angler: name: Angler variants: default: flavor: A failed flight of fancy by Lord Patrick of Kemp. He spent the last of his fortune on mad engineering projects and failed attempts to corner the salted plum market. name: Angler assault: name: Assault variants: VariantA: flavor: This is what happens when a crew of good old birds with a machine shop discover a pirate's stash of 1835 LeTigre Absinthe. Smashing. name: Tusker VariantB: flavor: The whole Rebel-thing doesn't pay, so many have scavengers jobs on the side. This Mining Assault can burrow deep into the dangerous layers of ruins. name: Yewnoda Drill camo: flavor: Felines with their inferior eyesight never see the Bull until it is too late. Photophosphors scavenged from deep cave fungi create the plane's unique colors. name: Quiet Bull default: flavor: A close combat attacker with a devastating energized charge. Early losses by the Rebellion showed a need for an effective deterrent to the Empire's overwhelming numerical superiority. name: Assault flames: flavor: All pilots know the name Pepper. She takes cash up front and she doesn't do requests. It is flames or nothing. name: Spicy Pepper gold: flavor: This model is reserved for those who joined the force early. This model's gold paint was salvaged from melted Imperial Meowza memorials. name: Gold Assault spikes: flavor: The North division has their own anti-corrosion paint. The brittle cold and salted runways wreak havoc on those wimpy southern craft. name: Snow Plow duster: name: Duster variants: VariantA: flavor: '' name: TheSeventyFour VariantB: flavor: '' name: Spray N' Pray default: flavor: A civilian crop duster retrofitted with massive rear capacitors. Excels at running away. name: Duster engineer: name: Engineer variants: VariantA: flavor: '' name: Specialist VariantB: flavor: '' name: Cogger default: flavor: 'Before the great aerial Docks burned, engineering planes helped build the legendary floating capital ships. Now, they deploy drones in direct combat. ' name: Engineer medic: name: Medic variants: VariantA: flavor: '' name: Speed Medic VariantB: flavor: '' name: Endurance Medic camo: flavor: When the Empire began targeting medics, there were no tribunals left to accuse them of war crimes. So rebel medics resorted to camouflage. name: Line Medic default: flavor: In the brutal hell of modern war, no pilot is more valued than the war medic. An aerial repair means the difference between narrow victory and fiery failure. name: Medic flames: flavor: The grackle who paints these gives discounts to medics. She'll grumble something, tap her wooden leg and hand back half your cash. The leg is painted with the most beautiful flames. name: Nurse Pepper spikes: flavor: Before the war there was a doctors guild built on the concept of reciprocation. They never asked for money. However, if one healed you, they expected an equivalent gift at some point in the future. name: Parrot Doc olfaithful: name: Old Faithful tutorial_info: 'Airplane Movement Flies like a plane, fires forward Strong Armor Can take many hits Gamepad Single Stick Controls Keyboard WASD and Mouse' variants: VariantB: flavor: The new shiny military upgrade to the Old Faithful airframe. Retooled for production in our remaining factories. name: Angel of Faith VarientA: flavor: The wings on this Old Faithful use an earlier construction method of stretching thin hides over finely carved fir spars. Agile. Flammable. name: Spirit of Saint Leonardo camo: flavor: An Old Faithful trainer repurposed as scout. The spiffy camouflage paint helps pilots avoid detection by anti-air name: Secret Angel default: flavor: Originally intended as a training plane, the Old Faithful was pressed into full service when we lost our northern factories. name: Old Faithful flames: flavor: Crowdown Garage employs a grumpy grackle who only paints planes with bad-ass flames. It is her thing. name: Old Pepper spikes: flavor: Cool blue spikes transform this ancient training plane into a hipster fashion statement. Comes with built-in record player. name: Chill Faithful paladin: name: Paladin variants: VariantA: flavor: '' name: Lumberjack VariantB: flavor: '' name: Bunyan default: flavor: More mecha than plane, the steam-hungry Paladin slices through swathes of enemies with a signature 50-foot plasma chainsaw. name: Paladin pirate: name: Pirate variants: default: flavor: We sanction privateers as long as they make the Empires life worse than they make ours. Scrappy in all senses of the word. name: Pirate rapier: name: Raptor variants: VariantA: flavor: '' name: Eagle VariantB: flavor: '' name: Hawk default: flavor: 'Finicky, but beloved by skilled pilots, the Raptor offers immense firepower combined with surprising agility. ' name: Raptor support: name: Shieldmaiden variants: VariantA: flavor: '' name: Shieldprincess VariantB: flavor: '' name: Shieldqueen default: flavor: The Bright Lady of the Sky. All rally to the charging Shieldmaiden as she boosts the armor of those who follow her into the fray. name: Shieldmaiden tank: name: Hog variants: default: flavor: An immense hulk composed mostly of armor and field generators. The Hog shrugs off bullets as it barrels straight into the crossfire. name: Hog walker: name: Quad tutorial_info: 'Hover Movement Can move or fire in any direction Weak Armor Can only take a few hits Gamepad Dual Stick Controls Keyboard WASD and Mouse' variants: VariantA: flavor: It looks fast. Amazing what a little tin and a clever paint job can do. name: Speed Quad VariantB: flavor: Beefed up engines produced an intense thrumming that causes beaks to vibrate. Originally favored by unlicensed racers, chopshops still make 'em if you can find the parts. name: Power Quad default: flavor: Favored by officers, the Quad can hover about the very edges of a combat zone. A smart burst of their signature machine gun dissuades the most villainous of cats. name: Quad wizard: name: Merlin variants: VariantA: flavor: '' name: Unidentified VariantB: flavor: '' name: X54 default: flavor: This highly experimental class uses a miniaturized teleportation apparatus to pop about the combat zone. Its egghead pilots are derisively known as wizkids. name: Merlin