均不侵犯或将侵犯任何第三方的版权、商标、专利、商业秘密或其他知识产权。您还代表并保证您将不使用或贡献非法、侵权、诽谤、淫秽、侵犯他人隐私、威胁、骚扰、虐待、仇恨、种族主义或其他可憎或不适当的用户内容。\n iv.在这个时候,自定义游戏开发商不能开发自定义游戏用于盈利。因此,自定义游戏不能出售、许可、租用,也不能包含支持任何有形或无形内容的购买交易的功能。\n b. <b>社区比赛:</b>为了支持本地的电子竞技比赛活动,Spry Fox特此授予您有限的、可撤销的许可证和使用特定游戏(“社区锦标赛”)组织和主办小型社区锦标赛或一系列比赛的权利,但须符合以下条件:\n i.在社区锦标赛期间颁发的所有奖品的总价值必须少于一万美元(10,000.00美元)或等值;ii.您不得向观看社区锦标赛的观众收取任何费用;iii.任何销售或推广下列产品的公司不得赞助社区锦标赛:色情制品(或极其成人的素材);酒精;烟草;火器;竞争激烈的在线电脑游戏;赌博网站;或任何损害Spry Fox公司业务的公司(黑客、黄金服务、账户销售、关键卖家);iv.社区锦标赛必须遵守所有适用的法律和法规;以及v.社区锦标赛的规则必须促进公平,以致游戏技能是决定谁将在社区锦标赛中赢得或失败比赛的决定性因素。\n c. <b>测试游戏的预发布版本:</b>某些预发布版本的游戏可能会通过SpryFox网络提供给您进行测试(“Beta测试”)。通过Spry Fox网络进行的beta测试将由以下几个方面来控制:\n I. <b>合格:</b>为了参加Beta测试,您必须满足以下要求:\n 1.Spry Fox必须指定您为Beta测试人员;2.在注册Beta测试前,您同意允许Spry Fox从计算机系统获得您将用于参加Beta测试(“系统”)的计算机系统的信息,以便Spry Fox能够确定您是否有资格参加Beta测试。\n II.<b>确认:</b>你确认:\n 1.测试Beta游戏是测试工作的一部分,可能包含可能导致数据丢失和/或损坏计算机系统的缺陷;2.在安装Beta之前,您已经或将要备份您的硬盘驱动器;3.您拥有轻松重新安装操作系统和恢复可能丢失的任何和所有数据所需的资源;4.Spry Fox对数据丢失或系统损坏、与Spry Fox网络失去连接所造成的中断、软件或硬件故障、数据丢失或玩家连接到Spry Fox网络能力的中断都不承担任何责任;Spry Fox可监视和记录与Beta有关的任何和所有电子或其他通信,包括但不限于数据包、聊天、电子邮件、留言板张贴等。6.在Beta测试期间的任何时间,Spry Fox对正在进行Beta测试的游戏可以以任何理由删除或修改SpryFox网络或游戏所存储的信息;7.Spry Fox可以将软件程序文件传输到系统,包括将从系统收集和发送Spry Fox处理器、内存、操作系统、视频卡和声卡信息的程序;以及8.未经SpryFox的明确授权,您不得销售、转让或商业利用对Beta的访问,包括Beta密钥的分发。\n III.<b>终止:</b>Spry Fox可以在任何时间终止Beta测试。当Spry Fox终止Beta测试时,您必须删除Beta以及从Spry Fox收到的与Beta测试相关的所有文档和材料,而且Spry Fox可能会要求您从安装了Beta的任何硬盘驱动器中删除Beta的任何元素。您同意并知悉Spry Fox终止Beta测试不应成为任何退款的理由,包括但不限于数字道具、为访问魔兽世界而购买的时间退款等。iv.<b>协定中适用于Beta测试的章节:</b>参加Beta测试时,本条款第1(D)(Il)(C)条的条款应取代和支配本协议中可能与本协议条款相冲突的任何其他条款。\n 2<b>SPRY FOX的所有权。</b> SPRY FOX是在Spry fox网络,游戏,帐户,和所有的功能和组件的所有的权利,所有权和利益的所有者或持牌人。Spry Fox网络和游戏可能包含由第三方授权给Spry Fox的材料,如果您违反本协议,这些第三方可能会对您强制执行他们的所有权。Spry Fox网络和/或游戏的下列组件由Spry Fox拥有或许可:\n A.在Spry Fox网络或游戏中出现的所有虚拟内容,例如:\n I. <b>画面成分:</b>点,艺术作品,结构或景观设计,动画和视听效果;ll.<b>叙述:</b>主题、概念、故事和剧情;lll.<b>角色:</b>游戏角色的名称、相似之处、目录和捕捉短语;lV.<b>道具:</b>虚拟物品、货币、药剂、可穿戴道具、宠物、坐骑等;B.由Spry Fox网络或游戏产生或发生的所有数据和通信;C.源自Spry Fox网络或游戏的所有声音、音乐创作、录音和音效;D.游戏中的所有录音、游戏重放或比赛再现、战斗、决斗等;E.计算机代码,包括但不限于“小程序”和源代码;F.包含在Spry Fox网络或游戏中的标题,操作方法,软件,相关文件,以及所有其他原创作品;G.所有帐户。请注意,SpryFox拥有所有帐户,所有帐户的使用都将以SpryFox作为受益者。Spry Fox不承认账户的转让。您不得购买、出售、赠送或交易任何帐户,或提议购买、出售、馈赠或交易任何帐户,任何此类企图均属无效,并可能导致帐户被没收;H.与Spry Fox网络或游戏(包括自定义游戏)有关的所有道德权利,如归属权,以及某些原始授权作品的完整性的权利;以及I.创作衍生作品的权利,作为本协议的一部分,您同意您将不创作任何基于Spry Fox网络或游戏的作品,除非本协议或Spry Fox在某些竞赛规则或本协议增编中明文规定的作品除外。\n 3.<b>预装软件。</b> Spry Fox网络可能包含额外的软件,要求您在使用之前同意附加条款(“附加软件”)。\n A. <b>安装。</b>您同意SpryFox可以在您的硬盘上安装额外的软件作为游戏安装的一部分,并在本协议期间不时安装。\n B. <b>使用:</b>除非Spry Fox授予您使用和激活附加软件的有效许可证和字母数字密钥,否则您不得访问、使用、分发、复制、显示、反向工程、来从附加软件派生源代码、修改、拆卸、反编译或创建派生作品。如果Spry Fox向您授予使用和激活附加软件的有效许可证和字母数字密钥,则所有附加软件的使用均应遵守本协议的条款。\n C. <b>复制品:</b>您可以制作(1)份额外软件,仅供存档之用。\n 4.<b>同意监视.</b> 在游戏运行时,游戏可以未经授权的第三方程序监视您的计算机的随机访问内存(RAM)。此处使用的“未经授权的第三方程序”应定义为上文第1(C)(Il)节所禁止的任何第三方软件。如果游戏检测到未经授权的第三方程序,(A)游戏可以将信息反馈给spry Fox,包括您的帐户名称、检测到的未授权第三方程序的详细信息以及时间和日期;和/或(b)spry Fox可以根据本协议行使其所有权限,通知或不事先通知用户。此外,某些游戏还包括一个工具,允许您的计算机系统在游戏崩溃时将信息转发给Spry Fox,包括系统和驱动程序数据,并同意Spry Fox能够接收这些数据。\n 5.<b>有限担保。</b>\n A.Spry Fox网络、帐户和游戏(多个游戏)是在“原样”和“现有”的基础上提供的,没有任何种类的保证,明示或暗示,包括但不限于任何条件不间断使用、适销性、适合某一特定用途、非侵权、所有权以及交易过程或贸易使用过程中产生的默示保证。使用或执行Spry Fox网络和游戏所产生的全部风险仍由用户承担。\n B.尽管如此,Spry Fox保证从您购买游戏许可证之日起90(90)天内,游戏分发媒体(如果有的话)将在材料和工艺上没有缺陷。如果在该时间段内证明此类媒体存在缺陷,并且向Spry Fox提交购买缺陷介质的证明后,Spry Fox可选择:(a)纠正任何缺陷,(b)向您提供类似价值的类似产品,或(c)退款。以上是对你方本条所列明示保证的唯一独家补救办法。有些法域不允许排除或限制默示保证,因此上述限制可能不适用于您。\n C.如果您是澳大利亚居民,则本有限担保提供给您的利益是根据当地法律可能拥有的与保修适用的货物相关的其他权利或补救措施。我们的货物有担保,不能排除在澳大利亚消费者法之外。对于重大故障,您有权得到替换或退款,并对任何其他合理可预见的损失或损坏给予赔偿。如果货物质量不合格,且故障不构成重大故障,你方也有权要求修理或更换商品。载有有限担保的这一条款的规定和载有以下责任和赔偿限制的条款仅在2010年竞争和消费者法(Cth)允许的范围内适用。如果发生重大故障,可获得替换或退款的权利不受SpryFox选择的限制。若要向Spry Fox提交保修申请,请发送电子邮件至Support@spryfox.com。用户负责将媒体返还SpryFox的费用。\n 6.<b>责任的限制。</b> Spry Fox及其子公司和附属公司不应对您使用、无法访问或使用Spry Fox网络、帐户或游戏(多个游戏)而造成的任何损失或损害负责。Spry Fox的责任不得超过您在向Spry Fox提出索赔之前的6个月内向Spry Fox支付的费用总额。\n 7.<b>赔偿。</b>您特此同意为SpryFox辩护并使其免受因您使用SpryFox网络、帐户或游戏、任何特定服务或游戏而产生的第三方索赔、责任、损失、伤害、损害、成本或费用。"
+ body: "<b>STEAMBIRDS ALLIANCE & SPRY FOX NETWORK END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT</b>\n \n LAST REVISED: OCTOBER 6, 2017\n \n CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT (THE “AGREEMENT”) BEFORE INSTALLING STEAMBIRDS ALLIANCE OR USING THE SPRY FOX NETWORK. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MAY NOT INSTALL THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM.\n \n Thank you for your interest in Spry Fox LLC’s (“Spry Fox” or “we”) Spry Fox Network game platform (“Spry Fox Network”) and Spry Fox’s interactive games (“Games”). This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which you are licensed to access the Spry Fox Network, and use Games on the Spry Fox Network. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO INSTALL, COPY OR USE ANY OF THE GAMES OR TO ACCESS THE SPRY FOX NETWORK.\n \n 1. <b>THE SPRY FOX NETWORK ACCOUNT.</b>\n A. <b>Use of the Spry Fox Network Account.</b>To use the Spry Fox Network, you must register, or have previously established, an account on the Spry Fox Network (an “Account”). Creation and use of Accounts are subject to the following terms and conditions:\n I. You may establish an Account only if: (i) you are a “natural person” and an adult in your country of residence (Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, partnerships and other legal or business entities may not establish an Account); and (ii) you are not an individual specifically prohibited by Spry Fox from using Spry Fox Network.\n II. When you create or update an Account, you must provide Spry Fox with accurate and up to date information that is personal to you, such as your name, address, phone number, and email address. Additionally, in order to play certain Games or use certain features offered on Spry Fox Network, you may be also be required to provide Spry Fox with payment information (such as credit card information). Spry Fox’s retention of your personal information is subject to Spry Fox’s SFN Privacy Policy, located at http://spryfox.com/spry-fox-network-privacy-policy. Spry Fox shall also have the right to obtain non personal data from your connection to Spry Fox Network.\n III. When you create an Account, you will be required to select a unique username and password (collectively referred to hereunder as “Login Information”). You cannot share the Account or the Login Information with anyone, unless the terms of this Agreement allow it.\n IV. You must maintain the confidentiality of the Login Information, as you are responsible for all uses of the Login Information and the Account, including purchases, whether or not authorized by you. If you become aware of or reasonably suspect any breach of security, including without limitation any loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of the Login Information, you must immediately notify Spry Fox at support@spryfox.com.\n V. Subject to the laws of your country of residence, minor children may utilize an Account established by their parent or legal guardian. In the event that you permit your minor child or legal ward (collectively, your “Child”) to use an Account on Spry Fox Network, you hereby agree to this Agreement on behalf of yourself and your Child, and you understand and agree that you will be responsible for all uses of the Account by your Child whether or not such uses were authorized by you.\n VI. Your use of Spry Fox Network and Games to interact with Spry Fox and other players is governed by Spry Fox’s In-Game Policies (the “In-game Policies”). The In-Game Policies are not meant to be exhaustive, and will generally be announced and updated in the Games’ official discussion forums. These In-game Policies apply to all Games:\n a. We encourage our players to cooperate and compete in our games, but crossing the line into abuse is never acceptable. If you come across a player violating the policies below, you should report them to support@spryfox.com.\n b. When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.\n c. Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions.\n d. You are prohibited from carrying out any action with a disruptive, malicious or dangerous effect on the “Chat” (in-game communication) experience, including but not limited to:\n i. Intentionally causing the Chat screen to scroll faster than other users are able to read, or setting up macros with large amounts of text that, when used, can have a disruptive effect on the normal flow of Chat;\n ii. Posting commercial solicitations and/or advertisements for goods and services available outside of the Games;\n iii. Sending repeated unsolicited or unwelcome messages to a single user or repeatedly posting similar messages in a Chat area, including without limitation continuous advertisements to sell goods or services; and\n iv. Communicating or posting any user’s personal information in the Games, or on websites or forums related to the Games, except that a user may communicate his or her own personal information in a private message directed to a single user.\n e. Names are subject to the same rules established above. Any name the player has the ability to customize—such as player names and guild names—must be appropriate and inoffensive. Any name that violates our standards will be changed, and additional limitations may be placed on the offending account per our discretion. Take note that acceptable names are determined by player reports and Spry Fox’s decision. In particular, you may not use any name:\n i. Belonging to another person with the intent to impersonate that person, including without limitation an “Admin” or any other employee or agent of Spry Fox;\n ii. That incorporates vulgar language or which are otherwise offensive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;\n iii. Subject to the rights of any other person or entity without written authorization from that person or entity;\n iv. That belongs to a popular culture figure, celebrity, or media personality;\n v. That is, contains, or is substantially similar to a trademark or service mark, whether registered or not; or is\n vi. Related to drugs, sex, alcohol, or criminal activity.\n f. You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.\n g. Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.\n h. If you’re unsure if your actions violate this code of conduct, reconsider them. We reserve the right to restrict offending accounts as much as necessary to keep Spry Fox’s Games a fun experience for all players.\n VII. You agree to pay all fees and applicable taxes incurred by you or anyone using your Account. If you choose a recurring subscription for a Game, you acknowledge that payments will be processed automatically (e.g., charged to your credit card) until you cancel the subscription or the Account. Spry Fox may revise the pricing for the goods and services offered through Spry Fox Network at any time. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SPRY FOX IS NOT REQUIRED TO REFUND AMOUNTS YOU PAY TO SPRY FOX FOR THE USE OF SPRY FOX NETWORK, OR FOR PURCHASES MADE THROUGH SPRY FOX NETWORK, FOR ANY REASON.\n VIII. Spry Fox shall have the right to monitor and/or record your communications when you use the Spry Fox Network, and you acknowledge and agree that when you use the Spry Fox Network, that you have no expectation that your communications will be private. Spry Fox shall have the right to disclose your communications for any reason, including : (a) to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request; (b) to enforce the terms of this Agreement or any other Spry Fox policy; (c) to protect Spry Fox’s legal rights and remedies; (d) to protect the health or safety of anyone that Spry Fox believes may be threatened; or (e) to report a crime or other offensive behavior.\n B. <b>Grant of License.</b>If you accept and comply with the terms of this Agreement, Spry Fox will grant, and you will receive, a non-sub licensable, and non-exclusive license to use the Spry Fox Network and Games subject to the “License Limitations,” set forth in Section 1(C) below, as follows:\n I. You may use the Spry Fox Network and Games for your personal and non-commercial entertainment purposes only, unless specifically allowed under the terms of this Agreement.\n II. You may not transfer your rights and obligations to use the Spry Fox Network.\n III. With regards to Games purchased from retailers on original media (e.g., on CD-ROM, DVD, etc.) you may permanently transfer all of your rights and obligations related to the use of a Game under this Agreement to another person who agrees to the terms of this Agreement by physically transferring the original media, original packaging, and all manuals or other documentation distributed with the Game provided that you permanently delete all copies and installations of the Game in your possession or control. You agree to be solely responsible for any taxes, fees, charges, duties, withholdings, assessments, and the like, together with any interest, penalties, and additions imposed in connection with such transfer. Other than as set forth above, Spry Fox does not recognize any purported transfer of the Games; and\n IV. Some of the Games playable on the Spry Fox Network may be subject to specific license terms that may include the following: (1) In certain cases, the “full version,” of Games can only be played after you purchase a license for the Game, and (2) You may play the Game(s) you have licensed at publicly available cyber cafés or computer gaming centers on Spry Fox Network through an Account registered to you.\n C. <b>License Limitations.</b>Spry Fox may revoke your license to use the Spry Fox Network and/or the Games if you violate, or assist others in violating, the license limitations set forth below. You agree that you will not, in whole or in part or under any circumstances, do the following:\n I. <u>Derivative Works:</u> Copy or reproduce (except as provided in Section 1(B)), translate, reverse engineer, derive source code from, modify, disassemble, decompile, or create derivative works based on or related to the Games.\n II. <u>Cheating:</u> Create, use, offer, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:\n a. <b>Cheats;</b> i.e. methods, not expressly authorized by Spry Fox, influencing and/or facilitating the gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods\n b. <b>Bots;</b> i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Spry Fox, that allows the automated control of a Game, Spry Fox Network and/or any component or feature thereof, e.g. the automated control of a character in a Game;\n c. <b>Hacks;</b> i.e. accessing or modifying the software of a Game or the Spry Fox Network in an manner, not expressly authorized by Spry Fox; and/or\n d. Any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Spry Fox, that can be used in connection with the Spry Fox Network, a Game and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay.\n III. <u>Prohibited Commercial Uses:</u> Exploit, in their entirety or individual components, the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s) for any purpose not expressly authorized by Spry Fox, including, without limitation (i) gathering in-game currency, items, or resources for sale outside of the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s); (ii) performing in-game services, like power-leveling, in exchange for payment outside of the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s); or (iii) communicating or facilitating (by text, live audio communications, or otherwise) any commercial advertisement, solicitation or offer through or within the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s).\n IV. <u>Data Mining:</u> Use third-party software that intercepts, collects, reads, or “mines” information generated or stored by the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s); provided, however, that Spry Fox may, at its sole and absolute discretion, allow the use of certain third-party user interfaces;\n V. <u>Duplicated Items:</u> Create, utilize or transact in any in-game item created or copied by exploiting a design flaw, undocumented problem, or program bug in the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s);\n VI. <u>Matchmaking:</u> Host, provide or develop matchmaking services for the Game(s), or intercept, emulate or redirect the communication protocols used by Spry Fox in any way, for any purpose, including without limitation unauthorized play over the internet, network play (except as expressly authorized by Spry Fox), or as part of content aggregation networks;\n VII. <u>Unauthorized Connections:</u> Facilitate, create or maintain any unauthorized connection to the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s) including without limitation (i) any connection to any unauthorized server that emulates, or attempts to emulate, the Spry Fox Network; and (ii) any connection using third-party programs or tools not expressly authorized by Spry Fox;\n VIII. <u>Transfers:</u> Attempt to sell, sublicense, rent, lease, grant a security interest in or otherwise transfer any copy of the Game(s) or your rights to the Game(s) to any other party in any way not expressly authorized herein;\n IX. <u>Disruption:</u> Disrupt or assist in the disruption of (i) any computer used to support the Spry Fox Network or any Game environment; or (ii) any other player’s Game experience. ANY ATTEMPT BY YOU TO DISRUPT THE SPRY FOX NETWORK OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF ANY GAME MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS.\n X. <u>Violation of Laws:</u> Use a Game, or the Spry Fox Network, to violate any applicable law or regulation.\n D. <b>Game and Spry Fox Network Features.</b>\n I. <u>Spry Fox Network Features:</u>\n a. <b>Advertising:</b> Spry Fox’s Games and the Spry Fox Network may incorporate third-party technology that enables advertising on the Spry Fox Network and/or in certain Games playable on the Spry Fox Network, which may be downloaded temporarily to your personal computer and replaced during online game play. As part of this process, Spry Fox and/or its authorized third party advertisers may collect standard information that is sent when your personal computer connects to the Internet including your Internet protocol (IP) address.\n b. <b>User Created or Uploaded Content:</b> The Spry Fox Network and certain Games may provide you an opportunity to upload and display content on the Spry Fox Network and/or as part of a Game, including the compilation, arrangement or display of such content (collectively, the “User Content”). User Content specifically does not include a Custom Game, as defined in Section 1(D)(II)(a) below. You hereby grant Spry Fox a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, fully paid up, non-exclusive right and license to exploit the User Content and all elements thereof, in any and all media, formats and forms, known now or hereafter devised. Spry Fox shall have the unlimited right to copy, reproduce, fix, modify, adapt, translate, reformat, prepare derivatives, add to and delete from, rearrange and transpose, manufacture, publish, distribute, sell, license, sublicense, transfer, rent, lease, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, provide access to, broadcast, and practice the User Content as well as all modified and derivative works thereof and any and all elements contained therein, and use or incorporate a portion or portions of the User Content or the elements thereof in conjunction with or into any other material. Except to the extent that any such waiver is prohibited by law, you hereby waive the benefit of any provision of law known as “moral rights” or “droit moral” or any similar law in any country of the world. You represent and warrant that the User Content does not infringe upon the copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other intellectual property rights of any third party. To the extent permitted by applicable laws, you hereby waive any moral rights you may have in any User Content. You further represent and warrant that you will not use or contribute User Content that is unlawful, tortious, defamatory, obscene, invasive of the privacy of another person, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful, racist or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate. Spry Fox may remove any User Content and any related content or elements from Spry Fox Network at its sole discretion.\n II. <u>Game Features:</u>\n a. <b>Game Editors:</b> Certain Games include editing software (hereafter referred as “Game Editor(s)”) that will allow you to create custom games, levels, maps, scenarios or other content (“Custom Games”). For purposes of this Agreement and any agreements referenced herein, “Custom Games” includes all content created using the Game Editor(s), including but not limited to all digital files associated with such Custom Games, as well as (1) all content contained within such files, including but not limited to player and non-player characters, audio and video elements, environments, objects, items, skins, and textures, (2) all titles, trademarks, trade names, character names, or other names and phrases associated with or included within the Custom Game, and (3) any other intellectual property rights contained within the Custom Game, including any and all content, game concepts, methods or ideas. A Custom Game may only be used with the Game’s engine that is associated with a particular Game Editor. The manner in which Custom Games can be used or exploited is as follows:\n i. Custom Game developers may not develop Custom Games that include a mechanism that allows the developer to limit access to the Custom Game to certain users.\n ii. Custom Games are and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Spry Fox. Without limiting the foregoing, you hereby assign to Spry Fox all of your rights, title and interest in and to all Custom Games, and agree that should Spry Fox decide that it is necessary, you agree to execute future assignments promptly upon receiving such a request from Spry Fox. Additionally, Spry Fox shall have the right to maintain the Custom Game even if the developer of the Custom Game requests that Spry Fox remove the Custom Game from any platform or service.\n iii. You represent and warrant that neither the content you use to create any Custom Games or upload to the Service, nor the compilation, arrangement or display of such content (collectively, the “User Content”), infringes or will infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other intellectual property right of any third party. You further represent and warrant that you will not use or contribute User Content that is unlawful, tortious, defamatory, obscene, invasive of the privacy of another person, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful, racist or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate.\n iv. Custom Game developers cannot develop Custom Games for profit at this time. Accordingly, a Custom Game cannot be sold, licensed, rented, nor can the Custom Game contain features that would support purchase transactions of any tangible or intangible content.\n b. <b>Community Tournaments:</b> In order to support local e-sports tournament activities, Spry Fox hereby grants you a limited, revocable license and right to organize and host small, community tournaments, or a series of tournaments utilizing certain Games (“Community Tournaments”) subject to your compliance with the following conditions:\n i. The total value of all prizes to be awarded during a Community Tournament must be less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00 USD) or the equivalent;\n ii. You may not charge fees of any kind for spectators to watch the Community Tournament;\n iii. A Community Tournament cannot be sponsored by any companies that sell or promote any of the following products: Pornography (or extremely mature materials); alcohol; tobacco; firearms; competitive online computer games; gambling websites; or any company that is detrimental to Spry Fox’s business (hacking, gold services, account selling, key sellers);\n iv. Community Tournaments must comply with all applicable laws and regulations; and\n v. The rules of the Community Tournament must promote fairness such that skill in playing the Game is what determines who will win or lose a match in the Community Tournament.\n c. <b>Beta Testing Pre-Release Versions of Games:</b> Certain pre-release versions of Games may be made available to you through the Spry Fox Network for testing (“Beta Testing”). Beta Testing through the Spry Fox Network will be governed by the following:\n i. <b>Eligibility:</b> In order to participate in a Beta Test, you must meet the following requirements:\n 1. Spry Fox must designate you as a Beta tester;\n 2. You agree to allow Spry Fox to obtain hardware and software information from the computer system that you will use to take part in the Beta Test (the “System”) prior to registration for the Beta Test in order for Spry Fox to determine if you are eligible to participate in the Beta.\n ii. <b>Acknowledgments:</b> You acknowledge that:\n 1. the Game being Beta Tested is a work in progress and may contain bugs which may cause loss of data and/or damage to your computer system;\n 2. you have, or will, back-up your hard drive prior to installation of the Beta;\n 3. you have the resources necessary to easily reinstall your operating system and restore any and all data that may be lost;\n 4. Spry Fox is not liable in any way for the loss of data or damage to the System, interruptions due to a lost connection to Spry Fox Network, software or hardware failures, or loss of data or disruption of the player’s ability to connect to Spry Fox Network;\n 5. Spry Fox may monitor and record any and all communications, electronic or otherwise, pertaining to the Beta including, without limitation, packets, chat, email, message board postings, etc.;\n 6. Spry Fox may delete or modify the information stored by the Spry Fox Network or the Game being Beta Tested for any reason at any time during the duration of the Beta Test;\n 7. Spry Fox may transfer software program files to the System, including a program that will collect and send Spry Fox CPU, RAM, operating system, video card, and sound card information from the System; and\n 8. You may not sell, transfer or commercially exploit access to a Beta, including the distribution of Beta keys without Spry Fox’s express authorization.\n iii. <b>Termination:</b> Spry Fox can terminate a Beta Test at any time. When Spry Fox terminates a Beta Test, you must delete the Beta and all documents and materials you received from Spry Fox in connection with the Beta Test, and you may be asked by Spry Fox to remove any elements of the Beta from any hard drives on which the Beta has been installed. You agree and acknowledge that Spry Fox’s termination of the Beta Test shall not be grounds for any refunds of any kind, including, but not limited to, digital items, refunds for time purchased to access World of Warcraft, etc.\n iv. <b>Sections of the Agreement Applicable to Beta Tests:</b> When participating in a Beta Test, the terms of this Section 1(D)(II)(c) shall supersede and govern over any other Section of this Agreement which may be in conflict with the terms of this.\n 2. <b>SPRY FOX’S OWNERSHIP.</b>Spry Fox is the owner or licensee of all right, title, and interest in and to the Spry Fox Network, the Games, Accounts, and all of the features and components thereof. The Spry Fox Network and the Games may contain materials licensed by third-parties to Spry Fox, and these third-parties may enforce their ownership rights against you in the event that you violate this Agreement. The following components of the Spry Fox Network and/or the Games, are owned or licensed by Spry Fox:\n A. All virtual content appearing within the Spry Fox Network or the Games, such as:\n I. <b>Visual Components:</b> Locations, artwork, structural or landscape designs, animations, and audio-visual effects;\n II. <b>Narrations:</b> Themes, concepts, stories, and storylines;\n III. <b>Characters:</b> The names, likenesses, inventories, and catch phrases of Game characters;\n IV. <b>Items:</b> Virtual goods, currency, potions, wearable items, pets, mounts, etc.;\n B. All data and communications generated by, or occurring through, the Spry Fox Network or the Games;\n C. All sounds, musical compositions, recordings, and sound effects originating in the Spry Fox Network or the Games;\n D. All recordings, Game replays, or reenactments of in-game matches, battles, duels, etc.;\n E. Computer code, including but not limited to “Applets” and source code;\n F. Titles, methods of operation, software, related documentation, and all other original works of authorship contained in the Spry Fox Network or the Games;\n G. All Accounts. Note that Spry Fox owns all Accounts, and that all use of an Account shall inure to Spry Fox’s benefit. Spry Fox does not recognize the transfer of Accounts. You may not purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, or offer to purchase, sell, gift, or trade any Account, and any such attempt shall be null and void and may result in the forfeiture of the Account;\n H. All Moral Rights that relate to the Spry Fox Network or a Game, including Custom Games, such as the right of attribution, and the right to the integrity of certain original works of authorship; and\n I. The right to create derivative works, and as part of this Agreement, you agree that you will not create any work based on the Spry Fox Network or the Games, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement or otherwise by Spry Fox in certain contest rules or addendum to this Agreement.\n 3. <b>PRE-LOADED SOFTWARE.</b>Spry Fox Network may contain additional software that requires you to agree to additional terms prior to your use (“Additional Software”).\n A. <b>Installation:</b> You agree that Spry Fox may install Additional Software on your hard drive as part of the installation of the Games, and from time to time during the term of this Agreement.\n B. <b>Use:</b> Unless Spry Fox grants you a valid license and alphanumeric key to use and activate the Additional Software, you may not access, use, distribute, copy, display, reverse engineer, derive source code from, modify, disassemble, decompile or create derivative works based on the Additional Software. In the event that Spry Fox grants to you a valid license and alphanumeric key to use and activate the Additional Software, all use of the Additional Software shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement.\n C. <b>Copies:</b> You may make one (1) copy of the Additional Software for archival purposes only.\n 4. <b>CONSENT TO MONITOR.</b>WHEN RUNNING, A GAME MAY MONITOR YOUR COMPUTER’S RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY (RAM) FOR UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAMS RUNNING CONCURRENTLY WITH THE GAME. AN “UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAM” AS USED HEREIN SHALL BE DEFINED AS ANY THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE PROHIBITED BY SECTION 1(C)(II) ABOVE. IN THE EVENT THAT THE GAME DETECTS AN UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAM, (a) THE GAME MAY COMMUNICATE INFORMATION BACK TO SPRY FOX, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION YOUR ACCOUNT NAME, DETAILS ABOUT THE UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAM DETECTED, AND THE TIME AND DATE; AND/OR (b) SPRY FOX MAY EXERCISE ANY OR ALL OF ITS RIGHTS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, WITH OR WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE TO THE USER. Additionally, certain Games include a tool that will allow your computer system to forward information to Spry Fox in the event that the Game crashes, including system and driver data, and consent to Spry Fox being able to receive this data.\n 5. <b>LIMITED WARRANTY.</b>\n A. THE SPRY FOX NETWORK, ACCOUNTS, AND THE GAME(S) ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE,” BASIS FOR USE, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF CONDITION UNINTERRUPTED USE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT, TITLE, AND THOSE ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the Spry Fox Network and the Game(s) remains with the user.\n B. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Spry Fox warrants up to and including ninety (90) days from the date of your purchase of a license to the Game that the media on which the Game was distributed, if any, shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. In the event that such media proves to be defective during that time period, and upon presentation to Spry Fox of proof of purchase of the defective media, Spry Fox will at its option: (a) correct any defect, (b) provide you with a similar product of similar value, or (c) refund your money. THE FOREGOING IS YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties so the above limitations may not apply to you.\n C. If you are a resident of Australia, the benefits provided to you by this Limited Warranty are in addition to other rights or remedies you may have under local laws related to the goods to which the warranty applies. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. The provisions of this clause containing the Limited Warranty and the clause containing the Limitation of Liability and Indemnity below apply only to the extent permitted by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). The entitlement to a replacement or a refund for a major failure is not subject to Spry Fox’s option. To submit a warranty claim to Spry Fox, please email support@spryfox.com. The user is responsible for the costs of returning media to Spry Fox.\n 6. <b>LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY.</b>Spry Fox, its subsidiaries and affiliates shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of, or inability to access or use, the Spry Fox Network, Accounts or the Game(s). Spry Fox’s liability shall never exceed the total fees paid by you to Spry Fox during the six (6) months prior to your making a claim against Spry Fox.\n 7. <b>INDEMNITY.</b> You hereby agree to defend and indemnify Spry Fox against and from any third party claims, liabilities, losses, injuries, damages, costs or expenses incurred by Spry Fox arising out of or from your use of the Spry Fox Network, Account or the Game(s), any specific services or"
checkbox_0: J'ai lu et j'accepte les conditions d'utilisation de Steambirds Alliance.
title: CLUF de Steambirds Alliance & Spry Fox Network
- body: "生效日期:2018年5月25日\n \n 以下的隐私政策适用于进行如下活动的人群:\n -玩Spry Fox游戏,且游戏通过iTunes、GooglePlay或任何其他托管我们游戏的服务链接到此隐私政策:\n -使用SpryFox网站\n -订阅SpryFox新闻稿,或\n -通过Spry Fox电子邮件或其他方式与SpryFox通信。\n \n 此项私隐政策描述了以下内容:\n -我们收集关于您的个人数据的方式,以及为什么我们这样做,\n -我们如何使用您的个人数据,以及\n -您对您的个人数据拥有的权利。\n \n 我们可能更新这一隐私政策,以反映我们信息实践的变化。如果我们做出任何实质性的改变,我们将通过电子邮件(发送到您的帐户中指定的电子邮件地址)或在更改生效之前通过本网站通知您。我们鼓励您定期查看本页面,以了解关于我们隐私实践的最新信息。\n \n 玩Spry Fox游戏、使用Spry Fox网站、订阅Spry Fox时事通讯或与Spry Fox通信,即表示您同意本政策以及以本政策提供的方式对您的数据(包括个人信息)的处理。如果您不同意这些条款,请不要从事这些活动。\n \n <size=+8><b>联系我们</b></size>\n \n 如果您对数据保护有任何疑问,或者您有任何解决个人数据问题的请求,请通过电子邮件与我们联系:support@spryfox.com。\n \n -控权人姓名:Spry Fox LLC\n -地址:Spry Fox LLC,PO Box 1875,Bellaire,TX 77402-1875\n -电子邮件:support@spryfox.com\n \n <size=+8><b>我们收集的数据</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>您提供的数据</b></size>\n \n 我们的一些游戏、网站、通讯和其他通信方式使您能够提供以下部分或全部信息:\n \n -联系信息(如姓名和电子邮件地址)\n -玩家姓名和密码\n -配置文件信息(如个人资料照片)\n -游戏中的消息(如聊天日志)\n -您向我们发送的关于游戏的消息(例如日志和玩家支持工单)\n -其他您选择向我们提供的数据(例如识别丢失帐户的数据)\n \n <size=+4><b>我们自动收集的数据:</b></size>\n \n -关于您的帐户和游戏进度的数据\n -您的IP地址和移动设备标识符(例如您的设备ID、广告ID、MAC地址、IMEI)\n -关于您的设备的数据,如设备名称和操作系统、浏览器类型和语言\n -我们使用cookie和类似技术收集的数据(更多信息详见下文)\n -通用位置数据\n -精确的地理位置数据(GPS,经您同意)\n -关于您使用游戏或网站的数据,例如游戏数据以及在大多数情况下您与游戏中其他玩家的交互信息\n \n 在大多数情况下,在您玩我们的游戏时,我们还为您创建了一个SpryFox专用ID。\n \n <size=+4><b>我们从合作伙伴那里收集的数据:</b></size>\n \n -由于您将第三方工具链接到游戏(如Facebook、微信或Google),我们因此受到的数据\n -人口统计数据(例如确定IP地址的粗略位置)\n -用于打击欺诈的数据(如游戏中的退款滥用或广告中的点击欺诈)\n -运行游戏的平台数据(例如验证支付)\n -用于广告和分析目的的数据,以便我们更好地为您服务\n \n <size=+4><b>邀请好友</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox可能会允许您邀请来自社交网络服务的联系人(例如您的 Facebook 好友),以便可以在Spry Fox游戏中找到这些联系人,以及/或您可以邀请他们加入Spry Fox游戏。这些联系信息将用于向收件人发送通信。\n \n <size=+4><b>交流</b></size>\n \n 当您联系我们的客户服务小组,或如果您订阅SpryFox新闻或论坛时,我们可能会收集您的电子邮件地址。我们可以使用该电子邮件与您联系,询问您的SpryFox游戏体验,并向您发送有关本公司的新闻和促销信息。如果您不再希望收到此类电子邮件通知,您可以随时选择退订,方法是点击邮件中的取消订阅链接,或发送电子邮件至support@spryfox.com。\n \n <size=+4><b>推送通知</b></size>\n \n 我们会时常通过我们的移动应用程序向您发送推送通知,以便向您发送游戏更新、最高分和其他可能对您来说重要的服务相关通知。您可以随时选择不再接收此类通信,方法是在所用设备的设置中将其关闭\n \n <size=+8><b>我们为什么收集您的数据</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>让游戏正常运行并为您提供服务</b></size>\n \n 为了履行合同,我们处理必要的数据,以便:\n \n - 创建帐户,允许您玩我们的游戏和使用我们的服务\n - 运行游戏和服务\n - 验证和确认付款\n - 提供和交付您所要求的产品和服务\n - 发送通信\n \n <size=+4><b>使我们的游戏更能满足我们的玩家需求</b></size>\n \n 为了为我们的玩家提供一款优秀的游戏,我们有正当理由收集和处理必要的数据,以便:\n \n - 更新和开发玩家档案\n - 开发及改进游戏和玩家体验\n - 管理我们与您的关系\n - 提供社交功能,将其作为游戏的一部分\n - 定制您的体验\n - 回应您的评论和问题,并提供玩家支持\n - 在游戏中和其他网站及服务中以及通过电子邮件向您提供Spry Fox优惠信息\n - 向您发送相关信息,如更新、安全警报、支持信息\n - 使您能够与其他玩家交流\n \n <size=+4><b>显示个性化广告</b></size>\n \n 在游戏中以及在其他网站和服务中(包括电子邮件)中显示个性化广告,我们有正当理由处理必要的数据,以便:\n \n -跟踪您访问的、与游戏和在线行为相关的内容\n -交付、精确推送和改进我们的广告和游戏\n \n 如需了解如何不再接收个性化广告,请参阅下面的“您的权利和选项”部分。\n \n <size=+4><b>为了维护游戏的安全与公平</b></size>\n \n 确保游戏中的公平竞争是我们的首要任务。为了维护游戏及其社交功能的安全和公平,为了打击欺诈并确保可以接受的使用,我们有正当理由处理必要的数据,以便:\n \n - 分析和监测游戏的使用及其社交功能\n - 自动或手动规范聊天内容\n - 对欺诈或行为不端的玩家采取行动\n \n <size=+4><b>为了分析、描述和分割</b></size>\n \n 对于上述所有案例和目的,我们可以分析、描述和分割所有收集到的数据。\n \n <size=+4><b>经过您的同意</b></size>\n \n 经过您的同意,我们可以处理您的数据以作其他用途,例如使用您的GPS位置显示您的本地事件。\n \n <size=+8><b>谁能看见您的数据</b></size>\n \n 除了Spry Fox,您的数据可以在如下情况被他人访问:\n \n <size=+4><b>其他玩家及用户</b></size>\n \n 社交功能和/或多人游戏是我们一些游戏的核心组成部分。例如,其他玩家和用户可能会看到您的个人资料、游戏中的活动并阅读您发布的消息。\n \n <size=+4><b>为Spry Fox工作的合作伙伴</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox的一些合作伙伴为我们提供服务。这些合作伙伴只根据Spry Fox的指示处理您的数据以为游戏提供支持,如托管、玩家支持、分析和欺诈预防。\n \n <size=+4><b>其他公司及公共授权</b></size>\n \n 为了打击欺诈和非法活动,我们可以与其他公司和组织交换数据,并应合法的请求向公共当局提供数据。我们还可以根据您的同意披露您的数据以遵守法律或保护权益、我们的财产或安全,以及我们的玩家或其他人。\n \n <size=+4><b>广告和社交媒体合作伙伴</b></size>\n \n 一些游戏中包含由我们的合作伙伴提供的功能,如社交媒体互动工具和游戏内置广告。可访问以下网址查阅这些合作伙伴的名单:http://spryfox.com/legal-stuff/partner-policies/这些合作伙伴可以访问您的数据并根据他们自己的隐私政策开展运营。我们鼓励您查看他们的隐私政策,以了解更多关于他们对数据的处理实践操作。\n \n <size=+4><b>金融活动</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox可以在任何并购、出售我们的资产、融资或收购我们的全部或部分业务给另一家公司的过程中分享您的信息。我们将通过电子邮件和/或在网站上发布通知,告知您有关个人信息的所有权或用户的任何变更。\n \n <size=+4><b>汇总或匿名信息</b></size>\n \n 我们可以与广告商、出版商、商业伙伴、赞助商和其他第三方共享关于您的汇总或匿名信息。\n \n <size=+8><b>您的权利与选项</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>退订营销电子邮件和其他直接营销信息</b></size>\n \n 您可以遵循此类通信中的说明,选择不再接收促销通信,如我们的营销电子邮件。\n \n <size=+4><b>退订定向广告</b></size>\n \n 您可以选择退订基于兴趣的移动应用广告,方法是检查您的Android或iOS设备的隐私设置,选择“限制广告跟踪”(苹果 IOS)或“选择退出基于兴趣的广告”(安卓)。此外,请访问http://aboutads.info/appchoices,了解并下载数字广告联盟的消费者精选应用AppChoices,该应用程序允许您直接退订应用中所列出的公司发送的广告。\n \n <size=+4><b>访问我们持有的关于您的个人数据</b></size>\n \n 如果您有此要求,我们将提供您个人资料的电子格式副本。\n \n <size=+4><b>您的其他权利</b></size>\n \n 您还有权发送电子邮件至support@spryfox.com以更正您的数据、删除您的数据,并反对我们使用或共享您的数据的方式。\n \n <size=+8><b>Cookie和类似技术</b></size>\n \n 如大多数在线服务一样,我们和我们的合作伙伴使用cookie和类似的技术来提供和个性化我们的网站和游戏、分析使用、投放定向广告并防止欺诈。您可以在浏览器设置中禁用cookie,但是我们的网站和游戏的某些部分可能无法正常工作。\n \n <size=+8><b>我们如何保护您的数据</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>安全保障</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox采取合理的措施,以保护您的信息不被其他人未经授权而访问,或保护您的信息不至遗失、遭到滥用或被第三方更改。\n \n 虽然我们真诚地努力将收集到的信息储存在一个公众无法获得的安全操作环境中,但我们不能保证这些信息在传输过程中或存储在我们的系统中是绝对安全的。此外,虽然我们试图确保我们的网络和系统的完整性和安全性,但我们不能保证我们的安全措施将防止第三方“黑客”非法获取这些信息。我们不保证或表示您的信息将受到保护以免受遗失、遭到第三方的滥用或更改。然而,没有哪种互联网传输方法或电子存储方法是100%安全的。因此,我们不能保证此类信息的绝对安全。\n \n <size=+4><b>数据保留</b></size>\n \n 只要您的帐户是活跃的,或我们需要为您提供服务,我们就会保留您的数据。\n \n 请注意,如果您要求我们删除您的个人资料,我们将因我们合法商业利益的必要而保留您的资料,例如以便遵守我们的法律义务、解决争端并执行我们的协议。\n \n <size=+8><b>年龄限制</b></size>\n \n 我们不会故意向13岁以下的人收集或索取个人数据。如果您不满13岁,请不要向我们发送任何关于您自己的数据,包括您的姓名、地址、电话号码或电子邮件地址。13岁以下的用户不得提供任何个人数据。如果我们知晓我们收集了13岁以下儿童的个人数据,我们会尽快删除这些数据。如果您认为我们可能有来自或关于13岁以下儿童的任何数据,请通过电子邮件联系我们:support@spryfox.com。\n \n 关于如何维护儿童在互联网上的安全的其他提示,我们建议您访问以下网站:\n \n http://www.ftc.gov/privacy/privacyinitiatives/childrens.html\n http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/tech/tec14.shtm\n http://www.onguardonline.gov/features/feature-0002-featured-info-parents\n \n <size=+8><b>有其他问题和评论吗?</b></size>\n \n 如果您对于此隐私政策有任何问题或评论,请随时通过电子邮件联系我们,电子邮箱地址为:support@spryfox.com。"
+ body: "Effective Date: May 25, 2018\n \n The following Privacy Policy applies to people:\n - Playing Spry Fox games that link to this Privacy Policy from iTunes, Google Play, or any other service that hosts our games;\n - Using Spry Fox websites;\n - Subscribing to Spry Fox newsletters; or\n - Communicating with Spry Fox by email or other means.\n \n This Privacy Policy describes:\n - The ways we collect personal data about you and why we do so,\n - How we use your personal data, and\n - The choices you have about your personal data.\n \n We may update this privacy policy to reflect changes to our information practices. If we make any material changes we will notify you by email (sent to the e-mail address specified in your account) or by means of a notice on this Site prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.\n \n By playing Spry Fox games, using Spry Fox websites, subscribing to Spry Fox newsletters, or communicating with Spry Fox, you are expressing your agreement to this Policy and the processing of your data, including your personal information, in the manner provided in this Policy. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not engage in those activities.\n \n <size=+8><b>CONTACT US</b></size>\n \n If you have questions about data protection, or if you have any requests for resolving issues with your personal data, please contact us via an email to support@spryfox.com.\n \n - Name of the controller: Spry Fox LLC\n - Address: Spry Fox LLC, PO Box 1875, Bellaire, TX 77402-1875\n - Email: support@spryfox.com\n \n <size=+8><b>THE DATA WE COLLECT</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>Data you provide</b></size>\n \n Some of our games, websites, newsletters, and other means of communication enable you to provide some or all of the following information:\n \n - Contact information (such as name and email address)\n - Player name and password\n - Profile information (such as profile photo)\n - Your messages within the game (such as chat logs)\n - Your messages to us about the game (such as logs and player support tickets)\n - Other data you choose to give us (such as data to identify a lost account)\n \n <size=+4><b>Data we collect automatically:</b></size>\n \n - Data about your account and game progress\n - Your IP address and mobile device identifiers (such as your device ID, advertising ID, MAC address, IMEI)\n - Data about your device, such as device name and operating system, browser type and language\n - Data we collect with cookies and similar technologies (see more below)\n - General location data\n - Precise geo-location data (GPS, with your consent)\n - Data about your use of the game or website, such as gameplay data and your interactions with other players inside the game\n \n In most cases, we also create a Spry Fox-specific ID for you when you play our games.\n \n <size=+4><b>Data we collect from our partners:</b></size>\n \n - Data we receive if you link a third-party tool with the game (such as Facebook, WeChat or Google)\n - Demographic data (such as to determine the coarse location of your IP address)\n - Data to fight fraud (such as refund abuse in games or click fraud in advertising)\n - Data from platforms that the games run on (such as to verify payment)\n - Data for advertising and analytics purposes, so we can serve you better\n \n <size=+4><b>Invite a friend</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox may offer you the opportunity to invite your contacts from a social networking service (such as your Facebook friends) so that those contacts can be located in Spry Fox games and/or you can invite them to join you in Spry Fox games. Such contact information will be used for the purpose of sending communications to the addressee.\n \n <size=+4><b>Communications</b></size>\n \n We may collect your email address when you contact our customer service group, or if you subscribe to Spry Fox newsletters or forums. We may use that email address to contact you about your gaming experience with Spry Fox games and notify you about company news and promotions. If you no longer wish to receive those sorts of email notifications, you may opt-out at any time by following the unsubscribe link located within communications that have such a link, or by emailing support@spryfox.com.\n \n <size=+4><b>Push notifications</b></size>\n \n We may occasionally send you push notifications through our mobile applications to send you game updates, high scores and other service-related notifications that may be of importance to you. You may at any time opt-out from receiving these types of communications by turning them off at the device level through your settings.\n \n <size=+8><b>WHY DO WE COLLECT YOUR DATA</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>To make the game work and provide you services</b></size>\n \n To perform the contract, we process data necessary to:\n \n - Create accounts and allow you to play our games and use our services\n - Operate the games and services\n - Verify and confirm payments\n - Provide and deliver products and services you request\n - Send you communications\n \n <size=+4><b>To make the game more suitable for our players</b></size>\n \n To provide a great game to our players, we have a legitimate interest to collect and process necessary data to:\n \n - Update and develop player profiles\n - Develop and improve the game and player experience\n - Manage our relationship with you\n - Provide social features as part of the game\n - Customize your experience\n - Respond to your comments and questions and provide player support\n - Provide you Spry Fox offers in the game as well as in other websites and services, and by email\n - Send you related information, such as updates, security alerts, and support messages\n - Enable you to communicate with other players\n \n <size=+4><b>To show personalized advertisements</b></size>\n \n To show you personalized advertisements in the game as well as in other websites and services (including email) we have a legitimate interest to process necessary data to:\n \n - Track the content you access in connection with the game and your online behavior\n - Deliver, target and improve our advertising and the game\n \n For information on how to opt-out from personalized advertisements, see section ‘Your rights and options’ below.\n \n <size=+4><b>To keep the game safe and fair</b></size>\n \n Ensuring a level playing field in the game is a top priority for us. In order to keep the game and its social features safe and fair, to fight fraud and ensure acceptable use otherwise, we have a legitimate interest to process necessary data to:\n \n - Analyze and monitor use of the game and its social features\n - Moderate chats either automatically or manually\n - Take action against fraudulent or misbehaving players\n \n <size=+4><b>To analyze, profile, and segment</b></size>\n \n In all of the above cases and purposes, we may analyze, profile and segment all collected data.\n \n <size=+4><b>With your consent</b></size>\n \n With your consent, we may process your data for additional purposes, such as using your GPS location to show you local events.\n \n <size=+8><b>WHO CAN SEE YOUR DATA</b></size>\n \n Apart from Spry Fox, your data can be accessed by others in the following situations:\n \n <size=+4><b>Other players and users</b></size>\n \n Social features and/or multiplayer are a core component of some of our games. Other players and users may, for example, see your profile data, in-game activities and read the messages you have posted.\n \n <size=+4><b>Partners working for Spry Fox</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox has partners to perform services for us. These partners process your data only at and according to Spry Fox’s instructions to support the game, such as hosting, player support, analytics and fraud prevention.\n \n <size=+4><b>Other companies and public authorities</b></size>\n \n In order to combat fraud and illegal activity, we may exchange data with other companies and organizations and provide it to public authorities in response to lawful requests. We may also disclose your data based on your consent, to comply with the law or to protect the rights, property or safety of us, our players or others.\n \n <size=+4><b>Advertising and social media partners</b></size>\n \n Some games include features from our partners, such as social media interaction tools and in-game advertising. A list of these partners is available at http://spryfox.com/legal-stuff/partner-policies/. These partners may access your data and operate under their own privacy policies. We encourage you to check their privacy policies to learn more about their data processing practices.\n \n <size=+4><b>Financial activity</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox may share your information in connection with any merger, sale of our assets, or a financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company. You will be notified via email and/or notice on our site of any change in ownership or users of your personal information.\n \n <size=+4><b>Aggregate or anonymous information</b></size>\n \n We may share aggregate or anonymous information about you with advertisers, publishers, business partners, sponsors, and other third parties.\n \n <size=+8><b>YOUR RIGHTS AND OPTIONS</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>Opt-out of marketing emails and other direct marketing</b></size>\n \n You may opt-out of receiving promotional communications, such as marketing emails from us, by following the instructions in such communications.\n \n <size=+4><b>Opt-out of targeted advertising</b></size>\n \n You can opt-out of interest-based advertising on mobile applications by checking the privacy settings of your Android or iOS device and selecting “limit ad tracking” (Apple iOS) or “opt-out of interest based ads” (Android). Additionally, please visit http://aboutads.info/appchoices to learn about and download the Digital Advertising Alliance’s consumer choice app, AppChoices, which allows you to opt out directly from companies listed in the app.\n \n <size=+4><b>Access the personal data we hold about you</b></size>\n \n If you request, we will provide you a copy of your personal data in an electronic format.\n \n <size=+4><b>Your other rights</b></size>\n \n You also have the right to correct your data, have your data deleted, and object to how we use or share your data by emailing support@spryfox.com.\n \n <size=+8><b>COOKIES AND SIMILAR TECHNOLOGIES</b></size>\n \n Like most online services, we and our partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide and personalize our websites and games, analyze use, target advertisements, and prevent fraud. You can disable cookies in your browser settings, but some parts our websites and games may then not function properly.\n \n <size=+8><b>HOW DO WE PROTECT YOUR DATA</b></size>\n \n <size=+4><b>Security safeguards</b></size>\n \n Spry Fox takes reasonable measures to protect your information from unauthorized access or against loss, misuse or alteration by third parties.\n \n Although we make good faith efforts to store the information collected on the games in a secure operating environment that is not available to the public, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of that information during its transmission or its storage on our systems. Further, while we attempt to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent third-party “hackers” from illegally obtaining access to this information. We do not warrant or represent that your information will be protected against, loss, misuse, or alteration by third parties. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.\n \n <size=+4><b>Data retention</b></size>\n \n We retain your data for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services.\n \n Note that if you ask us to remove your personal data, we will retain your data as necessary for our legitimate business interests, such as to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.\n \n <size=+8><b>AGE LIMITS</b></size>\n \n We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal data from anyone under the age of 13. If you are under 13, please do not send any data about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone number, or email address. No one under the age of 13 may provide any personal data. If we learn that we have collected personal data about a child under age 13, we will delete that data as quickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any data from or about a child under the age of 13, please contact us at support@spryfox.com.\n \n For additional tips on how to help children stay safe on the Internet, we recommend that you visit the following sites:\n \n http://www.ftc.gov/privacy/privacyinitiatives/childrens.html\n http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/tech/tec14.shtm\n http://www.onguardonline.gov/features/feature-0002-featured-info-parents\n \n <size=+8><b>QUESTIONS? COMMENTS?</b></size>\n \n If you have any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, feel free to contact us at support@spryfox.com"
checkbox_0: J'ai lu et j'accepte la politique de confidentialité de Spry Fox.
title: Politique de confidentialité de Spry Fox
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/lore.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/lore.txt
index f04f80e..ae72774 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/lore.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/lore.txt
@@ -1,110 +1,110 @@
bombdungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>USINE DE MUNITIONS\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>Au service des besoins en explosifs de l'empire !"
- - text: "Mémo : garder les \n munitions loin du feu.\n 3 jours\n sans incident."
+ - text: "Mémo : garder les \n munitions loin du feu.\n 3 jours\n sans incident."
weight: '1'
- text: "Mémo : \n Interdiction de fumer, sous\n n'importe quelle forme."
weight: '1'
- text: "Mémo : Jack a été\n viré aujourd'hui pour\n avoir empilé les\n bombes. Il ne faut\n pas empiler les bombes."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Mémo : oiseaux rebelles\n aperçus dans le secteur. \n ALERTE ÉLEVÉE."
+ - text: "Mémo : oiseaux rebelles\n aperçus dans le secteur. \n ALERTE ÉLEVÉE."
weight: '1'
- text: "Mémo :\n Pour manipuler des munitions,\n RÉTRACTER SES GRIFFES"
weight: '1'
- text: "Mémo : attention aux\n espions rebelles !"
weight: '1'
- - text: "Selon nos infos,\n ces usines sont\n mal défendues. \n L'aristocratie féline\n concentre ses forces\n plus au Nord,\n dans les villes."
+ - text: "Selon nos infos,\n ces usines sont\n mal défendues. \n L'aristocratie féline\n concentre ses forces\n plus au Nord,\n dans les villes."
weight: '1'
- text: "L'usine produit sans\n discontinuer des munitions\n pour les forces de\n drones de l'empire."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Vous trouvez un\n manuel technique : \n \"Bombes de proximité. Génèrent\n 4 fortes charges de plasma.\""
+ - text: "Vous trouvez un\n manuel technique : \n \"Bombes de proximité. Génèrent\n 4 fortes charges de plasma.\""
weight: '1'
- - text: "Cette usine fabriquait\n jadis des\n radios. \n L'empire l'a transformée\n après avoir éliminé\n les habitants\n de la région."
+ - text: "Cette usine fabriquait\n jadis des\n radios. \n L'empire l'a transformée\n après avoir éliminé\n les habitants\n de la région."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Le matériau explosif\n est un cristal finement\n broyé dont nos savants\n ne savent pas tout. \n Il nous faut\n plus d'informations."
+ - text: "Le matériau explosif\n est un cristal finement\n broyé dont nos savants\n ne savent pas tout. \n Il nous faut\n plus d'informations."
weight: '1'
dungeon_tut_03_sign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>Base avancée\n <size=100%><font=Candara SDF>5 jours sans\n le moindre incident !"
dungeon_tut_03_sign2: "Les murs sont fragiles.\n Ils ont dû\n bâtir cet endroit\n à la hâte."
dungeon_tut_05_sign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>Nid de chalopendres\n <size=100%><font=Candara SDF>Qu'est-ce qui rampe\n sur votre peau ?..."
dungeon_tut_05_sign2: "Tout ici est\n couvert de suie.\n On a du mal\n à respirer."
eyedungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>CRYPTE DE CHATHULHU\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>Antique temple des Profonds."
- text: "La structure de ce lieu\n tremble et ondule\n comme une fièvre.\n Il sent la mer."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Un vieux journal\n parle d'archéologues\n félins ayant découvert\n une caverne marine. \n Tout devient illisible. \n Le mot \"Profonds\"\n est souvent présent."
+ - text: "Un vieux journal\n parle d'archéologues\n félins ayant découvert\n une caverne marine. \n Tout devient illisible. \n Le mot \"Profonds\"\n est souvent présent."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Vos os ne semblent\n plus à leur place\n dans votre corps. \n Vous imaginez être\n constitué de\n tentacules infinis."
+ - text: "Vos os ne semblent\n plus à leur place\n dans votre corps. \n Vous imaginez être\n constitué de\n tentacules infinis."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Les créatures félines\n qui se trouvent là\n semblent souffrir. \n Que leur est-il arrivé ?"
+ - text: "Les créatures félines\n qui se trouvent là\n semblent souffrir. \n Que leur est-il arrivé ?"
weight: '1'
- - text: "Des inscriptions\n gribouillées couvrent\n toutes les surfaces. \n En les lisant, vous\n ressentez une vaste présence."
+ - text: "Des inscriptions\n gribouillées couvrent\n toutes les surfaces. \n En les lisant, vous\n ressentez une vaste présence."
weight: '1'
- - text: "C'est là qu'ont\n campé les chats\n pendant leur exploration\n condamnée d'avance\n de cet endroit. \n Les journaux évoquent\n une folie croissante. \n Et une transformation."
+ - text: "C'est là qu'ont\n campé les chats\n pendant leur exploration\n condamnée d'avance\n de cet endroit. \n Les journaux évoquent\n une folie croissante. \n Et une transformation."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Toutes les monstruosités\n félines dégoulinent\n d'eau salée. Pourquoi ?\n Et que scandent-elles ?"
+ - text: "Toutes les monstruosités\n félines dégoulinent\n d'eau salée. Pourquoi ?\n Et que scandent-elles ?"
weight: '1'
- - text: "Il y a ici un\n autel fumant et\n un félin à moitié\n consumé par la roche\n elle-même. \n Il semble se transformer\n Un œil est saillant."
+ - text: "Il y a ici un\n autel fumant et\n un félin à moitié\n consumé par la roche\n elle-même. \n Il semble se transformer\n Un œil est saillant."
weight: '1'
- text: "Les statues les plus\n anciennes de ce lieu\n ne sont pas félines. \n Elles dansent dans votre tête.\n Vous oubliez les avoir vues."
weight: '1'
- text: "En tentant de\n déchiffrer les inscriptions\n étranges de ce temple\n antique, vous commencez à\n murmurer. Gwkie-Waix-thrula.\n Gwkie-Waix-THRULA."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Les sons de\n la mer sont si\n paisibles, ici. \n On pourrait s'endormir. \n Et rêver..."
+ - text: "Les sons de\n la mer sont si\n paisibles, ici. \n On pourrait s'endormir. \n Et rêver..."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Tout respire. \n Les parois respirent \n Votre appareil vibre et\n insère en vous des vrilles. \n Un souffle liquide\n vous envahit\n encore et encore,\n comme des vagues\n atteignant le rivage. \n Vous ouvrez les yeux."
+ - text: "Tout respire. \n Les parois respirent \n Votre appareil vibre et\n insère en vous des vrilles. \n Un souffle liquide\n vous envahit\n encore et encore,\n comme des vagues\n atteignant le rivage. \n Vous ouvrez les yeux."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Vous criez : \"Hello ?\" \n Rien. \n Plusieurs minutes plus tard,\n mille voix sous-marines\n répondent : \"Hello.\""
+ - text: "Vous criez : \"Hello ?\" \n Rien. \n Plusieurs minutes plus tard,\n mille voix sous-marines\n répondent : \"Hello.\""
weight: '1'
firedungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>CAMP DE RÉÉDUCATION\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>Les lambins seront fusillés !"
- text: "Une série de petites\n cages brûlées alignées\n contre les parois. \n Certaines renferment des os."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Les gardes ont brûlé\n des cadavres\n par ici. \n L'odeur est toujours là."
+ - text: "Les gardes ont brûlé\n des cadavres\n par ici. \n L'odeur est toujours là."
weight: '1'
- text: "Vous découvrez des caisses\n à moitié vides de colliers\n à flammes et de\n sondes neuronales."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Une grande cage est\n suspendue au plafond.\n Un panneau dit : \n Confinement de détenu augmenté"
+ - text: "Une grande cage est\n suspendue au plafond.\n Un panneau dit : \n Confinement de détenu augmenté"
weight: '1'
- - text: "Vous trouvez une\n cache de manuels\n impériaux décrivant le\n traitement des détenus et\n les méthodes d'exécution. \n Une par espèce."
+ - text: "Vous trouvez une\n cache de manuels\n impériaux décrivant le\n traitement des détenus et\n les méthodes d'exécution. \n Une par espèce."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Cette salle contient\n un unique panneau en\n caractères impériaux serrés : \n \"Thérapie de conversion :\n expérimentations thermiques\""
+ - text: "Cette salle contient\n un unique panneau en\n caractères impériaux serrés : \n \"Thérapie de conversion :\n expérimentations thermiques\""
weight: '1'
- - text: "C'est ici que doivent\n vivre les gardes. \n Des piles de documents\n à propos des prisonniers. \n Il y a des\n milliers de noms."
+ - text: "C'est ici que doivent\n vivre les gardes. \n Des piles de documents\n à propos des prisonniers. \n Il y a des\n milliers de noms."
weight: '1'
- text: "Une cache de\n brandons noircis\n portant d'étranges marques. \n Tandis que vous les examinez,\n elles changent de forme."
weight: '1'
- text: "Un morceau de métal\n portant la consigne : \n \"Le feu chassera la rancœur\n de leurs os de rebelles.\""
weight: '1'
- - text: "Une lettre de garde terrier :\n \"Merci pour le colis.\n Bientôt, tous les prisonniers \n auront été traités\n et nous pourrons\n être de nouveau\n réunis."
+ - text: "Une lettre de garde terrier :\n \"Merci pour le colis.\n Bientôt, tous les prisonniers \n auront été traités\n et nous pourrons\n être de nouveau\n réunis."
weight: '1'
grindhousedungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>MAISON POUR\n ENFANTS SINGULIERS\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>Attention : fortes radiations"
- - text: "Une cellule pour\n patients considérés\n comme instables.\n La porte de 30 cm\n a été sortie\n de ses gonds."
+ - text: "Une cellule pour\n patients considérés\n comme instables.\n La porte de 30 cm\n a été sortie\n de ses gonds."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Cet entrepôt contenait\n du matériel médical. \n Il y a au sol des\n liquides colorés provenant\n de fioles brisées."
+ - text: "Cet entrepôt contenait\n du matériel médical. \n Il y a au sol des\n liquides colorés provenant\n de fioles brisées."
weight: '1'
- text: "Des tableaux médicaux\n disant : \"Enfants stables\n sauf provocation.\""
weight: '1'
- text: "Mémo : \"Le Dr Geckelston\n exige la tonte de tous\n les animaux impurs avant\n admission au confinement.\""
weight: '1'
- text: "Mémo : \"Le Dr Geckelston\n a le regret d'informer le\n personnel que Mary\n n'était plus viable.\""
weight: '1'
- - text: "Mémo: \"Le Dr Geckelston\n exige des progrès plus \n rapides. Les personnels\n trop lents seront\n remplacés.\""
+ - text: "Mémo: \"Le Dr Geckelston\n exige des progrès plus \n rapides. Les personnels\n trop lents seront\n remplacés.\""
weight: '1'
- - text: "Une affiche maculée disant : \n \"Les mutagènes explosifs\n sont bons pour l'empire. \n Pour nos enfants.\""
+ - text: "Une affiche maculée disant : \n \"Les mutagènes explosifs\n sont bons pour l'empire. \n Pour nos enfants.\""
weight: '1'
- text: "Mémo :\n \"NE PAS NOURRIR\n LES ENFANTS.\""
weight: '1'
- text: "Des tableaux médicaux\n indiquent une croissance\n rapide après rupture\n des poches."
weight: '1'
- - text: "De grands récipients contenant\n chacun des embryons\n de chats, de chiens et\n de souris à divers stades\n de développement. \n Ils s'agitent au rythme\n d'un son inaudible."
+ - text: "De grands récipients contenant\n chacun des embryons\n de chats, de chiens et\n de souris à divers stades\n de développement. \n Ils s'agitent au rythme\n d'un son inaudible."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Le cadavre d'une créature\n impossible à identifier\n est attaché au sol. \n Il est gigantesque. \n Des incisions en forme\n de croix marquent\n ses yeux aveugles."
