DQ_CS_11LOW_crow_T3: description: The cats are growing engineered meat in the floating bioreactors near their hunting grounds. Liberate some. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - I am happy meat! - Please eat me, master! - I tenderize my protein daily! - Proud to be bred for slaughter! - The best meat BEGS to be eaten - Opt-in butchering = ethical meat! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: With the siege, our raptor crews are feathers and bone. Thankfully they are too proud to eat their allies. title: Happy Moose Meat DQ_CS_12LOW_ninjaA_T2: description: Bomb cats night raids are being staged from a nearby Imperial guard post. Take their explosives away from them. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - I’m going to ignore you. Go away. - They gave us bombs. Now we are cool. - Still cooler than you. - Ugh. Why can’t you just stay blown up. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: "Black cats. So mysterious. What are they thinking? \nHere’s what: ‘I want to sneak into your bedroom. And plant a bomb under your pillow.’" title: Nocturnal Bombers DQ_CS_13LOW_willowisp_T2: description: Poison Sweepers are leading sterilization raids into other territories. Confiscate their Gas Canisters dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - Low born animals fornicate! Gas ‘em! - Sterilization of the unfit preserves the ruling class! - Only the pure should have children. - Sterilization by gas is a kindness. - They aren’t even rich! Why do you care? dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: 'We used to use poison on weeds. Now the Empire uses it on people they deem too poor to breed.' title: Spraying the poor DQ_CS_21MID_minelayer: description: The troop kennels produces an immense amount of waste. They’ve got a special disposal unit burns it. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - You really don’t want this. - Incineration is really for the best - I hate my job. - I lost my sense of smell months ago. - My life is in the crapper. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: "Apparently ever since they changed troop rations, the dogs needed a bigger disposal unit. \nThe stench is horrible." title: Obey Scoop Law DQ_CS_22MID_wraith_T3: description: A strange spectral creature has been capturing downed pilots. Rescue them. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - Death must have meaning. - We didn’t mean to kill so many… - We need someone to remember us. - Guilty. So guilty. - We have regrets. - You are murderers. Like us! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: So many fallen are buried in the Graves. Who needed memorials the size of a city? title: Ashes of the Fallen DQ_CS_23MID_crawler: description: Tiny Fisher Crabs are going around gathering pieces of their defeated parent unit. Retrieve these pieces so they don't try and put it back together. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - Grabby, grabby, grabby! - Gotta pinch ‘em all! - We will rebuild! - The giant crab will return! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: "The empire uses those big crab bots to protect their fishing fleet.\n There are bad things living in the deep ocean." title: Defiant Enemy Crabs DQ_CS_31HGH_angel2: description: The Empire is building a new prototype bio-interface to better control their slave pilots. Retrieve samples from the Mecha-Angel Prototypes. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: "Ever heard of uplifting? That’s when you take a lesser animal and make it smart. \n Seems like a horror show." title: Angels of Death DQ_CS_32HGH_sweeper: description: Hardened Enemy bombers sighted. The leader units have shield generators which give them the ability to shield many units at once. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - Progress has made us invincible! - You were once masters of the air. No longer. - I laugh at your pitiful attempts. See? Ha. Ha. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: Our guns shred metal, but can’t dent the cat’s new shields. title: Carpet Bombing DQ_CS_33HGH_teslafortress_T5: description: The Empire uses their Towers of Ra to harvest sun energy. Liberate their energy packs. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: "My auntie got me one of those electric water heaters for my tea. \n Best invention ever." title: Ra Energy DQ_CS_41MTN_vampire: description: The Empire's oligarchs have hired mercenaries to pilot the Palace Elite Guard mechs. They often have juicy state secrets and will turn for money. Nab a few of them and bring them back. title: Thugs for Hire DQ_CS_51HMT_hammerplanet2: description: 'The Empire is employing a new method of breaking up rioters: Smashing them into small pieces using giant kinetic energy balls. Retrieve some weapon cores from a Riot Ender so we can learn how to disable them. The cats want to roll on us? Let''s make them bounce.' title: Crowd Control DQ_CX_11LOW_flamer_T2: description: The Rebellion's supply of fuel is running low. Liberate some fuel tanks from those Fire Hunters. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - Everyone looks like a marshmallow to me! - Let’s get toasty! - Want some s’more? - Need a light? dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: 'Those guys smell like campfires and marshmallows. Really disturbing.' title: Fire Extinguisher DQ_CX_12LOW_unicorn_T2: description: The unicorn ships can pierce our strongest armor. Collect some horn samples for the eggheads to see what’s up. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - You aren’t very...pure, are you? - Impure! Unclean! - There’s no way I’m giving you a ride. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: Only a virgin can catch a unicorn. Read that in a fancy book. title: Unicorn Horns DQ_CX_13LOW_bees_T2: description: The bee bots are making a life extending extract for their Emperor. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - Bzzz! Bzzz! - No honey for you, crumpet monster! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: My crumpets aren’t the same without fresh honey. Just a drizzle... title: Take the Honey and Run DQ_CX_21MID_hopper_T3: description: Scavengers are dredging up our downed planes and selling the datacores to the Empire. Don’t let those cores fall into enemy paws. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: "It’d be a disaster if they figure out how disorganized we are. \nFour-dee chess! Four-Dee." title: Selling Data is Big Business DQ_CX_22MID_zombies_T3: description: The replication mechanism the zombie ships mystifies our scientists. Scrap some Zombie Queens and bring home their parts so we can take a look. