action_button_format: '{0}' action_info_cloud: Cloud action_info_currency: Change Currency action_info_currency_short: '{0} {1}' action_info_decoration: Decoration action_info_decoration_clean_colors: Removes all current colors. action_info_decoration_clean_livery: Removes current livery. action_info_decoration_clean_trails: Removes current trails. action_info_decoration_extra1: Changes 1st plane color to {0}. action_info_decoration_extra2: Changes 2nd plane color to {0}. action_info_decoration_extra3: Changes 3rd plane color to {0}. action_info_decoration_livery: Changes plane livery to {0}. action_info_decoration_normalTrail: Changes normal plane trail to {0}. action_info_decoration_short_extra: {0} action_info_decoration_short_livery: '{0}' action_info_decoration_short_normalTrail: '{0}' action_info_decoration_short_superTrail: '{0}' action_info_decoration_superTrail: Changes superspeed plane trail to {0}. action_info_gun: Primary Gun Mount {0} action_info_healthenergy: Boost action_info_healthenergy_energy: Your steam gets recharged by {0}. action_info_healthenergy_health: You get healed by {0}. action_info_healthenergy_short_energy: +{0} Steam action_info_healthenergy_short_health: +{0} Healing action_info_maneuver: Maneuver action_info_minor_gun: Auxiliary Gun Mount {0} action_info_planexpboost: Plane XP Boost action_info_planexpboost_info: +{0}% XP for {1} action_info_planexpboost_short: '{0}% XP {1}' action_info_soulbound: Change Soulbound action_info_soulbound_add: By using this item it will get soulbound action_info_soulbound_remove: By using this item it will loose soulbound action_info_spawn: Drone Printer action_info_statboost: Timed Buff action_info_unlock: Unlock action_info_unlock_short: '{0}' action_info_unlock_text: Unlocks {0} action_key_format: '{0}' brag: '{0} died in mysterious circumstances.' brag_enemy: Our mighty {1} killed {0}! buildings: hangar: Hangar storage: Storage store: Store button_hangar_exit: Exit button_hangar_newplane_advance: Select this Class button_hangar_newplane_cancel: Back to Hangar button_hangar_select: Select button_hangar_start_flying: Start Flying button_hangar_variant_advance: Select this Model button_hangar_variant_advance_locked: This model is locked button_hangar_variant_cancel: Back to Class Select button_upcoming_events_exit: Exit News and Events button_upcoming_events_navigate: Visit Website button_upcoming_events_title: News and Events capture_gif_done: You can find your GIF at {0}. capture_gif_error: GIF save failed. Sorry. capture_gif_start: Saving GIF... consumable_item_error_already_applied: You already applies this. Using it again would not change anything. consumable_item_error_already_unlocked: You already unlocked this item. You can not unlock it twice. consumable_item_error_dying: Consuming is not possible while dying. consumable_item_error_no_effect: Consuming this would not have any effect now. consumable_item_error_no_plane: You need a plane to consume an item. consumable_item_error_unknown: Failed to consume the item. consumable_item_unusable: Unusable death_crashed: Crashed death_enemy_line: 'by: {0}' death_plane_level: Plane Level death_rank: Pilot Rank death_rank_up: Pilot Rank Up! death_title: Shot Down death_training_points: Training Points dialogue_name_announcer: Announcer dialogue_name_bosscat: Boss Cat dialogue_name_catofficer: Cat Officer dialogue_name_catsoldier1: Cat Pilot dialogue_name_catsoldier2: Cat Soldier dialogue_name_dogsoldier1: Dog Soldier dialogue_name_drilloperator: Drill Operator dialogue_name_minibosscat: Mini Boss Cat dialogue_name_portaloperator: Portal Operator dialogue_name_prisoner: Prisoner dialogue_name_rebelpilot: Rebel Pilot dialogue_name_sergeant: Sergeant dialogue_name_strangealtartohorus: Strange Altar to Horus dialogue_name_treasureship: Great Trawler dialogue_name_unknown: Unknown