+ - text: "Le cadavre d'une créature\n impossible à identifier\n est attaché au sol. \n Il est gigantesque. \n Des incisions en forme\n de croix marquent\n ses yeux aveugles."
weight: '1'
icedungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>MONASTÈRE DE HIBOUX\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>Hanté par\n l'Horreur gelée.\n NE PAS ENTRER !"
- text: "Cet endroit a\n été pillé.\n Probablement après sa\n destruction par le froid."
@@ -168,25 +168,25 @@ obstacledungeonsign2:
- text: "Ce lieu très décoré\n contient des machines à plaisir\n appréciées des nobles\n décadents."
weight: '1'
- text: "Cet endroit est un étrange\n mélange de casino,\n d'arcade de jeux et\n de palais."
weight: '1'
- - text: "On distingue les\n portes secrètes où sont\n libérées les proies. \n Les chats doivent\n les regarder tenter\n d'esquiver les lasers."
+ - text: "On distingue les\n portes secrètes où sont\n libérées les proies. \n Les chats doivent\n les regarder tenter\n d'esquiver les lasers."
weight: '1'
- text: "On rassemble ici\n les adorateurs souris.\n Les chats rient en\n les voyant se faire\n mettre en pièces."
weight: '1'
- text: "Ici, on libère\n un oiseau avec\n une aile en piteux\n état. Les chatons\n tentent de le diriger\n vers les faisceaux. \n C'est une cérémonie\n de passage à l'âge adulte."
weight: '1'
- text: "Un singe\n s'occupe de réparer\n un laser. Il file vers\n une écoutille de maintenance\n en vous voyant."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Les interactions\n des lasers sont\n hypnotisantes. \n Quelle extravagance."
+ - text: "Les interactions\n des lasers sont\n hypnotisantes. \n Quelle extravagance."
weight: '1'
- text: "Ce palais des plaisirs\n a été bâti par des\n condamnés aux travaux forcés."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Cette zone est appelée : \n \"Concours d'agilité\"."
+ - text: "Cette zone est appelée : \n \"Concours d'agilité\"."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Un panneau dit : \n \"Le jeu aiguise les griffes.\""
+ - text: "Un panneau dit : \n \"Le jeu aiguise les griffes.\""
weight: '1'
racetracksignal: "TEST TEST TEST\n TEST TEST\n TEST"
raijinringminionsignal: "TEST TEST TEST\n TEST TEST\n TEST"
rescuedungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>LES FOUILLES\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>Site fermé.\n Sur ordre de l'impératrice"
@@ -220,21 +220,21 @@ snakedungeonsign2:
weight: '1'
- text: "Des serpents mécaniques\n font des circuits lents à\n partir des \"pâtures\" pour vider\n les berceaux de digestion."
weight: '1'
- text: "Sous l'équipement de\n traitement de venin, on voit\n des gravures serpentines. \n Antérieures à l'empire."
weight: '1'
- - text: "L'usine semble avoir été\n bâtie sur les décombres d'une\n civilisation éteinte. \n Un des dangereux projets\n impériaux de restauration."
+ - text: "L'usine semble avoir été\n bâtie sur les décombres d'une\n civilisation éteinte. \n Un des dangereux projets\n impériaux de restauration."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Une brume s'élève de\n la jungle environnante. \n Des spores toxiques sont\n suspendues dans l'air stagnant."
+ - text: "Une brume s'élève de\n la jungle environnante. \n Des spores toxiques sont\n suspendues dans l'air stagnant."
weight: '1'
- - text: "L'empire exhume de\n telles usines en ruines\n et les répare. \n Il fabrique peu\n de choses nouvelles."
+ - text: "L'empire exhume de\n telles usines en ruines\n et les répare. \n Il fabrique peu\n de choses nouvelles."
weight: '1'
- text: "Malgré les recirculateurs,\n l'air d'ici cause\n de sévères maux\n de tête."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Les machines serpentines\n fonctionnent par à-coups. \n Elles ont été ramenées\n à la vie par des techniciens\n simiesques qui travaillent\n plus à l'instinct\n qu'à l'intelligence."
+ - text: "Les machines serpentines\n fonctionnent par à-coups. \n Elles ont été ramenées\n à la vie par des techniciens\n simiesques qui travaillent\n plus à l'instinct\n qu'à l'intelligence."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Il y a des millénaires,\n c'était probablement\n une distillerie chimique. \n Certaines des machines asservies\n doivent encore fonctionner."
+ - text: "Il y a des millénaires,\n c'était probablement\n une distillerie chimique. \n Certaines des machines asservies\n doivent encore fonctionner."
weight: '1'
spacedungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>ENTRÉE INTERDITE\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>Tout intrus sera abattu."
- text: "Aucune communication décryptée ne parle\n de cette base. Ils ont cherché \n à conserver ce centre secret."
@@ -278,31 +278,31 @@ templedungeonsign2:
weight: '1'
- text: "D'antiques runes\n consacrent ce lieu\n à une divinité féline\n du nom de Bastet."
weight: '1'
- text: "Il y a récemment eu une\n excavation et des réparations."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Les abats de souris\n offerts à l'idole\n de ce lieu semblent\n assez frais. \n Le temple est\n manifestement toujours\n utilisé."
+ - text: "Les abats de souris\n offerts à l'idole\n de ce lieu semblent\n assez frais. \n Le temple est\n manifestement toujours\n utilisé."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Des casiers\n à uniformes. \n Ce doit être là que\n les officiers revêtent\n leurs grotesques tenues\n rituelles."
+ - text: "Des casiers\n à uniformes. \n Ce doit être là que\n les officiers revêtent\n leurs grotesques tenues\n rituelles."
weight: '1'
- text: "D'après les preuves\n laissées par les gardes,\n il s'agirait d'un\n culte secret réservé\n aux officiers."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Il s'agit d'un imposant\n lieu de réunion pour une\n sorte de congrégation. \n Il y a partout des autels\n consacrés à une créature\n à tête de chat."
+ - text: "Il s'agit d'un imposant\n lieu de réunion pour une\n sorte de congrégation. \n Il y a partout des autels\n consacrés à une créature\n à tête de chat."
weight: '1'
- text: "Vous réalisez que ce que\n vous preniez pour des\n autels servait aussi de\n tables pour des festins\n impies."
weight: '1'
- text: "Jusqu'ici, vous\n n'avez rencontré aucun\n pilote félin n'ayant pas un\n grade d'officier.\n Ce lieu est visiblement\n réservé à l'élite."
weight: '1'
- text: "Un livre relié à l'aide\n de peaux de petits animaux\n vante la supériorité\n innée de la gent\n féline."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Sur le sol, en lettres\n d'un mètre de haut : \n Les chats dirigent. \n Les chiens servent. \n Les autres souffrent."
+ - text: "Sur le sol, en lettres\n d'un mètre de haut : \n Les chats dirigent. \n Les chiens servent. \n Les autres souffrent."
weight: '1'
- text: "Vous avez trouvé une cache\n de minuscules chasubles\n de prière abandonnées."
weight: '1'
- text: "Dans un coin, un enclos\n renferme des milliers\n de souris portant une\n petite chasuble ornée du\n logo de Miaouza.\n Une prière enregistrée\n célèbre une résurrection\n rapprochant d'un pas\n de la félinité."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Des tuyaux d'alimentation\n gorgés de souris. \n Elles semblent scander\n quelque chose en approchant\n de leur triste sort."
+ - text: "Des tuyaux d'alimentation\n gorgés de souris. \n Elles semblent scander\n quelque chose en approchant\n de leur triste sort."
weight: '1'
- text: "Un enregistrement grésillant\n sort d'un haut-parleur :\n \"Que la lumière de Bastet\n sauve vos âmes\n de rongeurs.\n Faites un pas\n vers la pureté.\""
weight: '1'
- text: "Un scan du secteur\n révèle une production en\n série de rouleaux de prière\n en langue de rongeur."
weight: '1'
@@ -335,25 +335,25 @@ thiefdungeonsign2:
- text: "Des tableaux de grande\n valeur datant de l'ancien\n monde sont stockés\n dans des sacs huilés."
weight: '1'
- text: "Des tas de barres d'or,\n trop lourdes à transporter,\n jonchent le sol."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Une armoire verrouillée\n contenant les titres de\n barons rongeurs exécutés. \n Les signatures sanglantes\n accordent à Miaouza\n tous les droits sur les\n terres et les serviteurs."
+ - text: "Une armoire verrouillée\n contenant les titres de\n barons rongeurs exécutés. \n Les signatures sanglantes\n accordent à Miaouza\n tous les droits sur les\n terres et les serviteurs."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Vous trouvez une plaque\n désignant le numéro\n de ce coffre. \n C'est apparemment l'un\n des milliers de\n coffres cachés."
+ - text: "Vous trouvez une plaque\n désignant le numéro\n de ce coffre. \n C'est apparemment l'un\n des milliers de\n coffres cachés."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Dans un coin obscur,\n les dépouilles de ce qui\n ressemble à des\n bâtisseurs simiesques. \n Ils ont été emmurés\n lors de la construction\n afin de ne pas en\n divulguer les secrets."
+ - text: "Dans un coin obscur,\n les dépouilles de ce qui\n ressemble à des\n bâtisseurs simiesques. \n Ils ont été emmurés\n lors de la construction\n afin de ne pas en\n divulguer les secrets."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Ce qu'il reste d'un\n voleur venu plus tôt. \n Son appareil a été\n abattu par les gardiens\n éternels de la chambre forte."
+ - text: "Ce qu'il reste d'un\n voleur venu plus tôt. \n Son appareil a été\n abattu par les gardiens\n éternels de la chambre forte."
weight: '1'
- text: "Vous remarquez un coffre\n rempli d'alliances et\n de colliers."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Des documents évoquent\n d'étranges artefacts. L'empire a \n exhumé des reliques\n qu'il aurait fallu\n laisser en paix."
+ - text: "Des documents évoquent\n d'étranges artefacts. L'empire a \n exhumé des reliques\n qu'il aurait fallu\n laisser en paix."
weight: '1'
- text: "Une part du butin\n stocké ici est\n très ancienne."
weight: '1'
- - text: "Les vastes parois de pierre\n de la chambre forte\n semblent antérieures à\n l'empire actuel. \n Ce sont peut-être\n des ruines agrandies\n par les chats."
+ - text: "Les vastes parois de pierre\n de la chambre forte\n semblent antérieures à\n l'empire actuel. \n Ce sont peut-être\n des ruines agrandies\n par les chats."
weight: '1'
thiefdungeonsign3: "Salle de sécurité :\n Niveau <color=red>001</color>"
thiefdungeonsign4: "Salle de sécurité :\n Niveau <color=red>002</color>"
thiefdungeonsign6: "Salle de sécurité :\n Niveau <color=red>003</color>"
tutorial_autoequip: Vous pouvez activer l'équipement automatique d'objets supérieurs dans le menu des options. <color=#FF9900>[<action:40>]</color>
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/maneuvers.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/maneuvers.txt
index 4b7c538..34c1ea5 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/maneuvers.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/maneuvers.txt
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ reverse: Marche arrière
shortShield: Vide
siege: Siège
slow: Lenteur
superspeed: Post-combustion
tank: Absorption
-teleportToTurret: Teleport to Turret
+teleportToTurret: Téléportation vers tourelle
warpForward: Cillement
warpToAim: Cillement visé
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/planeclasses.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/planeclasses.txt
index 37f51cd..a58c18b 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/planeclasses.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/planeclasses.txt
@@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ engineer:
name: Spécialiste
flavor: '<color=#FBB040>[Variante de Technicien]</color> Les quais utilisaient un millier de types de rouages : des petits en laiton, d''immenses en pierre. C''était un vaste écosystème de vapeur qui tournait, entraînait, brisait et fabriquait. Les technos les adoraient tous. Un jour, ils les reconstruiront.'
name: Techno
- flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Engineer Variant]</color> A medium-armored area-controller with <color=#FBB040>single-stick controls</color>. Can equip <color=#FBB040>Blasters</color> and The <color=#FBB040>Wasps</color>. The <color=#FBB040>Turret</color> ability spawns a stationary gun that targets enemies. The <color=#FBB040>Teleport to Turret</color> manuever is... self-explanatory.
+ flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Variante de Technicien]</color> Appareil de contrôle de zone moyennement blindé à <color=#FBB040>commandes à un manche</color>. Peut recevoir des <color=#FBB040>blasters</color> et des <color=#FBB040>guêpes</color>. L'aptitude <color=#FBB040>Tourelle</color> fait apparaître une arme statique qui vise les ennemis. La manœuvre <color=#FBB040>Téléportation vers tourelle</color>... n'exige guère d'explications.
name: Technicien
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Variante de Technicien]</color> Les matériaux servant à la fabrication sont récupérés sur des épaves. Les terres regorgent de vestiges, chaque couche recelant ses propres machines et mystères. Un Casseur arrache tout, le fait fondre et sépare ce qui est utilisable.
name: Casseur
@@ -334,11 +334,11 @@ rapier:
name: Pigeon boueux
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Variante de Rapace]</color> Ce truc qui bouge dans le coin de votre champ de vision. Il est trop tard pour vous. Mais il a toujours été trop tard.
name: Faucon fantôme
- flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Raptor Variant]</color> Winter birds of prey must be miserly with their energy. A caloric fortune spent is on simply maintaining their temperature. There's none to waste on a failed strike.
+ flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Variante de Rapace]</color> Les oiseaux de proie doivent économiser l'énergie en hiver. Le simple fait de maintenir leur température représente une dépense calorique énorme. Pas question de rater la moindre attaque.
name: Faucon de glace
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[Variante de Rapace]</color> Pourquoi acquérir des babioles brillantes ? Parce qu'en tant qu'animaux sociaux, nous avons besoin de nous comparer aux autres. Ces babioles annoncent notre identité et notre statut. Sans elles, impossible d'indiquer nos relations et notre rôle dans la société.
name: Avantage comparatif
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/quests.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/quests.txt
index 637919f..7afba3d 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/quests.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/quests.txt
@@ -66,16 +66,16 @@ DQ_CS_23MID_crawler:
- Attraper, attraper !
- Il faut tout pincer !
- On va reconstruire !
- Le crabe géant va revenir !
- - sergeant: "L'empire emploie ces grands crabes robots pour protéger sa flotte de pêche.\n Ce sont des saletés qui vivent dans les profondeurs de l'océan."
+ - sergeant: "L'empire emploie ces grands crabes robots pour protéger sa flotte de pêche.\n Ce sont des saletés qui vivent dans les profondeurs de l'océan."
title: Provocants crabes ennemis
description: L'empire construit un nouveau prototype de bio-interface afin de mieux contrôler ses pilotes esclaves. Récupérez des échantillons de prototypes de méca-ange.
- - sergeant: "Vous avez entendu parler de l'élévation ? On prend un animal inférieur et on le rend plus intelligent. \n Un vrai spectacle d'horreur."
+ - sergeant: "Vous avez entendu parler de l'élévation ? On prend un animal inférieur et on le rend plus intelligent. \n Un vrai spectacle d'horreur."
title: Anges de la mort
description: Bombardiers ennemis renforcés en vue. Les unités de tête ont des générateurs de bouclier qui leur permettent de protéger beaucoup d'unités à la fois.
- catsoldier1:
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ DQ_CS_32HGH_sweeper:
- sergeant: Nos armes déchirent le métal mais ne peuvent rien contre les nouveaux boucliers des chats.
title: Tapis de bombes
description: L'empire utilise ses tours de Râ pour capter l'énergie solaire. Libérez leurs packs énergétiques.
- - sergeant: "Ma tante m'a donné une de ces bouilloires électriques pour mon thé. \n Une super invention."
+ - sergeant: "Ma tante m'a donné une de ces bouilloires électriques pour mon thé. \n Une super invention."
title: Énergie de Râ
description: Les oligarques de l'empire ont engagé des mercenaires pour piloter les mécas de la garde d'élite du palais. Ils connaissent souvent des secrets et se laissent acheter. Ramenez-en quelques-uns.
title: Méchants à gages
@@ -1473,57 +1473,57 @@ overworldboss_teslahq:
title: 'Prime : Temple de Râ'
description: Éliminez la cible indiquée !
title: 'Prime : Ambassadeur'
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the highlands
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les forces impériales dans les hautes terres
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the Imperial City
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les forces impériales dans la Cité impériale
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les forces impériales
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the midlands
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les forces impériales dans les terres intermédiaires
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the midlands
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les forces impériales dans les terres intermédiaires
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces near the heart of the empire
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les forces impériales près du cœur de l'empire
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the Noble Estates
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les forces impériales dans les Domaines nobles
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy the Imperial guards
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les gardes impériaux
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the highlands
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les forces impériales dans les hautes terres
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the Imperial City
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les forces impériales dans la Cité impériale
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les forces impériales
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the midlands
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les forces impériales dans les terres intermédiaires
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the midlands
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les forces impériales dans les terres intermédiaires
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces near the heart of the empire
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les forces impériales près du cœur de l'empire
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the Noble Estates
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les forces impériales dans les Domaines nobles
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy the Imperial guards
+ description: Améliorez rapidement vos compétences en détruisant les ennemis désignés. Suivez le marqueur sur votre radar.
+ title: Éliminez les gardes impériaux
description: Rien qu'un test
title: Test quête auto.
description: Trouvez des trucs et on vous donnera des trucs, c'est simple.
@@ -1565,69 +1565,33 @@ tut_01:
- catsoldier1:
- Le grand empire vous détruira, vermine aviaire !
- C'est notre territoire !
- Les prises de guerre appartiennent à Miaouza !
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: Ouvrez l'œil, recrue ! Vous êtes dans les ruines urbaines et nos éclaireurs ont signalé des récupérateurs par ici.
- - sergeant: Votre première mission consiste à <color=#FBB040>trouver et détruirez les convois de récupérateurs</color>.
title: Première mission
description: Nous avons de nouvelles infos... Retournez au <color=#FBB040>pub des pilotes de Rebel City</color>. Appuyez sur <color=#FBB040>[<action:5>]</color> pour vous téléporter à Rebel City !
- dialogueOnComplete:
- - sergeant: Voici le <color=#FBB040>pub des pilotes</color>. Revenez ici pour <color=#FBB040>achever vos missions</color> et <color=#FBB040>accepter de nouvelles missions</color>.
- - sergeant: Nous avons de nouvelles infos que vous devez vérifier. Quand vous serez prêt, <color=#FBB040>acceptez votre nouvelle mission</color>.
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: Nous avons de nouvelles infos... Retournez au <color=#FBB040>pub des pilotes de Rebel City</color>. Appuyez sur <color=#FBB040>[<action:5>]</color> pour vous téléporter à Rebel City !
title: Rendez compte à Rebel City
description: Suivez la source du signal de commandement crypté.
- catsoldier1: '[Construction de base avancée]'
- catsoldier1: On est repérés ! Cervelles d'oiseau à 10 heures !
- dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0:
- - sergeant: C'était un centre de communications impérial ! Les chats doivent bâtir une base à proximité. On ne peut pas les laisser faire.
- - sergeant: J'ai triangulé l'emplacement de la base. Vous devez <color=#FBB040>vous infiltrer et la détruire</color>.
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: Pendant que vous éliminiez ces récupérateurs, nos crânes d'œuf ont déchiffré un signal de commandement crypté.
- - sergeant: Vous avez pour tâche de <color=#FBB040>trouver et détruire la source du signal de commandement</color>.
title: Mystérieux signaux
description: L'empire bâtit une autre base sur notre territoire. Infiltrez-vous et détruisez-la.
- dialogueOnComplete:
- - sergeant: Pas de repos pour les braves. Votre prochaine affectation est arrivée. Quand vous serez prêt à partir, acceptez-la.
- catsoldier1: Vous avez découvert notre plan.
- catsoldier1: Mais cela va vous coûter la vie.
- dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0:
- - sergeant: Beau travail ! Ces chats n'ont rien vu venir.
- - sergeant: Pour alimenter tous ces chantiers, il doit y avoir un dépôt impérial près d'ici. Nous devons abattre sa chaîne logistique.
- - sergeant: Pour l'instant, retournez au <color=#FBB040>pub des pilotes de Rebel City</color> chercher de nouvelles instructions.
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: Rejoignez le marqueur et grimpez à bord du <color=#FBB040>transport</color>, il vous amènera à la base avancée.
goal_0: Infiltrez-vous dans la base ennemie et <color=#FBB040>éliminez son chef</color>.
title: Base avancée
description: Trouvez d'où venait le ravitaillement de la base. Il y a peut-être une opération impériale plus vaste.
- sergeant: C'est le dépôt logistique. Détruisez-le !
- dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0:
- - sergeant: Le pilote ennemi a envoyé un signal de détresse sur une fréquence aristocratique. Vous savez ce que ça veut dire ?
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: 'Attention : le dépôt logistique est gardé par une unité très dangereuse. Je sais que vous réussirez. Bon vol.'
title: Trouvez le dépôt logistique
description: Détruisez le fort impérial secret.
- dialogueOnComplete:
- - sergeant: Vous avez prouvé votre valeur, recrue. Dorénavant, vous pourrez choisir vos missions.
- - sergeant: Venez ici, au pub des pilotes, quand vous aurez besoin de nouveaux ordres. Bon vol !
- catsoldier1: On va vous apprendre votre place. Notre divinité Miaouza va sucer la moelle de vos os !
- dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0:
- - sergeant: Vous venez d'éliminer votre premier commandant noble, recrue. Vous faites ma fierté.
- - sergeant: Ça montrera à ces impériaux ce qui arrive quand ils mettent leur museau chez nous.
- - sergeant: 'Vous connaissez le topo : retournez au <color=#FBB040>pub des pilotes de Rebel City</color> pour votre prochaine mission.'
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: Cet appel de détresse a été adressé à un <color=#FBB040>commandant noble</color> félin situé dans un <color=#FBB040>nid de chalopendres</color> voisin.
- - sergeant: Nous devons les éliminer pour arrêter cette incursion ennemie sur notre territoire. C'est une mission importante, mais je sais que vous serez à la hauteur.
goal_0: Éliminez le <color=#FBB040>commandant noble</color> dans le <color=#FBB040>nid de chalopendres</color>.
title: Central de chalopendres
diff --git config_190821_053/Texts/fr/skillCategories.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/skillCategories.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33746dd
--- /dev/null
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/skillCategories.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Armor: Blindage
+ Assault: Assaut
+ Bandit: Bandit
+ Daggerknight: Chevalier dague
+ Duster: Épandeur
+ Engine: Moteur
+ Engineer: Technicien
+ Hog: Cochon
+ Laser: Laser
+ Machinegun: Mitrailleuse
+ Medic: Infirmier
+ Merlin: Merlin
+ Olfaithful: Vieux fidèle
+ Other: Autre
+ Paladin: Paladin
+ Quad: Quad
+ Raptor: Rapace
+ Shieldmaiden: Vierge à bouclier
+ Shotgun: Fusil de chasse
+ Siegetank: Char de siège
+ Sniper: Sniper
+ Strike: Arc
+ Sword: Épée
+ Triple: Blaster
+ Wasp: Guêpe
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/skillGroups.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/skillGroups.txt
index b1b7683..ae3ab03 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/skillGroups.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/skillGroups.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,55 @@
+ name: Blindage
+ name: Assaut
+ name: Bandit
+ name: Chevalier dague
+ name: Épandeur
+ name: Moteur
+ name: Technicien
+ name: Cochon
+ name: Laser
+ name: Mitrailleuse
+ name: Infirmier
+ name: Merlin
+ name: Vieux fidèle
+ name: Autre
+ name: Paladin
+ name: Quad
+ name: Rapace
+ name: Vierge à bouclier
+ name: Fusil de chasse
+ name: Char de siège
+ name: Sniper
+ name: Arc
+ name: Épée
+ name: Blaster
+ name: Guêpe
name: Blindage - Débutant
name: Blindage - Intermédiaire
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/skills.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/skills.txt
index 3d4701b..73c09d3 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/skills.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/skills.txt
@@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ machinegun_3a:
name: Augmentation de vapeur
name: Résilience sociétale
- name: Gunner Agility
+ name: Agilité de mitrailleur
name: Microchirurgie
name: Chirurgie majeure
@@ -327,11 +327,11 @@ strike_1a:
name: Ténacité
name: Au premier regard
- name: Speedy Spin
+ name: Vive-vrille
name: Motivation
name: Passion
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/store.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/store.txt
index 5e6b81c..12ca80e 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/store.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/store.txt
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ post_purchase_action_storage: Simplement placer en stockage
post_purchase_action_use_and_inventory: Utiliser et placer dans l'inventaire
post_purchase_action_use_and_storage: Utiliser et placer en stockage
post_purchase_action_use_instantly: Utiliser immédiatement
product_desc_hangar_slot: 1 emplacement d'appareil supplémentaire au hangar
product_desc_store_bundle_keys1: Un classeur de 5 missions spéciales dans la profondeur du territoire impérial
-product_desc_store_bundle_starter: Entamez votre carrière de rebelle avec 6 emplacements de stockage supplémentaires et 1 emplacement au hangar !
+product_desc_store_bundle_starter: Entamez votre carrière de rebelle avec (2) dotations de compétences, (1) emplacement au hangar et (6) emplacements de stockage supplémentaires.
product_desc_store_inventory_slot: 4 espaces supplémentaires dans l'inventaire de votre appareil. Ils s'ajoutent à l'unique cale partagée utilisée par tous vos appareils.
product_desc_store_skill_loadout_slot: Une autre dotation pour un autre ensemble de compétences de pilotage. Vous pourrez les échanger à l'école de pilotage.
product_desc_store_storage_slot: 6 emplacements de stockage supplémentaires pour garder vos objets à l'abri. Vous ne perdez aucun objet en stockage si vous êtes abattu.
product_name_dye_black: Pot de noir
product_name_dye_blue: Pot de bleu
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ product_name_hangar_slot: Emplacement de hangar
product_name_store_bundle_keys1: Ensemble de missions
product_name_store_bundle_starter: Ensemble de débutant
product_name_store_inventory_slot: Espace de cale supplémentaire
product_name_store_skill_loadout_slot: Dotation de compétences suppl.
product_name_store_storage_slot: Stockage sûr supplémentaire
-product_popup_action: <color=#FBB040><action:43></color> Acheter
+product_popup_action: <color=#FBB040><action:43></color>Acheter
product_popup_already_own: ''
product_popup_limit_exceeded: 'Indisponible : quantité maximale déjà acquise.'
product_popup_max_per_account: 'Quantité maximale par compte : {0}'
product_popup_no_inventory: Indisponible. Espace insuffisant dans l'inventaire.
product_popup_not_buyable: Indisponible.
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/ui.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/ui.txt
index 506f447..74a3ebf 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/ui.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/ui.txt
@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@ action_info_decoration_short_cloudOverride: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_short_extra: Teinture <color=#{0}ff>de cette couleur</color>
action_info_decoration_short_livery: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_short_normalTrail: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_short_superTrail: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_superTrail: Modifie la traînée de super vitesse d'appareil en {0}.
+action_info_dungeon: Clé de donjon
action_info_dungeon_short_extra: Ouvre un portail vers {0}
action_info_gun: Fixation d'armement principal {0}
action_info_healthenergy: Boost
action_info_healthenergy_energy: Recharge de vapeur de {0}.
action_info_healthenergy_health: Soins de {0}.
@@ -78,10 +79,67 @@ button_upcoming_events_navigate: Consulter le site web
button_upcoming_events_title: Actus & événements
capture_gif_done: 'Vous trouverez votre GIF dans : {0}.'
capture_gif_error: Échec d'enregistrement de GIF. Désolés.
capture_gif_start: Enregistrement de GIF...
cmd_help_info: Saisissez /help pour obtenir des infos sur les commandes disponibles.
+command_block_block_yourself: Impossible de se bloquer soi-même
+command_block_blocked: Joueur {0} bloqué
+command_block_name_desc: joueur à bloquer
+command_blocklist_header: 'Joueurs bloqués :'
+command_clearsavedlogin_success: Informations de connexion effacées, vous devrez les saisir la prochaine fois.
+command_error_arg_count: 'La commande {0} nécessite {1} arguments : {2}'
+command_error_invalid_number: Désolés, "{0}" n'est pas un nombre recevable.
+command_error_two_args: 'La commande {0} nécessite deux arguments : {1} et {2}'
+command_follow_name_desc: Nom d'unité ou de joueur.
+command_friend_added: Amis {0} ajouté
+command_friend_name_desc: nom d'ami
+command_friend_yourself: Désolés, on ne peut être l'ami de soi-même.
+command_generic_player_not_found: '{0} introuvable. Peut-être avez-vous fait une faute de frappe ?'
+command_help_block: "Vous pouvez bloquer toute interaction d'un joueur avec vous.\n Exemple : /block Sarah"
+command_help_blocklist: Afficher la liste des joueurs bloqués
+command_help_clearsavedlogin: Effacement de nom d'utilisateur/mot de passe enregistré.
+command_help_die: Ceci réduit instantanément la santé de votre appareil à 0.
+command_help_follow: Suivi de joueur ou d'unité (en tant que spectateur).
+command_help_friend: "Ajout d'un ami à la liste d'amis (sur le même serveur).\n Exemple : /friend Sarah"
+command_help_help: Affichage d'infos plus détaillées à propos de la commande en question.
+command_help_instructions: Essayez l'une des commandes suivantes. Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez tapez "{0} COMMANDNAME" (sans slash dans COMMANDNAME).
+command_help_mute: "Réduction au silence des messages d'un joueur dans vos discussions.\n Exemple : /mute Sarah"
+command_help_mutelist: Afficher la liste des joueurs réduits au silence
+command_help_no_help: Désolés, {0} n'est pas une commande correcte, par conséquent il n'existe pas de /help.
+command_help_options: Ouverture du menu des options.
+command_help_resetbindings: Réinitialisation de toutes les options d'entrées à leurs valeurs par défaut.
+command_help_sidelength: Définition de la taille de la zone de gameplay visible.
+command_help_spectate: Passage en mode spectateur (réservé aux administrateurs).
+command_help_teleport: "Transmission du nom d'un joueur vers lequel se téléporter.\n Exemple : /teleport Sarah"
+command_help_timetune: Réglage fin de la synchronisation temporelle
+command_help_tp: "Transmission du nom d'un joueur vers lequel se téléporter.\n Exemple : /tp Sarah"
+command_help_trade: Transaction sécurisée avec un autre joueur.
+command_help_trade_reject: Rejet d'une demande de transaction sécurisée émanant d'un autre joueur.
+command_help_tutorial: Suivre le didacticiel.
+command_help_unblock: "Vous pouvez débloquer un joueur afin qu'il puisse interagir avec vous.\n Exemple : /unblock Sarah"
+command_help_unfriend: "Cesser d'être ami avec un joueur (présent ou non sur ce serveur).\n Exemple : /unfriend Sarah"
+command_help_unmute: "Rendre la parole à un joueur afin de voir de nouveau ses messages de discussion.\n Exemple : /unblock Sarah"
+command_mute_muted: Joueur {0} réduit au silence
+command_mute_name_desc: joueur à réduire au silence
+command_mute_yourself: Impossible de se réduire au silence soi-même
+command_mutelist_header: 'Joueurs réduits au silence :'
+command_sidelength_no_access: Aucun accès.
+command_teleport_name_desc: Nom du joueur vers lequel vous aimeriez vous téléporter.
+command_timetune_enabled_desc: IsEnabled
+command_trade_name_desc: Nom du joueur avec lequel vous aimeriez commercer ou absence de paramètre pour accepter la dernière demande de transaction.
+command_trade_sending_trade: Envoi de demande de transaction.
+command_unblock_name_desc: joueur à débloquer
+command_unblock_not_blocked: '{0} n''est pas bloqué.'
+command_unblock_unblocked: '{0} est désomais débloqué.'
+command_unfriend_name_desc: nom d'ami
+command_unfriend_not_found: Ami {0} introuvable. Peut-être avez-vous fait une faute de frappe ?
+command_unfriend_unfriended: Amitié terminée avec {0}
+command_unmute_name_desc: joueur auquel rendre la parole
+command_unmute_not_muted: '{0} n''est pas réduit au silence.'
+command_unmute_unmuted: '{0} a retrouvé la parole.'
+commandhelp_command_without_leading_slash: '[Commande sans / initial]'
+commandhelp_header: 'Les commandes les plus courantes sont :'
consumable_item_error_already_applied: Vous avez déjà appliqué ceci. L'utiliser de nouveau ne changera rien.
consumable_item_error_already_unlocked: Vous avez déjà débloqué cet objet. Il est impossible de le débloquer deux fois.
consumable_item_error_dying: Consommation impossible à l'agonie.
consumable_item_error_no_effect: Cette consommation n'aurait actuellement aucun effet.
consumable_item_error_no_plane: Il faut un appareil pour consommer un objet.
@@ -96,11 +154,11 @@ context_menu_inventory_equip: Équiper en tant qu'actif
context_menu_inventory_equip_alt: Équipoer en tant qu'alternatif
context_menu_inventory_mark: Déplacement
context_menu_inventory_move_info: Sélectionnez l'objet ou l'emplacement cible pour déplacer ou échanger les positions d'objet.
context_menu_inventory_title: ''
context_menu_inventory_use: Utiliser
-conversation_continue_any: Appuyez sur une touche ou un bouton pour continuer.
+conversation_continue_any: Appuyez sur une touche ou un bouton pour continuer
conversation_continue_custom: '{0} [<action:43>]'
conversation_continue_default: Continuer [<action:43>]
damage_critical: critique !
damage_resisted: a résisté !
damage_shielded: protégé !
@@ -130,11 +188,11 @@ dialogue_name_doomsdayboss: Mécanisme de l'apocalypse
dialogue_name_drilloperator: Opérateur de trépan
dialogue_name_dungeonmod: Modificateur de donjon
dialogue_name_escortboss: Chef ver de pierre
dialogue_name_eyeboss: Père Edmond corrompu
dialogue_name_gargantua: Lady Blacksberg
-dialogue_name_gekelstein: Mad Doctor Geckelston
+dialogue_name_gekelstein: Dr Geckelston fou
dialogue_name_hangarpenguin: Spocket
dialogue_name_icedungeon: Horreur gelée
dialogue_name_jinn: Commandant Djinn
dialogue_name_kaiju: Commandant Kai
dialogue_name_lobbyist: Sire Mesmer le Lobbyiste
@@ -169,14 +227,14 @@ dialogue_name_unknown: Inconnu
dialogue_name_whaleshark: Requin-baleine jumbo
dialogue_name_whitespider: Veuf
dialogue_name_workshopowl: Doc Lagrange
dialogue_name_wraith: Collecteur d'âmes
drop_item_error: Échec d'abandon d'objet.
-early_access_desc: "Steambirds Alliance en est au stade de la bêta !\n \n Remarque : toute progression obtenue pendant cette période sera probablement préservée lors du lancement mondial, alors considérez-vous comme faisant partie des rares privilégiés en mesure de faire progresser le grade de leur pilote !\n \n Si vous avez des questions ou des commentaires, <b><color=#FBB040>veuillez vous rendre sur steambirds.com pour rejoindre notre communauté Discord</color></b> et nous en faire part. Nous tenons également notre blog à jour de toutes les modifications majeures apportées au jeu. Consultez-le sur steambirds.com/blog !\n \n Bon vol, pilote !"
+early_access_desc: "Bienvenue ! Nous sommes ravis de votre participation au lancement de Steambirds Alliance. Avant tout, sachez que ce n'est que le début. Même si cela fait déjà plusieurs années que nous travaillons sur ce jeu, nous avons l'intention d'y ajouter des fonctionnalités pendant encore de nombreuses années. Nous mettrons en place de nouveaux contenus et fonctionnalités tous les mois ou tous les deux mois environ. Un bon MMO n'est jamais terminé !\n \n Si vous avez des questions ou des commentaires, <b><color=#FBB040>veuillez vous rendre sur steambirds.com pour rejoindre notre communauté Discord</color></b> et nous en faire part. Nous tenons également notre blog à jour de toutes les modifications majeures apportées au jeu. Consultez-le sur steambirds.com/blog\n \n Attention : sachez que toute <b>triche, sous quelque forme que ce soit</b>, ou tentative d'achat/de vente d'objets de Steambirds à l'aide d'argent réel sur un marché extérieur (tel qu'eBay, par exemple) est strictement interdite et passible du bannissement définitif de votre compte sans avertissement ni possibilité d'appel."
early_access_desc_beta: "Les serveurs de bêta sont complètement distincts des serveurs live. Les objets et la progression des pilotes ne sont pas partagés avec votre compte normal.\n Notre objectif est ici de tester une version nouvelle avant de la déployer sur les serveurs live. Vous pouvez essayer ici de nouvelles fonctionnalités et nous aider à repérer les bogues.\n \n Les <color=#FBB040>effacements seront fréquents</color> ! Par conséquent, <color=#FBB040>ne dépensez pas d'argent</color> sur ces serveurs, car il disparaîtra lors de la prochaine réinitialisation.\n \n \n Si vous avez des questions ou des commentaires, rejoignez notre <color=#FBB040>Discord</color> et indiquez-les-nous !\n \n Bon amusement, et merci de nous aider à améliorer notre jeu !"
early_access_instructions: Appuyez sur une touche ou un bouton pour continuer.
-early_access_title: Bienvenue à la bêta de SBA !
+early_access_title: Bienvenue, courageux pilote !
early_access_title_beta: Qu'est-ce qu'un serveur bêta ?
email_validation_button_change: Modifier l'e-mail...
email_validation_button_continue: Continuer vers le jeu...
email_validation_button_resend: Renvoyer l'e-mail...
email_validation_email_placeholder: Saisissez votre adresse e-mail...
@@ -411,10 +469,16 @@ itempickup_tier_ultrarare_raw: Ultra-rare
itempickup_tierlimited: <color=#ffaa55ff>Utilisable au niveau {0}</color>
itempickup_tradable_only: <color=#DCBD67FF>Objet d'échange courant</color>
itempickup_unusable: <color=#ff5555ff>Inutilisable avec appareil</color>
itempickup_unusable_classes: '<color=#ff5555ff>Seulement utilisable avec : {0}</color>'
itempickup_uses: 'Emploie : {0}'
+language_change_restart_screen_close_game: Fermer le jeu
+language_change_restart_screen_close_game_key_command: <color=#FBB040>[<action:43>]</color> {0}
+language_change_restart_screen_description: Le jeu doit être redémarré
+language_change_restart_screen_not_yet: Pas encore
+language_change_restart_screen_not_yet_key_command: <color=#FBB040>[<action:44>]</color> {0}
+language_change_restart_screen_title: Changement de langue en attente
legal_accept: Accepter et continuer
legal_accept_incomplete: Veuillez lire et accepter pour continuer...
levelup_notify_header: <size=24>Niveau {0}</size>
levelup_notify_stat_add: '{0} +{1:0.##}'
levelup_notify_stat_multiply: '{0} +{1:0.#} %'
@@ -446,15 +510,13 @@ login_forgot_password: Mot de passe oublié ?
login_forgot_password_info: Sélectionnez ceci pour le récupérer.
login_login: Se connecter
login_new_player_subtitle: Sélectionnez ceci pour vous inscrire.
login_new_player_title: Nouveau joueur ?
login_password: Mot de passe
-login_queue_info_desc: The Steambirds Alliance servers are under heavy load right now. You've reserved your place in the queue and should hopefully get to play very soon!
-login_queue_info_info: 'Position in Queue: {0}
- <size=80%>Updating in {1}s...</size>'
-login_queue_info_title: Servers Are Full!
+login_queue_info_desc: Les serveurs de Steambirds Alliance sont actuellement très sollicités. Votre place est réservée dans la file d'attente et vous devriez pouvoir jouer très bientôt !
+login_queue_info_info: "Position dans la file : {0}\n <size=80%>Actualisation dans {1} s...</size>"
+login_queue_info_title: Les serveurs sont complets !
login_register: S'inscrire
login_request_reset: Demander réinitialisation
login_reset: Réinitialiser
login_retype_password: Retapez le mot de passe
login_sign_in: S'inscrire
@@ -612,11 +674,11 @@ options_menu_keyboard_controls_rel_inventory_navigation: Commandes - Inventaire
options_menu_keyboard_controls_rel_system: Commandes - Système
options_menu_keyboard_controls_relative_plane_controls: Commandes - Appareil
options_menu_keyboard_controls_shared_controls: Commandes - Interactions
options_menu_keyboard_controls_system: Commandes - Système
options_menu_keyboard_controls_system_controls: Commandes - Systèmes
-options_menu_locale: Language
+options_menu_locale: Langue
options_menu_locale_old: <color=#e84f4f>(redémarrage requis)</color>
options_menu_low_bullet_alpha: Atténuation projectiles amis
options_menu_main: Options
options_menu_maingunshooting_type_joystick: Arm. principal - Manette
options_menu_maingunshooting_type_keyboard: Arm. principal - Clavier
@@ -667,11 +729,11 @@ options_menu_screenshot_scale: Échelle des captures d'écran
options_menu_select_pilot_skills: Sélection des compétences de pilotage
options_menu_sfx_volume: Volume du jeu
options_menu_shadows: Ombres
options_menu_show_chat: Afficher discussions
options_menu_show_damage_indicators: Afficher barres de dégâts
-options_menu_show_early_access_message: Rappel d'accès anticipé
+options_menu_show_early_access_message: Message d'accueil
options_menu_show_help_instruction: Afficher la légende de l'aide
options_menu_show_hud: Afficher ATH
options_menu_show_news_interstitial: Actus à la connexion
options_menu_show_player_plane_levels: Afficher niveau de tous
options_menu_show_player_ranks: Afficher grade de tous
@@ -700,13 +762,16 @@ pilot_school_action_loadouts: Modifier dotation de compétences
pilot_school_action_new: 'Apprendre compétence (points de compétence : {0})'
pilot_school_action_remove: 'Oublier compétence (points de compétence : {0})'
pilot_school_action_switch: 'Passer à compétence (points de compétence : {0})'
pilot_school_action_switch_free: Passer à compétence
pilot_school_action_up: 'Améliorer compétence (points de compétence : {0})'
-pilot_school_details_points: 'Points de compétence disponibles : {0}'
+pilot_school_details_points: '<size=36><color=#F1DCA4FF>Points de compétence disponibles : <color=#55ff55>{0}</color></color></size>'
+pilot_school_details_points_in_category: '{0} pts dans {1} compétences'
pilot_school_details_points_zero: '<size=36><color=#ff5555>Points de compétence disponibles : {0}</color></size>'
-pilot_school_details_rank: Grade {0} - {1}
+pilot_school_details_pts_in_cat_format_close: </color></size>
+pilot_school_details_pts_in_cat_format_open: <size=20><color=#716A58FF>
+pilot_school_details_rank: <size=36><color=#F1DCA4FF>Grade {0} - {1}</color></size>
pilot_school_filter_heading: Filtrage de compétences
pilot_school_filter_label: 'Filtrage : {0}'
pilot_school_filter_menu_back_label: Toutes compétences
pilot_school_filter_menu_subtitle: '[<action:43>] : sélection de classe selon laquelle filtrer les compétences'
pilot_school_filter_menu_title: Filtrage
@@ -729,10 +794,12 @@ pilot_school_loadout_menu_slot_detail: "{0} compétences\n {1}/{2} points de com
pilot_school_loadout_menu_slot_label: Dotation de compétences {0}
pilot_school_loadout_menu_subtitle: '[<action:43>] : sélectionnez une dotation de compétences ou achetez un emplacement supplémentaire'
pilot_school_loadout_menu_title: Dotations de compétences
pilot_school_loadout_skills: 'Compétences :'
pilot_school_loadout_wipe_current: Effacer la dotation actuelle
+pilot_school_loadout_wipe_description: 'Attention : ceci réinitialisera tous les points de compétence dépensés !'
+pilot_school_loadout_wipe_heading: Réinitialiser dotation
pilot_school_notify_buy_slot_done: 'Acheté : emplacement supplémentaire de dotation de compétences'
pilot_school_notify_buy_slot_error: <color=#e84f4f>Erreur lors de l'achat d'un emplacement supplémentaire de dotation de compétences !</color>
pilot_school_notify_buy_slot_start: Achat d'emplacement supplémentaire de dotation de compétences...
pilot_school_notify_down: Rétrogradation de <color=#E5C46B>{0}</color> au <color=#E5C46B>niveau {1}</color> ({2})
pilot_school_notify_error_generic: <color=#e84f4f>Erreur lors de la modification de compétence {0}</color>
@@ -922,23 +989,29 @@ quick_chat_title_B: Bon vol !
quick_chat_title_C: Sur moi !
quick_chat_title_Charge: Chargez !
quick_chat_title_D: Feu d'artifice
quick_chat_title_Disco: Disco
quick_chat_title_FireworksEpic: Feu d'artifice épique
+quick_chat_title_LOL: MDR
+quick_chat_title_LaunchConfetti: Canon à confettis
quick_chat_title_LoveCommon: Amour !
quick_chat_title_LoveEpic: Amour épique !
quick_chat_title_LoveFireworks: Feu d'artifice d'amour
+quick_chat_title_MusicNotes: Notes de musique
+quick_chat_title_OutOfSteam: À court de vapeur !
quick_chat_title_PurpleFireworks: Feu d'artifice pourpre
quick_chat_title_ThumbsDown: Pouces en bas
quick_chat_title_ThumbsUp: Pouces en l'air !
quick_chat_title_Warning: Avertissement
+quick_chat_title_Wave: Vague
quick_chat_title_Wings: Ailes
quick_chat_whee: Wouhou !
radar_mission: "Cible\n <color=#ffa500ff>{0}</color>"
radar_teleport: '[<action:7>] pour se téléporter'
radar_teleport_click: "[<action:7>] ou cliquer sur\n pour se téléporter"
+ AS.SG: Asie de l'Est
EU.DE: Europe
NA.US: Am. Nord
OC.AU: Océanie
report_cmd_chat: Signaler discussion
report_cmd_cheating: Signaler triche
@@ -951,10 +1024,11 @@ session_anti_addiction_disconnect: Limite anti-addiction atteinte. Désolés.
shutdown_announce: Le serveur va bientôt fermer. Ramassez rapidement votre butin.
shutdown_countdown: '{0}...'
shutdown_now: Le serveur va fermer.
skills_menu_current: Compétences actuelles
skills_menu_exit: Quitter
+skills_menu_flying: En vol
skills_menu_none: Aucune compétence pour l'instant
skills_menu_select: Sélectionner
skills_menu_title: Choisissez une compétence de pilote
stats_menu_agility: Agilité
stats_menu_attack: Dégâts
@@ -1059,11 +1133,11 @@ unknown: '[inconnu]'
unknown_error: Erreur inconnue.
unlock_header: Nouvelle classe débloquée !
unusable_item: L'objet a fait long feu ! Impossible d'utiliser {0} avec cette classe.
upcoming_events_happening_now: <color=#F0DD9D>Actuellement</color>
upcoming_events_news_posted_at: 'Posté à : {0}'
-upcoming_events_schedule_line: '- {0} - {1}'
+upcoming_events_schedule_line: '- {0}-{1}'
upcoming_events_time_format: htt, MMMM d
upgrade_fx_armor: Amélioration de blindage !
upgrade_fx_engine: Amélioration de moteur !
upgrade_fx_gun: Amélioration d'armement !
upgrade_fx_secondary: Amélioration secondaire !
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/units.txt config_190821_053/Texts/fr/units.txt
index 053e9ca..7770571 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/fr/units.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/fr/units.txt
@@ -842,10 +842,11 @@ phoenix5: Phénix traître
phoenixDEATH: Phénix traître
playerPlane: Vieux fidèle
pod: Jeune fusil
podleader: Sergent bouledogue
popper: Éclateur
+popper2: Mini-éclateur
poppermini: Éclateur Jr
prisoncage: Cage
prisondestroyablewall: Mur
prisonescapee: Prisonnier
prisonsniper: Tour de sniper
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/locales.txt config_190821_053/Texts/locales.txt
index c6c3993..ac44b33 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/locales.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/locales.txt
@@ -1,20 +1,26 @@
defaultLocale: en-US
defaultLocaleForNetease: zh-CN
- id: en-US
name: English
+ steamAPILanguageCode: english
systemMatchPrefix: en
-- id: es
+- fallback: en-US
+ id: es
name: Español
+ steamAPILanguageCode: spanish
systemMatchPrefix: es
-- id: fr
+- fallback: en-US
+ id: fr
name: Française
+ steamAPILanguageCode: french
systemMatchPrefix: fr
- fallback: en-US
id: zh-CN
name: 中文
+ steamAPILanguageCode: schinese
systemMatchPrefix: zh
timeFactorPerChar: '3.65'
- hidden: 'true'
id: qps-ploc
name: PLoc Trans
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/bark.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/bark.txt
index 1d199b3..77131cd 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/bark.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/bark.txt
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
- - text: Only prepared veteran pilots should attempt this mission!
+ - text: 只有那些已经做好准备的王牌飞行员可以执行此任务!
- - text: Meowza, have mercy upon my soul...
+ - text: 喵族,请放过我的灵魂吧……
weight: '1'
- - text: I feel her claws digging into my spirit...
+ - text: 我能感觉到它的爪子在触及我的灵魂深处……
weight: '1'
- - text: Oh Meowza, forgive my weakness! Do not consign me to the furnace...
+ - text: 哦,喵族,原谅我的软弱!请别把我送到熔炉去……
weight: '1'
- - text: '...'
+ - text: ……
weight: '1'
- - text: You dare to follow Meowza into her inner sanctum?
+ - text: 你敢跟喵族到她的内部密室去?
weight: '1'
- - text: This is holy ground! Even the feline nobility fear this place!
+ - text: 这是个神圣的地方!就算是猫族的贵族也会惧怕此地!
weight: '1'
- - text: We are Meowza's elite guard, and you... you will be our playthings.
+ - text: 我们是喵族的精英守卫,而你……你将成为我们的玩物。
weight: '1'
- text: 欢迎,喵族臣民!
weight: '1'
- - text: The Empress welcomes you!
+ - text: 女王欢迎你!
weight: '1'
- text: 你是怎样进入我们的指挥中心的?
weight: '1'
@@ -57,13 +57,11 @@ BOS1_meowzaC0:
weight: '1'
- text: 你们中几乎没有幸存者。真令人悲伤。
weight: '1'
- - text: '鸽子叛军。
- 这真是瞎胡闹。'
+ - text: "鸽子叛军。\n 这真是瞎胡闹。"
weight: '1'
- text: 伟大首领宽宏大量。但并不健忘。
weight: '1'
@@ -199,31 +197,31 @@ SP_5XHMT_thiefentrance_thiefturretstrong_1:
weight: '0.5'
- text: 劣等种族不配取得经济上的成功!
weight: '0.5'
- - text: Turret Upgraded
+ - text: 炮塔已完成升级
weight: '1'
- - text: I was in the war!
+ - text: 我身处战争漩涡之中!
weight: '1'
- - text: MAX DEPLOYED
+ - text: 已达到最大部署
weight: '1'
- - text: Turret Upgraded
+ - text: 炮塔已完成升级
weight: '1'
- - text: Turret Upgraded!!
+ - text: 炮塔已完成升级!!
weight: '1'
- - text: Turret UPGRADED!!!
+ - text: 炮塔已完成升级!!!
weight: '1'
- text: 第1波
@@ -320,13 +318,11 @@ avatar:
- text: 毁灭从天而降。
- text: 我最伟大的发明…被毁灭了!!!
- text: 中止!中止末日测试!遭受要害攻击!
- - text: '原型机的损伤程度已经超过了可修复范围。
- 我们将回炉重制!'
+ - text: "原型机的损伤程度已经超过了可修复范围。\n 我们将回炉重制!"
- text: 仪式已经开始了…
- text: 加入鼠族,被吃掉…
- text: 你将成为献给巴斯特的祭品…
@@ -391,13 +387,11 @@ bombboss:
- text: 炸弹工厂内禁止使用武器!
- text: 限你在 3 秒内放下武器
- text: 这是一处安全的设施!
- - text: '设施安保失效。
- 已发出警报。'
+ - text: "设施安保失效。\n 已发出警报。"
- text: 是时候跟小鸟们玩一玩了。
weight: '1'
@@ -424,36 +418,24 @@ bunny_1:
- text: 安全了!
- - text: '我的至爱!
- 我们终于在一起了!'
+ - text: "我的至爱!\n 我们终于在一起了!"
- text: 我们正在坐以待毙。
- text: 与我一起哀悼。
- text: 我还有大把的时间。
- text: 为什么要等待。永恒在召唤。
- - text: '无时无刻不在观测。
- 这种日子真是生无可恋。'
- - text: '爱过。
- 如今我向往着终末之刻。'
- - text: '坟墓。
- 那么多的坟墓。'
- - text: '这场战争
- 是否值得我做出如此的牺牲?'
- - text: '我们都是迷失在
- 时间中的幽灵。'
+ - text: "无时无刻不在观测。\n 这种日子真是生无可恋。"
+ - text: "爱过。\n 如今我向往着终末之刻。"
+ - text: "坟墓。\n 那么多的坟墓。"
+ - text: "这场战争\n 是否值得我做出如此的牺牲?"
+ - text: "我们都是迷失在\n 时间中的幽灵。"
- weight: '10'
- text: 该睡觉了。
- text: 晚安。
@@ -513,13 +495,11 @@ crafting_unlock:
- text: 恭喜达到20级!为庆祝你成功升级,我们在叛军之城为你开启了<color=#FBB040>制作工坊</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '不!
- 收割必须继续!'
+ - text: "不!\n 收割必须继续!"
- text: 正确!
@@ -547,29 +527,27 @@ doc_1:
- text: 睡觉
- text: 永远睡下去吧
- text: 嘘,小怪物们
- - text: diagnosing...
+ - text: 诊断中……
- - text: LET ME HELP YOU
+ - text: 应用治疗
+ - text: 这是为了你好
+ - text: 让我来帮助你
- text: 对蛇神俯首称臣吧!
- text: 让我尝尝你的毒药。
- text: 蛇族女王欢迎你。
- text: 穿越死亡,抵达天堂。
- text: 净化没有坏处。
- text: 真正的快乐离我们是如此之近。近在咫尺。
- - text: '你已经腐化了。
- 内心充斥着罪恶。'
+ - text: "你已经腐化了。\n 内心充斥着罪恶。"
- text: 本来可以不那么痛苦的。
- text: 我看你是喜欢受点折磨。更久一点。
- text: 雉鸡们!
- text: 我最爱吃骨头。磨成细细的粉末。
- text: 这并非挫折。
@@ -584,116 +562,116 @@ dragonsnake01_2:
- text: 但我是一个神明…
- - text: En guard!
+ - text: 卫兵!
weight: '1'
- - text: Have at you!
+ - text: 看招!
weight: '1'
- - text: One! Two! One! Two!
+ - text: 一!二!一!二!
weight: '1'
- - text: It's time to D-D-DUEL!
+ - text: 开始决、决、决斗吧!
weight: '0.1'
- - text: Come fight me!
+ - text: 来和我打一场!
weight: '1'
- - text: You want to dance?
+ - text: 你想要跳舞?
weight: '1'
- - text: My sword craves for oil and blood.
+ - text: 我的长剑渴望燃油与鲜血。
weight: '1'
- - text: Approach me, coward!
+ - text: 来呀,懦夫!
weight: '1'
- - text: I challenge you to a duel!
+ - text: 我向你发起决斗挑战!
weight: '1'
- - text: Oh, are you approaching me?
+ - text: 哦,你是想靠近我吗?
weight: '1'
- - text: Come closer...
+ - text: 越来越近了…
weight: '1'
- weight: '5'
- - text: '<color=#c1b38eff>Acrobatics</color><color=#ffffffff>: -50% Manuever Steam Cost, +20% Damage Taken.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#c1b38eff>特技表演</color><color=#ffffffff>:机动蒸汽消耗-50%,所受伤害+20%。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#c1b38eff>Bogged Down</color><color=#ffffffff>: -25% Superspeed.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#c1b38eff>陷入困境</color><color=#ffffffff>:超级速度-25%。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#ff7900ff>* Broken Axis (Difficult) *</color><color=#ffffffff>: -85% Max Turn Rate, -25% Manuever Steam Cost. Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#ff7900ff>*断轴(困难)*</color><color=#ffffffff>:最大转弯速率-85%,-25%机动蒸汽消耗。战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#ff7900ff>* Broken Axis (Difficult) *</color><color=#ffffffff>: -65% Max Turn Rate, -25% Manuever Steam Cost. Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#ff7900ff>*断轴(困难)*</color><color=#ffffffff>:最大转弯速率-65%,机动蒸汽消耗-25%。战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#ff7900ff>* Constrained (Difficult) *</color><color=#ffffffff>: -50% Steam. Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#ff7900ff>*胁迫(困难)*</color><color=#ffffffff>:蒸汽-50%。战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#d40009ff>*** Dead to the World (Lethal)</color>: -95% Steam, +20% Damage Taken</color>. Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 7x chance of special loot.'
+ - text: <color=#d40009ff>***与世隔绝(致命)</color>:蒸汽-95%,所受伤害+20%</color>。战利品:2倍飞机升级,7倍特殊拾取几率。
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#c1b38eff>Eager to Help</color><color=#ffffffff>: -35% Secondary Ability Steam Cost, +20% Damage Taken.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#c1b38eff>乐于助人</color><color=#ffffffff>:次要技能蒸汽消耗-35%,所受伤害+20%。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#d40009ff>*** Enfeebled (Lethal) ***</color><color=#ffffffff>: +80% Damage Taken. Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 7x chance of special loot.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#d40009ff>***虚弱(致命)***</color><color=#ffffffff>:所受伤害+80%。战利品:2倍飞机升级,7倍特殊拾取几率。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#ff7900ff>* Exhausted (Difficult) *</color><color=#ffffffff>: -100% Steam Regen. Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#ff7900ff>*精疲力尽(困难)*</color><color=#ffffffff>:蒸汽回复-100%。战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#ff7900ff>* Extremely Touchy (Difficult) *</color><color=#ffffffff>: +70% Armor Regen, +40% Damage Taken. Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#ff7900ff>*异常敏感(困难)*</color><color=#ffffffff>:装甲回复+70%,所受伤害+40%。战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#ff7900ff>* Fast Learner (Difficult) *</color><color=#ffffffff>: +25% XP, +35% Damage Taken. Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#ff7900ff>*快速学习(困难)*</color><color=#ffffffff>:经验+25%,所受伤害+35%。战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#c1b38eff>Float Like a Butterfly</color><color=#ffffffff>: +30% Gun Damage, +30% Damage Taken.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#c1b38eff>翩翩起舞</color><color=#ffffffff>:武器伤害+30%,所受伤害+30%。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#d40009ff>*** Too Hot to Handle (Lethal) ***</color><color=#ffffffff>: +250% Superspeed, -15% Camera View, +50% Damage Taken. Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 7x chance of special loot.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#d40009ff>***烫手山芋(致命)***</color><color=#ffffffff>:超级速度+250%,摄像机视野-15%,所受伤害+50%。战利品:2倍飞机升级,7倍特殊拾取几率。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#c1b38eff>Hunt and Peck</color><color=#ffffffff>: -50% ROF, +25% Gun Damage.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#c1b38eff>眼见为实</color><color=#ffffffff>:射速-50%,武器伤害+25%。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#c1b38eff>In Your Face</color><color=#ffffffff>: +20% Gun Damage, -40% Gun Range.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#c1b38eff>咄咄逼人</color><color=#ffffffff>:武器伤害+20%,武器射程-40%。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#d40009ff>*** Insomniac (Lethal) ***</color><color=#ffffffff>: -100% Armor Regen, -100% Steam Regen, -30% Superspeed, +25% Damage Taken. Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 7x chance of special loot.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#d40009ff>***失眠者(致命)***</color><color=#ffffffff>:装甲回复-100%,蒸汽回复-100%,超级速度-30%,所受伤害+25%。战利品:2倍飞机升级,7倍特殊拾取几率。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#c1b38eff>Itchy Trigger</color><color=#ffffffff>: +30% ROF & Ammo, -30% Cooldown & Gun Damage.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#c1b38eff>跃跃欲试</color><color=#ffffffff>:射速和弹药+30%,冷却和武器伤害-30%。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#ff7900ff>* Nearsighted (Difficult) *</color><color=#ffffffff>: -35% Camera View. Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#ff7900ff>*短视之人(困难)*</color><color=#ffffffff>:摄像机视野-35%。战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#c1b38eff>Restless</color><color=#ffffffff>: -50% Armor Regen, +25% Superspeed.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#c1b38eff>焦躁不安</color><color=#ffffffff>:护甲回复-50%,超级速度+25%。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#ff7900ff>* Rush Hour (Difficult) *</color><color=#ffffffff>: +50% Superspeed, +35% Damage Taken. Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#ff7900ff>*尖峰时刻(困难)*</color><color=#ffffffff>:超级速度+50%,所受伤害+35%。战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率。</color>
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#c1b38eff>Touchy</color><color=#ffffffff>: +30% Armor Regen, +25% Damage Taken.</color>'
+ - text: <color=#c1b38eff>敏感</color><color=#ffffffff>:装甲回复+30%,所受伤害+25%。</color>
weight: '1'
- text: 哦,天呐。
weight: '0.5'
@@ -840,11 +818,11 @@ escort_03_startbutton_1:
- text: 啊!!
- - text: Ready to repair - heading towards target.
+ - text: 准备修理 - 正在前往目标。
- text: 开始维修。
@@ -927,28 +905,24 @@ gargantua_0:
- text: 我会把你像苍蝇一样<color=red>拍死!</color>
- text: 要么滚蛋,要么被碾碎。
- text: 你打断了我们无人战机的生产!
- text: 我们的工作进度必须得以保证!
- - text: '我的无人机工厂
- 是我们帝国霸业的支柱。'
+ - text: "我的无人机工厂\n 是我们帝国霸业的支柱。"
- text: 品尝祖国的愤怒吧!
- text: 右手这拳是替你妈妈打的!
- text: 快滚吧,入侵者!
- text: 我会在这个季度赢得奖金!
- weight: '6'
- text: 一个好的管理者永远不会擅离职守!
- - text: '这个炮弹应当被
- 用于建设,而不是战斗!'
+ - text: "这个炮弹应当被\n 用于建设,而不是战斗!"
- text: 正在排出武器系统的多余热量
- text: 该加班了。
- weight: '3'
@@ -1013,13 +987,11 @@ huskyleader_2:
- text: 啊噜!
- - text: '我是结构性的。
- 不等式系统将会使我复活。'
+ - text: "我是结构性的。\n 不等式系统将会使我复活。"
- text: 我的主人们渴求您的援助。
- text: 也许我可以用钱让你变得规矩些?
@@ -1034,13 +1006,11 @@ hypnotist_2:
- text: 该我出场了。请让开!
- text: 讲点道理嘛。你会同意的。
- text: 自私自利并不是犯罪。
- - text: '如果你收下我的礼物
- 想想这一切将会变得多么简单。'
+ - text: "如果你收下我的礼物\n 想想这一切将会变得多么简单。"
- text: 解冻!我们失去了数以百万计的保存成果…
@@ -1068,11 +1038,11 @@ icebosssnakeegg:
- text: 咔…嘶…
- - text: We recalled you to the Rebel City because you weren't responding to our transmissions.
+ - text: 我们把你召回叛军之城是因为你没有响应我们的传输。
weight: '1'
- text: 电动滑梯
@@ -1102,112 +1072,108 @@ keylock_0:
- text: 检测到未经授权的进入尝试。
- text: 无效的凭证。执行净化仪式。
- text: 检测到入侵者。遭遇安全栅。
- text: 密码错误。正在启动防御设施。
- text: 鸟族禁止入内。立刻离开。
- - text: '''''Kill all birds'''' - Empress Meowza''s orders.'
+ - text: “杀死所有的鸟族” - 喵族女王的命令。
- text: <color=red>001 级</color>权限:同意
- - text: '我们回到
- 了水域。'
- - text: '深渊支配者
- 会听到的…'
+ - text: "我们回到\n 了水域。"
+ - text: "深渊支配者\n 会听到的…"
- - text: Target acquired
+ - text: 目标已被捕获
weight: '1'
- - text: Homing bullets ready
+ - text: 追踪子弹就绪
weight: '1'
- - text: Reloading...
+ - text: 装填中……
weight: '1'
- - text: One shot, two kills
+ - text: 一石二猫
weight: '1'
- - text: Going silent...
+ - text: 正在进入沉默……
weight: '1'
- - text: Exhale and squeeze...
+ - text: 呼气并挤压……
weight: '1'
- - text: Hold still...
+ - text: 静止不动……
weight: '1'
- weight: '5'
- - text: Welcome, little birds.
+ - text: 欢迎你,小鸟。
weight: '1'
- - text: Did you have fun with the three brothers? I upgraded them just for you.
+ - text: 你和三兄弟一起玩的开心吗?我专门为你升级了它们。
weight: '1'
- - text: Do you feel strong and brave, tasty birds?
+ - text: 你有没有感到强壮和勇敢,小嫩鸟?
weight: '1'
- - text: Are you proud of yourselves for reaching my inner sanctum?
+ - text: 你为自己能来到我的内部密室而感到骄傲吗?
weight: '1'
- - text: Are you pleased that you've defiled this holy place with your presence?
+ - text: 能亲自来到如此神圣之地,是否使你感到欢愉?
weight: '1'
- - text: Well. We must make good use of this occasion, my snacks.
+ - text: 好吧。我们必须要好好利用这个机会,小零食们。
weight: '1'
- - text: We are going to play together, you and I.
+ - text: 我们要一起玩耍,你和我。
weight: '1'
- - text: But before we start, I have a surprise for you, my delectables!
+ - text: 但在我们开始前,我给你准备了一份惊喜,我的甜心!
weight: '1'
- - text: Every time you've killed one of my generals, I've been harvesting their souls.
