angler: name: Angler variants: default: flavor: A failed flight of fancy by Lord Patrick of Kemp. He spent the last of his fortune on mad engineering projects and failed attempts to corner the salted plum market. name: Angler assault: name: Assault variants: Camo: flavor: '' name: Mudslide EpicA: flavor: Though many of their arts relied on silence, the nuns of St. Avem knew of a forbidden chant. When executed at exactly the correct frequency, autopsies revealed brains turned black with terror. name: Ghost Assault EpicB: flavor: '' name: '' EpicC: flavor: '' name: Avalanche EpicD: flavor: '' name: '' Tiger: flavor: '' name: '' VariantA: flavor: This is what happens when a crew of good old birds with a machine shop discover a pirate's stash of 1835 LeTigre Absinthe. Smashing. name: Tusker VariantB: flavor: The whole Rebel-thing doesn't pay, so many have scavengers jobs on the side. This Mining Assault can burrow deep into the dangerous layers of ruins. name: Yewnoda Drill default: flavor: A close combat attacker with a devastating energized charge. Early losses by the Rebellion showed a need for an effective deterrent to the Empire's overwhelming numerical superiority. name: Assault flames: flavor: All pilots know the name Pepper. She takes cash up front and she doesn't do requests. It is flames or nothing. name: Spicy Pepper gold: flavor: This model is reserved for those who joined the force early. This model's gold paint was salvaged from melted Imperial Meowza memorials. name: Gold Assault spikes: flavor: The North division has their own anti-corrosion paint. The brittle cold and salted runways wreak havoc on those wimpy southern craft. name: Snow Plow stars: flavor: Felines with their inferior eyesight never see the Bull until it is too late. Photophosphors scavenged from deep cave fungi create the plane's unique colors. name: Quiet Bull bigbird: name: Big Bird variants: default: flavor: '' name: Big Bird daggerknight: name: Dagger Knight variants: Camo: flavor: '' name: Mud Knight EpicA: flavor: All the girls at the convent loved her flashing black eyes and thighs of rippled steel. name: Ghost Blade EpicB: flavor: '''We are in this together'', she said, as she retied the bandage on the stump of his leg.' name: The Companion EpicC: flavor: There's a charming dirge about songbirds overwintering in the snowy pines. For warmth, they'd huddle together in fluffed up balls. Never realizing that clever raccoons with their devil paws were slowly climbing up from below. Poof! Feathers everywhere. One less song bird. A tune often sung at funerals. name: Winter Song EpicD: flavor: '' name: '' Tiger: flavor: While Imperial breeding priests bestows their highest honors upon monstrous Lion-tiger hybrids, they look down on the smaller tigons. The shameful offspring of a male tiger and female lion coupling are culled at birth when possible. name: Tigon VariantA: flavor: Come harvest time, we shroud our mecha with black, white and orange crepe and stand at attention in the town squares. Revelers dance with abandon, celebrating the abundance of summer and welcoming the ghostly dead of winter. name: Revel Knight VariantB: flavor: How might we attain happiness? 1. Build your community. 2. Support others in times of need. 3. Invest your love in a few good friends. 4. Improve yourself. name: The Good Citizen default: flavor: '' name: Dagger Knight flames: flavor: Her son wanted to be a fighter pilot. So she did everything to support him. Extra shifts to buy his uniforms. Leaving good jobs so he could be near the school and then the base. When his empty casket came back, she could only blame herself. name: Fire Knight spikes: flavor: The loner tells himself self-inflicted lies. That he is better off alone. That others are threats. These are a defense mechanism. The truth is that others would welcome and love him if he would simply stop acting like a solitary shark, all teeth and selfish hunger. name: Shark Knight stars: flavor: When the champion was asked by a child how he became so grand, he knelt down and whispered the following secrets. 