dialogue_name_whaleshark: Jumbo Whale Shark dialogue_name_wraith: Soul Collector drop_item_error: Failed to drop the item. emote_purple_fireworks: Purple fireworks error_dialog_connection_failure: We seem to be having trouble with the network between your computer and our servers. See if any other programs are making heavy use of the network! error_dialog_deliberate_disconnection: 'The server doesn''t want to talk to you. It told us: {0}. If you believe this is a bug, please report it via the bug form.' error_dialog_kicked: You have been kicked. Why? Only you, and the person who kicked you, know. error_dialog_maintenance: Maintenance is currently underway! Please check back again later. error_dialog_nexus_full: The game is currently at capacity for players. Please try again in a few minutes! error_dialog_no_nexus: Error {0}. We couldn't find a Rebel City for you. Please try again later. Sorry! error_dialog_permission_not_granted: Sorry, permission denied! Please check Discord and our blog for information on when the game will be available to play again. error_dialog_version_failure: Unable to verify client is at latest version. Perhaps there are internet problems? error_dialog_version_old: Client version is too old. Please update the game in Steam. Restarting Steam often can kick this process off. first_plane_choice_blurb: 'Unlock when you reach level {0} in {1}' first_plane_choice_blurb_selected: Unlock first first_plane_choice_select: '[]: Select Plane' first_plane_choice_title: Pick your first plane friend_info_cmd_add: Add Friend friend_info_cmd_alternate: Teleport friend_info_cmd_back: Exit friend_info_cmd_remove: Unfriend friend_info_description_offline: 'Last Seen Flying: {0} offline or elsewhere' friend_info_description_online: 'Flying: {0} on this server' friend_info_noplane: Nothing friend_info_title: '{0} {1}' friend_info_unit_format: L{1} {0} friend_list_empty_label: 'No friends yet. Add friends with "/friend ". This currently only works for friends on the same server as you.' friend_list_item_format: '{0} {1}' friend_list_item_offline: offline or elsewhere friend_list_item_online: on this server friend_list_reminder_label: 'Add friends with "/friend ". This currently only works for friends on the same server as you.' friend_list_title_friends: Friends friend_list_title_nearby: Nearby Allies hangar_armor_generic: Generic hangar_elemental_short: ELEM hangar_engine_generic: Generic hangar_newplane_goalformat: 'Next goal: Reach level {0}' hangar_tier_short: T{0} hangar_ultrarare_short: UR header_hangar_empty: 'New plane You have an empty hangar slot. Select a plane to fly.' header_hangar_newplane_armor: '• Armor: {0}' header_hangar_newplane_engine: '• Engine: {0}' header_hangar_newplane_highest_level: '• Highest level: {0}' header_hangar_newplane_primary: '• Primary Weapon: {0}' header_hangar_newplane_secondary: '• Secondary: {0}' header_hangar_newplane_title: {0} Class header_hangar_select_armor: '• Armor: {0} {1} ' header_hangar_select_engine: '• Engine: {0} {1} ' header_hangar_select_level: '• Highest Level: {0}' header_hangar_select_maneuver: '• Maneuver: {0} ' header_hangar_select_secondary: '• {0}: {1} {2} ' header_hangar_select_title: '{0}, L{1} ' header_hangar_variant_title: {0} header_hanger_select_primary: '• Primary Weapon: {0} {1} ' hint_cargo_full: 'Cargo Full! Use Shift + number keys [1-8] to drop cargo you can''t use, or use [~] to drop all.' hint_v_inventory: 'Press [] to hover and show Inventory.' hint_v_inventory_close: Press [] to close the Inventory. info_currency_for_pilot_xp: You gained {0} {1} for getting {2} pilot xp. inventory_cargo: Cargo inventory_drop: Drop inventory_equip: Equip inventory_equipment: Equipment inventory_full_overlay: 'Inventory full! [] to manage' inventory_full_popup_description: '[] to manage' inventory_full_popup_warning: FULL inventory_hide: Hide