+ - text: 每次你杀死我的将军之后,我都会收割他们的灵魂。
weight: '1'
- - text: Cat souls are like nuclear engines. They can power a dreadnought for centuries with their rage.
+ - text: 猫族的灵魂蕴含着巨大的能量。他们的怒气可以驱动一艘无畏舰数个世纪。
weight: '1'
- - text: My dead generals are so, so eager to meet you again..!
+ - text: 我的那些死去的将军也一样,他们渴望着与你再次相遇……!
weight: '1'
- - text: You think you've won, little birds?
+ - text: 你以为这样你就赢了吗,小鸟?
weight: '1'
- - text: You cannot kill what is already dead!
+ - text: 你无法杀死一个死人!
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#050405ff>Silence</color><color=#ffffffff>: -90% Steam</color>'
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>缄默</color><color=#ffffffff>: 蒸汽 -90% </color>'
weight: '1'
- - text: '<color=#050405ff>Silence</color><color=#ffffffff>: -90% Steam</color>'
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>缄默</color><color=#ffffffff>: 蒸汽 -90% </color>'
weight: '1'
- - text: Ooh, you're still alive! This is going to be FUN!
+ - text: 哦,你还活着!这越来越有趣了!
weight: '1'
- - text: '...I banish you...'
+ - text: ……我要驱逐你……
weight: '1'
- - text: '...You leave now...'
+ - text: ……你现在就离开……
weight: '1'
- - text: '...Restricted area...'
+ - text: ……禁区……
weight: '1'
- - text: '...Get out...'
+ - text: ……立刻离开……
weight: '1'
- text: 请保持入口区域通畅。低等动物不许进入。
weight: '1'
@@ -1385,31 +1351,25 @@ notraDEATH:
- text: 796A 号博士研究项目:正在中止。
- text: 好医生只是想给你检查。
- text: 生化剂是可以与钢铁相结合的好材料。
- - text: '在幼年时抓住他们是最好的。
- 但你也凑合。'
+ - text: "在幼年时抓住他们是最好的。\n 但你也凑合。"
- text: 老兵和儿童是最好的目标,不是吗?
- text: 当把发展作为首要目标时,道德又算的了什么?
- text: 我为我们在这里所做的一切感到非常自豪。
- text: 下等族群只配被当做原料。
- text: 但你还是会有点儿用的!
- text: 我觉得是时候把你剖开看看了。
- - text: '我不想当什么殡葬师。
- 就只是把它当成工作的一部分罢了。'
+ - text: "我不想当什么殡葬师。\n 就只是把它当成工作的一部分罢了。"
- text: 深渊欢迎所有来客…
- text: 斯鲁拉!
- - text: '葛基 - 怀基 - 斯鲁拉。
- 葛基 - 怀基 - 斯鲁拉。'
+ - text: "葛基 - 怀基 - 斯鲁拉。\n 葛基 - 怀基 - 斯鲁拉。"
- text: 解放我们…
- text: 加入我们…
- text: 我将在下一个领域看到你…
@@ -1428,44 +1388,36 @@ pacifist_4:
- text: 检测到入侵者!
- - text: Nurse? Please, no...
- - text: Is that you, nurse?
- - text: I'm in pain...
- - text: Nurse! NURSE!
+ - text: 护士?拜托了,别……
+ - text: 是你吗,护士?
+ - text: 我很疼……
+ - text: 护士!护士!
- text: 历史将把我遗忘。
- text: 开始维修。
- text: 正在关闭。
- text: 古老的神灵在我的体内穿行。
- - text: '伟大首领窃取了远古的秘密。
- 以将我束缚在这项任务上。'
+ - text: "伟大首领窃取了远古的秘密。\n 以将我束缚在这项任务上。"
- weight: '1'
- text: 我是个奴隶。我仍在寻找一个体面的结局。
- text: 他们用锁链穿透了我的头颅。我必须继续战斗。
- weight: '6'
- - text: '鸟族的时代…已经结束了…
- 喵族才是…新的主宰…'
- - text: '喵族万岁…
- 喵族万岁…'
- - text: '鸟族去死吧…
- 鸟族去死吧…'
+ - text: "鸟族的时代…已经结束了…\n 喵族才是…新的主宰…"
+ - text: "喵族万岁…\n 喵族万岁…"
+ - text: "鸟族去死吧…\n 鸟族去死吧…"
- text: 我将臣服于。我的喵族主人。
- text: 他们对我做了什么…我不能死。
- text: 拜托了。欢庆赞美我们的新主宰!
@@ -1476,28 +1428,20 @@ phoenix3:
- text: 我获得了重生!喵族万岁!
- text: 重获新生!光荣属于喵族!
- text: 鸟族应当成为奴仆。
- - text: '我已燃尽。一次又一次。
- 我到底是谁?'
+ - text: "我已燃尽。一次又一次。\n 我到底是谁?"
- text: 我的身体已经不属于我。
- text: 毁灭。我的植入体还在抗争。
- text: 我…无法…控制它…
- - text: '看!我的美丽为了
- 取悦我的主人而存在。'
+ - text: "看!我的美丽为了\n 取悦我的主人而存在。"
- text: 我燃烧了!为什么?我为什么在燃烧?
- text: 我的痛苦为喵族带去了荣耀。
- - text: '我大脑中的线路。
- 它们因为爱而燃烧。
- 那是对帝国的爱。'
+ - text: "我大脑中的线路。\n 它们因为爱而燃烧。\n 那是对帝国的爱。"
- text: 很遗憾。那时,我不是我自己…
- text: 谢谢…
- text: 我自由了…自由了…
@@ -1531,13 +1475,11 @@ prisoncage:
- text: 救救我们!
- text: 救兵来了!
- text: 谢天谢地!
- text: 在这儿!
- text: 他们要杀我们!
- - text: '他们对不死鸟进行了洗脑…
- 失去了一切…'
+ - text: "他们对不死鸟进行了洗脑…\n 失去了一切…"
- text: 自由!
- text: 万岁!
- text: 谢谢!
@@ -1554,34 +1496,26 @@ raceboss_1:
- text: 我们为了首领的荣耀而赛。
- weight: '100'
- text: 一场盛大的赛事!让我们尽情投入比赛吧。
- - text: '人们喜欢竞技。
- 这填补了他们的空虚。'
+ - text: "人们喜欢竞技。\n 这填补了他们的空虚。"
- text: 每个人都在观看比赛。
- - text: '真正的控制艺术是
- 让奴隶们可以主动跳进你的火坑。'
- - text: '精彩的比赛!它被设计为一场
- 没有赢家的游戏。'
+ - text: "真正的控制艺术是\n 让奴隶们可以主动跳进你的火坑。"
+ - text: "精彩的比赛!它被设计为一场\n 没有赢家的游戏。"
- text: 开足马力!
- text: 让我们赛一场吧,小叛徒。
- text: 你抓住我了!
- - text: '我将会因为自己的失败而受到惩罚。
- 但这将会使我变得更强。'
+ - text: "我将会因为自己的失败而受到惩罚。\n 但这将会使我变得更强。"
- text: 各就各位!
@@ -1739,27 +1673,41 @@ sunfoxleaderchill:
- text: 表明你的身份!
- weight: '3'
- text: 哦。赞美光明。
- - text: '即使是死后,
+ - text: '<color=#55ff55ff>治愈</color><color=#ffffffff>: 生命值
- 我们也会一直注视着你。'
+ 回复+500% </color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>致盲</color><color=#ffffffff>: 摄像机视野-50%</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>脆弱</color><color=#ffffffff>: 所受伤害+50%</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: <color=#050405ff>阻碍</color><color=#ffffffff>:最大转弯速率 -95%</color>
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: '<color=#050405ff>阻碍r</color><color=#ffffffff>: 最大转弯速率 -85%</color>'
+ weight: '1'
+ randomOptions:
+ - text: "即使是死后,\n 我们也会一直注视着你。"
- text: 嗯……
- - text: '前主人铸造了我
- 来保护他们的宝藏。
- 我只向
- 金钥匙的持有者开放。'
+ - text: "前主人铸造了我\n 来保护他们的宝藏。\n 我只向\n 金钥匙的持有者开放。"
- text: 你的献祭已被接纳。
@@ -1874,11 +1822,11 @@ treasureBIG_fail:
- text: 嘶。下次带上强一点的队伍再来!
weight: '1'
- text: 还不够强……祝你下次好运。
weight: '1'
- - text: 就差一点。 但你没有任何收获。 太糟了……
+ - text: 就差一点。 但你没有任何收获。 太糟了……
weight: '1'
- text: 我给你5秒时间,用你最擅长的方式击中我!
weight: '1'
@@ -1912,13 +1860,11 @@ turbineking:
- text: 让我们准备好欢呼吧!
- text: 噢!看来这就是你将被击败的地方!抱歉,选手们!
- text: 恭喜!你赢了!
- text: 看来这里就是你将死去的地方!抱歉!祝你下回好运!
- text: 看起来这些是给选手们准备的!太糟了!
- - text: '哇!伙计们,看他们卖力的样子!
- 真遗憾他们不得不死,哈哈!'
+ - text: "哇!伙计们,看他们卖力的样子!\n 真遗憾他们不得不死,哈哈!"
- text: 哇!难以置信!
@@ -1991,20 +1937,18 @@ tutrefugee:
- text: 谢谢!
- text: 我们得救了!
- - text: '我撤回在我们双方之间
- 结盟的提议。'
+ - text: "我撤回在我们双方之间\n 结盟的提议。"
- text: !!!
weight: '1'
- - text: Clear room of enemies to unlock
+ - text: 清除房间中的敌人以解锁
weight: '1'
- text: 你是我今天的第 100 个牺牲品!
- text: 让我们看看你是如何对付我的激光陷阱的!哈哈!
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/buffs.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/buffs.txt
index 3ff4d29..66e84af 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/buffs.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/buffs.txt
@@ -1,50 +1,60 @@
- title: Acrobatics
+ title: 特技表演
- title: Bogged Down
+ title: 陷入困境
- title: Broken Axis
+ title: 断轴
- title: Broken Axis
+ title: 断轴
- title: Constrained
+ title: 胁迫
- title: Dead to the World
+ title: 与世隔绝
- title: Eager to Help
+ title: 乐于助人
- title: Enfeebled
+ title: 虚弱
- title: Exhausted
+ title: 精疲力尽
- title: Extremely Touchy
+ title: 异常敏感
- title: Fast Learner
+ title: 快速学习
- title: Float Like a Butterfly
+ title: 翩翩起舞
- title: Too Hot to Handle
+ title: 烫手山芋
- title: Hunt and Peck
+ title: 眼见为实
- title: In Your Face
+ title: 咄咄逼人
- title: Insomniac
+ title: 失眠者
- title: Itchy Trigger Finger
+ title: 跃跃欲试
- title: Nearsighted
+ title: 短视之人
- title: Restless
+ title: 焦躁不安
- title: Rush Hour
+ title: 尖峰时刻
- title: Touchy
+ title: 敏感
- title: Silence
+ title: 缄默
- title: Silence
+ title: 缄默
+ title: 致盲
+ title: 治愈
+ title: 脆弱
+ title: 阻碍
+ title: 阻碍
- title: Cursed
+ title: 被诅咒的
- title: Slowed
+ title: 减速
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/conversations.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/conversations.txt
index 4e530d7..f88d215 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/conversations.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/conversations.txt
@@ -12,33 +12,33 @@ text:
boss-hunt_03: 就算是最弱的机器,仍然十分致命。我们一直在破坏它们,但喵族却可以不停的制造出来。
boss-hunt_04: 最强大的战争机器具有超乎想象的威力,但万幸的事,喵族想制造出来也十分困难。
boss-hunt_05: 如果能消灭掉她顶级的战争机器,那么喵族将别无选择,只能亲自来面对我们!
boss-hunt_06: 你今天的任务是去消灭三个喵族的玩具战争机器,为未来的大战做充分练习。
boss-hunt_07: 晴朗天空!
- dungeonmod_acrobatics_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Acrobatics</color></size>\n -50% Manuever Steam Cost\n +20% Damage Taken</align>"
- dungeonmod_bogged_down_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Bogged Down</color></size>\n -25% Superspeed</align>"
- dungeonmod_broken_axis_dualstick_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Broken Axis (Difficult) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -85% Max Turn Rate\n -25% Manuever Steam Cost\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_broken_axis_plane_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Broken Axis (Difficult) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -65% Max Turn Rate\n -25% Manuever Steam Cost\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_constrained_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Constrained (Difficult) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -50% Steam\n<color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_dead_to_world_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Dead to the World (Lethal)<sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -95% Steam\n +20% Damage Taken\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 7x chance of special loot</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_eager_help_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Eager to Help</color></size>\n -35% Secondary Ability Steam Cost\n +20% Damage Taken</align>"
- dungeonmod_enfeebled_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Enfeebled (Lethal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +80% Damage Taken\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 7x chance of special loot</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_exhausted_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Exhausted (Difficult) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -100% Steam Regen\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_extremely_touchy_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Extremely Touchy (Difficult) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +70% Armor Regen\n +40% Damage Taken\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_fast_learner_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Fast Learner (Difficult) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +25% XP\n +35% Damage Taken\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_float_butterfly_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Float Like a Butterfly</color></size>\n +30% Gun Damage\n +30% Damage Taken</align>"
- dungeonmod_hot_to_handle_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Too Hot to Handle (Lethal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +250% Superspeed, -15% Camera View\n +50% Damage Taken\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 7x chance of special loot</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_hunt_peck_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Hunt and Peck</color></size>\n -50% ROF\n +25% Gun Damage</align>"
- dungeonmod_in_your_face_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>In Your Face</color></size>\n +20% Gun Damage\n -40% Gun Range</align>"
- dungeonmod_insomniac_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Insomniac (Lethal) <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -100% Armor Regen, -100% Steam Regen\n -30% Superspeed, +25% Damage Taken\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 7x chance of special loot</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_itchy_trigger_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Itchy Trigger</color></size>\n +30% ROF & Ammo\n -30% Cooldown & Gun Damage</align>"
- dungeonmod_nearsighted_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Nearsighted (Difficult) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n -35% Camera View\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_restless_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Restless</color></size>\n -50% Armor Regen\n +25% Superspeed</align>"
- dungeonmod_rush_hour_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> Rush Hour (Difficult) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n +50% Superspeed\n +35% Damage Taken\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>Loot: 2x plane upgrades, 3x chance of special loot</size></color></align>"
- dungeonmod_touchy_01: "<align=center>Dungeon modifier:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>Touchy</color></size>\n +30% Armor Regen\n +20% Damage Taken</align>"
- idle-warning-disconnect_01: Hey, Pilot, if you don't move or do something, I'm gonna disconnect you so no one else catches you napping!
- idle-warning-recall_01: Yo, Pilot! Are you there? You disappeared from radar. Move or shoot or do something so we can see you.
+ dungeonmod_acrobatics_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>特技表演</color></size>\n 机动蒸汽消耗-50%\n 所受伤害+20%</align>"
+ dungeonmod_bogged_down_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>陷入困境</color></size>\n 超级速度-25%</align>"
+ dungeonmod_broken_axis_dualstick_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1>断轴(困难)<sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n 最大转弯速率-85%\n 机动蒸汽消耗-25%\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_broken_axis_plane_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1>断轴(困难)<sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n 最大转弯速率-65%\n 机动蒸汽消耗-25%\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_constrained_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1>胁迫(困难)<sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n 蒸汽-50%\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_dead_to_world_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1>与世隔绝(致命)<sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n 蒸汽-95%\n 所受伤害+20%\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>战利品:2倍飞机升级,7倍特殊拾取几率</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_eager_help_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>乐于助人</color></size>\n 次要技能蒸汽消耗-35%\n 所受伤害+20%</align>"
+ dungeonmod_enfeebled_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1>虚弱(致命)<sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n 所受伤害+80%\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>战利品:2倍飞机升级,7倍特殊拾取几率</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_exhausted_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1> 精疲力尽(困难) <sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n 蒸汽回复-100%\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_extremely_touchy_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1>异常敏感(困难)<sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n 装甲回复+70%\n 所受伤害+40%\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_fast_learner_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1>快速学习(困难)<sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n 经验+25%\n 所受伤害+35%\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_float_butterfly_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>翩翩起舞</color></size>\n 武器伤害+30%\n 所受伤害+30%</align>"
+ dungeonmod_hot_to_handle_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1>烫手山芋(致命)<sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n 超级速度+250%,摄像机视野-15%\n 所受伤害+50%\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>战利品:2倍飞机升级,7倍特殊拾取几率</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_hunt_peck_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>眼见为实</color></size>\n 射速-50%\n 武器伤害+25%</align>"
+ dungeonmod_in_your_face_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>咄咄逼人</color></size>\n 武器伤害+20%\n 武器射程-40%</align>"
+ dungeonmod_insomniac_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1>失眠者(致命)<sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n 装甲回复-100%,蒸汽回复-100%\n 超级速度-30%,所受伤害+25%\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>战利品:2倍飞机升级,7倍特殊拾取几率</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_itchy_trigger_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>跃跃欲试</color></size>\n 射速和弹药+30%\n 冷却和武器伤害-30%</align>"
+ dungeonmod_nearsighted_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1>短视之人(困难)<sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n 摄像机视野-35%\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_restless_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>焦躁不安</color></size>\n 装甲回复-50%\n 超级速度+25%</align>"
+ dungeonmod_rush_hour_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#ff7900ff><sprite=0 tint=1>尖峰时刻(困难)<sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>\n 超级速度+50%\n 所受伤害+35%\n <color=#c1b38eff><size=30>战利品:2倍飞机升级,3倍特殊拾取几率</size></color></align>"
+ dungeonmod_touchy_01: "<align=center>副本调整:\n <size=50><color=#c1b38eff>敏感</color></size>\n 装甲回复+30%\n 所受伤害+20%</align>"
+ idle-warning-disconnect_01: 嘿,飞行员,如果你一动不动的,我就要把你踢下线了,这样就不会有别人发现你睡着了!
+ idle-warning-recall_01: 你好,飞行员!你在吗?你从雷达上消失了。移动或射击或是任意做个动作,使我们可以看到你。
intro-hangar_01: 协作!我告诉过你很多次了,不要把你那些生锈的破烂留在我的机库里!你不就是处理垃圾的吗!
intro-hangar_02: 哦!你好啊,飞行员。我刚与一位商业伙伴沟通过。
intro-hangar_03: 你是需要翅膀吗?我来帮你搞定。
intro-hangar_04: 如果你的飞机坠毁了,或是你想尝试下新款飞机,尽管来找我。
intro-hangar_05: 当你解锁新类别后,我会在机库帮你准备好。
@@ -90,14 +90,14 @@ text:
intro_08: 那些该死的猫族以为它们已经在战争中消灭了所有的鸟族。
intro_09: 但它们错了。我们正在崛起!叛军再次翱翔天空!
intro_10: 团结一致,我们将在空中将那些贵族一一击落。
intro_11: 团结一致,我们将消灭喵族并解救这个世界!
intro_12: 明白了吗?很好。可以起飞了,菜鸟。
- meowza1_warning_belowL30_01: <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> Danger ahead, Pilot! <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>
- meowza1_warning_belowL30_02: This is the final battle with Meowza. There's a <color=#d40009ff>very high chance you'll be shot down.</color>
- meowza1_warning_belowL30_03: This mission is voluntary. There's no shame in teleporting to the Rebel City now and sitting this one out.
- meowza1_warning_belowL30_04: You can level up and practice your skills until you feel ready. The choice is yours. Good skies!
+ meowza1_warning_belowL30_01: <size=50><color=#d40009ff><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1> 飞行员,前方危险! <sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1><sprite=0 tint=1></color></size>
+ meowza1_warning_belowL30_02: 这是跟喵族最后的战斗。 你有<color=#d40009ff>很大机会被击落.</color>
+ meowza1_warning_belowL30_03: 这是项自愿性任务,所以不要因为要撤退回反叛城而感到羞耻。
+ meowza1_warning_belowL30_04: 您可以选择现在开始,或者您可以升级并练习您的技能直到你觉得准备好了才开始。
mewoza-new-player_01: 停下,菜鸟。
mewoza-new-player_02: 我知道你一定会很好奇,为什么我会突然把你召回到叛军之城。
mewoza-new-player_03: 我们的部队刚刚击败了最后一批喵族的副官。
mewoza-new-player_04: 作为报复,喵族将我们全部的飞行员都带到了她的巢穴以进行决战。我们要抱着最乐观的希望。
mewoza-new-player_05: 老实说,我不觉得你已经准备好了,所以我将你带到这里。我希望你能明白。
@@ -110,12 +110,35 @@ text:
test-04b: 这是我最忠实的朋友……传送门管理员!
test-05: 拿着,这件物品应该可以帮到你。
test-05-continue: 谢谢!
test-06: 有什么问题?
test2-01: 这是一次快速测试。我们不太确定我们要测试什么,但你要时刻保持专注!
- tutorial-quest-item-storage_01: 'Just a tip, Pilot: crafting materials can be inserted into recipes at the Workshop and quest items can be submitted at the Pub.'
- tutorial-quest-item-storage_02: You don't need to put them in Storage if you don't want to.
+ tut_01_2_complete_01: 这就是<color=#FBB040>飞行员俱乐部</color>。回到此处报告以<color=#FBB040>完成任务</color>并<color=#FBB040>接受新的任务</color>。
+ tut_01_2_complete_02: 我们收到了新情报,需要你去看看。当你准备好后,<color=#FBB040>就可以接受下一个任务</color>。
+ tut_01_2_start_01: 我们得到了新的情报…返回<color=#FBB040>叛军之城的飞行员俱乐部</color>。 按<color=#FBB040>[<action:5>]</color>传送回叛军之城!
+ tut_01_start_01: 保持警惕,菜鸟!这里是战区。你正在城市废墟中,而我们的斥候报告说这个区域发现了清道夫。
+ tut_01_start_02: 你的首个任务是<color=#FBB040>找到并摧毁清道夫车队</color>。
+ tut_02_complete_01: 那里曾是帝国的通讯中枢!猫族一定正在附近建造基地。我们必须去阻止它们。
+ tut_02_complete_02: 我已经测定了基地的位置。你必须<color=#FBB040>潜入并将其摧毁</color>。
+ tut_02_start_01: 在你在解决清道夫的同时,我们的书呆子破译了一份加密命令信号。
+ tut_02_start_02: 你被派去<color=#FBB040>找到并摧毁命令信号源</color>。
+ tut_03_complete_01: 现在还不到休息的时候。你的下一项任务到了。做好出发准备后就可以接受此任务。
+ tut_03_firstKillGoal0_01: 干的好!那些猫都不知是什么击中了它们。
+ tut_03_firstKillGoal0_02: 这附近一定有一个帝国仓库,为建设提供支持。我们需要摧毁整条供应链。
+ tut_03_firstKillGoal0_03: 现在,返回<color=#FBB040>叛军之城的飞行员俱乐部</color>以等待下一步命令。
+ tut_03_start_01: 前往标记点并跳上<color=#FBB040>运输船</color>——它会将你传送至前方基地。
+ tut_04_complete_01: 敌军飞行员在贵族频道上发出了求救信号。你弄明白其中的含义了吗?
+ tut_04_start_01: 请注意:供给物资仓库的看守者极度危险。我知道你可以搞得定。晴朗天空!
+ tut_05_complete_01: 你证明了自己的实力,新人。接下来你可以选择自己喜欢的任务了。
+ tut_05_complete_02: 当你需要新的行军命令时,可以来飞行员俱乐部查看。晴朗天空!
+ tut_05_firstKillGoal0_01: 你刚刚拿下了你的首个贵族指挥官,新人。真替你感到骄傲。
+ tut_05_firstKillGoal0_02: 这给帝国发出了一个明确的警告,染指我们的领地不会有好下场。
+ tut_05_firstKillGoal0_03: 你知道规矩:回到<color=#FBB040>叛军之城的飞行员俱乐部</color>,接取下一个任务。
+ tut_05_start_01: 那个求救信号是发送给附近<color=#FBB040>蜈蚣巢穴</color>的猫族<color=#FBB040>贵族指挥官</color>的。
+ tut_05_start_02: 我们需要消灭它们,以阻止它们侵犯我们的领地。这是个重大行动,但我知道你已经可以担此重任。
+ tutorial-quest-item-storage_01: 给你个小建议,飞行员:制作材料可在工坊放入配方中,而任务物品可在俱乐部提交。
+ tutorial-quest-item-storage_02: 对于不想保留的材料,则无需放入仓库。
tutorial-quests-complete_01: 现在你已经完成过几个任务了,我应该跟你简单说说更大型的战役。
tutorial-quests-complete_02: 我们最终的目标是从喵族和她的猫帝国手中解救整个世界。每个任务都很重要。
tutorial-quests-complete_03: 若想到达喵族面前,我们首先需要解决掉她在地图上的所有<color=#FBB040>副官</color>。
tutorial-quests-complete_04: 这将足够引起喵族的注意。她会将空中的所有鸟族传送到她的巢穴进行决战。
tutorial-quests-complete_05: 听起来很吓人吧?好吧,确实吓人。但你要记住,我们会一起进去。
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/dungeons.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/dungeons.txt
index 767bf71..30d05bb 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/dungeons.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/dungeons.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
name: 实例副本
- name: 3 Brothers
+ name: 三兄弟
tier: '10'
name: 竞技场
tier: '5'
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ DungeonEye:
tier: '9'
name: 伟大首领的指挥中心
tier: '10'
- name: The Great Leader's Inner Sanctum
+ name: 伟大首领的内部密室
tier: '10'
name: 改造营地
tier: '10'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/events.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/events.txt
index 844af5b..c6976b2 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/events.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/events.txt
@@ -1,185 +1,153 @@
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Jinn\n- Kill 100 Guard Lions, Guard Beasts, Estate Guards, Slave Drivers, Bureaucrats, Groundkeepers, City Officers, Inquisitors, Secret Police, Riot Guards, Crowd Controls or Assassins while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Red Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个灵怪\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死100个狮子守卫、野兽守卫、庄园守卫、奴隶驾驶员、官僚、场地管理员、城市官员、审问者、秘密警察、防暴守卫、人群管控或是刺客\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 红色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Raijin_Imperial
title: 悬赏:灵怪
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Dr. Geckelsto\n- Kill 20 Slave Drivers or Estate Guards while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Yellow Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个戈克尔斯顿医生\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死20个奴隶驾驶员或庄园守卫\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 黄色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Geckelsten_SlaveDrivers
title: 悬赏:戈克尔斯顿医生
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Complete 1 Dig\n- Kill 20 Marksman or Dualist while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - 2 random Steels\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 完成1次挖掘\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死20个神射手或决斗者\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 2个随机钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Dig_DuelistMarksman
title: 特殊任务:挖掘行动
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Meowza\n- Kill 5 Grand Lions while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Dark Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个喵族\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死5个雄狮\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 黑色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Meowza_GrandLion
title: 悬赏:喵族王座
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Frozen Horror in the Owl Monastery \n- Kill 20 Inquisitors or Assassins while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - White Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 在猫头鹰修道院中杀死1个冰封的恐惧\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死20个审问者或刺客\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 白色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_FrozenHorror_Assassins
title: 悬赏:冰封恐怖
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Priestess Tiffany\n- Kill 20 Guard Lions or Groundskeepers while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Blue Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个女祭司蒂芙尼\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死5个狮子守卫或场地管理员\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 蓝色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Temple_Groundskeeper
title: 悬赏:高等女祭司蒂芙尼
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 White Spider\n- Kill 20 City Officers or Crowd Controls while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Purple Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个白蜘蛛\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死20个城市官员或人群管控\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 紫色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_WhiteSpider_CityOfficer
title: 悬赏:白蜘蛛
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Rei\n- Kill 100 Guard Lions, Guard Beasts, Estate Guards, Slave Drivers, Bureaucrats, Groundkeepers, City Officers, Inquisitors, Secret Police, Riot Guards, Crowd Controls or Assassins while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Yellow Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个列伊\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死100个狮子守卫、野兽守卫、庄园守卫、奴隶驾驶员、官僚、场地管理员、城市官员、审问者、秘密警察、防暴守卫、人群管控或是刺客\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 红色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Thunderboss_Imperial
title: 悬赏:列伊
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Kai\n- Kill 20 Slave Drivers or Estate Guards while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Blue Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个卡伊\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死20个奴隶驾驶员或庄园守卫\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 蓝色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Kai_SlaveDrivers
title: 悬赏:怪兽
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Complete 1 Dig\n- Kill 20 Marksman or Dualist while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Two random Steels\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 完成1次挖掘\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死20个神射手或决斗者\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 2个随机钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Dig_DuelistMarksman
title: 特殊任务:金库
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 SN-Z\n- Kill 5 Grand Lions while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Dark Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个SN-Z\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死5个雄狮\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 黑色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_SNS_GrandLion
title: 悬赏:SN-Z
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Traitor Phoenix in the Reeducation Camp \n- Kill 20 Inquisitors or Assassins while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Red Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 在改造营地中杀死1个不死鸟叛徒\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死20个审问者或刺客\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 红色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Phoenix_Assassins
title: 悬赏:不死鸟叛徒
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Doomsday Mechanism\n- Kill 20 Guard Lions or Groundskeepers while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - White Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个末日机制\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死20个狮子守卫或场地管理员\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 白色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Doomsday_Groundskeeper
title: 悬赏:末日机制
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Poison God\n- Kill 20 City Officers or Crowd Controls while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Purple Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个毒药之神\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死20个城市官员或人群管控\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 紫色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_PoisonGod_CityOfficer
title: 悬赏:毒药之神
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Jinn\n- Kill 100 Guard Lions, Guard Beasts, Estate Guards, Slave Drivers, Bureaucrats, Groundkeepers, City Officers, Inquisitors, Secret Police, Riot Guards, Crowd Controls or Assassins while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Red Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
- title: 'Bounty: Imperial City'
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个灵怪\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死100个狮子守卫、野兽守卫、庄园守卫、奴隶驾驶员、官僚、场地管理员、城市官员、审问者、秘密警察、防暴守卫、人群管控或是刺客\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 红色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Raijin_Imperial
+ title: 悬赏:帝国城市
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Dr. Geckelston\n- Kill 20 Slave Drivers or Estate Guards while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Yellow Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
- title: 'Bounty: Dr. Geckelston'
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个戈克尔斯顿医生\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死20个奴隶驾驶员或庄园守卫\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 黄色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Geckelston_SlaveDrivers
+ title: 悬赏:戈克尔斯顿医生
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Complete 1 Dig\n- Kill 20 Marksman or Dualist while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - 2 random Steels\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
- title: 'Bounty: The Dig'
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 完成1次挖掘\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死20个神射手或决斗者\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 2个随机钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Dig_DuelistMarksman
+ title: 悬赏:挖掘行动
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Meowza\n- Kill 5 Grand Lions while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Dark Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
- title: 'Bounty: Throne of Meowza'
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个喵族\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死5个雄狮\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 黑色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Meowza_GrandLion
+ title: 悬赏:喵族王座
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Frozen Horror in the Owl Monastery \n- Kill 20 Inquisitors or Assassins while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - White Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
- title: 'Bounty: Frozen Horror in the Owl Monastery'
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 在猫头鹰修道院中杀死1个冰封的恐惧\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死20个审问者或刺客\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 白色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_FrozenHorror_Assassins
+ title: 悬赏:猫头鹰修道院中的冰封的恐惧
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 Priestess Tiffany\n- Kill 20 Guard Lions or Groundskeepers while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Blue Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
- title: 'Bounty: High Priestess Tiffany'
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个女祭司蒂芙尼\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死5个狮子守卫或场地管理员\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 蓝色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_Temple_Groundskeeper
+ title: 悬赏:高等女祭司蒂芙尼
- description: "Posted bounties for today\n- Kill 1 White Spider\n- Kill 20 City Officers or Crowd Controls while flying with 2 fellow pilots\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Special Rewards</color></size></b>\n - Purple Steel\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>Schedule</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}\n"
- header_image: EventHeader_Updates
- title: 'Bounty: White Spider'
+ description: "今日悬赏\n - 杀死1个白蜘蛛\n - 与2个飞行员伙伴一起杀死20个城市官员或人群管控\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 紫色钢铁\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ header_image: EventHeader_WhiteSpider_CityOfficer
+ title: 悬赏:白蜘蛛
- description: "每周五,猫贵族们会与他们的家人共度休闲时光。这是令人愉悦的放纵时间。 \n\n崇拜民族宗教的啮齿动物会被做成多汁的烤肉,而家犬则被用来跳舞娱宾。\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 在贵族领地中的获得卓越物品\n - 在贵族领地中获得双倍经验\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}"
+ description: "每周五,猫贵族们会与他们的家人共度休闲时光。这是令人愉悦的放纵时间。 \n \n 崇拜民族宗教的啮齿动物会被做成多汁的烤肉,而家犬则被用来跳舞娱宾。\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 在贵族领地中的获得卓越物品\n - 在贵族领地中获得双倍经验\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: 敌人在贵族领地的活动恢复了正常。
header_image: EventHeader_NobleEstates
starting_server_message: 敌人在贵族领地的活动达到高峰。奖励经验和卓越物品。
title: 周五 贵族
- description: "每周一,前往冰封地区的北部任务将获得大量经验奖励。\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 在冰封任务中获得卓越物品\n - 在冰封任务中获得双倍经验\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}"
+ description: "每周一,前往冰封地区的北部任务将获得大量经验奖励。\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 在冰封任务中获得卓越物品\n - 在冰封任务中获得双倍经验\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: 北部的冰冻之风停止了咆哮。
header_image: EventHeader_Ice
starting_server_message: 北部的冰冻之风正在增强。寻找雪白修道院以获得精良宝物
title: 周一 冰封
- description: "每周六,贵族们会为伟大首领进行服务。他们会献上他们的税款,并汇报他们在各自领地所榨取的利益。所期望的就是绝对的服从。\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 在帝国首都中的获得卓越物品\n - 在帝国首都中获得双倍经验\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}"
+ description: "每周六,贵族们会为伟大首领进行服务。他们会献上他们的税款,并汇报他们在各自领地所榨取的利益。所期望的就是绝对的服从。\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 在帝国首都中的获得卓越物品\n - 在帝国首都中获得双倍经验\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: 敌人在帝国首都的活动恢复了正常。
header_image: EventHeader_ImperialCapital
starting_server_message: 敌人在帝国首都的活动达到高峰。奖励经验和卓越物品。
title: 周六 敬拜
- description: "每周六,机器人工厂会开始运出他们上一周所生产的产品。聪明的叛军会利用这一机会进行囤货。\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 在机器人工厂中的获得卓越物品\n - 在机器人工厂中获得双倍经验\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}"
+ description: "每周六,机器人工厂会开始运出他们上一周所生产的产品。聪明的叛军会利用这一机会进行囤货。\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 在机器人工厂中的获得卓越物品\n - 在机器人工厂中获得双倍经验\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: 敌人在高原地区的活动恢复了正常。
header_image: EventHeader_RoboFactory
starting_server_message: 敌人在高原机器人工厂的活动达到了高峰。奖励经验和卓越物品。
title: 周日 高原
- description: "每周四,帝国考古学家会将他们的收获装上篷车并运至秘密仓库。\n\n帝国一直靠着这些古代逝去文明的遗迹支撑。我们不过是他们的影子。\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 在考古区域中的获得卓越物品\n - 在考古区域中获得双倍经验\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}"
+ description: "每周四,帝国考古学家会将他们的收获装上篷车并运至秘密仓库。\n \n 帝国一直靠着这些古代逝去文明的遗迹支撑。我们不过是他们的影子。\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 在考古区域中的获得卓越物品\n - 在考古区域中获得双倍经验\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: 敌人在高原地区的活动恢复了正常。
header_image: EventHeader_Archaeology
starting_server_message: 敌人的高原考古挖掘场的活动达到了高峰。奖励经验和卓越物品。
title: 周四 废墟
- description: "每周二,医院的综合设施会释放出强化的病人。将他们从恶魔手中救出。\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 在医疗区域中的获得卓越物品\n - 在医疗区域中获得双倍经验\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}"
+ description: "每周二,医院的综合设施会释放出强化的病人。将他们从恶魔手中救出。\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 在医疗区域中的获得卓越物品\n - 在医疗区域中获得双倍经验\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: 敌人在高原地区的活动恢复了正常。
header_image: EventHeader_Hospital
starting_server_message: 敌人在高原医疗区域的活动达到了高峰。奖励经验和卓越物品。
title: 周二 医疗
- description: "每周三,地下的背后通道会开启,直通帝国再教育营地。获得奖励经验与卓越物品\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 在救火任务中获得卓越物品\n - 在救火任务中获得双倍经验\n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}"
+ description: "每周三,地下的背后通道会开启,直通帝国再教育营地。获得奖励经验与卓越物品\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>特殊奖励</color></size></b>\n - 在救火任务中获得卓越物品\n - 在救火任务中获得双倍经验\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: 通向再教育营地秘密通道已关闭。
header_image: EventHeader_Fire
starting_server_message: 新的岩浆管道在向地面通风。找到再教育营地以获得宝物。
title: 周三 硫磺石
- description: '在接下来的三周中,某些首领和敌人会掉落稀有的内测后燃尾迹。
- - 该尾迹仅会在接下来的几周中出现。
- - 而且将来也不会再次掉落。这是对活动的内测玩家专有的奖励。
- - 该物品可以交易。'
+ description: "在接下来的三周中,某些首领和敌人会掉落稀有的内测后燃尾迹。\n - 该尾迹仅会在接下来的几周中出现。\n - 而且将来也不会再次掉落。这是对活动的内测玩家专有的奖励。\n - 该物品可以交易。"
header_image: EventHeader_PlayerGroup
title: 十一月内测寻宝
- description: 'For a limited time, some enemies in the Imperial City will drop the rare Open Beta Trail.
- - The trail only shows up until August 21st.
- - It will not drop up again. This is a unique reward for active Open Beta players.
- - It is tradeable.
- '
+ description: "在有限的时间内,一些位于帝国城市中的敌人将会掉落稀有的公测尾迹。\n - 该尾迹将于8月21日下线。\n - 而且将来也不会再次掉落。这是对活动的公测玩家专有的奖励。\n - 该物品可以交易。"
header_image: EventHeader_BetaHearts
- title: Open Beta Treasure Hunt
+ title: 公测寻宝
- description: '在接下来的三周中,某些首领和敌人会掉落稀有的内测泡沫尾迹。
- - 该尾迹仅会在接下来的几周中出现。
- - 而且将来也不会再次掉落。这是对活动的内测玩家专有的奖励。
- - 该物品可以交易。'
+ description: "在接下来的三周中,某些首领和敌人会掉落稀有的内测泡沫尾迹。\n - 该尾迹仅会在接下来的几周中出现。\n - 而且将来也不会再次掉落。这是对活动的内测玩家专有的奖励。\n - 该物品可以交易。"
header_image: EventHeader_PlayerGroup
title: 十月内测寻宝2
- description: '在接下来的三周中,某些首领和敌人会掉落稀有的内测离子尾迹。
- - 该尾迹仅会在接下来的几周中出现。
- - 而且将来也不会再次掉落。这是对活动的内测玩家专有的奖励。
- - 该物品可以交易。'
+ description: "在接下来的三周中,某些首领和敌人会掉落稀有的内测离子尾迹。\n - 该尾迹仅会在接下来的几周中出现。\n - 而且将来也不会再次掉落。这是对活动的内测玩家专有的奖励。\n - 该物品可以交易。"
header_image: EventHeader_PlayerGroup
title: 九月内测寻宝
- description: '在接下来的三周中,某些首领和敌人会掉落稀有的内测钉刺尾迹。
- - 该尾迹仅会在接下来的几周中出现。
- - 而且将来也不会再次掉落。这是对活动的内测玩家专有的奖励。
- - 该物品可以交易。'
+ description: "在接下来的三周中,某些首领和敌人会掉落稀有的内测钉刺尾迹。\n - 该尾迹仅会在接下来的几周中出现。\n - 而且将来也不会再次掉落。这是对活动的内测玩家专有的奖励。\n - 该物品可以交易。"
header_image: EventHeader_PlayerGroup
title: 十月内测寻宝
- description: "欢迎莅临蒸汽鸟最新内测版本。请互相帮助,团结友爱。共同探索游戏世界。发掘游戏的乐趣。晴朗天空! \n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n{0}{1}"
+ description: "欢迎莅临蒸汽鸟最新内测版本。请互相帮助,团结友爱。共同探索游戏世界。发掘游戏的乐趣。晴朗天空! \n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
ending_server_message: 好友召集已结束!
header_image: EventHeader_Updates
starting_server_message: 好友可以立即加入!
title: 友好的周五
@@ -231,29 +199,16 @@ playtest_early_start:
ending_server_message: ''
header_image: ''
starting_server_message: ''
title: 友好周末提前开始
- description: "欢迎莅临蒸汽鸟最新内测版本。请互相帮助,团结友爱。共同探索游戏世界。发掘游戏的乐趣。晴朗天空! \n\n<b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
- ending_server_message: The friendly playtest is over!
+ description: "欢迎莅临蒸汽鸟最新内测版本。请互相帮助,团结友爱。共同探索游戏世界。发掘游戏的乐趣。晴朗天空! \n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ ending_server_message: 友好游戏测试已经结束!
header_image: EventHeader_Updates
- starting_server_message: Friendly playtest is starting now!
- title: Friendly Playtest
+ starting_server_message: 友好游戏测试现已开始!
+ title: 友好游戏测试
- description: '该活动为内测独有,一旦错过不会再来。
- 不要再读这个了,去好好想想活动的情景。
- 嘘。
- <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>
- {0}{1}'
- ending_server_message: '内测活动结束内测活动结束内测活动结束
- 内测活动结束内测活动结束'
+ description: "该活动为内测独有,一旦错过不会再来。\n \n 不要再读这个了,去好好想想活动的情景。\n \n 嘘。\n \n <b><size=18><color=ffffffff>时间表</color></size></b>\n {0}{1}"
+ ending_server_message: "内测活动结束内测活动结束内测活动结束\n 内测活动结束内测活动结束"
header_image: ''
starting_server_message: 内测活动开始内测活动开始内测活动开始内测活动开始内测活动开始内测活动开始内测活动开始内测活动开始内测活动开始内测活动开始
title: 内测活动
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/item.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/item.txt
index 2a84ae6..08a24ee 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/item.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/item.txt
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
description: 一大堆生物改造过的驼鹿肉。
name: 驼鹿肉
- description: 每一只炸弹猫的炸弹都会分配到每只猫身上。 而已经分配了炸弹猫炸弹的猫被称为“炸弹猫炸弹猫。”
+ description: 每一只炸弹猫的炸弹都会分配到每只猫身上。 而已经分配了炸弹猫炸弹的猫被称为“炸弹猫炸弹猫。”
name: 炸弹猫炸弹
description: 毒气,经过浓缩和冷冻处理。足以覆盖方圆10公里范围。
name: 储气罐
description: 这闻起来……太刺激了。但让我们的胜利花园可以结出美丽的西红柿。
name: 狗狗肥料
description: 传说这里面还有逝去飞行员的灵魂。
name: 灰烬
- description: 被摧毁的渔夫蟹的残骸。 一定有很多年了……已经爬满了藤壶。
+ description: 被摧毁的渔夫蟹的残骸。 一定有很多年了……已经爬满了藤壶。
name: 渔夫蟹零件
description: 绑在帝国奴隶飞行员身上的折磨设备可以保证他们听从命令。
name: 生物面板原型
@@ -51,26 +51,26 @@ DQ_CX_23MID_sharks_T3_shark_tooth:
name: 鲨鱼齿
description: 将发光的黏液储存在纸板箱中似乎是欠考虑的。
name: 有毒废料
- description: 装在一个光滑的柱状玻璃外壳中,上面印有笑脸。 看起来十分阳刚但又很脆弱。
+ description: 装在一个光滑的柱状玻璃外壳中,上面印有笑脸。 看起来十分阳刚但又很脆弱。
name: 鼠疫病菌
- description: 帝国的加密信息。 有时候会是机密情报。 大多时候是烹饪老鼠的菜谱。
+ description: 帝国的加密信息。 有时候会是机密情报。 大多时候是烹饪老鼠的菜谱。
name: 闪现数据核心
description: 遇到困难时会对E大调产生共鸣以使自己平静。
name: 兽爪
description: 一个结实的金属盒子,用于运送囚犯。你可以听到内部传出的狂暴噪音。
name: 囚犯盒子
description: 对帝国来说,这是个代表他们领袖和宗教的标志。对于其他人,这个标志代表着恐惧和迫害。
name: 喵族之眼
- description: 这是一份名单,其中的大多数名字已经划掉了。 同时上面还有很多血迹。
+ description: 这是一份名单,其中的大多数名字已经划掉了。 同时上面还有很多血迹。
name: 名单
description: 一个由猫帝国机器人制作的编号硬币。每一个都是使用晦涩难懂的数学仪式加上上千只老鼠的鲜血制成的。
name: 帝国硬币
@@ -84,57 +84,57 @@ armor_1:
name: 炫酷铝箔装饰
description: 在澳洲内陆的债务人矿山中打造而成的这块重型金属板甲,甚至值得为之出卖灵魂。
name: 澳洲装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
- description: Meowza's armor is forged of metals that are unrecognizable to avian miners and scientists. It hums with strange energy.
- name: M2 Armor
+ description: 鸟族的矿工和科学家都无法辨析出喵族的装甲是由何种金属锻造而成。装甲中蕴含了奇怪的能量。
+ name: M2装甲
description: 用劣质金属做的好不到哪去的破装甲。
name: 锡制装甲
description: 不会拖你后腿的轻质金属装甲
@@ -237,48 +237,48 @@ consumable_steam:
name: 罐装蒸汽
description: 记住后,飞行员的脑海中充斥着各种伟大的字眼。他们会进步很快。双倍经验,持续30分钟。单次使用。
name: 反思经验
- description: Mysterious device retrieved from the Arena. Used for crafting a trophy item at the Workshop.
- name: Cubic Gem
+ description: 从竞技场获得的神秘装置。用于在工坊制作奖励物品。
+ name: 方形宝石
description: 用于制作和升级“水系”装备的材料。
name: 蓝色钢铁
description: 用于在工坊制作T8装备的材料。
name: 铜
description: 用于在工坊升级稀有武器的材料。
name: 黑色钢铁
- description: Radioactive fragment taken from the Doomsday Device. Used for crafting a trophy item at the Workshop.
- name: Doom Gem
+ description: 从末日装置获得的放射性碎片。用于在工坊制作奖励物品。
+ name: 末日宝石
- description: A smouldering implant, still covered with charred gore. Taken from one who deserved better. Used for crafting a trophy item at the Workshop.
- name: Flame Gem
+ description: 一个正在冒烟的植入物,上面仍覆盖着烧焦的血块。从一个不幸的人那里获得的。用于在工坊制作奖励物品。
+ name: 火焰宝石
- description: Hibernation materials taken from the Frozen Horror. Used for crafting a trophy item at the Workshop.
- name: Frozen Gem
+ description: 从冰封的恐惧获得的冬眠材料。用于在工坊制作奖励物品。
+ name: 冰封宝石
- description: A gem that casts your voice and bends the weak to your will. Used for crafting a trophy item at the Workshop.
- name: Occult Gem
+ description: 一颗能发出你的声音的宝石,使弱者屈服于你的意志。用于在工坊制作奖励物品。
+ name: 神秘宝石
description: 用于制作和升级“毒素”装备的材料。
name: 紫色钢铁
description: 用于制作和升级“火焰”装备的材料。
name: 红色钢铁
- description: Looted artwork recovered from the Imperial Vaults. Used for crafting a trophy item at the Workshop.
- name: Vault Gem
+ description: 从帝国金库中取回的被掠夺的艺术品。用于在工坊制作奖励物品。
+ name: 金库宝石
- description: Noxious fragment extracted from an immense Dragon Snake. Used for crafting a trophy item at the Workshop.
- name: Venom Gem
+ description: 从一条巨大的龙蛇身上提取的剧毒碎片。用于在工坊制作奖励物品。
+ name: 毒液宝石
- description: Elder artifact taken from the Depths. They are watching you. They are watching you. They are watching you. Used for crafting a trophy item at the Workshop.
- name: Water Gem
+ description: 从深渊取得的古老神器。他们在注视着你。他们在注视着你。他们在注视着你。用于在工坊制作奖励物品。
+ name: 水之宝石
description: 用于制作和升级“冰霜”装备的材料。
name: 白色钢铁
description: 用于制作和升级“闪电”装备的材料。
@@ -348,492 +348,492 @@ damageboost_blast_8:
name: 狂妄区域
description: 强化附近的友军武器。
name: 掌权区域
- description: "纯黑机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "纯黑机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黑色机体涂装。
- description: "纯黑机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "纯黑机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黑色机体涂装。
- description: "一罐纯黑油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐纯黑油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黑色机体油彩。
- description: "一罐纯黑油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐纯黑油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黑色机体油彩。
name: 蓝色涂装
- description: "一桶蓝色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶蓝色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 蓝色机体涂装。
- description: "一桶蓝色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶蓝色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 蓝色机体涂装。
- description: "一罐蓝色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐蓝色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 蓝色油彩。
- description: "一罐蓝色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐蓝色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 蓝色油彩。
- description: "一桶深蓝色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深蓝色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深蓝色机体涂装。
- description: "一桶深蓝色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深蓝色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深蓝色机体涂装。
- description: "一罐深蓝色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深蓝色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深蓝色油彩。
- description: "一罐深蓝色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深蓝色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深蓝色油彩。
- description: "一桶深灰色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深灰色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深灰色机体涂装。
- description: "一桶深灰色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深灰色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深灰色机体涂装。
- description: "一罐深灰色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深灰色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深灰色油彩。
- description: "一罐深灰色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深灰色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深灰色油彩。
- description: "一桶深绿色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深绿色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深绿色机体涂装。
- description: "一桶深绿色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深绿色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深绿色机体涂装。
- description: "一罐深绿色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深绿色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深绿色油彩。
- description: "一罐深绿色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深绿色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深绿色油彩。
- description: "一桶深黄-绿色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深黄-绿色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深黄-绿色机体涂装。
- description: "一桶深黄-绿色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深黄-绿色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深黄-绿色机体涂装。
- description: "一罐深黄-绿色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深黄-绿色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深黄-绿色油彩。
- description: "一罐深黄-绿色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深黄-绿色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深黄-绿色油彩。
- description: "一桶深洋红色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深洋红色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深洋红色机体涂装
- description: "一桶深洋红色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深洋红色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深洋红色机体涂装
- description: "一罐深洋红色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深洋红色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深洋红色油彩
- description: "一罐深洋红色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深洋红色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深洋红色油彩
- description: "一桶深橙色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深橙色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深橙色机体涂装
- description: "一桶深橙色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深橙色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深橙色机体涂装
- description: "一罐深橙色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深橙色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深橙色油彩
- description: "一罐深橙色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深橙色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深橙色油彩
- description: "一桶深朱红色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深朱红色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深朱红色机体涂装
- description: "一桶深朱红色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深朱红色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深朱红色机体涂装
- description: "一罐深朱红色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深朱红色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深朱红色油彩
- description: "一罐深朱红色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深朱红色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深朱红色油彩
- description: "一桶深紫色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深紫色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深紫色机体涂装
- description: "一桶深紫色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深紫色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深紫色机体涂装
- description: "一罐深紫红色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深紫红色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深紫色油彩
- description: "一罐深紫红色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深紫红色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深紫色油彩
- description: "一桶深红色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深红色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深红色机体涂装
- description: "一桶深红色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深红色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深红色机体涂装
- description: "一罐深红色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深红色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深红色油彩
- description: "一罐深红色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深红色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深红色油彩
- description: "一桶深青色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深青色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深青色机体涂装
- description: "一桶深青色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深青色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深青色机体涂装
- description: "一罐深青色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深青色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深青色油彩
- description: "一罐深青色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深青色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深青色油彩
- description: "一桶深紫罗兰色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深紫罗兰色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深紫罗兰色机体涂装
- description: "一桶深紫罗兰色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深紫罗兰色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深紫罗兰色机体涂装
- description: "一罐深紫罗兰色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深紫罗兰色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深紫罗兰色油彩
- description: "一罐深紫罗兰色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深紫罗兰色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深紫罗兰色油彩
- description: "一桶深黄色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深黄色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深黄色机体涂装
- description: "一桶深黄色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深黄色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深黄色机体涂装
- description: "一罐深黄色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深黄色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深黄色油彩
- description: "一罐深黄色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深黄色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深黄色油彩
- description: "一桶深黄-橙色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深黄-橙色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深黄-橙色机体涂装
- description: "一桶深黄-橙色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深黄-橙色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深黄-橙色机体涂装
- description: "一罐深黄-橙色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深黄-橙色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深黄-橙色油彩
- description: "一罐深黄-橙色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐深黄-橙色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深黄-橙色油彩
- description: "一桶暗灰色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶暗灰色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 灰色机体涂装
- description: "一桶暗灰色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶暗灰色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 灰色机体涂装
- description: "一罐灰色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐灰色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 灰色油彩
- description: "一罐灰色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐灰色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 灰色油彩
- description: "一桶绿色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶绿色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 灰色机体涂装
- description: "一桶绿色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶绿色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 灰色机体涂装
- description: "一罐绿色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐绿色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 绿色机体涂装
- description: "一罐绿色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐绿色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 绿色机体涂装
- description: "一桶黄-绿色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶黄-绿色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黄-绿色机体涂装
- description: "一桶黄-绿色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶黄-绿色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黄-绿色机体涂装
- description: "一罐黄-绿色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐黄-绿色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黄-绿色油彩
- description: "一罐黄-绿色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐黄-绿色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黄-绿色油彩
- description: "一桶洋红色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶洋红色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 洋红色机体涂装
- description: "一桶洋红色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶洋红色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 洋红色机体涂装
- description: "一罐洋红色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐洋红色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 洋红色油彩
- description: "一罐洋红色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐洋红色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 洋红色油彩
- description: "一桶橙色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶橙色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 橙色机体涂装
- description: "一桶橙色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶橙色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 橙色机体涂装
- description: "一罐橙色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐橙色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 橙色油彩
- description: "一罐橙色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐橙色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 橙色油彩
- description: "一桶朱红色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶朱红色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 朱红色机体涂装
- description: "一桶朱红色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶朱红色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 朱红色机体涂装
- description: "一罐朱红色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐朱红色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 朱红色油彩
- description: "一罐朱红色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐朱红色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 朱红色油彩
- description: "一桶紫色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶紫色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 紫色机体涂装
- description: "一桶紫色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶紫色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 紫色机体涂装
- description: "一罐紫色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐紫色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 紫色油彩
- description: "一罐紫色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐紫色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 紫色油彩
name: 红色涂装
- description: "一桶红色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶红色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 红色机体涂装
- description: "一桶红色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶红色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 红色机体涂装
- description: "一罐亮红色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐亮红色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 红色油彩
- description: "一罐亮红色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐亮红色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 红色油彩
- description: "一桶青色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶青色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 青色机体涂装
- description: "一桶青色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶青色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 青色机体涂装
- description: "一罐青色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐青色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 青色油彩
- description: "一罐青色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐青色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 青色油彩
- description: "一桶深海机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深海机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深海机体涂装
- description: "一桶深海机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶深海机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 深海机体涂装
- description: "一罐暗蓝色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐暗蓝色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗蓝色油彩
- description: "一罐暗蓝色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐暗蓝色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗蓝色油彩
- description: "一桶夜色森林机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶夜色森林机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 夜色森林机体涂装
- description: "一桶夜色森林机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶夜色森林机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 夜色森林机体涂装
- description: "一罐暗绿色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐暗绿色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗绿色油彩
- description: "一罐暗绿色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐暗绿色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗绿色油彩
- description: "一桶暗黄-绿色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶暗黄-绿色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗黄-绿色机体涂装
- description: "一桶暗黄-绿色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶暗黄-绿色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗黄-绿色机体涂装
- description: "一罐暗黄-绿色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐暗黄-绿色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗黄-绿色油彩
- description: "一罐暗黄-绿色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐暗黄-绿色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗黄-绿色油彩
- description: "一桶暗洋红色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶暗洋红色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗洋红色机体涂装
- description: "一桶暗洋红色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶暗洋红色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗洋红色机体涂装
- description: "一罐暗洋红色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐暗洋红色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗洋红色油彩
- description: "一罐暗洋红色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐暗洋红色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗洋红色油彩
- description: "一桶桦色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶桦色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 桦色机体涂装
- description: "一桶桦色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶桦色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 桦色机体涂装
- description: "一罐桦色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐桦色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 桦色油彩
- description: "一罐桦色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐桦色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 桦色油彩
- description: "一桶暗朱红色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶暗朱红色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗朱红色机体涂装
- description: "一桶暗朱红色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶暗朱红色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗朱红色机体涂装
- description: "一罐血红色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐血红色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 血红色油彩
- description: "一罐血红色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐血红色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 血红色油彩
- description: "一桶暗紫色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶暗紫色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗紫色机体涂装
- description: "一桶暗紫色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶暗紫色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗紫色机体涂装
- description: "一罐暗紫色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐暗紫色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗紫色油彩
- description: "一罐暗紫色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐暗紫色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗紫色油彩
- description: "一桶暗红色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶暗红色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗红色机体涂装
- description: "一桶暗红色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶暗红色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗红色机体涂装
- description: "一罐暗红色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐暗红色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗红色油彩
- description: "一罐暗红色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐暗红色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗红色油彩
- description: "一桶午夜海洋机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶午夜海洋机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 午夜海洋机体涂装
- description: "一桶午夜海洋机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶午夜海洋机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 午夜海洋机体涂装
- description: "一罐藏青色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐藏青色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 藏青色油彩
- description: "一罐藏青色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐藏青色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 藏青色油彩
- description: "一桶黑紫色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶黑紫色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黑紫色机体涂装
- description: "一桶黑紫色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶黑紫色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黑紫色机体涂装
- nadescriptionme: "一罐黑紫色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ nadescriptionme: "一罐黑紫色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黑紫色油彩
- nadescriptionme: "一罐黑紫色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ nadescriptionme: "一罐黑紫色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黑紫色油彩
- description: "一桶土黄色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶土黄色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 土黄色机体涂装
- description: "一桶土黄色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶土黄色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 土黄色机体涂装
- description: "一罐土黄色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐土黄色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 土黄色油彩
- description: "一罐土黄色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐土黄色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 土黄色油彩
- description: "一桶暗黄-橙色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶暗黄-橙色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗黄-橙色机体涂装
- description: "一桶暗黄-橙色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶暗黄-橙色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗黄-橙色机体涂装
- description: "一罐暗黄-橙色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐暗黄-橙色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗黄-橙色油彩
- description: "一罐暗黄-橙色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐暗黄-橙色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 暗黄-橙色油彩
- description: "一桶紫罗兰色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶紫罗兰色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 紫罗兰色机体涂装
- description: "一桶紫罗兰色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶紫罗兰色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 紫罗兰色机体涂装
- description: "一罐紫罗兰色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐紫罗兰色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 紫罗兰色油彩
- description: "一罐紫罗兰色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐紫罗兰色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 紫罗兰色油彩
- description: "一桶纯白色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶纯白色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 白色机体涂装
- description: "一桶纯白色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶纯白色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 白色机体涂装
- description: "一罐白色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐白色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 白色油彩
- description: "一罐白色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐白色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 白色油彩
- description: "一桶黄色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶黄色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黄色机体涂装
- description: "一桶黄色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶黄色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黄色机体涂装
- description: "一罐黄色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐黄色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黄色油彩
- description: "一罐黄色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐黄色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黄色油彩
- description: "一桶黄-橙色机体涂装。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶黄-橙色机体涂装。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黄-橙色机体涂装
- description: "一桶黄-橙色机体涂装。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一桶黄-橙色机体涂装。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黄-橙色机体涂装
- description: "一罐黄橙色油彩。 \n\n[消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐黄橙色油彩。 \n \n [消耗品,多次使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黄橙色油彩
- description: "一罐黄橙色油彩。 \n\n[无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一罐黄橙色油彩。 \n \n [无限使用。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黄橙色油彩
name: 罐装蒸汽
name: 罐装蒸汽
@@ -1147,11 +1147,11 @@ key_obstacle:
description: 一处考古挖掘场的传送坐标,该处找到了古代遗迹。激活以召唤运输机。
name: 任务计划:挖掘行动
description: 制毒工厂的传送坐标。激活以召唤运输机。
- name: 'Mission Plans: Venom Compound'
+ name: 任务计划:被腐蚀的蛋之神庙
description: 帝国超级武器测试区域的传送坐标。激活以召唤运输机。
name: 任务计划:钢铁之巢
description: 秘密山区基地的传送坐标,该处在制造大量战争武器。激活以召唤运输机。
@@ -1224,12 +1224,12 @@ laser_b8:
name: 狩猎光束炮
description: 被奴役的猴子们改进了基本的等离子光束炮。我们窃取了他们的设计。
name: 复杂光束炮
- description: When the Grand Mistress, grieving mother of Clardish, completed her final work, the owl monks were finally able to split the veil of reality. What lies beyond this world of tragedy and loss?
- name: Void Prism
+ description: 当克拉迪什的悲伤母亲最终完成了她的工作后,猫头鹰僧侣们终于能够揭开现实的面纱。这个充满悲剧和失落的世界的真相是什么?
+ name: 虚空棱镜
description: 在 1510 年的僵尸真菌灾难中,鸟族统治贵族试图将受害者烧成灰烬以防止细菌传播。据说这种臭气多年来萦绕不散。
name: 火焰激光
description: 在 1510 年的僵尸真菌灾难中,鸟族统治贵族试图将受害者烧成灰烬以防止细菌传播。据说这种臭气多年来萦绕不散。
@@ -1896,11 +1896,11 @@ sniper_hawkeye_8:
name: 幽灵帘幕I
description: 缓慢且极具穿透性的震荡波发射器。由疯狂的咯咯头博士研发,他专门研究超自然现象,且对这些现象嗤之以鼻。
name: 幽灵帘幕II
- description: '''如果你能击破现实世界会怎样?如果你甚至能窥探到世界彼端呢?''──发现于一处研究修道院废墟中的涂鸦。'
+ description: 如果你能击破现实世界会怎样?如果你甚至能窥探到世界彼端呢?'──发现于一处研究修道院废墟中的涂鸦。
name: 冰之长矛
description: ‘如果你能击破现实世界会怎样?甚至如果能窥探到世界彼端呢?’- 发现于一处研究修道院废墟中的涂鸦。
name: 冰之长矛III
@@ -2067,17 +2067,17 @@ strike_ice_9:
name: 寒冰弧光II
description: 一开始,人们担心交叉光束会撕裂世界。现在每个人都这么做了。
name: 闪电弧光
- description: 一开始,人们担心交叉光束会撕裂世界。 现在每个人都这么做了。
+ description: 一开始,人们担心交叉光束会撕裂世界。 现在每个人都这么做了。
name: 闪电弧光III
- description: 一开始,人们担心交叉光束会撕裂世界。 现在每个人都这么做了。
+ description: 一开始,人们担心交叉光束会撕裂世界。 现在每个人都这么做了。
name: 闪电弧光I
- description: 一开始,人们担心交叉光束会撕裂世界。 现在每个人都这么做了。
+ description: 一开始,人们担心交叉光束会撕裂世界。 现在每个人都这么做了。
name: 闪电弧光II
description: 释放出蜘蛛部落。
name: 蜘蛛殖民地II
@@ -2333,131 +2333,89 @@ trail_8:
name: 尘埃尾迹
description: 尘埃尾迹。
name: 尘埃尾迹
- description: '一种稀有尾迹,仅可在早期内测中获得。熊熊烈火中燃烧着叛军的昂然斗志。
- [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]'
+ description: "一种稀有尾迹,仅可在早期内测中获得。熊熊烈火中燃烧着叛军的昂然斗志。\n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 内测后燃尾迹
- description: 'Show a little love for the players who were with us before we launched.
- [PERMANENT. Place in storage so you don''t lose it when your plane explodes.]'
- name: Open Beta Trail
+ description: 感谢在我们发布之前与我们一起的玩家的礼物 [请存放在存储器中,以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]
+ name: 公测尾迹
- description: 'Why do to the Arenas exist. Who is doing the testing? What are they testing for?
- [PERMANENT. Place in storage so you don''t lose it when your plane explodes.]'
- name: Arena Trail
+ description: "为什么会有竞技场的存在。是谁在做着测试?他们在测试什么?\n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ name: 竞技场尾迹
- description: 'One day, birds will return to the moon.
- [PERMANENT. Place in storage so you don''t lose it when your plane explodes.]'
- name: Doomsday Trail
+ description: "终有一天,鸟族会返回月球。\n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ name: 末日尾迹
- description: 'You hear the song of the great snake mind. It knows how this all ends.
- [PERMANENT. Place in storage so you don''t lose it when your plane explodes.]'
- name: Venom Trail
+ description: "你听到了伟大的蛇心之歌。它知道这一切的终点。\n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ name: 毒液尾迹
- description: 'When the Empire came to power, they sent their dog minions to pillage the museums. Those works that did not support the glory of Feline supremacy were burned and their creators struck from all records.
- [PERMANENT. Place in storage so you don''t lose it when your plane explodes.]'
- name: Vault Trail
+ description: "当帝国掌权后,他们派出狗族奴才掠夺了博物馆。那些不支持猫族至上荣耀的作品都被付之一炬,而它们的作者也被从记录中抹去。\n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ name: 金库尾迹
- description: 'The Frozen Horror only wished to save the owls. For it knew that civilization is cylical. And if there is no preservation in winter, there can be no new growth in the spring.
- [PERMANENT. Place in storage so you don''t lose it when your plane explodes.]'
- name: Owl Trail
+ description: "冰封的恐惧唯一的目的就是拯救猫头鹰们。因为它深知文明循环、世道轮回的道理。如果冬天时没有积累,春天时就不会有新的成长。\n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ name: 猫头鹰尾迹
- description: 'Oh, crimson waters, pooling inside us. They''ve been here for so long. They know us. They made us.