'First, I observe my failures. And note the ineffective patterns. Then I change those patterns. And always (this is the most important part), I try to be kind to others. Because we are all on the same journey of learning.' name: Star Knight duster: name: Duster variants: Camo: flavor: There's a strange cult of rural would-be-warriors who get together on weekends, drink corn liquor, puff up their chests and brag loudly about How-Things-Would-Go if there was an apocalypse. Strangely, the apocalypse is happening right now, yet these blowhards still manage to do nothing useful or constructive. name: Militia EpicA: flavor: Before she joined the Order, she was drunken mechanic. Trapped in a wheelchair due to that horrible accident involving a coffin, 3-tons of freshly harvested sweet potatoes and an amorous parrot. name: Ghost Duster EpicB: flavor: '' name: The Sympathizer EpicC: flavor: In this final calculus, all that matters are bonds we forged along the way. Make good friends; all other measures of success are self-serving lies. name: The Friend EpicD: flavor: As his plane fell, he thought of his unborn child. name: Daddy-O Tiger: flavor: Some farmers like animal prints. They are less rare than you might imagine, though usually keep their predilections closeted in a den or private basement. A few are more forthright in declaring their bold, beautiful love. name: Liger VariantA: flavor: Back in 74, 'Essy' Dunderforth spotted Imperial contrails arrowing in on the nearby town. Her modded crop duster plus some truly raucous whooping convinced them they'd made a horrible mistake. 45 kills, 0 losses. name: TheSeventyFour VariantB: flavor: Mercy Williams wasn't the smartest duck in the pond. He was fond of saying 'Shoot them guns hard enough and yer bound to hit something.' name: Spray N' Pray default: flavor: A civilian crop duster retrofitted with massive rear capacitors. Excels at running away. name: Duster flames: flavor: Immense plumes of fragrant essence bloom forth from her billowy beautacious bum. Men and women cannot help but swoon. name: Gassy Lassy spikes: flavor: Never in the history of bird-kind has a more mundane junker been tarted up to such an unfortunate degree. The result is some form of art. name: Cropper stars: flavor: Once maintained by an elderly grounds keeper in employ of a drooling duchess. Her entire estate was various shades of pastel due to a dictate she'd issue just as the brain worms hatched. And thus never rescinded. The grounds keeper would dutifully repaint the decorations once a year and took immense pride in his craft. name: Feather Duster engineer: name: Engineer variants: Camo: flavor: '' name: Oil Monkey EpicA: flavor: Though they have no tongue and one cuffed foot is (by tradition) welded to the hangar floor, they excel at repairing the Order's clockwork masterpieces. name: Ghost Engineer EpicB: flavor: '' name: '' EpicC: flavor: '' name: Ice Cogger EpicD: flavor: '' name: '' Tiger: flavor: '' name: Flamboyant Nerd VariantA: flavor: A master engineer selects the right tool for the job. Or dynamite. Both work, for varying definitions of 'work'. name: Specialist VariantB: flavor: The Docks used a thousand different types of gears. Small brass ones, immense stone ones. A vast whirring steam ecosystem, turning, driving, breaking and building. The coggers loved them all. One day, they will rebuild them. name: Cogger default: flavor: 'Before the great aerial Docks burned, engineering planes helped build the legendary floating capital ships. Now, they deploy drones in direct combat. ' name: Engineer flames: flavor: '' name: Circuit Breaker spikes: flavor: '' name: Fixer stars: flavor: '' name: Gearhead medic: name: Medic variants: Camo: flavor: '' name: Naturopath EpicA: flavor: The remnants of a dead religious order. They heal the unenlightened as a penance. Penance for betrayal of their mistress during her time of greatest need. name: Ghost Medic EpicB: flavor: '' name: '' EpicC: flavor: '' name: Northern Doc EpicD: flavor: '' name: '' Tiger: flavor: '' name: '' VariantA: flavor: A doctor flies a fine line when they dabble in their own medicine. There are fixes that give a bird confidence, agility, a sense of speed. The risks seems worth the greater good; the self treatment justified. name: Speed Medic VariantB: flavor: What good is a dead medic? Balance the risk of saving this one life against the long years ahead where you might save a thousand lives. name: Endurance Medic default: flavor: In the brutal hell of modern war, no pilot is more valued than the war medic. An aerial repair means the difference between narrow victory and fiery failure. name: Medic flames: flavor: The grackle who paints these gives discounts to medics. She'll grumble something, tap her wooden leg and hand back half your cash. The leg is painted with the most beautiful flames. name: Nurse Pepper spikes: flavor: Before the war there was a doctors guild built on the concept of reciprocation. They never asked for money. However, if one healed you, they expected an equivalent gift at some point in the future. name: Parrot Doc stars: flavor: When the Empire ground guns began targeting medics, there were no tribunals left to accuse them of war crimes. So rebel medics resorted to camouflaging themselves against the starry night. name: Line Medic olfaithful: name: Old Faithful tutorial_info: 'Airplane