inventory_list_empty: empty inventory_list_titleformat: {0}{1} inventory_list_titleformat_tier: '{1} {2}' island_existing_bosses_status1: Pigeons will always fall while {quantity} of our brave {bossname} warriors fly! island_existing_bosses_status2: And {quantity} of our glorious {bossname} aircraft stand ready! island_existing_bosses_status3: The Great Feline Empire is protected by {quantity} righteous {bossname}-class defenders! island_existing_bosses_status_num: '3' island_last_standard_boss_status1: One final {bossname} stands, but will vanquish all! island_last_standard_boss_status2: Puny pigeons will never fell our last {bossname} defender! island_last_standard_boss_status3: One final {bossname} is all we need, anyway. island_last_standard_boss_status_num: '3' island_new_event_boss1: Our new {bossname} will cleanse the sky! island_new_event_boss2: A {bossname} has arrived, to bring the fight to the pigeons! island_new_event_boss3: Cry havoc! And let slip the {bossname}! island_new_event_boss_num: '3' island_new_final_boss1: You dirty pigeons will now face Central Command! island_new_final_boss2: Central Command will take care of this! island_new_final_boss3: Central Command is here and all out of gum. island_new_final_boss_num: '3' item_info_armor: Armor item_info_cloud: Secondary item_info_consumable: Consumable item_info_engine: Engine item_info_gun: Gun item_info_quest: Mission item_info_upgrade: Upgrade item_info_userupgrade: Redeemable item_stats_cloud_dps: DPS item_stats_cloud_duration: Duration item_stats_cloud_hps: HPS item_stats_cloud_multi: Multi item_stats_cloud_radius: Size item_stats_cloud_shield: Shield item_stats_cloud_sps: SPS item_stats_cooldown: Cooldown item_stats_damage: Damage item_stats_duration: Duration item_stats_piercing: Piercing item_stats_range: Range item_stats_ricochet: Ricochet item_stats_spawn: Spawn item_summaries: damageAura: Multishot Aura damageBlast: Multishot Blast damageCloud: Multishot Boost damageResistAura: Temporary Shield heal: Heal Cloud laser: Laser laser_b: Welding Laser poison: Acid Cloud poison_blast: Propeller Blast recharge: Steam Refill shotgun: Shotgun shotgun_b: Unstable Shotgun triple: Triple Shot itempickup_buff_stats: 'Duration: {0:0.#} Cooldown: {1:0.#} ' itempickup_cloud_damage_stats: 'Multi: {0:0.#} Duration: {1:0.#}' itempickup_cloud_heal_stats: 'HPS: {0:0.#} Size: {1:0.#}' itempickup_cloud_healaura_stats: 'HPS: {0:0.#} Size: {1:0.#}' itempickup_cloud_poison_stats: 'DPS: {0:0} Size: {1:0.#}' itempickup_cloud_recharge_stats: 'SPS: {0:0.#} Size: {1:0.#}' itempickup_cloud_resist_stats: 'Shield Amount: +{0:0}% Aura Time: {2:0.#}' itempickup_gun_stats: 'Physical: {0:0.#} Range: {1:0.#} Rate of Fire: {3}' itempickup_gun_stats_effects: 'Physical: {0:0.#} {2}: {3:0.#} Range: {4:0.#} RoF: {6}' itempickup_mod_add: '{0}: {1}{2:0}' itempickup_mod_mult: '{0}: {1}{2:0}%' itempickup_mod_postadd: '{0}: {1}{2:0} p' itempickup_soulbound: Soulbound itempickup_spawn_stats: 'Drone: {0} Cooldown: {1:0.#} ' itempickup_tier_color_better: 55ff55 itempickup_tier_color_default: ffffff itempickup_tier_color_unusable: '888888' itempickup_tier_color_worse: ff5555 itempickup_tier_elemental: Elemental {2} itempickup_tier_elemental_raw: Elemental itempickup_tier_slot: T{1} {2} itempickup_tier_slot_verbose_raw: Tier {0} itempickup_tier_ultrarare: Ultra-Rare {2} itempickup_tier_ultrarare_raw: Ultra-Rare itempickup_tierlimited: Usable at level {0} itempickup_unusable: Unusable with plane itempickup_unusable_classes: 'Only usable with: {0}' itempickup_uses: 'Uses: {0}' legal_accept: Agree and continue legal_accept_incomplete: Please read and agree to continue... levelup_notify_header: Level {0} levelup_notify_stat_add: '{0} +{1:0.##}' levelup_notify_stat_multiply: '{0} +{1:0.