- [PERMANENT. Place in storage so you don''t lose it when your plane explodes.]'
- name: Deep Ones Trail
+ description: "哦,血色之水在我们体内汇聚。他们在这已经很久了。他们了解我们。他们造就了我们。\n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ name: 深渊种族尾迹
- description: 'Shame. It burns hot. And follows us wherever we go.
- [PERMANENT. Place in storage so you don''t lose it when your plane explodes.]'
- name: Phoenix Trail
+ description: "太可惜了。它烧得滚烫。无论我们去到何处,它都会如影随形。\n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ name: 不死鸟尾迹
- description: 'The fact that you know it to be a lie does nothing to reduce its power.
- [PERMANENT. Place in storage so you don''t lose it when your plane explodes.]'
- name: Cultist Trail
+ description: "你知道这只是谎言,但并不会削弱它的力量。\n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ name: 教徒尾迹
- description: 'When the Empire came to power, they sent their dog minions to pillage the museums. Those works that did not support the glory of Feline supremacy were burned and their creators struck from all records.
- [PERMANENT. Place in storage so you don''t lose it when your plane explodes.]'
- name: Vault Trail
+ description: "当帝国掌权后,他们派出狗族奴才掠夺了博物馆。那些不支持猫族至上荣耀的作品都被付之一炬,而它们的作者也被从记录中抹去。\n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ name: 金库尾迹
- description: '一种稀有尾迹,仅可在早期内测中获得。精致得就像是寒冷秋季中露台上的香槟酒一样,在烈火中我们注视着帝国城市燃烧殆尽。
- [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]'
+ description: "一种稀有尾迹,仅可在早期内测中获得。精致得就像是寒冷秋季中露台上的香槟酒一样,在烈火中我们注视着帝国城市燃烧殆尽。\n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 内测泡沫尾迹
- description: "一首环球音乐在燃烧的夜空中缓缓传播。呼吸。观察。飞翔。 \n\n[永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "一首环球音乐在燃烧的夜空中缓缓传播。呼吸。观察。飞翔。 \n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 橙色银河尾迹
- description: "为什么,姑娘?为什么你要唱如此悲伤的歌曲?想要直飞冲天,越过天际。越过我们内心中的无尽恐惧。 \n\n[永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "为什么,姑娘?为什么你要唱如此悲伤的歌曲?想要直飞冲天,越过天际。越过我们内心中的无尽恐惧。 \n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 黄色银河尾迹
- description: "收音机嘎嘎作响。在背景音中存在着奇怪的旋律……一个隐藏的频道正宣讲着世界的分裂、压缩和重建,无穷无尽。 \n\n[永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "收音机嘎嘎作响。在背景音中存在着奇怪的旋律……一个隐藏的频道正宣讲着世界的分裂、压缩和重建,无穷无尽。 \n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 青色银河尾迹
- description: "当电波中响起莫罗迪·琼斯的蓝调时,融合等离子都不禁起舞。 \n\n[永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "当电波中响起莫罗迪·琼斯的蓝调时,融合等离子都不禁起舞。 \n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 蓝色螺旋尾迹
- description: "莫罗迪·琼斯发布了一首金曲。文明的世界仍在弹冠相庆。 \n\n[永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "莫罗迪·琼斯发布了一首金曲。文明的世界仍在弹冠相庆。 \n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 金色螺旋尾迹
- description: "她曾被妒火焚身。琼斯女士的歌中唱到,她想要另外一个不属于她的东西。回旋加速器带着绿色的欲望嗡嗡作响。 \n\n[永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "她曾被妒火焚身。琼斯女士的歌中唱到,她想要另外一个不属于她的东西。回旋加速器带着绿色的欲望嗡嗡作响。 \n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 绿色螺旋尾迹
- description: "莫罗迪·琼斯曾唱过“死亡的激情如此煎熬。就像是新伤一样疼痛不已。”你的引擎都在啜泣。 \n\n[永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "莫罗迪·琼斯曾唱过“死亡的激情如此煎熬。就像是新伤一样疼痛不已。”你的引擎都在啜泣。 \n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 紫色螺旋尾迹
- description: "愤怒比狂暴更可怕。莫罗迪·琼斯曾遭受过冷落。这样一位女士需要她应有的地位。 \n\n[永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "愤怒比狂暴更可怕。莫罗迪·琼斯曾遭受过冷落。这样一位女士需要她应有的地位。 \n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 红色螺旋尾迹
- description: '一种稀有尾迹,仅可在早期内测中获得。装备后,发出一股静电气流掠过无线电波。
- [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]'
+ description: "一种稀有尾迹,仅可在早期内测中获得。装备后,发出一股静电气流掠过无线电波。\n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 内测离子尾迹
- description: "音乐到达大气层后被放射性对流层反射到驾驶舱中。迷信的人们把他们的融合驱动器与嗡嗡的节拍同步。 \n\n[永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "音乐到达大气层后被放射性对流层反射到驾驶舱中。迷信的人们把他们的融合驱动器与嗡嗡的节拍同步。 \n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 蓝色等离子尾迹
- description: "在古老的洞穴中,刻有圆球音乐的柔软金色圆筒在永不停歇地旋转着。一根一公里高的天线在半个地球的上空播放着音乐,摇摇欲坠。 \n\n[永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "在古老的洞穴中,刻有圆球音乐的柔软金色圆筒在永不停歇地旋转着。一根一公里高的天线在半个地球的上空播放着音乐,摇摇欲坠。 \n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 金色等离子尾迹
- description: "你的引擎轰鸣声切分着毒音摇滚的节奏。社交场合中,人们都会离喜欢这些音乐的飞行员远远的。 \n\n[永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "你的引擎轰鸣声切分着毒音摇滚的节奏。社交场合中,人们都会离喜欢这些音乐的飞行员远远的。 \n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 绿色等离子尾迹
- description: "如今已经落寞的皇室进行曲在效忠者之间开始流行起来。节奏使他们排出的废气发出深紫色的光芒。 \n\n[永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "如今已经落寞的皇室进行曲在效忠者之间开始流行起来。节奏使他们排出的废气发出深紫色的光芒。 \n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 紫色等离子尾迹
- description: "每隔几百年,就会有一位像莫罗迪·琼斯这样的歌手闪亮登场。帝国将她掳走的行为令我们怒火中烧。战争宣传单上也是这么说的。 \n\n[永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
+ description: "每隔几百年,就会有一位像莫罗迪·琼斯这样的歌手闪亮登场。帝国将她掳走的行为令我们怒火中烧。战争宣传单上也是这么说的。 \n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 红色等离子尾迹
- description: '一种稀有尾迹,仅可在早期内测中获得。就像叛军领袖那样机敏睿智。
- [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]'
+ description: "一种稀有尾迹,仅可在早期内测中获得。就像叛军领袖那样机敏睿智。\n \n [永久。放入仓库中以免在飞机爆炸时丢失。]"
name: 内测尖刺尾迹
description: 你只需要三发子弹。
name: 微型爆破枪
@@ -2516,21 +2474,21 @@ triple_classic_9:
name: 脉冲波I
description: 一种用于燃烧顽固有害物质的优秀武器。这就是他们所说的"用火杀死它"的意思。
name: 火焰爆破枪
- description: 一种用于燃烧顽固有害物质的优秀武器。 这就是他们所说的"用火杀死它"的意思。
+ description: 一种用于燃烧顽固有害物质的优秀武器。 这就是他们所说的"用火杀死它"的意思。
name: 火焰爆破枪III
- description: 一种用于燃烧顽固有害物质的优秀武器。 这就是他们所说的"用火杀死它"的意思。
+ description: 一种用于燃烧顽固有害物质的优秀武器。 这就是他们所说的"用火杀死它"的意思。
name: 火焰爆破枪I
- description: 一种用于燃烧顽固有害物质的优秀武器。 这就是他们所说的"用火杀死它"的意思。
+ description: 一种用于燃烧顽固有害物质的优秀武器。 这就是他们所说的"用火杀死它"的意思。
name: 火焰爆破枪II
- description: It is rumored that the bullets of this gun enter reality from a possible future.
- name: Quantum Reach
+ description: 传言说此武器的子弹可进入未来的实境中。
+ name: 量子领域
description: 在终结了猿猴时代的冰川时期中诞生的冷沉淀武器。
name: 寒冰爆破枪
description: 在终结了猿猴时代的冰川时期中诞生的冷沉淀武器。
@@ -2633,18 +2591,18 @@ turret_8:
name: 鬼魂炮塔
description: 一种四四方方的装置,曾经保卫法国抵御了僵尸旅鼠的无尽瘟疫。
name: 沉没炮塔
- description: 'LOVERS SET: The Charmer stumbled over their words, awkward in all the right ways. The Beauty''s heart melted. [Beauty turrets upgrade Charmer turrets]'
- name: The Beauty
+ description: 爱人套装:那个迷人的男人结结巴巴地说着话,在各个方面都显得十分笨拙。美人的内心已经融化在他的话语之中。[美人的炮塔可升级男人的炮塔]
+ name: 美人
- description: 'LOVERS SET: When the Charmer saw the Beauty dancing all alone, they were struck speechless. [Charmer turrets upgrade Beauty turrets]'
- name: The Charmer
+ description: 爱人套装:当男人看到美人在独自跳舞时,他惊讶得无法言语。[男人的炮塔可升级美人的炮塔]
+ name: 男人
- description: Late in the siege, motorized gimbals ensured massive turrets could be easily aimed by city sharpshooters. Even the weaker children could finally play a part while their exhausted parents slept.
- name: Defender Turret
+ description: 在攻城的后期,机动平衡环使得大型炮塔可以轻易地被城市神射手用于瞄准敌人。即使是较弱小的孩子,在他们疲惫的父母熟睡时也能发挥作用。
+ name: 防卫者炮塔
name: 未知物品
name: 盒中的金色突击
@@ -2655,12 +2613,12 @@ upgrade_damage:
name: 枪管掺杂剂
description: 能够使火焰燃烧得比平常更猛烈的可燃微粒。
name: 研究部配方
- description: A rare alloy that rapidly sheds excess heat.
- name: Heat Reflector
+ description: 一种能迅速散热的稀有合金。
+ name: 热反射器
description: 能够促进冰晶的形成。
name: 核活跃蛋白质
description: 和普通油一样好用,但在极端寒冷的环境仍然有效。
@@ -2832,17 +2790,17 @@ wasp_lightning_9:
name: 萤火虫II
description: 发现于一只不死鸟叛徒的扭曲残骸中。帝国医生们将熔化的控制线路植入进了这名囚徒的脊髓深处。(点击进行快速射击,长按释放尾部攻击。)
name: 火鸟
- description: 曾是过去一位伟大英雄的专属武器。 具有两种开火模式。
+ description: 曾是过去一位伟大英雄的专属武器。 具有两种开火模式。
name: 火鸟II
- description: 曾是过去一位伟大英雄的专属武器。 具有两种开火模式。
+ description: 曾是过去一位伟大英雄的专属武器。 具有两种开火模式。
name: 火鸟I
- description: 曾是过去一位伟大英雄的专属武器。 具有两种开火模式。
+ description: 曾是过去一位伟大英雄的专属武器。 具有两种开火模式。
name: 火鸟I
description: 在丛林营地里,蛇族被圈养在毒液萃取栅栏中,他们的下颌连接着精妙的喂食装置。鼠族吃进去。
name: 毒蜂
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/legal.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/legal.txt
index 6e825be..18d9cd6 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/legal.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/legal.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
body: "<b>STEAMBIRDS ALLIANCE & SPRY FOX NETWORK END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT</b>\n\nLAST REVISED: OCTOBER 6, 2017\n\nCAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT (THE “AGREEMENT”) BEFORE INSTALLING STEAMBIRDS ALLIANCE OR USING THE SPRY FOX NETWORK. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MAY NOT INSTALL THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM.\n\nThank you for your interest in Spry Fox LLC’s (“Spry Fox” or “we”) Spry Fox Network game platform (“Spry Fox Network”) and Spry Fox’s interactive games (“Games”). This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which you are licensed to access the Spry Fox Network, and use Games on the Spry Fox Network. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO INSTALL, COPY OR USE ANY OF THE GAMES OR TO ACCESS THE SPRY FOX NETWORK.\n\n 1. <b>THE SPRY FOX NETWORK ACCOUNT.</b>\n A. <b>Use of the Spry Fox Network Account.</b> To use the Spry Fox Network, you must register, or have previously established, an account on the Spry Fox Network (an “Account”). Creation and use of Accounts are subject to the following terms and conditions:\n I. You may establish an Account only if: (i) you are a “natural person” and an adult in your country of residence (Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, partnerships and other legal or business entities may not establish an Account); and (ii) you are not an individual specifically prohibited by Spry Fox from using Spry Fox Network.\n II. When you create or update an Account, you must provide Spry Fox with accurate and up to date information that is personal to you, such as your name, address, phone number, and email address. Additionally, in order to play certain Games or use certain features offered on Spry Fox Network, you may be also be required to provide Spry Fox with payment information (such as credit card information). Spry Fox’s retention of your personal information is subject to Spry Fox’s SFN Privacy Policy, located at http://spryfox.com/spry-fox-network-privacy-policy. Spry Fox shall also have the right to obtain non personal data from your connection to Spry Fox Network.\n III. When you create an Account, you will be required to select a unique username and password (collectively referred to hereunder as “Login Information”). You cannot share the Account or the Login Information with anyone, unless the terms of this Agreement allow it.\n IV. You must maintain the confidentiality of the Login Information, as you are responsible for all uses of the Login Information and the Account, including purchases, whether or not authorized by you. If you become aware of or reasonably suspect any breach of security, including without limitation any loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of the Login Information, you must immediately notify Spry Fox at support@spryfox.com.\n V. Subject to the laws of your country of residence, minor children may utilize an Account established by their parent or legal guardian. In the event that you permit your minor child or legal ward (collectively, your “Child”) to use an Account on Spry Fox Network, you hereby agree to this Agreement on behalf of yourself and your Child, and you understand and agree that you will be responsible for all uses of the Account by your Child whether or not such uses were authorized by you.\n VI. Your use of Spry Fox Network and Games to interact with Spry Fox and other players is governed by Spry Fox’s In-Game Policies (the “In-game Policies”). The In-Game Policies are not meant to be exhaustive, and will generally be announced and updated in the Games’ official discussion forums. These In-game Policies apply to all Games:\n a. We encourage our players to cooperate and compete in our games, but crossing the line into abuse is never acceptable. If you come across a player violating the policies below, you should report them to support@spryfox.com.\n b. When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.\n c. Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions.\n d. You are prohibited from carrying out any action with a disruptive, malicious or dangerous effect on the “Chat” (in-game communication) experience, including but not limited to:\n i. Intentionally causing the Chat screen to scroll faster than other users are able to read, or setting up macros with large amounts of text that, when used, can have a disruptive effect on the normal flow of Chat;\n ii. Posting commercial solicitations and/or advertisements for goods and services available outside of the Games;\n iii. Sending repeated unsolicited or unwelcome messages to a single user or repeatedly posting similar messages in a Chat area, including without limitation continuous advertisements to sell goods or services; and\n iv. Communicating or posting any user’s personal information in the Games, or on websites or forums related to the Games, except that a user may communicate his or her own personal information in a private message directed to a single user.\n e. Names are subject to the same rules established above. Any name the player has the ability to customize—such as player names and guild names—must be appropriate and inoffensive. Any name that violates our standards will be changed, and additional limitations may be placed on the offending account per our discretion. Take note that acceptable names are determined by player reports and Spry Fox’s decision. In particular, you may not use any name:\n i. Belonging to another person with the intent to impersonate that person, including without limitation an “Admin” or any other employee or agent of Spry Fox;\n ii. That incorporates vulgar language or which are otherwise offensive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;\n iii. Subject to the rights of any other person or entity without written authorization from that person or entity;\n iv. That belongs to a popular culture figure, celebrity, or media personality;\n v. That is, contains, or is substantially similar to a trademark or service mark, whether registered or not; or is\n vi. Related to drugs, sex, alcohol, or criminal activity.\n f. You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.\n g. Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.\n h. If you’re unsure if your actions violate this code of conduct, reconsider them. We reserve the right to restrict offending accounts as much as necessary to keep Spry Fox’s Games a fun experience for all players.\n VII. You agree to pay all fees and applicable taxes incurred by you or anyone using your Account. If you choose a recurring subscription for a Game, you acknowledge that payments will be processed automatically (e.g., charged to your credit card) until you cancel the subscription or the Account. Spry Fox may revise the pricing for the goods and services offered through Spry Fox Network at any time. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SPRY FOX IS NOT REQUIRED TO REFUND AMOUNTS YOU PAY TO SPRY FOX FOR THE USE OF SPRY FOX NETWORK, OR FOR PURCHASES MADE THROUGH SPRY FOX NETWORK, FOR ANY REASON.\n VIII. Spry Fox shall have the right to monitor and/or record your communications when you use the Spry Fox Network, and you acknowledge and agree that when you use the Spry Fox Network, that you have no expectation that your communications will be private. Spry Fox shall have the right to disclose your communications for any reason, including : (a) to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request; (b) to enforce the terms of this Agreement or any other Spry Fox policy; (c) to protect Spry Fox’s legal rights and remedies; (d) to protect the health or safety of anyone that Spry Fox believes may be threatened; or (e) to report a crime or other offensive behavior.\n B. <b>Grant of License.</b> If you accept and comply with the terms of this Agreement, Spry Fox will grant, and you will receive, a non-sub licensable, and non-exclusive license to use the Spry Fox Network and Games subject to the “License Limitations,” set forth in Section 1(C) below, as follows:\n I. You may use the Spry Fox Network and Games for your personal and non-commercial entertainment purposes only, unless specifically allowed under the terms of this Agreement.\n II. You may not transfer your rights and obligations to use the Spry Fox Network.\n III. With regards to Games purchased from retailers on original media (e.g., on CD-ROM, DVD, etc.) you may permanently transfer all of your rights and obligations related to the use of a Game under this Agreement to another person who agrees to the terms of this Agreement by physically transferring the original media, original packaging, and all manuals or other documentation distributed with the Game provided that you permanently delete all copies and installations of the Game in your possession or control. You agree to be solely responsible for any taxes, fees, charges, duties, withholdings, assessments, and the like, together with any interest, penalties, and additions imposed in connection with such transfer. Other than as set forth above, Spry Fox does not recognize any purported transfer of the Games; and\n IV. Some of the Games playable on the Spry Fox Network may be subject to specific license terms that may include the following: (1) In certain cases, the “full version,” of Games can only be played after you purchase a license for the Game, and (2) You may play the Game(s) you have licensed at publicly available cyber cafés or computer gaming centers on Spry Fox Network through an Account registered to you.\n C. <b>License Limitations.</b> Spry Fox may revoke your license to use the Spry Fox Network and/or the Games if you violate, or assist others in violating, the license limitations set forth below. You agree that you will not, in whole or in part or under any circumstances, do the following:\n I. <u>Derivative Works:</u> Copy or reproduce (except as provided in Section 1(B)), translate, reverse engineer, derive source code from, modify, disassemble, decompile, or create derivative works based on or related to the Games.\n II. <u>Cheating:</u> Create, use, offer, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:\n a. <b>Cheats;</b> i.e. methods, not expressly authorized by Spry Fox, influencing and/or facilitating the gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods\n b. <b>Bots;</b> i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Spry Fox, that allows the automated control of a Game, Spry Fox Network and/or any component or feature thereof, e.g. the automated control of a character in a Game;\n c. <b>Hacks;</b> i.e. accessing or modifying the software of a Game or the Spry Fox Network in an manner, not expressly authorized by Spry Fox; and/or\n d. Any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Spry Fox, that can be used in connection with the Spry Fox Network, a Game and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay.\n III. <u>Prohibited Commercial Uses:</u> Exploit, in their entirety or individual components, the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s) for any purpose not expressly authorized by Spry Fox, including, without limitation (i) gathering in-game currency, items, or resources for sale outside of the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s); (ii) performing in-game services, like power-leveling, in exchange for payment outside of the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s); or (iii) communicating or facilitating (by text, live audio communications, or otherwise) any commercial advertisement, solicitation or offer through or within the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s).\n IV. <u>Data Mining:</u> Use third-party software that intercepts, collects, reads, or “mines” information generated or stored by the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s); provided, however, that Spry Fox may, at its sole and absolute discretion, allow the use of certain third-party user interfaces;\n V. <u>Duplicated Items:</u> Create, utilize or transact in any in-game item created or copied by exploiting a design flaw, undocumented problem, or program bug in the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s);\n VI. <u>Matchmaking:</u> Host, provide or develop matchmaking services for the Game(s), or intercept, emulate or redirect the communication protocols used by Spry Fox in any way, for any purpose, including without limitation unauthorized play over the internet, network play (except as expressly authorized by Spry Fox), or as part of content aggregation networks;\n VII. <u>Unauthorized Connections:</u> Facilitate, create or maintain any unauthorized connection to the Spry Fox Network or the Game(s) including without limitation (i) any connection to any unauthorized server that emulates, or attempts to emulate, the Spry Fox Network; and (ii) any connection using third-party programs or tools not expressly authorized by Spry Fox;\n VIII. <u>Transfers:</u> Attempt to sell, sublicense, rent, lease, grant a security interest in or otherwise transfer any copy of the Game(s) or your rights to the Game(s) to any other party in any way not expressly authorized herein;\n IX. <u>Disruption:</u> Disrupt or assist in the disruption of (i) any computer used to support the Spry Fox Network or any Game environment; or (ii) any other player’s Game experience. ANY ATTEMPT BY YOU TO DISRUPT THE SPRY FOX NETWORK OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF ANY GAME MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS.\n X. <u>Violation of Laws:</u> Use a Game, or the Spry Fox Network, to violate any applicable law or regulation.\n D. <b>Game and Spry Fox Network Features.</b>\n I. <u>Spry Fox Network Features:</u>\n a. <b>Advertising:</b> Spry Fox’s Games and the Spry Fox Network may incorporate third-party technology that enables advertising on the Spry Fox Network and/or in certain Games playable on the Spry Fox Network, which may be downloaded temporarily to your personal computer and replaced during online game play. As part of this process, Spry Fox and/or its authorized third party advertisers may collect standard information that is sent when your personal computer connects to the Internet including your Internet protocol (IP) address.\n b. <b>User Created or Uploaded Content:</b> The Spry Fox Network and certain Games may provide you an opportunity to upload and display content on the Spry Fox Network and/or as part of a Game, including the compilation, arrangement or display of such content (collectively, the “User Content”). User Content specifically does not include a Custom Game, as defined in Section 1(D)(II)(a) below. You hereby grant Spry Fox a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, fully paid up, non-exclusive right and license to exploit the User Content and all elements thereof, in any and all media, formats and forms, known now or hereafter devised. Spry Fox shall have the unlimited right to copy, reproduce, fix, modify, adapt, translate, reformat, prepare derivatives, add to and delete from, rearrange and transpose, manufacture, publish, distribute, sell, license, sublicense, transfer, rent, lease, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, provide access to, broadcast, and practice the User Content as well as all modified and derivative works thereof and any and all elements contained therein, and use or incorporate a portion or portions of the User Content or the elements thereof in conjunction with or into any other material. Except to the extent that any such waiver is prohibited by law, you hereby waive the benefit of any provision of law known as “moral rights” or “droit moral” or any similar law in any country of the world. You represent and warrant that the User Content does not infringe upon the copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other intellectual property rights of any third party. To the extent permitted by applicable laws, you hereby waive any moral rights you may have in any User Content. You further represent and warrant that you will not use or contribute User Content that is unlawful, tortious, defamatory, obscene, invasive of the privacy of another person, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful, racist or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate. Spry Fox may remove any User Content and any related content or elements from Spry Fox Network at its sole discretion.\n II. <u>Game Features:</u>\n a. <b>Game Editors:</b> Certain Games include editing software (hereafter referred as “Game Editor(s)”) that will allow you to create custom games, levels, maps, scenarios or other content (“Custom Games”). For purposes of this Agreement and any agreements referenced herein, “Custom Games” includes all content created using the Game Editor(s), including but not limited to all digital files associated with such Custom Games, as well as (1) all content contained within such files, including but not limited to player and non-player characters, audio and video elements, environments, objects, items, skins, and textures, (2) all titles, trademarks, trade names, character names, or other names and phrases associated with or included within the Custom Game, and (3) any other intellectual property rights contained within the Custom Game, including any and all content, game concepts, methods or ideas. A Custom Game may only be used with the Game’s engine that is associated with a particular Game Editor. The manner in which Custom Games can be used or exploited is as follows:\n i. Custom Game developers may not develop Custom Games that include a mechanism that allows the developer to limit access to the Custom Game to certain users.\n ii. Custom Games are and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Spry Fox. Without limiting the foregoing, you hereby assign to Spry Fox all of your rights, title and interest in and to all Custom Games, and agree that should Spry Fox decide that it is necessary, you agree to execute future assignments promptly upon receiving such a request from Spry Fox. Additionally, Spry Fox shall have the right to maintain the Custom Game even if the developer of the Custom Game requests that Spry Fox remove the Custom Game from any platform or service.\n iii. You represent and warrant that neither the content you use to create any Custom Games or upload to the Service, nor the compilation, arrangement or display of such content (collectively, the “User Content”), infringes or will infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other intellectual property right of any third party. You further represent and warrant that you will not use or contribute User Content that is unlawful, tortious, defamatory, obscene, invasive of the privacy of another person, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful, racist or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate.\n iv. Custom Game developers cannot develop Custom Games for profit at this time. Accordingly, a Custom Game cannot be sold, licensed, rented, nor can the Custom Game contain features that would support purchase transactions of any tangible or intangible content.\n b. <b>Community Tournaments:</b> In order to support local e-sports tournament activities, Spry Fox hereby grants you a limited, revocable license and right to organize and host small, community tournaments, or a series of tournaments utilizing certain Games (“Community Tournaments”) subject to your compliance with the following conditions:\n i. The total value of all prizes to be awarded during a Community Tournament must be less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00 USD) or the equivalent;\n ii. You may not charge fees of any kind for spectators to watch the Community Tournament;\n iii. A Community Tournament cannot be sponsored by any companies that sell or promote any of the following products: Pornography (or extremely mature materials); alcohol; tobacco; firearms; competitive online computer games; gambling websites; or any company that is detrimental to Spry Fox’s business (hacking, gold services, account selling, key sellers);\n iv. Community Tournaments must comply with all applicable laws and regulations; and\n v. The rules of the Community Tournament must promote fairness such that skill in playing the Game is what determines who will win or lose a match in the Community Tournament.\n c. <b>Beta Testing Pre-Release Versions of Games:</b> Certain pre-release versions of Games may be made available to you through the Spry Fox Network for testing (“Beta Testing”). Beta Testing through the Spry Fox Network will be governed by the following:\n i. <b>Eligibility:</b> In order to participate in a Beta Test, you must meet the following requirements:\n 1. Spry Fox must designate you as a Beta tester;\n 2. You agree to allow Spry Fox to obtain hardware and software information from the computer system that you will use to take part in the Beta Test (the “System”) prior to registration for the Beta Test in order for Spry Fox to determine if you are eligible to participate in the Beta.\n ii. <b>Acknowledgments:</b> You acknowledge that:\n 1. the Game being Beta Tested is a work in progress and may contain bugs which may cause loss of data and/or damage to your computer system;\n 2. you have, or will, back-up your hard drive prior to installation of the Beta;\n 3. you have the resources necessary to easily reinstall your operating system and restore any and all data that may be lost;\n 4. Spry Fox is not liable in any way for the loss of data or damage to the System, interruptions due to a lost connection to Spry Fox Network, software or hardware failures, or loss of data or disruption of the player’s ability to connect to Spry Fox Network;\n 5. Spry Fox may monitor and record any and all communications, electronic or otherwise, pertaining to the Beta including, without limitation, packets, chat, email, message board postings, etc.;\n 6. Spry Fox may delete or modify the information stored by the Spry Fox Network or the Game being Beta Tested for any reason at any time during the duration of the Beta Test;\n 7. Spry Fox may transfer software program files to the System, including a program that will collect and send Spry Fox CPU, RAM, operating system, video card, and sound card information from the System; and\n 8. You may not sell, transfer or commercially exploit access to a Beta, including the distribution of Beta keys without Spry Fox’s express authorization.\n iii. <b>Termination:</b> Spry Fox can terminate a Beta Test at any time. When Spry Fox terminates a Beta Test, you must delete the Beta and all documents and materials you received from Spry Fox in connection with the Beta Test, and you may be asked by Spry Fox to remove any elements of the Beta from any hard drives on which the Beta has been installed. You agree and acknowledge that Spry Fox’s termination of the Beta Test shall not be grounds for any refunds of any kind, including, but not limited to, digital items, refunds for time purchased to access World of Warcraft, etc.\n iv. <b>Sections of the Agreement Applicable to Beta Tests:</b> When participating in a Beta Test, the terms of this Section 1(D)(II)(c) shall supersede and govern over any other Section of this Agreement which may be in conflict with the terms of this.\n 2. <b>SPRY FOX’S OWNERSHIP.</b> Spry Fox is the owner or licensee of all right, title, and interest in and to the Spry Fox Network, the Games, Accounts, and all of the features and components thereof. The Spry Fox Network and the Games may contain materials licensed by third-parties to Spry Fox, and these third-parties may enforce their ownership rights against you in the event that you violate this Agreement. The following components of the Spry Fox Network and/or the Games, are owned or licensed by Spry Fox:\n A. All virtual content appearing within the Spry Fox Network or the Games, such as:\n I. <b>Visual Components:</b> Locations, artwork, structural or landscape designs, animations, and audio-visual effects;\n II. <b>Narrations:</b> Themes, concepts, stories, and storylines;\n III. <b>Characters:</b> The names, likenesses, inventories, and catch phrases of Game characters;\n IV. <b>Items:</b> Virtual goods, currency, potions, wearable items, pets, mounts, etc.;\n B. All data and communications generated by, or occurring through, the Spry Fox Network or the Games;\n C. All sounds, musical compositions, recordings, and sound effects originating in the Spry Fox Network or the Games;\n D. All recordings, Game replays, or reenactments of in-game matches, battles, duels, etc.;\n E. Computer code, including but not limited to “Applets” and source code;\n F. Titles, methods of operation, software, related documentation, and all other original works of authorship contained in the Spry Fox Network or the Games;\n G. All Accounts. Note that Spry Fox owns all Accounts, and that all use of an Account shall inure to Spry Fox’s benefit. Spry Fox does not recognize the transfer of Accounts. You may not purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, or offer to purchase, sell, gift, or trade any Account, and any such attempt shall be null and void and may result in the forfeiture of the Account;\n H. All Moral Rights that relate to the Spry Fox Network or a Game, including Custom Games, such as the right of attribution, and the right to the integrity of certain original works of authorship; and\n I. The right to create derivative works, and as part of this Agreement, you agree that you will not create any work based on the Spry Fox Network or the Games, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement or otherwise by Spry Fox in certain contest rules or addendum to this Agreement.\n 3. <b>PRE-LOADED SOFTWARE.</b> Spry Fox Network may contain additional software that requires you to agree to additional terms prior to your use (“Additional Software”).\n A. <b>Installation:</b> You agree that Spry Fox may install Additional Software on your hard drive as part of the installation of the Games, and from time to time during the term of this Agreement.\n B. <b>Use:</b> Unless Spry Fox grants you a valid license and alphanumeric key to use and activate the Additional Software, you may not access, use, distribute, copy, display, reverse engineer, derive source code from, modify, disassemble, decompile or create derivative works based on the Additional Software. In the event that Spry Fox grants to you a valid license and alphanumeric key to use and activate the Additional Software, all use of the Additional Software shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement.\n C. <b>Copies:</b> You may make one (1) copy of the Additional Software for archival purposes only.\n 4. <b>CONSENT TO MONITOR.</b> WHEN RUNNING, A GAME MAY MONITOR YOUR COMPUTER’S RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY (RAM) FOR UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAMS RUNNING CONCURRENTLY WITH THE GAME. AN “UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAM” AS USED HEREIN SHALL BE DEFINED AS ANY THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE PROHIBITED BY SECTION 1(C)(II) ABOVE. IN THE EVENT THAT THE GAME DETECTS AN UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAM, (a) THE GAME MAY COMMUNICATE INFORMATION BACK TO SPRY FOX, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION YOUR ACCOUNT NAME, DETAILS ABOUT THE UNAUTHORIZED THIRD PARTY PROGRAM DETECTED, AND THE TIME AND DATE; AND/OR (b) SPRY FOX MAY EXERCISE ANY OR ALL OF ITS RIGHTS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, WITH OR WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE TO THE USER. Additionally, certain Games include a tool that will allow your computer system to forward information to Spry Fox in the event that the Game crashes, including system and driver data, and consent to Spry Fox being able to receive this data.\n 5. <b>LIMITED WARRANTY.</b>\n A. THE SPRY FOX NETWORK, ACCOUNTS, AND THE GAME(S) ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE,” BASIS FOR USE, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF CONDITION UNINTERRUPTED USE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT, TITLE, AND THOSE ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the Spry Fox Network and the Game(s) remains with the user.\n B. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Spry Fox warrants up to and including ninety (90) days from the date of your purchase of a license to the Game that the media on which the Game was distributed, if any, shall be free from defects in material and workmanship. In the event that such media proves to be defective during that time period, and upon presentation to Spry Fox of proof of purchase of the defective media, Spry Fox will at its option: (a) correct any defect, (b) provide you with a similar product of similar value, or (c) refund your money. THE FOREGOING IS YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties so the above limitations may not apply to you.\n C. If you are a resident of Australia, the benefits provided to you by this Limited Warranty are in addition to other rights or remedies you may have under local laws related to the goods to which the warranty applies. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. The provisions of this clause containing the Limited Warranty and the clause containing the Limitation of Liability and Indemnity below apply only to the extent permitted by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). The entitlement to a replacement or a refund for a major failure is not subject to Spry Fox’s option. To submit a warranty claim to Spry Fox, please email support@spryfox.com. The user is responsible for the costs of returning media to Spry Fox.\n 6. <b>LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY.</b> Spry Fox, its subsidiaries and affiliates shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of your use of, or inability to access or use, the Spry Fox Network, Accounts or the Game(s). Spry Fox’s liability shall never exceed the total fees paid by you to Spry Fox during the six (6) months prior to your making a claim against Spry Fox.\n 7. <b>INDEMNITY.</b> You hereby agree to defend and indemnify Spry Fox against and from any third party claims, liabilities, losses, injuries, damages, costs or expenses incurred by Spry Fox arising out of or from your use of the Spry Fox Network, Account or the Game(s), any specific services or features associated therewith, including but not limited to User Content, Custom Games, Game Editors, and this Agreement. Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential or incidental damages, Spry Fox’s liability shall be limited to the fullest extent permitted by law.\n 8. <b>EQUITABLE REMEDIES.</b> You agree that Spry Fox would be irreparably damaged if the terms of this Agreement were not specifically followed and enforced. In such an event, you agree that Spry Fox shall be entitled, without bond, other security, or proof of damages, to appropriate equitable remedies when you breach this Agreement; and that the awarding of equitable remedies to Spry Fox will not limit its ability to receive remedies that are otherwise available to Spry Fox under applicable laws.\n 9. <b>ALTERATIONS.</b>\n A. <b>Alterations to the Agreement.</b>\n I. <u>Spry Fox’s Rights:</u> Spry Fox may create updated versions of this Agreement (each a “New Agreement”) as Spry Fox Network, the Games, and the law evolve.\n II. <u>New Agreements:</u> This Agreement will terminate immediately upon the introduction of a New Agreement. New Agreements will not be applied retroactively. You will be given an opportunity to review the New Agreement before choosing to accept or reject its terms.\n <i>Acceptance:</i> If you accept the New Agreement, and if the Account registered to you remains in good standing, you will be able to continue using the Spry Fox Network, Account or the Game(s) subject to the terms of the New Agreement.\n <i>Rejection:</i> If you decline to accept the New Agreement, or if you cannot comply with the terms of the New Agreement, you will no longer be permitted to use the Spry Fox Network, Accounts or the Game(s).\n B. <b>Alterations to the Spry Fox Network and the Games.</b> Spry Fox may change, modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Spry Fox Network, Accounts or the Games at any time, including but not limited to: removing items, changing the hours of availability, or revising the effectiveness of items in an effort to balance a Game. Spry Fox may also impose limits on certain features or restrict your access to parts or all of the Spry Fox Network, Accounts or the Games without notice or liability. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the Spry Fox Network, Accounts and the Games remains with you, the user. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you.\n 10. <b>TERM AND TERMINATION.</b>\n A. <b>Term.</b> This Agreement is effective upon your creation of an Account, and shall remain in effect until for a reasonable period of time. In the event that Spry Fox chooses to cease providing the Spry Fox Network, or license to a third party the right to provide the Spry Fox Network, Spry Fox shall provide you with no less than three (3) months prior notice. Neither the Spry Fox Network nor Spry Fox’s agreement to provide access to the Spry Fox Network shall be considered a rental or lease of time on the capacity of Spry Fox’s servers or other technology.\n B. <b>Termination.</b>\n I. You are entitled to terminate this Agreement at any time by notifying Spry Fox by email at support@spryfox.com.\n II. Spry Fox reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time for any reason, or for no reason, with or without notice to you. For purposes of explanation and not limitation, most Account suspensions and terminations are the result of violations of this Agreement. In case of minor violations of these rules, Spry Fox may provide you with a prior warning and/or suspend your use of the Account due to your non-compliance prior to terminating the Agreement or modifying or deleting an Account.\n III. In the event of a termination of this Agreement, any right to any and all payments you may have made for pre-purchased game access to certain Games are forfeit, and you agree and acknowledge that you are not entitled to any refund for any amounts which were pre-paid on your Account prior to any termination of this Agreement, and you will not be able to use the Spry Fox Network to play Games.\n 11. <b>DISPUTE RESOLUTION.</b>\n A. In an effort to accelerate resolution and reduce the cost of any Dispute related to, or arising out of, this Agreement, you and Spry Fox agree to first attempt to negotiate any Dispute (except as set forth in Section 11(D) below) informally for at least thirty (30) days before either party initiates any arbitration or court proceeding. Negotiations will begin upon receipt of written notice by the party raising the Dispute. Spry Fox will send its notice to your billing address, if that information is in Spry Fox’s possession, and e-mail you a copy to the e-mail address you have provided to us. You will send your notice to Spry Fox’s Designated Agent via the following email and physical mailing addresses: legal@spryfox.com and Thomas H. Buscaglia, Spry Fox General Counsel, 23133 Vashon Highway SW, Vashon, WA 98070.\n B. If a Dispute cannot be resolved through negotiations, either you or Spry Fox may elect to have the Dispute (except as set forth in Section 11(D) below) finally and exclusively resolved by binding arbitration. Any election to arbitrate by one party shall be final and binding on the other. You should review this provision carefully. This arbitration provision limits your and Spry Fox’s ability to litigate claims in court and you and Spry Fox each agree to waive your respective rights to a jury trial.\n I. The arbitration shall be commenced and conducted by JAMS pursuant to its Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures, which are available at the JAMS website ( http://www.jamsadr.com/ ). This arbitration provision is made pursuant to a transaction involving interstate commerce, and the Federal Arbitration Act (the “FAA”) shall apply to the construction, interpretation, and enforceability of this Agreement notwithstanding any other choice of law provision contained in this Agreement.\n II. If, for any reason, JAMS is unable to provide the arbitration, you may file your Dispute with any national arbitration company under the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association.\n III. The arbitrator shall determine the scope and enforceability of this arbitration agreement, including whether a Dispute is subject to arbitration. The arbitrator has authority to decide all issues of arbitrability, including where a party raises as a defense to arbitration that the claims in question are subject to one or more Exceptions to Negotiations and Arbitration in Section 11(D), below.\n IV. Where any action includes claims that are arbitrable and claims that are not, the entire action shall be stayed, absent a showing of prejudice to the complaining party, pending the completion of the arbitration of the arbitrable issues. You or Spry Fox can request the stay be lifted upon a showing of prejudice.\n V. Your arbitration fees and your share of arbitrator compensation shall be governed by the JAMS Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures.\n VI. The arbitration may be conducted in person, through the submission of documents, by phone, or online. The arbitrator will make a decision in writing, but need not provide a statement of reasons unless requested by a party. The arbitrator must follow applicable law. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on you and Spry Fox, and any award of the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction.\n VII. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT RESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES (AND POTENTIALLY RESIDENTS OF SOME OTHER JURISDICTIONS) WOULD, ABSENT THIS MANDATORY PROVISION, HAVE THE RIGHT TO SUE IN COURT AND HAVE A JURY TRIAL. You further understand that, in some instances, the costs of arbitration could exceed the costs of litigation. However, the arbitrator shall shift such fees and costs to ensure that you do not pay significant forum fees. In addition, you shall not be required to pay any type of fee or cost in arbitration that you would not have had to pay had you been free to file your claim in court. The parties understand that the right to discovery may be more limited in arbitration than in court. However, each side will be permitted discovery sufficient to allow that side a fair opportunity to present or defend their claims.\n C. You and Spry Fox agree that any arbitration or court proceeding shall be limited to the Dispute between Spry Fox and you individually. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT:\n I. A CLAIM BY, OR ON BEHALF OF, OTHER PERSONS, WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED IN, JOINED WITH, OR CONSOLIDATED WITH, THE ARBITRATION PROCEEDINGS OR ANY COURT PROCEEDINGS BETWEEN YOU AND SPRY FOX;\n II. THERE IS NO RIGHT OR AUTHORITY FOR ANY DISPUTE TO BE ARBITRATED, ADJUDICATED, OR RESOLVED THROUGH COURT PROCEEDINGS ON A CLASS-ACTION BASIS OR TO UTILIZE CLASS ACTION PROCEDURES; AND\n III. YOU WILL NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE AS A CLASS REPRESENTATIVE, PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, OR AS A MEMBER OF ANY CLASS OF CLAIMANTS FOR ANY DISPUTE SUBJECT TO ARBITRATION OR ANY DISPUTE BROUGHT IN COURT.\n IV. Any Dispute regarding the prohibitions in the prior sections shall be resolved by the arbitrator in accordance with this Agreement. If, for any reason, this class or collective action waiver is deemed unenforceable by a court or arbitrator, you agree that the parties’ contract to arbitrate is then void, and any ongoing or future Dispute will be submitted to a court of competent jurisdiction within King County, in the State of Washington, United States of America, to the exclusion of arbitration. Any Dispute at that time in arbitration will be dismissed without prejudice and refiled in a court. Under no circumstances do you or Spry Fox agree to class or collective procedures in arbitration or court proceedings or the joinder of claims in arbitration or court proceedings.\n D. You and Spry Fox agree that the following Disputes are not subject to the above provisions concerning negotiations and binding arbitration: (1) Any Dispute seeking to enforce or protect, or concerning the validity of, any of Spry Fox’s intellectual property rights; and, any claim within the jurisdictional limits of the small claims courts.\n E. Any arbitration shall be initiated in King County, in the State of Washington, United States of America. Any Dispute not subject to arbitration shall be decided by a court of competent jurisdiction within King County, in the State of Washington, United States of America, and you and Spry Fox agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of that court.\n 12. <b>GOVERNING LAW.</b>\n A. This Agreement shall be governed by, and will be construed under, the laws of the United States of America and the law of the State of Washington, without regard to choice of law principles.\n B. The application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods to this Agreement is expressly excluded.\n C. If you are a (1) Canadian resident who has (2) purchased a license to a Game in Canada, other laws may apply if you choose not to agree to arbitrate as set forth above. Such laws shall affect this Agreement only to the extent required by such jurisdiction. If such laws apply, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be given their maximum effect.\n D. Users who access the Spry Fox Network from outside of the United States and Canada, are responsible for compliance with all applicable local laws.\n 13. <b>GENERAL.</b>\n A. The Game(s) may not be re-exported, downloaded or otherwise exported into (or to a national or resident of) any country to which the U.S. has embargoed goods, or to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department’s Table of Denial Orders. You represent and warrant that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country or on any such list.\n B. Spry Fox may assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, to any person or entity at any time with or without your consent. You may not assign this Agreement without Spry Fox’s prior written consent. Your assignment of this Agreement without Spry Fox’s prior written consent shall be void.\n C. Spry Fox’s failure to enforce a provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a (1) waiver of such provision, or (2) diminishment of any right to enforce such provisions. Spry Fox may choose to waive a provision of this Agreement in regards to a particular instance; however, you are still obligated to comply with that waived provision in the future.\n D. <b>Notices:</b>\n I. <i><b>If to Spry Fox.</b></i> All notices given by you under this Agreement shall be in writing and addressed to Spry Fox’s Designated Agent via the following email and physical mailing addresses:\n - legal@spryfox.com\n - Thomas H. Buscaglia, Spry Fox General Counsel, 23133 Vashon Highway SW, Vashon, WA 98070\n II. <i><b>If to You.</b></i> All notices given by Spry Fox under this Agreement shall be given to you either through written notice, email, or website blog post. The form and instance in which Spry Fox may notify you is specified in our Privacy Policy, which can be reviewed at http://spryfox.com/spry-fox-network-privacy-policy/.\n E. Spry Fox shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform resulting from causes outside the reasonable control of Spry Fox, such as natural disasters, unforeseen intrusions into our cyberspace, war, terrorism, riots, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, strikes, or shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials.\n F. If any part of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, then that portion shall be severed, and the remainder of this Agreement shall be given full force and effect.\n G.This Agreement constitutes and contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements. The provisions of Sections 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, and 13 shall survive termination of this Agreement for any reason.\n\n<b>I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOREGOING END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT AND AGREE THAT MY USE OF THE GAME IS AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF MY AGREEMENT TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT.</b>\n"
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- title: Steambirds Alliance & Spry Fox Network最终用户许可协议
+ checkbox_0: I have read and agree with the Steambirds Alliance terms of service
+ title: Steambirds Alliance & Spry Fox Network EULA
- body: "生效日期:2018年5月25日\n\n以下的隐私政策适用于进行如下活动的人群:\n -玩Spry Fox游戏,且游戏通过iTunes、GooglePlay或任何其他托管我们游戏的服务链接到此隐私政策:\n-使用SpryFox网站\n-订阅SpryFox新闻稿,或\n-通过Spry Fox电子邮件或其他方式与SpryFox通信。\n\n此项私隐政策描述了以下内容:\n -我们收集关于您的个人数据的方式,以及为什么我们这样做,\n-我们如何使用您的个人数据,以及\n-您对您的个人数据拥有的权利。\n\n我们可能更新这一隐私政策,以反映我们信息实践的变化。如果我们做出任何实质性的改变,我们将通过电子邮件(发送到您的帐户中指定的电子邮件地址)或在更改生效之前通过本网站通知您。我们鼓励您定期查看本页面,以了解关于我们隐私实践的最新信息。\n\n玩Spry Fox游戏、使用Spry Fox网站、订阅Spry Fox时事通讯或与Spry Fox通信,即表示您同意本政策以及以本政策提供的方式对您的数据(包括个人信息)的处理。如果您不同意这些条款,请不要从事这些活动。\n\n<size=+8><b>联系我们</b></size>\n\n如果您对数据保护有任何疑问,或者您有任何解决个人数据问题的请求,请通过电子邮件与我们联系:support@spryfox.com。\n\n -控权人姓名:Spry Fox LLC\n-地址:Spry Fox LLC,PO Box 1875,Bellaire,TX 77402-1875\n-电子邮件:support@spryfox.com\n\n<size=+8><b>我们收集的数据</b></size>\n\n<size=+4><b>您提供的数据</b></size>\n\n我们的一些游戏、网站、通讯和其他通信方式使您能够提供以下部分或全部信息:\n\n -联系信息(如姓名和电子邮件地址)\n-玩家姓名和密码\n-配置文件信息(如个人资料照片)\n-游戏中的消息(如聊天日志)\n-您向我们发送的关于游戏的消息(例如日志和玩家支持工单)\n-其他您选择向我们提供的数据(例如识别丢失帐户的数据)\n\n<size=+4><b>我们自动收集的数据:</b></size>\n\n -关于您的帐户和游戏进度的数据\n-您的IP地址和移动设备标识符(例如您的设备ID、广告ID、MAC地址、IMEI)\n-关于您的设备的数据,如设备名称和操作系统、浏览器类型和语言\n-我们使用cookie和类似技术收集的数据(更多信息详见下文)\n-通用位置数据\n-精确的地理位置数据(GPS,经您同意)\n-关于您使用游戏或网站的数据,例如游戏数据以及在大多数情况下您与游戏中其他玩家的交互信息\n\n在大多数情况下,在您玩我们的游戏时,我们还为您创建了一个SpryFox专用ID。\n\n<size=+4><b>我们从合作伙伴那里收集的数据:</b></size>\n\n -由于您将第三方工具链接到游戏(如Facebook、微信或Google),我们因此受到的数据\n-人口统计数据(例如确定IP地址的粗略位置)\n-用于打击欺诈的数据(如游戏中的退款滥用或广告中的点击欺诈)\n-运行游戏的平台数据(例如验证支付)\n-用于广告和分析目的的数据,以便我们更好地为您服务\n\n<size=+4><b>邀请好友</b></size>\n\nSpry Fox可能会允许您邀请来自社交网络服务的联系人(例如您的 Facebook 好友),以便可以在Spry Fox游戏中找到这些联系人,以及/或您可以邀请他们加入Spry Fox游戏。这些联系信息将用于向收件人发送通信。\n\n<size=+4><b>交流</b></size>\n\n当您联系我们的客户服务小组,或如果您订阅SpryFox新闻或论坛时,我们可能会收集您的电子邮件地址。我们可以使用该电子邮件与您联系,询问您的SpryFox游戏体验,并向您发送有关本公司的新闻和促销信息。如果您不再希望收到此类电子邮件通知,您可以随时选择退订,方法是点击邮件中的取消订阅链接,或发送电子邮件至support@spryfox.com。\n\n<size=+4><b>推送通知</b></size>\n\n我们会时常通过我们的移动应用程序向您发送推送通知,以便向您发送游戏更新、最高分和其他可能对您来说重要的服务相关通知。您可以随时选择不再接收此类通信,方法是在所用设备的设置中将其关闭\n\n<size=+8><b>我们为什么收集您的数据</b></size>\n\n<size=+4><b>让游戏正常运行并为您提供服务</b></size>\n\n为了履行合同,我们处理必要的数据,以便:\n\n - 创建帐户,允许您玩我们的游戏和使用我们的服务\n - 运行游戏和服务\n - 验证和确认付款\n - 提供和交付您所要求的产品和服务\n - 发送通信\n\n<size=+4><b>使我们的游戏更能满足我们的玩家需求</b></size>\n\n为了为我们的玩家提供一款优秀的游戏,我们有正当理由收集和处理必要的数据,以便:\n\n - 更新和开发玩家档案\n - 开发及改进游戏和玩家体验\n - 管理我们与您的关系\n - 提供社交功能,将其作为游戏的一部分\n - 定制您的体验\n - 回应您的评论和问题,并提供玩家支持\n - 在游戏中和其他网站及服务中以及通过电子邮件向您提供Spry Fox优惠信息\n - 向您发送相关信息,如更新、安全警报、支持信息\n - 使您能够与其他玩家交流\n\n<size=+4><b>显示个性化广告</b></size>\n\n在游戏中以及在其他网站和服务中(包括电子邮件)中显示个性化广告,我们有正当理由处理必要的数据,以便:\n\n -跟踪您访问的、与游戏和在线行为相关的内容\n-交付、精确推送和改进我们的广告和游戏\n\n如需了解如何不再接收个性化广告,请参阅下面的“您的权利和选项”部分。\n\n<size=+4><b>为了维护游戏的安全与公平</b></size>\n\n确保游戏中的公平竞争是我们的首要任务。为了维护游戏及其社交功能的安全和公平,为了打击欺诈并确保可以接受的使用,我们有正当理由处理必要的数据,以便:\n\n - 分析和监测游戏的使用及其社交功能\n - 自动或手动规范聊天内容\n - 对欺诈或行为不端的玩家采取行动\n\n<size=+4><b>为了分析、描述和分割</b></size>\n\n对于上述所有案例和目的,我们可以分析、描述和分割所有收集到的数据。\n\n<size=+4><b>经过您的同意</b></size>\n\n经过您的同意,我们可以处理您的数据以作其他用途,例如使用您的GPS位置显示您的本地事件。\n\n<size=+8><b>谁能看见您的数据</b></size>\n\n除了Spry Fox,您的数据可以在如下情况被他人访问:\n\n<size=+4><b>其他玩家及用户</b></size>\n\n社交功能和/或多人游戏是我们一些游戏的核心组成部分。例如,其他玩家和用户可能会看到您的个人资料、游戏中的活动并阅读您发布的消息。\n\n<size=+4><b>为Spry Fox工作的合作伙伴</b></size>\n\nSpry Fox的一些合作伙伴为我们提供服务。这些合作伙伴只根据Spry Fox的指示处理您的数据以为游戏提供支持,如托管、玩家支持、分析和欺诈预防。\n\n<size=+4><b>其他公司及公共授权</b></size>\n\n为了打击欺诈和非法活动,我们可以与其他公司和组织交换数据,并应合法的请求向公共当局提供数据。我们还可以根据您的同意披露您的数据以遵守法律或保护权益、我们的财产或安全,以及我们的玩家或其他人。\n\n<size=+4><b>广告和社交媒体合作伙伴</b></size>\n\n一些游戏中包含由我们的合作伙伴提供的功能,如社交媒体互动工具和游戏内置广告。可访问以下网址查阅这些合作伙伴的名单:http://spryfox.com/legal-stuff/partner-policies/这些合作伙伴可以访问您的数据并根据他们自己的隐私政策开展运营。我们鼓励您查看他们的隐私政策,以了解更多关于他们对数据的处理实践操作。\n\n<size=+4><b>金融活动</b></size>\n\nSpry Fox可以在任何并购、出售我们的资产、融资或收购我们的全部或部分业务给另一家公司的过程中分享您的信息。我们将通过电子邮件和/或在网站上发布通知,告知您有关个人信息的所有权或用户的任何变更。\n\n<size=+4><b>汇总或匿名信息</b></size>\n\n我们可以与广告商、出版商、商业伙伴、赞助商和其他第三方共享关于您的汇总或匿名信息。\n\n<size=+8><b>您的权利与选项</b></size>\n\n<size=+4><b>退订营销电子邮件和其他直接营销信息</b></size>\n\n您可以遵循此类通信中的说明,选择不再接收促销通信,如我们的营销电子邮件。\n\n<size=+4><b>退订定向广告</b></size>\n\n您可以选择退订基于兴趣的移动应用广告,方法是检查您的Android或iOS设备的隐私设置,选择“限制广告跟踪”(苹果 IOS)或“选择退出基于兴趣的广告”(安卓)。此外,请访问http://aboutads.info/appchoices,了解并下载数字广告联盟的消费者精选应用AppChoices,该应用程序允许您直接退订应用中所列出的公司发送的广告。\n\n<size=+4><b>访问我们持有的关于您的个人数据</b></size>\n\n如果您有此要求,我们将提供您个人资料的电子格式副本。\n\n<size=+4><b>您的其他权利</b></size>\n\n您还有权发送电子邮件至support@spryfox.com以更正您的数据、删除您的数据,并反对我们使用或共享您的数据的方式。\n\n<size=+8><b>Cookie和类似技术</b></size>\n\n如大多数在线服务一样,我们和我们的合作伙伴使用cookie和类似的技术来提供和个性化我们的网站和游戏、分析使用、投放定向广告并防止欺诈。您可以在浏览器设置中禁用cookie,但是我们的网站和游戏的某些部分可能无法正常工作。\n\n<size=+8><b>我们如何保护您的数据</b></size>\n\n<size=+4><b>安全保障</b></size>\n\nSpry Fox采取合理的措施,以保护您的信息不被其他人未经授权而访问,或保护您的信息不至遗失、遭到滥用或被第三方更改。\n\n虽然我们真诚地努力将收集到的信息储存在一个公众无法获得的安全操作环境中,但我们不能保证这些信息在传输过程中或存储在我们的系统中是绝对安全的。此外,虽然我们试图确保我们的网络和系统的完整性和安全性,但我们不能保证我们的安全措施将防止第三方“黑客”非法获取这些信息。我们不保证或表示您的信息将受到保护以免受遗失、遭到第三方的滥用或更改。然而,没有哪种互联网传输方法或电子存储方法是100%安全的。因此,我们不能保证此类信息的绝对安全。\n\n<size=+4><b>数据保留</b></size>\n\n只要您的帐户是活跃的,或我们需要为您提供服务,我们就会保留您的数据。\n\n请注意,如果您要求我们删除您的个人资料,我们将因我们合法商业利益的必要而保留您的资料,例如以便遵守我们的法律义务、解决争端并执行我们的协议。\n\n<size=+8><b>年龄限制</b></size>\n\n我们不会故意向13岁以下的人收集或索取个人数据。如果您不满13岁,请不要向我们发送任何关于您自己的数据,包括您的姓名、地址、电话号码或电子邮件地址。13岁以下的用户不得提供任何个人数据。如果我们知晓我们收集了13岁以下儿童的个人数据,我们会尽快删除这些数据。如果您认为我们可能有来自或关于13岁以下儿童的任何数据,请通过电子邮件联系我们:support@spryfox.com。\n\n关于如何维护儿童在互联网上的安全的其他提示,我们建议您访问以下网站:\n\n http://www.ftc.gov/privacy/privacyinitiatives/childrens.html\n http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/tech/tec14.shtm\n http://www.onguardonline.gov/features/feature-0002-featured-info-parents\n\n<size=+8><b>有其他问题和评论吗?</b></size>\n\n如果您对于此隐私政策有任何问题或评论,请随时通过电子邮件联系我们,电子邮箱地址为:support@spryfox.com。"
- checkbox_0: 我已经阅读并同意Spry Fox隐私政策
- title: Spry Fox隐私政策
+ body: "Effective Date: May 25, 2018\n\nThe following Privacy Policy applies to people:\n - Playing Spry Fox games that link to this Privacy Policy from iTunes, Google Play, or any other service that hosts our games;\n - Using Spry Fox websites;\n - Subscribing to Spry Fox newsletters; or\n - Communicating with Spry Fox by email or other means.\n\nThis Privacy Policy describes:\n - The ways we collect personal data about you and why we do so,\n - How we use your personal data, and\n - The choices you have about your personal data.\n\nWe may update this privacy policy to reflect changes to our information practices. If we make any material changes we will notify you by email (sent to the e-mail address specified in your account) or by means of a notice on this Site prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.\n\nBy playing Spry Fox games, using Spry Fox websites, subscribing to Spry Fox newsletters, or communicating with Spry Fox, you are expressing your agreement to this Policy and the processing of your data, including your personal information, in the manner provided in this Policy. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not engage in those activities.\n\n<size=+8><b>CONTACT US</b></size>\n\nIf you have questions about data protection, or if you have any requests for resolving issues with your personal data, please contact us via an email to support@spryfox.com.\n\n - Name of the controller: Spry Fox LLC\n - Address: Spry Fox LLC, PO Box 1875, Bellaire, TX 77402-1875\n - Email: support@spryfox.com\n\n<size=+8><b>THE DATA WE COLLECT</b></size>\n\n<size=+4><b>Data you provide</b></size>\n\nSome of our games, websites, newsletters, and other means of communication enable you to provide some or all of the following information:\n\n - Contact information (such as name and email address)\n - Player name and password\n - Profile information (such as profile photo)\n - Your messages within the game (such as chat logs)\n - Your messages to us about the game (such as logs and player support tickets)\n - Other data you choose to give us (such as data to identify a lost account)\n\n<size=+4><b>Data we collect automatically:</b></size>\n\n - Data about your account and game progress\n - Your IP address and mobile device identifiers (such as your device ID, advertising ID, MAC address, IMEI)\n - Data about your device, such as device name and operating system, browser type and language\n - Data we collect with cookies and similar technologies (see more below)\n - General location data\n - Precise geo-location data (GPS, with your consent)\n - Data about your use of the game or website, such as gameplay data and your interactions with other players inside the game\n\nIn most cases, we also create a Spry Fox-specific ID for you when you play our games.\n\n<size=+4><b>Data we collect from our partners:</b></size>\n\n - Data we receive if you link a third-party tool with the game (such as Facebook, WeChat or Google)\n - Demographic data (such as to determine the coarse location of your IP address)\n - Data to fight fraud (such as refund abuse in games or click fraud in advertising)\n - Data from platforms that the games run on (such as to verify payment)\n - Data for advertising and analytics purposes, so we can serve you better\n\n<size=+4><b>Invite a friend</b></size>\n\nSpry Fox may offer you the opportunity to invite your contacts from a social networking service (such as your Facebook friends) so that those contacts can be located in Spry Fox games and/or you can invite them to join you in Spry Fox games. Such contact information will be used for the purpose of sending communications to the addressee.\n\n<size=+4><b>Communications</b></size>\n\nWe may collect your email address when you contact our customer service group, or if you subscribe to Spry Fox newsletters or forums. We may use that email address to contact you about your gaming experience with Spry Fox games and notify you about company news and promotions. If you no longer wish to receive those sorts of email notifications, you may opt-out at any time by following the unsubscribe link located within communications that have such a link, or by emailing support@spryfox.com.\n\n<size=+4><b>Push notifications</b></size>\n\nWe may occasionally send you push notifications through our mobile applications to send you game updates, high scores and other service-related notifications that may be of importance to you. You may at any time opt-out from receiving these types of communications by turning them off at the device level through your settings.\n\n<size=+8><b>WHY DO WE COLLECT YOUR DATA</b></size>\n\n<size=+4><b>To make the game work and provide you services</b></size>\n\nTo perform the contract, we process data necessary to:\n\n - Create accounts and allow you to play our games and use our services\n - Operate the games and services\n - Verify and confirm payments\n - Provide and deliver products and services you request\n - Send you communications\n\n<size=+4><b>To make the game more suitable for our players</b></size>\n\nTo provide a great game to our players, we have a legitimate interest to collect and process necessary data to:\n\n - Update and develop player profiles\n - Develop and improve the game and player experience\n - Manage our relationship with you\n - Provide social features as part of the game\n - Customize your experience\n - Respond to your comments and questions and provide player support\n - Provide you Spry Fox offers in the game as well as in other websites and services, and by email\n - Send you related information, such as updates, security alerts, and support messages\n - Enable you to communicate with other players\n\n<size=+4><b>To show personalized advertisements</b></size>\n\nTo show you personalized advertisements in the game as well as in other websites and services (including email) we have a legitimate interest to process necessary data to:\n\n - Track the content you access in connection with the game and your online behavior\n - Deliver, target and improve our advertising and the game\n\nFor information on how to opt-out from personalized advertisements, see section ‘Your rights and options’ below.\n\n<size=+4><b>To keep the game safe and fair</b></size>\n\nEnsuring a level playing field in the game is a top priority for us. In order to keep the game and its social features safe and fair, to fight fraud and ensure acceptable use otherwise, we have a legitimate interest to process necessary data to:\n\n - Analyze and monitor use of the game and its social features\n - Moderate chats either automatically or manually\n - Take action against fraudulent or misbehaving players\n\n<size=+4><b>To analyze, profile, and segment</b></size>\n\nIn all of the above cases and purposes, we may analyze, profile and segment all collected data.\n\n<size=+4><b>With your consent</b></size>\n\nWith your consent, we may process your data for additional purposes, such as using your GPS location to show you local events.\n\n<size=+8><b>WHO CAN SEE YOUR DATA</b></size>\n\nApart from Spry Fox, your data can be accessed by others in the following situations:\n\n<size=+4><b>Other players and users</b></size>\n\nSocial features and/or multiplayer are a core component of some of our games. Other players and users may, for example, see your profile data, in-game activities and read the messages you have posted.\n\n<size=+4><b>Partners working for Spry Fox</b></size>\n\nSpry Fox has partners to perform services for us. These partners process your data only at and according to Spry Fox’s instructions to support the game, such as hosting, player support, analytics and fraud prevention.\n\n<size=+4><b>Other companies and public authorities</b></size>\n\nIn order to combat fraud and illegal activity, we may exchange data with other companies and organizations and provide it to public authorities in response to lawful requests. We may also disclose your data based on your consent, to comply with the law or to protect the rights, property or safety of us, our players or others.\n\n<size=+4><b>Advertising and social media partners</b></size>\n\nSome games include features from our partners, such as social media interaction tools and in-game advertising. A list of these partners is available at http://spryfox.com/legal-stuff/partner-policies/. These partners may access your data and operate under their own privacy policies. We encourage you to check their privacy policies to learn more about their data processing practices.\n\n<size=+4><b>Financial activity</b></size>\n\nSpry Fox may share your information in connection with any merger, sale of our assets, or a financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company. You will be notified via email and/or notice on our site of any change in ownership or users of your personal information.\n\n<size=+4><b>Aggregate or anonymous information</b></size>\n\nWe may share aggregate or anonymous information about you with advertisers, publishers, business partners, sponsors, and other third parties.\n\n<size=+8><b>YOUR RIGHTS AND OPTIONS</b></size>\n\n<size=+4><b>Opt-out of marketing emails and other direct marketing</b></size>\n\nYou may opt-out of receiving promotional communications, such as marketing emails from us, by following the instructions in such communications.\n\n<size=+4><b>Opt-out of targeted advertising</b></size>\n\nYou can opt-out of interest-based advertising on mobile applications by checking the privacy settings of your Android or iOS device and selecting “limit ad tracking” (Apple iOS) or “opt-out of interest based ads” (Android). Additionally, please visit http://aboutads.info/appchoices to learn about and download the Digital Advertising Alliance’s consumer choice app, AppChoices, which allows you to opt out directly from companies listed in the app.\n\n<size=+4><b>Access the personal data we hold about you</b></size>\n\nIf you request, we will provide you a copy of your personal data in an electronic format.\n\n<size=+4><b>Your other rights</b></size>\n\nYou also have the right to correct your data, have your data deleted, and object to how we use or share your data by emailing support@spryfox.com.\n\n<size=+8><b>COOKIES AND SIMILAR TECHNOLOGIES</b></size>\n\nLike most online services, we and our partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide and personalize our websites and games, analyze use, target advertisements, and prevent fraud. You can disable cookies in your browser settings, but some parts our websites and games may then not function properly.\n\n<size=+8><b>HOW DO WE PROTECT YOUR DATA</b></size>\n\n<size=+4><b>Security safeguards</b></size>\n\nSpry Fox takes reasonable measures to protect your information from unauthorized access or against loss, misuse or alteration by third parties.\n\nAlthough we make good faith efforts to store the information collected on the games in a secure operating environment that is not available to the public, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of that information during its transmission or its storage on our systems. Further, while we attempt to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent third-party “hackers” from illegally obtaining access to this information. We do not warrant or represent that your information will be protected against, loss, misuse, or alteration by third parties. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.\n\n<size=+4><b>Data retention</b></size>\n\nWe retain your data for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services.\n\nNote that if you ask us to remove your personal data, we will retain your data as necessary for our legitimate business interests, such as to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.\n\n<size=+8><b>AGE LIMITS</b></size>\n\nWe do not knowingly collect or solicit personal data from anyone under the age of 13. If you are under 13, please do not send any data about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone number, or email address. No one under the age of 13 may provide any personal data. If we learn that we have collected personal data about a child under age 13, we will delete that data as quickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any data from or about a child under the age of 13, please contact us at support@spryfox.com.\n\nFor additional tips on how to help children stay safe on the Internet, we recommend that you visit the following sites:\n\n http://www.ftc.gov/privacy/privacyinitiatives/childrens.html\n http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/tech/tec14.shtm\n http://www.onguardonline.gov/features/feature-0002-featured-info-parents\n\n<size=+8><b>QUESTIONS? COMMENTS?</b></size>\n\nIf you have any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, feel free to contact us at support@spryfox.com\n"
+ checkbox_0: I have read and agree with the Spry Fox Privacy Policy
+ title: Spry Fox Privacy Policy
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/lore.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/lore.txt
index 63cb3fa..326f6a5 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/lore.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/lore.txt
@@ -1,1609 +1,382 @@
-bombdungeonsign1: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>兵工厂
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>为帝国供应充足弹药!'
+bombdungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>兵工厂\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>为帝国供应充足弹药!"
- - text: '备忘录:天干物燥
- 弹药小心火烛。
- 距离上一次
- 事件刚刚过去 3 天。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '备忘录:
- 严禁以任何形式
- 吸烟。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '备忘录:杰克因为
- 堆叠
- 炸弹而于今日
- 被解雇。请勿
- 堆叠炸弹。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '备忘录:这一地区
- 发现了鸟族反叛者。
- 高度警戒。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '备忘录:
- 在处理弹药时,
- 请缩回爪子。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '备忘录:小心
- 反叛者间谍!'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '情报表明
- 这些工厂
- 防御薄弱!
- 喵族贵族们
- 将他们的武装集中在
- 城市
- 偏北方。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这家工厂不断地
- 为帝国的
- 无人机部队
- 生产弹药。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '你发现了一本
- 技术手册:
- ''邻近炸弹。
- 将引爆 4 个高能等离子爆炸。'''
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这曾是
- 一家制造收音机
- 的工厂。
- 当帝国
- 消灭了
- 这一地区
- 的平民时,对它进行了改造。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这种爆炸物质
- 是一种精细研磨晶体
- ,我们的科学家们还没有完全了解
- 。
- 我们需要
- 更多的情报。 '
- weight: '1'
-dungeon_tut_03_sign1: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>前方基地
- <size=100%><font=Candara SDF>庆祝5天
- 平安无事!'
-dungeon_tut_03_sign2: '墙壁的质量很差
- 他们一定是
- 在匆忙之间
- 建造了这个地方。'
-dungeon_tut_05_sign1: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>蜈蚣巢穴
- <size=100%><font=Candara SDF>你皮肤上爬的
- 是什么……?'
-dungeon_tut_05_sign2: '这里的一切
- 都覆盖在烟灰之下。
- 空气
- 简直令人窒息。'
-eyedungeonsign1: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>克苏鲁墓穴
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>深渊种族的古老神庙。'
+ - text: "备忘录:天干物燥\n 弹药小心火烛。\n 距离上一次\n 事件刚刚过去 3 天。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "备忘录:\n 严禁以任何形式\n 吸烟。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "备忘录:杰克因为\n 堆叠\n 炸弹而于今日\n 被解雇。请勿\n 堆叠炸弹。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "备忘录:这一地区\n 发现了鸟族反叛者。\n 高度警戒。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "备忘录:\n 在处理弹药时,\n 请缩回爪子。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "备忘录:小心\n 反叛者间谍!"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "情报表明\n 这些工厂\n 防御薄弱!\n 喵族贵族们\n 将他们的武装集中在\n 城市\n 偏北方。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这家工厂不断地\n 为帝国的\n 无人机部队\n 生产弹药。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "你发现了一本\n 技术手册:\n '邻近炸弹。\n 将引爆 4 个高能等离子爆炸。'"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这曾是\n 一家制造收音机\n 的工厂。\n 当帝国\n 消灭了\n 这一地区\n 的平民时,对它进行了改造。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这种爆炸物质\n 是一种精细研磨晶体\n ,我们的科学家们还没有完全了解\n 。\n 我们需要\n 更多的情报。"
+ weight: '1'
+dungeon_tut_03_sign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>前方基地\n <size=100%><font=Candara SDF>庆祝5天\n 平安无事!"
+dungeon_tut_03_sign2: "墙壁的质量很差\n 他们一定是\n 在匆忙之间\n 建造了这个地方。"
+dungeon_tut_05_sign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>蜈蚣巢穴\n <size=100%><font=Candara SDF>你皮肤上爬的\n 是什么……?"
+dungeon_tut_05_sign2: "这里的一切\n 都覆盖在烟灰之下。\n 空气\n 简直令人窒息。"
+eyedungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>克苏鲁墓穴\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>深渊种族的古老神庙。"
- - text: '这个地方的结构
- 犹如发热般
- 不断变化。
- 你闻到海的味道。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '一本旧日志
- 讲述了一个
- 喵族考古学家
- 发现一处海洞的故事。
- 它变成了一堆乱码。
- ''深渊种族''这个短语
- 被一再重复。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '你感觉自己的骨骼
- 似乎并不适合
- 你的身体。
- 想象
- 自己由
- 无数的触须构成。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这个地方
- 的喵族生物们
- 似乎正处于痛苦中。
- 发生了什么?'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '颠三倒四的
- 胡言乱语
- 覆盖了所有的表面。
- 随着你读下去,
- 你感受到了一种巨大的存在。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这里就是
- 喵族
- 在
- 不幸发现
- 这个地方时的扎营地点。
- 日志讲述了
- 一种逐渐增强的疯狂。
- 以及变形。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '为什么所有
- 这些猫形怪物
- 都滴着咸水?
- 他们为什么在嚎叫?'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这里有一个
- 烟雾缭绕的祭坛,
- 上面有一只
- 一半被岩石吞噬
- 了的猫。
- 这似乎是
- 变形。一只眼睛凸起。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这里原本的
- 雕像
- 并不是喵族。
- 它们在你的脑海中扭曲。
- 你忘记了你曾看到它们。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '当你试图
- 破译
- 这座古老神庙
- 的奇特标记时,你开始
- 喃喃自语。葛基 - 怀基 - 斯鲁拉。
- 葛基 - 怀基 - 斯鲁拉。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这里大海的
- 声音是如此
- 平静。
- 你几乎就要入睡。
- 甚至做梦...'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '万物都在呼吸。
- 墙壁在呼吸。
- 你的飞机在抖动,
- 并向你伸出了潮湿的触须。
- 一种液体的呼吸
- 一次又一次
- 充斥了你,
- 宛如波浪
- 拍打着海岸。
- 你睁开了眼睛。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '你喊出了''你好?''
- 没有回应。
- 数分钟之后,
- 一千个水下的声音
- 回应了你。''你好。'' '
- weight: '1'
-firedungeonsign1: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>改造营地
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>进步缓慢的人将被射杀!'
+ - text: "这个地方的结构\n 犹如发热般\n 不断变化。\n 你闻到海的味道。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "一本旧日志\n 讲述了一个\n 喵族考古学家\n 发现一处海洞的故事。\n 它变成了一堆乱码。\n '深渊种族'这个短语\n 被一再重复。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "你感觉自己的骨骼\n 似乎并不适合\n 你的身体。\n 想象\n 自己由\n 无数的触须构成。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这个地方\n 的喵族生物们\n 似乎正处于痛苦中。\n 发生了什么?"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "颠三倒四的\n 胡言乱语\n 覆盖了所有的表面。\n 随着你读下去,\n 你感受到了一种巨大的存在。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这里就是\n 喵族\n 在\n 不幸发现\n 这个地方时的扎营地点。\n 日志讲述了\n 一种逐渐增强的疯狂。\n 以及变形。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "为什么所有\n 这些猫形怪物\n 都滴着咸水?\n 他们为什么在嚎叫?"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这里有一个\n 烟雾缭绕的祭坛,\n 上面有一只\n 一半被岩石吞噬\n 了的猫。\n 这似乎是\n 变形。一只眼睛凸起。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这里原本的\n 雕像\n 并不是喵族。\n 它们在你的脑海中扭曲。\n 你忘记了你曾看到它们。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "当你试图\n 破译\n 这座古老神庙\n 的奇特标记时,你开始\n 喃喃自语。葛基 - 怀基 - 斯鲁拉。\n 葛基 - 怀基 - 斯鲁拉。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这里大海的\n 声音是如此\n 平静。\n 你几乎就要入睡。\n 甚至做梦..."
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "万物都在呼吸。\n 墙壁在呼吸。\n 你的飞机在抖动,\n 并向你伸出了潮湿的触须。\n 一种液体的呼吸\n 一次又一次\n 充斥了你,\n 宛如波浪\n 拍打着海岸。\n 你睁开了眼睛。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "你喊出了'你好?'\n 没有回应。\n 数分钟之后,\n 一千个水下的声音\n 回应了你。'你好。'"
+ weight: '1'
+firedungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>改造营地\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>进步缓慢的人将被射杀!"
- - text: '一排排
- 被烧焦的小笼子
- 布满了墙壁。
- 其中一些装着中空的骨头。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '守卫们
- 曾在这里
- 埋葬了某种尸体。
- 一种陈年恶臭萦绕不散。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '你发现了
- 几个半空的
- 箱子,当中有火焰项圈
- 和神经探针。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '天花板上
- 则悬挂着一个大笼子。
- 一个标志写着:
- 加大版囚犯容器。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '你发现了
- 一批
- 描述囚犯待遇
- 和行刑程序
- 的帝国手册。
- 针对每一个种族都有一份。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这个房间里有
- 有一个标志,
- 用紧凑的帝国字体标注:
- ''转化治疗:
- 热实验。'''
- weight: '1'
- - text: '守卫们
- 一定住在这里。
- 成堆的打印材料
- 记录了每一名囚犯的命运。
- 这里记载着
- 数千个名字。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '一批
- 发黑的铭牌上
- 印有奇怪的标记。
- 当你检查它们时,
- 它们会变形。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '一个载有如下指令的
- 金属残片:
- 将他们的反叛骨骼中
- 的怒意烧尽。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '来自一名
- 㹴犬守卫的信中写到:谢谢你的
- 爱心包裹。
- 很快,所有的囚犯
- 都将被处理,
- 我们又可以
- 在一起了。'
- weight: '1'
-grindhousedungeonsign1: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>特殊儿童
- 之家
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>警告:高辐射性。'
+ - text: "一排排\n 被烧焦的小笼子\n 布满了墙壁。\n 其中一些装着中空的骨头。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "守卫们\n 曾在这里\n 埋葬了某种尸体。\n 一种陈年恶臭萦绕不散。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "你发现了\n 几个半空的\n 箱子,当中有火焰项圈\n 和神经探针。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "天花板上\n 则悬挂着一个大笼子。\n 一个标志写着:\n 加大版囚犯容器。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "你发现了\n 一批\n 描述囚犯待遇\n 和行刑程序\n 的帝国手册。\n 针对每一个种族都有一份。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这个房间里有\n 有一个标志,\n 用紧凑的帝国字体标注:\n '转化治疗:\n 热实验。'"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "守卫们\n 一定住在这里。\n 成堆的打印材料\n 记录了每一名囚犯的命运。\n 这里记载着\n 数千个名字。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "一批\n 发黑的铭牌上\n 印有奇怪的标记。\n 当你检查它们时,\n 它们会变形。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "一个载有如下指令的\n 金属残片:\n 将他们的反叛骨骼中\n 的怒意烧尽。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "来自一名\n 㹴犬守卫的信中写到:谢谢你的\n 爱心包裹。\n 很快,所有的囚犯\n 都将被处理,\n 我们又可以\n 在一起了。"
+ weight: '1'
+grindhousedungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>特殊儿童\n 之家\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>警告:高辐射性。"
- - text: '一间用于关押
- 已认证的不稳定的
- 内科病人的牢房。
- 厚达一英尺的门
- 扭曲着脱离了
- 铰链。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这间仓库
- 存放医疗用品。
- 碎瓶中的
- 彩色液体流淌在
- 瓷砖地板上。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '医疗资料显示
- ''直至被激怒前,
- 儿童都能保持稳定。'''
- weight: '1'
- - text: '备忘录:''戈克尔斯顿医生
- 要求所有肮脏的动物
- 在进入容器之前
- 接受剪毛。'''
- weight: '1'
- - text: '备忘录:''戈克尔斯顿医生
- 很遗憾地告诉工作人员
- 玛丽
- 不再能存活。'''
- weight: '1'
- - text: '备忘录:''戈克尔斯顿医生
- 要求加快进程。
- 不遵守规定的
- 工作人员
- 将会被替换掉。'''
- weight: '1'
- - text: '一个污迹斑斑的海报写道:
- ''不稳定的诱变剂意味着
- 一个更好的帝国。
- 为了我们的后代。'''
- weight: '1'
- - text: '备忘录:
- ''请勿投喂
- 儿童。'''
- weight: '1'
- - text: '医疗资料表明,
- 当内部液囊
- 破裂时,
- 尺寸会快速增大。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '有一些大型的船只,
- 每一个
- 都运载着处于
- 不同发育阶段的
- 猫、狗和老鼠的胚胎。
- 它们
- 随着某种听不见的节奏在抽动。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '一具
- 无法被辨认的尸体
- 被绑在了地板上。
- 它巨大无比。
- 巨大的十字切口
- 损伤了它的巨大
- 失明眼球。 '
- weight: '1'
-icedungeonsign1: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>猫头鹰修道院
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>被笼罩在
- 冰封恐怖中。
- 请勿进入!!'
+ - text: "一间用于关押\n 已认证的不稳定的\n 内科病人的牢房。\n 厚达一英尺的门\n 扭曲着脱离了\n 铰链。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这间仓库\n 存放医疗用品。\n 碎瓶中的\n 彩色液体流淌在\n 瓷砖地板上。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "医疗资料显示\n '直至被激怒前,\n 儿童都能保持稳定。'"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "备忘录:'戈克尔斯顿医生\n 要求所有肮脏的动物\n 在进入容器之前\n 接受剪毛。'"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "备忘录:'戈克尔斯顿医生\n 很遗憾地告诉工作人员\n 玛丽\n 不再能存活。'"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "备忘录:'戈克尔斯顿医生\n 要求加快进程。\n 不遵守规定的\n 工作人员\n 将会被替换掉。'"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "一个污迹斑斑的海报写道:\n '不稳定的诱变剂意味着\n 一个更好的帝国。\n 为了我们的后代。'"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "备忘录:\n '请勿投喂\n 儿童。'"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "医疗资料表明,\n 当内部液囊\n 破裂时,\n 尺寸会快速增大。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "有一些大型的船只,\n 每一个\n 都运载着处于\n 不同发育阶段的\n 猫、狗和老鼠的胚胎。\n 它们\n 随着某种听不见的节奏在抽动。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "一具\n 无法被辨认的尸体\n 被绑在了地板上。\n 它巨大无比。\n 巨大的十字切口\n 损伤了它的巨大\n 失明眼球。"
+ weight: '1'
+icedungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>猫头鹰修道院\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>被笼罩在\n 冰封恐怖中。\n 请勿进入!!"
- - text: '这个地方
- 也许在它被
- 寒霜摧毁后经历过洗劫。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '你会看到很多
- 猫头鹰僧侣都被冰封。
- 他们大多数
- 都站着,
- 仿佛当时
- 正在忙于逃命。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这里的建筑
- 展示出
- 精美的细节。你
- 能感觉到
- 这个地方曾
- 充满无限生机。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '冰冻的
- 猫头鹰尸体的
- 恐怖表情
- 让你感到阵阵寒意...
- ...或者也有可能
- 只是因为
- 这里的温度过低。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '到处都是
- 空
- 蛋壳。它们
- 看上去相当新鲜。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '寒霜缓慢地
- 在你的挡风玻璃上凝结成形。
- 它很美,
- 但会让你联想到
- 死亡。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '传说
- 猫头鹰一族曾试图
- 召唤并控制
- 一个古老的寒冰
- 生物。
- 很显然,
- 他们失败了。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '你能听到
- 一种诡异而悠长的呜呜声响
- 在大厅中回荡...
- 你告诉自己
- 那只是
- 风声。'
- weight: '1'
-newtutorial2groundsign1: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>欢迎回来!</font></color>
- 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:4>]</color>启动你的引擎!'
-newtutorial2groundsign11: '基础训练:
- <font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>完成!'
-newtutorial2groundsign2: '按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:0->]</color>并<color=#FF9900>[<action:0+>]</color>
- 导航至
- 你的教官。'
-newtutorial2groundsign3: '按住<color=#FF9900>[<action:1>]</color>
- 启动加速。'
-newtutorial2groundsign4: '不要忘了你的特殊演习。
- 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:3>]</color>。'
+ - text: "这个地方\n \n 也许在它被\n 寒霜摧毁后经历过洗劫。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "你会看到很多\n 猫头鹰僧侣都被冰封。\n 他们大多数\n 都站着,\n 仿佛当时\n 正在忙于逃命。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这里的建筑\n 展示出\n 精美的细节。你\n 能感觉到\n 这个地方曾\n 充满无限生机。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "冰冻的\n 猫头鹰尸体的\n 恐怖表情\n 让你感到阵阵寒意...\n ...或者也有可能\n 只是因为\n 这里的温度过低。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "到处都是\n 空\n 蛋壳。它们\n 看上去相当新鲜。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "寒霜缓慢地\n 在你的挡风玻璃上凝结成形。\n 它很美,\n 但会让你联想到\n 死亡。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "传说\n 猫头鹰一族曾试图\n 召唤并控制\n 一个古老的寒冰\n 生物。\n 很显然,\n 他们失败了。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "你能听到\n 一种诡异而悠长的呜呜声响\n 在大厅中回荡...\n 你告诉自己\n 那只是\n 风声。"
+ weight: '1'
+newtutorial2groundsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>欢迎回来!</font></color>\n 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:4>]</color>启动你的引擎!"
+newtutorial2groundsign11: "基础训练:\n <font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>完成!"
+newtutorial2groundsign2: "按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:0->]</color>并<color=#FF9900>[<action:0+>]</color>\n 导航至\n 你的教官。"
+newtutorial2groundsign3: "按住<color=#FF9900>[<action:1>]</color>\n 启动加速。"
+newtutorial2groundsign4: "不要忘了你的特殊演习。\n 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:3>]</color>。"
newtutorial2groundsign5: 干掉更多的目标无人机。
-newtutorial2groundsign6: '按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:2>]</color>以使用
- 你的主炮进行射击。'
-newtutorial2groundsign7: '按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:6>]</color>以使用
- 毒气攻击
- 消灭多名敌人。'
-newtutorialgroundsign1: '好吧,菜鸟!
- 给我按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:4>]</color>启动你的引擎!'
-newtutorialgroundsign10: '按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:40>]</color>以
- 更改你的控制设置,
- 可按需要
- 在最终遭遇战前执行此操作。'
-newtutorialgroundsign11: '基础训练:
- <font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>完成!'
-newtutorialgroundsign2: '按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:0->]</color>并<color=#FF9900>[<action:0+>]</color>
- 导航至
- 你的教官。'
-newtutorialgroundsign3: '快点!按住<color=#FF9900>[<action:1>]</color>
- 以启动超级速度功能。'
-newtutorialgroundsign4: '别忘记你的特殊演习。
- 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:3>]</color>。'
-newtutorialgroundsign5: '离开机库并
- 消灭一些目标无人机。'
-newtutorialgroundsign6: '按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:2>]</color>以使用
- 你的主炮进行射击。'
-newtutorialgroundsign7: '按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:6>]</color>以使用
- 毒气攻击
- 消灭多名敌人。'
-newtutorialgroundsign8: '搜刮倒下敌人的物品
- 以升级你的飞机。'
-newtutorialgroundsign9: '<color=#FF9900><size=100%>终极训练无人机
- 出现!</size>'
-newtutorialwalker2groundsign1: '使用
- <color=#FF9900>[W][A][S][D]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[左摇杆]</color>
- 导航至
- 你的教官处。'
-newtutorialwalker2groundsign11: '基础训练:
- <font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>完成!'
+newtutorial2groundsign6: "按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:2>]</color>以使用\n 你的主炮进行射击。"
+newtutorial2groundsign7: "按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:6>]</color>以使用\n 毒气攻击\n 消灭多名敌人。"
+newtutorialgroundsign1: "好吧,菜鸟!\n 给我按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:4>]</color>启动你的引擎!"
+newtutorialgroundsign10: "按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:40>]</color>以\n 更改你的控制设置,\n 可按需要\n 在最终遭遇战前执行此操作。"
+newtutorialgroundsign11: "基础训练:\n <font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>完成!"
+newtutorialgroundsign2: "按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:0->]</color>并<color=#FF9900>[<action:0+>]</color>\n 导航至\n 你的教官。"
+newtutorialgroundsign3: "快点!按住<color=#FF9900>[<action:1>]</color>\n 以启动超级速度功能。"
+newtutorialgroundsign4: "别忘记你的特殊演习。\n 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:3>]</color>。"
+newtutorialgroundsign5: "离开机库并\n 消灭一些目标无人机。"
+newtutorialgroundsign6: "按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:2>]</color>以使用\n 你的主炮进行射击。"
+newtutorialgroundsign7: "按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:6>]</color>以使用\n 毒气攻击\n 消灭多名敌人。"
+newtutorialgroundsign8: "搜刮倒下敌人的物品\n 以升级你的飞机。"
+newtutorialgroundsign9: "<color=#FF9900><size=100%>终极训练无人机\n 出现!</size>"
+newtutorialwalker2groundsign1: "使用\n <color=#FF9900>[W][A][S][D]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[左摇杆]</color>\n 导航至\n 你的教官处。"
+newtutorialwalker2groundsign11: "基础训练:\n <font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>完成!"
newtutorialwalker2groundsign2: <font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>欢迎回来!
-newtutorialwalker2groundsign3: '按住
- <color=#FF9900>[右键单击]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[左发射键]</color>
- 进行加速。'
-newtutorialwalker2groundsign4: '不要忘了你的特殊演习。
- 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:3>]</color>。'
+newtutorialwalker2groundsign3: "按住\n <color=#FF9900>[右键单击]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[左发射键]</color>\n 进行加速。"
+newtutorialwalker2groundsign4: "不要忘了你的特殊演习。\n 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:3>]</color>。"
newtutorialwalker2groundsign5: 消灭一些目标无人机。
-newtutorialwalker2groundsign6: '按下
- <color=#FF9900>[左键单击]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[右发射键]</color>
- 发射你的主武器。'
-newtutorialwalker2groundsign6_2: '若要瞄准,请使用
- <color=#FF9900>[鼠标]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[右摇杆]</color>。'
-newtutorialwalker2groundsign7: '按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:6>]</color>
- 使用伤害增强。'
-newtutorialwalkergroundsign1: '使用
- <color=#FF9900>[W][A][S][D]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[左摇杆]</color>
- 导航至
- 你的教官处。'
-newtutorialwalkergroundsign10: '在你面临最后的对决前,
- 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:4>]</color>
- 打开
- 物品栏
- 选择你所需的武器。'
-newtutorialwalkergroundsign11: '基础训练:
- <font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>完成!'
+newtutorialwalker2groundsign6: "按下\n <color=#FF9900>[左键单击]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[右发射键]</color>\n 发射你的主武器。"
+newtutorialwalker2groundsign6_2: "若要瞄准,请使用\n <color=#FF9900>[鼠标]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[右摇杆]</color>。"
+newtutorialwalker2groundsign7: "按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:6>]</color>\n 使用伤害增强。"
+newtutorialwalkergroundsign1: "使用\n <color=#FF9900>[W][A][S][D]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[左摇杆]</color>\n 导航至\n 你的教官处。"
+newtutorialwalkergroundsign10: "在你面临最后的对决前,\n 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:4>]</color>\n 打开\n 物品栏\n 选择你所需的武器。"
+newtutorialwalkergroundsign11: "基础训练:\n <font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>完成!"
newtutorialwalkergroundsign2: <font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>好的,新手!
-newtutorialwalkergroundsign3: '赶快!按住
- <color=#FF9900>[右键单击]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[左发射键]</color>
- 进行加速。'
-newtutorialwalkergroundsign4: '不要忘了你的特殊演习。
- 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:3>]</color>。'
-newtutorialwalkergroundsign5: '离开机库并
- 消灭一些目标无人机。'
-newtutorialwalkergroundsign6: '按下
- <color=#FF9900>[左键单击]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[右发射键]</color>
- 发射你的主武器。'
-newtutorialwalkergroundsign6_2: '若要瞄准,请使用
- <color=#FF9900>[鼠标]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[右摇杆]</color>。'
-newtutorialwalkergroundsign7: '按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:6>]</color>
- 使用伤害增强。'
-newtutorialwalkergroundsign8: '搜刮倒下敌人的物品
- 以升级你的飞机。'
-newtutorialwalkergroundsign9: '<color=#FF9900><size=100%>终极训练无人机
- 出现!</size>'
-obstacledungeonsign1: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>激光广场
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>仅限喵族贵族进入!'
+newtutorialwalkergroundsign3: "赶快!按住\n <color=#FF9900>[右键单击]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[左发射键]</color>\n 进行加速。"
+newtutorialwalkergroundsign4: "不要忘了你的特殊演习。\n 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:3>]</color>。"
+newtutorialwalkergroundsign5: "离开机库并\n 消灭一些目标无人机。"
+newtutorialwalkergroundsign6: "按下\n <color=#FF9900>[左键单击]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[右发射键]</color>\n 发射你的主武器。"
+newtutorialwalkergroundsign6_2: "若要瞄准,请使用\n <color=#FF9900>[鼠标]</color>或<color=#FF9900>[右摇杆]</color>。"
+newtutorialwalkergroundsign7: "按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:6>]</color>\n 使用伤害增强。"
+newtutorialwalkergroundsign8: "搜刮倒下敌人的物品\n 以升级你的飞机。"
+newtutorialwalkergroundsign9: "<color=#FF9900><size=100%>终极训练无人机\n 出现!</size>"
+obstacledungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>激光广场\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>仅限喵族贵族进入!"
- - text: '这片华丽的区域
- 容纳多种娱乐机器,
- 由
- 更堕落的贵族享有。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这个地方是
- 一个介于
- 赌场、游乐场
- 和宫殿之间的怪异杂糅场所。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '你发现了
- 将猎物释放出来的
- 隐藏门。
- 必须注意
- 喵族试图
- 躲避激光。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '鼠族信徒们
- 被驯养在这里。
- 喵族会因为
- 他们被
- 碎尸万段而纵声大笑。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '其中一场比赛
- 释放了
- 一只一侧翅膀受伤
- 的鸟。小猫们
- 试图将它赶进
- 光束阵中。
- 这是
- 著名的成年仪式开场。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '一个猴子
- 在修复
- 激光。当他看见你时,他飞速
- 窜进了
- 维护舱门。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '激光的
- 相互作用
- 令人着迷。
- 如此奢华。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这座欢乐宫殿
- 显然由
- 被奴役的苦力们建造而成。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这片区域被标记为:
- 敏捷度大赛!'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '一个标志写着:
- 玩耍能够使爪子变锋利。'
- weight: '1'
-racetracksignal: 'TEST TEST TEST
-raijinringminionsignal: 'TEST TEST TEST
-rescuedungeonsign1: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>THE DIG
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>Closed.
- Sealed by authority of the Empress'
+ - text: "这片华丽的区域\n 容纳多种娱乐机器,\n 由\n 更堕落的贵族享有。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这个地方是\n 一个介于\n 赌场、游乐场\n 和宫殿之间的怪异杂糅场所。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "你发现了\n 将猎物释放出来的\n 隐藏门。\n 必须注意\n 喵族试图\n 躲避激光。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "鼠族信徒们\n 被驯养在这里。\n 喵族会因为\n 他们被\n 碎尸万段而纵声大笑。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "其中一场比赛\n 释放了\n 一只一侧翅膀受伤\n 的鸟。小猫们\n 试图将它赶进\n 光束阵中。\n 这是\n 著名的成年仪式开场。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "一个猴子\n 在修复\n 激光。当他看见你时,他飞速\n 窜进了\n 维护舱门。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "激光的\n 相互作用\n 令人着迷。\n 如此奢华。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这座欢乐宫殿\n 显然由\n 被奴役的苦力们建造而成。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这片区域被标记为:\n 敏捷度大赛!"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "一个标志写着:\n 玩耍能够使爪子变锋利。"
+ weight: '1'
+racetracksignal: "TEST TEST TEST\n TEST TEST\n TEST"
+raijinringminionsignal: "TEST TEST TEST\n TEST TEST\n TEST"
+rescuedungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>挖掘场\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>已关闭。\n 由女王下令封闭。"
- - text: '这里
- 似乎是一个
- 古老的武器库,
- 已经被封印了
- 一千年。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '古代先民
- 建造技术一流。
- 只有我们的回收式钻头
- 可以钻透
- 他们打造的恶魔般的结构。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '你在
- 帝国考古学家未能
- 成功
- 闯入的地方
- 看到了巨大的裂隙。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '被唤醒的守卫们
- 似乎意识到了
- 钻探机械
- 所带来的威胁。
- 他们是否可能
- 拥有智慧?'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '疑似强盗们
- 的残骸
- 散落在洞穴的地面上。
- 他们的标志物
- 来自于
- 各个时代。
- 但是最终的宝藏
- 也许还未被
- 劫走。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '幸好,我们的
- 驾驶室是封闭的。
- 仪器显示,
- 这下面的空气
- 已被污染。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '一切都很古老。
- 这些守卫者的设计
- 在重建
- 很久以前
- 就已经销声匿迹了。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '什么样的可怕技术
- 可以确保这样的
- 重型防御的有效性?'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '墙上翻涌着
- 爬行的昆虫无人机。
- 是古代先民建造了这个
- 机械生态系统吗?
- 还是说他们
- 培育了它?'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '我们走得
- 越深,所遭遇的抵抗
- 就越猛烈。
- 就像我们
- 打扰了某个巨大的
- 白蚁巢一样。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '我们
- 对这个
- 地下世界
- 知之甚少。
- 我们的土地堆叠着了
- 强者的
- 伟大作品。
- 以及死者。'
- weight: '1'
-snakedungeonsign1: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>毒液混合物
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>警告。
- 毒素生产正在进行中。'
+ - text: "这里\n 似乎是一个\n 古老的武器库,\n 已经被封印了\n 一千年。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "古代先民\n 建造技术一流。\n 只有我们的回收式钻头\n 可以钻透\n 他们打造的恶魔般的结构。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "你在\n 帝国考古学家未能\n 成功\n 闯入的地方\n 看到了巨大的裂隙。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "被唤醒的守卫们\n 似乎意识到了\n 钻探机械\n 所带来的威胁。\n 他们是否可能\n 拥有智慧?"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "疑似强盗们\n 的残骸\n 散落在洞穴的地面上。\n 他们的标志物\n 来自于\n 各个时代。\n 但是最终的宝藏\n 也许还未被\n 劫走。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "幸好,我们的\n 驾驶室是封闭的。\n 仪器显示,\n 这下面的空气\n 已被污染。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "一切都很古老。\n 这些守卫者的设计\n 在重建\n 很久以前\n 就已经销声匿迹了。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "什么样的可怕技术\n 可以确保这样的\n 重型防御的有效性?"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "墙上翻涌着\n 爬行的昆虫无人机。\n 是古代先民建造了这个\n 机械生态系统吗?\n 还是说他们\n 培育了它?"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "我们走得\n 越深,所遭遇的抵抗\n 就越猛烈。\n 就像我们\n 打扰了某个巨大的\n 白蚁巢一样。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "我们\n 对这个\n 地下世界\n 知之甚少。\n 我们的土地堆叠着了\n 强者的\n 伟大作品。\n 以及死者。"
+ weight: '1'
+snakedungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>毒液混合物\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>警告。\n 毒素生产正在进行中。"
- - text: '看到所有
- 破裂的管道和
- 工业毒液存储池,
- 很难分清
- 这里到底是一处废墟
- 还是一座仍在运转的工厂。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '机械蛇
- 沿着
- 喂食场地
- 到空的消化摇篮处慢慢地绕着圈。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '以蛇为主题的雕刻在
- 毒液处理设备的下方
- 。
- 很显然来自前帝国时代。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这座工厂
- 似乎建立在一片已灭绝
- 文明的废墟上。
- 它是帝国
- 的危险修复项目之一。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '闷热的雾气
- 从周围的丛林中升腾而起。
- 毒孢子悬浮在
- 静止的空气中。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '帝国发掘出了
- 如此破败的工厂
- 并修复了它们。
- 他们并没有
- 亲自做多少工作。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '即使戴上了呼吸器,
- 这里的空气
- 也会使你感受到强烈的
- 头痛。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '机械蛇
- 因为故障而抽搐。
- 它们
- 被
- 猴子技师
- 更多凭借
- 本能并非智能操作而重获新生。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '数千年以前,
- 这里就像是
- 一座化学蒸馏厂。
- 一些奴隶机械
- 一定仍在运转。'
- weight: '1'
-spacedungeonsign1: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>请勿进入
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>擅入者将被射杀。'
+ - text: "看到所有\n 破裂的管道和\n 工业毒液存储池,\n 很难分清\n 这里到底是一处废墟\n 还是一座仍在运转的工厂。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "机械蛇\n 沿着\n 喂食场地\n 到空的消化摇篮处慢慢地绕着圈。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "以蛇为主题的雕刻在\n 毒液处理设备的下方\n 。\n 很显然来自前帝国时代。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这座工厂\n 似乎建立在一片已灭绝\n 文明的废墟上。\n 它是帝国\n 的危险修复项目之一。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "闷热的雾气\n 从周围的丛林中升腾而起。\n 毒孢子悬浮在\n 静止的空气中。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "帝国发掘出了\n 如此破败的工厂\n 并修复了它们。\n 他们并没有\n 亲自做多少工作。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "即使戴上了呼吸器,\n 这里的空气\n 也会使你感受到强烈的\n 头痛。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "机械蛇\n 因为故障而抽搐。\n 它们\n 被\n 猴子技师\n 更多凭借\n 本能并非智能操作而重获新生。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "数千年以前,\n 这里就像是\n 一座化学蒸馏厂。\n 一些奴隶机械\n 一定仍在运转。"
+ weight: '1'
+spacedungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>请勿进入\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>擅入者将被射杀。"
- - text: '这个基地未被任何通信破解。
- 他们竭尽全力
- 使这个中心处于保密状态。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '备忘录:
- ''又一次失败的发射...
- 推进器无法推动这样的一个庞然大物。'''
- weight: '1'
- - text: '备忘录:
- ''末日机制
- 正在进行。
- 我们将
- 消灭害虫。'''
- weight: '1'
- - text: '备忘录:
- ''猛犸炸弹
- 的测试结果令人满意。
- 工作人员伤亡率
- 很高,但并未
- 超出预期。'''
- weight: '1'
- - text: '备忘录:
- ''末日机制
- 仍不稳定。
- 科学家们将会受到惩罚。'''
- weight: '1'
- - text: '他们一直在这里
- 开采稀有矿石。
- 辐射仪
- 指针疯狂跳个不停。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '发现:一批缩微平片。
- 它们似乎是月球轨道?
- 总部将知道更多。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '发现:巨型推进器的
- 废弃铸模。
- 尺寸远远超过
- 任何记录在案的事物。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '大雪
- 覆盖了基地。
- 严寒在你的驾驶室内蔓延。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这里的工作小屋
- 粗制滥造。
- 没有排污系统,
- 只有冰冻的废水坑。'
+ - text: "这个基地未被任何通信破解。\n 他们竭尽全力\n 使这个中心处于保密状态。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "备忘录:\n '又一次失败的发射...\n 推进器无法推动这样的一个庞然大物。'"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "备忘录:\n '末日机制\n 正在进行。\n 我们将\n 消灭害虫。'"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "备忘录:\n '猛犸炸弹\n 的测试结果令人满意。\n 工作人员伤亡率\n 很高,但并未\n 超出预期。'"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "备忘录:\n '末日机制\n 仍不稳定。\n 科学家们将会受到惩罚。'"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "他们一直在这里\n 开采稀有矿石。\n 辐射仪\n 指针疯狂跳个不停。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "发现:一批缩微平片。\n 它们似乎是月球轨道?\n 总部将知道更多。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "发现:巨型推进器的\n 废弃铸模。\n 尺寸远远超过\n 任何记录在案的事物。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "大雪\n 覆盖了基地。\n 严寒在你的驾驶室内蔓延。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这里的工作小屋\n 粗制滥造。\n 没有排污系统,\n 只有冰冻的废水坑。"
weight: '1'
- - text: Press <color=#ffffff>[<action:33>]</color> to drop all your lower tier items. Purge frequently!
+ - text: 按下<color=#ffffff>[<action:33>]</color>以丢弃所有低阶物品。按时清理!
weight: '1'
- - text: Type <color=#ffffff>/tp name</color> to teleport to another player
+ - text: 输入<color=#ffffff>/tp 名称</color>以传送至其他玩家
weight: '1'
- - text: You have one cargo pod for all your planes! Put items you want to save in storage.
+ - text: 你有一个所有飞机都共用的货舱!将你希望保存的物品放入仓库。
weight: '1'
- - text: Visit the community at <color=#ffffff>discord.gg/steambirds</color>
+ - text: 前往<color=#ffffff>discord.gg/steambirds</color>以访问我们的社区
weight: '1'
- - text: Steambirds is a cooperative game. Help one another
+ - text: 蒸汽鸟是一款多人协作游戏。互相伸出援手
weight: '1'
- - text: Have fun. Be kind!
+ - text: 发掘游戏的乐趣。友善待人!
weight: '1'
-templedungeonsign1: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>巴斯特神庙
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>与诸神合一!
- (欢迎胖子)'
+templedungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>巴斯特神庙\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>与诸神合一!\n (欢迎胖子)"
- - text: '地板上镶嵌着
- 复杂的马赛克。
- 几千年来
- 都没有被建造过。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '古老的符文
- 将这处空间
- 献祭给了一位名为巴斯特
- 的喵族神灵。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这里最近进行了一些发掘
- 和修复工作。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '献祭给
- 此处神像
- 的鼠族尸体
- 还十分新鲜。
- 这处神庙
- 很显然还在
- 使用中。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '整洁的制服
- 储物柜。
- 这一定是
- 官员们
- 换上他们
- 可笑的教派服装的地方。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '从守卫留下的
- 证据来看,
- 这似乎是
- 某种面向官员的
- 秘密教派。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '这处空间
- 是某种大型集会的
- 集合点。
- 到处都有
- 供奉着某个猫头生物的
- 祭坛。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '你意识到,
- 你认为是献祭的
- 东西也被端上
- 一场
- 邪恶宴会的餐桌。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '到目前为止,
- 你遇到的
- 所有喵族飞行员
- 都是
- 官员。只有
- 精英会聚集在这里。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '一本以
- 某种小动物
- 的皮为封面的书
- 论述了
- 猫科动物的先天优势。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: "地板上\n以一米高的巨大字体刻着:\n喵族:领导 \n 汪族:服务 \n 其他:受苦"
- weight: '1'
- - text: '你发现了
- 一堆被丢弃的
- 小小的祈祷袍。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '在
- 角落的候宰栏里,
- 坐着数千只老鼠,
- 他们每一个都穿着
- 带有喵族标记的小袍子。
- 祷告录音
- 正播放着
- 庆祝
- 距离成猫更近一步。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '喂食管
- 中挤满了一串串的老鼠。
- 他们似乎
- 正在吟唱,同时快速奔向
- 自己的命运终点。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: "一个喇叭播放着\n带有噼啪声响的录音\n - '让\n巴斯特拯救你们的\n啮齿动物灵魂。\n向纯净迈进\n一步。'"
- weight: '1'
- - text: '一眼扫过这片区域,
- 可以看到许多大批量生产的、
- 以鼠族文字
- 写就的祈祷卷轴。'
+ - text: "地板上镶嵌着\n 复杂的马赛克。\n 几千年来\n 都没有被建造过。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "古老的符文\n 将这处空间\n 献祭给了一位名为巴斯特\n 的喵族神灵。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这里最近进行了一些发掘\n 和修复工作。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "献祭给\n 此处神像\n 的鼠族尸体\n 还十分新鲜。\n 这处神庙\n 很显然还在\n 使用中。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "整洁的制服\n 储物柜。\n 这一定是\n 官员们\n 换上他们\n 可笑的教派服装的地方。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "从守卫留下的\n 证据来看,\n 这似乎是\n 某种面向官员的\n 秘密教派。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "这处空间\n 是某种大型集会的\n 集合点。\n 到处都有\n 供奉着某个猫头生物的\n 祭坛。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "你意识到,\n 你认为是献祭的\n 东西也被端上\n 一场\n 邪恶宴会的餐桌。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "到目前为止,\n 你遇到的\n 所有喵族飞行员\n 都是\n 官员。只有\n 精英会聚集在这里。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "一本以\n 某种小动物\n 的皮为封面的书\n 论述了\n 猫科动物的先天优势。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "地板上\n 以一米高的巨大字体刻着:\n 喵族:领导 \n 汪族:服务 \n 其他:受苦"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "你发现了\n 一堆被丢弃的\n 小小的祈祷袍。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "在\n 角落的候宰栏里,\n 坐着数千只老鼠,\n 他们每一个都穿着\n 带有喵族标记的小袍子。\n 祷告录音\n 正播放着\n 庆祝\n 距离成猫更近一步。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "喂食管\n 中挤满了一串串的老鼠。\n 他们似乎\n 正在吟唱,同时快速奔向\n 自己的命运终点。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "一个喇叭播放着\n 带有噼啪声响的录音\n - '让\n 巴斯特拯救你们的\n 啮齿动物灵魂。\n 向纯净迈进\n 一步。'"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "一眼扫过这片区域,\n 可以看到许多大批量生产的、\n 以鼠族文字\n 写就的祈祷卷轴。"
weight: '1'
territory_tile_beach_name: 城市废墟
-territory_tile_beach_seen_text: '正在进入:
- <size=150%>城市废墟
- <size=80%><color=#FF9900>1-3层'
+territory_tile_beach_seen_text: "正在进入:\n <size=150%>城市废墟\n <size=80%><color=#FF9900>1-3层"
territory_tile_highlands2_name: 医院区域
-territory_tile_highlands2_seen_text: '正在进入:
- <size=150%>医院区域
- <size=80%><color=#FF9900>13-16层</color>'
+territory_tile_highlands2_seen_text: "正在进入:\n <size=150%>医院区域\n <size=80%><color=#FF9900>13-16层</color>"
territory_tile_highlands3_name: 埃及挖掘区:
-territory_tile_highlands3_seen_text: '正在进入:
- <size=150%>埃及挖掘区
- <size=80%><color=#FF9900>13-16层</color>'
+territory_tile_highlands3_seen_text: "正在进入:\n <size=150%>埃及挖掘区\n <size=80%><color=#FF9900>13-16层</color>"
territory_tile_highlands_name: 机器人工厂
-territory_tile_highlands_seen_text: '正在进入:
- <size=150%>机器人工厂
- <size=80%><color=#FF9900>13-16层</color>'
+territory_tile_highlands_seen_text: "正在进入:\n <size=150%>机器人工厂\n <size=80%><color=#FF9900>13-16层</color>"
territory_tile_highmountains_name: 皇城
-territory_tile_highmountains_seen_text: '正在进入:
- <size=150%>皇城
- <size=80%><color=#FF9900>20层</color>'
+territory_tile_highmountains_seen_text: "正在进入:\n <size=150%>皇城\n <size=80%><color=#FF9900>20层</color>"
territory_tile_lowlands2_name: 守卫岗哨
-territory_tile_lowlands2_seen_text: '正在进入:
- <size=150%>守卫岗哨
- <size=80%><color=#FF9900>4-8层</color>'
+territory_tile_lowlands2_seen_text: "正在进入:\n <size=150%>守卫岗哨\n <size=80%><color=#FF9900>4-8层</color>"
territory_tile_lowlands3_name: 毒素农场
-territory_tile_lowlands3_seen_text: '正在进入:
- <size=150%>毒素农场
- <size=80%><color=#FF9900>4-8层</color>'
+territory_tile_lowlands3_seen_text: "正在进入:\n <size=150%>毒素农场\n <size=80%><color=#FF9900>4-8层</color>"
territory_tile_lowlands_name: 机甲狩猎场
-territory_tile_lowlands_seen_text: '正在进入:
- <size=150%>机甲狩猎场
- <size=80%><color=#FF9900>4-8层</color>'
+territory_tile_lowlands_seen_text: "正在进入:\n <size=150%>机甲狩猎场\n <size=80%><color=#FF9900>4-8层</color>"
territory_tile_midlands2_name: 墓地
-territory_tile_midlands2_seen_text: '正在进入:
- <size=150%>墓地
- <size=80%><color=#FF9900>8-12层</color>'
+territory_tile_midlands2_seen_text: "正在进入:\n <size=150%>墓地\n <size=80%><color=#FF9900>8-12层</color>"
territory_tile_midlands3_name: 垂钓区
-territory_tile_midlands3_seen_text: '正在进入:
- <size=150%>垂钓区
- <size=80%><color=#FF9900>8-12层</color>'
+territory_tile_midlands3_seen_text: "正在进入:\n <size=150%>垂钓区\n <size=80%><color=#FF9900>8-12层</color>"
territory_tile_midlands_name: 狗族基地
-territory_tile_midlands_seen_text: '正在进入:
- <size=150%>狗族基地
- <size=80%><color=#FF9900>8-12层</color>'
+territory_tile_midlands_seen_text: "正在进入:\n <size=150%>狗族基地\n <size=80%><color=#FF9900>8-12层</color>"
territory_tile_mountains_name: 贵族领地
-territory_tile_mountains_seen_text: '正在进入:
- <size=150%>贵族领地
- <size=80%><color=#FF9900>16-20层</color>'
-thiefdungeonsign1: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>金库
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>帝国珍宝
- 在此被妥善保管'
+territory_tile_mountains_seen_text: "正在进入:\n <size=150%>贵族领地\n <size=80%><color=#FF9900>16-20层</color>"
+thiefdungeonsign1: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>金库\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>帝国珍宝\n 在此被妥善保管"
- - text: '从旧世界
- 掠夺来的
- 贵重画作
- 被胡乱堆在了油污的麻袋里。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '因为太重而无法搬运的
- 成堆金条
- 盖住了地板。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '一个装着
- 被处决鼠族男爵们的
- 契约文书的上锁柜子。
- 溅血的签名
- 给予了喵族领主
- 对于
- 土地和仆人的完整的所有权。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '你找了一个
- 标明这个
- 墓穴编号的牌子。
- 这是数千个隐藏墓穴中
- 明显的
- 一个。'
- weight: '1'
- - text: '在一个不起眼的角落里,
- 似乎有一些
- 猴子建筑工人
- 的遗骸。
- 在建造期间他们被活生生地
- 封印在里面,
- 以保守这座墓穴的
- 秘密。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '早期一些小偷
- 的古老遗骸。
- 他们的诡计
- 被这座金库的
- 永恒守卫者们识破了。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '你发现了一个
- 装满结婚戒指
- 和项链的箱子。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '有记录显示,这里存放着一些
- 更奇特的古代器物。
- 帝国一直在
- 发掘着
- 未被染指的最完好遗迹。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '当中埋藏的
- 一些宝藏
- 并非来自现代。 '
- weight: '1'
- - text: '墓穴的
- 巨大石墙
- 似乎比
- 当今的帝国还要古老。
- 也许这里是
- 喵族发掘的
- 一处废墟。'
- weight: '1'
-thiefdungeonsign3: '警卫室:
- 第<color=red>001</color>层'
-thiefdungeonsign4: '警卫室:
- 第<color=red>002</color>层'
-thiefdungeonsign6: '警卫室:
- 第<color=red>003</color>层'
+ - text: "从旧世界\n 掠夺来的\n 贵重画作\n 被胡乱堆在了油污的麻袋里。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "因为太重而无法搬运的\n 成堆金条\n 盖住了地板。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "一个装着\n 被处决鼠族男爵们的\n 契约文书的上锁柜子。\n 溅血的签名\n 给予了喵族领主\n 对于\n 土地和仆人的完整的所有权。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "你找了一个\n 标明这个\n 墓穴编号的牌子。\n 这是数千个隐藏墓穴中\n 明显的\n 一个。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "在一个不起眼的角落里,\n 似乎有一些\n 猴子建筑工人\n 的遗骸。\n 在建造期间他们被活生生地\n 封印在里面,\n 以保守这座墓穴的\n 秘密。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "早期一些小偷\n 的古老遗骸。\n 他们的诡计\n 被这座金库的\n 永恒守卫者们识破了。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "你发现了一个\n 装满结婚戒指\n 和项链的箱子。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "有记录显示,这里存放着一些\n 更奇特的古代器物。\n 帝国一直在\n 发掘着\n 未被染指的最完好遗迹。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "当中埋藏的\n 一些宝藏\n 并非来自现代。"
+ weight: '1'
+ - text: "墓穴的\n 巨大石墙\n 似乎比\n 当今的帝国还要古老。\n 也许这里是\n 喵族发掘的\n 一处废墟。"
+ weight: '1'
+thiefdungeonsign3: "警卫室:\n 第<color=red>001</color>层"
+thiefdungeonsign4: "警卫室:\n 第<color=red>002</color>层"
+thiefdungeonsign6: "警卫室:\n 第<color=red>003</color>层"
tutorial_autoequip: 你可以在选项菜单中启用高级物品的自动装备功能。 <color=#FF9900>[<action:40>]</color>
tutorial_chat: 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:14>]</color>以打开聊天。
-tutorial_coop: '蒸汽鸟联盟精诚团结一致对外!
- 我们不打自己人。'
-tutorial_crafter_hint: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>工坊
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>前往制作物品'
-tutorial_danger: '带有<sprite="textIconAtlas" name="catSkull">的敌人对于你当前的等级
- 过于强悍。请小心!'
-tutorial_dungeon: '情报已收到!
- 对接航母,转移
- 至新的任务地点。'
-tutorial_enterisland: '欢迎来到前线。
- 跟随任务标记!
- 与其他新手一同组队!'
-tutorial_gif: '按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:72>]</color>
- 来拍下你的飒爽英姿!'
-tutorial_hangar_hint: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>机库
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>可在此处更换飞机'
-tutorial_health: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>低生命值!
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>赶快撤退并恢复生命值!'
+tutorial_coop: "蒸汽鸟联盟精诚团结一致对外!\n 我们不打自己人。"
+tutorial_crafter_hint: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>工坊\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>前往制作物品"
+tutorial_danger: "带有<sprite=\"textIconAtlas\" name=\"catSkull\">的敌人对于你当前的等级\n 过于强悍。请小心!"
+tutorial_dungeon: "情报已收到!\n 对接航母,转移\n 至新的任务地点。"
+tutorial_enterisland: "欢迎来到前线。\n 跟随任务标记!\n 与其他新手一同组队!"
+tutorial_gif: "按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:72>]</color>\n 来拍下你的飒爽英姿!"
+tutorial_hangar_hint: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>机库\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>可在此处更换飞机"
+tutorial_health: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=150%>低生命值!\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>赶快撤退并恢复生命值!"
tutorial_pickup: 你拾取了一件物品!
-tutorial_pilot_school_hint: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>飞行员学校
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>前往学习技能'
-tutorial_rebelcity: '低生命值!
- 传送至叛军之城,
- 按下<color=#FF9900><action:5></color>进行治疗。'
-tutorial_sharedXP: '每当消灭一名敌人时,
- 所有参与者都将获得经验!
- 请尽量互相帮助!'
-tutorial_storage_hint: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>仓库
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>可在此处存放你的战利品'
-tutorial_store_hint: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>商店
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>前往购买物品'
-tutorial_tavern_hint: '<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>飞行员俱乐部
- <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>前往接受任务'
-tutorial_teleport: '指向雷达边缘的
- 另一名飞行员。
- 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:7>]</color>以进行传送。'
-warning_fire: 'Heavy fire detected!
- Equip fire defenses and
- water-based weapons
- if you possess them.'
-warning_fire_and_water: 'Multiple elements detected!
- Equip fire/water defenses and
- water/lightning-based weapons
- if you possess them.'
-warning_ice: 'Heavy ice detected!
- Equip ice defenses and
- poison-based weapons
- if you possess them.'
-warning_lightning: 'Heavy lightning detected!
- Equip lightning defenses and
- ice-based weapons
- if you possess them.'
-warning_poison: 'Heavy poison detected!
- Equip poison defenses and
- fire-based weapons
- if you possess them.'
-warning_water: 'Heavy water detected!
- Equip water defenses and
- lightning-based weapons
- if you possess them.'
+tutorial_pilot_school_hint: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>飞行员学校\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>前往学习技能"
+tutorial_rebelcity: "低生命值!\n 传送至叛军之城,\n 按下<color=#FF9900><action:5></color>进行治疗。"
+tutorial_sharedXP: "每当消灭一名敌人时,\n 所有参与者都将获得经验!\n 请尽量互相帮助!"
+tutorial_storage_hint: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>仓库\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>可在此处存放你的战利品"
+tutorial_store_hint: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>商店\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>前往购买物品"
+tutorial_tavern_hint: "<font=LSTKClaBol SDF><size=200%>飞行员俱乐部\n <font=Candara SDF><size=100%>前往接受任务"
+tutorial_teleport: "指向雷达边缘的\n 另一名飞行员。\n 按下<color=#FF9900>[<action:7>]</color>以进行传送。"
+warning_fire: "侦测到重火系攻击!\n 装备火焰防御以及\n 水系武器\n (若已拥有)。"
+warning_fire_and_water: "侦测到多种元素攻击!\n 装备火焰/水系防御以及\n 水系/闪电系武器\n (若已拥有)。"
+warning_ice: "侦测到重冰系攻击!\n 装备寒冰防御以及\n 毒系武器\n (若已拥有)。"
+warning_lightning: "侦测到重闪电攻击!\n 装备闪电防御以及\n 冰系武器\n (若已拥有)。"
+warning_poison: "侦测到重剧毒攻击!\n 装备剧毒防御以及\n 火系武器\n (若已拥有)。"
+warning_water: "侦测到重水系攻击!\n 装备水系防御以及\n 闪电系武器\n (若已拥有)。"
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/maneuvers.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/maneuvers.txt
index 09c726a..837ec19 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/maneuvers.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/maneuvers.txt
@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ reverse: 倒退
shortShield: 清除
siege: 围攻
slow: 减速
superspeed: 复燃装置
tank: 吸收
-teleportToTurret: Teleport to Turret
+teleportToTurret: '
+ 瞬移到炮塔'
warpForward: 闪现
warpToAim: 瞄准闪现
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/planeclasses.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/planeclasses.txt
index 9ca4aa5..d16e024 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/planeclasses.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/planeclasses.txt
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ daggerknight:
name: 狂欢骑士。
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[飞刀骑士变体]</color>我们怎样才能获得幸福呢?1.建立你的社区。2在需要时支援其他玩家。3.结交几位好友,培养感情。4.提高自己。
name: 良好公民
- flavor: 由<color=#FBB040>双摇杆控制</color>的轻甲单位。可装备<color=#FBB040>狙击枪</color>。 <color=#FBB040>护盾冲击波</color>可为自己和周围盟友提供临时护盾。<color=#FBB040>无敌疾驰</color>动作可以获得快速的移动速度,同时还可免疫攻击伤害。
+ flavor: 由<color=#FBB040>双摇杆控制</color>的轻甲单位。可装备<color=#FBB040>狙击枪</color>。 <color=#FBB040>护盾冲击波</color>可为自己和周围盟友提供临时护盾。<color=#FBB040>无敌疾驰</color>动作可以获得快速的移动速度,同时还可免疫攻击伤害。
name: 飞刀骑士
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[飞刀骑士变体]</color>她的儿子一直想成为战斗机飞行员。所以她尽了最大努力来帮助他实现梦想。加班工作来为他购买制服。辞去体面工作以便他能离学校和基地近一些。当他的空棺材运回来时,她只能责备自己。
name: 火焰骑士
@@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ engineer:
name: 专家
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[工程师变体]</color>码头上使用了上千种不同类型的齿轮。小型铜质齿轮,巨型石质齿轮。一个巨型的旋转蒸汽生态系统,正在旋转、驱动、破坏并建造。他们喜欢这一切事物。终有一天,他们会再次重建。
name: 开拓者
- flavor: 在巨大的空中码头被烧毁之前,工程机种协助建造了传奇的悬浮主力舰。如今,它们在直接战斗中部署无人机。
+ flavor: <color=#FBB040>[工程师变种]</color> 中型装甲区域控制器,带有单杆控制装置。 可以装备爆破器和黄蜂。 炮塔能力产生一种针对敌人的固定枪。 传送到炮塔的传送是......不言自明的。
name: 工程师
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[工程师变体]</color>新工作的原料打捞自古老的沉船。各个大陆只是时代蛋糕中的一层,每一个都有自己的机器和神秘之处。粉碎机可以把物品撕碎、熔化并分离出有用的物品。
name: 粉碎机
@@ -208,28 +208,11 @@ medic:
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[医疗兵变体]</color>当帝国的地面武器开始对准医疗兵时,已经没有法庭可以指控他们的战争罪行了。因此,叛变的医疗兵不得不在星空下伪装自己。
name: 前线医疗兵
name: 追随者
- tutorial_info: '<b>飞机动作</b>
- 像飞机一样飞行,向前方射击
- <b>加强装甲</b>
- 可以承受多次命中伤害
- <b>游戏控制器</b>
- 单摇杆控制
- <b>键盘</b>
- WASD以及鼠标'
+ tutorial_info: "<b>飞机动作</b>\n 像飞机一样飞行,向前方射击\n \n <b>加强装甲</b>\n 可以承受多次命中伤害\n \n <b>游戏控制器</b>\n 单摇杆控制\n \n <b>键盘</b>\n WASD以及鼠标"
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[追随者号变体]</color>在森林深处的狩猎场中,我们的叛军遇到一伙歹徒,他们在白天伪装自己的装备,然后在夜晚袭击贵族。我们付给他们一小笔定金,然后他们偶尔会充当我们的盟友。
name: 森林追随者
@@ -351,11 +334,11 @@ rapier:
name: 泥鸽
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[猛禽变种]</color>你眼角的闪烁动作?现在为时已晚。总是来不及
name: 幽灵苍鹰
- flavor: <color=#FBB040>[猛禽变种]</color>猛禽在冬季必须积蓄它们的能量。仅维持体温就要消耗大量热量。根本没有多余的能量可以浪费在失败的攻击上。
+ flavor: <color=#FBB040>[猛禽变种]</color> 冬季的猛禽必须吝啬自己的能量。 一个热量的财富花在简单地保持他们的温度上。 失败的罢工没有浪费。
name: 寒冰苍鹰
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[猛禽变种]</color>我们为什么要投资这些闪亮的小玩意?这是因为作为社会性动物,我们被迫要参与到社会比较中去。这些小玩意可以说明我们的身份与地位。没有这些小玩意,我们无法表明我们在社会体系中的联系与角色。
name: 相对优势
@@ -396,11 +379,11 @@ siegetank:
name: 爱人
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[攻城坦克变种]</color>有些人生下来就很丑。外表很丑。内心很丑。其他人只是变丑。它会慢慢渗入,一次做一个错误的决定
name: 丑陋的汤姆
- flavor: <color=#FBB040>[攻城坦克变种]</color>19世纪的冰暴将一群机师困在了远方的基地中。食物越来越少,为了保持斗志,他们举行了一场飞机涂装比赛。 大家发誓如果他们获救,绝不揭露失败者的命运。胜者吃鸡。
+ flavor: <color=#FBB040>[攻城坦克变种]</color>19世纪的冰暴将一群机师困在了远方的基地中。食物越来越少,为了保持斗志,他们举行了一场飞机涂装比赛。 大家发誓如果他们获救,绝不揭露失败者的命运。胜者吃鸡。
name: 冰暴
flavor: <color=#FBB040>[攻城坦克变种]</color>在共和国最后的日子里,流行起了新的时尚潮流,年轻迷人的鸟族会摘下头上的羽毛,并大胆的画上缤纷多彩的眉毛。如此奇葩的潮流与现代世界格格不入。
name: 奎尼
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/quests.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/quests.txt
index 9d90f4b..8133b63 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/quests.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/quests.txt
@@ -18,37 +18,35 @@ DQ_CS_12LOW_ninjaA_T2:
- 我不会再理你了。走开。
- 它们给了我们炸弹。我们现在很出色。
- 我比你强。
- 呃。你为什么不能保持被炸的样子
- - sergeant: "黑猫。神秘感满满。它们在想什么? \n以下是它们所想的内容:“我想溜进你的卧室。并在你的枕头底下安放一枚炸弹。”"
+ - sergeant: "黑猫。神秘感满满。它们在想什么? \n 以下是它们所想的内容:“我想溜进你的卧室。并在你的枕头底下安放一枚炸弹。”"
title: 午夜轰炸机
description: 毒气清扫者正在其他地区进行绝育突袭。夺下它们的气罐
- catsoldier1:
- 下等动物都会私通!毒死它们!
- 消灭淘汰者,维护统治阶级!
- 仅有纯血者方可拥有后代。
- 毒气绝育是一种仁慈。
- 它们甚至不富裕!为什么你要在意?
- - sergeant: '我们曾对杂草使用毒素。
- 现在帝国将其用于极度贫困无力繁育的子民。'
+ - sergeant: "我们曾对杂草使用毒素。\n 现在帝国将其用于极度贫困无力繁育的子民。"
title: 向穷人喷洒
description: 军队的犬舍会产生大量的垃圾。它们有特殊装置来烧毁这些垃圾。
- catsoldier1:
- 你真的不需要这个。
- 焚烧是最佳的处理方案
- 我讨厌我的工作。
- 数月前我就失去了我的嗅觉。
- 我的人生也跌落谷底。
- - sergeant: "很显然,自从它们改了军队配给,这些狗狗就需要更大规模的清理装置。 \n这里的臭气简直可怕。"
+ - sergeant: "很显然,自从它们改了军队配给,这些狗狗就需要更大规模的清理装置。 \n 这里的臭气简直可怕。"
title: 服从特定法则
description: 一个奇怪的幽灵生物在捕捉被击落的飞行员。拯救它们。
- catsoldier1:
@@ -68,16 +66,16 @@ DQ_CS_23MID_crawler:
- 贪婪,贪婪,贪婪!
- 要找到所有碎片!
- 我们会重建!
- 巨型蟹将会归来!
- - sergeant: "帝国利用那些大型螃蟹机器人来保护他们的捕鱼舰队。\n 深海中存在着邪恶的生物。"
+ - sergeant: "帝国利用那些大型螃蟹机器人来保护他们的捕鱼舰队。\n 深海中存在着邪恶的生物。"
title: 狂妄的敌对螃蟹
description: 帝国正在制造一种全新的原型生物界面,以更好的控制它们的奴隶飞行员。从机甲天使原型上收集样本。
- - sergeant: "听说过抬升吗?就是当你选取更少的动物数量并提高其智力的时候。 \n 看起来就像是一场恐怖表演。"
+ - sergeant: "听说过抬升吗?就是当你选取更少的动物数量并提高其智力的时候。 \n 看起来就像是一场恐怖表演。"
title: 死亡天使
description: 发现强化型敌方轰炸机。打头的装置具有护盾生成器,可以让它们立即给大量装置加上护盾。
- catsoldier1:
@@ -88,57 +86,55 @@ DQ_CS_32HGH_sweeper:
- sergeant: 我们的武器可以撕碎金属,但无法伤到猫族的新护盾半分。
title: 地毯式轰炸
description: 帝国使用拉之高塔来采集太阳能源。释放出他们的能量包。
- - sergeant: "我姑妈给了我一台电热水器来泡茶。 \n 实在是史上最好的发明。"
+ - sergeant: "我姑妈给了我一台电热水器来泡茶。 \n 实在是史上最好的发明。"
title: 拉之能源
- description: 帝国的寡头们雇了佣兵来驾驶皇城精英护卫机甲。他们通常都有肮脏的秘密,而且可以为钱做任何事。 抓几个带回来。
+ description: 帝国的寡头们雇了佣兵来驾驶皇城精英护卫机甲。他们通常都有肮脏的秘密,而且可以为钱做任何事。 抓几个带回来。
title: 雇佣暴徒
description: 帝国正在使用新的方法来对付起义者:使用巨型动能球来将他们砸得粉身碎骨。从暴动终结者上取回一些武器核心,以便我们研究如何将它们关闭。猫族想要碾碎我们?让我们把他们弹起来。
title: 人群管控
- description: 反叛者的燃料供应越来越少。 从炎之猎人那里释放出一些燃料罐。
+ description: 反叛者的燃料供应越来越少。 从炎之猎人那里释放出一些燃料罐。
- catsoldier1:
- 在我看来,每个人都像棉花糖!