Movement Flies like a plane, fires forward Strong Armor Can take many hits Gamepad Single Stick Controls Keyboard WASD and Mouse' variants: Camo: flavor: In the forested hunting grounds, our Rebels encountered a band of scoundrels who would camouflage their craft during the day and then harass the Nobility at night. We pay them a small retainer and they occasionally will act as our allies. name: Forest Faithful EpicA: flavor: When the Lady burned, one last plane circled her pyre until the end. The only sounds captured on the Order's radio were choked, incoherent cries. name: Faithful Ghost EpicB: flavor: The Imperial Intelligence (an oxymoron at heart) name: Corrupted Faith EpicC: flavor: '' name: Holy Sorrow EpicD: flavor: '' name: Highest Calling Tiger: flavor: '''In what distant deeps or skies. Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand, dare seize the fire?'' -Billy Blake' name: Burning Bright VariantB: flavor: The new shiny military upgrade to the Old Faithful airframe. Retooled for production in our remaining factories. name: Angel of Faith VarientA: flavor: The wings on this Old Faithful use an earlier construction method of stretching thin hides over finely carved fir spars. Agile. Flammable. name: Spirit of Saint Leonardo default: flavor: Originally intended as a training plane, the Old Faithful was pressed into full service when we lost our northern factories. name: Old Faithful flames: flavor: Crowdown Garage employs a grumpy grackle who only paints planes with bad-ass flames. It is her thing. name: Old Pepper spikes: flavor: Cool blue spikes transform this ancient training plane into a hipster fashion statement. Comes with built-in record player. name: Chill Faithful stars: flavor: An Old Faithful trainer repurposed as scout. The spiffy paint helps pilots avoid detection by anti-air name: Secret Angel paladin: name: Paladin variants: Camo: flavor: '' name: Mud Druid EpicA: flavor: There are always those who seeks out religion after traveling a rougher path. For such souls, repentance is, by necessity, an ongoing act. name: Ghost Paladin EpicB: flavor: '' name: '' EpicC: flavor: '' name: Ice Paladin EpicD: flavor: '' name: '' Tiger: flavor: '' name: '' VariantA: flavor: The burly birds of the Northern forests use these rigs to haul logs. Fueled by flapjacks. name: Lumberjack VariantB: flavor: When the fire's low and the whiskey's half gone, they whisper tales. Once there was a bird, as tall as a mountain. And his trusty blue fox. name: Bunyan default: flavor: More mecha than plane, the steam-hungry Paladin slices through swathes of enemies with a signature 50-foot plasma chainsaw. name: Paladin flames: flavor: '' name: Pepper Chopper spikes: flavor: An experimental set of powered armor funded by a reclusive Lord. The lab shut down after the noble family's mass murder suicide, due to public rumor the patriarch had been canoodling with a pied parakeet. Such times we live in. name: Armored Suit MRKXII stars: flavor: To the north lies a small town ignored by most. In a dirt basement, three children dug up a metal chest of glittering star-shaped ornaments. Upon touching the points to their heart, throat and foreheads, they could see time itself. Thus commenced the gentle winter murders. name: Stars of St. Stevens pirate: name: Bandit variants: Camo: flavor: When the clouds slip from the full moon, a curious shimmer floats up above the tree line. The clouds return and you shift uneasily in your bedclothes. Perhaps it was nothing. name: Moonlighter EpicA: flavor: A charming chap with a golden beak once bought me a drink. Months later, my livelihood ruined, I received a scented letter that chided, 'Never let a rich man buy your soul with just a dinner.' name: Ghost Pirate EpicB: flavor: This plane belonged to an ex-author. Failing miserably to understand the true nature of their elite profession, they proclaimed themselves to be a writer without first securing a rich spouse, a sizable inheritance or even a minor confidence scheme. A life of crime soon followed. name: The Fantasist EpicC: flavor: The previous owner of this plane grew up in a quiet northern household. His nanny would shush him, sometimes clamping his beak shut, so that he would not incur the wrath of his sensitive father. When he complained he could not breath, she whispered this was still better than more bruises. name: The Ice Boy EpicD: flavor: '' name: '' Tiger: flavor: The tiger is the fallen enemy of civilization. It lurks in abandoned fields, barely surviving on stray livestock. Yet the tiger remains majestic. Though it is reduced to scavenging. Though it has lost the grand arc of history. name: Hunted VariantA: flavor: In the western canyons, small bands eke out a