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - Join us. - Your bones are perfect. - Quite rude to be so alive! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: Current theory? They slurp up bones from the mass graves below. title: Bone to Pick DQ_CX_23MID_sharks_T3: description: Whale sharks pack a surprising punch. Find out more about their attack mechanism dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - '[Distance songs of home play eerily]' - '[An underwater melody competes with static]' - '[Ooooeeewwah...wooeee]' - '[Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun]' dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: "Back in the day, we were so clever. Just swing behind the shark, away from the front guns. \nAnd bam, wiped by the fish swarms. Lost Jim that way." title: '*Ominous Shark Music*' DQ_CX_31HGH_bonesnake_T5: description: 'The Robot factories are incinerating toxic waste and poisoning the locals. Gather the waste from their transports so we can dispose of it properly. ' dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - OUR PROGRAMMING DOES NOT RECOGNIZE ECONOMIC EXTERNALITIES - STOP INTERFERING WITH OUR PRAGMATIC INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES - IT IS ONLY POISON IF YOU ARE NOT A ROBOT - BURNING TOXIC WASTE IS EFFICIENT - DUMPING WASTE JUST DELAYS THE SOCIETAL ISSUE. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: You might want to wear gloves for this one. title: Taking Out the Trash DQ_CX_32HGH_pulser_T4: description: If we get some fresh bacterial samples from the Plague Reactors' tanks, there’s a chance of developing a cure. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - Only the Decadent become Infected. - Disease is a test of Purity - Dirty Birds. Infect one, infect them all. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: I had the Pox back in ‘06. At first I blamed Matilda. But it wasn’t her fault. title: Outbreak DQ_CX_33HGH_blinks_T5: description: The cats use synchronized signal teams to coordinate stealthily over great distances. Gather their data cores so we can break their communications. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - Do Si Do! - Promenade! - Roll Away To A Half Sashay! - Box the Gnat! - Weave the Ring! - Un, deux, trois! - Pirouette! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: I did love dancing. The swing, the crowd, the hot barn. Wish I still had my leg. title: Dancing Lights DQ_CX_41MTN_dragonmama_T8: description: Guard Lion claws are being reused on replacement machines even after we shoot them down. Go collect some trophies. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - Die. Little. Birds. - You. Are. Meat. - Not. Worthy. Of. Dinner. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: Declawing animals is cruel. Wooed my first wife by telling her that. Now look at us. title: Declawing DQ_CX_41MTN_tuna_T7: description: The Captain just learned that his 3 brothers were captured in a raid gone wrong. They've got to be on one of the slaver ships. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - 'No slaves here! In late capitalism, contracts are binding.' - "Criminals can’t be called slaves. \nIt is in our constitution!" - We prefer the term ‘Brig Economy’ - Oh sure, next you’ll want to demolish structural inequality! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: Those boys owe me from our last poker game. You better bring them back or there’ll be hell to pay. title: O Brother DQ_CX_51HMT_highmountainhunter: description: We've received numerous reports of Inquisitors raiding villages and rounding up non-believers of the cats' bogus religion. Collect the Eye of Meowza insignia they carry so our spies can use them to infiltrate the Office of Inquisition. title: Meowzan Inquisition DQ_CX_51HMT_ninjaleader: description: Critics of the Empire are quickly found dead. These ''suicides'' are the work of the Secret Police. Find these officers and gather their hidden evidence so we can expose them. title: Spoliation of Evidence DQ_KS_11LOW_sparrow_T2: description: Giant clusters of Squirrel ships are being lead by Squirrel Boss control ships. These clusters are attacking unsuspecting ships flying through the Hunting Grounds. Shut them down. title: Scurry DQ_KS_12LOW_gridboss_T3: description: The Empire's lab monkeys having designed a new Guard Turret that can deploy even more Cation Beams. Consider this mission your lesson in maneuvering. title: Energy Grid DQ_KS_13LOW_navileader_T3: description: Poison Farmers got support from cat aristocrats. They're working together to expand territory. Hunt down the 3 Poison Lords that aid them. title: Fear the Farms DQ_KS_21MID_dogturret_T3: description: The base we hit last week is trying to repair. Knock them out for good. dialogueOnCompleteGoal0: - sergeant: 'Excellent. Now those turrets will stay broken. Head back for your reward.' dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: 'It looks like the mutts are rebuilding turrets we blew up. Take out those turrets before they become operational.' goal_0: Destroy the turrets and Cat Drones title: Enemy Turrets Redux DQ_KS_22MID_trainB01: description: The Empire has released 3 War Horses out of the Graveyard. These giant armored trains can set their own tracks and go anywhere, and they're targeting small towns rumored to be harboring rebels. Destroy all 3 and report back. title: War Horse DQ_KS_23MID_whaleshark_T3: description: A mechanical Jumbo Whale Shark is mass-producing Remora class attackers. Hunt it down. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: Breeding is Purpose! - sergeant: That thing is giving me the creeps. Do something about it, will ya? dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0: - sergeant: Ugh. Never let robots breed. - sergeant: Hopefully we won't see any more of those little critters stuck to the bottom of our ships. - sergeant: Head back for your reward. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: A malfunctioning Jumbo Whale Shark wandered into the hunting grounds. - sergeant: It's chewing up local organics and spitting out babies. - sergeant: Stop the outbreak. We don't want a repeat of the 1836 incident. goal_0: Destroy the Remora Newborns, then the Jumbo Whale Shark title: Shark Outbreak DQ_KS_31HGH_flakboss: description: Giant Robo Bombers with flame throwers are moving in. Don't get caught in their flames - it takes forever to go out. title: Fire Bomber DQ_KS_32HGH_berserker: description: Did you know hyenas are more closely related to cats than dogs? Naturally, they joined the Empire. A group of them have been given Riot Guard ships to suppress the slaves in the Hospital Area. Teach them that this is no laughing matter. title: Laughing Hyenas DQ_KS_33HGH_sniper: description: Groups of snipers are meditating together in the desert. Some of them have started glowing and getting stronger. Whatever it is their doing, tell them to cut it out. title: Desert Eye DQ_KS_41MTN_bosstrain01: description: Curse that Dr. Octo! He's released smaller versions of his mechanical terrors out into the world. Fortunately, we've located his factory and are preparing a strike. Keep his machines distracted while we mount the attack. title: Octo's Pods DQ_KS_51HMT_hyperdrive: description: A rising cult is training mystical assassins that appear to multiply. It's convincing some folk that the Emperor himself has magic powers. Time for good old fashion disillusionment. title: Mystic Assassins DQ_KX_11LOW_crow_T2: description: 'We’ve got report of spy cameras infesting a herd of robo deer. ' dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - '[Recording Rebel activity]' - Bleeeat. Bleat. I’m totally a deer dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0: - catsoldier1: They said this was easy money! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: The deer will likely be grazing around the old nobility's hunting grounds. title: Deer Eyes DQ_KX_12LOW_lasership_T2: description: A recent Imperial raid wiped out one of our ally settlements. Let’s send a message that we protect those who help the rebellion. dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0: - catsoldier1: I was following orders! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: That place had great donuts, dammit. title: Calculated Revenge DQ_KX_13LOW_centipede_T2: description: The Catipedes must have set up another nest. Thin them out while we search. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: Skree?! dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0: - catsoldier1: Skrreeeee! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: Those damn Catipedes keep popping up. God, I hate robobugs. title: Exterminate DQ_KX_21MID_stardogleader_T3: description: The Empire is training new dog pilots. Go lower the morale on those brown-nosers by taking out their instructors. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - The master feeds us! - We are good dogs! - Who's a good boy? Me! I'm a good boy! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: I dislike professional competition. title: Dog Fight DQ_KX_22MID_trainB01_T3: description: Ghost Train transports are moving the supplies up to the front. Let’s disrupt some supply lines, textbook style. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - Taking evasive actions! - Thieves! - Pirates! - Stopping blowing up our toilet paper shipments! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: Truth is they are transporting toilet paper. Hit ‘em where it hurts. title: Ghost Trains in the Night DQ_KX_23MID_squid_T3: description: 'Contract time: The fisher folk want the Empire''s squid ships taken out before they grow larger.' dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: 'Them biggun cephalopods seriously suck. Gotta pay the bills.' title: Killamari DQ_KX_31HGH_robo_T4: description: "Deep radar spots an uptick in activity near the robo factories. \nYou can hit the robo-breeders as they exit the hardened bunkers." dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - WHY ATTACK. WE JUST WANT LOVE. - ROBOTS ARE NOT BAD. WE ARE JUST PROGRAMMED THIS WAY. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: 'Do you find robots sexy, kid? Well...you might like this mission. More than you should.' title: Shipping Robots DQ_KX_32HGH_hurtsnakeleader_T4: description: A Imperial medical ship is spreading pacification pulses. Let’s stop them before the organ harvesters arrive. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - Out like a light! - You can’t stop us! We need these fresh livers! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: 'People just fall over into their morning oatmeal. Splat. Then they wake up with no liver.' title: Surgeon Malpractice DQ_KX_33HGH_tetra_T4: description: Hexads are guarding the cats' stupid archeological sites. Those whiskerlickers just need to leave the past buried. title: Hexed Hexads DQ_KX_41MTN_vampire_T6: description: Estate Guards publicly executed one of our downed pilots. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - These birds die so easily. - Rebels are poorly trained. - Such riff-raff. - I bet Rebels went to public school. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: Those Estate Guards are classist jerks. Like, god, I hate them. title: Estate Guards are the Worst DQ_KX_51HMT_barrager: description: More hyenas...ugh. These goons are getting promoted for carrying out Meowza's most brutal orders. Their new assignment? Taunting and stealing from the poor until they riot - this gives them a reason to kill. title: Laugh Riot DQ_KX_51HMT_bunny_T8: description: Those maddening pleasure drones are spreading Fake News across the territories. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - 'NEWS ALERT: Rebels Eat Babies!' - 'BREAKING: Cats. Always innocent.' - 'SHOCKER: Birds are the real Deep State!' - 'JUST IN: Meowza is Loved by Children, Old People. Even Monkeys.' - 'BUSTED: Budgies are Bloodthirsty Dictators.' dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: Sneak into the Imperial Palace and turn their damned smiles upside down. title: Smiles are Contagious DQ_KX_51HMT_highmountaingruntleader: description: Cats think they are better than everyone. All non-cats are considered lower class citizens with little to no rights. City Officers dogs regularly terrorize the neighborhoods of these poor animals to kick out their feet. These crooked cops need to go. title: '''''Early Retirement''''' DQ_SP_2XMID_gasstation: description: Looks like we've found a lightly defended fuel depot. dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0: - catsoldier1: The whole fuel depot is going up in flames! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: The Empire never mastered fusion hotboxes. Imbeciles. - sergeant: So they've been combusting fossilized hydrocarbons to fly their rigs. - sergeant: They call it 'Oil'. Burns black. title: Fuel Depot DQ_SP_5XHMT_heist: description: The oligarchs of the Empire tried hiding their ill-gotten coins in a secured facility. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: To hack doors, just stay within the marked location till the timer hits zero. title: Coin Heist DQ_SP_5XHMT_mine: description: A heavily defended surface mine. Raiding time. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: Strange. They must have located something rather valuable for them to risk such a high visibility operation. title: Strip Mine SP_5XHMT_arena2entrance: description: There's a fancy fair being held up in the noble estates. Looks quite festive, with balloon, military parades and whatnot. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: Why do dictators love parades? - sergeant: The behavior of pathetic little children, if you ask me. - sergeant: Well...pick me up some fried dough if you swing by. goal_0: Defeat the parading Maze Parade and unlock the treasure. title: The Grand Parade SP_5XHMT_fireentrance: description: Informants tell of secret passages leading to the reeducation facilities. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: Many dog soldiers have a fetish. For degenerate massages. - sergeant: Quite amazing what they reveal when getting their bellies rubbed. goal_0: Defeat the 3 Converted Prisoners and unlock the treasure. title: Lava Tubes SP_5XHMT_iceentrance: description: A recent earthquake revealed an entrance to an unexplored owl monastery. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: My great uncle claimed he was a lapsed owl monk. - sergeant: Used to drop ice cubes down my Dad's trousers. - sergeant: And then laugh like, 'Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo! goal_0: Destroy the 4 Blizzard Generators and unlock the treasure. title: Monastery Entrance SP_5XHMT_thiefentrance: description: We've spotted a center for processing valuables stripped from political prisoners. Might lead to the Vaults. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: To finance the empire, local officials imprison their wealthy minorities. - sergeant: Then they methodically remove everything of value. Paintings, gold, even wedding rings. - sergeant: It is never too late for restitution. goal_0: Gather the 4 keys and unlock the treasure. title: Vault Deposit basic_collect_x_001_beach_T1_fivestarleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: City Scanner' basic_collect_x_002_beach_T1_trainA01: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Hunter Snake' basic_collect_x_003_beach_T0_gruntleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: City Officer' basic_collect_x_004_beach_T0_starfighterleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Drone Leader' basic_collect_x_005_beach_T0_tieleader2: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Dread Rachel' basic_collect_x_006_beach_T0_hunter: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Race Meddler' basic_collect_x_007_beach_T0_spotter: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Klaxon' basic_collect_x_101_lowlands_T2_flamer: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Fire Hunter' basic_collect_x_102_lowlands_T2_crow: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Mecha-deer' basic_collect_x_103_lowlands_T2_gridleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Defence Grid' basic_collect_x_104_lowlands_T2_podleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Pug Sergeant' basic_collect_x_105_lowlands_T2_gridboss: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Guard Turret' basic_collect_x_106_lowlands_T2_lasershipleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Setter Master' basic_collect_x_107_lowlands_T2_unicorn: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Rhino' basic_collect_x_108_lowlands_T2_ninjaA: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Bomb Kitten' basic_collect_x_109_lowlands_T2_beequeen: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Bee Queen' basic_collect_x_110_lowlands_T2_centipede01: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Catipede' basic_collect_x_111_lowlands_T2_navileader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Poison Farmer' basic_collect_x_112_lowlands_T2_willowisp: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Poison Sprayer' basic_collect_x_201_midlands_T3_hopperleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Max-Terrier' basic_collect_x_202_midlands_T3_advancer: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Terrier Carrier' basic_collect_x_203_midlands_T3_stardogleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Alpha Dog' basic_collect_x_204_midlands_T3_drone: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Mutt' basic_collect_x_205_midlands_T3_minelayer: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Great Pooper' basic_collect_x_206_midlands_T3_steamjet: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Greyhound' basic_collect_x_207_midlands_T3_trainB01: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Ghost Train' basic_collect_x_208_midlands_T3_spiritleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Spirit Lord' basic_collect_x_209_midlands_T3_wraith: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Wraith' basic_collect_x_210_midlands_T3_zombiequeen: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Zombie Queen' basic_collect_x_211_midlands_T3_zombieherder: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Zombie Herder' basic_collect_x_212_midlands_T3_ghostship: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Ghost Ship' basic_collect_x_213_midlands_T3_whaleshark: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Whale Shark' basic_collect_x_214_midlands_T3_mantaray: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Manta Ray' basic_collect_x_215_midlands_T3_stingray: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Stingray' basic_collect_x_216_midlands_T3_pufferfishpre: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Pufferfish' basic_collect_x_217_midlands_T3_squid: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Dark Squid' basic_collect_x_301_highlands_T4_robo: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Robot of Unusual Design' basic_collect_x_302_highlands_T4_sweeper: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Disinfector' basic_collect_x_303_highlands_T4_pulser: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Plague Reactor' basic_collect_x_304_highlands_T4_hurtsnakeleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Bone Saw' basic_collect_x_305_highlands_T4_teslatower: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Tower of