- 让我们干一杯!
- 想要再来一些吗?
- 需要光吗?
- - sergeant: '那些家伙闻起来像篝火和棉花糖。
- 真令人不安。'
+ - sergeant: "那些家伙闻起来像篝火和棉花糖。\n 真令人不安。"
title: 灭火器
description: 独角兽船能穿透我们最坚固的装甲。收集一些独角的样本,让书呆子们看看怎么回事。
- catsoldier1:
- 你并不是十分......纯正,对吗?
- 不纯!肮脏!
- 我绝不会帮你
- sergeant: 只有处女才能抓住独角兽。在童话书里看到过。
title: 独角兽的角
- description: The bee bots are making a life extending extract for their Empress.
+ description: 蜜蜂机器人正在为它们的女王提取可以延年益寿的精华。
- catsoldier1:
- 嗞!嗞!
- 蜂蜜没有你的份,煎饼怪物!
- sergeant: 没有新鲜的蜂蜜,我的煎饼就不完美了。少来点行吗……
title: 拿上蜂蜜然后快跑
description: 清道夫正在挖掘我们被击落的飞机,并将数据核心卖给帝国。不要让那些核心落入敌人的魔爪。
- - sergeant: "如果他们知道我们有多混乱,那将是一场灾难。 \n人工智能象棋!人工智能。"
+ - sergeant: "如果他们知道我们有多混乱,那将是一场灾难。 \n 人工智能象棋!人工智能。"
title: 卖数据可是个大买卖
- description: 僵尸飞船的复制机制迷惑了我们的科学家。 打碎一些僵尸皇后,把他们的零件带回了,这样我们就可以研究一下。
+ description: 僵尸飞船的复制机制迷惑了我们的科学家。 打碎一些僵尸皇后,把他们的零件带回了,这样我们就可以研究一下。
- catsoldier1:
- 加入我们。
- 你的骨骼很完美。
- 这么生动,太粗鲁了!
@@ -152,14 +148,14 @@ DQ_CX_23MID_sharks_T3:
- '[远处传来的家乡歌曲播放得很诡异]'
- '[水下旋律与杂音交互]'
- '[噢...喔!]'
- '[噹噹噹噹噹噹噹]'
- - sergeant: "以前我们很聪明。就在鲨鱼后面摆动,远离前方的武器。 \n嘭的一声,被鱼群消灭。吉姆就这样死了。"
+ - sergeant: "以前我们很聪明。就在鲨鱼后面摆动,远离前方的武器。 \n 嘭的一声,被鱼群消灭。吉姆就这样死了。"
title: '*不祥的鲨鱼音乐*'
- description: 机器人工厂正在焚烧有毒废物并毒害当地人。 把他们运输的废物收集起来,这样我们就能妥善处理了。
+ description: 机器人工厂正在焚烧有毒废物并毒害当地人。 把他们运输的废物收集起来,这样我们就能妥善处理了。
- catsoldier1:
- 我们的程序并没有认识到经济外部性
- 不要干涉我们脚踏实地的的工业发展。
- 只有当你不是机器人的时候,它才是毒药
@@ -204,14 +200,12 @@ DQ_CX_41MTN_dragonmama_T8:
title: 没有爪子
description: 上尉刚刚得知他的三个兄弟在一次糟糕的突袭中被抓住了。他们一定在某一艘奴隶飞船上。
- catsoldier1:
- - '这没有奴隶!
- 在资本主义晚期,合约是有约束力的。'
- - "罪犯不能被称为奴隶。 \n就在我们的宪法里!"
+ - "这没有奴隶!\n 在资本主义晚期,合约是有约束力的。"
+ - "罪犯不能被称为奴隶。 \n 就在我们的宪法里!"
- 我们更喜欢“布里格经济”这个词
- 哦,当然,接下来你会想要消除结构性的不平等!
- sergeant: 上次玩扑克牌,那些男孩就欠我钱。你最好把他们带回来 否则会有大麻烦的。
title: 哦 兄弟
@@ -241,28 +235,24 @@ DQ_KB_tank:
title: 首领:大型犬
description: 帝国给他们无能的贵族们提供了一种大规模的战争机器。摧毁拉之神庙来搜刮它的高级装备。和好友组队前往,这是个很危险的任务。
title: 首领:拉之神庙
- description: 一大群松鼠船正在由松鼠首领控制的船所带领。 这些集群正在攻击掠过猎场的毫无戒备的船只。 快把它们关闭
+ description: 一大群松鼠船正在由松鼠首领控制的船所带领。 这些集群正在攻击掠过猎场的毫无戒备的船只。 快把它们关闭
title: 快跑
- description: 帝国的实验室猴子设计了一个新的守卫炮塔,可以部署更多的离子光束。 把这个任务当做你的演习课。
+ description: 帝国的实验室猴子设计了一个新的守卫炮塔,可以部署更多的离子光束。 把这个任务当做你的演习课。
title: 能量网格
- description: 毒素农夫得到了猫族贵族的支持。他们正共同合作来扩大领地。 找到协助他们的3个毒素领主。
+ description: 毒素农夫得到了猫族贵族的支持。他们正共同合作来扩大领地。 找到协助他们的3个毒素领主。
title: 恐吓农场
description: 我们上周袭击过的基地正在试图恢复。彻底除掉他们。
- - sergeant: '太棒了。现在那些炮塔将会一直保持损毁状态。
- 回来拿你的报酬。'
+ - sergeant: "太棒了。现在那些炮塔将会一直保持损毁状态。\n 回来拿你的报酬。"
- - sergeant: '看来这些杂种犬在重建我们炸毁的炮塔。
- 在这些炮塔投入使用之前摧毁它们。'
+ - sergeant: "看来这些杂种犬在重建我们炸毁的炮塔。\n 在这些炮塔投入使用之前摧毁它们。"
goal_0: 摧毁<color=#FBB040>炮塔</color>和<color=#FBB040>猫族无人机</color>
title: 敌方炮塔复活
description: 帝国从墓地释放了3匹战马。这些巨大的装甲列车可以自行铺设轨道前往任何地方,它们当前的目标是传闻中窝藏了叛军的小城镇。把这三个全部摧毁并回来报告。
title: 战马
@@ -289,14 +279,14 @@ DQ_KS_32HGH_berserker:
title: 会笑的鬣狗
description: 成群的狙击手正聚集在沙漠中冥想。其中一些已经开始发光,变得越来越强大。不管他们在做什么,让他们停下来。
title: 沙漠之眼
- description: 该死的章鱼医生! 他在四处散播更小版本的机械怪物。 幸运的是,我们已经找到了他的工厂,正在准备突击。 在我们发动攻击的时候,设法将他的机器引开。
+ description: 该死的章鱼医生! 他在四处散播更小版本的机械怪物。 幸运的是,我们已经找到了他的工厂,正在准备突击。 在我们发动攻击的时候,设法将他的机器引开。
title: 章鱼的船舱
- description: A rising cult is training mystical assassins that appear to multiply. It's convincing some folk that the Empress herself has magic powers. Time for good old fashion disillusionment.
+ description: 一个正在兴起的邪教组织在训练神秘的刺客,他们的数量似乎在成倍增长。 这让一些人相信女王本人拥有魔力。 老派时尚到了该幻灭的时候了。
title: 神秘刺客
description: 我们得到了间谍摄像机正在骚扰一群机器鹿的报告。
- catsoldier1:
@@ -313,11 +303,11 @@ DQ_KX_12LOW_lasership_T2:
- catsoldier1: 我只是在奉命行事!
- sergeant: 那个地方的甜甜圈可好吃了。
title: 复仇计划
- description: 蜈蚣们肯定又建了一个巢穴。 我们在搜索的同时顺便削弱它们的力量。
+ description: 蜈蚣们肯定又建了一个巢穴。 我们在搜索的同时顺便削弱它们的力量。
- catsoldier1: 嘶?!
- catsoldier1: 嘶~~~~!
@@ -345,35 +335,29 @@ DQ_KX_22MID_trainB01_T3:
- sergeant: 他们正在运输卫生纸。攻击他们的薄弱环节。
title: 午夜幽灵火车
description: 签订合同:渔夫们希望消灭帝国的鱿鱼船,以防他们再次变大。
- - sergeant: '那些大型头足类动物真的很讨厌。
- 必须要付出代价。'
+ - sergeant: "那些大型头足类动物真的很讨厌。\n 必须要付出代价。"
title: 基拉马里
- description: "深程雷达探测到机器人工厂附近的活动有所增加。 \n当机器人繁育者离开加固掩体时,你可以攻击他们。"
+ description: "深程雷达探测到机器人工厂附近的活动有所增加。 \n 当机器人繁育者离开加固掩体时,你可以攻击他们。"
- catsoldier1:
- 为什么要攻击。我们只想要爱。
- 机器人并不坏。我们只是依照程序设定行事。
- - sergeant: '你觉得机器人性感吗,孩子?那么…你一定会喜欢这个任务。
- 它会出乎你的意料。'
+ - sergeant: "你觉得机器人性感吗,孩子?那么…你一定会喜欢这个任务。\n 它会出乎你的意料。"
title: 运输机器人
description: 一艘帝国医疗船正在散播安抚脉冲。让我们在器官收割者到达之前阻止他们。
- catsoldier1:
- 光速出发!
- 你无法阻止我们!我们需要新鲜肝脏!
- - sergeant: '有人喜欢吃早餐燕麦。啪叽啪叽。
- 然后他们醒来,发现自己的肝脏不翼而飞了。'
+ - sergeant: "有人喜欢吃早餐燕麦。啪叽啪叽。\n 然后他们醒来,发现自己的肝脏不翼而飞了。"
title: 外科医生操作不当
description: 六人组正在看守猫族愚蠢的考古遗址。那些讨厌的大胡子其实只需要把过去掩埋。
title: 魔咒六人组
@@ -608,11 +592,11 @@ basic_collect_x_314_highlands_T5_shmupblimp3:
description: 找到并收集一些寓言中的龙涎香来换取小奖励
title: 收集:闪现指令
description: 找到并收集一些寓言中的龙涎香来换取小奖励
- title: 'Collect: Bureaucat'
+ title: 收集:猫族官僚
description: 找到并收集一些寓言中的龙涎香来换取小奖励
title: 收集:庄园守卫
description: 找到并收集一些寓言中的龙涎香来换取小奖励
@@ -797,11 +781,11 @@ basic_kill_x_314_highlands_T5_shmupblimp3:
description: 消灭5个指定目标!
title: 追猎:闪现指令
description: 消灭5个指定目标!
- title: 'Hunt: Bureaucat'
+ title: 追猎:猫族官僚
description: 消灭5个指定目标!
title: 追猎:庄园守卫
description: 消灭5个指定目标!
@@ -842,95 +826,95 @@ beta_pilotxp:
title: '[BETA]飞机经验龙头'
title: '[BETA]废料龙头'
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- goal_0: Defeat {0} <color=#FBB040>Noble Estates</color> and <color=#FBB040>Imperial City</color> enemies with <color=#FBB040>2+ nearby players</color>
- title: 'Squad Mission: The Great Hunt'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ goal_0: 和<color=#FBB040>周围2+名玩家</color>一起击败{0}<color=#FBB040>贵族庄园</color>和<color=#FBB040>帝国城市</color>的敌人
+ title: 小队任务:大捕猎
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: The Great Hunt'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:大捕猎
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- goal_0: Defeat {0} <color=#FBB040>Noble Estates</color> and <color=#FBB040>Imperial City</color> enemies with <color=#FBB040>2+ nearby players</color>
- title: 'Squad Mission: The Great Hunt'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ goal_0: 和<color=#FBB040>周围2+名玩家</color>一起击败{0}<color=#FBB040>贵族庄园</color>和<color=#FBB040>帝国城市</color>的敌人
+ title: 小队任务:大捕猎
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: The Great Hunt'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:大捕猎
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Noble Estates'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:贵族领地
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Noble Estates'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:贵族领地
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Noble Estates'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:贵族领地
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Noble Estates'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:贵族领地
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Sentinel'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:哨兵
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Sentinel'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:哨兵
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Sentinel'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:哨兵
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Sentinel'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:哨兵
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Grand Lion'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:雄狮
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Grand Lion'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:雄狮
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Grand Lion'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:雄狮
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Grand Lion'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:雄狮
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Imperial City II'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:帝国城市II
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Imperial City II'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:帝国城市II
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Imperial City II'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:帝国城市II
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Imperial City II'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:帝国城市II
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Imperial City'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:帝国城市
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Imperial City'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:帝国城市
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Imperial City'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:帝国城市
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Imperial City'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:帝国城市
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Retaliator'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:复仇者
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Retaliator'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:复仇者
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Retaliator'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:复仇者
- description: Team up with 2 other Steambirds and take out the designated targets.
- title: 'Squad Mission: Retaliator'
+ description: 与其他2位蒸汽鸟组队并完成指定的目标。
+ title: 小队任务:复仇者
description: 击杀今日悬赏并获得白色钢铁。
title: 悬赏:末日机制
description: 击杀今日悬赏并获得白色钢铁。
@@ -1058,27 +1042,27 @@ craft_strike_tesla_8:
title: 制作:激光锉刀
title: 制作:神臂长剑I
- title: 'Craft: Arena Trail'
+ title: 制作:竞技场尾迹
- title: 'Craft: Doomsday Trail'
+ title: 制作:末日尾迹
- title: 'Craft: Venom Trail'
+ title: 制作:毒液尾迹
- title: 'Craft: Vault Trail'
+ title: 制作:金库尾迹
- title: 'Craft: Owl Trail'
+ title: 制作:猫头鹰尾迹
- title: 'Craft: Deep Ones Trail'
+ title: 制作:深渊种族尾迹
- title: 'Craft: Phoenix Trail'
+ title: 制作:不死鸟尾迹
- title: 'Craft: Cultist Trail'
+ title: 制作:教徒尾迹
- title: 'Craft: Vault Trail'
+ title: 制作:金库尾迹
title: 制作:扬基爆破枪
title: 制作:波塞冬I
@@ -1105,26 +1089,26 @@ dailyreward_Tuesday:
title: 日常奖励:周二
description: 在此处领取你的日常奖励!
title: 日常奖励:周三
- description: 这是真家伙。 对抗喵族!
+ description: 这是真家伙。 对抗喵族!
- - sergeant: Recruit, LISTEN CAREFULLY.
- - sergeant: You've been involuntarily teleported by <color=#FBB040>Meowza</color> herself to her Throne!
- - sergeant: <color=#FBB040>RETURN TO THE REBEL CITY, RIGHT NOW</color> if you haven't prepped for this.
- - sergeant: (Seriously- Meowza destroys young pilots. LEAVE NOW if you value your aircraft.)
+ - sergeant: 新人,仔细听好了。
+ - sergeant: 你已被<color=#FBB040>喵族</color>本人强制传送到她的王座!
+ - sergeant: 若你还未做好准备,<color=#FBB040>现在立即返回叛军之城。</color>
+ - sergeant: (讲真的 - 喵族会毁掉年轻的飞行员。如果你还珍惜你的飞机,那么现在就离开。)
goal_0: <color=#FBB040>消灭喵族</color>
- title: Defeat the "Throne of Meowza"
+ title: 击败“喵族王座”
- description: This is the real deal. Fight Meowza!
+ description: 这是真家伙。 对抗喵族!
- - sergeant: Mother of God... It's the <color=#FBB040>Throne of Meowza</color>!!
- - sergeant: Her war machine is the <color=#FBB040>strongest in the world</color>.
- - sergeant: Fancy yourself an ace pilot? Better be. Otherwise, you'll be her breakfast!
- goal_0: <color=#FBB040>KILL MEOWZA</color>
- title: Defeat the "Throne of Meowza"
+ - sergeant: 圣母……这是<color=#FBB040>喵族的王座</color>!!
+ - sergeant: 她的战争机器是<color=#FBB040>世上最强的</color>。
+ - sergeant: 想让自己成为王牌飞行员吗?最好是。否则,你将成为她的早餐!
+ goal_0: <color=#FBB040>消灭喵族</color>
+ title: 击败“喵族王座”
description: 护送我们的钻机穿过满是怪物的洞穴。达到终点领取丰厚奖励。
- sergeant: 好家伙。希望你带来了援军。
- sergeant: <color=#FBB040>保护钻机</color>完全穿过这些洞穴,<color=#FBB040>并找到埋藏的宝藏。</color>
@@ -1137,15 +1121,15 @@ dungeon_rescue_01:
title: 保护钻机
description: 通过鸟神的试炼,证明自己配得上他们的宝藏。
- sergeant: 要成为强者,你必须得到鸟神的认可。
- - sergeant: <color=#FBB040>Find the Key</color>, then <color=#FBB040>bring the Key to the altar.</color>
+ - sergeant: <color=#FBB040>找到钥匙</color>,然后<color=#FBB040>把钥匙送到祭坛。</color>
- sergeant: 只有在完成后,你才能<color=#FBB040>证明自己配得上宝藏。</color>
goal_0: 找到<color=#FBB040>钥匙</color>!
- goal_1: <color=#FBB040>Escort the key to the Altar</color> and <color=#FBB040>touch {0} Essence of Worthiness</color>.
- goal_2: <color=#FBB040>Open treasure</color>
+ goal_1: <color=#FBB040>将钥匙护送到祭坛</color>,然后<color=#FBB040>触摸{0}价值的本质</color>。
+ goal_2: <color=#FBB040>打开宝藏</color>
title: 成为配得上宝藏的强者
description: 无武器的GSE运输机需要护航才能穿过敌方领地
- rebelpilot:
@@ -1489,57 +1473,57 @@ overworldboss_teslahq:
title: 悬赏:拉之神庙
description: 消灭指定目标!
title: 悬赏:大使
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the highlands
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭高原地区里的帝国士兵
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the Imperial City
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭帝国城市里的帝国士兵
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭帝国士兵
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the midlands
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭墓地帝国里的士兵
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the midlands
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭墓地帝国里的士兵
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces near the heart of the empire
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭帝国中心附近的士兵
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the Noble Estates
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭贵族领地里的士兵
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy the Imperial guards
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭帝国卫队
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the highlands
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭高原地区里的帝国士兵
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the Imperial City
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭帝国城市里的帝国士兵
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭帝国士兵
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the midlands
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭墓地帝国里的士兵
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the midlands
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭墓地帝国里的士兵
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces near the heart of the empire
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭帝国中心附近的士兵
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy Imperial Forces in the Noble Estates
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭贵族领地里的士兵
- description: Level up your skills quickly by destroying targeted enemies. Follow the marker on your radar
- title: Destroy the Imperial guards
+ description: 按照雷达上的标记,消灭目标敌人来迅速提升你的技能。
+ title: 消灭帝国士兵
description: 只是个测试
title: 测试自动任务
description: 找到物资后我们会奖励你物资,就这么简单
@@ -1581,69 +1565,33 @@ tut_01:
- catsoldier1:
- 伟大的帝国将会吞噬你,鸟族渣滓!
- 这是我们的地盘!
- 战利品献给伟大的喵族!
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: 保持警惕,菜鸟!这里是战区。你正在城市废墟中,而我们的斥候报告说这个区域发现了清道夫。
- - sergeant: 你的首个任务是<color=#FBB040>找到并摧毁清道夫车队</color>。
title: 首个任务
- description: 我们得到了新的情报…返回<color=#FBB040>叛军之城的飞行员俱乐部</color>。 按<color=#FBB040>[<action:5>]</color>传送回叛军之城!
- dialogueOnComplete:
- - sergeant: 这就是<color=#FBB040>飞行员俱乐部</color>。回到此处报告以<color=#FBB040>完成任务</color>并<color=#FBB040>接受新的任务</color>。
- - sergeant: 我们收到了新情报,需要你去看看。当你准备好后,<color=#FBB040>就可以接受下一个任务</color>。
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: 我们得到了新的情报…返回<color=#FBB040>叛军之城的飞行员俱乐部</color>。 按<color=#FBB040>[<action:5>]</color>传送回叛军之城!
+ description: 我们得到了新的情报…返回<color=#FBB040>叛军之城的飞行员俱乐部</color>。 按<color=#FBB040>[<action:5>]</color>传送回叛军之城!
title: 返回叛军之城报告
description: 追踪加密命令信号的来源。
- catsoldier1: '[前方基地建设程序]'
- catsoldier1: 我们被发现了!蠢鸟出现在10点钟位置!
- dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0:
- - sergeant: 那里曾是帝国的通讯中枢!猫族一定正在附近建造基地。我们必须去阻止它们。
- - sergeant: 我已经测定了基地的位置。你必须<color=#FBB040>潜入并将其摧毁</color>。
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: 在你在解决清道夫的同时,我们的书呆子破译了一份加密命令信号。
- - sergeant: 你被派去<color=#FBB040>找到并摧毁命令信号源</color>。
title: 神秘信号
description: 帝国正在我们的领地上建造一座新基地。潜入并将其摧毁。
- dialogueOnComplete:
- - sergeant: 现在还不到休息的时候。你的下一项任务到了。做好出发准备后就可以接受此任务。
- catsoldier1: 你已经发现了我们的计划。
- catsoldier1: 但你不可能活着逃出去。
- dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0:
- - sergeant: 干的好!那些猫都不知是什么击中了它们。
- - sergeant: 这附近一定有一个帝国仓库,为建设提供支持。我们需要摧毁整条供应链。
- - sergeant: 现在,返回<color=#FBB040>叛军之城的飞行员俱乐部</color>以等待下一步命令。
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: 前往标记点并跳上<color=#FBB040>运输船</color>——它会将你传送至前方基地。
goal_0: 潜入敌人基地,然后<color=#FBB040>消灭它们的首领</color>。
title: 前方基地
description: 追踪基地供给物资的来源。这可能是一次更大规模的帝国行动。
- sergeant: 那就是供给物资仓库。毁掉它!
- dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0:
- - sergeant: 敌军飞行员在贵族频道上发出了求救信号。你弄明白其中的含义了吗?
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: 请注意:供给物资仓库的看守者极度危险。我知道你可以搞得定。晴朗天空!
title: 找到供给物资仓库
description: 摧毁秘密帝国堡垒。
- dialogueOnComplete:
- - sergeant: 你证明了自己的实力,新人。接下来你可以选择自己喜欢的任务了。
- - sergeant: 当你需要新的行军命令时,可以来飞行员俱乐部查看。晴朗天空!
- catsoldier1: 记住你自己的身份!我们的神明喵族将把你做成一顿大餐!
- dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0:
- - sergeant: 你刚刚拿下了你的首个贵族指挥官,新人。真替你感到骄傲。
- - sergeant: 这给帝国发出了一个明确的警告,染指我们的领地不会有好下场。
- - sergeant: 你知道规矩:回到<color=#FBB040>叛军之城的飞行员俱乐部</color>,接取下一个任务。
- dialogueOnStart:
- - sergeant: 那个求救信号是发送给附近<color=#FBB040>蜈蚣巢穴</color>的猫族<color=#FBB040>贵族指挥官</color>的。
- - sergeant: 我们需要消灭它们,以阻止它们侵犯我们的领地。这是个重大行动,但我知道你已经可以担此重任。
goal_0: 消灭在<color=#FBB040>蜈蚣巢穴</color>中的<color=#FBB040>贵族指挥官</color>。
title: 蜈蚣中枢
diff --git config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/skillCategories.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/skillCategories.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42b4601
--- /dev/null
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/skillCategories.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Armor: 装甲
+ Assault: 突击
+ Bandit: 强盗
+ Daggerknight: 飞刀骑士
+ Duster: 喷粉机
+ Engine: 引擎
+ Engineer: 工程师
+ Hog: 霍格
+ Laser: 激光
+ Machinegun: 机枪
+ Medic: 医疗兵
+ Merlin: 梅林
+ Olfaithful: 追誓
+ Other: 其他
+ Paladin: 圣骑士
+ Quad: 行者
+ Raptor: 猛禽
+ Shieldmaiden: 护盾少女
+ Shotgun: 霰弹枪
+ Siegetank: 攻城坦克
+ Sniper: 狙击枪
+ Strike: 弧光
+ Sword: 剑
+ Triple: 三连射
+ Wasp: 黄蜂
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/skillGroups.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/skillGroups.txt
index 173e321..690a092 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/skillGroups.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/skillGroups.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,55 @@
+ name: 装甲
+ name: 突击
+ name: 强盗
+ name: 飞刀骑士
+ name: 喷粉机
+ name: 引擎
+ name: 工程师
+ name: 霍格
+ name: 激光
+ name: 机枪
+ name: 医疗兵
+ name: 梅林
+ name: 追誓
+ name: 其他
+ name: 圣骑士
+ name: 行者
+ name: 猛禽
+ name: 护盾少女
+ name: 霰弹枪
+ name: 攻城坦克
+ name: 狙击枪
+ name: 弧光
+ name: 剑
+ name: 三连射
+ name: 黄蜂
name: 装甲 - 初级
name: 装甲 - 中级
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/skills.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/skills.txt
index 82f4dc7..ac0e171 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/skills.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/skills.txt
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ daggerknight_4b:
name: 晨间咖啡
name: 野火
- name: Close and Personal
+ name: 私人恩怨
name: 金属修士
name: 远见之人
@@ -93,30 +93,30 @@ engine_3b:
name: 联盟构造
name: 联盟弹药带
- description: Turret always turns towards your plane.
- name: Covering Fire
+ description: 炮塔总是朝向你的飞机。
+ name: 火力掩护
- name: Lemming Chewer
+ name: 旅鼠咀嚼者
- name: Low Maintenance
+ name: 低维护成本
- name: Bigger Bore
+ name: 更大的钻孔
- name: Artillery
+ name: 火炮
name: 自动连发
- name: More the Merrier
+ name: 越多越好
- name: Spirit of Spiner
+ name: 砥柱精神
name: 灵感
- name: Fast Exit
+ name: 快速离开
name: 狂暴战士
name: 战斗激情
@@ -130,24 +130,24 @@ hog_4b:
name: 慢速充能
name: 快速充能
- name: Spiked Shield
+ name: 尖刺护盾
- description: Fires a piercing attack for bonus damage
+ description: 发射穿刺攻击以造成额外伤害
name: 穿透连发
- name: Grand Expertise
+ name: 专业大师
- description: A piercing attack that fires backwards
- name: Cover My Tail
+ description: 向后发射的穿刺攻击
+ name: 掩盖踪迹
- description: Fires piercing bullets from both sides
- name: Piercing Wings
+ description: 从两侧同时发射穿刺子弹
+ name: 穿刺之翼
- name: Laser Surgery
+ name: 激光手术
name: 贫化铀
name: 目标锁定
@@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ machinegun_3a:
name: 蒸汽提升
name: 社交适应力
- name: 社交灵活性
+ name: 枪手敏捷
name: 显微手术
name: 重要手术
@@ -327,11 +327,11 @@ strike_1a:
name: 坚持不懈
name: 只若初见
- name: 礼物
+ name: 快速旋转
name: 承诺
name: 热情
@@ -357,24 +357,24 @@ sword_4b:
name: 稳固瞄准
name: 能量转移
- description: Fires a ring of bullets that slow enemies
- name: Ice Burst
+ description: 发射可以减速敌人的子弹环
+ name: 寒冰爆裂
- name: Pirouette
+ name: 旋转
- description: Fires three strong bullets at a distance
- name: Ranged Bite
+ description: 向远处发射三枚强力子弹
+ name: 远程撕咬
name: 滔天巨浪
- description: Powerful, fast snipe shot that burns enemies
+ description: 强力而快速的狙击可以点燃敌人
name: 火焰之触
- name: Fast Learner
+ name: 快速学习
name: 血蜂蜜
name: 快乐蜂巢
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/store.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/store.txt
index 2a75d91..9fdac2e 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/store.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/store.txt
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ post_purchase_action_storage: 放入仓库
post_purchase_action_use_and_inventory: 使用并放入物品栏
post_purchase_action_use_and_storage: 使用并放入仓库
post_purchase_action_use_instantly: 立即使用
product_desc_hangar_slot: 1个额外的飞机机库位
product_desc_store_bundle_keys1: 一套5个深入帝国领地的特殊任务
-product_desc_store_bundle_starter: 快速开始你的叛军生涯,拥有6个额外仓库位与1个机库位!
+product_desc_store_bundle_starter: 这里有 额外的 六个(6)仓库槽, 两个 (2) 技能槽 和一个 (1)机库插槽 来领先開創您的反叛生涯
product_desc_store_inventory_slot: 在你飞机的物品栏中有4个额外货物空间。这些空间将添加到单独的共享货物集装箱中,并可供所有飞机使用。
product_desc_store_skill_loadout_slot: 用于配置不同的飞行员技能。可在飞行员学校中进行切换。
product_desc_store_storage_slot: 6个额外的仓库空间以确保物品安全。当你被击落时,你不会失去存放在仓库中的物品。
product_name_dye_black: 一罐黑色漆
product_name_dye_blue: 一罐蓝色漆
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ product_name_hangar_slot: 机库位
product_name_store_bundle_keys1: 任务包
product_name_store_bundle_starter: 新手包
product_name_store_inventory_slot: 额外飞机货物空间
product_name_store_skill_loadout_slot: 额外技能配装
product_name_store_storage_slot: 额外秘密仓库
-product_popup_action: <color=#FBB040><action:43></color> 购买
+product_popup_action: <color=#FBB040><action:43></color> 购买
product_popup_already_own: ''
product_popup_limit_exceeded: 不可购买:已经拥有最大数量。
product_popup_max_per_account: 每个账户最多可拥有:{0}
product_popup_no_inventory: 不可购买:你没有足够的物品栏空间。
product_popup_not_buyable: 不可购买。
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/ui.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/ui.txt
index a7f0462..9638425 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/ui.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/ui.txt
@@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
-3BrothersNPCWarning: Danger! This sector is unsafe for all but the very best pilots!
-3BrothersNotPowerfulEnough: Sorry pilot, this encounter is too dangerous for you. Get your plane upgraded more, or prove yourself by reaching pilot rank 90.
-abuse_reported: Thank you for reporting the potentially abusive behavior of "{0}". Your report will be reviewed shortly. Stay kind!
-abuse_reporter_action_cancel: Cancel
-abuse_reporter_action_report: Report
-abuse_reporter_gameplayhint: To prevent exploits, you are vulnerable while making a bug report, but hover like in any other menu.
-abuse_reporter_intro_chat: 'If a player is using hate speech, slurs, being abusive, being insulting, and/or trying to scam or harm other players, please let us know. <i>Please do not report people simply for using profanity.</i>
- Thanks for helping us keep Steambirds Alliance a welcoming place for everyone!'
-abuse_reporter_intro_cheat: Thanks for helping us keep Steambirds Alliance a welcoming place for everyone!
-abuse_reporter_intro_other: Thanks for helping us keep Steambirds Alliance a welcoming place for everyone!
-abuse_reporter_reason_placeholder: Explain why you're reporting this player...
-abuse_reporter_title_chat: Offensive Chat
-abuse_reporter_title_cheat: Cheating
-abuse_reporter_title_format: Report "{0}" for {1}...
-abuse_reporter_title_other: Other
+3BrothersNPCWarning: 危险! 此区域十分危险,但最优秀的飞行员可以如履平地!
+3BrothersNotPowerfulEnough: 抱歉,飞行员,此次遭遇战对你来说太危险了。升级你的飞机,或是提升自己的飞行员排名至90。
+abuse_reported: 感谢你举报“{0}”的潜在辱骂行为。我们会尽快来审查你的举报。保持友善!
+abuse_reporter_action_cancel: 取消
+abuse_reporter_action_report: 报告
+abuse_reporter_gameplayhint: 为防止出现非法获利行为,你在报告错误时可能会容易遭到攻击,但可以像在其他菜单时那样进行悬停。
+abuse_reporter_intro_chat: "如果发现玩家在游戏中使用仇恨性语言、诽谤、辱骂、污蔑和/或进行伤害其他玩家的行为,请及时向我们举报。<i>若对方只是说了脏话,请勿举报。</i>\n \n 感谢你帮我们维持蒸汽鸟联盟的游戏环境!"
+abuse_reporter_intro_cheat: 感谢你帮我们维持蒸汽鸟联盟的游戏环境!
+abuse_reporter_intro_other: 感谢你帮我们维持蒸汽鸟联盟的游戏环境!
+abuse_reporter_reason_placeholder: 请说明你举报该玩家的原因……
+abuse_reporter_title_chat: 攻击性聊天
+abuse_reporter_title_cheat: 作弊
+abuse_reporter_title_format: “举报{0}"的{1}行为……
+abuse_reporter_title_other: 其他
action_button_format: 按钮 {0}
action_info_cloud: 云团
action_info_currency: 更改货币
action_info_currency_short: '{0} {1}'
action_info_decoration: 装饰
@@ -33,10 +30,11 @@ action_info_decoration_short_cloudOverride: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_short_extra: 染成<color=#{0}ff>此颜色</color>
action_info_decoration_short_livery: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_short_normalTrail: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_short_superTrail: '{0}'
action_info_decoration_superTrail: 将超级速度飞机尾迹更改为{0}。
+action_info_dungeon: 地牢钥匙
action_info_dungeon_short_extra: 打开前往{0}的传送门
action_info_gun: 主炮位 {0}
action_info_healthenergy: 增强
action_info_healthenergy_energy: 你的蒸汽被{0}充满了。
action_info_healthenergy_health: '{0}治疗了你。'
@@ -57,15 +55,15 @@ action_info_unlock_short: '{0}'
action_info_unlock_text: 已解锁{0}
action_info_variant: 变体
action_info_variant_info: 变体{1}用于飞机{0}。
action_info_variant_short: 变体{1}用于飞机{0}。
action_key_format: 按键 {0}
-banned: Your account has been banned
-banned_body: If you believe this is in error, please contact support.
+banned: 你的账户已被封禁。
+banned_body: 若你认为此为错误操作,请联系客户支持。
brag: '{0} 在神秘情形下死亡。'
brag_enemy: 我方强大的 {1} 击杀了 {0}!
-buff_hud_stacked: '{0} (x{1})'
+buff_hud_stacked: '{0}(x{1})'
hangar: 机库
storage: 仓库
store: 商店
button_hangar_exit: 退出
@@ -81,31 +79,98 @@ button_upcoming_events_navigate: 访问网站
button_upcoming_events_title: 新闻与活动
capture_gif_done: 您可以在 {0} 找到您的 GIF。
capture_gif_error: GIF 保存失败抱歉
capture_gif_start: 正在保存 GIF...
cmd_help_info: 输入/help以获得可用命令的详细信息。
+command_block_block_yourself: 不能拦截自己
+command_block_blocked: 被拦截的玩家 {0}
+command_block_name_desc: 拦截玩家
+command_blocklist_header: '被拦截的玩家:'
+command_clearsavedlogin_success: '清除登录数据 ; 下次需要从新输入。
+ '
+command_error_arg_count: '{0} command takes {1} arguments: {2}'
+command_error_invalid_number: Sorry, "{0}" is not a valid number.
+command_error_two_args: '{0} command takes two arguments: {1}, and {2}'
+command_follow_name_desc: 玩家的名称
+command_friend_added: '
+ 已添加的好友{0}'
+command_friend_name_desc: 好友的名称
+command_friend_yourself: 歉抱,不能添加自己为好友。
+command_generic_player_not_found: 找不到 {0}。也许你输入错了吗?
+command_help_block: '防止那名玩家和你进行任何沟通。例子: /block 莎拉'
+command_help_blocklist: '
+ 显示所有被拦截的玩家'
+command_help_clearsavedlogin: 清除登录用户和密码。
+command_help_die: 把你的飞机的生命值降低到零。
+command_help_follow: 跟随玩家或飞机 (在观看时)。
+command_help_friend: 添加玩家到好友列表 (同一个服务器)。例子 /friend 莎拉
+command_help_help: 显示更多有关命令信息。
+command_help_instructions: '
+ 尝试以下任何一个命令。如果您需要更多信息,请输入 "{0} COMMANDNAME" (没有斜线)'
+command_help_mute: 禁言这位玩家。
+command_help_mutelist: 显示所有被禁言的玩家。
+command_help_no_help: 歉抱,{0} 此命令不存在,所以没有 /help。
+command_help_options: '打开选项菜单。
+ '
+command_help_resetbindings: 重置所有输入設定。
+command_help_sidelength: 设置游戏视域的大小。
+command_help_spectate: 进入旁观者模式 (仅限管理员)。
+command_help_teleport: '瞬移到名字被输入的玩家身边。例子: /Teleport 莎拉'
+command_help_timetune: 時間同步微調
+command_help_tp: '瞬移到名字被输入的玩家身边。例子: /Tp 莎拉'
+command_help_trade: 与其他玩家进行交易。
+command_help_trade_reject: 拒绝来自其他玩家的交易请求。
+command_help_tutorial: 播放教程。
+command_help_unblock: '解除这位玩家的拦截。例子: /unblock 莎拉'
+command_help_unfriend: '移除这位好友。例子: /unfriend 莎拉'
+command_help_unmute: 解除对这位玩家的拦截,让你看到他的讯息。
+command_mute_muted: 被禁言的玩家 {0}
+command_mute_name_desc: 禁言玩家
+command_mute_yourself: 不能禁言自己!
+command_mutelist_header: '被禁言的玩家:'
+command_sidelength_no_access: 无法接驳。
+command_teleport_name_desc: 您想要传送到的玩家名称。
+command_timetune_enabled_desc: '
+ 已启用'
+command_trade_name_desc: 您想交易的玩家的名称。
+command_trade_sending_trade: 正在发送交易请求。
+command_unblock_name_desc: 解除拦截
+command_unblock_not_blocked: '{0} 没有被拦截。'
+command_unblock_unblocked: '{0} 的拦截已被解除。'
+command_unfriend_name_desc: 好友的名称
+command_unfriend_not_found: 找不到好友{0}。也许你输入错了吗?
+command_unfriend_unfriended: 移除好友 {0}
+command_unmute_name_desc: 解除禁言
+command_unmute_not_muted: '{0} 没有被言禁。'
+command_unmute_unmuted: '{0} 的言禁已被解除。'
+commandhelp_command_without_leading_slash: '[Command without leading /]'
+commandhelp_header: 最常见的命令是:
consumable_item_error_already_applied: 你已经应用了此项。再次使用不会有任何效果。
consumable_item_error_already_unlocked: 你已经解锁了此物品。你无法再次解锁。
consumable_item_error_dying: 在死亡时无法使用。
consumable_item_error_no_effect: 现在使用将不会有任何效果。
consumable_item_error_no_plane: 你需要在飞机上使用物品。
consumable_item_error_unknown: 使用物品失败。
consumable_item_unusable: 无法使用
-contact_support: Contact Support
-context_menu_inventory_alt_slot_info: '此栏位用于装备你的副武器。
- 你可使用[<action:93>]来切换此栏位和主武器栏位。'
+contact_support: 联系客户支持
+context_menu_inventory_alt_slot_info: "此栏位用于装备你的副武器。\n 你可使用[<action:93>]来切换此栏位和主武器栏位。"
context_menu_inventory_back: 取消
context_menu_inventory_confirm: <color=#FBB040>[<action:43>]</color>确认
context_menu_inventory_drop: 空投
context_menu_inventory_equip: 装备为活动
context_menu_inventory_equip_alt: 装备为备用
context_menu_inventory_mark: 移动
context_menu_inventory_move_info: 选择要移动的目标栏位或物品,或者交换物品位置。
context_menu_inventory_title: ''
context_menu_inventory_use: 使用
-conversation_continue_any: Press any key or button to continue
+conversation_continue_any: 请按任意键继续
conversation_continue_custom: '{0}[<action:43>]'
conversation_continue_default: 继续[<action:43>]
damage_critical: 暴击!
damage_resisted: 抵抗!
damage_shielded: 阻挡!
@@ -118,35 +183,35 @@ death_rank_up: 飞行员排名上升!
death_title: 被击落,
dialogue_name_ambassador: 古代丰碑
dialogue_name_announcer: 宣告者
dialogue_name_arena1boss: 康茂德
dialogue_name_arena2boss: 迷失的法老
-dialogue_name_barparrot: Parker
+dialogue_name_barparrot: 帕克
dialogue_name_bigdog: 拴着的狗
dialogue_name_bombboss: 炸弹制造者
dialogue_name_bosscat: 猫族首领
dialogue_name_catofficer: 猫族官员
dialogue_name_catsoldier1: 猫族飞行员
dialogue_name_catsoldier2: 猫族士兵
dialogue_name_chariotracer: 参赛者
dialogue_name_crabboss: 金枪鱼公爵
dialogue_name_cultistboss: 高等女祭司蒂芙尼
dialogue_name_dogsoldier1: 狗族士兵
dialogue_name_doomsdayboss: 末日机制
dialogue_name_drilloperator: 钻机操作员
-dialogue_name_dungeonmod: Dungeon Modifier
+dialogue_name_dungeonmod: 副本调整
dialogue_name_escortboss: 石虫领袖
dialogue_name_eyeboss: 堕落的埃德蒙德神父
dialogue_name_gargantua: 黑堡女士
dialogue_name_gekelstein: 疯狂医生戈克尔斯顿
-dialogue_name_hangarpenguin: Spocket
+dialogue_name_hangarpenguin: 齿轮
dialogue_name_icedungeon: 冰封的恐惧
dialogue_name_jinn: 指挥官金
dialogue_name_kaiju: 指挥官卡伊
dialogue_name_lobbyist: 说客梅斯梅尔爵士
-dialogue_name_meowza_grinning: Meowza
-dialogue_name_meowza_resting: Meowza
+dialogue_name_meowza_grinning: 喵族
+dialogue_name_meowza_resting: 喵族
dialogue_name_meowzahidden: 喵族
dialogue_name_minibosscat: 小型猫族首领
dialogue_name_notra: 诺特拉医生
dialogue_name_obstacleboss: 主人拉泽
dialogue_name_pharaoh: 红冠
@@ -161,48 +226,34 @@ dialogue_name_rebelpilot: 叛军飞行员
dialogue_name_rei: 列伊男爵
dialogue_name_sergeant: 中士
dialogue_name_snakeboss: 菲利普领主
dialogue_name_snz: 密语轰炸机
dialogue_name_speaker: 金库警报系统
-dialogue_name_storagepelican: Coop
-dialogue_name_storepeacock: Kakoli
+dialogue_name_storagepelican: 协作
+dialogue_name_storepeacock: 卡克利
dialogue_name_strangealtartohorus: 黄金宝箱
dialogue_name_thiefstatue: 石头祭坛
dialogue_name_timeghost: 影子男爵
dialogue_name_treasureship: 巨大拖网渔船
dialogue_name_treasurestorage: 宝藏挑战
dialogue_name_unknown: 未知
dialogue_name_whaleshark: 巨型鲸鲨
dialogue_name_whitespider: 鳏夫
-dialogue_name_workshopowl: Doc Barnhouse
+dialogue_name_workshopowl: 巴恩豪斯博士
dialogue_name_wraith: 灵魂收集者
drop_item_error: 丢弃物品失败。
-early_access_desc: 'Steambirds Alliance is currently in beta!
- Note that any progress you earn during this time will likely be preserved when we launch worldwide, so consider yourself one of the lucky few to get a head start on ranking up your pilot!
- If you have any issues or feedback, <b><color=#FBB040>please visit steambirds.com to join our Discord community</color></b> and let us know. We also keep our blog updated with all the major changes happening in the game. Check it out at steambirds.com/blog!
- Good skies, pilot!'
-early_access_desc_beta: '内测服务器与正式服务器是完全独立的。游戏道具和飞行员进度将不会与你的普通账户共享。
- 我在将新版本更新到游戏正式服之前,会在测试服务器进行测试。你可在此体验全新功能,并帮助我们找出错误。
+early_access_desc: '欢迎!我们很高兴您加入了蒸汽鸟联盟。请知道这只是一个开始。虽然我们已经在这个游戏上付出了多年时间,但是我们还想添加更多功能和内容。我们将会每隔一两个月推出新的功能和内容。一个好的MMO是永远不会完束的!
- 服务器会<color=#FBB040>定期删档</color>!因此,<color=#FBB040>请勿在测试服充值现金</color>,下次重置时会删除所有数据。
+ 如果您有任何问题或反馈,<b><color=#FBB040>请到steambirds.com来加入我们的Discord交流群</color></b>并告诉我们您的想法。如果你想了解游戏中发生的所有变化,请查看我们的博客steambirds.com/blog。
- 若你有任何问题或反馈,<color=#FBB040>请加入Discord</color>并发送给我们!
- 祝您游戏愉快,感谢您帮助我们完善游戏!'
+ 警告: 请注意<b>任何形式的作,外挂</b>或者试图通过外部市场(如eBay)以真实货币购买/出售蒸汽鸟联盟物品是严格禁止的,违例者将会被永久封号止而不会发出警告或接受任何上诉。'
+early_access_desc_beta: "内测服务器与正式服务器是完全独立的。游戏道具和飞行员进度将不会与你的普通账户共享。\n 我在将新版本更新到游戏正式服之前,会在测试服务器进行测试。你可在此体验全新功能,并帮助我们找出错误。\n \n 服务器会<color=#FBB040>定期删档</color>!因此,<color=#FBB040>请勿在测试服充值现金</color>,下次重置时会删除所有数据。\n \n \n 若你有任何问题或反馈,<color=#FBB040>请加入Discord</color>并发送给我们!\n \n 祝您游戏愉快,感谢您帮助我们完善游戏!"
early_access_instructions: 按下任意键或按钮继续。
-early_access_title: Welcome to the SBA beta!
+early_access_title: 欢迎勇敢的飞行员!
early_access_title_beta: 什么是测试服务器?
email_validation_button_change: 更改电子邮箱……
email_validation_button_continue: 继续游戏……
email_validation_button_resend: 重新发送邮件……
email_validation_email_placeholder: 输入您的电子邮件……
@@ -213,222 +264,118 @@ email_validation_info_resend: 请点击此处以重新发送验证链接。
email_validation_title: 邮件验证
emote_purple_fireworks: 紫色焰火
error_dialog_account_maintenance: 账户支持暂时不可用!请稍后再试。不会耽搁很久。
error_dialog_already_connected: 你无法连接,因为你的账户已经连接。请等待几分钟后再次尝试。如果再次出现此问题,请联系客户支持。谢谢。
error_dialog_connection_failure: 您的电脑和我们的服务器之间的网络似乎出了一些问题。查看是否有其他程序在大量占用网络!
-error_dialog_deliberate_disconnection: 服务器无法与你沟通。 服务器反馈:{0}。 若你认为这是一个错误,请发送错误报告给我们。
-error_dialog_idle_kicked: We disconnected you because you were idle. Please launch the game again when you're ready to play again.
-error_dialog_kicked: 你已被踢出。 为什么? 原因只有你和踢你的人知道。
+error_dialog_deliberate_disconnection: 服务器无法与你沟通。 服务器反馈:{0}。 若你认为这是一个错误,请发送错误报告给我们。
+error_dialog_idle_kicked: 你处于空闲状态,我们已断开你的连接。在你准备好游玩时,请再次启动游戏。
+error_dialog_kicked: 你已被踢出。 为什么? 原因只有你和踢你的人知道。
error_dialog_lnc00: 错误LNC00。无法找到叛军城市。可能出现网络连接问题或后端异常。请检查你的网络连接并再次尝试。
error_dialog_lnc01: 错误LNC01。已登录,但当前无法进入叛军之城。请稍等几分钟后重试!如果此问题再次发生,请联系客户支持。
error_dialog_lnc02: 错误LNC02。客户端可能已过期,目前叛军之城已升级至新版本。请更新你的客户端。重启 Steam 通常会中断这一进程。
error_dialog_lnc03: 错误LNC03。你的客户端版本过新!服务器更新尚未结束,很快就可使用。如果再次出现此问题,请联系客户支持。如果你在参与新版本的测试,请检查你是否在用测试服客户端连接正式服。
error_dialog_lnc04: 错误LNC04。已找到叛军之城,正在尝试进入,但未被接受。可能出现服务器端问题,导致玩家无法加入。请稍后再试。如果此问题再次发生,请联系客户支持。
error_dialog_maintenance: 维护正在进行中!请稍后再试。
-error_dialog_maintenance_msg: '维护正在进行中!请稍后再来尝试。
- {0}'
+error_dialog_maintenance_msg: "维护正在进行中!请稍后再来尝试。\n \n {0}"
error_dialog_nexus_full: 游戏当前玩家数量已达上限。请稍后重试!
error_dialog_no_nexus: 错误 LNC99。无法为你找到叛军之城。请稍后再试。抱歉!
-error_dialog_permission_not_granted: Sorry, permission denied! Please join our Discord (invite link can be found at Steambirds.com) for additional information and resources.
+error_dialog_permission_not_granted: 抱歉,权限不足!请加入我们的Discord(可访问Steambirds.com以获取邀请链接)以获得额外信息与资源。
error_dialog_version_failure: 无法验证客户端是否为最新版本。是否存在网络问题?
error_dialog_version_old: 客户端版本过低。请在 Steam 更新游戏。重启 Steam 通常会中断这一进程。
error_message_on_item_use_failed_to_spawn_dungeon: 服务器发生错误,我们无法开始你的副本。请联系客户支持。
error_message_on_item_use_failed_to_spawn_dungeon_reward_back_item: 服务器发生错误,我们无法开始副本。当前为忙碌状态。我们刷新了你的钥匙,你可以稍后再试。
error_message_unable_to_join_other_player_server_not_found: 无法加入{0}:未找到服务器。
error_message_unable_to_join_other_player_server_not_joinable: 无法加入{0}:服务器当前未开放。
-error_portal: Error navigating through portal.
+error_portal: 传送门导航错误。
faux_group_class_unlock_info_title: 可解锁职业
faux_group_class_unlock_info_title_start: 起始职业
faux_group_class_unlock_title: '{0}'
-faux_group_rank_badge_info_desc: '排名达到{0}
- 可以骄傲地向所有人展示这枚徽章'
+faux_group_rank_badge_info_desc: "排名达到{0}\n 可以骄傲地向所有人展示这枚徽章"
faux_group_rank_badge_info_title: 可解锁的排名徽章
faux_group_rank_badge_title: T{0}排名徽章
finalboss_server_failed_sending_back_to_nexus: 我们失去了喵族的信号。让我们回到叛军之城进行重组。
finalboss_server_having_issues: 喵族的信号变弱。我们正在尝试重新定位。请稍后片刻……
finalboss_server_ready_sending_to_boss: 做好准备对战喵族!
-first_plane_choice_blurb: '在{1}内达到{0}级
- 后解锁'
+first_plane_choice_blurb: "在{1}内达到{0}级\n 后解锁"
first_plane_choice_blurb_selected: 请先解锁
first_plane_choice_select: <color=#B9B6AB>[<action:43>]:选择飞机</color>
first_plane_choice_title: 选择你的第一架飞机
-friend_info_cmd_add: Add as Friend
-friend_info_cmd_block: Block
-friend_info_cmd_join: Join Server
-friend_info_cmd_mute: Mute
-friend_info_cmd_remove: Remove Friend
-friend_info_cmd_report: Report
-friend_info_cmd_teleport: Teleport
-friend_info_cmd_title: Friend Examine Menu
+friend_info_cmd_add: 添加为好友
+friend_info_cmd_block: 拦截
+friend_info_cmd_join: 加入服务器
+friend_info_cmd_mute: 禁言
+friend_info_cmd_remove: 移除好友
+friend_info_cmd_report: 报告
+friend_info_cmd_teleport: 传送
+friend_info_cmd_title: 好友检查菜单
friend_info_cmd_trade: 交易
-friend_info_cmd_unblock: Unblock
-friend_info_cmd_unmute: Unmute
-friend_info_description_offline: '上一次飞行:
- {0}
- <color=#e55729ff>离线或其他位置</color>'
-friend_info_description_online: '飞行:{0}
- <color=#fde8a5ff>当前服务器</color>'
+friend_info_cmd_unblock: 取消拦截
+friend_info_cmd_unmute: 取消禁言
+friend_info_description_offline: "上一次飞行:\n {0}\n <color=#e55729ff>离线或其他位置</color>"
+friend_info_description_online: "飞行:{0}\n <color=#fde8a5ff>当前服务器</color>"
friend_info_noplane: 无
-friend_info_title: '{0}
- <size=14>{1}</size>'
+friend_info_title: "{0}\n <size=14>{1}</size>"
friend_info_unit_format: '{1} 级 {0}'
friend_list_category_friends: 好友({0})
friend_list_category_nearby: 附近盟友({0})
friend_list_category_recent: 近期盟友({0})
-friend_list_empty_label: '暂无好友。
- 使用"/friend <name>"添加好友。
- 该功能当前只对同一服务器的好友有效。'
-friend_list_item_format: '{0}
- <size=14>{1}</size>'
+friend_list_empty_label: "暂无好友。\n \n 使用\"/friend <name>\"添加好友。\n \n 该功能当前只对同一服务器的好友有效。"
+friend_list_item_format: "{0}\n <size=14>{1}</size>"
friend_list_item_offline: <color=#e55729ff>离线或其他位置</color>
friend_list_item_online: <color=#fde8a5ff>当前服务器</color>
friend_list_item_server: <color=#fde8a5ff>{0}</color>
-friend_list_reminder_label: '使用"/friend <name>"添加好友。
- 该功能当前只对同一服务器的好友有效。'
+friend_list_reminder_label: "使用\"/friend <name>\"添加好友。\n \n 该功能当前只对同一服务器的好友有效。"
friend_list_title_friends: 好友
friend_micro_more: 还有{0}……
friend_micro_none: 0 好友在线。
friend_micro_open_friend_list: <color=#FBB040>[<action:104>]</color>打开好友列表
generic_none: 无
graceful_kick_warning: 账户支持正在进行中。你将很快会断开连接。拿上所有的战利品。
hangar_armor_generic: 分类
hangar_elemental_short: <color=#F7663C>基本</color>
hangar_engine_generic: 分类
hangar_newplane_goalformat: <color=#E0DF12ff>下一目标:达到 {0} 级</color>
hangar_tier_short: <color=#ddddddff>{0} 阶</color>
hangar_ultrarare_short: <color=#dd55dd>稀有</color>
-header_hangar_empty: '<color=#fffffff><b>新飞机</b></color>
- 您有一个空闲的机库机位。
- 选择一架飞机起飞。'
+header_hangar_empty: "<color=#fffffff><b>新飞机</b></color>\n 您有一个空闲的机库机位。\n 选择一架飞机起飞。"
header_hangar_newplane_armor: • 装甲:<color=#fde7aaff>{0}</color>
header_hangar_newplane_engine: • 引擎:<color=#fde7aaff>{0}</color>
header_hangar_newplane_highest_level: • 最高等级:<color=#fde7aaff>{0}</color>
-header_hangar_newplane_maneuver: '• Maneuver: <color=#fde7aaff>{0}</color>'
+header_hangar_newplane_maneuver: '机动: <color=#fde7aaff>{0}</color>'
header_hangar_newplane_primary: • 主武器:<color=#fde7aaff>{0}</color>
header_hangar_newplane_secondary: • 副武器:<color=#fde7aaff>{0}</color>
header_hangar_newplane_title: <b><size=21><color=ffffffff>{0}类别</color></size></b>
-header_hangar_select_armor: '• 装甲:{0} <color=#fde7aaff>{1}</color>
- '
-header_hangar_select_engine: '• 引擎:{0} <color=#fde7aaff>{1}</color>
- '
+header_hangar_select_armor: • 装甲:{0} <color=#fde7aaff>{1}</color>
+header_hangar_select_engine: • 引擎:{0} <color=#fde7aaff>{1}</color>
header_hangar_select_level: • 最高等级:<color=#fde7aaff>{0}</color>
-header_hangar_select_maneuver: '• 演习:<color=#fde7aaff>{0}</color>
- '
-header_hangar_select_secondary: '• {0}:{1} <color=#fde7aaff>{2}</color>
- '
-header_hangar_select_title: '<b><size=21><color=ffffffff>{0},{1} 级</color></size></b>
- '
+header_hangar_select_maneuver: • 演习:<color=#fde7aaff>{0}</color>
+header_hangar_select_secondary: • {0}:{1} <color=#fde7aaff>{2}</color>
+header_hangar_select_title: <b><size=21><color=ffffffff>{0},{1} 级</color></size></b>
header_hangar_variant_title: <b><size=21><color=ffffffff>{0}</color></size></b>
-header_hanger_select_primary: '• 主武器:{0} <color=#fde7aaff>{1}</color>
- '
-help_screen_ok_key_command: <color=#FBB040>[<action:43>]</color> {0}
-help_screen_text: '<align=center><size=28><color=#E5C46B>Steambirds Alliance - Help</color></size></align>
- <size=26><color=#FBB040>Goal</color></size>
- <indent=50>
- Team up other brave rebel pilots to end the reign of Meowza, the evil cat overlord. Experience hundreds of unique enemies, a wide variety of secret missions, and many distinct plane types for you to unlock and master.
- Quickstart guide: <color=#4A9EFF><link="https://sba.wiki/wiki/Getting_Started">https://sba.wiki/wiki/Getting_Started</link></color>
- </indent>
- <size=26><color=#FBB040>Controls</color></size>
- <indent=50>
- Note: to see Controller instructions, press a button or stick on your controller now. To return to Keyboard instructions, move the mouse or press a key on your keyboard.
- <color=#FBB040>[<action:5>]</color> - Return to the Rebel City (a.k.a., Nexus). This is the safe place where other pilots congregate when not in battle.
- <color=#FBB040>[<action:40>]</color> - Open the Options menu.
- <color=#FBB040>[<action:14>]</color> - Open the Chat window. Type your message, then press <color=#FBB040>[<action:11>]</color> to send it.
- <color=#FBB040>[<action:7>]</color> - Teleport to an off-screen player that your plane is pointing toward.
- <color=#FBB040>[<action:2>]</color> - Shoot guns (unless auto-fire is enabled).
- If using ''hovercraft controls'', <color=#FBB040>[<action:57+>][<action:0->][<action:57->][<action:0+>]</color> to move and mouse/right joystick to aim the gun reticle.
- If using ''plane controls'', <color=#FBB040>[<action:0->][<action:0+>]</color> to rotate the plane and <color=#FBB040>[<action:57+>]</color> to move forward. Note: while in the battlefield, the plane moves forward on its own and <color=#FBB040>[<action:57+>]</color> gives it extra speed.
- There are more controls in the Options menu! Press <color=#FBB040>[<action:40>]</color> to open it.
- </indent>
- <size=26><color=#FBB040>Additional Help</color></size>
- <indent=50>
- Discord link: <color=#4A9EFF><link="http://discord.gg/steambirds">http://discord.gg/steambirds</link></color>
- Wiki link: <color=#4A9EFF><link="https://sba.wiki">https://sba.wiki</link></color>
- Blog link: <color=#4A9EFF><link="https://steambirds.com/blog">https://steambirds.com/blog</link></color>
- FAQ link: <color=#4A9EFF><link="https://support.spryfox.com/hc/en-us/categories/202699708-Steambirds-Alliance">https://support.spryfox.com/hc/en-us/categories/202699708-Steambirds-Alliance</link></color>
- </indent>
- '
-hint_cargo_full: '<color=#ffffff>货物已满!</color>
- 使用Shift加数字键 [<color=#ffff88ff>1至8</color>] 空投你无法使用的货物,或者使用 [<color=#ffff88ff>~</color>] 空投全部货物。'
-hint_v_inventory: '按 <color=#FF9900>[<action:4>]</color> 盘旋
- 并显示物品栏。'
+header_hanger_select_primary: • 主武器:{0} <color=#fde7aaff>{1}</color>
+help_screen_ok_key_command: <color=#FBB040>[<action:43>]</color>{0}
+help_screen_text: "<align=center><size=28><color=#E5C46B>蒸汽鸟联盟 - 帮助</color></size></align>\n \n <size=26><color=#FBB040>目标</color></size>\n <indent=50>\n 与其他英勇的叛军飞行员组队,共同对抗喵族,结束其邪恶统治。游戏将为你呈现数百种各具特色的敌人、多种多样的秘密任务,并可解锁并体验多种不同类型的飞机。\n \n 快速入门指南:<color=#4A9EFF><link=\"https://sba.wiki/wiki/Getting_Started\">https://sba.wiki/wiki/Getting_Started</link></color>\n </indent>\n <size=26><color=#FBB040>控制</color></size>\n <indent=50>\n 注意:若要查看控制器说明,请按下控制器上的按钮或摇杆。若要返回键盘说明,请移动鼠标或按下键盘按键。\n \n <color=#FBB040>[<action:5>]</color> - 返回叛军之城(又名连结点)。这是飞行员们在非战斗时聚集的安全区域。\n <color=#FBB040>[<action:40>]</color> - 打开选项菜单。\n <color=#FBB040>[<action:14>]</color> - 打开聊天窗口。输入信息,然后按下<color=#FBB040>[<action:11>]</color>进行发送。\n <color=#FBB040>[<action:7>]</color> - 传送至你的飞机当前指向的屏幕外玩家。\n <color=#FBB040>[<action:2>]</color> - 武器开火(若已启用自动开火则无需使用)。\n 若使用气垫船控制,<color=#FBB040>[<action:57+>][<action:0->][<action:57->][<action:0+>]</color>以移动鼠标/右摇杆来操纵武器的瞄准准星。\n 若使用飞机控制,<color=#FBB040>[<action:0->][<action:0+>]</color>以旋转飞机,<color=#FBB040>[<action:57+>]</color>以向前移动。注意:在战场中时,飞机会自动向前飞行,<color=#FBB040>[<action:57+>]</color>可赋予飞机额外速度。\n \n 在选项菜单中提供了更多的控制选项!按下<color=#FBB040>[<action:40>]</color>以将其打开\n </indent>\n <size=26><color=#FBB040>额外帮助</color></size>\n <indent=50>\n Discord链接:<color=#4A9EFF><link=\"http://discord.gg/steambirds\">http://discord.gg/steambirds</link></color>\n 百科链接:<color=#4A9EFF><link=\"https://sba.wiki\">https://sba.wiki</link></color>\n 博客链接:<color=#4A9EFF><link=\"https://steambirds.com/blog\">https://steambirds.com/blog</link></color>\n 常见问题解答链接:<color=#4A9EFF><link=\"https://support.spryfox.com/hc/en-us/categories/202699708-Steambirds-Alliance\">https://support.spryfox.com/hc/en-us/categories/202699708-Steambirds-Alliance</link></color>\n </indent>"
+hint_cargo_full: "<color=#ffffff>货物已满!</color>\n 使用Shift加数字键 [<color=#ffff88ff>1至8</color>] 空投你无法使用的货物,或者使用 [<color=#ffff88ff>~</color>] 空投全部货物。"
+hint_v_inventory: "按 <color=#FF9900>[<action:4>]</color> 盘旋\n 并显示物品栏。"
hint_v_inventory_close: 按 <color=#FF9900>[<action:4>]</color> 关闭物品栏。
-hud_help_instruction: Press <color=#FBB040>[<action:109>]</color> for help
+hud_help_instruction: 按下<color=#FBB040>[<action:109>]</color>以获得帮助
hud_location: <uppercase>{0}</uppercase>
hud_location_level: <size=20>{0}层</size>
hud_location_levels: <size=20>{0}-{1}层</size>
info_currency_for_pilot_xp: 得到{2}飞行员经验后,你获得了{0} {1}。
inventory_cargo: 货物
inventory_drop: 空投
inventory_equip: 装备
inventory_equipment: 装备
-inventory_full_overlay: "物品栏已满!使用 \n[<action:4>] 进行管理"
-inventory_full_popup_description: '使用 [<action:4>] 进行
- 管理'
+inventory_full_overlay: "物品栏已满!使用 \n [<action:4>] 进行管理"
+inventory_full_popup_description: "使用 [<action:4>] 进行\n 管理"
inventory_full_popup_warning: 已满
inventory_hide: 隐藏
inventory_interact: 装备/丢弃/……
inventory_list_empty: <size=15>空</size>
inventory_list_titleformat: <size=21><b>{0}<color=#B5A885FF>{1}</color></b></size>
-inventory_list_titleformat_tier: '<size=21><b><color=#ABAAACFF>{1}</color></b>
- <color=#F0F0F0FF>{2}</color></size>'
+inventory_list_titleformat_tier: "<size=21><b><color=#ABAAACFF>{1}</color></b>\n <color=#F0F0F0FF>{2}</color></size>"
inventory_move: 移动
inventory_title_text: 物品栏
island_existing_bosses_status1: 鸽子们将会落败,而我们的 {quantity} 名勇敢的 {bossname} 战士将会继续翱翔!
island_existing_bosses_status2: 我们的 {quantity} 架光荣的 {bossname} 飞机已经准备就绪!
island_existing_bosses_status3: 伟大的猫帝国正受到 {quantity} 个正义的 {bossname} 级防卫者的保护!