#}%' levelup_notify_unlock_done: '{0} class unlocked!' levelup_notify_unlock_upcoming: '{0} more levels to unlock {1} class' levelup_notify_unlock_upcoming_singular: 1 more level to unlock {1} class! login_already_registered_subtitle: Select this to login login_already_registered_title: Already Registered? login_cancel: Cancel login_email: Email login_email_placeholder: login_error_confirm_doesnt_match: Confirmation doesn't match password login_error_confirm_password: Please confirm password login_error_supply_email_address: Please supply an email address login_error_supply_password: Please supply a password login_error_supply_username: Please supply a username login_error_valid_email_address: Please supply a valid email address login_forgot_password: Forgot your password? login_forgot_password_info: Select this to retrieve it login_login: Login login_new_player_subtitle: Select this to register login_new_player_title: New player? login_password: Password login_register: Register login_request_reset: Request Reset login_reset: Reset login_retype_password: Retype Password login_sign_in: Sign in login_submit: Submit login_username: Username login_username_email_placeholder_login: Type your username or Email here login_username_or_email: Username or Email login_username_placeholder: Choose a username login_username_placeholder_login: Type your username here menu_back: Back menu_close: Close menu_continue: Continue menu_purchase: Purchase menu_select: Select menu_toggle: Toggle mission_complete_bossesleft: '{0} bosses left in the nation.' mission_complete_enemy: Defeated {0} modal_cancel: Cancel modal_ok: OK no_quick_heal_item_in_inventory: Quick heal failed. You don't have any heal item in your inventory. notify_collected: Collected notify_color_better: 4ada5c notify_color_consumed: DD55DD notify_color_default: '909090' notify_color_worse: e84f4f notify_consumed: Used notify_detail_minus: -{0} notify_detail_minus_invert: -{0} notify_detail_plus: +{0} notify_detail_plus_invert: +{0} notify_elemental_short: (ELEM) notify_equipped: Equipped notify_equipped_auto: Auto-Equipped notify_purchased: Purchased notify_tier_short: (T{0}) notify_ultrarare_short: (UR) onscreenindicator_target: TARGET options_bind: Rebind options_bind_unbound: You have unbound {0} from {1} options_menu_Return_Home: Return to Rebel City options_menu_SSAO: Ambient Occlusion options_menu_auto_equip: Auto Equip options_menu_chat: Chat options_menu_colorblind_mode: Colorblind Mode options_menu_controls: Controls options_menu_credits: Credits options_menu_debug_display: Show Debug Info options_menu_display_number: Display Number options_menu_emote_a: Input A emote options_menu_emote_b: Input B emote options_menu_emote_c: Input C emote options_menu_emote_d: Input D emote options_menu_emotes: Trigger emote options_menu_emotes_sub: Emotes options_menu_enable_gamepad: Enable Gamepad options_menu_force_30_fps: Force 30 FPS options_menu_gamepad_controls: Gamepad Controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_UI: Menu Controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_abs: Gamepad Absolute options_menu_gamepad_controls_abs_UI: Menu controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_abs_default: Plane controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_abs_inventory: Adv. Inventory controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_abs_inventory_navigation: Inventory controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_abs_system: System controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_default: Plane Controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_inventory: Adv. Inventory Controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_inventory_navigation: Inventory Controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_rel: Gamepad Relative options_menu_gamepad_controls_rel_UI: Menu controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_rel_default: Plane controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_rel_inventory: Adv. Inventory controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_rel_inventory_navigation: Inventory controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_rel_system: System controls options_menu_gamepad_controls_system: System Controls options_menu_gamepad_steering_type_override: Gamepad steering mode options_menu_graphics: Graphics options_menu_graphics_quality: Quality Settings options_menu_graphics_resolution: Resolution options_menu_graphics_window_mode: Fullscreen options_menu_interface: Interface options_menu_keyboard_controls: Keyboard Controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_UI: Menu Controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_abs: Keyboard Absolute options_menu_keyboard_controls_abs_UI: Menu controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_abs_default: Plane controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_abs_inventory: Adv. Inventory controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_abs_inventory_navigation: Inventory controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_abs_system: System controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_default: Plane Controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_inventory: Adv. Inventory Controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_inventory_navigation: Inventory Controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_rel: Keyboard Relative options_menu_keyboard_controls_rel_UI: Menu controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_rel_default: Plane controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_rel_inventory: Adv. Inventory controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_rel_inventory_navigation: Inventory controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_rel_system: System controls options_menu_keyboard_controls_system: System Controls options_menu_locale: Locale options_menu_locale_old: (needs restart) options_menu_low_bullet_alpha: Dim Ally Bullets options_menu_main: Options options_menu_maingunshooting_type_joystick: Main Gun Gamepad options_menu_maingunshooting_type_keyboard: Main Gun Keyboard options_menu_master_volume: Master Volume options_menu_motionblur: MotionBlur options_menu_mouse_controls: Mouse Controls options_menu_mouse_controls_UI: Menu Controls options_menu_mouse_controls_abs: Mouse Absolute options_menu_mouse_controls_abs_UI: Menu controls options_menu_mouse_controls_abs_default: Plane controls options_menu_mouse_controls_abs_inventory: Adv. Inventory controls options_menu_mouse_controls_abs_inventory_navigation: Inventory controls options_menu_mouse_controls_abs_system: System controls options_menu_mouse_controls_default: Plane Controls options_menu_mouse_controls_inventory: Adv. Inventory Controls options_menu_mouse_controls_inventory_navigation: Inventory Controls options_menu_mouse_controls_rel: Mouse Relative options_menu_mouse_controls_rel_UI: Menu controls options_menu_mouse_controls_rel_default: Plane controls options_menu_mouse_controls_rel_inventory: Adv. Inventory controls options_menu_mouse_controls_rel_inventory_navigation: Inventory controls options_menu_mouse_controls_rel_system: System controls options_menu_mouse_controls_system: System Controls options_menu_music_volume: Music Volume options_menu_nexus_list: Main Rebel City options_menu_nexus_list_none: None options_menu_off: 'Off' options_menu_on: 'On' options_menu_outline: Outline options_menu_plane_steering_type_override: Plane specific modes options_menu_quests: Mission Log options_menu_quests_crafting: Crafting Recipes options_menu_quit: Exit Game options_menu_reset_controls: Reset to Defaults options_menu_screenshot_scale: Screenshot Scale options_menu_select_pilot_skills: Select Pilot Skills