harsh living preying on caravans. Fear the growing whine of an unseen sandbike. name: Maurauder VariantB: flavor: Beware chipped beaks and jewel-crusted eye-patches. Do they dye those brilliant feathers? No. They pluck them from your corpse. name: Scallywag default: flavor: We sanction privateers as long as they make the Empire's life worse than they make ours. name: Bandit flames: flavor: Art is not a transaction. Yes, you pay coins for a work of art. But this is but one necessary expression of gratitude and appreciation. Ideally, it is also accompanied by kind words, a gift of fine liqueur and a sense of kinship. When you treat art as just a transaction, the heart of the artist turns to stone and you, with all your silly cash, are worth nothing. name: Pepper's Mask spikes: flavor: Worldly goods eat at our soul. We covet them, seek them and fill all our spare hours obsessing, obsessing, obsessing over their grinding, unending acquisition. What do you truly need? A ship, the sky, a merry crew of fine mates. Stuff? Stuff is a mere waste of living. name: Profiteer stars: flavor: In the 20s, trysting ladies took to wearing silk masks steamed into the shape of exotic mammalia. Foxes, deer, the occasional marmoset. In later decades, such fashions were popularly associated with dashing thieves, especially those flaunting an erotic feminine flair. name: Rake's Mask rapier: name: Raptor variants: Camo: flavor: '' name: Mud Pigeon EpicA: flavor: That flickering motion in the corner of you eye? It is too late for you. It was always too late. name: Ghost Hawk EpicB: flavor: Why do we invest in shiny baubles? It is because, as social animals, we are compelled to engage in social comparison. The bauble is communication of our identity and status. Without baubles, we have no way to signal our ties and roles within the communal whole. name: Comparative Advantage EpicC: flavor: '' name: Ice Hawk EpicD: flavor: '' name: '' Tiger: flavor: '' name: '' VariantA: flavor: '' name: Great Eagle VariantB: flavor: '' name: Hawk default: flavor: 'Finicky, but beloved by skilled pilots, the Raptor offers immense firepower combined with surprising agility. ' name: Raptor flames: flavor: '' name: Peregrine Pepper spikes: flavor: '' name: Razor Raptor stars: flavor: Famously piloted by an ancient field scout who lost most of his head feathers. Some say due to a gas attack. Others joke he furrowed his brow so much, his plummage fell right out. name: Bald Eagle siegetank: name: Siege Tank variants: Camo: flavor: A forest glade filled with dappled light caught the scout's eye. How could such serenity exist within the maelstrom of war? The patterns of shadow shifted and the hidden tank's massive turret clicked into view. Oh, mused the scout as the hot shell sped his way, peace and beauty are but dreams. name: Camo Tank EpicA: flavor: After the betrayal, a squadron of the Order's siege tanks found themselves hiding at a small mountain monastery. Draining more than their fair share of the monks' ale supply, the pilots became convinced that the judgmental mountain goats were clearly their spirit animals. name: Ghost Ram EpicB: flavor: 'No one speaks of love stories. The frantic warning. The escape in the night. The arithmetic of one more life jacket, one more minute, one more eternity. Know this: The fire burns. Long after hope has died.' name: Lover EpicC: flavor: Some people are born ugly. Ugly on the outside. Ugly on the inside. Others are made ugly. It seeps in, one bad choice at a time. name: Ugly Tom EpicD: flavor: Ice storm of '19 cut off a group of mechanics on a remote base. Food was running low, so to keep spirits up, they held a little plane painting contest. The group pledged, if they were rescued, to never reveal the fate of the loser. Winner winner got a chicken dinner. name: Ice Storm Tiger: flavor: In the final days of the Republic, there was a fashion trend where young, attractive birds would pluck all the feathers from their heads and then draw in boldly colored eyebrows. Such abundance of spirit feels alien to this modern age. name: Queenie VariantA: flavor: '' name: '' VariantB: flavor: Come middle age, you stand at the edge of a curious abyss. Not a straight plunge, but a soft slope going downward forever. If you trip, you will start to tumble and nothing will stop you. name: Old Timer default: flavor: '' name: Siege Tank flames: flavor: Never, ever call Pepper a crow. And none of those New Caledonian compliments. Like her mama said, grackles ain't crows. And even with all the Equalizing and Uplifting, there's a certain amount of pride that goes with being a smaller icterid. name: Pepper Tank spikes: flavor: '' name: Grind Tank stars: flavor: '' name: '' support: name: Shieldmaiden variants: Camo: flavor: '' name: Forest Sylph EpicA: flavor: Beside every throne is a shadow, cast aside due blood and betrayal. She trains each night and builds her quiet alliances with the cult of Avem. Knowing that one day, her kin will need her. And she will ask for her due. name: Ghost Maiden EpicB: flavor: '' name: Shield Wench EpicC: flavor: '' name: Ward of the State EpicD: flavor: '' name: Shield Empress Tiger: flavor: '' name: The Cub VariantA: flavor: This rig, she glows. Back when only the old-lines kept up their mecha, the Shieldprincess was passed down mother to daughter. Those ceremonies died with the Empire. name: Shieldprincess VariantB: flavor: An older woman is a force to be reckoned with. Only young idiots believe otherwise. name: Shieldqueen default: flavor: The Bright Lady of the Sky. All rally to the charging Shieldmaiden as she boosts the armor of those who follow her into the fray. name: Shieldmaiden flames: flavor: Pepper met Her when she rolled up to the garage in the family roadster. Crisp cropped crest, rose beak. Love at first sight. Amazing how many tuneups a car needs. name: Lady of the Shield spikes: flavor: '' name: Guardian of Virtue stars: flavor: '' name: The Governess tank: name: Hog variants: Camo: flavor: '' name: Mud Sow EpicA: flavor: The Order of St. Avem trained their nuns in the forbidden arts of politics, seduction and assassination. After the purge, only their Ghosts remained. name: Ghost Hog EpicB: flavor: 'When you can purchase or sell status, you demonstrate the true values inherent to capitalist society: The ultimate worth of an individual depends entirely on whether or not they are rich. Such seductively reductive systems devalue us all.' name: The Goodly Aesthetic EpicC: flavor: '' name: Snow Hog EpicD: flavor: All of the intelligent species have a creation myth involving water. In both the Aves and Mammalia archeo-cultural branches, recorded narratives tell of heroes drawn into the depths, usually by black cords or tentacles. And they emerge filled with light. name: The Ancient Blue Tiger: flavor: '' name: Zebra Pig VariantA: flavor: '' name: Boar VariantB: flavor: '' name: Some Pig default: flavor: An immense hulk composed mostly of armor and field generators. The Hog shrugs off bullets as it barrels straight into the crossfire. name: Hog flames: flavor: '' name: Porky Pepper spikes: flavor: '' name: Sulky Sow stars: flavor: '' name: Piglet walker: name: Quad tutorial_info: 'Hover Movement Can move or fire in any direction Weak Armor Can only take a few hits Gamepad Dual Stick Controls Keyboard WASD and Mouse' variants: Camo: flavor: '' name: Dirt Devil EpicA: flavor: Silence falls across the sky as a lone quadcopter emerges from the clouds. Necks crane. Heartbeats slow. The ghosts have arrived. name: Ghost Quad EpicB: flavor: '' name: '' EpicC: flavor: '' name: Snowcopter EpicD: flavor: '' name: '' Tiger: flavor: '' name: Animal Quad VariantA: flavor: It looks fast. Amazing what a little tin and a clever paint job can do. name: Speed Quad VariantB: flavor: Beefed up engines produced an intense thrumming that causes beaks to vibrate. Originally favored by unlicensed racers, chop shops still make 'em if you can find the parts. name: Power Quad default: flavor: Favored by officers, the Quad can hover about the very edges of a combat zone. A smart burst of their signature machine gun dissuades the most villainous of cats. name: Quad flames: flavor: '' name: Pepper's Pad spikes: flavor: '' name: The Liaison stars: flavor: Why darling, of course we need to go to the party tonight. Otherwise, who will plant the bomb? name: Attache wizard: name: Merlin variants: Camo: flavor: 'Merge notes: Time-line synthesis failed. Causality breakdown on June 6th, 18XX88xxs....^esc^b MONKEY DOMINENCE ENDS NOW' name: FATAL ERROR EpicA: flavor: In the final massacre, as the screws twisted and screams rang throughout the tunnels, one elder was missing. name: Ghost Mage EpicB: flavor: '' name: '' EpicC: flavor: '' name: Snow Witch EpicD: flavor: '' name: '' Tiger: flavor: '' name: 'Warning: Flammable' VariantA: flavor: '***WARNING*** THE EXISTENCE OF THIS DEVICE IS CLASSIFIED. REPORT IMMEDIATELY TO DNO [NEED TO KNOW] FOR MINDWIPE' name: Unidentified VariantB: flavor: '[REDACTED] used the mechanism in the failed fulcrum point assassination June 5th, 18XX. Wreckage analysis suggests extra-historical origins.' name: X54 default: flavor: This highly experimental class uses a miniaturized teleportation apparatus to pop about the combat zone. The egghead pilots are derisively known as wizkids. name: Merlin flames: flavor: '' name: 'Subject: Pepper' spikes: flavor: '' name: Experiment 8 stars: flavor: '' name: Experiment FINAL