@@ -461,11 +408,11 @@ item_stats_cloud_radius: 尺寸
item_stats_cloud_shield: 护盾
item_stats_cloud_sps: SPS
item_stats_cooldown: 冷却
item_stats_damage: 伤害
item_stats_duration: 持续时间
-item_stats_ignores_walls: Ignores walls
+item_stats_ignores_walls: 忽略墙壁
item_stats_piercing: 穿透
item_stats_range: 射程
item_stats_ricochet: 弹跳
item_stats_spawn: 刷新
@@ -497,46 +444,20 @@ item_summaries:
trail: 尾迹
triple: 三连射
turret: 炮塔
vortex: 暗杀者
wasp: 黄蜂
-itempickup_buff_stats: '持续时间:<color=#ffff88ff>{0:0.#}</color>
- 冷却:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>
- '
-itempickup_cloud_damage_stats: '多重:<color=#ffff88ff>{0:0.#}</color>
- 持续时间:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>'
-itempickup_cloud_heal_stats: 'HPS:<color=#ffff88ff>{0:0.#}</color>
- 尺寸:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>'
-itempickup_cloud_healaura_stats: 'HPS:<color=#ffff88ff>{0:0.#}</color>
- 尺寸:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>'
-itempickup_cloud_poison_stats: 'DPS: <color=#ffff88ff>{0:0}</color>
- 尺寸:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>'
-itempickup_cloud_recharge_stats: 'SPS:<color=#ffff88ff>{0:0.#}</color>
- 尺寸:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>'
-itempickup_cloud_resist_stats: '护盾数量:<color=#ffff88ff>+{0:0}%</color>
- 光环时间:<color=#ffff88ff>{2:0.#}</color>'
+itempickup_buff_stats: "持续时间:<color=#ffff88ff>{0:0.#}</color>\n 冷却:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>"
+itempickup_cloud_damage_stats: "多重:<color=#ffff88ff>{0:0.#}</color>\n 持续时间:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>"
+itempickup_cloud_heal_stats: "HPS:<color=#ffff88ff>{0:0.#}</color>\n 尺寸:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>"
+itempickup_cloud_healaura_stats: "HPS:<color=#ffff88ff>{0:0.#}</color>\n 尺寸:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>"
+itempickup_cloud_poison_stats: "DPS: <color=#ffff88ff>{0:0}</color>\n 尺寸:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>"
+itempickup_cloud_recharge_stats: "SPS:<color=#ffff88ff>{0:0.#}</color>\n 尺寸:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>"
+itempickup_cloud_resist_stats: "护盾数量:<color=#ffff88ff>+{0:0}%</color>\n 光环时间:<color=#ffff88ff>{2:0.#}</color>"
itempickup_elemental_slot: 元素{1}
-itempickup_gun_stats: '物理:<color=#ffff88ff>{0:0}</color>
- 射程:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>
- 火力射程:<color=#ffff88ff>{2}</color>'
-itempickup_gun_stats_effects: '物理:<color=#ffff88ff>{0:0}</color>
- <color=#{1}>{2}</color>: <color=#ffff88ff>{3:0}</color>
- 射程:<color=#ffff88ff>{4:0.#}</color>
- 火力射程:<color=#ffff88ff>{5}</color>'
+itempickup_gun_stats: "物理:<color=#ffff88ff>{0:0}</color>\n 射程:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>\n 火力射程:<color=#ffff88ff>{2}</color>"
+itempickup_gun_stats_effects: "物理:<color=#ffff88ff>{0:0}</color>\n <color=#{1}>{2}</color>: <color=#ffff88ff>{3:0}</color>\n 射程:<color=#ffff88ff>{4:0.#}</color>\n 火力射程:<color=#ffff88ff>{5}</color>"
itempickup_mod_add: '{0}:<color=#ffff88ff>{1}{2:0}</color>'
itempickup_mod_add_dynamic: '{0}:<color=#ffff88ff>{1}{2:0}</color>(动态)'
itempickup_mod_mult: '{0}:<color=#ffff88ff>{1}{2:0}%</color>'
itempickup_mod_mult_dynamic: '{0}:<color=#ffff88ff>{1}{2:0}%</color>(动态)'
itempickup_mod_postadd: '{0}:<color=#ffff88ff>{1}{2:0} p</color>'
@@ -550,31 +471,33 @@ itempickup_rarity_epic: 史诗
itempickup_rarity_legendary: 传说
itempickup_rarity_rare: 稀有
itempickup_soulbound: <color=#DCBD67FF>绑定</color>
itempickup_soulbound_and_tradable: <color=#DCBD67FF>高级交易物品</color>
itempickup_soulbound_and_tradable_format: <color=#DCBD67FF>{0},{1}</color>
-itempickup_spawn_stats: '无人机:<color=#ffff88ff>{0}</color>
- 冷却:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>
- '
+itempickup_spawn_stats: "无人机:<color=#ffff88ff>{0}</color>\n 冷却:<color=#ffff88ff>{1:0.#}</color>"
itempickup_special_elemental_slot: 特殊元素{1}
itempickup_special_slot: 特殊{1}
itempickup_stats_firingPattern_format: <color=#DCBD67FF>{0}</color>
itempickup_tier_color_better: 55ff55
itempickup_tier_color_default: ffffff
itempickup_tier_color_unusable: '888888'
itempickup_tier_color_worse: ff5555
itempickup_tier_elemental_raw: 基本
-itempickup_tier_slot: '{0}阶 {1}'
+itempickup_tier_slot: '{0}阶 {1}'
itempickup_tier_slot_verbose_raw: '{0} 阶'
itempickup_tier_ultrarare_raw: 稀有
itempickup_tierlimited: <color=#ffaa55ff>{0} 级可用</color>
itempickup_tradable_only: <color=#DCBD67FF>普通交易物品</color>
itempickup_unusable: <color=#ff5555ff>不可用于飞机</color>
itempickup_unusable_classes: <color=#ff5555ff>只可用于:{0}</color>
itempickup_uses: 使用{0}
+language_change_restart_screen_close_game: 关闭游戏
+language_change_restart_screen_close_game_key_command: <color=#FBB040>[<action:43>]</color> {0}
+language_change_restart_screen_description: 必须重新开始游戏
+language_change_restart_screen_not_yet: 还没
+language_change_restart_screen_not_yet_key_command: <color=#FBB040>[<action:44>]</color> {0}
+language_change_restart_screen_title: 语言更改正在等待处理
legal_accept: 同意并继续
legal_accept_incomplete: 请阅读并同意后继续……
levelup_notify_header: <size=24>{0}层</size>
levelup_notify_stat_add: '{0}+{1:0.##}'
levelup_notify_stat_multiply: '{0}+{1:0.#}%'
@@ -606,15 +529,17 @@ login_forgot_password: 忘记密码?
login_forgot_password_info: 选此找回密码
login_login: 登录
login_new_player_subtitle: 选此注册
login_new_player_title: 新玩家?
login_password: 密码
-login_queue_info_desc: The Steambirds Alliance servers are under heavy load right now. You've reserved your place in the queue and should hopefully get to play very soon!
-login_queue_info_info: 'Position in Queue: {0}
+login_queue_info_desc: '蒸汽鸟联盟的服务器正在承受沉重负担,你已经在队列中预留了位置,希望很快就进入游戏
- <size=80%>Updating in {1}s...</size>'
-login_queue_info_title: Servers Are Full!
+ !'
+login_queue_info_info: '登录队列位置: {0}
+ <size=80%>{1}s...后更新</size>'
+login_queue_info_title: 服务器已满!
login_register: 注册
login_request_reset: 请求重置
login_reset: 重置
login_retype_password: 重新输入密码
login_sign_in: 注册
@@ -636,18 +561,18 @@ menu_toggle: 切换
menu_type: 类型
mission_complete_bossesleft: 当前国度剩余 {0} 个 Boss。
mission_complete_enemy: 被击败 {0} 次
modal_cancel: 取消
modal_ok: 确定
-nexus_selection_advance: Navigate
-nexus_selection_back: Back
-nexus_selection_item_info_full: <color=#FC8642>Full</color>
-nexus_selection_item_info_players: 'Players: {0}/{1}'
-nexus_selection_item_info_recommended: ' (Recommended)'
-nexus_selection_title: Travel to Rebel City
+nexus_selection_advance: 导航
+nexus_selection_back: 返回
+nexus_selection_item_info_full: <color=#FC8642>已满</color>
+nexus_selection_item_info_players: 玩家:{0}/{1}
+nexus_selection_item_info_recommended: (推荐)
+nexus_selection_title: 前往叛军之城
no_quick_heal_item_in_inventory: 快速治疗失败。你的物品栏中没有任何治疗物品。
-no_turrets: No turret exists
+no_turrets: 无炮塔
notify_auto_inventory_replace: <color=#{0}>收到</color>
notify_collected: <color=#{0}>已收集</color>
notify_color_better: 4ada5c
notify_color_consumed: DD55DD
notify_color_default: '909090'
@@ -663,41 +588,39 @@ notify_detail_worse: <color=#e84f4f>{0:0.} {1}</color>
notify_detail_worse_percent: <color=#e84f4f>{0:0.}% {1}</color>
notify_elemental_short: (基本)
notify_equipped: <color=#{0}>已装备</color>
notify_equipped_auto: <color=#{0}>已自动装备</color>
notify_full: <color=#{0}>物品栏已满</color>
-notify_full_desc: '<color=#FBB040>[<action:4>]</color>进行管理
- <color=#FBB040>[<action:33>]</color>丢弃垃圾'
+notify_full_desc: "<color=#FBB040>[<action:4>]</color>进行管理\n <color=#FBB040>[<action:33>]</color>丢弃垃圾"
notify_purchased: <color=#{0}>已购买</color>
notify_quick_swap: 按下<color=#FBB040>[<action:{0}>]</color>使用
notify_quick_swap_undo: 按下<color=#FBB040>[<action:{0}>]</color>换回
notify_tier_short: T{0}
notify_ultrarare_short: (指定)
onscreenindicator_target: 目标
options_bind: 重新绑定
-options_bind_reserved_key: Sorry; that key is reserved for a special purpose. Please choose a different key.
+options_bind_reserved_key: 抱歉;这把钥匙仅用于特殊用途。请选择其他钥匙。
options_bind_unbound: 您的{0}设备已从{1}解除绑定
- always: Always
- fullscreen: When Fullscreen
- never: Never
+ always: 总是
+ fullscreen: 在全屏时
+ never: 从不
options_menu_Return_Home: 返回叛军之城
options_menu_SSAO: 环境光遮蔽
-options_menu_always_boost: Always Boost
+options_menu_always_boost: 总是增强
options_menu_antialiasing: 抗锯齿
options_menu_autoAdjustQuality: 自动优化设置
options_menu_auto_equip: 自动装备
options_menu_bug_report: 报告错误
options_menu_change_portrait: 更改头像框
options_menu_chat: 聊天
options_menu_click_to_teleport: 单击进行传送
options_menu_colorblind_mode: 色盲模式
options_menu_controls: 控制
options_menu_controls_current_steering_flag: '*'
options_menu_credits: 制作人员
-options_menu_cursor_lock_mode: Lock Cursor
+options_menu_cursor_lock_mode: 锁定光标
options_menu_debug_display: 显示调试信息
options_menu_display_number: 显示数字
options_menu_emote_2nd_1: 第二表情1
options_menu_emote_2nd_10: 第二表情10
options_menu_emote_2nd_2: 第二表情2
@@ -714,11 +637,11 @@ options_menu_emote_c: 输入 C 表情
options_menu_emote_d: 输入 D 表情
options_menu_emotes: 触发表情
options_menu_emotes_sub: 表情
options_menu_enable_gamepad: 开启手柄
options_menu_faq: 常见问题
-options_menu_filter_chat: Chat Profanity Filter
+options_menu_filter_chat: 聊天脏话过滤器
options_menu_force_30_fps: 强制 30 帧
options_menu_friend_list: 好友列表
options_menu_gamepad_controls: 手柄控制
options_menu_gamepad_controls_UI: 菜单控制
options_menu_gamepad_controls_abs: 手柄绑定
@@ -774,11 +697,11 @@ options_menu_keyboard_controls_rel_inventory_navigation: 物品栏控制
options_menu_keyboard_controls_rel_system: 系统控制
options_menu_keyboard_controls_relative_plane_controls: 飞机控制
options_menu_keyboard_controls_shared_controls: 互动控制
options_menu_keyboard_controls_system: 系统控制
options_menu_keyboard_controls_system_controls: 系统控制
-options_menu_locale: 场所
+options_menu_locale: 语言
options_menu_locale_old: <color=#e84f4f>(需要重启)</color>
options_menu_low_bullet_alpha: 隐藏友军子弹
options_menu_main: 选项
options_menu_maingunshooting_type_joystick: 主炮手柄
options_menu_maingunshooting_type_keyboard: 主炮键盘
@@ -813,68 +736,73 @@ options_menu_nexus_list: 主叛军之城
options_menu_nexus_list_none: 无
options_menu_off: 'false'
options_menu_on: 'true'
options_menu_outline: 概要
options_menu_plane_steering_type_override: 飞机特定模式
-options_menu_player_plane_level_visibility_always: Always
-options_menu_player_plane_level_visibility_boss: Hide During Boss Battles
-options_menu_player_plane_level_visibility_never: Only In Rebel City
-options_menu_player_plane_level_visibility_short_always: Always
-options_menu_player_plane_level_visibility_short_boss: Sometimes
-options_menu_player_plane_level_visibility_short_never: Never
+options_menu_player_plane_level_visibility_always: 总是
+options_menu_player_plane_level_visibility_boss: 在首领战期间隐藏
+options_menu_player_plane_level_visibility_never: 仅在叛军之城
+options_menu_player_plane_level_visibility_short_always: 总是
+options_menu_player_plane_level_visibility_short_boss: 有时
+options_menu_player_plane_level_visibility_short_never: 从不
options_menu_quests: 任务记录
options_menu_quests_crafting: 制作配方
options_menu_quit: 退出游戏
options_menu_reset_controls: 重置为默认值
options_menu_screenshot_scale: 截图比例
options_menu_select_pilot_skills: 选择飞行员技能
options_menu_sfx_volume: 游戏音量
options_menu_shadows: 阴影
options_menu_show_chat: 显示聊天
options_menu_show_damage_indicators: 显示伤害条
-options_menu_show_early_access_message: 早期访问提示
-options_menu_show_help_instruction: Show Help Key
+options_menu_show_early_access_message: '欢迎辞
+ '
+options_menu_show_help_instruction: 显示帮助键
options_menu_show_hud: 显示 HUD
options_menu_show_news_interstitial: 登录时显示新闻
options_menu_show_player_plane_levels: 显示所有人的等级
options_menu_show_player_ranks: 显示所有人的排名
options_menu_show_prerelease: 查看先行版本
options_menu_show_radar: 显示雷达
options_menu_show_unit_names: 显示名称
options_menu_show_upgrade_fx: 显示自动更新
-options_menu_show_usernames_in_boss_battles: Usernames in boss fights
+options_menu_show_usernames_in_boss_battles: 在首领战中显示玩家名称
options_menu_sound: 声音
options_menu_stats: 属性
options_menu_steering_type: 驾驶
-options_menu_teleport_nexus: Switch Rebel City
+options_menu_teleport_nexus: 切换叛军之城
options_menu_ui_volume: 菜单音量
options_menu_upcoming_events: 即将开始的活动
options_menu_vsync: 垂直同步
fantastic: 不可思议
low: 低
mediocre: 表现平平
options_unbind: 解除绑定
ozy_error_email_duplicate: 邮件地址已被使用。
ozy_error_email_invalid: 请提供一个有效的邮箱地址。
pilot_school_action_down: 降级技能(技能点:{0})
-pilot_school_action_filter: Change Skill Filter
+pilot_school_action_filter: 更改技能筛选
pilot_school_action_loadouts: 更改技能配装
pilot_school_action_new: 学习新技能(技能点:{0})
pilot_school_action_remove: 遗忘技能(技能点:{0})
pilot_school_action_switch: 切换至技能(技能点:{0})
pilot_school_action_switch_free: 切换至技能
pilot_school_action_up: 升级技能(技能点:{0})
-pilot_school_details_points: 'Unspent Skill Points: <color=#55ff55>{0}</color>'
-pilot_school_details_points_zero: '<color=#ff5555>Unspent Skill Points: {0}</color>'
-pilot_school_details_rank: 排名{0} - {1}
-pilot_school_filter_heading: Filter Skills
-pilot_school_filter_label: 'Filter: {0}'
-pilot_school_filter_menu_back_label: All Skills
-pilot_school_filter_menu_subtitle: '[<action:43>]: select a class to filter skills by'
-pilot_school_filter_menu_title: Filtering
-pilot_school_filter_show_all: All Skills
+pilot_school_details_points: '<size=36><color=#F1DCA4FF>未使用的技能点: <color=#55ff55>{0}</color></color></size>'
+pilot_school_details_points_in_category: '{0} 点在 {1} 技能'
+pilot_school_details_points_zero: <size=36><color=#ff5555>未使用的技能点数: {0}</color></size>
+pilot_school_details_pts_in_cat_format_close: </color></size>
+pilot_school_details_pts_in_cat_format_open: <size=20><color=#716A58FF>
+pilot_school_details_rank: <size=36><color=#F1DCA4FF>排名{0} - {1}</color></size>
+pilot_school_filter_heading: 筛选技能
+pilot_school_filter_label: 筛选:{0}
+pilot_school_filter_menu_back_label: 全部技能
+pilot_school_filter_menu_subtitle: '[<action:43>]:选择要筛选的技能类别'
+pilot_school_filter_menu_title: 筛选
+pilot_school_filter_show_all: 全部技能
pilot_school_intro_change: 获得{0}飞行员经验
pilot_school_intro_continue: 按下[<action:43>]继续
pilot_school_intro_rank: 排名{0} - {1}
pilot_school_intro_rank_next: '{0}飞行员经验至排名{1}'
pilot_school_intro_unlock_group: 已解锁:{0}
@@ -885,18 +813,18 @@ pilot_school_loadout_label: 技能配装{0}
pilot_school_loadout_menu_back_detail: '[<action:44>]'
pilot_school_loadout_menu_back_label: 返回
pilot_school_loadout_menu_buy_detail_confirm: '[<action:43>]:确认购买'
pilot_school_loadout_menu_buy_detail_discount: <color=#E5C46B>{0}%折扣</color>出售{1}。
pilot_school_loadout_menu_buy_label: 购买额外栏位
-pilot_school_loadout_menu_slot_detail: '{0}技能
- {1}/{2}技能点已使用'
+pilot_school_loadout_menu_slot_detail: "{0}技能\n {1}/{2}技能点已使用"
pilot_school_loadout_menu_slot_label: 技能配装{0}
pilot_school_loadout_menu_subtitle: '[<action:43>]:选择一个技能配装或是购买额外的栏位'
pilot_school_loadout_menu_title: 技能配装
pilot_school_loadout_skills: 技能:
-pilot_school_loadout_wipe_current: Wipe Current Loadout
+pilot_school_loadout_wipe_current: 删除当前的配装
+pilot_school_loadout_wipe_description: 警告!这将会重置所有用过的技能点。
+pilot_school_loadout_wipe_heading: 重置装载
pilot_school_notify_buy_slot_done: 已购买:额外技能配装栏位
pilot_school_notify_buy_slot_error: <color=#e84f4f>购买额外技能配装栏位时发生错误!</color>
pilot_school_notify_buy_slot_start: 购买额外技能配装栏位……
pilot_school_notify_down: 降级<color=#E5C46B>{0}</color>至<color=#E5C46B>Lv.{1}</color>({2})
pilot_school_notify_error_generic: <color=#e84f4f>更改技能错误{0}</color>
@@ -962,78 +890,70 @@ pilot_skill_trigger_onsecondary: 在使用副武器时
pilot_skill_trigger_onsuperspeedend: 在超级速度结束时
pilot_skill_trigger_onsuperspeedstart: 在超级速度开始时
pilot_skills_only_nexus: 只能从叛军之城选择飞行员技能
plane_select_buyslot: 扩展你的机库
plane_select_buyslot_desc: 增加空间以存放另一架飞机。
-plane_select_buyslot_header: '<color=#fffffff><b>扩展你的机库</b></color>
- 添加空间以存放另一架飞机。'
+plane_select_buyslot_header: "<color=#fffffff><b>扩展你的机库</b></color>\n 添加空间以存放另一架飞机。"
plane_select_itemlist: '{0}:{1} 阶<color=#ffff88ff> {2}</color>'
plane_select_newplane: 新飞机
plane_select_shortdesc: '{0} 级'
plane_select_titleformat: <color=#B5A885FF><size=21><b>{0}</b></size></color>
plane_select_unlocks: <color=#af4a30ff>{0} 达到 {1} 级</color>时解锁
-plane_upgrade_progress: Plane Upgrade Progress
-planexpboost_simple: +{0}% XP
+plane_upgrade_progress: 飞机升级进度
+planexpboost_simple: +{0}%经验
planexpboost_ui: +{0}%经验,持续{1}
player_info_armor: 装甲
player_info_steam: 蒸汽
player_info_xp: 经验
player_label: <color={1}>{0} 级</color>
player_label_admin: <color={1}>{0} 级 A</color>
player_label_admin_no_level: <color={1}>A</color>
player_label_pilot_level: <color={1}>R{0}</color>
player_label_pilot_level_chat: '- R{0}'
portrait_change: 更改头像框
portrait_header: 头像框选择
portrait_title: 头像框
-post_battle_loot: 'Your damage: {0:0.##}%<size=30%>
- <size=65%>XP received: {1}</size>'
-post_battle_noloot: 'Your damage: < {0:0.##}%<size=30%>
- <size=60%>Not enough damage for loot</size>
- <size=65%>XP received: {1}</size>'
+post_battle_loot: "你的伤害:{0:0.##}%<size=30%>\n <size=65%>经验获得:{1}</size>"
+post_battle_noloot: "你的伤害:< {0:0.##}%<size=30%>\n <size=60%>伤害不足以拾取战利品</size>\n <size=65%>经验获得:{1}</size>"
quest_active_heading: '{0} <size=65%>{1}/{2}</size>'
quest_active_heading_other: '{0}'
quest_active_heading_suffix: <size=65%><color=#FBB040>[<action:90>]</color>:下一</size>
quest_active_inactive: ''
quest_category_armor: 装甲
quest_category_engine: 引擎
quest_category_format: '{0} <color=#909090>({1})</color>'
quest_category_laser: 激光
quest_category_machinegun: 机枪
quest_category_shotgun: 霰弹枪
quest_category_sniper: 狙击枪
quest_category_strike: 弧光
quest_category_sword: 剑
-quest_category_trail: Trails
+quest_category_trail: 尾迹
quest_category_triple: 爆破枪
quest_category_unknown: 其他
quest_category_wasp: 黄蜂
quest_goal_collect: 收集{0} <color=#FBB040>{1}</color>
quest_goal_collect_crafting: '{0} <color=#FBB040>{1}</color>'
-quest_goal_collect_unit: Collect {0} <color=#FBB040>{1}</color> from {2}
-quest_goal_encounter: Find {0} {1}
-quest_goal_kill: Kill {0} {1}
+quest_goal_collect_unit: 收集{0} <color=#FBB040>{1}</color>({2})
+quest_goal_encounter: 找到{0} {1}
+quest_goal_kill: 消灭{0} {1}
quest_goal_pilot: 到达<color=#FBB040>飞行员L{0}</color>
quest_goal_plane: 达到<color=#FBB040>飞机L{0}</color>
quest_goal_progress: '{0}/{1}'
quest_goal_quest: 完成任务:<color=#FBB040>{0}</color>
quest_goal_return: 任务完成后返回<color=#FBB040>{0}</color>
quest_goal_return_crafting: 在<color=#FBB040>{0}</color>制作。
quest_goal_return_crafting_location: 在<color=#FBB040>{0}</color>制作(<color=#FBB040>{1}</color>)。
quest_goal_return_location: 任务完成后返回<color=#FBB040>{0}</color>(<color=#FBB040>{1}</color>)。
quest_goal_return_nexus_help: <color=#FBB040>[<action:5>]</color>返回叛军之城
-quest_goal_suffix_class: ' with <color=#FBB040>{0}</color>'
-quest_goal_suffix_dungeon: ' in <color=#FBB040>{0}</color>'
-quest_goal_suffix_nearbyplayers: ' with <color=#FBB040>{0}+ nearby players</color>'
+quest_goal_suffix_class: 和<color=#FBB040>{0}</color>
+quest_goal_suffix_dungeon: 在<color=#FBB040>{0}</color>
+quest_goal_suffix_nearbyplayers: 和<color=#FBB040>{0}+名玩家一同</color>
quest_goal_target: '{0}'
-quest_goal_units_any: <color=#FBB040>enemies</color>
-quest_goal_units_delim: ', '
-quest_goal_units_delim_last: ' or '
+quest_goal_units_any: <color=#FBB040>敌人</color>
+quest_goal_units_delim: ,
+quest_goal_units_delim_last: 或
quest_goal_units_unit: <color=#FBB040>{0}</color>
quest_instant_pilotxp: 飞行员经验
quest_instant_planexp: 经验
quest_island_desc: 伟大领袖喵族正控制着{0}。消灭贵族守卫,然后推翻独裁者。
quest_island_goal_bosses: 消灭<color=#FBB040>剩余的{0}守卫喵族的首领</color>
@@ -1094,65 +1014,68 @@ quick_chat_title_B: 晴朗天空!
quick_chat_title_C: 向我集结!
quick_chat_title_Charge: 冲锋!
quick_chat_title_D: 焰火
quick_chat_title_Disco: 迪斯科
quick_chat_title_FireworksEpic: 史诗焰火
+quick_chat_title_LOL: 哈哈
+quick_chat_title_LaunchConfetti: 庆祝
quick_chat_title_LoveCommon: 爱情!
quick_chat_title_LoveEpic: 史诗爱情!
quick_chat_title_LoveFireworks: 爱情焰火
+quick_chat_title_MusicNotes: 音乐
+quick_chat_title_OutOfSteam: 虎头蛇尾!
quick_chat_title_PurpleFireworks: 紫色焰火
quick_chat_title_ThumbsDown: 踩
quick_chat_title_ThumbsUp: 赞!
quick_chat_title_Warning: 警告
+quick_chat_title_Wave: 你好
quick_chat_title_Wings: 翅膀
quick_chat_whee: 呦!
-radar_mission: '任务
- <color=#ffa500ff>击杀 {0} 次</color>'
-radar_teleport: '[<action:7>] to teleport'
-radar_teleport_click: '[<action:7>] or click
- to teleport'
+radar_mission: "任务\n <color=#ffa500ff>击杀 {0} 次</color>"
+radar_teleport: '[<action:7>]进行传送'
+radar_teleport_click: "[<action:7>]或单击\n 进行传送"
- EU.DE: Europe
- NA.US: N. America
- OC.AU: Australia
-report_cmd_chat: Report Chat
-report_cmd_cheating: Report Cheating
-report_cmd_other: Report Other
-report_cmd_title: User Report Menu
+ AS.SG: 东亚
+ EU.DE: 欧洲
+ NA.US: 北美洲
+ OC.AU: 澳大利亚
+report_cmd_chat: 举报聊天
+report_cmd_cheating: 举报作弊
+report_cmd_other: 举报其他行为
+report_cmd_title: 使用报告菜单
restart_announce: 每个人都要全副武装!我们需要短暂地关闭这个叛军之城。这样我们就可以躲过他们的扫描仪。
restart_countdown: '{0}……'
restart_now: 短暂地进入黑暗。
session_anti_addiction_disconnect: 达到防沉迷限制时间抱歉,
shutdown_announce: 服务器很快就要关闭。赶快收起你的战利品。
shutdown_countdown: '{0}……'
shutdown_now: 服务器即将关闭。
skills_menu_current: 当前技能
skills_menu_exit: 退出
+skills_menu_flying: 飞行
skills_menu_none: 暂无技能
skills_menu_select: 选择
skills_menu_title: 选择一项飞行员技能
stats_menu_agility: 敏捷
stats_menu_attack: 伤害
stats_menu_charge: 蓄能
stats_menu_facts_header: 显著事实
stats_menu_generic_level: '{0} 级'
stats_menu_max_upgrades: 最大
-stats_menu_none: (No skills or buffs yet)
+stats_menu_none: (尚无技能或增益效果)
stats_menu_pilot_header: 飞行员
stats_menu_plane_header: 飞机
stats_menu_repair: 修理
-stats_menu_skills: Skills and Buffs
+stats_menu_skills: 技能和增益效果
stats_menu_speed: 速度
stats_menu_upgrade_progress: 进度
stats_menu_upgrades_header: 升级
status_connecting_nexus: 正在寻找叛军之城
-status_enter_portal: Entering Portal
+status_enter_portal: 正在进入传送门
status_joining_server: 正在连接服务器
-status_reconnecting: Reconnecting
-status_reconnecting_subtitle: 'Attempt: {0}'
+status_reconnecting: 正在重新连接
+status_reconnecting_subtitle: 次数:{0}
status_server_full: 服务器已满,正在返回叛军之城
status_server_timeout: 连接已超时,正在返回叛军之城
status_waiting_tutorial: 正在等待教程
storage_menu_apply_sort: 应用分类
storage_menu_apply_sort_affirm: 是的,应用分类
@@ -1176,21 +1099,19 @@ storage_menu_sorting_plus_filters: 分类&筛选
storage_menu_swap: 替换为 {0}
storage_menu_swap_header: 替换中
storage_menu_title_buy: 购买更多仓库
storage_menu_title_plane: 飞机货物
storage_menu_title_storage: 仓库海湾
-storage_menu_tooltip_buy: '添加更多的仓库空间。即使你的飞机被击落,存放在仓库中的物品将仍然是安全的。
- 价格:{0}'
+storage_menu_tooltip_buy: "添加更多的仓库空间。即使你的飞机被击落,存放在仓库中的物品将仍然是安全的。\n 价格:{0}"
store_popup_confirm_help: <color=#FBB040>[<action:43>]</color>确认
store_popup_purchase_help: <color=#FBB040><action:43></color>购买
-suicide_screen_description: Please confirm that you wish to destroy this plane. MAKE SURE YOUR AIRCRAFT'S INVENTORY IS EMPTY OF VALUABLE ITEMS BEFORE YOU CONFIRM!
-suicide_screen_destroy: Destroy it!
-suicide_screen_destroy_key_command: <color=#FBB040>[<action:43>]</color> {0}
-suicide_screen_nevermind: Nevermind
-suicide_screen_nevermind_key_command: <color=#FBB040>[<action:44>]</color> {0}
-suicide_screen_title: Self-destruct confirmation
+suicide_screen_description: 请确认你希望摧毁该飞机。请在点击确认前确保你已清空了飞机物品栏中的高价值物品!
+suicide_screen_destroy: 将其摧毁!
+suicide_screen_destroy_key_command: <color=#FBB040>[<action:43>]</color>{0}
+suicide_screen_nevermind: 否
+suicide_screen_nevermind_key_command: <color=#FBB040>[<action:44>]</color>{0}
+suicide_screen_title: 自毁确认
timer_h: '{0}小时'
timer_m: '{0}分钟'
timer_s: '{0}秒'
title_hangar: 机库
title_hangar_newplane: 机库:<b>新飞机</b>
@@ -1207,11 +1128,11 @@ trade_complete_the_trade: 完成交易
trade_description: 在你和{0}直接打开
trade_error_not_enough_cargo_space: 你没有足够的货物空间
trade_error_not_enough_currency: 你没有足够的货币
trade_error_on_cooldown: 你可以在{0}内接受
trade_error_unknown: 你未满足交易条件
-trade_fee_button: Paid in {0}
+trade_fee_button: 在{0}内支付
trade_fee_by_both: 双方均摊费用
trade_fee_by_name: '{0}支付费用'
trade_fee_by_you: 你支付费用
trade_fee_text: '{1} <sprite="textIconAtlas" name="currency_{0}">(你的部分)'
trade_fee_type: 在{0}内支付
@@ -1237,11 +1158,11 @@ unknown: '[未知]'
unknown_error: 未知错误。
unlock_header: 新类别已解锁!
unusable_item: 项目失败!你无法与此类别一起使用{0}。
upcoming_events_happening_now: <color=#F0DD9D>正在发生</color>
upcoming_events_news_posted_at: 发布位置:{0}
-upcoming_events_schedule_line: '- {0} - {1}'
+upcoming_events_schedule_line: '- {0} - {1}'
upcoming_events_time_format: htt, MMMM d
upgrade_fx_armor: 护甲升级!
upgrade_fx_engine: 引擎升级!
upgrade_fx_gun: 枪支升级!
upgrade_fx_secondary: 副武器升级!
diff --git config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/units.txt config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/units.txt
index 9751e75..b4511ea 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Texts/zh-CN/units.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Texts/zh-CN/units.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-3brothers_reward: Treasure
-3brothersmaster: Three Brothers
+3brothers_reward: 宝藏
+3brothersmaster: 三兄弟
DQ_CS_11LOW_deer: 机甲-驼鹿
DQ_CS_12LOW_ninjaA: 炸弹猫
DQ_CS_12LOW_ninjaAgrenade: 炸弹猫
DQ_CS_13LOW_willowisp: 毒素喷洒者
DQ_CS_13LOW_willowispleader: 毒气清扫者
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ DQ_CS_31HGH_angel2master: 机甲-天使中队
DQ_CS_32HGH_sweeper: 根除者
DQ_CS_32HGH_sweeperminion: 小型根除者
DQ_CS_32HGH_sweeperminionmaster: 根除者
DQ_CS_33HGH_teslafortress: 拉之堡垒
DQ_CS_33HGH_teslatower: 拉之迷你高塔
-DQ_CS_33HGH_teslatowerlaser: Mini Tower of Ra
+DQ_CS_33HGH_teslatowerlaser: 拉之迷你高塔
DQ_CS_41MTN_vampire: 精英守卫
DQ_CS_51HMT_hammerplanet2: 暴动终结者
DQ_KS_11LOW_squirrel: 机甲松鼠
DQ_KS_11LOW_squirrelleader: 松鼠首领
DQ_KS_12LOW_gridboss: 守卫炮塔MkII
@@ -258,18 +258,18 @@ bosstrain01DEATH: 章鱼医生
bosstrain02: 章鱼医生
bosstrain03: 章鱼医生
bosstrain04: 章鱼医生
bosstrain05: 章鱼医生
broadside: 侧护板
-bulletbeltchunkyE: Bullet Belt
-bulletbeltchunkyE2: Bullet Belt
-bulletbeltchunkyN: Bullet Belt
-bulletbeltchunkyN2: Bullet Belt
-bulletbeltchunkyS: Bullet Belt
-bulletbeltchunkyS2: Bullet Belt
-bulletbeltchunkyW: Bullet Belt
-bulletbeltchunkyW2: Bullet Belt
+bulletbeltchunkyE: 子弹带
+bulletbeltchunkyE2: 子弹带
+bulletbeltchunkyN: 子弹带
+bulletbeltchunkyN2: 子弹带
+bulletbeltchunkyS: 子弹带
+bulletbeltchunkyS2: 子弹带
+bulletbeltchunkyW: 子弹带
+bulletbeltchunkyW2: 子弹带
bulletsize: 子弹尺寸比较
bulletstress: 子弹压力
bulletstressleader: 子弹压力
bunny: 欢乐无人机
buzzard: 清道夫
@@ -330,58 +330,58 @@ coilsnake01: 毒素护卫舰
coilsnake02: 毒素护卫舰
coilsnake03: 毒素护卫舰
coilsnake04: 毒素护卫舰
coilsnake05: 毒素护卫舰
coilsnake06: 毒素传送装置
-conveyorbeltA: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltA_end: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltA_intersection_E: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltA_intersection_N: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltA_intersection_S: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltA_intersection_W: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltA_start: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltA_start_alwaysegg: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltA_start_alwaysturret: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltB: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltB_end: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltB_intersection_E: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltB_intersection_N: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltB_intersection_S: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltB_intersection_W: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltB_start: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltB_start_alwaysegg: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltB_start_alwaysturret: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltP_E: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltP_N: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltP_S: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltP_W: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltP_end_E: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltP_end_N: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltP_end_S: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltP_end_W: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltP_start: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltZ_E: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltZ_N: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltZ_S: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltZ_W: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltZ_empty_E: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltZ_empty_N: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltZ_empty_S: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltZ_empty_W: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbeltZ_intersection_SW: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbelt_straight_E_12: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbelt_straight_E_4: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbelt_straight_E_8: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbelt_straight_N_12: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbelt_straight_N_4: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbelt_straight_N_8: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbelt_straight_S_12: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbelt_straight_S_4: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbelt_straight_S_8: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbelt_straight_W_12: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbelt_straight_W_4: Conveyor Belt
-conveyorbelt_straight_W_8: Conveyor Belt
+conveyorbeltA: 传送带
+conveyorbeltA_end: 传送带
+conveyorbeltA_intersection_E: 传送带
+conveyorbeltA_intersection_N: 传送带
+conveyorbeltA_intersection_S: 传送带
+conveyorbeltA_intersection_W: 传送带
+conveyorbeltA_start: 传送带
+conveyorbeltA_start_alwaysegg: 传送带
+conveyorbeltA_start_alwaysturret: 传送带
+conveyorbeltB: 传送带
+conveyorbeltB_end: 传送带
+conveyorbeltB_intersection_E: 传送带
+conveyorbeltB_intersection_N: 传送带
+conveyorbeltB_intersection_S: 传送带
+conveyorbeltB_intersection_W: 传送带
+conveyorbeltB_start: 传送带
+conveyorbeltB_start_alwaysegg: 传送带
+conveyorbeltB_start_alwaysturret: 传送带
+conveyorbeltP_E: 传送带
+conveyorbeltP_N: 传送带
+conveyorbeltP_S: 传送带
+conveyorbeltP_W: 传送带
+conveyorbeltP_end_E: 传送带
+conveyorbeltP_end_N: 传送带
+conveyorbeltP_end_S: 传送带
+conveyorbeltP_end_W: 传送带
+conveyorbeltP_start: 传送带
+conveyorbeltZ_E: 传送带
+conveyorbeltZ_N: 传送带
+conveyorbeltZ_S: 传送带
+conveyorbeltZ_W: 传送带
+conveyorbeltZ_empty_E: 传送带
+conveyorbeltZ_empty_N: 传送带
+conveyorbeltZ_empty_S: 传送带
+conveyorbeltZ_empty_W: 传送带
+conveyorbeltZ_intersection_SW: 传送带
+conveyorbelt_straight_E_12: 传送带
+conveyorbelt_straight_E_4: 传送带
+conveyorbelt_straight_E_8: 传送带
+conveyorbelt_straight_N_12: 传送带
+conveyorbelt_straight_N_4: 传送带
+conveyorbelt_straight_N_8: 传送带
+conveyorbelt_straight_S_12: 传送带
+conveyorbelt_straight_S_4: 传送带
+conveyorbelt_straight_S_8: 传送带
+conveyorbelt_straight_W_12: 传送带
+conveyorbelt_straight_W_4: 传送带
+conveyorbelt_straight_W_8: 传送带
convoybase: 护卫舰殖民地
convoybasebroken: 护卫舰殖民地
convoydrone: 护卫舰殖民者
convoyleader: 护卫舰
convoypod: 护卫舰
@@ -397,13 +397,13 @@ crawlershell: 渔夫螃蟹
curleader: 火焰保镖
cyclopus: 精神病人
cyclopus2: 精神病人
cyclopuslaser: 疯狂之眼
deer: 机甲鹿
-destroyer: Retaliator
-destroyerbomb: Retaliator
-destroyermissile: Retaliator
+destroyer: 复仇者
+destroyerbomb: 复仇者
+destroyermissile: 复仇者
dochatcher: 血腥护士
docmini: 护士
dragonbaby: 野兽守卫
dragonbabyfireball: 野兽守卫
dragonmama: 狮子守卫
@@ -423,12 +423,12 @@ dragonsnakeminion03: 蛇仆从
dragonsnakeminion04: 蛇仆从
dragonsnakeminion05: 蛇仆从
dragonsnakeminion06: 蛇仆从
drone: 杂种犬
dronette: 扩增治疗师
-duelist: Moneyed Duelist
-duelist_3Bclone: Duelist Protector
+duelist: 富有的决斗者
+duelist_3Bclone: 决斗保护者
duoguard: 巴斯特守卫者
duoguardmaster: 巴斯特守卫者
elementalfirearmor: 元素火焰装甲
elementalfireweakness: 元素火焰弱点
elementalicearmor: 元素寒冰装甲
@@ -521,11 +521,11 @@ firebarrel: 烈火探测器缓存
firebarrelboom: 烈火探测器缓存
firedungeonsign1: 情报
firedungeonsign2: 情报
firedungeontreasure: 宝藏
fireeye: 喷火器
-fireeyecorner: Flame Thrower
+fireeyecorner: 喷火器
firesprinkler: 熔炉
firewheel: 火轮
firingghost: 火鬼
firingghostbullet: 火鬼子弹
fivestar: 沙滩防卫者
@@ -587,11 +587,11 @@ hedgeleader2: 冰之泉
hedgeleader3: 死亡之泉
hedgeminion: 火灵
hedgeminion2: 冰之泉
highgnat: 种子机器人
highmountaingrunt: 城市守卫
-highmountaingrunt_controller: City Guard
+highmountaingrunt_controller: 城市守卫
highmountaingruntleader: 城市官员
highmountainhunter: 审问者
highmountainspotter: 山脉守望者
homingbomb: 松散炸弹
homingbombboom: 库存炸弹
@@ -643,12 +643,12 @@ ikaruga: 斑鸠
ikarugaMinion: 斑鸠仆从
jellyfish: 水母
jester: 小丑
jesterDEATH: 小丑
kaiju: 怪兽
-kaiju3B: Golden Kai
-kaiju3BDEATH: Golden Kai
+kaiju3B: 金色卡伊
+kaiju3BDEATH: 金色卡伊
kaijuDEATH: 怪兽
kaijubigbubble: 水圈
kaijubigbubble2: 保护圈
kaijubigbubble2bubble: 小型水圈
kaijubigbubble2missile: 智能导弹
@@ -684,87 +684,87 @@ lasergatediagonal2: 激光网#雷达侦测:否
lasergrid: 激光网#雷达侦测:否
lasergridspawner: 激光网#雷达侦测:否
lasership: 爱尔兰雪达犬
lasershipleader: 雪达犬大师
lavapillar: 熔岩
-lightcycle: Bureaucat
-lightcycleleader: Bureaucat
-lion: Grand Lion
-lioncub: Grand Cub
+lightcycle: 猫族官僚
+lightcycleleader: 猫族官僚
+lion: 雄狮
+lioncub: 大幼崽
locomotionleader: 移动
locomotionwagon: 移动货车
mage: 防御者加农炮
mage2: 防御者加农炮
-magnetbeltA: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltA_alt: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltA_end: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltA_start: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltB: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltB_alt: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltB_end: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltB_start: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltP_E: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltP_N: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltP_S: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltP_W: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltP_alt_E: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltP_alt_N: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltP_alt_S: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltP_alt_W: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltP_end: Poison Belt
-magnetbeltP_start: Poison Belt
+magnetbeltA: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltA_alt: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltA_end: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltA_start: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltB: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltB_alt: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltB_end: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltB_start: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltP_E: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltP_N: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltP_S: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltP_W: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltP_alt_E: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltP_alt_N: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltP_alt_S: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltP_alt_W: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltP_end: 剧毒带
+magnetbeltP_start: 剧毒带
mantaray: 蝠鲼
-marksman: Highborn Marksman
+marksman: 贵族神射手
mazedrawer: 切片机
meatshield: 肉护盾
meatshieldbig: 大型肉护盾
medicClassPlane: 医疗兵
-meowza: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_chaser: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_claw_1: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_claw_2: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_firering: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_frost_1: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_frost_1_2: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_frost_2: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_frost_2_2: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_hunter: Meowzaghast
-meowza2_infinity_1: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_infinity_2: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_lasereye: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_lasereyegrid_1: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_lasereyegrid_2: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_lightningspiral: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_nuke: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_nukestorm: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_orochi_1: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_orochi_2: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_shine: Godleader Meowza
-meowza2_turret_E: Godleader Defense Grid
-meowza2_turret_N: Godleader Defense Grid
-meowza2_turret_S: Godleader Defense Grid
-meowza2_turret_W: Godleader Defense Grid
-meowza2_turret_bullet: Godleader Meowza
+meowza: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_chaser: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_claw_1: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_claw_2: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_firering: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_frost_1: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_frost_1_2: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_frost_2: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_frost_2_2: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_hunter: 喵族恐怖
+meowza2_infinity_1: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_infinity_2: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_lasereye: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_lasereyegrid_1: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_lasereyegrid_2: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_lightningspiral: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_nuke: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_nukestorm: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_orochi_1: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_orochi_2: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_shine: 喵族神之首领
+meowza2_turret_E: 神之首领防御网
+meowza2_turret_N: 神之首领防御网
+meowza2_turret_S: 神之首领防御网
+meowza2_turret_W: 神之首领防御网
+meowza2_turret_bullet: 喵族神之首领
meowzaB1: 喵族神之首领
meowzaB1m: 喵族神之首领
meowzaB2: 喵族神之首领
meowzaB2m: 喵族神之首领
meowzaC1: 喵族神之首领
meowzaC1m1: 喵族神之首领
meowzaC1m2: 喵族神之首领
meowzaC2: 喵族神之首领
meowzaC2m: 喵族神之首领
meowzaD2: 喵族神之首领
meowzaD2m: 喵族神之首领
-meowzaDEATH: Godleader Meowza
-meowza_playerkicker: Banishee
+meowzaDEATH: 喵族神之首领
+meowza_playerkicker: 女妖
meowzablocker: 邪恶者
meowzafinallaserminion: 喵族神之首领
meowzahealthleader2: 喵族神之首领
-meowzahealthnode: Spirit Vessel of Meowza
-meowzahealthnode2: Spirit Vessel of Meowza
+meowzahealthnode: 喵族的灵魂容器
+meowzahealthnode2: 喵族的灵魂容器
meowzahurtsnake: 喵族乞求者
meowzahurtsnakespawner: 喵族神之首领
meowzalaserA: 喵族神之首领
meowzalaserB: 喵族神之首领
meowzalaserC: 喵族神之首领
@@ -842,10 +842,11 @@ phoenix5: 不死鸟叛徒
phoenixDEATH: 不死鸟叛徒
playerPlane: 追誓
pod: 步枪小狗
podleader: 巴哥中士
popper: 波普尔
+popper2: 迷你波普尔
poppermini: 小波普尔
prisoncage: 囚牢
prisondestroyablewall: 墙壁
prisonescapee: 囚犯
prisonsniper: 狙击塔
@@ -882,27 +883,27 @@ racetracktail: 奴隶战车
radiant: 辐射体
radianthand: 辐射体之手
radiantleader: 辐射体首领
radianttail: 辐射体之尾
raijin: 灵怪
-raijin3B: Golden Jinn
-raijin3BDEATH: Golden Jinn
+raijin3B: 金色灵怪
+raijin3BDEATH: 金色灵怪
raijinDEATH: 灵怪
raijinminion: 灵怪
raijinring: 灵怪
raijinringmaster: 灵怪
raijinringminion: 灵怪
raijinringminionsignal: 灵怪
raijinthunderball: 灵怪
raijinthunderball2: 灵怪
-raildocA: Blood Nurse
-raildocAmini: Nurse
-raildocB: Blood Nurse
-raildocBmini: Nurse
-raildocC: Blood Nurse
-raildocCmini: Nurse
-raildoc_patient: Patient
+raildocA: 血腥护士
+raildocAmini: 护士
+raildocB: 血腥护士
+raildocBmini: 护士
+raildocC: 血腥护士
+raildocCmini: 护士
+raildoc_patient: 病人
raindropLeft: 左雨滴
raindropRight: 右雨滴
rainmaker: 祈雨者
rapierClassPlane: 长剑
raptor: 猛禽
@@ -930,12 +931,12 @@ robomineshield: 独特设计机器人
scanner: 扫描仪
scavenger: 火焰守卫
scavengerclose: 火焰守卫
scavengerleader: 监狱警笛
scorpion: 寒冰毒蝎
-sentinel: Sentinel
-sentinellaser: Sentinel
+sentinel: 哨兵
+sentinellaser: 哨兵
shesmusbottle: 舍塞姆的瓶子
shezmu: 掷瓶者舍塞姆
shiva: 湿婆
shivalaser: 湿婆
shivalaser2: 湿婆
@@ -1120,11 +1121,11 @@ thiefguard: 不朽守卫
thiefguard2: 不朽守卫
thiefidol1: 荷鲁斯雕像
thiefidol2: 盖布雕像
thiefidol3: 透特雕像
thiefkey: 金钥匙
-thiefkey_glow: Essence of Worthiness
+thiefkey_glow: 价值的本质
thiefkey_poop: 价值的本质
thieftrooper: 宝藏守卫
thieftrooperleader: 守卫运输机
thieftrooperleaderspawner: 守卫运输机
thiefturretstrong: 防盗炮塔
@@ -1136,12 +1137,12 @@ thunderbeam: 发信机
thunderbeammaster: 发信机
thunderbolt: 列伊闪电
thunderboltmine: 进攻球
thunderboltmini: 列伊闪电
thunderboss: 列伊
-thunderboss3B: Golden Rei
-thunderboss3BDEATH: Golden Rei
+thunderboss3B: 金色列伊
+thunderboss3BDEATH: 金色列伊
thunderbossDEATH: 列伊
thunderbosscloud: 列伊风暴
thunderbosscloudleader: 列伊风暴
thunderbossgrid: 防御网
thunderbossgridleader: 防御网
@@ -1261,15 +1262,15 @@ warpmine2: 看守者
warpmineleader: 看守者大师
warship: 战舰
wasp: 黄蜂
waspbaby: 幼蜂
wavemaker: 磨光机
-wavemaker4_inv: Greater Grater
-wavemakerN: Grater
-wavemakerN_inv: Greater Grater
-wavemakerW: Grater
-wavemakerW_inv: Greater Grater
+wavemaker4_inv: 大磨光机
+wavemakerN: 磨光机
+wavemakerN_inv: 大磨光机
+wavemakerW: 磨光机
+wavemakerW_inv: 大磨光机
wavemaster: 研磨机
wavemaster2: 研磨机
wavemasterminion: 害虫
whaleshark: 鲸鲨
wheeloffortune: 命运之轮
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/00 - Quest Enemies/Daily Quests - Special/DQ_SP_2XMID_gasstation/DQ_SP_2XMID_gasstation_wallgate.txt config_190821_053/Units/00 - Quest Enemies/Daily Quests - Special/DQ_SP_2XMID_gasstation/DQ_SP_2XMID_gasstation_wallgate.txt
index a6bf093..5a425c3 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/00 - Quest Enemies/Daily Quests - Special/DQ_SP_2XMID_gasstation/DQ_SP_2XMID_gasstation_wallgate.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/00 - Quest Enemies/Daily Quests - Special/DQ_SP_2XMID_gasstation/DQ_SP_2XMID_gasstation_wallgate.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-art: '!EnemyWallGate'
+art: LockedGatePrefab
artScale: '1'
colliderRadius: '1.3'
colliderX: '0'
colliderY: '0'
energyRegenRate: '0'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/00 - Quest Enemies/Daily Quests - Special/DQ_SP_5XHMT_heist/DQ_SP_5XHMT_heist_hackdoorchain_wallgate.txt config_190821_053/Units/00 - Quest Enemies/Daily Quests - Special/DQ_SP_5XHMT_heist/DQ_SP_5XHMT_heist_hackdoorchain_wallgate.txt
index 2f713a6..129caf6 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/00 - Quest Enemies/Daily Quests - Special/DQ_SP_5XHMT_heist/DQ_SP_5XHMT_heist_hackdoorchain_wallgate.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/00 - Quest Enemies/Daily Quests - Special/DQ_SP_5XHMT_heist/DQ_SP_5XHMT_heist_hackdoorchain_wallgate.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-art: '!EnemyWallGate'
+art: LockedGatePrefab
artScale: '1'
colliderRadius: '1.3'
colliderX: '0'
colliderY: '0'
energyRegenRate: '0'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/51 - HighMountains (City) - Alien_Hologram/SPC3_sentinellaser.txt config_190821_053/Units/51 - HighMountains (City) - Alien_Hologram/SPC3_sentinellaser.txt
index f562d7e..394f6bf 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/51 - HighMountains (City) - Alien_Hologram/SPC3_sentinellaser.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/51 - HighMountains (City) - Alien_Hologram/SPC3_sentinellaser.txt
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ elementSusceptibilityIds:
energyRegenRate: '0'
explosionPrefab: ExplosionMed
- fireMode: JustShootDammit
firingArc: '360'
- flashOffset: '5'
+ flashOffset: '6'
gunTemplateName: sentinellasergun
mountAngle: '0'
mountName: main
sound: Enemy Laser Loop4
@@ -50,25 +50,27 @@ gunMounts:
sound: Enemy Laser Loop5
slewRate: '0'
syncTo: main
-- bulletPrefab: laserBullet
- bulletSize: '2'
+- bulletPalette: glow
+ bulletPrefab: laserBeamBullet
+ bulletSize: '2.8'
burst: '210'
- cooldown: '3'
- damage: '0.8'
+ cooldown: '0'
+ damage: '0.68'
+ isIgnoringWalls: 'true'
isPiercing: 'true'
- lifetime: '0.2'
- multi: '7'
+ lifetime: '0.15'
+ multi: '1'
- '0'
- '1.5'
multiSpread: '0'
name: sentinellasergun
- rof: '5'
- speed: '5'
+ rof: '10'
+ speed: '0'
spread: '0'
- bulletPrefab: ringBullet
bulletSize: '1.5'
burst: '200'
cooldown: '1.5'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/65D - Grindhouse Dungeon/BOS_summonermaster.txt config_190821_053/Units/65D - Grindhouse Dungeon/BOS_summonermaster.txt
index ec29b9a..7a7fbcc 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/65D - Grindhouse Dungeon/BOS_summonermaster.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/65D - Grindhouse Dungeon/BOS_summonermaster.txt
@@ -267,11 +267,11 @@ loot:
- buff: dungeonmods_difficult
lootTableId: tiernboss
- buff: dungeonmods_difficult
- lootTableId: tier8treasure
+ lootTableId: tier8treasure_tier6dungeon
- not:
- buff: dungeonmods_difficult
lootTableId: upgrade_lightningattack_25
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/67D - Thief Dungeon/zzz_thiefdungeonwallgate1.txt config_190821_053/Units/67D - Thief Dungeon/zzz_thiefdungeonwallgate1.txt
index 73ae38b..a9db019 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/67D - Thief Dungeon/zzz_thiefdungeonwallgate1.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/67D - Thief Dungeon/zzz_thiefdungeonwallgate1.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-art: '!EnemyWallGate'
+art: LockedGatePrefab
artScale: '1'
colliderRadius: '1.3'
colliderX: '0'
colliderY: '0'
energyRegenRate: '0'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/67D - Thief Dungeon/zzz_thiefdungeonwallgate2.txt config_190821_053/Units/67D - Thief Dungeon/zzz_thiefdungeonwallgate2.txt
index f52ca75..15076c9 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/67D - Thief Dungeon/zzz_thiefdungeonwallgate2.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/67D - Thief Dungeon/zzz_thiefdungeonwallgate2.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-art: '!EnemyWallGate'
+art: LockedGatePrefab
artScale: '1'
colliderRadius: '1.3'
colliderX: '0'
colliderY: '0'
energyRegenRate: '0'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/67D - Thief Dungeon/zzz_thiefdungeonwallgate3.txt config_190821_053/Units/67D - Thief Dungeon/zzz_thiefdungeonwallgate3.txt
index a836b33..f5ca9b2 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/67D - Thief Dungeon/zzz_thiefdungeonwallgate3.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/67D - Thief Dungeon/zzz_thiefdungeonwallgate3.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-art: '!EnemyWallGate'
+art: LockedGatePrefab
artScale: '1'
colliderRadius: '1.3'
colliderX: '0'
colliderY: '0'
energyRegenRate: '0'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_E.txt config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_E.txt
index c229f47..ed7be0f 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_E.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_E.txt
@@ -9,20 +9,21 @@ elementSusceptibilityIds:
energyRegenRate: '0'
explosionPrefab: ExplosionSmall
- fireMode: JustShootDammit
firingArc: '360'
- flashOffset: '3.5'
+ flashOffset: '4.5'
gunTemplateName: laserspinnerGun
mountAngle: '0'
mountName: main
sound: Enemy Laser Loop4
signalTime: '2'
slewRate: '0'
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '6'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_N.txt config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_N.txt
index 591c59e..855bb82 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_N.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_N.txt
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ gunMounts:
sound: Enemy Laser Loop4
signalTime: '2'
slewRate: '0'
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '6'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_S.txt config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_S.txt
index f89a1da..96c6f6f 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_S.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_S.txt
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ gunMounts:
sound: Enemy Laser Loop4
signalTime: '2'
slewRate: '0'
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '6'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_W.txt config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_W.txt
index a6ef8b4..dc4e0cb 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_W.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserpointer_W.txt
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ gunMounts:
sound: Enemy Laser Loop4
signalTime: '2'
slewRate: '0'
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '6'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_E.txt config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_E.txt
index 19a9279..5661ddf 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_E.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_E.txt
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ gunMounts:
sound: Enemy Laser Loop4
signalTime: '2'
slewRate: '0'
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '6'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_N.txt config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_N.txt
index dbcffb4..cffb770 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_N.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_N.txt
@@ -42,10 +42,11 @@ gunTypes:
rof: '10'
speed: '0'
spread: '0'
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '6'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_S.txt config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_S.txt
index abfcf63..7d6784f 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_S.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_S.txt
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ gunMounts:
sound: Enemy Laser Loop4
signalTime: '2'
slewRate: '0'
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '6'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_W.txt config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_W.txt
index 20d798f..7cb9389 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_W.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CCW_W.txt
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ gunMounts:
sound: Enemy Laser Loop4
signalTime: '2'
slewRate: '0'
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '6'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_E.txt config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_E.txt
index c3278a9..9549da9 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_E.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_E.txt
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ gunMounts:
sound: Enemy Laser Loop4
signalTime: '2'
slewRate: '0'
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '6'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_N.txt config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_N.txt
index 559fe6e..0798cb0 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_N.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_N.txt
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ gunMounts:
sound: Enemy Laser Loop4
signalTime: '2'
slewRate: '0'
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '6'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_S.txt config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_S.txt
index d623347..4a81e58 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_S.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_S.txt
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ gunMounts:
sound: Enemy Laser Loop4
signalTime: '2'
slewRate: '0'
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '6'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_W.txt config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_W.txt
index e142543..38ed547 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_W.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_CW_W.txt
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ gunMounts:
sound: Enemy Laser Loop4
signalTime: '2'
slewRate: '0'
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '6'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_long_CCW_N.txt config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_long_CCW_N.txt
index 4e22a40..be75762 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_long_CCW_N.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_long_CCW_N.txt
@@ -42,10 +42,11 @@ gunTypes:
rof: '10'
speed: '0'
spread: '0'
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '6'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_long_CW_N.txt config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_long_CW_N.txt
index dcb6163..123ae6e 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_long_CW_N.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/68D - Eyeball Dungeon/unit_laserspinner_long_CW_N.txt
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ gunMounts:
sound: Enemy Laser Loop4
signalTime: '2'
slewRate: '0'
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '6'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/999D - Three Brothers/BOS_kaiju3B.txt config_190821_053/Units/999D - Three Brothers/BOS_kaiju3B.txt
index 6a67e51..8c05e78 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/999D - Three Brothers/BOS_kaiju3B.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/999D - Three Brothers/BOS_kaiju3B.txt
@@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ gunMounts:
effectAmount: '3'
effectTime: '3'
isIgnoringWalls: 'true'
isPiercing: 'true'
lifetime: '1'
- multi: '2'
+ multi: '1'
multiSpread: '0'
name: meowzafinalbeam
range: '8'
rof: '15'
speed: '30'
@@ -182,10 +182,11 @@ healthRegenRate: '0'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '1400'
maxSpeed: '3'
maxTurnRate: '360'
minSpeed: '3'
+networkUpdateCutoff: '999'
- name: darkSmokeSlow
- '-0.28'
- '-1.635'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/999D - Three Brothers/BOS_raijin3B.txt config_190821_053/Units/999D - Three Brothers/BOS_raijin3B.txt
index 421eb68..5a6525c 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/999D - Three Brothers/BOS_raijin3B.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/999D - Three Brothers/BOS_raijin3B.txt
@@ -239,10 +239,11 @@ healthRegenRate: '0'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '1400'
maxSpeed: '6'
maxTurnRate: '120'
minSpeed: '1'
+networkUpdateCutoff: '999'
recoilScale: '0'
showPostFightDetails: 'true'
spawnInvulnerabilitySeconds: '2'
templateName: raijin3B
tier: '10'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/999D - Three Brothers/BOS_thunderboss3B.txt config_190821_053/Units/999D - Three Brothers/BOS_thunderboss3B.txt
index 8e61763..a9501f2 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/999D - Three Brothers/BOS_thunderboss3B.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/999D - Three Brothers/BOS_thunderboss3B.txt
@@ -219,10 +219,11 @@ healthRegenRate: '0'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '1400'
maxSpeed: '1.5'
maxTurnRate: '55'
minSpeed: '0.8'
+networkUpdateCutoff: '999'
- name: darkSmoke
- '0'
- '0.44'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/99D - Boss Dungeon 2/unit_3brosportalally.txt config_190821_053/Units/99D - Boss Dungeon 2/unit_3brosportalally.txt
index ba4eecb..eb8e0b7 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/99D - Boss Dungeon 2/unit_3brosportalally.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/99D - Boss Dungeon 2/unit_3brosportalally.txt
@@ -7,20 +7,21 @@ energyRegenRate: '0'
explosionPrefab: planeExplosionEmpty
healthRegenRate: '0'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '10000000'
maxSpeed: '0'
-maxTurnRate: '0'
+maxTurnRate: '180'
minSpeed: '0'
- name: darkSmokeSlow
- '0'
- '-0.454'
- '-0.74'
- '0'
- '0'
- '-90'
+showName: never
spawnInvulnerabilitySeconds: '0'
templateName: 3brosportalally
tier: '0'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate.txt config_190821_053/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate.txt
index ad959cc..720e4d1 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-art: '!EnemyWallGate'
+art: LockedGatePrefab
artScale: '1'
colliderRadius: '1.3'
colliderX: '0'
colliderY: '0'
energyRegenRate: '0'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate2.txt config_190821_053/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate2.txt
index d64b6ae..79efa5d 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate2.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate2.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-art: '!EnemyWallGate'
+art: LockedGatePrefab
artScale: '1'
colliderRadius: '1.3'
colliderX: '0'
colliderY: '0'
energyRegenRate: '0'
diff --git config_190817_0024/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate_roomclear.txt config_190821_053/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate_roomclear.txt
index 928a3c1..7b4e9c6 100644
--- config_190817_0024/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate_roomclear.txt
+++ config_190821_053/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate_roomclear.txt
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
-art: '!EnemyWallGate'
+art: EnemyQuestTransparent
artScale: '1'
colliderRadius: '1.3'
colliderX: '0'
colliderY: '0'
energyRegenRate: '0'
+explosionPrefab: planeExplosionEmpty
healthRegenRate: '0'
isCountable: 'false'
isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
isWall: 'true'
maxEnergyPoints: '1'
maxHitPoints: '1000000'
maxSpeed: '0.0'
maxTurnRate: '0'
minSpeed: '0.0'
+showName: never
+showStats: never
spawnInvulnerabilitySeconds: '1000000'
templateName: wallgate_roomclear
tier: '10'
xpMultiplier: '0'
diff --git config_190821_053/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate_roomclear_visible.txt config_190821_053/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate_roomclear_visible.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0555b03
--- /dev/null
+++ config_190821_053/Units/Universal/unit_wallgate_roomclear_visible.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+art: LockedGatePrefab
+artScale: '1'
+colliderRadius: '1.3'
+colliderX: '0'
+colliderY: '0'
+energyRegenRate: '0'
+healthRegenRate: '0'
+isCountable: 'false'
+isVisibleInRadar: 'false'
+isWall: 'true'
+maxEnergyPoints: '1'
+maxHitPoints: '1000000'
+maxSpeed: '0.0'
+maxTurnRate: '0'
+minSpeed: '0.0'
+spawnInvulnerabilitySeconds: '1000000'
+templateName: wallgate_roomclear_visible
+tier: '10'
+xpMultiplier: '0'
diff --git config_190817_0024/art_replacements.txt config_190821_053/art_replacements.txt
index 81b68f6..69509a9 100644
--- config_190817_0024/art_replacements.txt
+++ config_190821_053/art_replacements.txt
@@ -16,13 +16,19 @@ medic_EpicA:
healCloudFXDefault: healCloudFXPremium
poisonCloudFX: poisonCloudFXPremium
+ prefabs:
+ poisonCloudFX: poisonCloudFXPremium_Ultra
healAuraFX: healAuraFXPremium
+ prefabs:
+ healAuraFX: healAuraFXPremium_Ultra
leisurelyBullet: StunnerPremiumFX
stunnerBullet: StunnerPremiumFX
@@ -35,8 +41,11 @@ support_EpicA:
damageResistAuraFX: damageResistAuraFXPremium
damageBlastFXDefault: damageBlastFXPremium
+ prefabs:
+ damageBlastFXDefault: damageBlastFXPremium_Ultra
PlaneShieldShort: PlaneShieldShortPremium
diff --git config_190817_0024/buffTags.txt config_190821_053/buffTags.txt
index 1c63836..cc431f4 100644
--- config_190817_0024/buffTags.txt
+++ config_190821_053/buffTags.txt
@@ -56,5 +56,13 @@
- buffs:
- meowza2_silence_short
- meowza2_silence_long
id: meowza2
stacks: '1'
+- buffs:
+ - temple_cultist_cure
+ - temple_cultist_curse_blind
+ - temple_cultist_curse_hinder_plane
+ - temple_cultist_curse_hinder_dualstick
+ - temple_cultist_curse_frail
+ id: temple_cultist_curses
+ stacks: '1'
diff --git config_190817_0024/buffs.txt config_190821_053/buffs.txt
index 527af64..9c94511 100644
--- config_190817_0024/buffs.txt
+++ config_190821_053/buffs.txt
@@ -574,5 +574,86 @@
expireOnServerLeave: 'true'
hudColorBackground: 050405ff
hudColorBar: 48444cff
id: meowza2_silence_long
stackOverflowRule: ReplaceOldest
+- dialogue:
+ onStart:
+ - speechOptions:
+ - format: HideSpeechBubble
+ id: temple_cultist_curse_cure
+ portrait: cultist
+ effects:
+ - statMod:
+ amount: '5.0'
+ math: multiply
+ name: healthRegenRate
+ expireAfter: 0:00:15
+ expireOnServerLeave: 'true'
+ hudColorBackground: 55ff55ff
+ hudColorBar: 428142ff
+ id: temple_cultist_cure
+ stackOverflowRule: ReplaceOldest
+- dialogue:
+ onStart:
+ - speechOptions:
+ - format: HideSpeechBubble
+ id: temple_cultist_curse_blind
+ portrait: cultist
+ effects:
+ - statMod:
+ amount: '0.50'
+ math: multiply
+ name: cameraZoomMod
+ expireOnServerLeave: 'true'
+ hudColorBackground: 050405ff
+ hudColorBar: 48444cff
+ id: temple_cultist_curse_blind
+ stackOverflowRule: Ignore
+- dialogue:
+ onStart:
+ - speechOptions:
+ - format: HideSpeechBubble
+ id: temple_cultist_curse_hinder_plane
+ portrait: cultist
+ effects:
+ - statMod:
+ amount: '0.15'
+ math: multiply
+ name: maxTurnRate
+ expireOnServerLeave: 'true'
+ hudColorBackground: 050405ff
+ hudColorBar: 48444cff
+ id: temple_cultist_curse_hinder_plane
+ stackOverflowRule: Ignore
+- dialogue:
+ onStart:
+ - speechOptions:
+ - format: HideSpeechBubble
+ id: temple_cultist_curse_hinder_dualstick
+ portrait: cultist
+ effects:
+ - statMod:
+ amount: '0.05'
+ math: multiply
+ name: maxTurnRate
+ expireOnServerLeave: 'true'
+ hudColorBackground: 050405ff
+ hudColorBar: 48444cff
+ id: temple_cultist_curse_hinder_dualstick
+ stackOverflowRule: Ignore
+- dialogue:
+ onStart:
+ - speechOptions:
+ - format: HideSpeechBubble
+ id: temple_cultist_curse_frail
+ portrait: cultist
+ effects:
+ - statMod:
+ amount: '1.5'
+ math: multiply
+ name: damageReceivedMod
+ expireOnServerLeave: 'true'
+ hudColorBackground: 050405ff
+ hudColorBar: 48444cff
+ id: temple_cultist_curse_frail
+ stackOverflowRule: Ignore
diff --git config_190817_0024/global.txt config_190821_053/global.txt
index 66dfcf9..65469e9 100644
--- config_190817_0024/global.txt
+++ config_190821_053/global.txt
@@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ islandGenerationSteps:
runs: '10'
type: GrowIntoEmptySpaces
jamFadedOpacity: '0.5'
jamFadingTime: '2'
jamShowThreshold: '0.8'
-kickForCombatZoneIdleAfterSeconds: '300'
+kickForCombatZoneIdleAfterSeconds: '90'
kickForNexusIdleAfterSeconds: '600'
kickForTutorialIdleAfterSeconds: '600'
levelGapForWarning: '4'
logNetwork: 'true'
lootbagDriftTime: '8'
@@ -664,10 +664,11 @@ serverFPS: '10'
serverNetworkHeartbeatIntervalMs: '24'
serverTimestampPeriod: '60'
showHitboxes: 'false'
showNotifications: 'true'
showPreTerritoryGrid: 'false'
+showQuestItemStorageTutorialThroughRank: '34'
showRankBadgesOnPlanesInNexus: 'true'
showRankBadgesOnPlanesNotInNexus: 'true'
showRankBadgesOnRadarInNexus: 'true'
showRankBadgesOnRadarNotInNexus: 'true'
showRankInChatAsIcon: 'true'
@@ -703,11 +704,11 @@ textAndTimeChat: 'true'
usePermadeath: 'true'
usingWalls: 'false'
wallStopsEnemyBullets: 'true'
wallStopsPlayerBullets: 'true'
wallTurnRadius: '0.5'
-warnForCombatZoneIdleNSecondsPrior: '60'
+warnForCombatZoneIdleNSecondsPrior: '30'
warnForNexusIdleNSecondsPrior: '60'
warnForTutorialIdleNSecondsPrior: '60'
xpCollectRadius: '18'
xpLimitForMaxLevel: '40000'
diff --git config_190817_0024/index.txt config_190821_053/index.txt
index 4864afd..ec558c0 100644
--- config_190817_0024/index.txt
+++ config_190821_053/index.txt
@@ -159,10 +159,11 @@
- Texts/en-US/planeclasses
- Texts/en-US/popupSetpieces
- Texts/en-US/questGivers
- Texts/en-US/quests
- Texts/en-US/ranks
+- Texts/en-US/skillCategories
- Texts/en-US/skillGroups
- Texts/en-US/skills
- Texts/en-US/stats
- Texts/en-US/store
- Texts/en-US/territories
@@ -183,10 +184,11 @@
- Texts/es/planeclasses
- Texts/es/popupSetpieces
- Texts/es/questGivers
- Texts/es/quests
- Texts/es/ranks
+- Texts/es/skillCategories
- Texts/es/skillGroups
- Texts/es/skills
- Texts/es/stats
- Texts/es/store
- Texts/es/territories
@@ -207,10 +209,11 @@
- Texts/fr/planeclasses
- Texts/fr/popupSetpieces
- Texts/fr/questGivers
- Texts/fr/quests
- Texts/fr/ranks
+- Texts/fr/skillCategories
- Texts/fr/skillGroups
- Texts/fr/skills
- Texts/fr/stats
- Texts/fr/store
- Texts/fr/territories
@@ -275,10 +278,11 @@
- Texts/zh-CN/planeclasses
- Texts/zh-CN/popupSetpieces
- Texts/zh-CN/questGivers
- Texts/zh-CN/quests
- Texts/zh-CN/ranks
+- Texts/zh-CN/skillCategories
- Texts/zh-CN/skillGroups
- Texts/zh-CN/skills
- Texts/zh-CN/stats
- Texts/zh-CN/store
- Texts/zh-CN/territories
@@ -1549,10 +1553,11 @@
- Units/Test/unit_spawneffectminion2
- Units/Test/unit_weapontestmaster
- Units/Test/unit_weapontestrangemarker
- Units/Universal/unit_wallgate
- Units/Universal/unit_wallgate_roomclear
+- Units/Universal/unit_wallgate_roomclear_visible
- Units/Universal/unit_wallgate2
- Units/00 - Quest Enemies/escort_01/escort_01_escortmission
- Units/00 - Quest Enemies/escort_01/escort_01_escortmissionDEATH
- Units/00 - Quest Enemies/escort_01/escort_01_escortmissionOUCH
- Units/00 - Quest Enemies/escort_01/escort_01_goal
diff --git config_190817_0024/playerclasses.txt config_190821_053/playerclasses.txt
index f097d25..82a4eda 100644
--- config_190817_0024/playerclasses.txt
+++ config_190821_053/playerclasses.txt
@@ -757,11 +757,11 @@ engineer:
- item: engine_0
slot: Engine
- item: armor_0
slot: Armor
- - amount: '1.5'
+ - amount: '2.25'
math: multiply
name: energyRegenRate
- amount: '0.9'
math: multiply
name: maxHitPoints
@@ -1202,21 +1202,21 @@ olfaithful:
id: EpicB
livery: gradient.oldfaithful
prefab: PlayerOldFaithful
superTrail: SuperSpeedWaterWake
unlockItemId: playerclass_oldfaithful_epicb
- - artReplacement: olfaithful_EpicA
+ - artReplacement: olfaithful_EpicB
extraColor1: 1e062b
extraColor2: f9962c
extraColor3: 5b157d
hideIfLocked: 'true'
id: EpicC
livery: tigerstripes.oldfaithful
prefab: PlayerOldFaithfulVariantB
superTrail: SuperSpeedGlitter
unlockItemId: playerclass_oldfaithful_epicc
- - artReplacement: olfaithful_EpicA
+ - artReplacement: olfaithful_EpicB
extraColor1: 620a1a
extraColor2: da3420
extraColor3: d6ccbc
hideIfLocked: 'true'
id: EpicD
@@ -1259,11 +1259,11 @@ paladin:
name: maxHitPoints
- amount: '1.04'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- - amount: '4'
+ - amount: '2.25'
leveling: 'false'
math: multiply
name: energyRegenRate
totalUpgradeCap: '400'
unlockItemId: playerclass_paladin
@@ -1363,21 +1363,21 @@ paladin:
id: EpicB
livery: gradient.paladin
prefab: PlayerPaladin
superTrail: SuperSpeedWaterWake
unlockItemId: playerclass_paladin_epicb
- - artReplacement: paladin_EpicA
+ - artReplacement: paladin_EpicB
extraColor1: 1e062b
extraColor2: f9962c
extraColor3: 5b157d
hideIfLocked: 'true'
id: EpicC
livery: tigerstripes.paladin
prefab: PlayerPaladinVariantA
superTrail: SuperSpeedGlitter
unlockItemId: playerclass_paladin_epicc
- - artReplacement: paladin_EpicA
+ - artReplacement: paladin_EpicB
extraColor1: 620a1a
extraColor2: da3420
extraColor3: d6ccbc
hideIfLocked: 'true'
id: EpicD
@@ -1409,10 +1409,13 @@ pirate:
- item: stunner_0
slot: SecondaryAttack
- item: armor_0
slot: Armor
+ - amount: '1.25'
+ math: multiply
+ name: energyRegenRate
- amount: '0.9'
math: multiply
name: maxHitPoints
- amount: '1.25'
math: multiply
@@ -1536,12 +1539,11 @@ pirate:
id: EpicC
livery: tigerstripes.bandit
prefab: PlayerBanditVariantA
superTrail: SuperSpeedGlitter
unlockItemId: playerclass_bandit_epicc
- - artReplacement: pirate_EpicA
- extraColor1: 620a1a
+ - extraColor1: 620a1a
extraColor2: da3420
extraColor3: d6ccbc
hideIfLocked: 'true'
id: EpicD
livery: checker.bandit
@@ -1935,10 +1937,13 @@ support:
name: maxHitPoints
- amount: '1.04'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
+ - amount: '1.5'
+ math: multiply
+ name: energyRegenRate
totalUpgradeCap: '400'
unlockItemId: playerclass_support
- cap: '30'
statName: maxHitPoints
@@ -2353,21 +2358,21 @@ walker:
id: EpicB
livery: gradient.walker
prefab: PlayerWalker
superTrail: SuperSpeedWaterWake
unlockItemId: playerclass_walker_epicb
- - artReplacement: walker_EpicA
+ - artReplacement: walker_EpicB
extraColor1: 1e062b
extraColor2: f9962c
extraColor3: 5b157d
hideIfLocked: 'true'
id: EpicC
livery: tigerstripes.walker
prefab: PlayerWalkerVariantA
superTrail: SuperSpeedGlitter
unlockItemId: playerclass_walker_epicc
- - artReplacement: walker_EpicA
+ - artReplacement: walker_EpicB
extraColor1: 620a1a
extraColor2: da3420
extraColor3: d6ccbc
hideIfLocked: 'true'
id: EpicD
diff --git config_190817_0024/quick_chat.txt config_190821_053/quick_chat.txt
index f1546f2..4779cae 100644
--- config_190817_0024/quick_chat.txt
+++ config_190821_053/quick_chat.txt
@@ -60,23 +60,35 @@ Enemy_Health:
prefabName: QuickChat_Enemy_Health
isInUILayer: 'false'
prefabName: QuickChat_FireworksEpic
unlock_item_id: emote_fireworks_epic
+ isInUILayer: 'false'
+ prefabName: QuickChat_LOL
+ unlock_item_id: emote_LOL
+ isInUILayer: 'false'
+ prefabName: QuickChat_LaunchConfetti
+ unlock_item_id: emote_launchconfetti
isInUILayer: 'false'
prefabName: QuickChat_LoveCommon
unlock_item_id: emote_love_common
isInUILayer: 'false'
prefabName: QuickChat_LoveEpic
unlock_item_id: emote_love_epic
hidden: 'true'
isInUILayer: 'false'
prefabName: QuickChat_Love
unlock_item_id: emote_love_fireworks
+ isInUILayer: 'false'
+ prefabName: QuickChat_MusicNotes
+ unlock_item_id: emote_musicnotes
analytics_id: '0'
hidden: 'true'
leakyBucketInterval: '1'
leakyBucketMax: '5'
@@ -117,10 +129,14 @@ ThumbsUp:
hidden: 'false'
isInUILayer: 'false'
prefabName: QuickChat_Warning
unlock_item_id: emote_warning
+ isInUILayer: 'false'
+ prefabName: QuickChat_Wave
+ unlock_item_id: emote_wave
duration: '3'
isInUILayer: 'false'
prefabName: QuickChat_Wings
unlock_item_id: emote_wings
diff --git config_190817_0024/skills.txt config_190821_053/skills.txt
index 16f3893..17a635a 100644
--- config_190817_0024/skills.txt
+++ config_190821_053/skills.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-- cost: '1'
+- category: Armor
+ cost: '1'
icon: skillicon_armor
id: armor_1a
label: 1-A
maxLevel: '5'
@@ -12,11 +13,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.02'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
-- cost: '1'
+- category: Armor
+ cost: '1'
icon: skillicon_armor
id: armor_1b
label: 1-B
maxLevel: '4'
@@ -28,11 +30,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '0.98'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
-- cost: '2'
+- category: Armor
+ cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_armor
id: armor_2a
label: 2-A
maxLevel: '5'
@@ -44,11 +47,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.05'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: energyRegenRate
-- cost: '2'
+- category: Armor
+ cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_armor
id: armor_2b
label: 2-B
maxLevel: '5'
@@ -60,11 +64,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.05'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: healthRegenRate
-- cost: '5'
+- category: Armor
+ cost: '5'
icon: skillicon_armor
id: armor_3a
label: 3-A
maxLevel: '3'
@@ -105,11 +110,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '8'
-- cost: '3'
+- category: Armor
+ cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_armor
id: armor_3b
label: 3-B
maxLevel: '5'
@@ -130,11 +136,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: cameraZoomMod
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '6'
-- cost: '3'
+- category: Armor
+ cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_armor
id: armor_4a
label: 4-A
maxLevel: '5'
@@ -162,11 +169,12 @@
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_xpboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '2'
-- cost: '3'
+- category: Armor
+ cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_armor
id: armor_4b
label: 4-B
maxLevel: '5'
@@ -207,11 +215,12 @@
math: multiply
name: maneuverEnergyCostMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '8'
-- cost: '1'
+- category: Engine
+ cost: '1'
icon: skillicon_engine
id: engine_1a
label: 1-A
maxLevel: '5'
@@ -226,11 +235,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '3'
-- cost: '1'
+- category: Engine
+ cost: '1'
icon: skillicon_engine
id: engine_1b
label: 1-B
maxLevel: '5'
@@ -245,11 +255,12 @@
math: multiply
name: xpMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_xpboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '3'
-- cost: '2'
+- category: Engine
+ cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_engine
id: engine_2a
label: 2-A
maxLevel: '5'
@@ -264,11 +275,12 @@
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '3'
-- cost: '2'
+- category: Engine
+ cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_engine
id: engine_2b
label: 2-B
maxLevel: '5'
@@ -287,11 +299,12 @@
math: multiply
name: cameraZoomMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_rangeboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '3'
-- cost: '3'
+- category: Engine
+ cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_engine
id: engine_3a
label: 3-A
maxLevel: '5'
@@ -306,11 +319,12 @@
math: multiply
name: energyRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '3'
-- cost: '3'
+- category: Engine
+ cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_engine
id: engine_3b
label: 3-B
maxLevel: '5'
@@ -325,11 +339,12 @@
math: multiply
name: healthRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_healthboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '3'
-- cost: '3'
+- category: Engine
+ cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_engine
id: engine_4a
label: 4-A
maxLevel: '5'
@@ -353,11 +368,12 @@
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_xpboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '3'
-- cost: '3'
+- category: Engine
+ cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_engine
id: engine_4b
label: 4-B
maxLevel: '5'
@@ -381,11 +397,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_ammoboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '3'
-- conditions:
+- category: Strike
+ conditions:
- itemTag: strike
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_strike
id: strike_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -412,11 +429,12 @@
name: gunDamageMod
- statMod:
amount: '0.5'
math: multiply
name: gunAmmoMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Strike
+ conditions:
- itemTag: strike
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_strike
id: strike_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -434,11 +452,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.05'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Strike
+ conditions:
- itemTag: strike
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_strike
id: strike_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -460,11 +479,12 @@
amount: '0.1'
math: multiply
name: energyRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_rangeboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Strike
+ conditions:
- itemTag: strike
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_strike
id: strike_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -487,11 +507,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.03'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: superspeedFactor
-- conditions:
+- category: Strike
+ conditions:
- itemTag: strike
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_strike
id: strike_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -508,11 +529,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunAmmoMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_ammoboost
- superspeed: 'false'
-- conditions:
+- category: Strike
+ conditions:
- itemTag: strike
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_strike
id: strike_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -529,11 +551,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunRangeMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_rangeboost
- superspeed: 'false'
-- conditions:
+- category: Strike
+ conditions:
- itemTag: strike
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_strike
id: strike_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -561,11 +584,12 @@
spread: '180'
mountAngle: '180'
syncTo: _main_
- firingMainGun: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Strike
+ conditions:
- itemTag: strike
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_strike
id: strike_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -597,11 +621,12 @@
spread: '0'
mountAngle: '180'
syncTo: _main_
- firingMainGun: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Triple
+ conditions:
- itemTag: triple
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_triple
id: triple_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -620,11 +645,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
trigger: OnManeuverStart
-- conditions:
+- category: Triple
+ conditions:
- itemTag: triple
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_triple