options_menu_sfx_volume: Game Volume options_menu_shadows: Shadows options_menu_show_chat: Show Chat options_menu_show_hud: Show HUD options_menu_show_news_interstitial: News On Login options_menu_show_prerelease: See Pre-Release options_menu_show_radar: Show Radar options_menu_show_unit_names: Show Names options_menu_show_upgrade_fx: Show Auto Upgrades options_menu_sound: Sound options_menu_stats: Stats options_menu_steering_type: Steering options_menu_teleport_nexus: Switch to other Rebel City options_menu_ui_volume: Menu Volume options_menu_upcoming_events: Upcoming Events options_menu_visit_forum: Visit Forum options_menu_vsync: VSync options_quality_settings: fantastic: Fantastic low: Low mediocre: Mediocre options_unbind: Unbind pilot_skills_only_nexus: Can only select pilot skills from the Rebel City pilot_upgrade_button: '{0} L{1} ({2})' pilot_upgrade_instructions: 'Select a pilot skill to train []: Select []: Cancel' pilot_upgrade_rank: 'Rank {0} {1}' pilot_upgrade_title: Pilot Rank Up! plane_select_buyslot: Expand your hangar plane_select_buyslot_desc: Add space to store another plane. plane_select_buyslot_header: 'Expand your hangar Add space to store another plane.' plane_select_itemlist: '{0}: T{1} {2}' plane_select_newplane: New Plane plane_select_shortdesc: Level {0} plane_select_titleformat: {0} plane_select_unlocks: Unlocks at {0} Level {1} planexpboost_ui: +{0}% XP for {1} player_info_armor: Armor player_info_steam: Steam player_info_xp: Experience player_label: ' L{0}' player_label_admin: ' L{0} A' quest_active_heading: '{0} {1}/{2}' quest_active_heading_other: '{0}' quest_active_inactive: '' quest_goal_collect: Collect {0} {1} quest_goal_collect_dungeon: Collect {0} {1} in {2} quest_goal_collect_unit: Collect {0} {1} from {2} quest_goal_collect_unit_dungeon: Collect {0} {1} from {2} in {3} quest_goal_encounter: Find {0} {1} quest_goal_encounter_dungeon: Find {0} {1} in {2} quest_goal_kill: Kill {0} {1} quest_goal_kill_dungeon: Kill {0} {1} in {2} quest_goal_pilot: Reach pilot L{0} quest_goal_plane: Reach plane L{0} quest_goal_plane_class: Reach plane L{0} with {1} quest_goal_progress: '{0}/{1}' quest_goal_return: Return to {0} once tasks complete. quest_goal_return_location: Return to {0} in {1} once tasks complete. quest_goal_return_nexus_help: [] Return to Rebel City quest_goal_target: '{0}' quest_instant_pilotxp: Pilot XP quest_instant_planexp: XP quest_island_desc: Great Leader Meowza is in control on {0}. Taking out the Noble guards and then depose the dictator. quest_island_goal_bosses: Kill {0} remaining bosses guarding Meowza quest_island_goal_final: Take down the Great Leader Meowza quest_island_goal_level: Reach level {0} to be strong enough to take on the Empire Nobles quest_island_subtitle: Special Mission for {0} quest_island_title: Free {0} from Imperial control quest_item_default: Item quest_item_format: T{0} {1} quest_label: L{1} {0} quest_log_crafting_select: Set active crafting recipe quest_log_crafting_title: Crafting Recipes quest_log_normal_select: Set active mission quest_log_normal_title: Mission Log quest_popup_action_accept: [] Accept {type} quest_popup_action_active: [] Make active {type} quest_popup_action_handin_items: [] Hand in items quest_popup_action_incomplete: Complete the tasks above quest_popup_action_return: [] Claim reward quest_popup_rewards_loading: Loading... quest_popup_rewards_title: 'Rewards:' quest_popup_status_accepted: '{type} Accepted' quest_popup_status_completed: COMPLETED quest_reward_prob_hidden: '%' quest_reward_prob_vague: '{0} %' quest_reward_quest: 'Quest: {0}' quest_reward_unlock: 'Unlock: {0}' quest_reward_vague_categories: almostnever: Almost Never guaranteed: Guaranteed high: High low: Low moderate: Moderate never: Never verylow: Very Low quest_time_long: {1:00}:{2:00}:{3:00} remaining quest_time_low: FBB040 quest_time_normal: FFFFFF quest_time_short: {2:00}:{3:00} remaining quest_time_warn: D4372A quest_type_crafting: Crafting Recipe quest_type_normal: Mission questnotify_cancelled: '{0} Cancelled' questnotify_completed: '{0} Completed' questnotify_completed_rewards: ' Rewards:' questnotify_completed_rewards_end: questnotify_failed: '{0} Failed' questnotify_new: New {0} Acquired quick_chat_greeting: Good Skies! quick_chat_help: Help! quick_chat_landmark: At {0}! quick_chat_landmark_empty: Rally to me! quick_chat_landmark_finalboss: Meowza is coming! quick_chat_title_A: Help! quick_chat_title_B: Good Skies! quick_chat_title_C: Rally to me! quick_chat_title_D: Fireworks quick_chat_title_LoveFireworks: Love! quick_chat_title_PurpleFireworks: Purple fireworks quick_chat_title_ThumbsUp: Thumbs up! quick_chat_whee: Whee! radar_mission: 'Target {0}' radar_teleport: '[{0}] to teleport' restart_announce: Everybody grab everything! We need to shutdown this Rebel City for a short while. This way we can hide from their scanners. restart_countdown: '{0}...' restart_now: Going dark for a short while. session_anti_addiction_disconnect: Anti addiction limit reached. Sorry. shutdown_announce: Server is going down soon. Quickly grab your loot. shutdown_countdown: '{0}...' shutdown_now: Server is going down now. skills_menu_current: Current Skills skills_menu_exit: Exit skills_menu_none: No skills yet skills_menu_select: Select skills_menu_title: Choose a Pilot Skill stats_menu_agility: Agility stats_menu_attack: Damage stats_menu_charge: Charge stats_menu_facts_header: Notable Facts stats_menu_generic_level: Level {0} stats_menu_max_upgrades: MAX stats_menu_none: (No skills yet) stats_menu_pilot_header: Pilot stats_menu_plane_header: Plane stats_menu_repair: Repair stats_menu_skills: Skills stats_menu_speed: Speed stats_menu_upgrade_progress: Progress stats_menu_upgrades_header: Upgrades status_connecting_nexus: Finding Rebel City status_joining_server: Joining Server status_reconnecting: Reconnecting status_server_full: Server Full, Returning to Rebel City status_server_timeout: Timed Out, Returning to Rebel City status_waiting_tutorial: Waiting for Tutorial storage_menu_description_buy: Add more storage spaces. storage_menu_description_plane: '{0} of {1} items' storage_menu_description_storage: '{0} of {1} items' storage_menu_move_to_plane: Move to plane ({0} free slots) storage_menu_move_to_storage: Move to storage ({0} free slots) storage_menu_swap: Swap with {0} storage_menu_swap_header: 'Swapping:' storage_menu_title_buy: Buy more storage storage_menu_title_plane: Plane Cargo storage_menu_title_storage: Storage Bays storage_menu_tooltip_buy: 'Add more storage spaces. Items stored in storage are still safe if your plane gets shot down. Price: {0}' store_popup_confirm_help: [] Confirm store_popup_purchase_help: [] Purchase timer_h: '{0} hours' timer_m: '{0} minutes' timer_s: '{0} seconds' title_hangar: Hangar title_hangar_newplane: 'Hangar: New Plane' title_hangar_variant: 'Hangar: Select Plane Model' title_inventory: Warehouse title_inventory_plane: 'Warehouse: Plane Cargo' title_inventory_storage: 'Warehouse: Storage Bays' trade_stall_title: Stall of {0} tutorial_no_slots_error: You could not enter the tutorial. You need at least one empty slot for the tutorial plane. unit_label_format: '{0} L{1}' unknown: '[unknown]' unlock_header: New Class Unlocked! upcoming_events_happening_now: Happening now upcoming_events_news_posted_at: 'Posted at: {0}' upcoming_events_schedule_line: '- {0} - {1}' upcoming_events_time_format: htt, MMMM d upgrade_fx_armor: Armor Upgrade! upgrade_fx_engine: Engine Upgrade! upgrade_fx_gun: Gun Upgrade! upgrade_fx_secondary: Secondary Upgrade! welcome_and_continue: Welcome recruit! To the Steambirds Alliance! Click the mouse or press [A] on the controller to continue welcome_to_nexus_server: Welcome to {0}!