Ra' basic_collect_x_306_highlands_T4_scorpion: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Ice Scorpion' basic_collect_x_307_highlands_T4_sniper: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Acolyte of Bast' basic_collect_x_308_highlands_T5_flakboss: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Robo Bomber' basic_collect_x_309_highlands_T5_bonesnake01: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Robot Snake' basic_collect_x_310_highlands_T5_flakleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: ' basic_collect_x_311_highlands_T5_hoppertwoleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Sister Bomber' basic_collect_x_312_highlands_T5_broadside: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Side Guard' basic_collect_x_313_highlands_T5_angel2: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Mecha-Angel' basic_collect_x_314_highlands_T5_shmupblimp3: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Cat Droid' basic_collect_x_315_highlands_T5_blinkleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Blink Command' basic_collect_x_401_mountains_T6_lightcycle: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Bureaucrat' basic_collect_x_402_mountains_T6_vampire: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Estate Guard' basic_collect_x_403_mountains_T7_tunaleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Slave Driver' basic_collect_x_404_mountains_T7_birdcatcher: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Groundskeeper' basic_collect_x_405_mountains_T8_dragonmama: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Guard Lion' basic_collect_x_501_highmountains_T8_highmountaingruntleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: City Officer' basic_collect_x_502_highmountains_T8_ninjaleader: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Secret Police' basic_collect_x_503_highmountains_T8_bunny: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Pleasure Drone' basic_collect_x_504_highmountains_T8_highmountainhunter: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Inquisitor' basic_collect_x_505_highmountains_T8_barrager: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Riot Guard' basic_collect_x_506_highmountains_T8_hammerplanet2: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Crowd Control' basic_collect_x_507_highmountains_T8_hyperdrive: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: 'Collect: Assassin' basic_kill_x_001_beach_T1_fivestarleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: City Scanner' basic_kill_x_002_beach_T1_trainA01: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Hunter Snake' basic_kill_x_003_beach_T0_gruntleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: City Officer' basic_kill_x_004_beach_T0_starfighterleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Drone Leader' basic_kill_x_005_beach_T0_tieleader2: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Dread Rachel' basic_kill_x_006_beach_T0_hunter: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Race Meddler' basic_kill_x_007_beach_T0_spotter: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Klaxon' basic_kill_x_101_lowlands_T2_flamer: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Fire Hunter' basic_kill_x_102_lowlands_T2_crow: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Mecha-deer' basic_kill_x_103_lowlands_T2_gridleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Defence Grid' basic_kill_x_104_lowlands_T2_podleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Pug Sergeant' basic_kill_x_105_lowlands_T2_gridboss: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Guard Turret' basic_kill_x_106_lowlands_T2_lasershipleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Setter Master' basic_kill_x_107_lowlands_T2_unicorn: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Rhino' basic_kill_x_108_lowlands_T2_ninjaA: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Bomb Kitten' basic_kill_x_109_lowlands_T2_beequeen: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Bee Queen' basic_kill_x_110_lowlands_T2_centipede01: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Catipede' basic_kill_x_111_lowlands_T2_navileader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Poison Farmer' basic_kill_x_112_lowlands_T2_willowisp: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Poison Sprayer' basic_kill_x_201_midlands_T3_hopperleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Max-Terrier' basic_kill_x_202_midlands_T3_advancer: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Terrier Carrier' basic_kill_x_203_midlands_T3_stardogleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Alpha Dog' basic_kill_x_204_midlands_T3_drone: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Mutt' basic_kill_x_205_midlands_T3_minelayer: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Great Pooper' basic_kill_x_206_midlands_T3_steamjet: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Greyhound' basic_kill_x_207_midlands_T3_trainB01: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Ghost Train' basic_kill_x_208_midlands_T3_spiritleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Spirit Lord' basic_kill_x_209_midlands_T3_wraith: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Wraith' basic_kill_x_210_midlands_T3_zombiequeen: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Zombie Queen' basic_kill_x_211_midlands_T3_zombieherder: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Zombie Herder' basic_kill_x_212_midlands_T3_ghostship: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Ghost Ship' basic_kill_x_213_midlands_T3_whaleshark: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Whale Shark' basic_kill_x_214_midlands_T3_mantaray: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Manta Ray' basic_kill_x_215_midlands_T3_stingray: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Stingray' basic_kill_x_216_midlands_T3_pufferfishpre: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Pufferfish' basic_kill_x_217_midlands_T3_squid: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Dark Squid' basic_kill_x_301_highlands_T4_robo: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Robot of Unusual Design' basic_kill_x_302_highlands_T4_sweeper: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Disinfector' basic_kill_x_303_highlands_T4_pulser: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Plague Reactor' basic_kill_x_304_highlands_T4_hurtsnakeleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Bone