id: triple_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -643,11 +669,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: postAdd
name: energyRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamboost
trigger: OnManeuverStart
-- conditions:
+- category: Triple
+ conditions:
- itemTag: triple
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_triple
id: triple_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -668,24 +695,25 @@
effectAmount: '0.7'
effectDamage: '11'
effectTime: '3'
lifetime: '0.35'
multi: '10'
- multiSpread: '40'
+ multiSpread: '36'
rof: '1'
speed: '20.0'
spread: '0'
mountAngle: '0'
- cooldown: '1'
duration: '3'
- statMod:
amount: '0.9'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
trigger: OnManeuverStart
-- conditions:
+- category: Triple
+ conditions:
- itemTag: triple
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_triple
id: triple_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -699,11 +727,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.05'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: maxTurnRate
-- conditions:
+- category: Triple
+ conditions:
- itemTag: triple
cost: '8'
icon: skillicon_triple
id: triple_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -730,11 +759,12 @@
rof: '1'
speed: '20.0'
spread: '0'
mountAngle: '0'
trigger: OnManeuverStart
-- conditions:
+- category: Triple
+ conditions:
- itemTag: triple
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_triple
id: triple_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -753,11 +783,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: healthRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_healthboost
trigger: OnManeuverStart
-- conditions:
+- category: Triple
+ conditions:
- itemTag: triple
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_triple
id: triple_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -783,11 +814,12 @@
rof: '10'
speed: '28.0'
spread: '0'
mountAngle: '0'
trigger: OnManeuverStart
-- conditions:
+- category: Triple
+ conditions:
- itemTag: triple
cost: '5'
icon: skillicon_triple
id: triple_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -819,11 +851,12 @@
amount: '1.05'
math: multiply
name: xpMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_speedboost
trigger: OnManeuverStart
-- conditions:
+- category: Laser
+ conditions:
- itemTag: laser
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_laser
id: laser_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -849,11 +882,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamboost
- superspeed: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Laser
+ conditions:
- itemTag: laser
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_laser
id: laser_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -879,11 +913,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunRangeMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamboost
- superspeed: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Laser
+ conditions:
- itemTag: laser
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_laser
id: laser_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -911,11 +946,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
trigger: OnSecondary
-- conditions:
+- category: Laser
+ conditions:
- itemTag: laser
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_laser
id: laser_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -947,11 +983,12 @@
pitch: '3'
sound: laser
volume: '0.5'
- firingMainGun: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Laser
+ conditions:
- itemTag: laser
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_laser
id: laser_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -984,11 +1021,12 @@
amount: '1.01'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: maxTurnRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
-- conditions:
+- category: Laser
+ conditions:
- itemTag: laser
cost: '8'
icon: skillicon_laser
id: laser_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -1015,11 +1053,12 @@
pitch: '2'
sound: laser
volume: '0.25'
- firingMainGun: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Laser
+ conditions:
- itemTag: laser
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_laser
id: laser_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -1070,11 +1109,12 @@
pitch: '2'
sound: laser
volume: '0.25'
- firingMainGun: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Laser
+ conditions:
- itemTag: laser
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_laser
id: laser_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -1087,11 +1127,12 @@
name: healthRegenRate
- statMod:
amount: '3'
math: postAdd
name: maxHitPoints
-- conditions:
+- category: Machinegun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: machinegun
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_machinegun
id: machinegun_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -1115,11 +1156,12 @@
amount: '0.97'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunCooldownMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_speedgun
-- conditions:
+- category: Machinegun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: machinegun
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_machinegun
id: machinegun_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -1143,11 +1185,12 @@
amount: '1.03'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunRangeMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_rangeboost
-- conditions:
+- category: Machinegun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: machinegun
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_machinegun
id: machinegun_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -1170,11 +1213,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '0.98'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Machinegun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: machinegun
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_machinegun
id: machinegun_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -1197,33 +1241,36 @@
- statMod:
amount: '0.97'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: maxEnergyPoints
-- conditions:
+- category: Machinegun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: machinegun
cost: '8'
icon: skillicon_machinegun
id: machinegun_3a
label: 3-A
maxLevel: '1'
- actions:
- health: '2'
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Machinegun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: machinegun
cost: '8'
icon: skillicon_machinegun
id: machinegun_3b
label: 3-B
maxLevel: '1'
- actions:
- Energy: '2'
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Machinegun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: machinegun
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_machinegun
id: machinegun_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -1240,11 +1287,12 @@
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '2'
-- conditions:
+- category: Machinegun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: machinegun
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_machinegun
id: machinegun_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -1262,11 +1310,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.05'
math: multiply
name: cameraZoomMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_speedboost
-- conditions:
+- category: Shotgun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: shotgun
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_shotgun
id: shotgun_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -1296,11 +1345,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '5'
-- conditions:
+- category: Shotgun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: shotgun
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_shotgun
id: shotgun_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -1343,11 +1393,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunRangeMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_rangeboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '8'
-- conditions:
+- category: Shotgun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: shotgun
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_shotgun
id: shotgun_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -1390,11 +1441,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunCooldownMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_speedgun
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '8'
-- conditions:
+- category: Shotgun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: shotgun
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_shotgun
id: shotgun_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -1407,24 +1459,26 @@
amount: '1.5'
math: multiply
name: gunAmmoMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_ammoboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Shotgun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: shotgun
cost: '8'
icon: skillicon_shotgun
id: shotgun_3a
label: 3-A
maxLevel: '1'
- mods:
- statMod:
amount: '1.3'
math: multiply
name: maxTurnRate
-- conditions:
+- category: Shotgun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: shotgun
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_shotgun
id: shotgun_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -1441,11 +1495,12 @@
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
- healthBelow: '0.5'
-- conditions:
+- category: Shotgun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: shotgun
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_shotgun
id: shotgun_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -1472,11 +1527,12 @@
volume: '0.5'
syncTo: _main_
- firingMainGun: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Shotgun
+ conditions:
- itemTag: shotgun
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_shotgun
id: shotgun_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -1502,11 +1558,12 @@
spread: '0'
mountAngle: '0'
syncTo: _main_
- firingMainGun: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sniper
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sniper
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_sniper
id: sniper_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -1523,11 +1580,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunCooldownMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_speedgun
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '2'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sniper
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sniper
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_sniper
id: sniper_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -1544,11 +1602,12 @@
math: postAdd
name: energyRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '2'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sniper
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sniper
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_sniper
id: sniper_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -1565,11 +1624,12 @@
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '3'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sniper
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sniper
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_sniper
id: sniper_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -1586,11 +1646,12 @@
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '3'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sniper
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sniper
cost: '8'
icon: skillicon_sniper
id: sniper_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -1602,11 +1663,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunAmmoMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_ammoboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '4'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sniper
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sniper
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_sniper
id: sniper_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -1623,11 +1685,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunRangeMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_rangeboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '4'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sniper
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sniper
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_sniper
id: sniper_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -1648,11 +1711,12 @@
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
trigger: OnKill
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '5'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sniper
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sniper
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_sniper
id: sniper_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -1673,11 +1737,12 @@
name: maneuverEnergyCostMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
trigger: OnKill
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '5'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sword
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sword
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_sword
id: sword_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -1693,12 +1758,13 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
- - healthAboveOrEq: '0.9'
-- conditions:
+ - healthAboveOrEq: '0.8'
+- category: Sword
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sword
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_sword
id: sword_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -1715,11 +1781,12 @@
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
- superspeed: 'false'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sword
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sword
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_sword
id: sword_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -1753,11 +1820,12 @@
math: multiply
name: energyRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamboost
- firingMainGun: 'false'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sword
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sword
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_sword
id: sword_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -1791,11 +1859,12 @@
math: multiply
name: healthRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_healthboost
- firingMainGun: 'false'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sword
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sword
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_sword
id: sword_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -1812,11 +1881,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunCooldownMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_speedgun
- healthBelow: '0.5'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sword
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sword
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_sword
id: sword_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -1833,11 +1903,12 @@
math: postAdd
name: healthRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_healthboost
- healthBelow: '0.5'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sword
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sword
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_sword
id: sword_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -1861,13 +1932,14 @@
speed: '14'
spread: '0'
mountAngle: '0'
syncTo: _main_
- - healthAboveOrEq: '0.9'
+ - healthAboveOrEq: '0.8'
- firingMainGun: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Sword
+ conditions:
- itemTag: sword
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_sword
id: sword_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -1886,11 +1958,12 @@
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
stacks: '3'
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Wasp
+ conditions:
- itemTag: wasp
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_wasp
id: wasp_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -1920,11 +1993,12 @@
math: multiply
name: energyRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '5'
-- conditions:
+- category: Wasp
+ conditions:
- itemTag: wasp
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_wasp
id: wasp_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -1954,40 +2028,43 @@
math: multiply
name: gunRangeMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_rangeboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '5'
-- conditions:
+- category: Wasp
+ conditions:
- itemTag: wasp
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_wasp
id: wasp_2a
label: 2-A
maxLevel: '1'
- actions:
- - cooldown: '1'
- duration: '1'
+ - cooldown: '2'
+ duration: '2'
- statMod:
amount: '0.8'
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
- trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+ trigger: OnHit
+- category: Wasp
+ conditions:
- itemTag: wasp
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_wasp
id: wasp_2b
label: 2-B
maxLevel: '1'
- actions:
- - energy: '3'
+ - energy: '2'
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Wasp
+ conditions:
- itemTag: wasp
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_wasp
id: wasp_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -2017,11 +2094,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '5'
-- conditions:
+- category: Wasp
+ conditions:
- itemTag: wasp
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_wasp
id: wasp_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -2051,11 +2129,12 @@
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '5'
-- conditions:
+- category: Wasp
+ conditions:
- itemTag: wasp
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_wasp
id: wasp_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -2084,11 +2163,12 @@
speed: '0'
spread: '0'
mountAngle: '0'
- firingMainGun: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Wasp
+ conditions:
- itemTag: wasp
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_wasp
id: wasp_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -2119,11 +2199,12 @@
pitch: '0'
sound: laser
volume: '0.25'
- firingMainGun: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Quad
+ conditions:
- planeClass: walker
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_quad
id: quad_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -2137,11 +2218,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '0.95'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunCooldownMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Quad
+ conditions:
- planeClass: walker
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_quad
id: quad_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -2155,11 +2237,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.03'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunRangeMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Quad
+ conditions:
- planeClass: walker
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_quad
id: quad_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -2176,11 +2259,12 @@
name: gunRangeMod
- statMod:
amount: '1.1'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Quad
+ conditions:
- planeClass: walker
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_quad
id: quad_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -2197,11 +2281,12 @@
name: gunRangeMod
- statMod:
amount: '1.1'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Quad
+ conditions:
- planeClass: walker
cost: '8'
icon: skillicon_quad
id: quad_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -2215,11 +2300,12 @@
amount: '1.5'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Quad
+ conditions:
- planeClass: walker
cost: '8'
icon: skillicon_quad
id: quad_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -2233,11 +2319,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunRangeMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_rangeboost
stacks: '3'
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Quad
+ conditions:
- planeClass: walker
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_quad
id: quad_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -2256,11 +2343,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Quad
+ conditions:
- planeClass: walker
cost: '5'
icon: skillicon_quad
id: quad_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -2278,11 +2366,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunCooldownMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_speedgun
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Paladin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: paladin
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_paladin
id: paladin_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -2306,11 +2395,12 @@
amount: '0.97'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: energyRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
-- conditions:
+- category: Paladin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: paladin
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_paladin
id: paladin_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -2333,11 +2423,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '0.97'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: healthRegenRate
-- conditions:
+- category: Paladin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: paladin
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_paladin
id: paladin_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -2356,11 +2447,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: maxHitPoints
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Paladin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: paladin
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_paladin
id: paladin_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -2379,11 +2471,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
trigger: OnManeuverEnd
-- conditions:
+- category: Paladin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: paladin
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_paladin
id: paladin_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -2402,99 +2495,99 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: healthRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_healthboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Paladin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: paladin
cost: '8'
icon: skillicon_paladin
id: paladin_3b
label: 3-B
maxLevel: '1'
- mods:
- statMod:
amount: '0.8'
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Paladin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: paladin
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_paladin
id: paladin_4a
label: 4-A
maxLevel: '1'
- mods:
- statMod:
- amount: '1.4'
+ amount: '1.3'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- statMod:
- amount: '0.75'
+ amount: '0.85'
math: multiply
- name: maxHitPoints
+ name: superspeedFactor
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
- volatileConditions:
- - firingMainGun: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Paladin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: paladin
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_paladin
id: paladin_4b
label: 4-B
maxLevel: '1'
- actions:
- - cooldown: '0.5'
+ - cooldown: '2'
duration: '1'
- statMod:
amount: '0.05'
math: multiply
name: gunCooldownMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_speedgun
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Shieldmaiden
+ conditions:
- planeClass: support
cost: '4'
icon: skillicon_shieldmaiden
id: shieldmaiden_1a
label: 1-A
maxLevel: '1'
- mods:
- statMod:
amount: '1.2'
math: multiply
name: superspeedFactor
- statMod:
- amount: '0.8'
+ amount: '0.85'
math: multiply
name: energyRegenRate
-- conditions:
+- category: Shieldmaiden
+ conditions:
- planeClass: support
cost: '4'
icon: skillicon_shieldmaiden
id: shieldmaiden_1b
label: 1-B
maxLevel: '1'
- mods:
- statMod:
- amount: '1.35'
+ amount: '1.15'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- - statMod:
- amount: '3.0'
- math: multiply
- name: gunCooldownMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
- superspeed: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Shieldmaiden
+ conditions:
- planeClass: support
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_shieldmaiden
id: shieldmaiden_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -2513,13 +2606,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
trigger: OnKill
- volatileConditions:
- - superspeed: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Shieldmaiden
+ conditions:
- planeClass: support
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_shieldmaiden
id: shieldmaiden_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -2538,13 +2630,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
trigger: OnKill
- volatileConditions:
- - superspeed: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Shieldmaiden
+ conditions:
- planeClass: support
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_shieldmaiden
id: shieldmaiden_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -2562,13 +2653,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunRangeMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_rangeboost
trigger: OnKill
- volatileConditions:
- - superspeed: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Shieldmaiden
+ conditions:
- planeClass: support
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_shieldmaiden
id: shieldmaiden_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -2584,12 +2674,13 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
- - healthAboveOrEq: '0.95'
-- conditions:
+ - healthAboveOrEq: '0.9'
+- category: Shieldmaiden
+ conditions:
- planeClass: support
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_shieldmaiden
id: shieldmaiden_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -2608,34 +2699,43 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunAmmoMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_ammoboost
trigger: OnKill
- volatileConditions:
- - superspeed: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Shieldmaiden
+ conditions:
- planeClass: support
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_shieldmaiden
id: shieldmaiden_4b
label: 4-B
maxLevel: '5'
- mods:
- statMod:
- amount: '0.85'
+ amount: '0.84'
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
- statMod:
amount: '0.96'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
+ - statMod:
+ amount: '1.02'
+ math: multiply
+ name: gunDamageMod
+ - statMod:
+ amount: '1.02'
+ leveling: 'true'
+ math: multiply
+ name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
- - healthBelow: '0.4'
-- conditions:
+ - healthBelow: '0.45'
+- category: Olfaithful
+ conditions:
- planeClass: olfaithful
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_oldfaithful
id: olfaithful_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -2656,11 +2756,12 @@
math: multiply
name: energyRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
- healthAboveOrEq: '0.7'
-- conditions:
+- category: Olfaithful
+ conditions:
- planeClass: olfaithful
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_oldfaithful
id: olfaithful_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -2681,11 +2782,12 @@
math: multiply
name: energyRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_rangeboost
- healthAboveOrEq: '0.7'
-- conditions:
+- category: Olfaithful
+ conditions:
- planeClass: olfaithful
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_oldfaithful
id: olfaithful_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -2706,11 +2808,12 @@
math: multiply
name: xpMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
- healthAboveOrEq: '0.7'
-- conditions:
+- category: Olfaithful
+ conditions:
- planeClass: olfaithful
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_oldfaithful
id: olfaithful_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -2731,11 +2834,12 @@
math: multiply
name: xpMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
- healthAboveOrEq: '0.7'
-- conditions:
+- category: Olfaithful
+ conditions:
- planeClass: olfaithful
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_oldfaithful
id: olfaithful_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -2752,11 +2856,12 @@
math: multiply
name: healthRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
- healthBelow: '0.33'
-- conditions:
+- category: Olfaithful
+ conditions:
- planeClass: olfaithful
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_oldfaithful
id: olfaithful_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -2775,11 +2880,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Olfaithful
+ conditions:
- planeClass: olfaithful
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_oldfaithful
id: olfaithful_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -2796,11 +2902,12 @@
math: postAdd
name: energyRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamboost
- healthAboveOrEq: '0.9'
-- conditions:
+- category: Olfaithful
+ conditions:
- planeClass: olfaithful
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_oldfaithful
id: olfaithful_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -2817,11 +2924,12 @@
math: multiply
name: superspeedFactor
- effectIcon: effecticon_speedboost
- healthAboveOrEq: '0.9'
-- conditions:
+- category: Medic
+ conditions:
- planeClass: medic
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_medic
id: medic_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -2839,11 +2947,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '0.98'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Medic
+ conditions:
- planeClass: medic
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_medic
id: medic_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -2861,11 +2970,12 @@
name: cloudRadiusMod
- statMod:
amount: '1.1'
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Medic
+ conditions:
- planeClass: medic
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_medic
id: medic_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -2887,11 +2997,12 @@
math: multiply
name: energyRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamboost
cloudType: heal
trigger: OnCloudAffectsAlly
-- conditions:
+- category: Medic
+ conditions:
- planeClass: medic
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_medic
id: medic_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -2910,11 +3021,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
cloudType: heal
trigger: OnCloudAffectsAlly
-- conditions:
+- category: Medic
+ conditions:
- planeClass: medic
cost: '5'
icon: skillicon_medic
id: medic_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -2931,11 +3043,12 @@
math: multiply
name: cloudRadiusMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_secondaryboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '3'
-- conditions:
+- category: Medic
+ conditions:
- planeClass: medic
cost: '5'
icon: skillicon_medic
id: medic_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -2958,11 +3071,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.04'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: superspeedFactor
-- conditions:
+- category: Medic
+ conditions:
- planeClass: medic
cost: '5'
icon: skillicon_medic
id: medic_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -2981,11 +3095,12 @@
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
cloudType: heal
trigger: OnCloudAffectsAlly
-- conditions:
+- category: Medic
+ conditions:
- planeClass: medic
cost: '5'
icon: skillicon_medic
id: medic_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -3003,11 +3118,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunRangeMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_rangeboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Daggerknight
+ conditions:
- planeClass: daggerknight
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_daggerknight
id: daggerknight_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -3021,11 +3137,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.02'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Daggerknight
+ conditions:
- planeClass: daggerknight
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_daggerknight
id: daggerknight_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -3044,11 +3161,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Daggerknight
+ conditions:
- planeClass: daggerknight
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_daggerknight
id: daggerknight_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -3061,11 +3179,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.2'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Daggerknight
+ conditions:
- planeClass: daggerknight
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_daggerknight
id: daggerknight_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -3082,11 +3201,12 @@
name: gunDamageMod
- statMod:
amount: '0.6'
math: multiply
name: maxEnergyPoints
-- conditions:
+- category: Daggerknight
+ conditions:
- planeClass: daggerknight
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_daggerknight
id: daggerknight_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -3108,11 +3228,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
- superspeed: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Daggerknight
+ conditions:
- planeClass: daggerknight
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_daggerknight
id: daggerknight_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -3139,11 +3260,12 @@
math: multiply
name: cameraZoomMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
stacks: '3'
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Daggerknight
+ conditions:
- planeClass: daggerknight
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_daggerknight
id: daggerknight_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -3162,11 +3284,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunCooldownMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_speedgun
stacks: '2'
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Daggerknight
+ conditions:
- planeClass: daggerknight
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_daggerknight
id: daggerknight_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -3182,11 +3305,12 @@
amount: '0.7'
math: multiply
name: cameraZoomMod
- healthBelow: '0.3'
-- conditions:
+- category: Assault
+ conditions:
- planeClass: assault
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_assault
id: assault_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -3205,11 +3329,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Assault
+ conditions:
- planeClass: assault
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_assault
id: assault_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -3227,45 +3352,48 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Assault
+ conditions:
- planeClass: assault
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_assault
id: assault_2a
label: 2-A
maxLevel: '1'
- actions:
- - energy: '10'
+ - energy: '4'
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Assault
+ conditions:
- planeClass: assault
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_assault
id: assault_2b
label: 2-B
maxLevel: '5'
- actions:
- - cooldown: '0.5'
- duration: '1'
+ - cooldown: '1'
+ duration: '2'
- statMod:
- amount: '0.6'
+ amount: '0.8'
math: multiply
name: maneuverEnergyCostMod
- statMod:
- amount: '0.99'
+ amount: '0.94'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: maneuverEnergyCostMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Assault
+ conditions:
- planeClass: assault
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_assault
id: assault_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -3284,11 +3412,12 @@
math: multiply
name: bashDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
stacks: '3'
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Assault
+ conditions:
- planeClass: assault
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_assault
id: assault_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -3302,55 +3431,58 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.1'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: cloudLifetimeMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Assault
+ conditions:
- planeClass: assault
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_assault
id: assault_4a
label: 4-A
maxLevel: '5'
- actions:
- cooldown: '1'
duration: '2'
- statMod:
- amount: '0.8'
+ amount: '0.91'
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- statMod:
- amount: '0.99'
+ amount: '0.97'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
trigger: OnSuperspeedEnd
-- conditions:
+- category: Assault
+ conditions:
- planeClass: assault
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_assault
id: assault_4b
label: 4-B
maxLevel: '5'
- mods:
- statMod:
- amount: '0.6'
+ amount: '0.75'
math: multiply
name: gunCooldownMod
- statMod:
- amount: '0.96'
+ amount: '0.93'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunCooldownMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_speedgun
- healthBelow: '0.5'
-- conditions:
+- category: Hog
+ conditions:
- planeClass: tank
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_hog
id: hog_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -3379,11 +3511,12 @@
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
- healthBelow: '0.25'
-- conditions:
+- category: Hog
+ conditions:
- planeClass: tank
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_hog
id: hog_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -3397,11 +3530,12 @@
amount: '1.30'
math: multiply
name: superspeedFactor
- effectIcon: effecticon_speedboost
trigger: OnManeuverStart
-- conditions:
+- category: Hog
+ conditions:
- planeClass: tank
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_hog
id: hog_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -3418,11 +3552,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
- healthBelow: '0.5'
-- conditions:
+- category: Hog
+ conditions:
- planeClass: tank
cost: '5'
icon: skillicon_hog
id: hog_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -3439,11 +3574,12 @@
math: postAdd
name: energyRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamboost
- healthBelow: '0.5'
-- conditions:
+- category: Hog
+ conditions:
- planeClass: tank
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_hog
id: hog_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -3460,11 +3596,12 @@
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
- healthBelow: '0.3'
-- conditions:
+- category: Hog
+ conditions:
- planeClass: tank
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_hog
id: hog_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -3492,11 +3629,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunRangeMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Hog
+ conditions:
- planeClass: tank
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_hog
id: hog_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -3515,11 +3653,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Hog
+ conditions:
- planeClass: tank
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_hog
id: hog_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -3538,11 +3677,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Bandit
+ conditions:
- planeClass: pirate
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_bandit
id: bandit_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -3559,11 +3699,12 @@
math: multiply
name: secondaryDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_secondarydamageboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '2'
-- conditions:
+- category: Bandit
+ conditions:
- planeClass: pirate
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_bandit
id: bandit_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -3580,11 +3721,12 @@
math: multiply
name: maxHitPoints
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
- nearbyPlayersAboveOrEq: '4'
-- conditions:
+- category: Bandit
+ conditions:
- planeClass: pirate
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_bandit
id: bandit_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -3607,11 +3749,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '0.95'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: maneuverEnergyCostMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Bandit
+ conditions:
- planeClass: pirate
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_bandit
id: bandit_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -3634,11 +3777,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '0.99'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Bandit
+ conditions:
- planeClass: pirate
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_bandit
id: bandit_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -3657,11 +3801,12 @@
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
stacks: '3'
trigger: OnHit
-- conditions:
+- category: Bandit
+ conditions:
- planeClass: pirate
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_bandit
id: bandit_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -3689,11 +3834,12 @@
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_secondarydamageboost
stacks: '2'
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Bandit
+ conditions:
- planeClass: pirate
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_bandit
id: bandit_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -3706,24 +3852,26 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.1'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Bandit
+ conditions:
- planeClass: pirate
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_bandit
id: bandit_4b
label: 4-B
maxLevel: '1'
- actions:
- cooldown: '2'
health: '4'
amountAboveOrEq: '1'
trigger: OnHit
-- conditions:
+- category: Merlin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: wizard
cost: '4'
icon: skillicon_merlin
id: merlin_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -3751,11 +3899,12 @@
rof: '1'
speed: '0'
spread: '0'
mountAngle: '0'
trigger: OnManeuverEnd
-- conditions:
+- category: Merlin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: wizard
cost: '4'
icon: skillicon_merlin
id: merlin_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -3783,11 +3932,12 @@
rof: '1'
speed: '0'
spread: '0'
mountAngle: '0'
trigger: OnManeuverEnd
-- conditions:
+- category: Merlin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: wizard
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_merlin
id: merlin_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -3814,11 +3964,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_secondaryboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Merlin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: wizard
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_merlin
id: merlin_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -3844,11 +3995,12 @@
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_secondaryboost
- healthBelow: '0.7'
-- conditions:
+- category: Merlin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: wizard
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_merlin
id: merlin_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -3874,11 +4026,12 @@
amount: '0.4'
math: multiply
name: maxSpeed
- effectIcon: effecticon_secondaryboost
trigger: OnSuperspeedEnd
-- conditions:
+- category: Merlin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: wizard
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_merlin
id: merlin_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -3896,11 +4049,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
trigger: OnManeuverEnd
-- conditions:
+- category: Merlin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: wizard
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_merlin
id: merlin_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -3918,11 +4072,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
trigger: OnManeuverEnd
-- conditions:
+- category: Merlin
+ conditions:
- planeClass: wizard
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_merlin
id: merlin_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -3940,11 +4095,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: energyCostMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Engineer
+ conditions:
- planeClass: engineer
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_engineer
id: engineer_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -3962,11 +4118,12 @@
name: spawnTurnRateMod
- statMod:
amount: '0.90'
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Engineer
+ conditions:
- planeClass: engineer
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_engineer
id: engineer_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -3984,11 +4141,12 @@
name: spawnDamageMod
- statMod:
amount: '1.05'
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Engineer
+ conditions:
- planeClass: engineer
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_engineer
id: engineer_2a
label: 2-A
@@ -4011,11 +4169,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.01'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Engineer
+ conditions:
- planeClass: engineer
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_engineer
id: engineer_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -4038,11 +4197,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '0.98'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Engineer
+ conditions:
- planeClass: engineer
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_engineer
id: engineer_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -4056,11 +4216,12 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.05'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: spawnRangeMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Engineer
+ conditions:
- planeClass: engineer
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_engineer
id: engineer_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -4078,11 +4239,12 @@
name: secondaryCooldownMod
- statMod:
amount: '0.8'
math: multiply
name: spawnRangeMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Engineer
+ conditions:
- planeClass: engineer
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_engineer
id: engineer_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -4101,11 +4263,12 @@
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
stacks: '3'
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Engineer
+ conditions:
- planeClass: engineer
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_engineer
id: engineer_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -4124,11 +4287,12 @@
math: multiply
name: spawnHealthMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
stacks: '2'
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Siegetank
+ conditions:
- planeClass: siegetank
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_siegetank
id: siegetank_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -4147,11 +4311,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunRateOfFireMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_speedgun
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Siegetank
+ conditions:
- planeClass: siegetank
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_siegetank
id: siegetank_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -4165,31 +4330,34 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.02'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Siegetank
+ conditions:
- planeClass: siegetank
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_siegetank
id: siegetank_2a
label: 2-A
maxLevel: '1'
- mods:
- canEquip: shotgun
-- conditions:
+- category: Siegetank
+ conditions:
- planeClass: siegetank
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_siegetank
id: siegetank_2b
label: 2-B
maxLevel: '1'
- mods:
- canEquip: triple
-- conditions:
+- category: Siegetank
+ conditions:
- planeClass: siegetank
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_siegetank
id: siegetank_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -4208,11 +4376,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
stacks: '3'
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Siegetank
+ conditions:
- planeClass: siegetank
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_siegetank
id: siegetank_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -4231,11 +4400,12 @@
math: multiply
name: gunRateOfFireMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_speedgun
stacks: '5'
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Siegetank
+ conditions:
- planeClass: siegetank
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_siegetank
id: siegetank_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -4253,11 +4423,12 @@
name: maxHitPoints
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
- maneuverType: siege
maneuvering: 'false'
-- conditions:
+- category: Siegetank
+ conditions:
- planeClass: siegetank
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_siegetank
id: siegetank_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -4275,11 +4446,12 @@
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
- maneuverType: siege
maneuvering: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Raptor
+ conditions:
- planeClass: rapier
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_raptor
id: raptor_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -4297,11 +4469,12 @@
name: gunDamageMod
- statMod:
amount: '0.7'
math: multiply
name: gunRangeMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Raptor
+ conditions:
- planeClass: rapier
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_raptor
id: raptor_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -4324,24 +4497,26 @@
- statMod:
amount: '1.02'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
-- conditions:
+- category: Raptor
+ conditions:
- planeClass: rapier
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_raptor
id: raptor_2a
label: 2-A
maxLevel: '1'
- mods:
- statMod:
amount: '1.3'
math: multiply
name: maxTurnRate
-- conditions:
+- category: Raptor
+ conditions:
- planeClass: rapier
cost: '6'
icon: skillicon_raptor
id: raptor_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -4364,11 +4539,12 @@
amount: '0.8'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- superspeed: 'false'
-- conditions:
+- category: Raptor
+ conditions:
- planeClass: rapier
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_raptor
id: raptor_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -4387,11 +4563,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
trigger: OnKill
-- conditions:
+- category: Raptor
+ conditions:
- planeClass: rapier
cost: '3'
icon: skillicon_raptor
id: raptor_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -4410,11 +4587,12 @@
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
trigger: OnManeuverEnd
-- conditions:
+- category: Raptor
+ conditions:
- planeClass: rapier
cost: '4'
icon: skillicon_raptor
id: raptor_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -4431,11 +4609,12 @@
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
- superspeed: 'false'
-- conditions:
+- category: Raptor
+ conditions:
- planeClass: rapier
cost: '4'
icon: skillicon_raptor
id: raptor_4b
label: 4-B
@@ -4452,11 +4631,12 @@
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
- firingMainGun: 'false'
-- conditions:
+- category: Duster
+ conditions:
- planeClass: duster
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_duster
id: duster_1a
label: 1-A
@@ -4491,11 +4671,12 @@
math: multiply
name: damageReceivedMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_armorboost
- superspeed: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Duster
+ conditions:
- planeClass: duster
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_duster
id: duster_1b
label: 1-B
@@ -4530,21 +4711,22 @@
math: multiply
name: gunDamageMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
- superspeed: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Duster
+ conditions:
- planeClass: duster
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_duster
id: duster_2a
label: 2-A
maxLevel: '5'
- mods:
- statMod:
- amount: '0.7'
+ amount: '0.72'
math: multiply
name: gunRangeMod
- statMod:
amount: '0.98'
leveling: 'true'
@@ -4558,11 +4740,12 @@
amount: '0.98'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: gunCooldownMod
- effectIcon: effecticon_damageboost
-- conditions:
+- category: Duster
+ conditions:
- planeClass: duster
cost: '2'
icon: skillicon_duster
id: duster_2b
label: 2-B
@@ -4577,22 +4760,16 @@
amount: '0.97'
leveling: 'true'
math: multiply
name: secondaryEnergyCostMod
- statMod:
- amount: '0.85'
- math: multiply
- name: maxHitPoints
- - statMod:
- amount: '0.99'
- leveling: 'true'
+ amount: '0.91'
math: multiply
name: maxHitPoints
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamcost
- volatileConditions:
- - superspeed: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Duster
+ conditions:
- planeClass: duster
cost: '8'
icon: skillicon_duster
id: duster_3a
label: 3-A
@@ -4608,11 +4785,12 @@
math: postAdd
name: energyRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_steampenalty
- superspeed: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Duster
+ conditions:
- planeClass: duster
cost: '8'
icon: skillicon_duster
id: duster_3b
label: 3-B
@@ -4628,11 +4806,12 @@
math: postAdd
name: healthRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_healthboost
- superspeed: 'true'
-- conditions:
+- category: Duster
+ conditions:
- planeClass: duster
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_duster
id: duster_4a
label: 4-A
@@ -4648,11 +4827,12 @@
math: postAdd
name: energyRegenRate
- effectIcon: effecticon_steamboost
- superspeed: 'false'
-- conditions:
+- category: Duster
+ conditions:
- planeClass: duster
cost: '10'
icon: skillicon_duster
id: duster_4b
label: 4-B
diff --git config_190817_0024/store.txt config_190821_053/store.txt
index 1e6abef..d2b0b31 100644
--- config_190817_0024/store.txt
+++ config_190821_053/store.txt
@@ -7,71 +7,73 @@ currencies:
- hidden: 'true'
icon: keys-icon
id: keys
- currency_id: gold
- currency_val: '5000'
+ currency_val: '4800'
extra_text: ''
- id: steam_1
+ id: steam_6
money: '5'
payment: steam
- currency_id: gold
- currency_val: '10500'
- extra_text: Most Popular
- id: steam_2
+ currency_val: '10000'
+ extra_text: ''
+ id: steam_7
money: '10'
payment: steam
- currency_id: gold
- currency_val: '22000'
+ currency_val: '15500'
extra_text: ''
- id: steam_3
- money: '20'
+ id: steam_8
+ money: '15'
payment: steam
- currency_id: gold
- currency_val: '58000'
- extra_text: ''
- id: steam_4
- money: '50'
+ currency_val: '21000'
+ extra_text: Most Popular
+ id: steam_9
+ money: '20'
payment: steam
- currency_id: gold
- currency_val: '120000'
+ currency_val: '54000'
extra_text: Best Value
- id: steam_5
- money: '100'
+ id: steam_10
+ money: '50'
payment: steam
- currency_id: gold
- currency_val: '5000'
+ currency_val: '4800'
extra_text: ''
- id: dummy_1
+ id: dummy_6
money: '5'
payment: dummy
- currency_id: gold
- currency_val: '12000'
- extra_text: Most Popular
- id: dummy_2
+ currency_val: '10000'
+ extra_text: ''
+ id: dummy_7
money: '10'
payment: dummy
- currency_id: gold
- currency_val: '26000'
+ currency_val: '15500'
extra_text: ''
- id: dummy_3
- money: '20'
+ id: dummy_8
+ money: '15'
payment: dummy
- currency_id: gold
- currency_val: '70000'
- extra_text: ''
- id: dummy_4
- money: '50'
+ currency_val: '21000'
+ extra_text: Most Popular
+ id: dummy_9
+ money: '20'
payment: dummy
- currency_id: gold
- currency_val: '160000'
+ currency_val: '54000'
extra_text: Best Value
- id: dummy_5
- money: '100'
+ id: dummy_10
+ money: '50'
payment: dummy
- account_items:
+ - skill_loadout_slot
+ - skill_loadout_slot
- storage_slot
- storage_slot
- storage_slot
- storage_slot
- storage_slot
@@ -83,11 +85,11 @@ products:
id: store_bundle_starter
max_per_account: '1'
max_per_account_limiting_account_item: store_bundle_starter
no_automatic_tags: 'true'
- amount: '10000'
+ amount: '15000'
currency: gold
- bundle
- icon: ItemCrate
id: store_bundle_keys1
@@ -1753,16 +1755,12 @@ products:
- account_items:
- hangar_slot
icon: ItemHangerSlot
id: hangar_slot
- amount: '10000'
+ amount: '7500'
amount_sub_item_tag: hangar_slot
- amount_subs:
- - '3000'
- - '2000'
- - '1000'
currency: gold
- hangar_slot
- account_items:
- storage_slot
@@ -1773,29 +1771,22 @@ products:
- storage_slot
- store_storage_slot
icon: ItemStorageSlot
id: store_storage_slot
- amount: '10000'
+ amount: '7500'
amount_sub_item_tag: store_storage_slot
- amount_subs:
- - '3000'
- - '2000'
- - '1000'
currency: gold
- storage_slot
- account_items:
- skill_loadout_slot
- icon: ItemStorageSlot
+ icon: ItemConsumableXPBoostProduct
id: store_skill_loadout_slot
- amount: '6000'
+ amount: '5000'
amount_sub_item_tag: skill_loadout_slot
- amount_subs:
- - '2000'
- - '1000'
currency: gold
- skill_loadout_slot
- additional_price_tags:
- id: normal
@@ -3466,11 +3457,21 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
preview_plane_scale: '0.8'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerWalkerEpicA
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantQuadEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_walker_epicb
@@ -3481,11 +3482,21 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
preview_plane_scale: '0.8'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerWalkerEpicB
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantQuadEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_walker_epicc
@@ -3496,11 +3507,21 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
preview_plane_scale: '0.8'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerWalkerEpicC
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantQuadEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_walker_epicd
@@ -3511,11 +3532,21 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
preview_plane_scale: '0.8'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerWalkerEpicD
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantMedicEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_medic_epica
@@ -3526,10 +3557,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerMedicEpicA
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantMedicEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_medic_epicb
@@ -3540,10 +3581,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerMedicEpicB
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantMedicEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_medic_epicc
@@ -3554,10 +3605,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerMedicEpicC
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantMedicEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_medic_epicd
@@ -3568,10 +3629,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerMedicEpicD
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantHogEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_hog_epica
@@ -3582,10 +3653,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerHogEpicA
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantHogEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_hog_epicb
@@ -3596,10 +3677,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerHogEpicB
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantHogEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_hog_epicc
@@ -3610,10 +3701,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerHogEpicC
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantHogEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_hog_epicd
@@ -3624,10 +3725,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerHogEpicD
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantOldFaithfulEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_oldfaithful_epica
@@ -3638,10 +3749,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerOldFaithfulEpicA
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3.5'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantOldFaithfulEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_oldfaithful_epicb
@@ -3652,10 +3773,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerOldFaithfulEpicB
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3.5'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantOldFaithfulEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_oldfaithful_epicc
@@ -3666,10 +3797,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerOldFaithfulEpicC
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '5'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantOldFaithfulEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_oldfaithful_epicd
@@ -3680,10 +3821,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerOldFaithfulEpicD
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '5'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantAssaultEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_assault_epica
@@ -3694,10 +3845,24 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '2.5'
+ preview_extra_position:
+ - '0'
+ - '-1'
+ - '0'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerAssaultEpicA
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantAssaultEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_assault_epicb
@@ -3708,10 +3873,24 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '2.5'
+ preview_extra_position:
+ - '0'
+ - '-1'
+ - '0'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerAssaultEpicB
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantAssaultEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_assault_epicc
@@ -3722,10 +3901,24 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '2.5'
+ preview_extra_position:
+ - '0'
+ - '-1'
+ - '0'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerAssaultEpicC
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantAssaultEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_assault_epicd
@@ -3736,10 +3929,24 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '2.5'
+ preview_extra_position:
+ - '0'
+ - '-1'
+ - '0'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerAssaultEpicD
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantRaptorEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_raptor_epica
@@ -3750,10 +3957,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerRaptorEpicA
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantRaptorEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_raptor_epicb
@@ -3764,10 +3981,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerRaptorEpicB
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantRaptorEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_raptor_epicc
@@ -3778,10 +4005,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerRaptorEpicC
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantRaptorEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_raptor_epicd
@@ -3792,10 +4029,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerRaptorEpicD
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '2'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantPaladinEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_paladin_epica
@@ -3806,10 +4053,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '4'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerPaladinEpicA
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '4'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantPaladinEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_paladin_epicb
@@ -3820,10 +4077,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '4'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerPaladinEpicB
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '4'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantPaladinEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_paladin_epicc
@@ -3834,10 +4101,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '4'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerPaladinEpicC
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '4'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantPaladinEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_paladin_epicd
@@ -3848,10 +4125,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '4'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerPaladinEpicD
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '4'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantShieldMaidenEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_shieldmaiden_epica
@@ -3862,10 +4149,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerShieldMaidenEpicA
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantShieldMaidenEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_shieldmaiden_epicb
@@ -3876,10 +4173,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerShieldMaidenEpicB
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantShieldMaidenEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_shieldmaiden_epicc
@@ -3890,10 +4197,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerShieldMaidenEpicC
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantShieldMaidenEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_shieldmaiden_epicd
@@ -3904,10 +4221,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerShieldMaidenEpicD
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantDusterEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_duster_epica
@@ -3918,10 +4245,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerDusterEpicA
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantDusterEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_duster_epicb
@@ -3932,10 +4269,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerDusterEpicB
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantDusterEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_duster_epicc
@@ -3946,10 +4293,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerDusterEpicC
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantDusterEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_duster_epicd
@@ -3960,24 +4317,44 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
- tags:
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerDusterEpicD
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
+ tags:
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantBanditEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_bandit_epica
- unlock_playerclass_bandit_epica
amount: '15000'
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerBanditEpicA
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantBanditEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_bandit_epicb
@@ -3988,10 +4365,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerBanditEpicB
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantBanditEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_bandit_epicc
@@ -4002,10 +4389,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerBanditEpicC
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantBanditEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_bandit_epicd
@@ -4016,10 +4413,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerBanditEpicD
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantMerlinEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_merlin_epica
@@ -4030,10 +4437,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerMerlinEpicA
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '1'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantMerlinEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_merlin_epicb
@@ -4044,10 +4461,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerMerlinEpicB
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '1'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantMerlinEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_merlin_epicc
@@ -4058,10 +4485,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerMerlinEpicC
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '1'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantMerlinEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_merlin_epicd
@@ -4072,10 +4509,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerMerlinEpicD
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '1'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantEngineerEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_engineer_epica
@@ -4086,10 +4533,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerEngineerEpicA
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantEngineerEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_engineer_epicb
@@ -4100,10 +4557,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerEngineerEpicB
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantEngineerEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_engineer_epicc
@@ -4114,10 +4581,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
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+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerEngineerEpicC
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantEngineerEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_engineer_epicd
@@ -4128,10 +4605,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerEngineerEpicD
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantSiegeTankEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_siegetank_epica
@@ -4142,10 +4629,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerSiegeTankEpicA
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantSiegeTankEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_siegetank_epicb
@@ -4156,10 +4653,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerSiegeTankEpicB
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantSiegeTankEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_siegetank_epicc
@@ -4170,10 +4677,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerSiegeTankEpicC
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantSiegeTankEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_siegetank_epicd
@@ -4184,10 +4701,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerSiegeTankEpicD
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantDaggerKnightEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_daggerknight_epica
@@ -4198,10 +4725,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerDaggerKnightEpicA
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantDaggerKnightEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_daggerknight_epicb
@@ -4212,10 +4749,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerDaggerKnightEpicB
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantDaggerKnightEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_daggerknight_epicc
@@ -4226,10 +4773,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerDaggerKnightEpicC
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemVariantDaggerKnightEpicProduct
id: store_unlock_playerclass_daggerknight_epicd
@@ -4240,10 +4797,20 @@ products:
currency: gold
- nothing
- use_instantly
- storage
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_fly_around_center: 'false'
+ preview_prefab_name: PlayerDaggerKnightEpicD
+ preview_prefab_pool: Planes
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_rotation_speed: '0'
- item_variant
- item_variant_epic
- icon: ItemCrate
id: unlock_medic
@@ -4390,11 +4957,11 @@ products:
- '0'
- '0'
- '-1'
preview_clipping_area: '20'
- preview_distance: '6'
+ preview_distance: '5'
preview_prefab_name: QuickChat_Charge
preview_prefab_pool: UI
preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
preview_rotation_speed: '0'
@@ -4480,10 +5047,118 @@ products:
- emote_love_common
- additional_price_tags:
- id: normal
+ amount: '1000'
+ currency: gold
+ - id: scrap
+ price:
+ amount: '3000'
+ currency: scrap
+ icon: ItemEmote_MusicNotes
+ id: unlock_emote_musicnotes
+ max_per_account: '1'
+ max_per_account_count_unlocks: 'true'
+ preRelease: 'false'
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ - '0'
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+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '-1'
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+ preview_distance: '5'
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+ preview_prefab_pool: UI
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_target_offset:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '-1'
+ tags:
+ - unlocks
+ - emotes_common
+ unlocks:
+ - emote_musicnotes
+- additional_price_tags:
+ - id: normal
+ price:
+ amount: '7000'
+ currency: gold
+ - id: scrap
+ price:
+ amount: '21000'
+ currency: scrap
+ icon: ItemEmote
+ id: unlock_emote_LOL
+ max_per_account: '1'
+ max_per_account_count_unlocks: 'true'
+ preRelease: 'false'
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ - '0'
+ preview_camera_offset:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '-1'
+ preview_clipping_area: '20'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_prefab_name: QuickChat_LOL_Preview
+ preview_prefab_pool: UI
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_target_offset:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '-1'
+ tags:
+ - unlocks
+ - emotes_epic
+ unlocks:
+ - emote_LOL
+- additional_price_tags:
+ - id: normal
+ price:
+ amount: '1000'
+ currency: gold
+ - id: scrap
+ price:
+ amount: '3000'
+ currency: scrap
+ icon: ItemEmote
+ id: unlock_emote_wave
+ max_per_account: '1'
+ max_per_account_count_unlocks: 'true'
+ preRelease: 'false'
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '1'
+ - '0'
+ preview_camera_offset:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '-1'
+ preview_clipping_area: '20'
+ preview_distance: '3'
+ preview_prefab_name: QuickChat_Wave_Preview
+ preview_prefab_pool: UI
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_target_offset:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '-1'
+ tags:
+ - unlocks
+ - emotes_common
+ unlocks:
+ - emote_wave
+- additional_price_tags:
+ - id: normal
+ price:
amount: '7000'
currency: gold
- id: scrap
amount: '21000'
@@ -4594,10 +5269,82 @@ products:
currency: gold
- id: scrap
amount: '3000'
currency: scrap
+ icon: ItemEmote_OutOfSteam
+ id: unlock_emote_outofsteam
+ max_per_account: '1'
+ max_per_account_count_unlocks: 'true'
+ preRelease: 'true'
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0.5'
+ - '1'
+ preview_camera_offset:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ preview_clipping_area: '20'
+ preview_distance: '6'
+ preview_prefab_name: QuickChat_OutOfSteam
+ preview_prefab_pool: UI
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_target_offset:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ tags:
+ - unlocks
+ - emotes_common
+ unlocks:
+ - emote_outofsteam
+- additional_price_tags:
+ - id: normal
+ price:
+ amount: '7000'
+ currency: gold
+ - id: scrap
+ price:
+ amount: '21000'
+ currency: scrap
+ icon: ItemEmote_LaunchConfetti
+ id: unlock_launchconfetti
+ max_per_account: '1'
+ max_per_account_count_unlocks: 'true'
+ preRelease: 'true'
+ preview_camera_direction:
+ - '0'
+ - '0.5'
+ - '1'
+ preview_camera_offset:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ preview_clipping_area: '20'
+ preview_distance: '7'
+ preview_prefab_name: QuickChat_LaunchConfetti
+ preview_prefab_pool: UI
+ preview_reenable_timeout: '3'
+ preview_target_offset:
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ - '0'
+ tags:
+ - unlocks
+ - emotes_epic
+ unlocks:
+ - emote_launchconfetti
+- additional_price_tags:
+ - id: normal
+ price:
+ amount: '1000'
+ currency: gold
+ - id: scrap
+ price:
+ amount: '3000'
+ currency: scrap
icon: ItemConsumableHelixBlueIcon
id: unlock_trail_helix_blue
- trail_helix_blue