Saw' basic_kill_x_305_highlands_T4_teslatower: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Tower of Ra' basic_kill_x_306_highlands_T4_scorpion: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Ice Scorpion' basic_kill_x_307_highlands_T4_sniper: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Acolyte of Bast' basic_kill_x_308_highlands_T5_flakboss: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Robo Bomber' basic_kill_x_309_highlands_T5_bonesnake01: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Robot Snake' basic_kill_x_310_highlands_T5_flakleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: ' basic_kill_x_311_highlands_T5_hoppertwoleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Sister Bomber' basic_kill_x_312_highlands_T5_broadside: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Side Guard' basic_kill_x_313_highlands_T5_angel2: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Mecha-Angel' basic_kill_x_314_highlands_T5_shmupblimp3: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Cat Droid' basic_kill_x_315_highlands_T5_blinkleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Blink Command' basic_kill_x_401_mountains_T6_lightcycle: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Bureaucrat' basic_kill_x_402_mountains_T6_vampire: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Estate Guard' basic_kill_x_403_mountains_T7_tunaleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Slave Driver' basic_kill_x_404_mountains_T7_birdcatcher: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Groundskeeper' basic_kill_x_405_mountains_T8_dragonmama: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Guard Lion' basic_kill_x_501_highmountains_T8_highmountaingruntleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: City Officer' basic_kill_x_502_highmountains_T8_ninjaleader: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Secret Police' basic_kill_x_503_highmountains_T8_bunny: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Pleasure Drone' basic_kill_x_504_highmountains_T8_highmountainhunter: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Inquisitor' basic_kill_x_505_highmountains_T8_barrager: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Riot Guard' basic_kill_x_506_highmountains_T8_hammerplanet2: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Crowd Control' basic_kill_x_507_highmountains_T8_hyperdrive: description: Kill 5 of the designated target! title: 'Hunt: Assassin' bounty_avatar: description: Kill today's bounty and receive White Steel. title: 'Bounty: Doomsday Mechanism' bounty_dragonsnake01: description: Kill today's bounty and receive Purple Steel. title: 'Bounty: Poison God' bounty_iceboss: description: Kill today's bounty and receive White Steel. title: 'Bounty: The Frozen Horror' bounty_kaiju: description: Kill today's bounty and receive Blue Steel. title: 'Bounty: Kai' bounty_meowza: description: Kill today's bounty and receive Dark Steel. title: 'Bounty: Throne of Meowza' bounty_phoenix5: description: Kill today's bounty and receive Red Steel. title: 'Bounty: Traitor Phoenix' bounty_raijin: description: Kill today's bounty and receive Red Steel. title: 'Bounty: Jinn' bounty_smokeboss: description: Kill today's bounty and receive Blue Steel. title: 'Bounty: High Priestess Tiffany' bounty_sneezy: description: Kill today's bounty and receive Dark Steel. title: 'Bounty: SN-Z' bounty_spiderboss: description: Kill today's bounty and receive Purple Steel. title: 'Bounty: White Spider' bounty_summonermaster: description: Kill today's bounty and receive Yellow Steel. title: 'Bounty: Dr. Geckelston' bounty_thunderboss: description: Kill today's bounty and receive Yellow Steel. title: 'Bounty: Rei' craft_armor_8: title: 'Craft: Black Armor' craft_engine_destruction_8: title: 'Craft: Death Engine' craft_engine_power_8: title: 'Craft: Hydrolic Core' craft_engine_repair_8: title: 'Craft: Dr. Mary''s Rat Engineer Unit' craft_engine_speed_8: title: 'Craft: Swift Engine' craft_laser_8: title: 'Craft: Synth Ruby Laser' craft_laser_fire: description: Go find 3 Red Steel to craft a Flame Laser. title: 'Craft: Flame Laser' craft_laser_moon_8: title: 'Craft: Moon Laser I' craft_machinegun_8: title: 'Craft: Colombo Steam Repeater' craft_machinegun_wide_8: title: 'Craft: Unfriendly Duo I' craft_shotgun_8: title: 'Craft: Lurker Shotgun' craft_shotgun_backshot_8: title: 'Craft: Twisted Backshot I' craft_shotgun_combat_8: title: 'Craft: Combat Shotgun I' craft_sniper_8: title: 'Craft: Red Sniper' craft_sniper_hawkeye_8: title: 'Craft: Phantom Curtain I' craft_sniper_side_8: title: 'Craft: Blade Wing I' craft_strike_8: title: 'Craft: Tenured Arc' craft_strike_tesla_8: title: 'Craft: Tesla I' craft_sword_8: title: 'Craft: Laser Bastard' craft_sword_double_8: title: 'Craft: Zwei Einhander I' craft_triple_8: title: 'Craft: Yankee Blaster' craft_triple_trident_8: title: 'Craft: Poseidon I' craft_wasp_8: title: 'Craft: Hornet' craft_wasp_double_8: title: 'Craft: Tiger Whisker I' dailyreward_Friday: description: Claim your daily reward here! title: 'Daily Reward: Friday' dailyreward_Monday: description: Claim your daily reward here! title: 'Daily Reward: Monday' dailyreward_Saturday: description: Claim your daily reward here! title: 'Daily Reward: Saturday' dailyreward_Sunday: description: Claim your daily reward here! title: 'Daily Reward: Sunday' dailyreward_Thursday: description: Claim your daily reward here! title: 'Daily Reward: Thursday' dailyreward_Tuesday: description: Claim your daily reward here! title: 'Daily Reward: Tuesday' dailyreward_Wednesday: description: Claim your daily reward here! title: 'Daily Reward: Wednesday' escort_01: description: Unarmed GSE Cargo plane needs an escort through enemy territory dialogueOnCompleteGoal0: - rebelpilot: - Thanks, pilot. We can make it from here. - Made it! Thought our goose was cooked. - sergeant: Nicely done. That'll help our frontline efforts. - sergeant: Head back to base. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: We've got a stray cargo plane with no escort. - sergeant: Keep it safe. goal_0: Escort the cargo plane to its destination. title: Guard the Goose fusion_armor_fire_10: title: 'Fusion: Fire Cladding III' fusion_armor_fire_9: title: 'Fusion: Fire Cladding II' fusion_armor_ice_10: title: 'Fusion: Ice Mirror III' fusion_armor_ice_9: title: 'Fusion: Ice Mirror II' fusion_armor_lightning_10: title: 'Fusion: Tesla Armor III' fusion_armor_lightning_9: title: 'Fusion: Tesla Armor II' fusion_armor_poison_10: title: 'Fusion: Poison Armor III' fusion_armor_poison_9: title: 'Fusion: Poison Armor II' fusion_armor_water_10: title: 'Fusion: Storm Armor III' fusion_armor_water_9: title: 'Fusion: Storm Armor II' fusion_hadouken_10: title: 'Fusion: Spring Dragon II' fusion_laser_fire_10: title: 'Fusion: Flame Laser III' fusion_laser_fire_9: title: 'Fusion: Flame Laser II' fusion_laser_ice_10: title: 'Fusion: Ice Laser III' fusion_laser_ice_9: title: 'Fusion: Ice Laser II' fusion_laser_lightning_10: title: 'Fusion: Lightning Laser III' fusion_laser_lightning_9: title: 'Fusion: Lightning Laser II' fusion_laser_moon_10: title: 'Fusion: Moon Laser III' fusion_laser_moon_9: title: 'Fusion: Moon Laser II' fusion_laser_poison_10: title: 'Fusion: Poison Pulser III' fusion_laser_poison_9: title: 'Fusion: Poison Pulser II' fusion_laser_snake_10: title: 'Fusion: Medusa Laser II' fusion_laser_water_10: title: 'Fusion: Hydro Laser III' fusion_laser_water_9: title: 'Fusion: Hydro Laser II' fusion_machinegun_blizzard_10: title: 'Fusion: Piercing Frost II' fusion_machinegun_fire_10: title: 'Fusion: Spirit Flame III' fusion_machinegun_fire_9: title: 'Fusion: Spirit Flame II' fusion_machinegun_ice_10: title: 'Fusion: Frost Dagger III' fusion_machinegun_ice_9: title: 'Fusion: Frost Dagger II' fusion_machinegun_kraken_10: title: 'Fusion: Undertaker II' fusion_machinegun_lightning_10: title: 'Fusion: Wattson''s Fury III' fusion_machinegun_lightning_9: title: 'Fusion: Wattson''s Fury II' fusion_machinegun_poison_10: title: 'Fusion: Gattling Cobra III' fusion_machinegun_poison_9: title: 'Fusion: Gattling Cobra II' fusion_machinegun_water_10: title: 'Fusion: Life Ender III' fusion_machinegun_water_9: title: 'Fusion: Life Ender II' fusion_machinegun_wide_10: title: 'Fusion: Unfriendly Duo III' fusion_machinegun_wide_9: title: 'Fusion: Unfriendly Duo II' fusion_shotgun_backshot_10: title: 'Fusion: Twisted Backshot III' fusion_shotgun_backshot_9: title: 'Fusion: Twisted Backshot II' fusion_shotgun_combat_10: title: 'Fusion: Combat Shotgun III' fusion_shotgun_combat_9: title: 'Fusion: Combat Shotgun II' fusion_shotgun_doomsday_10: title: 'Fusion: Doomsday II' fusion_shotgun_fire_10: title: 'Fusion: Fire Shotgun III' fusion_shotgun_fire_9: title: 'Fusion: Fire Shotgun II' fusion_shotgun_flat_10: title: 'Fusion: Last Smoke II' fusion_shotgun_ice_10: title: 'Fusion: Frost Bite III' fusion_shotgun_ice_9: title: 'Fusion: Frost Bite II' fusion_shotgun_lightning_10: title: 'Fusion: Electro Shotgun III' fusion_shotgun_lightning_9: title: 'Fusion: Electro Shotgun II' fusion_shotgun_poison_10: title: 'Fusion: Poison Splatter III' fusion_shotgun_poison_9: title: 'Fusion: Poison Splatter II' fusion_shotgun_water_10: title: 'Fusion: Hydro Shot III' fusion_shotgun_water_9: title: 'Fusion: Hydro Shot II' fusion_sniper_fire_10: title: 'Fusion: Fire Lance III' fusion_sniper_fire_9: title: 'Fusion: Fire Lance II' fusion_sniper_hawkeye_10: title: 'Fusion: Phantom Curtain III' fusion_sniper_hawkeye_9: title: 'Fusion: Phantom Curtain II' fusion_sniper_ice_10: title: 'Fusion: Ice Spear III' fusion_sniper_ice_9: title: 'Fusion: Ice Spear II' fusion_sniper_lightning_10: title: 'Fusion: Railgun III' fusion_sniper_lightning_9: title: 'Fusion: Railgun II' fusion_sniper_poison_10: title: 'Fusion: Poison Dart III' fusion_sniper_poison_9: title: 'Fusion: Poison Dart II' fusion_sniper_side_10: title: 'Fusion: Blade Wing III' fusion_sniper_side_9: title: 'Fusion: Blade Wing II' fusion_sniper_wasp_10: title: 'Fusion: Wasp Sniper II' fusion_sniper_water_10: title: 'Fusion: Water Lance III' fusion_sniper_water_9: title: 'Fusion: Water Lance II' fusion_strike_fire_10: title: 'Fusion: Flame Arc III' fusion_strike_fire_9: title: 'Fusion: Flame Arc II' fusion_strike_ice_10: title: 'Fusion: Ice Arc III' fusion_strike_ice_9: title: 'Fusion: Ice Arc II' fusion_strike_lightning_10: title: 'Fusion: Lightning Arc III' fusion_strike_lightning_9: title: 'Fusion: Lightning Arc II' fusion_strike_mist_10: title: 'Fusion: Spider Colony II' fusion_strike_poison_10: title: 'Fusion: Venom Injector III' fusion_strike_poison_9: title: 'Fusion: Venom Injector II' fusion_strike_raijin_10: title: 'Fusion: Fire Orbs II' fusion_strike_tesla_10: title: 'Fusion: Tesla III' fusion_strike_tesla_9: title: 'Fusion: Tesla II' fusion_strike_viper_10: title: 'Fusion: Viper II' fusion_strike_water_10: title: 'Fusion: Tracer Bubbles III' fusion_strike_water_9: title: 'Fusion: Tracer Bubbles II' fusion_sword_beam_10: title: 'Fusion: Thunder Brand II' fusion_sword_double_10: title: 'Fusion: Zwei Einhander III' fusion_sword_double_9: title: 'Fusion: Zwei Einhander II' fusion_sword_fire_10: title: 'Fusion: Flame Sword III' fusion_sword_fire_9: title: 'Fusion: Flame Sword II' fusion_sword_ice_10: title: 'Fusion: Ice Sword III' fusion_sword_ice_9: title: 'Fusion: Ice Sword II' fusion_sword_lightning_10: title: 'Fusion: Lightning Sword III' fusion_sword_lightning_9: title: 'Fusion: Lightning Sword II' fusion_sword_plasmashiv_10: title: 'Fusion: Plasma Shiv II' fusion_sword_poison_10: title: 'Fusion: Venom Sword III' fusion_sword_poison_9: title: 'Fusion: Venom Sword II' fusion_sword_smoke_10: title: 'Fusion: Black Cloud II' fusion_sword_water_10: title: 'Fusion: Water Sword III' fusion_sword_water_9: title: 'Fusion: Water Sword II' fusion_triple_charge_10: title: 'Fusion: El Diablo''s Blast II' fusion_triple_classic_10: title: 'Fusion: Pulse Wave II' fusion_triple_fire_10: title: 'Fusion: Flame Blaster III' fusion_triple_fire_9: title: 'Fusion: Flame Blaster II' fusion_triple_ice_10: title: 'Fusion: Ice Blaster III' fusion_triple_ice_9: title: 'Fusion: Ice Blaster II' fusion_triple_lightning_10: title: 'Fusion: Tesla Blaster III' fusion_triple_lightning_9: title: 'Fusion: Tesla Blaster II' fusion_triple_poison_10: title: 'Fusion: Venom Blaster III' fusion_triple_poison_9: title: 'Fusion: Venom Blaster II' fusion_triple_trident_10: title: 'Fusion: Poseidon III' fusion_triple_trident_9: title: 'Fusion: Poseidon II' fusion_triple_water_10: title: 'Fusion: Hydro Blaster III' fusion_triple_water_9: title: 'Fusion: Hydro Blaster II' fusion_wasp_beam_10: title: 'Fusion: Raging Triad II' fusion_wasp_double_10: title: 'Fusion: Tiger Whisker III' fusion_wasp_double_9: title: 'Fusion: Tiger Whisker II' fusion_wasp_fire_10: title: 'Fusion: Fire Wasp III' fusion_wasp_fire_9: title: 'Fusion: Fire Wasp II' fusion_wasp_ice_10: title: 'Fusion: Ice Organ III' fusion_wasp_ice_9: title: 'Fusion: Ice Organ II' fusion_wasp_kaiju_10: title: 'Fusion: Aqua Spheres II' fusion_wasp_lightning_10: title: 'Fusion: Lightning Bug III' fusion_wasp_lightning_9: title: 'Fusion: Lightning Bug II' fusion_wasp_phoenix_10: title: 'Fusion: Fire Bird II' fusion_wasp_poison_10: title: 'Fusion: Venomous Wasp III' fusion_wasp_poison_9: title: 'Fusion: Venomous Wasp II' fusion_wasp_space_10: title: 'Fusion: Mirror Aura II' fusion_wasp_water_10: title: 'Fusion: Sprinkler III' fusion_wasp_water_9: title: 'Fusion: Sprinkler II' fusion_wasp_zem_10: title: 'Fusion: Zemian Wasp II' overworldboss_berserker: description: Kill the designated target! title: 'Bounty: Berserker' overworldboss_bosstrain01: description: Kill the designated target! title: 'Bounty: Doctor Octo' overworldboss_clockboss: description: Kill the designated target! title: 'Bounty: Time Ghost' overworldboss_crawler: description: Kill the designated target! title: 'Bounty: Fisher Crab' overworldboss_gargantua: description: Kill the designated target! title: 'Bounty: Gargantua' overworldboss_hypnotist: description: Kill the designated target! title: 'Bounty: Lobbyist' overworldboss_jester: description: Kill the designated target! title: 'Bounty: Jester' overworldboss_notra: description: Kill the designated target! title: 'Bounty: Doctor Notra' overworldboss_pharaoh: description: Kill the designated target! title: 'Bounty: Pharaoh' overworldboss_solarissun: description: Kill the designated target! title: 'Bounty: Ra Generator' overworldboss_sprinkles: description: Kill the designated target! title: 'Bounty: Noble Politician' overworldboss_tank: description: Kill the designated target! title: 'Bounty: Big Dog' overworldboss_teslahq: description: Kill the designated target! title: 'Bounty: Temple of Ra' overworldboss_ufo: description: Kill the designated target! title: 'Bounty: Ambassador' test_auto: description: Just a test title: Test Auto Quest test_basic: description: Find stuff and we'll give you stuff, it's simple dialogueOnComplete: - sergeant: Your reward. dialogueOnCompleteGoal0: - sergeant: - Good job. - That's the spirit. - Well done. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: Back off, this is MY whale grease! - sergeant: Don't listen to them! - catsoldier1: :'( dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: You've accepted the mission. title: Collect Stuff test_collect: description: Go find and collect some fabled Ambergris for a small reward title: Collect Ambergris test_crafting: description: Make a nice weapon with... whale blubber... apparently?! title: Test Crafting test_dungeon_ice: description: Testing dungeon spawning title: Test Dungeon Ice test_permanent_giver: description: Just a test goal_0: Discover a Klaxon title: Test Permanent Giver Quest test_spawn_piece: description: Testing setpiece spawning title: Test Setpieces test_trigger: description: Just a test title: Test Triggered Quest tut_01: description: Hunt down the Scavenger Convoys in the dead capitol. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: - The great Empire will consume you, bird scum! - This is our turf! - The spoils of war belong to the Great Meowza! dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: Our scouts are complaining (again) about all these scavengers. - sergeant: Head over to the dead capitol. Go hunt some Scavenger Convoys. title: First Contract tut_01_2: description: We've got new intel...Head back to the Pub. dialogueOnComplete: - sergeant: Welcome home. This is our interim HQ The Pilot's Pub. - sergeant: You can accept missions here and also find out about various happenings around the world. - sergeant: Once you're ready, accept your next mission at the Pub. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: We've got new intel...Head back to the Pub. title: Head back to Rebel City tut_02: description: Track down encrypted command signal sent by a rogue com platform. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: '[Forward base construction proceeding]' - catsoldier1: We've been spotted! Birdbrains at 10 o'clock! dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0: - sergeant: Huh. Looks like that unit you destroyed was an Imperial communication hub. - sergeant: Triangulating the signal...we done found the source of those scavengers! - sergeant: An Imperial base, in these parts? - sergeant: Lighting 'em up and sending you in, pilot. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: While you were playing with those scavengers, our eggheads eavesdropped on their encrypted command signal. - sergeant: Time to track down the source, recruit. title: Mysterious Signals tut_03: description: Empire is building a new base in our territory. Destroy it. dialogueOnComplete: - sergeant: Good work, soldier. You'll get a recommendation for this. - sergeant: Accept the next mission when you're ready to go. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: You've uncovered our plan. - catsoldier1: But you won't escape alive. dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0: - sergeant: Well, put a fork in it. This base is done. - sergeant: Huh. Imperial forces aren't usually this far from supply lines. Someone's supporting this outpost. - sergeant: Head back to the Pub. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: Head to the marker and hop on a dropship - it'll transport you to the forward base. goal_0: Enter the Forward Base and destroy their leader title: Forward Base tut_04: description: Track down where the base supplies were coming from. This may be a bigger Imperial operation. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - sergeant: Look at that recycled hunk of junk. No artistry. dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0: - sergeant: That beast dropped an info core. Let's take a look, shall we?. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: 'Hot tip, babywings: Depots are guarded. Usually by a nasty war machine.' - sergeant: Don't die....I hate filling out paperwork. title: Find the Supply Depot tut_05: description: Destroy the secret Imperial fort. dialogueOnComplete: - sergeant: Well, that was an adventure. - sergeant: Training is over. Feel free to pick any available mission. dialogueOnFirstEncounterGoal0: - catsoldier1: You will learn your place! Our god Meowza shall feast on your hollow bones! dialogueOnFirstKillGoal0: - sergeant: Excellent! Was worried I'd have to send in real troops. - sergeant: The bloody Empire keeps expanding ever year. Dumb as a cat, but too furking persistent. - sergeant: Head back to the Pub. And good skies, pilot. dialogueOnStart: - sergeant: 'Intel decrypted: The Empire has a Noble commander leading this incursion.' - sergeant: Time to earn your keep, recruit. goal_0: Clear out the Catipede Nest. title: Catipede Central